Be with Me Brian

By Daniel .

Published on Mar 26, 2000


Well, Its been a month.I suppose its about time for me to post another chapter to my story.

I really don't have anything new to say.hehehe

I hope everyone enjoys this chapter!!

As always, this story isn't meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any member of the Backstreet Boys.

Questions or comments to :

(By now you should all know my obsession for wanting to get e-mail! LOL)

Be With Me Brian Chapter 6

By Daniel

Brian heard a small cough and looked up at Andy, his eyes were open, and he was down looking at Brian.

"Brian," Andy whispered out through the oxygen mask.

"Andy, I'm here," Brian was now crying heavily.

"My arms, I can't move them," Andy jerked his body forward, trying to free himself from the restraints.

"Don't do that, you aren't supposed to move your arms," Brian rested his hand on Andy's right arm as he requested Andy to be still.

"How do you feel?" Brian asked Andy in a very concerned tone.

"My chest hurts likes I was just plowed over by a dump truck. How do I look?" Andy asked, grimacing his face in pain.

"You look great," Brian lied, trying to make Andy feel better.

"Oh shit, my chest fucking hurts! Worse than it did before. Could you go find a doctor to give me something for the pain?" Andy begged while tears streaked down his face.

"Sure," Brian hopped out of his chair and ran out of the room.

The anesthesia was wearing off and Andy could feel the intense pain cause by the surgery. Andy began to sob like a child because his chest was hurting so badly. He was having trouble breathing, even with the oxygen mask on.

Brian returned to the room with a nurse, the same one that had originally shown him to Andy's room.

"My friend is in a lot of pain, is there anything you can give him?" Brian asked nervously as his eyes focused on Andy, crying and trying his best to breathe. The nurse picked up the chart on the end of Andy's bed.

"I could get a doctor in here to give him an injection, I'll be right back," the nurse said as she walked out of the room.

"You'll be alright Andy, just breathe deeply," Brian instructed as Andy continued to cry loudly into the oxygen mask.

"Brian, it hurts so bad, I'm going to die," Andy sobbed.

"Try not to talk too much, just breathe," Brian begged.

The nurse finally came back into the room with Dr. Jeske.

"I'm going to give you an injection of morphine Andy, to help ease the pain. Then I'm going to give you a light sedative to help you sleep," Dr. Jeske stated as he slipped on a pair of gloves. Dr. Jeske moved swiftly as he unlocked a cabinet containing syringes and medicine. After inserting a syringe into a small bottle and extracting the clear fluid, Dr. Jeske inserted the needle into Andy's left arm, the one without the IV.

"You should feel better in a few minutes," Dr. Jeske said.

"Do I have to wear this oxygen mask?" Andy asked as tears continued to streak down his face.

"I think it would be best because if you have trouble breathing your hands are tied and won't be able to put the mask back on."

"I'm going to be staying here all night, if he has trouble breathing I'll put the mask back on him," Brian jumped into the conversation.

"Okay, then I guess its okay for us to take the mask off," Dr. Jeske exited the room.

Brian slipped the mask off of Andy's mouth and over his head.

"Thank you. That's much better, my face is all sweaty," Andy said after the mask was removed. Brian ran his finger over Andy's lips.

"That tickles," Andy laughed as Brian touched him, but tears still ran down Andy's face from the immense pain of his chest.

"Did that shot help at all?" Brian asked.

"A little bit, I feel all numb and sleepy now," Andy answered with a giggle. Brian wiped the tears away from Andy's eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.

"You made it through the surgery!" Brian said sweetly to Andy while smiling.

"Yep.... my parents didn't show up, did they?" Andy asked hopefully.

"No, I'm sorry, they didn't," Brian answered regrettably, while sitting at the foot of the bed near Andy's feet. Andy looked sad and nodded. Brian pulled Andy's leg onto his lap and began to lightly rub it with his fingers, going from the top of Andy's knee back down to his foot.

"That tickles," Andy said as he tried to pull away from Brian.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to touch you. Is it okay if I just rub your leg? I promise not to tickle you," Brian looked at Andy's face.

"You don't need to ask," Andy informed Brian. Brian smiled and continued to rub Andy's leg.

