Bellus Cinaedus

Published on Apr 19, 2022


Bellus Cinaedus Chapter 2

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I use an anonymous name and an alternate email because some of the themes and situations in this story could easily be misconstrued if the reader didn't understand that this is a fantasy. I welcome suggestions from readers, but I am usually a few chapters ahead of what's been published.

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What This Story Is About

This is a story about a teen living in Eburacum Britannia in the year 100 AD. His father's family died out with him, leaving Quintus Curtius Bellus without a patron other than his poor mother. To survive she married a wealthy freedman in town and the teen Bellus falls under his power.

I have kept the historical details of the story as close as possible to reality without sacrificing the narrative. There is a list of characters and a Latin glossary at the end of the story for those who want or need it.

It is my intention to publish a chapter of this story every 2-4 weeks. I needed to add diversity to my writing as most of what I've written has been in the College Magic Cycle (which is ongoing and gets a new published chapter every week).

Author's Notes

·        I am only 2 chapters ahead of publication on each of the stories in the College Magic Cycle, so I will be posting 1 chapter per week in this cycle until I can pull 3+ chapters ahead again. I will be posting some standalone stories that I've been working on as I revise them. They will appear in different subcategories, so I will try to put links in this section of all my stories until such time as NIFTY sees fit to add me to the author pages.

·        My darker story Elf Master is part of the college magic cycle. If you aren't into heavier BDSM, you may want to skip that story. Other than sharing some background characters, that story does not intertwine with My Roomate the Alchemist and Wishcraft_._

·        The Pack storyline is now running. This storyline involves the werewolves on campus.

·        My Stories

o   College Magic

o   Jack and the Giant

o   Sacred Submissives

o   Bellus Cinaedus

o   Guardian Angel

Bellus Cinaedus Chapter 2

The month before the death of Quintus's mother saw many changes in his life. With his mother getting weaker, he seldom saw her. And when he did, she lay in her bed, pale and unmoving, surrounded by her nervous slave women. He remembered that she had been ill during each of her failed pregnancies after he had been born, and he'd heard the stories about how his own birth had almost killed his mother. He wished she weren't doing this now for Trebonius. He needed her.

Quintus couldn't have spoken to her about his predicament even if it wouldn't have been too embarrassing for him. He couldn't even lie in the bed next to her and hug her for fear of revealing his erection to her. He was always erect these days. He was torn between his desire to have men touch him and use him and his upbringing that told him that it was okay for slaves and members of lesser races to be penetrated but Roman men never submitted to other men.

When his father Aulus Curtius Bellus had died, Sabellia had been forced to stop paying for his education because she couldn't afford the lessons with the rhetor who was teaching him oratory skills it was becoming increasingly unlikely he would ever need. Now he had training of a different kind. Instead of exercising his mind, he was exercising his body. Albus had turned the guest room next door to Quintus's room into a workout room where the teen was made to stretch and to perform exercises designed to tighten his muscles without making them bulky. And instead of training his mouth for oratory, he was training it to give oral pleasure.

He was lying on his bed, holding his legs up toward his chest. Young Eburnus held a leather phallos in his hands and he was inserting it into Quintus's mouth, pushing it back into his throat until the teen gagged and choked. Then he would pull it out of the throat but leave in Quintus's mouth, until the choking stopped before pushing it back inside. He held it longer each time.

"You can do it master," Eburnus said. "I used to choke on a phallos when I was younger, but I learned to take the whole thing without choking by my eleventh birthday."

Eburnus had been born a slave and had been trained from his earliest days to understand that his beauty meant that he would always be serving men. He remembered that eleventh birthday (just two years ago) when Trebonius had held him and fondled his little balls and squeezed them for an hour, debating whether to have them removed or to keep him whole. At the time, they had hurt so much from Trebonius's rough handling that he wouldn't have minded having them removed, but now that he was just beginning to shoot his seed, he was glad that Trebonius had decided to let him keep them.

Meanwhile, Albus sat on the bed and slowly thrust three fingers inside Quintus's anus. He was using plenty of olive oil and was slowly stretching the teen's hole by pushing his fingers apart. This had happened every day, and Quintus knew that the next step was for Albus to use two fingers from each hand to stretch his hole by pulling it open.

Eburnus was now inserting the leather phallos far enough that Quintus couldn't breathe. He held it until the teen thought he was going to pass out, then he pulled it out far enough for Quintus to catch his breath but pushed it back in as soon as the teen had done so. Albus had moved on to gently stroking that magic spot inside Quintus' rectum that made the teen's penis throb and ooze. Sometimes his seed would flow from his penis and sometimes, like today it didn't.

