Backstreet Bet

By Allan B

Published on Aug 29, 1999


Backstreet Bet 6

by Allan :)

OK, here's part six of Backstreet Bet. I have fully recovered from the flu and wanna thank all of you who have expressed your well wishes. I hope you like this installment.

Many thanks to those of you who have taken the time to write and provide many kind words of encouragement. Thanks also to those of you who read this story but haven't had the chance to write yet; I am waiting to hear from you :). My email is so please feel free to send me your comments or just to say G'Day.

Thanks to Nifty for allowing writers such as myself to share our work with the whole world! I also wanna thank all the wonderful writers out there. To be honest, when I first started writing this entire story, I stopped reading other stories because I didn't want my ideas to be influenced by the other stories. However, I have recently started reading some of the latest stories and I just wanna take this opportunity to thank you all for sharing your work with us!

This story is completely pure fiction and depicts relationships and love between males. If it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, please leave now. This story does not imply that any members of the Backstreet Boys are gay.

Part 6: Rollercoaster Ride

"And when I wake up to, the touch of your head on my shoulder, You're my dream come true, oh man. Boy you know I'll always treasure every kiss, and everyday. I love you boy in every way. And I always will cuz in my eyes, No one else comes close to you..."

As Locky slept peacefully with his head resting gently on Nick's shoulder, Nick stirred and slowy began to wake up. He looked at his bedside clock and noticed that it was only 5am. This surprised him because he never was a morning person but he woke up early for two reasons. First of all, he wasn't used to sharing his bed with another person - not that he didn't like it though, he could lay there all morning marvelling at how wonderful it felt to be so close to the one person that he loved like no other. The second reason was because he was excited - not the kind of excitement all of you are thinking of at this very moment ;). Nick was excited because today was Locky's birthday! Locky tried to keep it a secret by keeping quiet about it but during the press conference, there was a leaflet containing some general information about Locky and one of those was his birth date.

Nick was really proud of himself for pretending not to know about the birthday. If there was one thing that he enjoyed, it was surprising his friends and going out of his way to make their birthdays special. Before getting out of bed he took a few moments to soak in how good it felt having Locky so close to him. He just lay there marvelling at how care-free Locky looked. He softly kissed him on the forehead and carefully got out of bed, trying not to wake his sleeping lover.

As he rustled out of bed, Locky awoke and grogily spoke,

"Nick? Are you up? What time is it any way?"

"Shhhhhh, go back to sleep, I'm just getting a glass of water" Nick said as he kissed Locky on the forehead again.

"Ok, don't take too long" Locky smiled.

"Don't worry I'll be back in a sec."

'Phew' Nick thought to himself 'that was a close call.'

He got out of bed and noticed that Locky had fallen asleep again. He quietly left the room, making sure that he closed the door so that Locky wouldn't spoil the surprise.

Nick's plan was to make a special birthday breakfast for Locky. He went into the kitchen and noticed that they were all out of ingredients for Beligian waffles so he quickly drove to the 24 hour Supermarket and bought some Belgian waffle mix, strawberries and asorted fruit. The best part about going to the Supermarket so early was that there was hardly anyone there. In fact no one even recognized who he was. For that brief moment he was just Nick Carter, a regular teenage boy buying stuff from the local store and he liked that feeling. Actually the only other time he felt this way was when he was with Locky. Locky treated him as a regular guy and not the super-star teen idol that the rest of the world knew.

When he got home, he was greeted by his mom who was in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Oh my God!" she gasped in absolute amazement "Do my eyes deceive me?"

"Ha ha ha mom, very funny!" Nick replied

"I think this is the first time I've seen you up this early on a non-work day. What do I owe the pleasure and what are you going to do with all that stuff?" she asked

"It's Locky's birthday today and I wanted to surprise him by making him a special breakfast"

"His birthday!!!" she half shouted.

"Yes mom. And try not to announce it to the whole neighbourhood."

"Why didn't he say something? Hang on, why didn't YOU say something?"

"Well, he doesn't know that I know it's his birthday. I think he wanted to keep it a secret and I only found out about it because I read it on some leaflet that his management was giving out during yesterday's press conference. And no offense mom, I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise him and if I told you, I know you wouldn't have been able to keep it to yourself." Nick explained.

"That's ok honey no offense taken and I think that what you are doing is so sweet. He'll be surprised."

When the waffles had been made Nick got out two large plates and placed the waffles on them. He neatly stacked some strawberries, blueberries and raspberries on the waffles and arranged them to look like they had been randomly placed. Finally to finish off his "piece d'resistance", he placed a generous dollop of cream on top. The aroma in the kitchen was wonderful. Luckily Nick had closed the door to his bed room, otherwise Locky would have been woken by the smell alone.

