Beach Bum

Published on Mar 2, 2022


Beach Bum 2

Chapter 2

This morning I wake up fairly late for me, and for the first time in memory, my mind is not running a million kilometers an hour, firing math problems at me, making me solve them. I am so comfortable and content, that I stay luxuriating in my bed for several more minutes.

About ten minutes after waking up, my mind wanders to the incredible boy who is on the other side of my very own house. I know what he wants and needs, I definitely know what I want and need, the problem, of course, is our vast age difference. We cannot have what we both so desperately want, we simply cannot do what our diapered heads are telling us to do, and I know Ashton's is telling him to do so every bit as much as mine is.

Then said diapered head made itself very well known, and uncomfortable. I am so hard, harder than I normally am. Having Ashton in the house certainly seems to have a profound effect on my hardness, having seen him in a soggy diaper all evening long fueling a fantasy all throughout my dreams last night, thus making me harder this morning than I have ever been.

I decide that this morning I really need to jack off properly, so I push down my very wet diaper, noting that there is considerable stickiness inside, so I had cum in my dreams at least a couple times, and I grasped on and started giving myself what for. Just envisioning Ashton in his diaper is all I need, I do not even try and imagine what he looks like naked, I really do not care, I am such a diaper lover, that seeing a cute boy in just a diaper is all I need. I will not say no to seeing him naked mind you.

Three strokes is all I can last for my first orgasm, before I start pumping out my largest load to date, hitting my left nipple with the first shot even, even though I have my dick pointing nearly straight up. The force is so powerful that I gasp, and then shoot another, almost as powerful, and then another two, and finally I just ooze another four good shots. I am normally not a sprayer, my belly button is my previous best distance, normally I just ooze a lot, easily a full teaspoon full, but today I hit my own chest, and when I scooped it all up and slurped it all in, I realized I shot nearly twice as much in the one orgasm as well.

After a few seconds of coming down, and I have not even let go, I start again. I am still so hard, and though I know that it is going to wear me out like nothing else, I simply cannot help myself, and envisioning Ashton in just that super soggy diaper last night is fueling my passion like I have never felt before. This time I at least make it almost two minutes before I explode again, and though not as forceful or copious as the first, it is still an impressive eruption to say the least, and I lick it up once more.

Yet, even still, I have not gone soft, I have not let go, and even though I know I should, I simply cannot stop, and therefore jack off one more time. Never, and I do mean never, have I jacked off back to back before, not twice, and certainly not three times. Normally I need at least ten minutes cool down between sessions, but Ashton has made me so hot that I just cannot help it.

This time I last almost five minutes, and this time I am down to what I would consider a fairly normal output, six good pulses of cum, oozing out the end of my dick, no real force, just plenty of deliciousness, and I lick it all off my hand once more.

And finally I have gone soft.

I pull my diaper back into position, knowing that it will last a little longer, push my dick to position, so that when I pee I do not pee up my stomach, and then decide to get up and get started on the day. I am incredibly hungry, and I know that Ashton is likely to wake up hungry as well. Then again, I have no doubts whatsoever that he will leave his bedroom even more hungry, just like me. I know he will be in his bedroom at some point doing the exact same things, I would be more shocked if he did not. As much as I would love to go peek through his door, to catch him doing so, I know that I cannot, must not, if I do, then that will be it, that will be all, there will be no going back. I know myself well enough to know that if I see that, that I will not be able to stop myself.

Neither of us are ready for that though, so I must resist the urges.

After this morning though, those urges are getting harder and harder to resist, and let's face it, I know Ashton wants it every bit as much as I do, but, even still, I will not be the one to start it, I cannot be the one to start it, no matter what happens, it has to be up to Ashton and Ashton alone. When he is ready, I will crumble, I have to try and keep strong, we both know that, but we both know that I will not be able to refuse once he tells me he is ready.

I make it to the kitchen and dig through the freezer for only a minute. I grab a half pack of bacon, two Italian sausages, and a bag of hash browns. From the fridge I grab eggs, an onion, a red pepper, some cheese, and a few mushrooms.

I take it all to the counter and set it down. I get the griddle heating up (it is almost as large as an average restaurants is), and put a small pot of water on to boil. While waiting for that, I start dicing things up, and then dump the sausages in the water, when it is ready, and finish the rest.

I throw all the bacon on the griddle, and turn on the gas grill next to the griddle, both are built into and are part of my massive gas stove. Once the sausage is mostly cooked, I throw them on the grill to finish cooking and really brown over the flames, and flip the bacon. I throw on more than enough hash browns and all the onions, peppers and mushrooms that I had cut up, and then heaven appeared.