"That's enough for this morning," Albus said, withdrawing his fingers. "We'll stretch you many times before dinner."

Quintus felt an emptiness in his ass, and his penis felt like it could explode with the slightest touch. His hand moved down to touch it, Albus slapped it away. "Please Albus, please let me stroke it," he begged.

"No Cinaedus," the tutor said. "The master has given strict instructions that you are not to touch yourself."

"I need to cum, Albus," Quintus whined. "It's been three days and I haven't cum. You keep stopping just before I can."

Albus ran a finger down his charge's chest, and then toyed with his belly button, making his squirm. "You don't need to cum," he said. "You want to cum. There's a difference. If you needed to cum, you would. We're training your body to understand that it receives its pleasure from your boy holes, not from your little cocklet."

Then Albus slapped Quintus's face, hard enough to be more than a pat, but not hard enough to leave a mark. "Get up now Cinaedus," he demanded. "You can't lie around all day enjoying your training, the master wants to see you."

Quintus knew better than to argue with Albus. Although a slave, Albus had been made Quintus's tutor and he had the authority to enforce his will with the baculum he carried as a symbol of his power over his charge. The rod was two feet long and an inch thick. It was like the overseer's baculum, but somewhat shorter and thinner. Both were designed to show authority, but the tutor's baculum was the right size and thickness for swatting the thighs or buttocks of students, while the overseer's baculum was perfect for striking the backs of slaves who were too lazy or slow in their work. And Albus's baculum was rounded on one end and could be inserted into his charge's anus if he found it necessary.

Eburnus had pulled a tunic from the wardrobe and approached his seated master. Although Albus often had the younger slave help him in training Quintus, he was still officially the teen's personal slave attendant. He lay the tunic on the bed and pulled out subligaria. Quintus had been denied the use of a loincloth for the last week, so he was glad to have something to keep his erection from showing. But these weren't the subligaria he was used to wearing. There was a triangular panel in the front that formed a pouch, and the backside wasn't a solid piece of cloth, but was two straps that passed under the cheeks of his butt and fasted on the waistband at the side instead of the back. It was the subligaria worn by all the attractive younger male slaves in the house. It marked them as _voluptuarii_¸ pleasure slaves.

Eburnus tied the subligaria tight, but with bows that could be undone with a single pull. Then he pulled the tunic over his master's head and asked him to stand. It was an attractive, blue tunic that came to the midpoint of the thigh, short but not short enough to be truly scandalous. It was narrower than the tunics Quintus was used to, but the sides were slit almost to the waist allowing greater mobility. And the neck formed a deep vee than went to his solar plexus. It was designed to be tied closed with ribbons, but his slave hadn't done so. Eburnus cinched the tunic around the waist with a belt of thickly woven cloth.

"You look very pretty today Cinaedus," Albus said. He used the less common word for pretty, bellus rather than pulcher_,_ so that his statement was a play on the family cognomen. "The master will be pleased."

Albus slid his baculum under the hem of Quintus's tunic and pressed gently against his anus. "Let's go Cinaedus," he said.

The first time that Albus had done this, Quintus had objected and jumped out of the way. And Albus had given him twenty strokes of the baculum to his butt and told him that he was not allowed to object to him or the master touching him in any way they wanted. It was a lesson he'd learned well."

Quintus had been moved to a larger room on the second floor overlooking the garden, so they had to walk into the house proper to get to Trebonius's study. None of the slaves paid any attention to him, even though he was dressed in an outfit much too revealing for a freeborn boy of a good family. Some of them averted their eyes, but that the extent of their reaction.

Albus knocked on the door to the study and waited for a response before bringing Quintus inside. Trebonius was seated behind a desk, reading a scroll. He looked up when the three teens came into the room, giving Quintus an appraising look. "Come here, Bellus," he said, gesturing to the spot beside his chair.

Quintus walked over with some trepidation. It was Trebonius's touch that had started him down the path he was on. The older man, a friend of Quintus's father and now his mother's husband, had always felt free to touch him inappropriately, and it was his touch that aroused Quintus enough to make him forget his modesty and behave like a cinaedus in front of a guest, the wealthy slave trader Lollius.

