Becoming an X Man

By Aaron Jones

Published on Aug 2, 2003


This is (obviously) a work of fiction. Any events even remotely resembling real-life are purely co-incidental. If homosexual relationships aren't your thing, then I suggest you turn back now. This story is (c) Take it and be plagued with guilt.

This first chapter is more of development and background than anything else. But that will come soon hereafter.

Professor Xavier, Storm, Cyclops, Iceman, Rogue, Jean Gray, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Magneto, Toad, Sabertooth and Mystique are all (c)Marvel Comics.

"Aryk? ARYK! Quick, Samantha, get him out of here!" cried a faint voice in the dark.

"Uncle John? JOHN! Where are you? What's happening?" screamed a young boy with tears streaming down his face.

"Aryk, come with me, we need to get you out of here before..."

"JOHN!!" yelled Aryk, jolting from his sleep and sitting up, drenched in a cold sweat. Panting, he looked around his small room. Everything was the same. Nothing was out of order. Just a dream, another bad dream.

"Aryk? Aryk, are you okay?" came a voice outside his door.

"Yeah, Sam. I just had another nightmare."

A spry, elderly woman opened the door. She was wearing a dark blue night robe and had a class of water in her hands. "Here, have a drink," She said, handing the now-eighteen-year-old young man the large class in her hands. He gratefully took it and drank it all.

"Why do I keep having these nightmares? It's been happening for nearly two months now, and I feel completely drained when I wake up from them." He sighed.

"Aryk, it's because you feel party responsible for what happened, and..."

"Well, I am! I could have saved them all but.."

"AND you shouldn't. It was not your fault. You didn't know what you could do, you didn't know you could save them so you have to stop blaming yourself!"

"But I could save you!" he yelled, frustrated.

The woman hesitated. "Aryk, I've been thinking. I'm not sure that living in the outback is the right place for you. I've been talking to an old friend of mine in America, and he says that he knows a place where you can stay and you can learn to fully utilize your powers and live with other kids who also have special abilities. At least think about it," she said, seeing the scurrilous look in his eyes. She kissed him on the forehead, wished him goodnight and left the room. He grabbed a clean, dry sheet and slipped back into his bed.

Aryk thought a lot that night, and didn't fall asleep until the bright orange sun peeked up over the horizon. He thought about his powers, how he was a mutant. He could manipulate time and had some other fringe powers, but they were never very much use. The only other mutant he ever knew was Samantha. Her ability to make anything grow explained why she had been hired as a gardener at... at the old mansion. He thought about his other secret. The one that he hadn't even told Samantha about; That he was gay. He slipped into a restless sleep where that night played over and over again.

It was near midnight when a powerful hurricane struck the mansion where he lived. He was only twelve, and lived with his late father's distant cousin. His mother died in a boating accident when he was six, and his father killed himself soon after because he was so depressed. He loved his Uncle, but the one person who he felt like he shared an unbreakable bond with was Samantha. He felt that she was the grandmother he never got to meet. The winds were very strong, much stronger than any hurricane that had hit Sydney in over seventy-five years. The top floor of the mansion was ripped from the rest of the building. Only Aryk and Samantha slept on the floor below. Aryk had woken up and was screaming for Samantha when she burst through the door. She picked Aryk up in her arms and moved for the exit when a large slab of stone began flying right at them. Samantha was paralyzed with fear, but Aryk, without thinking, reached out and focused on the stone. It seemed to slow down. Everything did. It became dead silent and Samantha shook herself out of her trance.

"Aryk... but how? Never mind, we've got to get out of here!" she rushed down the stairs and out the door, heading for the small fallout shelter near the garden.

"Sammy? What's happening?" asked Aryk, tears forming in his eyes.

"Don't worry, doll, everything will be alright."

He looked out of the window and saw something strange. Something... someone was floating in the distance. Lightening flashed, but all Aryk could make out was long, white hair.

Aryk woke up the next morning feeling stiff and uncomfortable. He looked at the clock. It read 8:00, meaning he only had four hours of sleep. He got out of bed and looked in the small mirror on his wall. He was a very attractive young man. He had shaggy, very dark blonde hair and perfectly gray eyes. His body was well muscled and very lean from running in the hot, sweltering Australian outback. He pulled a shirt over his head and pulled on a pair of shorts, and left his room for the kitchen.

"Good morning, Aryk, did you sleep well?" Samantha asked him and he entered the small kitchen.

"No, not really. But I'll get by," he said with a small grin.

"I'm glad," she chuckled. "Aryk, this is Professor Charles Xavier. He's from the institute I told you about last night." Aryk let out an involuntary sigh.

"Good morning, Mr. Jackson." The man in the wheelchair had a very dignified voice. He stuck out his hand.

"Good morning, Professor. Er.. please excuse my current state, I just woke up." The old man laughed and shook his head.

"Don't worry young man, you look better than most of my students do at the end of the day. Your friend Samantha here called one of my instructors last night, Ororo Monroe, and told us about you. We would love for you to come and join us at our school for gifted youngsters."

"Aren't I a bit old for school?" Aryk asked, taking a large gulp of orange juice.

"Not at all. We have many students your age. And besides, the school aspect of the institute is simply a fa^Çade. The main purpose is to help young mutants like yourself learn to control and strengthen their gifts."

Aryk looked at him for a moment. Then he looked at Samantha. Her face was stone. He hated when she did that, it was always impossible for him to read her emotions. He looked back at the professor. "When would I have to leave?"

"Well, if you wanted to, you could leave right now. I have a small private jet plane just outside. It's entirely up to you."

He hesitated. Letting out a big sigh, he turned to Samantha.

"And you're okay with this? I mean, what about your own powers?"

She smiled. "I was once a student of Charles. He taught me to control them at all times. He's a wonderful man, Aryk. And his intentions are very pure. I think this is the best thing for you. And plus, you have no friends here! In America you would be constantly surrounded by kids your own age."

"I have you!" he said emphatically.

"Aryk," she laughed, "you need kids your own age. I really think you should go Aryk. I'll be fine here on my own."

Aryk heaved another sigh. "Alright, professor. I'll come. Just give me some time to pack, and I'll be ready in a little while."

In his room, Aryk had all of this clothes packed into a large suitcase. He filled a couple of small boxes with personal belongings and brought them out to a small jet that was resting outside of the house.

"Professor, is there anywhere to surf where we are going?" he asked.

"I'm sure we can find somewhere." He said, suddenly tilting his head. "Aryk, I'm sorry but I must ask you to hurry, there is a slight emergency back at the institute." He turned and wheeled his way back onto the jet.

"How does he know about an emergency?" Aryk asked quizzically.

"Charles is the most powerful telepathic mutant in the world. There are other telepaths at the school, so they contact him with ease." Samantha answered, exiting the house with Aryk's long, orange surfboard. She handed it over to him.

"Good luck, doll. I know you'll do great things there. Just don't forget about me."

Aryk gave her a tight hug. "How could I ever forget about you? You were like a grandmother to me. No, more like a mother. I love you, Sam."

"I love you too Aryk. Have fun!" Aryk walked up the ramp and secured himself in the jet seat. He watched out the window as Sam became smaller and smaller. The soft rumbling of the jet made him drowsy, and he soon fell into a soft, dreamless sleep.

End of chapter one. I know it's nothing too fun yet, but what do you think? Any and all comments are appreciated. I'll get right on to working onto Chapter two if there is enough positive feedback:

Next: Chapter 2

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