“Good morning, it smells really good in here.” Ashton said, coming out of his bedroom, still yawning and stretching a bit, hair sticking up all over the place, his soggy diaper swaying enticingly as he walks. I admit I stared, and I even went hard again. How the fuck can I possibly be hard again.

“Good morning, thanks. You're hot like that.” I said before I could stop myself.

“Thanks, so are you. Would you like help.”

“No thanks, I think I have everything under control here. If you wanna set the table though, you could.”


I admit that instead of watching breakfast cook, like I should be doing, I am watching Ashton even more. He must have felt it, because he looks up at me, smiles brightly, and continues doing what he is supposed to be doing. I catch him watching me too though, and we both just smile. Only a few minutes later I have breakfast finished, so I dish each of us up a large plate full and we head to the table to eat. As we do, we talk.

“So, did you have a good sleep?” I ask.

“Yeah, I did, thanks, that bed's amazing. How about you?”

“It better be for the cost of it, and considering it's never had anyone on it before, it's still brand new. As for me, yeah, I slept far better last night than I normally do. Usually my head's running a million kilometers an hour and won't shut up, but not last night.”

“Same here actually. My parents actually started giving me melatonin to help, and it does, but I didn't have any last night, and I still slept well.”

“Oh, I'd never take a sleeping pill.”

“It's not a sleeping pill. It's the same drug your body produces to allow you to go to sleep, but some people, like you and I, don't produce enough of it, or I think any at all in my case, so by taking it, it helps me get to sleep.”

“Really, wonder why I've never been told of it before, I've mentioned my sleeping issues to my doctor, but all he wanted to do was give me sleeping pills.”

“Yeah, well, they're a prescription, he gets money by giving you that, melatonin isn't, so he makes no money, so why should he tell you about something that does him no good, even if it's horrible for you.”

“Wow, you're even more cynical than I am.” I have to laugh.

“It's not cynical, it's true. Unfortunately most doctors nowadays couldn't give a damn about us, we're just customers and they're trying to pad their paycheck by selling us as much shit as they can. It's exactly like commission sales people, trying to get you to buy as much as they can possibly sell you. That, sadly, is about the only thing I actually agreed with my mom about.” He shrugged.


“Yeah, that's why whenever she went to the doctor, she always went to two or three, and then she did research on everything to make sure she was taking something that was actually gonna help. I've never taken antibiotics, no, that's not true, I did once I think, and I think she honestly gave me Tylenol once for a headache, but I took it a few times myself. The rest of the time, she always found a more natural method for us. I may have been nothing to her, but she still wouldn't pump me full of that shit.”

“Oh, what about when you're sick though?”

“Same, she took me to two or three doctors, and if they all agreed, then she'd figure out what they were trying to give me, if they all tried to do the same thing, then okay, but if not, then she found a natural remedy. Trust me, it only happened once that three different doctors agreed on what I had and what to do about it, and I think that was the only time I was ever on antibiotics, I was five, so I don't fully remember, but it was a nasty cut that got infected.”

“So you definitely needed antibiotics.”

“Yeah, but that was never reason for that in my moms opinion, only in extreme conditions would she actually use drugs. For instance, the melatonin for my sleep issues, but she also took cayenne pills for her blood pressure problems, and it works by the way, my dad was on garlic pills for something, I can't remember what, and I was usually on something or another for my issues. It pissed her off though that she couldn't find a natural cure for my laziness, even though she knew I wasn't being lazy. Trust me, she didn't believe the first two doctors that told her that my bladder would never work properly, she was starting to accept it on the third, and she finally accepted it somewhat when the fourth, a specialist, told her that.”


“Yeah. This is really good, by the way. I like how you put the cheese on it and then mixed it all in and cooked it too, but then added a little more to the top.”

“Thanks. Fried cheese might just be the best and worst thing there is. It tastes so damn good, but it sure as hell isn't good for you.”

“I agree.”

“Which is why I almost never do something like this. Trust me, I never eat this much food, especially at once, but I wanted a really good filling breakfast this morning. Then again, I was starving this morning.”

“Bet it's for the same reason I was starving this morning as well.” He grinned brightly.

“I bet you're right. How many times did you go last night and this morning?”

“Four last night and six this morning. I even hit my face this morning, I never get past my belly button. How about you?”

Well, now I am fully hard again.

“Four last night and three this morning. I even hit my chest, which I've never done before.” I admitted.

“Nice. Seeing you in your soggy diaper all last night really made it so much better for me.”

“Same here with you.”