Trebonius slid a hand under Quintus's tunic and squeezed his small cock through his subligaria. The cloth was so thin that it almost felt like the older man's hand was touching his bare genitals. Trebonius then slid his hand between the teen's legs and stroked his anus with a single large finger. "Good work, Albus," he said. "This little cinaedus has learned that he has no control over his own body. It exists for the pleasure of men and his role is to submit passively to whatever attentions they choose to give him."

Trebonius slid his thick finger inside Quintus's anus without resistance and prodded the hard little nut of his prostate, making him gasp and making his small cock spill a little seed in his subligaria. Then he pulled it out and stuck it inside Quintus's mouth. And Quintus sucked the finger while Trebonius spoke to him.

"Tonight, I'm going to have another important guest. Albus will give you specific instructions and you are to follow them to the letter. Any failure on your part will be dealt with severely," he said. "Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Trebonius," Quintus replied.

Trebonius nodded and asked, "You do still want to be a good cinaedus, don't you, to feel a man bring you to orgasm such as you've never experienced before?

"Yes, Trebonius," he replied. Then he nervously added, "No one will know, will they, Trebonius? I don't want anyone knowing what I'm doing. It would kill my mother to know."

"Your mother will never know," he said. "Just this morning one of your mother's slaves tried to disturb her rest with her wagging tongue. As a lesson to the other slaves, I sold her to Lollius. He will make sure that she is kept occupied in a brothel he owns in Vindolanda on the frontier. She can service the Batavii in the 9th cohort. Her tongue can wag there until it falls out since most of the men don't speak much Latin.

Trebonius stared deeply into Quintus's eyes and spoke directly. "There is no length to which I will got to keep this program of yours a secret. And now we understand one another."

He lifted his tunic and pulled his large cock out of his subligaria. It was already hard. He pulled Quintus back against him and slid inside his warm rectum. Quintus cried out in pain, but Albus and Eburnus had been stretching him for days in preparation for this moment, so there was little resistance.

"I wanted to wait and make a ceremony of you taking your first cock," he grunted, "but plans change. I want your ass to show signs of heavy use tonight. My guest won't know who you are, but I want him to think you're an experienced spintria_,_ a hole for the pleasure of men. So, you will practice today until you can play the part."

"Yes Trebonius," Quintus whimpered. His little cock was leaking a steady stream and his balls were tightening. His body was aroused by the feeling the cock moving in his ass and his mind was excited by the thought of being a treated like a whore.

Trebonius took hold of Quintus's narrow hips and lifted him until only the head of his cock remained lodged in his anus, then he slid him back down until his round butt pressed against his groin. "Does it feel good, Cinaedus? Does it feel good to have a man's cock, filling your bottom, making you less than a man, just a hole, a spintria, to be used for a man's pleasure?"

Quintus allowed his pleasure to overcome his sense and he cried, "Yes Trebonius. I never knew that this was what I wanted, but there is nothing that has ever made me feel so good."

"Are you a hole, Cinaedus?" Trebonius asked. "Are you nothing more than a hole for men's pleasure?"

"Yes Trebonius," Quintus yelled. "I'm nothing but for a hole for a man's cock. It's all I want to be."

Trebonius leaned forward and whispered in his wife's son's ear, "And I have wanted to have my cock inside you for years, boy. And now we are both going to get our deepest desires."

Then he kissed Quintus's neck and bit him gently on the earlobe. He was so close that his balls were tightening, and his shaft was filling with his seed. He'd wanted this boy from the moment he'd seen his slender little body beneath his modest boyish tunic. He'd come so close to acquiring him from his hapless and unlucky father, and then he'd failed. But the father had laid the seeds of his success, seeds that were soon to be sprouting.

"Clamp your hole on my cock, my pretty cinaedus," he said. "I'm going to plant my seed deep inside you. It's like food and water to a cinaedus like you, necessary for you to grow into the best little whore you can be."

Quintus clamped down on Trebonius's cock. He relaxed his anus and allowed himself to slide down the man's cock, then he clamped down as he rose. Falling into a pattern, he could feel his own orgasm approaching. His shaft tightened and he spilled his seed in his subligaria.

"Please plant your seed inside me, Dom...," Quintus began and then bit his tongue, his skin reddening.

Trebonius smiled at the slip and urged him on. "It's okay to say it, especially when we're alone. You know you want to. Say it again, only finish the phrase this time."

Quintus's knees were shaking, and his little cock was pulsing inside his subligaria. "Please plant your seed inside me, Dominus," he yelled as his orgasm overwhelmed him. He felt so dirty. A freeborn Roman calling another man master was unheard of, but the humiliation of the act drove him over the edge.

