Bathhouse Adventures

By Chubby Funguy

Published on Oct 28, 2021


I got a lot of emails from my previous bathhouse story, thank you guys! I have so many more stories to share.

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More Bathhouse Adventures

Part 1

After a wonderful first bathhouse experience with Robert the bear, I wasn't so nervous about going to the bathhouse. Meeting him was a great thing for me, since I was new and young. I needed someone older and experienced to guide me. I knew I wanted this for myself, but I had a lot to learn.

I already expected that Robert wouldn't be the only man I would learn from. I knew that this was a journey, not a destination. I knew I would have many great encounters and some not so great ones. I knew I would meet men who were assholes and men who would become friends and mentors to me. But none of this would happen unless I got myself back to that bath.

I found myself going back to the bathhouse a few days later after that initial encounter. About halfway there I remembered about Robert and decided to pull over and give him a call. So I stopped at a gas station and called him from a payphone. He didn't answer so I left him a message. Just a quick and simple "It's Luis, we met the other day. I hope you're doing well. I just called to let you know that I will be back at the bath this afternoon, hope to see you if you can make it, Bye." And that was it.

It was July in Houston and it was humid and hot. The A/C in my car worked part time so I was ready to get naked and get in the pool and cool off. I got to the bath shortly after calling Robert and the parking lot was crowded. I had to park across the street. It was free parking but I had to walk a bit.

Seeing all the cars made me a bit nervous. The first time I came here it wasn't so crowded. But today was Saturday and the weekend crowd was out. I hoped Robert would come by, I thought of him since he was really the only man I knew in the city. I knew he must have friends and maybe I could meet them, too. I even looked around in the parking lot, hoping to see his car. Nope, nothing. So I went inside and rented a locker. I had to pay since it was the weekend. It was only free Monday-Thursdays for college guys. Oh well, it was $5 well spent.

I has some confidence since I already knew the place and what to expect. I got my key and towel and made my way to the locker room. There was a crowd in there, probably 10 or so men. I said "Hello" and "Excuse me, man" as I made my way to my locker. Everyone was cordial and polite. I was turned on by being in a room full of naked and almost naked men. I found getting naked a bit more comfortable this second time around. I put my towel on and made my way to the shower room. I found myself there with another group of about 8 other men. Almost every shower head was being used. We were showering shoulder to shoulder but no one seemed to mind.

I found a shower to use between two other men. To my left was a tall skinny granddad type, salt and pepper hair, mustache and slim and hairy body. I said hello as I approached and he replied to me. He was friendly and made small talk with me. To my right was a 20 something black guy with a football type built who greeted me as soon as I took the shower head next to him. He was somwhere between muscular and chubby with a smooth chest but a crotch thick with pubes. And I could tell by his voice and tone he was pretty easy going guy. Both men had nice cocks, too, I must add. Soon it was apparent that the granddad and the black guy knew each other, as they chatted with each other as we showered. They cracked jokes and talked some trash to each other, all in good fun. I said "I didn't mean to come between y'all", not realizing the pun. The older man quipped "You didn't get any on me!" That got a good chuckle from the guys. The black man said "Don't listen to him, man, he's harmless." I smiled at them both and nodded an 'alright' at them both. The black guy rinses his hands and extends his hand to me and says "I'm Rodney and that old geezer is Benny" I introduced myself to them both and shook their hands.

"He's fresh meat." Benny laughs to Rodney. "Oh stop it" Rodney whispers to Benny. I was just standing there, showering as this went on around me. I looked at Rodney and said "It's only my second time here, so I'm still technically fresh" Then a familiar voice comes from behind us. "Are this men hassling you Luis?" It was Robert. I turned around and greeted him with a handshake.

"You know that man?"Benny asked me with a laugh and pointing at Robert. Rodney smiled and chuckled too. "Well, if you're a friend of Robert, then you're a friend of mine, man." he said.

Robert took the shower head next to Rodney and said "Luis is a good kid, we met the other day." Benny and Rodney smiled and finished their showers. I waited for Robert to finish up before I turned off my water. The four of us made our way to the hot tub and we climbed in. Robert said to me "I've known these guys for a while now, they're some good dudes."

"Well, I'm glad I met them too," I said, "they seem pretty cool to me." I wanted to ask Robert if he got my message but I wasn't sure if I should in front of the other guys. So, I let it go and enjoyed the time with Robert and some of his buddies. We sat in the water, I had Robert next to me with his arm around my shoulder. I didn't mind.

I saw that the bath was a busy on Saturday, there were a lot of men there, strolling through the showers, swimming and hanging out in the steam room. I couldn't help but notice the traffic in there.

We were in the hot tub for only about 10 minutes when Benny decided to head upstairs to see what he could see, as he put it. "Shit, let's all go." Rodney added. So, we decided to go up together.

I was clearly overdressed, since the other three guys simply tossed their towels over their shoulders as we made our way upstairs. So I did the same. As we made our way up, I looked at the three men with me and I thought to myself "Damn, I'm a bathhouse regular now."

When we got upstairs to the maze of hallways, doors and of course the main play area, all three of the men turned and looked at me. I looked at each of them and nervously laughed and asked them "Uhm, what's going on?"

"Benny said to me "You're about to enter the twilight zone, kid, can you handle it?" I looked at Robert and he vouched for me and said "He did alright that first time, I was here with him." Then Robert put his arm around my shoulder and told Benny and Rodney to go on ahead, and we would catch up with them in a bit. Rodney added "I got a room, number 211, so check there in a bit."

As Benny and Rodney walked off down a darkened hallway, Robert took me the opposite direction down a separate hall. "So what's going on?" I asked quietly. As we walked, Robert told me "I got your message and I came over as soon as I got it."

"Cool, I'm glad to see ya man" I said. "I had a good time with you and I just had to come back here."

"Well, how far are you willing to go?, because I know those two guys and they want you really bad." Robert began, "And I'd love to go all the way with you, too, if you're ready for that." Robert told me how things are among bathhouse buddies. How the sex is open, sex is shared and sex is social. "Friends and strangers fuck here" is what Robert said to me in that hallway, "If you're ready to get into this, we are ready for you, too"

Hearing what Robert had to say was making my cock hard and my head spin. It hit me in that moment that this was the place I wanted to be for so long. A place where sex was easy, open and drama free? A place I could be myself with other men? A place where I could make friends, too? I looked around and then back at Robert. I thought to myself that I'm already here, I'm already naked and I've got some friends already. "Man, I'm ready for this." I calmly said to Robert. "I trust you and I want you to help me in this." Robert smiled and pulled me in for a warm embrace and our first kiss, my first man to man kiss.

Next: Chapter 2

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