Before Seattle

By Billy Jay Dee

Published on Oct 6, 2004


A new adventure based on the true experiences of a married bisexual man

By Billy Jay Dee

I looked forward to flying to Seattle. It had been a long time since I'd seen any man-on-man action. Probably a month since Sam had asked me to whip it out. "Watch the video," he encouraged as he rolled the head of my cock around in his mouth. How hot is that? Brazilian porn stars performing for me while a volunteer fireman blows me. But, that had been a while ago.

I never make dates the first night in town because you can't depend on Alaskan weather to cooperate with travel plans. So, that left me free to run to the Eagle for a quick beer. Not a whole lot going on there on a Thursday night. So, I was off to Club Z.

What a great night. It was non-stop action. I barely got out of the locker room before things started happening.

When I first walked into the locker room, I was surprised at the number of guys there this early in the evening. The ones that particularly caught my attention as I stripped were an older guy and two friends. The older guy was probably 60, average build and appearance. A head of white hair and black eyebrows. He seemed friendly, but not particularly interested in me.

Meanwhile the two friends were dressing near me. Bronzed, beefy guys enjoying the easy conversation of good friends. It made me miss Andy. We haven't had a chance to hang out much lately. They also made me think of my date for Saturday. Mike and Dave were a pair of carrot-topped tops I was supposed to meet at CC Attles on Saturday.

My dick was starting to twitch.

I hit the showers. To cut the chill afterwards, I took advantage of the sauna. I passed the older guy with the black eyebrows on the way. In the sauna was a guy about 50, friendly, privates barely concealed by his towel, fine body covered in a light layer of blonde hair. His smiling face was crowned in pompadour style with a pile of blonde hair.

He started stroking himself as soon as we began to talk. So, you can probably understand how I didn't notice when the OG w/BE snuck in. I finally had to ask blondie if I could help him with that.

"Sure!" he said.

And the weekend began!

Next: Chapter 2

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