"I'm cumming, Dominus!" he cried. "Your cock is pushing my seed out of my balls with every thrust."

Hearing the adolescent youth submitting so completely to him and feeling his soft anus squeezing his cock so hard caused his shaft to contract and force its full load of seed deep inside the boy. He grabbed Quintus's hips and pulled him tight, driving deeper into his ass and holding him there while he unloaded. He felt like he was claiming the boy now, making him his own. At that moment he determined that he would own this boy. The plans, once laid as a mere contingency, were ready. If Sabellia gave him a living heir, especially if it were a son, he would take that as a sign that he should proceed, consequences be damned. And if she died without producing an heir, he would still proceed. And tonight, would be another weight on the scale bringing his plan to fruition.

He pulled Quintus off his cock, snapped his fingers, and pointed at his slimy cock. Quintus knelt and took the powerful member in his mouth. He tasted olive oil and Trebonius's seed, with only the faintest muskiness of his anus and he was glad that Albus insisted that he remain clean inside, ready for penetration at any time or place.

Trebonius addressed Albus and said, "You've done a good job training him so far. I want him to take as much cock as you can find time for before dinner. Clean him again two hours before dinner and then continue the training. I want him dripping with seed when the time comes."

Quintus's ears were burning, but the idea of dripping with the cum of many men sent a wave of weakness flowing through him. So long as Trebonius kept his secret, he thought he would face no consequence for his shameful actions. It was a game to him, and since he was inexperienced with the world, still a few weeks shy of his 15th birthday, he had no idea how he was planting the seeds of his own fall.

Albus opened a drawer and pulled out a thick plug with a slender neck. "Bend over the desk, Cinaedus," he demanded."

When the youth complied, Albus oiled the plug and slid it inside. "This will hold the seed inside you so that you can absorb it into your hungry bottom," he said.

As the three youths were preparing to leave the room, Trebonius called out quietly, "From now on Cinaedus, you must call me dominus when we are alone."

"Yes ... Dominus," Quintus replied, his anus twitching around the plug.

Albus took him to an empty room on the lower floor and gave him a half mask to cover the upper portion of his face. "No one will see your face little cinaedus," he said. The he lied, as his master had instructed, "No one will know who you are. They will think you a slave procured for their pleasure if you can remember your part. Be subservient and call every man dominus as if they were freeborn instead of slave."

Quintus was terrified of being found out, but he had felt the satisfaction of a man inside him, and he wanted more. Pretending to be a slave was exciting and so long as his anonymity could be assured, he saw no reason not to play the game. He was kneeling on the bed, naked, his ass exposed. A pile of pillows beneath him was covered with a blanket and it supported his abdomen. He waited in that position, Eburnus kneeling behind him, pulling the plug partially out and then pushing it back in.

Albus was talking to four of the slaves working in the garden. They were leaning on their hoes and listening with rapt attention. "You can't be serious," one of them said, a squat and muscular Syrian named Aras who looked out of place next to the three Germans who were with him.

"I am," Albus said. "What am I to do? When the young master gives me an order, I must do it. He told me to tell everyone that he had purchased a prostitute for the men and that he wants every slave here to fuck him."

"But it's not really a slave?" one of the Germans asked.

Albus gave a conspiratorial whisper. "No, it's not," he said. "It's the son of the master's wife, the very young master who commanded me. He's pretending to be a slave because he wants to get fucked by as many men as possible. And he may not be the master, but he will be able to make all our lives miserable if we don't do what he wants."

"So, we go into the room, and we fuck him," Aras said. "And we pretend to think he's a slave."

"Those were his orders," Albus replied. "He wants to see how many cocks he can take in one day. So, we need everyone to fuck him as many times as they can. The more cocks he gets, the happier he will be, and the happier he is, the more he will reward us. Just don't forget that he can't know that you know who he is."

The four slaves got broad smiles on their faces. They had seen the boy and knew that he was cute. And how often did slaves get an opportunity to fuck a boy like that. Freeborn boys and the master's pleasure boys were off limits to the likes of them unless they were supervisors, and amongst these four only Aras held that status. They took very little persuading before they headed for the room in question, and Albus went to find other slaves. There were 12 in the house, not including the girls and the pleasure boys, and he intended to ask them all, even the old doorkeeper who kept watch at night.

When the first four slaves came into the room, Eburnus pulled the plug out of Quintus's ass. "This the prostitute the master purchased for us?" Aras asked.