"I wish my arms weren't tied down so I could touch you back," Andy whimpered as he enjoyed Brian's light massage on his leg, "I'm so sleepy, I can barley keep my eyes open."

"Go to sleep, I'll stay the night with you," Brian told Andy quietly. Just as Andy was about to slip off into a deep sleep, he heard the door open. Brian and Andy's attention was diverted to the door. Kevin, A.J., Nick and Howie all walked into the room, carrying balloons, flowers, and 4 wrapped boxes with identical wrapping paper.

"Hi guys!" Brian smiled as he continued to stroke Andy's leg.

"Hi," Kevin answered as he walked into the room and put the flowers on the windowsill and the gifts on the floor near the bed.

Andy felt slightly embarrassed because he was practically naked except for his boxers, and he was fully erect from Brian touching him. Andy's cock was sticking straight up in his boxers. Andy couldn't reach down and adjust himself because his hands were firmly attached to the bed. Nick gave Andy an odd look as he stared at the growing penis. Andy noticed Nick staring and blushed, very embarrassed.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Andy asked with a smile painted across his face.

"We came to see how you were doing and to bring you a few gifts," Kevin answered Andy happily.

"You guys are great, I could just hug you, if my arms weren't tied down to this bed,"Andy tried to bring humor into an odd situation.

"So how are you holding up?" Howie asked as he sat on the other side of the bed, near Andy's other leg, and across from Brian.

"Great, now that the doctor gave me a shot of morphine," Andy smiled, "You'd think they'd give me a blanket or something, its freezing in here."

"You're cold? Here," Kevin removed his leather coat and draped it over Andy. Because Andy was shorter than Kevin, the coat covered Andy almost as if it were a blanket.

"Thanks Kevin," Andy turned his head to look at Kevin as he covered him with the coat.

"No prob," Kevin answered.

Andy closed his eyes and fell almost instantly to sleep. The sedative that the doctor had given him had taken effect and it was impossible for him to stay awake.

"Wow, doesn't take long for him to get to sleep," Nick commented as he saw Andy slip in a deep sleep.

"The doctor gave him something to help him sleep," Brian told Nick.

"How long was in he in surgery?" Kevin asked Brian seriously.

"Um, we got here at nine and I was told that he got out of surgery at around 4 this afternoon. I didn't get to see him until 8," Brian explained.

"Wow! That's was a long surgery," Kevin said, amazed.

"Yeah, but he made it through okay, that's what counts," Howie commented.

"So you wanna go get something to eat?" Nick asked.

"I don't wanna leave Andy, I'm gonna stay here for a while," Brian answered firmly.

"Well we're gonna head back to the hotel, but if you need anything call us," Kevin said to Brian.

"Yeah, I will. Thanks for coming guys, I know that it means a lot to Andy, and it means a lot to me," Brian appreciated what the guys had done.

"That's okay Brian," Kevin answered.

Kevin, Nick, A.J., and Howie exited the room. Brian was tired, he had woken up extremely early that morning. Brian laid his head back next to Andy's arm and snuggled his nose close to his lover. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.

"Andy looked awful," Nick commented as the guys rode back to the hotel in the limo.

"Yeah, he's had a really hard day. And then being tied down to the bed like that! I feel bad for him," Kevin stated sadly.

"Does Brian have to go to rehearsals tomorrow?" Howie asked.

"No, I've got him out of rehearsals for 2 weeks. I don't know how I'm going to tell him about the tour in 3 weeks, it's going to tear him apart," Kevin reluctantly stated.

Brian felt someone running their hands through his hair and opened his eyes. He was surprised who he saw, it was Marie.

"Mrs. Moeller?" Brian politely questioned as he opened his eyes.

"Hello Brian," Marie spoke kindly.

"How's Andy?" Marie asked.

"As well as can be expected," Brian answered Marie.

Marie sat in the chair next to Brian and sighed.

"Andy told me about you two," Marie sounded calm, "I didn't know what to think, I still don't."

Brian didn't know what to say. He was at a loss for words. He felt awkward sitting with the mother of his lover who had just discovered that her son was in love with another man. There was an eerie silence in the room.

"How did it happen?" Marie asked. Brian wasn't sure if she expected an answer or if it was a rhetorical question. Marie turned and looked towards Brian, giving him a look that meant she demanded an answer.