Nick placed the plates on a large serving tray along with some freshly squeezed orange juice and excitedly made his way to his bed room. To add a final birthday touch to his creation, he placed some sparklers in the waffles and lit them. As he opened the door he started singing Happy Birthday.

Locky thought he was dreaming at first and still couldn't believe his eyes when he woke and saw Nick standing before him singing happy birthday. He was speechless, breathless and definitely pleasantly surprised.

"Wow" was the only word Locky could muster as tears of pure joy filled his eyes.

After singing a memorable rendition of Happy Birthday, Nick placed the food on the bed and sat next to the birthday boy. Locky wasn't hungry at first but when he saw the healthy feast that lay before him (the food, not Nick hahaha), he immediately felt hungry.

It didn't take long for them to finish breakfast and straight afterwards Locky gave Nick a big thank you hug and kiss. He asked Nick how he found out about the birthday and all Nick said was that Locky wasn't the only one that had surprises up his sleave. They both laughed at that comment.

Before they left to go sailing, Nick suggested that Locky should call his mum because she would want to wish him a Happy Birthday too but Locky explained that it was night time back home and that he would call her later on.

They got ready to spend the day on Nick's boat and go sailing. Locky was a little apprehensive about the whole thing because he had a history of getting sea sick but it didn't matter, Nick would be with him and everything would turn out ok... and it did.

Locky was very impressed with Nick's sailing prowess. He managed to keep the boat from rocking too much and this helped Locky feel at ease. They spent the entire day sailing the seas of Florida and had lunch on the boat. Right before they ate lunch, Nick noticed Locky taking some pills but he didn't take much notice of them, reasoning that they must have been vitamins.

It seemed strange to both boys that they had only been going out for only a week because it felt longer than that. They hadn't spent much time together but during the times that they were together, they talked so much that got to know each other well.

Locky didn't want to spoil the mood but there was something on his mind and he couldn't keep it to himself any longer. Nick stopped the boat and just let it drift while Locky prepared himself to ask his question.

"Nick can I ask you something?" he said hesitantly.

"You sound a little worried, what is it?" Nick replied in a concerned manner.

"Well, you see, this is going to be our last day together and then we have to go our separate ways again. I mean, you guys fly out to New York tomorrow and I have to go back to Memphis to finish off recording some songs for my alubm. How are we gonna make our relationship work?" Locky asked in a helpless tone. This had caught Nick of guard a little. All throughout the time he had know Locky, he hadn't seen him look so distraught.

"Locky, you know I love you and I always will." As Nick started to say this he noticed a smile on Locky's face and continued, "I really want this to work. And you know how I approach the idea of being away from you?" he asked rhetorically.

"How's that?"

"Well, I know that I am going to spend the rest of my life with you so in the whole scheme of things, being away from you for a few weeks is nothing. Don't get me wrong here... I'm going to miss you like crazy and I'll be really sad but I just have to keep reminding myself that one day, you and I will be together forever."

"That's a really good way of looking at things Nick"

"Yeah I know but it's going to be hard on the both of us. I guess we just gotta hang in there right?"

"Right! And we are only really a phone call away!"

"Good point!"

Although both Locky and Nick were still feeling a little upset at the thought of being apart for a few weeks, they felt better about it because they addressed it and somehow they knew that they would get through it.

The remainder of the day was perfect. They were treated to a beautiful day, the ocean was as blue as the sky and as they sailed home for dinner they were lucky enough to be accompanied by a group of playful dolphins that swam closely by their boat.

"Nick, thank you! This is the best 20th birthday present a guy could ask for" Locky beamed.

"You're most welcome, and to think, we still have a life time of birthdays ahead of us."

At that very moment, Locky felt so secure. Nick was only making a casual comment but he didn't realise how comforting it sounded to Locky. There was so much sincerity and promise to it... the prospect of many more birthdays to share with the man of his dreams.

It was Sunday evening now and the two boys had arrived back at Nick's house after a wonderful day sailing at sea. They had decided that they would spend the rest of Locky's birthday with Mrs. Carter and Aaron again, seeing as Nick didn't get to see them much and Locky enjoyed their company. As Nick opended the front door to his family's house, there was no one there to greet them and the house seemed dark. He was closely followed by Locky who had an equally quizical look on his face. They thought they'd be greeted by the bundle of energy otherwise known as Aaron but it was not to be.

"Mom??? Aaron???" Nick called out, but there was no response.

"Hmmm that's strange" he whispered to Locky, not really expecting a response.