"Yes," Eburnus said with a forced smile. He liked the young master and didn't like to see him tricked. Several times while they were waiting, he'd almost whispered to his young master that Albus was planning something behind his back. He didn't know what it was, but Albus was a partner in Trebonius's plans. He'd been the master's delicatus, and he's been closer to the master since he promoted to the master's assistant.

Aras took advantage of his position as leader of the gardeners. He approached and slid a finger inside the boy's ass. It felt warm and smooth, and the seed Trebonius had left there made it moist. He nodded and slapped the boy's ass hard enough to leave a red mark. "We have the best master in the city, boys," he said. "Not every master would buy us such a pretty whore."

He climbed up onto the bed and lifted his tunic. Then he pulled his cock out of his subligaria and pressed against the boy's hole. "I'm going to fuck you deep you little whore."

"Please Dominus, fuck me deep and hard," Quintus said, hoping his voice wouldn't betray his identity. That was unlikely because he was a quiet boy who hardly ever spoke to any of the slaves.

He felt the pressure against his hole. This slave had a thick cock. He could feel the blunt tip pressing against his anus. He pushed out to ease the penetration, but he'd been stretched a lot over the last three days and there was little resistance. He gasped a little as the slave slid inside him, but it wasn't as painful as he feared it would be.

"I'll fuck his mouth," the biggest German said, moving around to the front of the bed.

"No!" Eburnus called out. "The master wants to see how many cocks the boy can take in his ass. And we don't want to make the master mad."

Aras smiled at the little slave's slip of the tongue. It was the master Trebonius then who had arranged this treat then, not the little master Curtius as Albus had said. He filed this information aways should it ever become important. The master was acting as pimp the freeborn boy, the son of his own wife. This was an act in violation of Roman law and virtue.

Cerdix the German went dejectedly to the other side of the bed and pushed his way in front of the line. The stocky Syrian was fucking Quintus hard now, slamming deep and pulling out, then slamming in again. Quintus was bouncing his butt back against his groin, enjoying the attention. Aras came quickly and then moved around to the front of the bed.

"He took my seed in his ass; now the whore can clean my cock," he said. "There's nothing a whore loves better than to suck a cock that's been in his ass. Isn't that true little whore?"

He patted Quintus's face while he was talking, and the adolescent nodded his head, unwilling to speak too much for fear that his voice would be recognized. Quintus opened his mouth and took the slave's cock inside. He sucked the shaft clean and then sucked the remaining cum from the inside of the slave's cock.

Meanwhile Cerdix the German was pounding the boy's ass. When the Syrian left, he saw another two slaves coming from the kitchen. He went back to the garden to wait for his team. He had no idea what this was about, but he wasn't going to say anything. If, as seemed likely, the master was behind this pretense, he obviously wanted it kept secret. If it was happening behind the master's back, he didn't want to be the one to bring him the bad news. He smiled because the boy's ass had felt smooth and silky. He was starting to get hard again. Fortuna favors the bold, he thought, and went back over to get in line again.

Quintus was enjoying the attention. After a few men had dropped their load inside him, his cock was leaking a steady stream. Most of the men weren't expert fuckers like Trebonius and they weren't hitting that special place inside him, but he was getting enough stimulation that his erection was throbbing. After the eighth man had fucked him in succession, Quintus was feeling pain in his anus from the constant rubbing. After the twelfth man he felt pain more than pleasure and his erection was wilting. That would have been the last of them, but several had come around for seconds.

Quintus was sobbing by time the line had ended and Albus came back to help him up. It hurt to walk and pink stained cum was running down his legs. The stronger youth picked Quintus up and carried him to the bath. He gently cleaned the boy's ass with warm water, then held him while he expelled as much seed as he could.

"I feel like they tore me up back there," Quintus cried against Albus's chest.

"You've been used hard, but you'll be fine," Albus said. "Your anus is swollen and puffy and it's a little pink, but it will heal. For tonight, however, Dominus wants your ass to look and feel like a pair of swollen pussy lips. We'll give you a chance to heal tomorrow, and maybe the next day."

"I don't want to be fucked anymore," Quintus cried. "I don't want to be a cinaedus."

Albus pulled him into the hot pool and held him on his lap. "But you can't stop being a cinaedus," he said, kissing the boy's temples. "You are a cinaedus. You were a cinaedus before you were fucked because it's your nature. But don't worry; tonight, you're only going to be fucked by two more men."

"My anus hurts too much, Albus," Quintus pleaded. "I can't do it tonight."