“Good. Was it as hard this morning for you to keep your promise and not come to my bedroom as it was for me?”

“Yeah.” I admitted again.

“Yeah. We really shouldn't yet, though, should we.”

“No, really, we should be waiting 'til you're sixteen, because then you're at least legal.”

“I know, but I know you don't wanna wait that long any more than I do, do you?”


“Good. I wanna get to know each other really well first, I've been dreaming for a while now, and I don't wanna rush it.”

“Same here.”

“I'd really like to try changing each others diapers though, I've always wanted someone I loved to change me.”

“Me too, but I just don't think I'm ready for that yet.”

“No, I'm probably not yet either. Granted, seeing you in your diapers is how I've wanted to see someone for so long, way more than I've ever wanted to see someone naked, and I haven't raped you yet.” He laughed.

“We're the same there too. I admit I would like to see you naked, but seeing you diapered, to me too, is the way I'd really wanna see you. When it comes time to make love to each other, you want it through our soggy baby diapers too, don't you?”

“Oh god yeah, more than anything that's what I want. The first time I read a gay diaper love story, when I was nine, and I read about making love to each other through a soggy diaper, I knew that's what I wanted and needed, it's gotten stronger though.”

“Same, except my first time reading something like that I was seventeen.”

“Wow, why didn't you read more when you were younger?”

“Too afraid. I knew I was gay, but I was horrified about other people finding out. I also never had computer access at home all throughout growing up, I was a foster kid remember, no one wanted to pay anything at all for me, my needs meant nothing, so I certainly couldn't get a computer. I was also almost never allowed to use the computers where I lived, besides, I was smarter than the computer, why would I need one they always said. They were mocking me of course. It wasn't 'til I was in university that I finally got a computer, and it wasn't 'til then that I got the courage to do what I needed to do.”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense though, even though it's sad.”

“It was, but that's what I was used to.”

“Sad but true I suppose. So, have you ever dreamed of being piss fucked?”

“All the time, how about you?” And I went even harder still.

“Oh yeah, same story, same time, I knew I needed it. Are you as hard as I am?”

“I hope you're not as hard as I am, I think I'm about to explode out the front of my diaper.”

“Yeah, that about explains my little problem right now.”

“It didn't look so little to me.”

“No, just under thirteen centimeters long, and a hair over five around. I measured myself again the other day.” He giggled.

“Fuck, I'm not much bigger than that. Just over fifteen long and almost seven and a half around.”

“That's pretty big though.”

“It's high side of average, but still not considered large. You're only thirteen and you're that big already, and it doesn't really look like you're all that far into puberty, so you could grow to be even larger than me.”

“My dick and balls started to really grow a year ago, I didn't even start getting hair 'til about six months ago, and I know my voice is already changed quite a bit. I think I'm about half way through.”

“I was fourteen when I started, and I wasn't as big as you are now 'til I was almost sixteen, but then, I did grow a huge amount that year too.”

“Yeah, I've grown a lot in the last year.”

“Maybe it'll be easier on you going through it longer and slower, not like for me, I was in massive pain for six months as I shot up almost thirty centimeters, just after I turned sixteen.”

“Yikes. That's about how much I've grown in the past two years. I do hurt every so often though, but that's normal. Growing pains they say.”

“Yeah, you're lucky. Man, what a breakfast conversation, huh.” I have to laugh.

“Best I've ever had, that's for sure.” He giggled cutely.

“Me too, come to think about it actually. I never talk while I eat, then again, I never eat with anyone else at all.”

“Me neither, but that's because you did not talk at the table with my mother around. If I talked and my mouth was full of food, she considered it a massive insult, and would slap instantly, and hard, hard enough to cause me to not be able to continue eating. I swear she nearly broke my jaw once, I was eight I think, I could barely talk for three days, and eating was excruciating. God I hate her. Kicking me out is probably the nicest thing she's ever done for me.”

“Probably was, which is sad in a way, but this way it allows you to go out on your own and make your way without her holding you down.”

“And she did. You have any idea how often she called me stupid, it was astounding. I mean, sure, I'm quite stupid in some things. Talking to other people, woefully ignorant, most sports, totally inept, and even writing skills, lacking. Those are some of the words to describe me. With that being said though, she was a high school drop out, my dad wasn't much better, but they're both all about the sports and the socializing, they didn't care about academics, so if she only based her assumption of stupidity on her values, then yes, I'm the most stupid person she'd ever met. I know that I need to be more socially outgoing, I know that I can't just go through life without ever talking to anyone, but you know how hard that sorta thing is for us, but she thought it was horrendous.”