"It just happened, we.....we fell in love. There's really no way to explain it. I wasn't looking for love, and I don't think he was either," Brian tried to explain the best that he could. Marie put her hands in her lap before wiping a tear from her eye.

"Brian, its not that I don't like you, you seem like a nice boy, but that's what you are, a boy, and so is Andy. Do you really feel as though you are in love with him?" Marie wanted a definite answer. Brian nodded his head gently.

"Okay. I can't say no. If its what Andy wants then I'll let him have it without saying a word," Marie stated, feeling as though she had just lost a battle.

"Mrs. Moeller, I knew that I liked men before I was ever with Andy, even though I've never actually been with another man. Andy liked guys too, he just never told you about it," Brian tried to explain to Marie.

"That's just it Brian, I would have never had thought Andy was gay. He never acted feminine, or talked about guys in any way that could be remotely related to his sexual orientation."

"Marie, those are stereotypes. I'm sure there are guys who act feminine, but that doesn't mean that it fits everyone. I don't act like that. Andy didn't choose his sexuality on the spur of the moment, he was born that way, as was I," Brian made sense as he tried to sway Marie's opinion of her son's sexuality.

"Brian, I can see what you're trying to say, but I'm afraid for Andy. The world views homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle, not a normal one. People can be so cruel and with Andy in the spotlight who knows what will happen to him. And then there's the risk of AIDS, " Marie looked at Brian as she spoke.

"Andy and I have made the decision to keep the news that we're involved private. Maybe eventually we will tell, or someone will inevitably find out, but we don't really care. We are the way that we are and nothing can change that. And about AIDS, people still associate it with gays because it largely affected the homosexual community when it was first discovered. That's not true anymore, anyone can get aids. Andy and I recently had an STD test, which came back that we're both disease free. Andy was the first person that I've ever made love to," Brian spoke kindly. Marie looked surprised.

"You've slept with Andy?" Marie asked as a tear traveled out of her eye and down her cheek. She seemed as if she were shocked. Brian had assumed that she already knew that Andy and him slept together.

"Yes," Brian admitted in one word. Marie pulled a tissue out of her black leather and gold purse and wiped the tears from her eyes. After brushing her long black hair out of her face with her hand, she sat silently.

Brian didn't know what to say, he just sat and watched as Marie cried. Brian was surprised when he saw Marie put her hand on his. Brian looked down to see his hand firmly locked with hers.

"Brian, you're a good person, thank you for being honest with me," Marie whispered. Brian was touched, and felt as if Marie had finally accepted their relationship.

"Why don't you like it that Andy and I are together?" Brian questioned nervously.

"Oh Brian, it's not that I don't like you, I do. It's just that every parent always pictures their child growing up, getting married and having children. When Andy told me about you two, my dreams were shattered. I'll never have grandchildren or meet my son's wife. I know it must be hard for you to understand not being a parent,"Marie explained her true feelings.

"No, I see your point. Its true, Andy and I never can marry unless the laws change. But we could always adopt if we ever choose to have children," Brian tried to comfort her.

"It's just not the same thing Brian, it will never be the same now."

"Marie, I love Andy, isn't that enough that your son is happy?"

"Of course I'm glad that Andy is happy, but I never would have guessed the circumstances," Marie was obviously tiring, not knowing her what her feelings were exactly. She still needed time to accept her son and his lifestyle.

"Where is Andy's father?" Brian didn't even realize Jonathan's absence until just then.

"Jonathan? I don't know what to tell you Brian. After Andy's announcement last night, Jonathan went a little berserk. He left the hotel room and I haven't seen him since. I don't know where he is. I know it really hurt him, he felt like he wasn't a good father or something," Marie rubbed her eyes as she felt ashamed for her husband's actions.

"Mom?" Marie and Brian heard a familiar voice say, distracting them from their conversation.

"Andrew," Marie jumped out of her chair and walked briskly over to Andy.

"You showed up," Andy was clearly happy to see his mother.

"I'm sorry for not being here sooner Andy," Marie wanted her son to feel better.

"Where's dad?" Andy seemed to be sleepy yet aware of his surroundings at the same time.

"I'm sorry honey, he's got some issues to think over right now," Marie sadly explained.

"About me and Brian, huh?" Andy asked sorrowfully.

