Before Your Love

By Franklin Pasko

Published on Nov 13, 2002


Note To Readers: Well, here is the second chapter. I hope you enjoy this one too. It's not that long as some of the other chapters of the other stories on here, but some of the other chapters will be longer than this one. Enjoy!

My 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hour classes, went by fine. I really like my 4th hour psychology teacher, Ms. Williams.

She has got to be the most sweetest and most hillarious teacher I have ever had. I sat in 4th hour, waiting for 5th hour to come. When the bell rang at the end of 4th hour, I practically ran out the door. I couldn't wait to see Sean. I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, but it's really hard not to, especially when the guy is so beautiful. I know I sound kinda cheesy, ahh, oh well. I get into the lunch line. A few seconds later, Sean and Mya come running up behind me. "Sean, don't bump into Jason again!" Mya says laughing at him. "I'm not going to." Sean says as he pats me on the back. The warmth of Sean's touch, makes me quiver inside. I could melt right now. We get into the cafeteria, and sit down. As we start eating our lunch, another guy and what appears to be his girlfriend, come to the table. "Hey you two," Mya says. "Who are you?" the guy asks.

"I'm Jason. I just moved here from albany, new york." I reply. "Hi. Well, my name is Kyle and this is my girlfriend, Erica" he says, as they both take their seats at the table. We all continue to talk about various things as we sit at the table, eating what the school calls a "sub." It's basically, just a piece of turkey in a hotdog bun. Yummy. hahaha. As we are sitting there talking, I find that they all seem pretty cool. My mom was right about me meeting alot of new friends. Mothers are always right it seems. Just before the bell rings to signal the end of the lunch period, Sean asks me "what class do you have next?" "Oh, I have nutrition next hour and then I have choir 7th hour" I reply. "Oh cool! I have those classes also!" Sean says with abit of a enthusiastic voice. I'm probably just imagining it though. The bell rings, and we all say our goodbyes. Sean walks with me to my locker. He just stands there, watching me get my things from my locker.

God, he looks so handsome. "Don't you have to get your stuff too?" I ask him. "No, i'm cool" he says, as he continues to watch me. We walk into 6th hour together.

"You can sit next to me" Sean says, pulling a seat out for me. "Thanks" I reply. "Alright class. Today, we will be making homemade chicken soup. Who would like to volunteer? You may have one partner." Sean raises his hand. "Alright, Sean. Who are you going to work with?" the teacher asks him. "I'm going to work with Jason" he replies, looking at me. This should be interesting.

Cooking with the man that I can't stop looking at. You know, that should be the title of a cookbook. Hahaha. It was fun cooking with Sean. He made me laugh alot. The teacher, Mrs. Carlton, and the rest of the class really liked it, the soup I mean. hahaha. After 6th hour, Sean and I go into choir together. There is a substitute teacher today. Sean says that, she was the sub a few times before and she is really ditz. We didn't do much in choir. Me and Sean, got to talk more. "Do you wanna come over to my house after school today?" Sean asks. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll call my mom from your house and tell her."

"Alright. Mya, is gonna be there too. You can just ride my bus there." Sean says. This is awesome, i'm going over to his house! Totally cool, I tell myself. After 7th hour, me and Sean, meet up with Mya. "Jason, is coming over too." Sean says to Mya. "Ok cool. Hey Jason, you'll be able to see Sean play his guitar. He really sucks at it though." Mya says, laughing. "I do not!" Sean quickly says, giving Mya a playful punch to the arm. We get on the bus, to go Sean's house. Alittle while later, we are at Sean's house. "My parents aren't home," Sean says, looking at the empty driveway. "You guys can go into my room and wait, because I have to take Lucy outside." Sean says. Lucy, is Sean's german shepard dog.

She is soo cute. Me and Mya, go into Sean's room. As I walk in, I can immediately smell Sean. He really does smell good. I look at the posters he has on the wall, of the bands New Found Glory, Blink 182, Green Day, and Sum 41. Me and Mya, both sit on Sean's bed. Mya looks at me and asks, "Jason, do you have a crush on Sean?" I give her a weird look. "What makes you think that?" I ask.

"Well, you keep looking at him and everything. I mean, I don't care if your gay or whatever. You can tell me." Mya says, with her hand on my shoulder. I look down at the floor, not saying anything. About a minute later, I look up at her and say, "Yeah, i'am gay and I do like Sean." She has abit of a smile on her face. "Jason, you know what? Sean likes you too. He told me so at school today. He wasn't sure if you were gay or not." Did I just hear that? I must be dreaming. Sean's gay and he likes me?

Woohoo!!! I start smiling. "Your so cute when you blush!" Mya says to me. A few minutes later, Sean walks in and plops down on his bed next to us. "Sean," Mya says,"Jason knows and he's gay too." Sean sits up and just looks at me with those blue eyes of his. I wonder what he's thinking. After a brief period of silence, Sean says to me, "I didn't know what to say to you. I mean, I didn't wanna come out and tell you that that I liked you because, it is your first day here and I didn't know how you would take it." I say to him, with a slight blush on my face, "Thats ok. I didn't know want to say anything either. Did you notice that I was looking at you alot?"

"Yeah I did," Sean says laughing, "but, it's ok." "Does anyone in school know what your gay?" I ask him. "No. No one else does." he says. Me, Mya, and Sean all sit there continuing to just talk to each other. I take a look at Sean's clock. It's 4:30pm. "Sean, I have to go now" I say, not really wanting to go. "Oh you do? Hey, whats your number, so I can call you later." Sean says, getting up from his bed. I wrote my number down on a piece of paper, and handed it to him. "Can I use your phone to call my mom?" I ask Sean. "Sure, it's right over there next to my bed." he says pointing to it. I call my mom, and tell her the directions to Sean's house. I stand outside waiting for my mom. Sean and Mya, wait with me. Alittle while later, my mom pulls up. "Bye you guys." I say to them.

"Bye," they both say. I get into my mom's car. I look out the window, to see Sean smiling at me, just before he turns to go inside. I feel so good inside right now. I could just burst with happiness. "Did you have fun?" My mom asks. "Yes, I did. You were right about me finding new friends on the first day." I say to her, with a joyful tone to my voice. "See! I told you." My mom looks at me smiling. As my mom is driving home, I sit there thinking to myself that I'm really going to enjoy it here.

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