“Yeah, that pretty much sums me up as well. It also fairly well sums up how others thought of me too. Far too brilliant in some ways, far too stupid in others, but then, most people are, maybe just not quite so far swung as we are.”

“I agree. Well, I'm done, and it was delicious, by the way, let's get cleaned up, and then would you like to go out and do something?”

“Thanks, and sure, what'd you have in mind?”

“I don't actually know. I actually don't even know what all's around here, to tell you the truth. This is my first time ever being here. I didn't live here, I lived in Vancouver.”

“Oh, not sure if you mentioned that before or not.”

“Can't remember. That's where my aunt and uncle are as well. This is only their summer house, though they've been here only once this summer as far as I know. Not sure how anyone can have a house that's a few million dollars and only come once or twice a year for a week or so. It's such a waste really.”

“Yeah, but well over half the owners here don't live here full time, and of the ones that do, they don't winter here, they go down south. Last winter, I was the only person in the entire area, but then, I don't mind.”

“No, I wouldn't either, but in a way, that's really bad for us. We really should be around people more, but if you're as much like me as I think you are, you'd be perfectly satisfied with talking to no one at all for weeks at a time.”

“Longest I went without even saying anything to anyone was almost three months. You're right though, it's because of that that we really do have to try harder than others to socialize. With you it's been real easy, I don't know what it is about you that makes me feel so comfortable, so talkative, I've never talked to anyone like I can with you. Normally I stutter and shit, or start talking about math, and then it just all goes downhill from there.”

“Longest for me has been two weeks, in fact, you're the reason that broke, I just had to talk to you. In school I always had to talk for one reason or another, even though I could've easily done without. We're pretty much exactly the same there though, because I find it incredibly easy to talk to you.”

“Good. Well, I should probably go shopping at least, I'm getting low on supplies, so wanna make a day of going to the malls and whatnot?”

“Okay, as long as I'm with you, I think I could manage that.”

“Same. I always hated going, but I think I can do it with you.”

“I'd love to do it with you.” He giggled and grinned.

“Yeah, well, the feeling's mutual, but we can wait too.” I had to laugh.

“Yeah, but I know it's getting as hard for you to hold off as it is for me too.”

“Yeah, but we still should. Let's go get our soggy baby bums all changed, and then we can head out.”


We headed to our bedrooms and changed our diapers. Ashton was every bit as wet as I am, and I am in desperate need of a change. I realized as I was pulling my diaper off, that I stink, so I should probably be having a shower, though I would prefer a bath, but I do not have time for that, so I used my baby wipes and cleaned up most of the stickiness and stench. I lotioned and creamed myself, and then gave myself an extra large dose of baby powder to help mask the rest of the smell issue, then taped myself up. This time I am putting myself into one of my thinner daytime diapers, they do not show as much, though they do not hold as much either, but I can change when I need to.

I grab my clothes, making sure to grab a diaper shirt, and then get dressed. Once dressed, I brush my hair and teeth and then head out to find Ashton.

Ashton is exiting the hall leading to his bedroom just as I enter the living room, he smiles brightly, and then he stops, knowing that if we are going to leave, then we have to go to the garage, which is on that end of the house anyway. We head to the garage and hop into my car. It is nothing spectacular, just a very simple two door commuter car. I never felt the need to have a fancy sports car or anything, so I do not. As soon as we leave, I point us toward the mall where we can get everything that we need.

“Corbin, I do need to swing by the pharmacy at some point today and pick up more diapers.”

“Okay, how many do you have left?”

“About half a pack, so a few days worth, but I don't like getting too low.”

“Then let's wait 'til we get back. The diapers here are retardedly expensive, so I order them online and have them delivered. When I was in Vancouver last time, I went into a medical supply store and was shocked at how much cheaper they were there than they are here, nearly half the price. Now, I'm all for supporting my local businesses, but not when they blatantly gouge us. I even went to the place where I was buying my diapers and told them this, they wouldn't budge on their prices, so I told them that they lost all my business then. Now I have an account with the manufacturer and I get a much better diaper for a much better price. The only drawback, of course, though I don't consider it a drawback at all, is that I have to by ten cases at a time. Considering you're probably through your main growth spurt, and you're not likely to get too much bigger before you need to order more anyway, we can just buy them that way. It'll cost you about a quarter the amount you would've paid, but you have to buy a lot more.”

“Okay. I usually buy about a hundred dollars worth at a time, that gets me through a bit better than a month.”