As they entered the house further, they noticed a light eminating from the family dining room. They slowy walked towards the light and were surprised by what they saw. The family dining room was decorated with an assortment of bouquets and was lit by a sole dinner candle.

Locky give Nick a friendly punch on the shoulder and said, "Ok Ok enough of this acting all surprised, you set this wonderful dinner up didn't you?"

"Um... I'd love to say I am responsible for this, but I'm afraid this isn't my doing" Nick replied.

"Ok so if it wasn't you then who was it?" As Locky said this, they both noticed a handwritten note. Nick picked it up and read it out:

Honey, We know that you guys won't get to spend much time together so Aaron and I drove up to join your father and sisters' camping trip. We'll be back in the morning to see say 'bye' but in the meantime we hope you will both enjoy the dinner we cooked for you. Lots of love, Mom and Aaron PS - Happy 20th Birthday Locky and it's great to have you as part of our family!

As Nick read out that last part of the note, Locky could not help but feel such an overwhealming sense of belonging and completeness. There was nothing that could tear them apart now. Not only did they have each other, they also had the support of their respective families.

Just before they sat down to have dinner Nick noticed that Locky clutched his stomach tightly. It was only a momentary grasp and it seemed to go away quickly so he took no real notice of it at first. When it happened the second time, he sensed that Locky was in some pain due to the expression on his face.

"Are you ok Locky?" Nick asked in a concerned tone.

"Yeah, of course I am, it's my Birthday today so why wouldn't I be? In fact I couldn't be any happier." Locky replied not knowing that Nick had seen him grimmacing from his stomach pain.

"It's just that I saw you grab your stomach and I was just worried that's all."

"Oh, that just happens when I get hungry." Locky reasoned.

"Ok, then there's only one thing we can do then."

"What's that?"

"Eat up!" Nick said smiling.

As they started eating, Nick placed a classical CD into the stereo, creating an ambient mood. The CD contained pieces such as Pachel Bel Cannon and Vivaldi's Four Seasons. It was a romantic evening indeed. Nick made a mental note to thank his mom and Aaron later on for going to so much trouble to make this a wonderful evening.

During dinner not a word was spoken. They just looked into each other's eyes and let themselves get caught up in the entire atmosphere of the evening.

After dessert Nick slowly walked over to Locky's side of the table, not breaking the eye contact and took his hand. Locky stood up and Nick lead him towards the bedroom. Both boys were extremely nervous; there was so much anticipation, expectation and excitement that lay before them. They knew that they wouldn't have many opportunities to be alone so they decided that this would be the night that they would consimate their love for each other.

When they reached the bedroom, they tightly locked into a deep kiss. Nick gently inserted his tounge into Locky's awaiting mouth. His hands were running all over Locky's muscular back and shoulders while Locky began to unbutton Nick's shirt.

A few moments later, Nick was left with nothing but his boxer shorts on. He was so excited by this stage that he thought he would cum right there and then. His penis was so hard right now and part of it's circumcised head was peaking out at the waist band of his boxer shorts. Locky noticed Nick's growing excitement and broke the kiss. They both wanted this to last a little bit longer so they slowed the pace down. Seeing as Locky was still fully dressed, Nick began to help him take his shirt off. Then as Locky started to unbutton his jeans, Nick grabbed his hands and slightly grinned. It was that cute wicked grin that Locky was growing accustomed to; it signified that Nick was really enjoying himself.

Nick unbuttoned and unzipped Locky's jeans, slowly pulling them down, motioning for Locky to step out of them. To his surprise, Locky wasn't wearing any underwear. This was the first time he had seen him completely naked and he was even more turned on by what he saw. It was evident that Locky spent a lot of time in the gym. His his biceps were bulging (not overly large, just big enough to indicate that this boy was strong), his pecks were chisled and his perfectly formed abs reminded Nick of large sized ravioli. As he looked at Locky's body he couldn't help but admire how athletic he looked and then that's when he focussed his attention on Locky's private parts, only they weren't private anymore.

Locky's penis stood to attention, just like Nick's. It was nicely proportioned and seeing as he was not circumcised, part of the foreskin covered the head. This fascinated Nick. He had shared dressing rooms with his fellow band members in the past and had seen them in all their naked glory but none of them were uncut. He looked at it and studied it curiously while Locky just looked on and smiled.

"See something you like Mr. Carter?" Locky teased

Nick was a little embarrassed by his remark but Locky put him at ease by saying that he could touch it if he wanted to. This really excited Nick and he nervously placed his hand on Locky's erect penis. This was the first time in his life that he had touched another guys cock. 'So this is what it feels like' he thought to himself, 'it feels so smooth and kinda hard at the same time'. He explored it intently and found himself instinctively rubbing it up and down.