"Yeah," Marie put her hand on Andy's forehead and gently ran her fingers through his shiny blonde hair.

"Don't they have any blankets in this hospital?" Marie questioned as she noticed the leather coat draped over Andy.

"I'll go find one," Brian said so that his absence from the room would give Marie and Andy time to talk.

"Thanks Brian," Marie responded. Brian exited and Marie propped herself on the edge of the bed, next to Andy.

"Is dad coming to see me before you guys have to go back to Miami?" Andy asked.

"I don't know honey. Last night after you told us, your father left the room and I haven't seen him since," Marie explained in a motherly tone.

"Do you think he's mad at me?" Andy asked as tears began to form in his eyes. He felt as though he had let his father down, or given him a reason to be angry.

"No, no, no, of course not, he's just a little bit confused, like I was after you told me," Marie explained to her son.

Andy took in a deep breath, trying to conceptualize what his parents were going through. He was glad that his mother had come to see him, but he needed his father as well. Andy bit his lip and looked up at the bright florescent lights, blinding him.

"Mom, do you still love me?" Andy asked a question that he already knew the answer to, but had to make sure. Marie looked shocked that Andy had even asked such a question.

"You know I do. You told me something about yourself that I didn't know, and wasn't prepared for. I was shocked. I'll learn to adapt, we all will, including your father," Marie was kind hearted, and told her son exactly what he was hoping that she would say.

"Thank you mom, I know you don't like the idea of Brian and I together, but I love him, I truly do. I just wish that you could see that," Andy said.

"Found some," Brian walked back into the room carrying 2 blue blankets.

"Thank you Brian," Marie pulled the leather coat from Andy and covered him with the blankets.

"I feel like a child being tied down to this bed with everyone waiting on me," Andy complained with a smile.

Marie laughed and turned her head, noticing that it was 3 A.M.

"My goodness it's late! I'm going to go back to the hotel and see if your father has returned, unless you want me to stay here with you," Marie said.

"No, that's okay mom. Brian is here with me, you try and find dad, " Andy suggested.

"Okay sweetheart," Marie kissed Andy on the forehead and stood from the bed.

"Good night Brian," Marie smiled at Brian. Brian nodded and smiled back politely.

"Get some sleep," Marie whispered before closing the door.

Brian stood with his arms crossed, looking down at Andy. Brian was thinking about his relationship with Andy's parents.

"Sit down, " Andy requested. Brian sat down on the edge of the bed, leaning on his legs for support.

"There's more room than that Brian," Andy said. Brian scooted closer to Andy's legs, Brian didn't want to hurt Andy, and tried to be as gentle as possible.

"I don't think they could have wrapped these bandages any tighter, I feel like I'm being squeezed by a snake or something," Andy commented about the thick, white, bandages that were wrapped around his chest.

"How does your chest feel?" Brian asked kindly.

"Numb, really numb. That morphine that Dr. Jeske gave me earlier really did the trick," Andy joked to Brian, "I wish my arms weren't tied down so I could hug you."

"I wish your chest wasn't in such bad shape or I'd give you a hug too," Brian smiled.

Andy smiled at Brian and yawned gently.

"Do you want me to get you anything, or do you want something to eat," Brian asked kindly.

"No thank you, I'm just tired," Andy yawned again.

"Let's get some sleep then," Brian suggested. Brian stood from the bed and turned off the lights. The room was lit by the green glow of the lights on the machines that Andy was hooked up to. Brian sat in the chair closet to the bed and relaxed, covering himself with Kevin's leather coat.

"Do you think Howie likes me?" Andy asked innocently in the darkness of the room.

"He always liked you Andy," Brian answered honestly, "he just freaked when he heard about us."

Andy tried to push himself up a little further in the bed using his feet, and then asked another question that was on his mind.

"Who's your best friend in the Backstreet Boys?" Andy asked.

"What?" Brian sounded surprised at the question.

"Well, I've never actually spent that much time around them and you at the same time. When I'm around, you always talk to me, and not so much the other guys," Andy explained.

"Well I'd probably have to say that Kevin and I are the closest because we're family, but besides him, I'm closest to Nick," Brian told Andy, "Nick was the youngest and I always felt kinda sorry for him. The other guys would go out to the clubs at night, and I would stay back at the hotel with Nick playing Nintendo 64 and board games, and watching movies with him. He's a cool guy."