“A hundred dollars worth where I buy mine will last you four times as long, but you'll have to buy about three times that much, but the good news is, that's damn near a years supply. Each case lasts me roughly a month.”

“Okay, I have that much, and it is a wicked deal, but I have no way to pay for anything online, so can I give you the money and you buy them for me?”

“Of course. My diapers are also a lot better than the ones you're wearing, so you'll probably like them even more, I used to use the same ones you're using, so I know, and I usually buy half and half, half ultra thick and half thinner daytime.”

“Then that's definitely what I'm gonna do. Do you have to buy more as well?”

“No, I jut received my last shipment a month ago, so I'm all good. How are you set for diaper shirts and other diaper supplies though?”

“Getting low on all of it. I've grown out of over half my diaper shirts, and the other half are starting to wear out. Granted, I only had six. It was tricky getting them past my mother, she couldn't know that I was a diaper lover, that would've gone over real bad, almost as bad as her finding out I was gay.”

“Then I'll show you the website I get all that at too. Granted, baby powder is cheaper and better at the store, but only because I prefer the real baby powder, and this site doesn't carry that, just the standard non scented powder, but I prefer the scented one.”

“Oh, I prefer the nice baby scented baby lotion as well.”

“Me too, but if you're using baby powder anyway, what difference does it make, and the lotion I use is really good for the skin.”

“Okay, I'll check it out then when we get back.”

When we get to the mall, we head inside and start looking around. We both see lots that we like, but within half an hour neither of us has bought anything.

“So, how much money do you have anyway, can you even afford to pay for diapers and everything else that you need?” I ask curiously.

“I have a few thousand dollars. My aunt gives me a couple hundred a week for food and supplies, plus I had a whole bunch saved up. I'll have to stop at a bank though at some point. Before my grandpa died, he used to give me lots of money, and even my parents rarely bought me anything for gifts, if they gave me anything, it was usually money. Well, I've never really wanted a lot of toys, I never eat candy and crap, so I had lots saved up. Getting such a good deal on diapers though will help a huge amount, because you're right, they're stupidly expensive here. I know how much they cost on the coast, because my mom hasn't bought my diapers for me since I was seven or eight, she made me go and do it, and I had to use my own damn money. It was my problem you see, and she didn't feel it necessary enough to pay any of her precious money on my problem. So yeah, I noticed that they're nearly three times more expensive here than at home.”

“Oh, okay, I was just wondering because of all the things you said you thought were nice, but didn't buy.”

“Yeah, nice to look at, but I really don't need them. Granted, when we get to the book store, there I'll probably spend a few bucks.” He grinned.

“Let me guess, advanced astrophysics?” I grinned.

“If they have anything, but I doubt the average bookstore has anything like that. Those books I order online. No, I love science fiction books. Magic, dragons, elves or dwarfs, space, medieval, doesn't much matter to me.”

“Same here.”

“The space ones are cool though, some of those writers can come up with the most fantastic ideas about things, of course ninety percent of the time it's bullshit that could never work, but there's quite a bit of stuff that if it could be made to work would make things so much easier and better. I mean, look at Star Trek, look how much of that technology now actually exists, but back when it was made, it was laughable. I wanna be the one to crack the faster than the speed of light puzzle. Everyone says it can't be done, that there's no way physics could allow it. I disagree. No one really truly knows what physics does and does not allow, we can only assume because of what we can do today, at this point, there's simply no way to do it, but I think there is, we just haven't found the right way, I wanna be that person.”

“I totally agree with you. You have half the scientists in space engineering arguing that it can't be done, and the other half saying we just haven't found a way to do it yet. Mathematically speaking, it could in theory be done, I've even given a group of scientists the formula needed to do it, but realistically speaking, I just don't think we have the technology to do it yet.”

“Wow, I'd love to get my hands on that formula, but I'm not gonna ask for it, not 'til I can pay for it on my own, because I'm sure it's expensive information.”

“It cost them a hundred thousand dollars, so yeah, you could say that. I won't sell it to you for near that much though.” I said.

“Good, and I'm sure it's worth every penny of it too. Don't offer it to me either, I'd never want you to give me something like that, I'd feel I was only friends with you to get that information, which I'm not.”

“Don't worry, right now you couldn't do much with it anyway, and in the wrong hands, it could be dangerous.”

“How can math be dangerous?”