This drove Locky wild, letting out a groan of pleasure.

"Um, Nick I think you better stop or else things are gonna get messy real quick" Locky said in between his groans.

"Oh sorry, I got carried away there"

"No you were doing great, believe me. I just want this to last a bit longer" Locky assured.

By this stage, both boys were ready to release their sexual tension. This was the first time for both of them and their inexperience meant that it wouldn't take much for them to release their tension. They started kissing again and as they kissed, Nick removed his boxers and they fell on the bed with Nick on top on Locky.

The heat that their bodies were generating caused them to sweat. Nick was sweating so much that his hair was beginning to get soaked. Their kiss grew more intense and Locky ran his fingers through Nick's hair and just held him tightly. As he did this, their penises pressed tightly against each other's. They couldn't believe the undescribably warm sensation that they were experiencing.

Nick couldn't take it any more. He felt his scrotum tighten and without warning, jets of warm Nick Carter juice flowed out of his cock. His entire body went stiff and he let out a loan intense moan as his face squinted at the intensity of his mindblowing ejaculation and orgasm. The sensation of feeling Nick's penis pulse against his hard member set Locky off too.

As the last spurts came out of Nick's cock, Locky started to cum too. He let out a scream which was muffled by Nick who immediately kissed him as he orgasmed. Both boys were panting incessantly and as their orgasms subsided, they just lay there motionless for a while with their eyes closed.

Moments later, when their breathing had returned to normal, they both looked into each other's eyes and Nick spoke,

"Locky, that was incredible"

"Yeah I can't believe how amazing it felt"

"I know, I never realised how intense it would feel having another guy's cock pressed against mine."

"That kinda surprised me too." Locky said with a smile

"I love you Lock Nash"

"I love you too Nick Carter."

After they had said their "I love yous", the boys knew tht there was nothing left to be said. They lay there in silence listening to sound of their hearts beat, holding each other tightly, as they slowly drifted off to sleep.

For that one brilliant moment in time, everything was just right in their worlds. They felt closer to each other than they had ever done so before and although they wouldn't be seeing each other for a few weeks, they knew that this was only the beginning of what could possibly be the love of their lifetime. Nothing could take this away from them now.

The very next morning, Nick awoke to an empty bed. He was a little confused at first, thinking that this had all been a dream. But he knew that it wasn't a dream seeing as the other half of the bed had looked like that someone had slept in it. He wondered for a minute.

'Maybe Locky went to the bathroom or something' he thought to himself.

He waited a few more minutes and still there was no sign of Locky. 'Oh I get it' he thought once again and getting excited, 'I bet he is in the kitchen right now making me breakfast'.

Ten minutes later there was still no sign of Locky and the house was dead silent - if Locky WAS making breakfast, Nick would at least be able to hear a faint sound comming from the kitchen, but there was nothing - just dead silence. Nick began to panic, his heart now racing.

"Locky???" he yelled out in a worried tone.

No answer.

In a mad rush of panic, Nick put on his robe and headed for the bathroom. It was empty. The next place he checked was the kitchen. Also empty. As he left the kitchen he walked passed the dining room and caught a glimpse of a note on the table. At first he thought it was the same note that his mom and Aaron had left but he did a double take. It was a different note. It was folded with the work "Nick" on it. He didn't recognise the handwriting and that's when his heart sank. He had a feeling it was from Locky. He didn't want to open it up at first and tried to convince himself that it was probably just a note saying that Locky went out for a walk and would be back in a few minutes; afterall Locky's bags were still in the room.

Nick made himself pick up the note, opened it and read it:

Nick, This will never work. I am sorry. Locky

To be continued...

There's part 6. Ok, ok, there are a few things I have to be sorry for. First of all sorry for ending it this way - I know you guys hate these kinds of endings but at least this should make the next part more interesting right? Secondly, sorry that this part isn't as long as the other parts but trust me, part 6 is probably the most important and instrumental part of the series; it will determine how the rest of the series will play out. And finally I wanted to say sorry for taking so bloody long to get this out to you; as you all know I've been a little ill with the flu, and I wanna thank all of you who wrote your well wishes to me.

The next part of the series should be out in a month or so. I know this seems like a long time to wait but I have a lot of work to catch up on and it is my birthday in September so I'll need a few days to recover from all the partying I'll be doing hahaha :).

As always, your questions and comments are welcome. Please send them to me on

Until next time, take care and happy reading! :)

Next: Chapter 7

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