"I always wondered who it was. I've read in magazines that it was Nick, but you never can believe everything that you read in them," Andy commented.

"You're my best friend now though," Brian said softly.

"Brian?" Andy asked quietly.


"May I have some mint ice cream tomorrow?" Andy asked sleepily.

Brian giggled and responded, "You got it."

Andy and Brian both quietly fell sleep in the small hospital room, surrounded by beeping machines and cold floors.

Nick awoke in his bed in a cold sweat. He felt sick to his stomach and like he was about to throw up at any minute. The light was on in the room, unlike when he had gone to sleep a few hours earlier. He looked out the window and noticed that it was still dark outside.

Nick stood to his feet extremely shakily. His head was spinning out of control. Nick walked out into the main room of the suite and saw Howie on the phone. Howie smiled at Nick as Nick unsteadily headed for the bathroom.

Nick was sweating even thought he felt cold. He sat down on the edge of the bathtub, holding his head in between his hands. His stomach was telling him that he was about to throw up, but nothing happened. He wanted to make sure that he was close to the toilet, in case he lost control and vomited.

Howie hung up the phone and noticed that the bathroom door was open. He walked over to see why Nick was up at such an odd hour of the night. He saw Nick leaning on his knees with his head down, initially making him think that Nick was depressed about something.

"You okay Nick?" Howie asked as he stood in the doorway.

"I'm not feeling too hot," Nick spoke without looking up at Howie.

"Why don't you go back to bed and get a little sleep, maybe you'll feel better when you wake up," Howie suggested as he took a seat on the tub next to Nick.

"Cause I feel like I'm gonna wretch any second," Nick explained wearily.

Nick felt himself beginning to vomit and got down on his knees in front of the toilet. Nick's stomach went into convulsions as he vomited. Howie watched his friend without saying a word. After a few minutes, Nick was finally finished, and wiped his face with some Kleenex that was on the counter.

"I feel a little better," Nick said, as he pushed his blonde hair back. Howie put his hand to Nick's forehead.

"You're burning up!" Howie exclaimed. Nick nodded silently.

"Let's get you in bed," Howie suggested as he helped Nick to his feet. Howie draped his arm over Nick's shoulder and walked him over to Nick's bed. Nick got into bed and Howie pulled the covers over him.

"Howie, could you get me something to drink? I'm so thirsty," Nick asked weakly, in a hot, dry breath.

"Sure," Howie nodded and walked over to the small refrigerator. He pulled out a bottle of Evian and poured it into a glass with ice. After getting the water, Howie went into the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of Tylenol from the medicine chest.

Howie sat on the edge of Nick's bed, setting the glass of water on the nightstand, and opening the Tylenol bottle. He pulled out two pills.

"Sit up," Howie requested, as he helped Nick lean forward.

"Here you go," Howie showed Nick the pills. Nick opened his mouth and Howie put them on Nick's tongue. Howie brought the glass of water to Nick's lips. Nick felt better as the cool water traveled down his throat inside his feverish body. Nick's eyes were watering from the fever, and his cheeks were bright red.

"Thank you," Nick said as he slowly lowered his body back onto the bed. He was freezing, even though he was draped with a thick comforter and wearing a sweater.

"I'm so cold," Nick said snuggled into the blanket, trying to warm himself up a little.

"I'll turn the heat up," Howie said as he stood and adjusted the thermostat. Howie walked back and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" Howie asked seriously.

"Yeah, lay on top of me for warmth," Nick joked.

"I'll lay in bed with you if you want," Howie stated seriously. Nick was surprised that Howie, being a bit of a homophobe, would even suggest something like that.

"No, that's okay," Nick said.

"Try and get some sleep, okay Nick?" Howie smiled as he stood up and walked over to his bed a few feet away. Howie pulled off his shirt, and stripped down to his boxers. He could already feel the room getting warmer. Howie crawled into his bed and switched off the light.

Nick closed his eyes, and turned to his side, falling asleep within minutes.

Chapter 6 - Voila! Sorry for being such a procrastinator when it comes to posting new chapters.I just have a busy life with school and stuff.

Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other! LOL


Next: Chapter 7

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