“You have no idea. I can make up a formula that gives people the probability that all sorts of disasters could happen, when and where, that sorta thing. Mathematically speaking, almost anything can be mapped out, however, it doesn't necessarily mean it's reliable either, it's all probability. The information I gave to them though, is a formula that calculates the curvature of space and time, I got it to within a nanosecond, assuming of course the information I was given was all correct. They believe that that curvature is the centre at which they have to base their research on, I gave them the formula. The problem though, if used in the wrong way, and one could theoretically manage it, a black hole could be formed. Granted, the amount of raw energy it'd take to do it isn't even available in our own sun, still, it's dangerous.”

“That's what I think as well, that space and time are just different levels of the same playing field, and that if you could figure out how and where they intersect, you could conceivably move far faster than light.”

“That was their thinking as well. I didn't see all their research, and what I did see, I didn't really understand, since that sorta thing really isn't my field. It intrigues me, of course, and I'll help out wherever I can, but when it comes to the mechanics of it, I'm no help.”

“Wow, when the time comes, I'd love for you to be my partner to help me manage it, I bet we could do so much.”

“I bet we could.” I had to smile.

We made it to the book store a few minutes later and went and looked around. This store is one of the largest book stores I have ever had the pleasure to visit, and I have visited several now. We both went and looked at all the titles, and I picked out a few, and Ashton picked out a few more. We each ended up telling the other not to bother on a few though, because we already have them, so we may as well loan them to the other, and we are both okay with that.

I spent just over fifty dollars there, and Ashton spent almost forty. We hit a department store next and looked around, and we each got a couple things, and then we hit a pharmacy and we each grabbed baby powder, two bottles each. By the time we were done shopping, we had already been at the mall almost three hours.

“Okay, let's head to the grocery store next, I have to pick up a few things.”

“Me too.”

“Okay, but if you wanted, you could just come and eat with me, I wouldn't mind, in fact, I think I'd really like it.”

“I'd like it too, but, well, I don't wanna be eating all your food, using all your money.”

“I'm cooking anyway, it's not like you'll eat that much more right, and if you really wanted to, you could pay for half the groceries.” I know how he feels, he wants to make it on his own.

“Okay, I could do that, and we could just grab all the groceries that I've bought and bring them to your place. I'm not the greatest of cooks, so I haven't really been eating great lately, but I'm trying, but the other day I swear I damn near gave myself food poisoning from how gross my dinner tasted.” He giggled.

“Yeah, know how you feel. Had to watch TV cooking programs for more than a year to learn how to cook properly, now I do not so bad. No one deemed it important enough to bother teaching me.”

“Same here. My mom was of the opinion that the less she saw of me the better, so teaching me anything, like cooking, was outta the question.”

“Yeah, that pretty well sums up my childhood as well. I was there for income, nothing more, nothing less, and the less they saw of me the better.”

“Yeah, great way to treat kids, huh, and they all wonder why we hate being around people.”

“Yeah, certainly didn't help my social issues any, that's for sure. Had they tried to work me when I was a kid, when I could've learned to be more social, not shunt me to the back or totally outta sight, maybe now it'd be easier. I know a lot of it was my own damn fault, but I was a kid, how was I to know.”

“No kidding.”

We made it to the grocery store a few minutes later and headed in. I grabbed a buggy and we toured the entire store, grabbing everything that we would need for the next few days or so. Every so often I would go to grab something, but Ashton would tell me he already has some, so not to bother. When we went to pay, we were each going to pay half, but Ashton said he would get it all and took out the maximum that they would give in cash back, so two hundred dollars. He told me that my half, plus the two hundred dollars cash, would be more than enough to buy his diapers. I agreed, so we were both good. Ashton did say that if it was more, that he would give me the cash the next time we are out. I told him not to worry about it, but I am willing to bet that he does anyway.

When we made it home, we unloaded everything, and I said I was going to get started on some lunch, while Ashton said he was going to go get all the groceries from his aunts house. He was back a few minutes later, pulling one of those little grocery carts behind him.

“I see you went grocery shopping again.” I teased.

“Yeah, if only it hadn't been me to have bought it in the first place.”

“No kidding. Oh well. Hey, if your aunt tries to call, how will she get you, you're not at her place?”

“Cell phone. They don't even have a land line at this house. They just use their cell phones. I have one as well. It's always in my pack wherever I go. I just have the most basic plan on it, mostly just for emergencies and whatnot, but it's useful for her calling me, or if I need to call her for anything.”

“Oh, that's good, because I'd like for you to just stay here, just stay in the bedroom you used last night, I think it'll be better for both of us.”

“Yeah, less lonely for sure, but are you sure, as it is I'm already having a hard time controlling myself around you.”

“Glad I'm not the only one. We both know it's gonna happen sooner or later anyway, and even though I definitely wanna hold off a while longer, whether you're here or not isn't really gonna change much, now is it.”

“No, it certainly won't.”

“I gotta know though, I wanna go swimming after lunch, if you come swimming with me, are you gonna be able to control yourself when I tell you that there's no clothes allowed in my pool?”

“Fuck.” He sighed deeply.

“Yeah, that's what I thought.” I laughed.

“I'll be able to, barely, but don't expect me to be soft.”

“Don't worry, as long as you don't expect me to be soft either.”

“It's gonna be super hard to control myself, but like I said before, seeing you in just your soggy baby diaper is how I prefer seeing you anyway, so hopefully it won't be that bad. Actually, how do you swim naked and not have everyone see you, it's a totally glass wall, and not a privacy one at that?”

“Auto tinting windows.”

“Wicked, total privacy without the hideous look of blinds.”

“Exactly, but brutally expensive for the amount of glass I have, but oh well. All my windows are made like that. I swear that was half my budget right there.” I laughed.


“I'm kidding, it was a lot, but nowhere near that much. Totally worth every penny they cost though. The only thing I wish is that they still allowed me to see out, but no one could see in. Now that'd be awesome.”

“No kidding. I've always wanted to swim naked, but clearly that wasn't gonna happen. Not only did my parents not have the money for a pool, but even if they had've, there's no way they would've put one in just for me. They don't like swimming, can't for all I know, I had to learn on my own and everything.”

“Well, now you'll get the chance, even though I wonder if it's the best idea.”

“Maybe not best, but damn good.” He giggled. “So, what's for lunch anyway?”

“Toasted tomato and cheese sandwiches, fruit, and juice.”

“Sounds good.”

“Good, because it'll be ready in a minute.”

We sat down to eat only a couple minutes later, and then cleaned that up. Ashton wanted to order his diapers quickly, so we headed to the office and I booted up my computer and opened up the website, Ashton read up on them for a few minutes and smiled, so I selected the two types of diapers that Ashton would need in his size, then went to the checkout to pay. My information is already saved in there, since I use this site a fair bit, so it was super fast and easy. I have it automatically set for next day delivery, which in our area means that it will take two to even three days to get, but if I choose three days delivery, that means a minimum of a week, and I don't mind the extra fee for delivery, Ashton did not either, but then, he does need his diapers in just a few days too.

“Okay, let's go swimming now.” Ashton said, grabbing my hand and excitedly pulling me from my chair.

“Okay.” I laughed, but Ashton did not let go of my hand all the way to the basement either, he continued to hold it as he dragged me all the way to the pool.

I steered us toward the bathroom so that we can get washed off first.

“Why bother washing?” He asked curiously after my telling him that he has to scrub well.

“Because I don't use chlorine, I use saltwater, it does the same thing essentially, but the cleaner we are, the cleaner it stays and the system has to do less work.”

“Oh, okay.”

Because we are both still dressed, we first have to get undressed. I know I should turn away, and Ashton sure knows as well, because the grin he has as he faces me fully says he knows he is being a naughty baby boy. We strip until we are in only our soggy diapers, facing each other, standing maybe sixty centimeters apart. I can very clearly see that Ashton is as hard as can be, he is pushing a rather enticing diaper bulge at the moment, and I am just as certain that he can tell I am too, because trust me, his eyes are nowhere near my face. Then again, mine are not either, I only just briefly looked up.

Once I saw his hands reaching for the tapes to his diaper, I went in for mine as well, and we both tore them off, one tape at a time, folding it down and sticking it to the back of our diapers, so that they will not catch at the wrong time and ruin the show we have going on.

I know that Ashton wants this every bit as much as I do, I have dreamed about this for longer than Ashton has been alive, yet I know he has dreamed about it for a long time too. As such, neither of us wants the show to be ruined by our soggy diapers not falling to the ground when we want them to.

We are now down to just one tape each, we both have our legs clenched to hold them in place until such time as we are both ready to go, and then we release them too. We each pull our hands away and the fronts fall away a bit, showing off only the top quarter of our erections, my god he is beautiful, and as soon as I saw him start to open his legs to allow his diaper to drop, I do the same.

At the same moment, the sexy sound of two soggy diapers hit the ground and expose us fully. Ashton was not lying about his size, but then, I had been able to see before that he had not, but he had not been fully hard yet, now he is, and he is stunning. I admit that I stared, how could I not. I am not the only one though, Ashton has made no move himself yet, and I can feel his intense stare.

His erection is bouncing to the beat of his heart, it is hot, he is pointing almost straight up, he has a slight upward curve, and he bends slightly to the right. He is uncircumcised, yet his foreskin is pulled almost all the way back in his aroused state, his dick is so hard that he is nearly purple.

His balls are nice and big and full looking, and I admit I would love to get a mouth full of them very soon. He is totally hairless, smooth as a baby, which is fitting. Considering his size, and the fact that he has a good string of precum oozing, I know that he will have started growing hairs, not to mention he has some in his armpits and above his lip, he must shave them. Finally I looked up, he must have caught the movement and looked up as well.

“My god, you're beautiful naked too. Your dick's so perfect.” I whispered.

“You too. Seeing you so hard in your soggy baby diaper though was doing things to me, making me desire things so much that I almost broke my promise.”

I am pointing almost straight ahead, probably pointing at Ashton's belly button, I too have an upward curve, but I curve to the left. I was mutilated as a baby, so I am missing my foreskin, unfortunately, but if how uncomfortable my hardness is means anything, I am every bit as purple as Ashton is. I too shave all the hair from my entire groin, not only do I hate the hair, but it gets matted and smelly with wearing diapers, but it also makes me look like the baby I swear I am.

“Glad I'm not the only one. You're beautiful, you're so hard, yet, seeing you like this actually lessens my desires, it was harder seeing you hard in your soggy diaper like that. Fuck you're sexy though.”

“Thanks, so are you. Had I've seen you with your huge erection sticking out the front of your soggy diaper though, that'd be it, we'd already be fucking.” He giggled.

“You know, I have to agree. We better get washed up.”

“Yeah, we better. Oh, you never changed the glass, did you!”

“The switch is by this door, I did that so that I'd always have it nearby for when I forgot. I'm incredibly forgetful of the finer details sometimes.”

“Oh, good thinking, because I'm the same. When I'm really working at something or concentrating, little things, like eating and sleeping, get totally forgotten.”

“You and me both. Shower.” I said, pointing the way.

Granted, as soon as Ashton turned, he too is pointing the way. We went and turned our shower heads on and washed well, scrubbing properly. I could not help myself, but then, it seems Ashton could not either, because we are watching each other as we wash, and neither of us are getting any softer. I could tell that he was being very careful with his baby bone while washing it, trying to make sure he did not cause himself to explode. Granted, I know probably just as well as he does, that if one of us accidentally explodes, that the other will be maybe a quarter of a second behind. Truthfully, I almost wish he would, I would very much like to see how much he cums.

How we managed to hold off, even I have no idea. We finished cleaning, and then went and dove into the pool. I just barely remembered to hit the switch on our way out, and Ashton watched as the glass went almost totally opaque. Normally it would not even matter, even if I did forget, there is almost never anyone out back of my house, because I do not have a fence, and my backyard is part of the beach itself as well, and only a few large boulders separate them, but you can never know, and the last thing I need anyone seeing is me swimming with the most beautiful boy in the world, neither of us wearing any clothes, and both of us sporting erections as hard as we are.

We swam and worked out in the water for about half an hour, then just played in the water for almost half an hour more, and then hit the hot tub, sauna, steam room, then hot tub again. We hardly spoke the entire time, it was quite nice.

“So, how've you enjoyed swimming naked?”

“It's wonderful. Way better than I thought it'd be. The only problem is, I seem to have a bit more drag than normal, my dick is so hard.” He giggled.

“Yeah, know how you feel on that one. I can't help but to notice you haven't even gone soft once.” I had to laugh as well.

“Yeah, well, neither have you. I'm almost ready to get out and go get back into a nice thick baby diaper. Are we going out anywhere, can I get into my thicker diaper?”

“Same here, and that's what I was planning.”


“Lets dive in the pool to cool down and close our pores, then it's off to the shower to give a quick wash in cool water.”


We did exactly that, and Ashton must be used to the shock, because he never made a sound as we entered the water. Finally we went and cleaned off, and headed upstairs to go get diapered. We exited our bedrooms only a few minutes later, both in super thick diapers, both of us already slightly soggy.

“I see you had to go pee pee and wet your baby diaper.” I said.

“You too.” He grinned.

“Wanna go down and play in the games room 'til dinner time?”


For the next three hours, we played games and had a lot of fun. When it was time for dinner, we went up and made and ate our dinner. I was still sitting at the table when Ashton developed a massive blush, and then excused himself, saying he had to go to the bathroom.

I knew instantly that that was not his issue. Not only had he already gone, but he would not have blushed like that. I knew, without a doubt, that Ashton would be exiting his bedroom with erection poked out the front of his diaper, and probably his little baby bum prepared for anything and everything.

Next: Chapter 3

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