"Shh, I'll be the first of the two," he said, "and I'm going to show you how good it can feel when you have a gentle lover who wants to treat you like the delicate flower you are. The other won't be so gentle, but I doubt he will treat you like a whore. He's a nice man if a little stern. I've been with him."

"I forgot that you were ... like me," Quintus murmured.

Albus laughed a little. "I'm not a cinaedus, like you," he said. "You need to submit to men because you feel pleasure in your submission as much as in the sex act itself. I'm a man who likes to have sex with other men and boys, but I don't need to submit. I enjoy being the penetrator as much as I enjoy being penetrated.

When I was younger, I was the favorite, the delicatus, of my master and I enjoyed the attention. But I was only Eburnus's age when I started to look at other boys and think of taking them. Have you ever wanted to stick your little penis inside another man or boy, or even a girl? Or do you long only to serve other men, to take them inside you?"

Quintus started crying and shaking in Albus's arms. He understood Albus's words. In no fantasy of his had he ever dreamed of taking another boy. He'd always dreamed of being taken. "I am a cinaedus," he cried. "You're right about me. When men tell me to do something, I want to do it."

"It's okay Bellus," Albus said. "You shouldn't feel shame about being a cinaedus. No matter what you've learned while growing up. Eburnus is a cinaedus too, and I love both of you, and so does Trebonius in his way. Stop trying to make decisions. Just do what we tell you. And stop feeling shame for being who you are."

"I'll try Albus," Quintus said. "It's not easy. What kind of life do you think I'm going to have? For a Roman, being a cinaedus is the worst thing. How will I get along in a world where everything is based on reputation, and my reputation will be worthless?"

"Don't worry, Bellus Cinaedus," Albus said. "Let the men in your life figure that out for you."

Then Albus held out his other arm and gestured for Eburnus to slide in on his other side. Soon he had a pretty cinaedus on either side of him. If he weren't a slave, he would feel like a proper Roman citizen. He remembered how he'd cried when Trebonius had told him that he was getting married and that he was setting him aside. His heart had broken when his long wavy hair had been cut and he was given his own room instead of sharing his master's bed every night, but now he thought of it as a blessing. Trebonius hadn't abandoned him. He had started teaching him the business and he kept him close as an assistant. It had hurt to see Trebonius take other boys to his bed when his wife was indisposed, but then Trebonius had told him to pick his own boy for his own bed. His relationship with Dominus hadn't ended. It had changed, and Albus preferred it this way.

They soaked until their skin was wrinkled and the aching in Quintus's anus had abated a little. Then they got out and dried off. Albus sent Eburnus to get them a light meal and they ate it in Quintus's room. Then all three of them lay in bed and took a nap until evening.

When they were awakened, Albus gave Quintus a full cup of strong wine and told him to drink it. Then he pulled the boy onto his lap and began to kiss him roughly, bruising his lips with his own. The boy was still naked and Albus could feel his little penis poking him in the abdomen. He reached down and pinched the head playfully, making Quintus squirm on his lap.

"I'm going to show you how a real man takes a boy," Albus whispered into the Quintus's ear. "Get on the bed on all fours."

Quintus scrambled onto the bed. He was torn because his anus was too sore to be penetrated again, but he really wanted Albus to make love to him. He shuddered when he felt the older youth's finger on his sore rectum.

"You're really swollen and puffy back here," Albus said. "I'll make sure this doesn't happen in the future, but it's necessary tonight."

Then he oiled one finger and slid it inside Quintus's butt. The boy gasped and cried out a little in pain. He pulled it out and saw that it was clean. Then he popped it inside his mouth. "You taste sweet, Cinaedus," he said. "Since your butt is clean, I'm going to show you something that you'll like"

He pulled Quintus's round butt cheeks apart and kissed the puffy ring of his anus. The boy was squirming, so he held his hips tight.

"That feels amazing, Albus!" Quintus cried out.

"You taste amazing, Bellus Cinaedus," Albus responded. Then he teased the center of the boy's anus until it started to relax. At first he was able to fit only the tip of his tongue inside the ring, but he licked and thrusted gently until he was able to slide all the way inside.

Quintus's hands were clenching into fists on the blanket, then relaxing. In his entire short life so far, nothing had ever felt as good to him as the feeling of Albus's tongue gently caressing his ass from the inside. He felt himself relax and give his lover easy entry.

"I think I could spill my seed just from this feeling alone," Quintus moaned. "Why does it feel so good, even better than touching my cock?"

Albus chuckled and said, "For a little cinaedus like you, there is more pleasure to be found in your anus than in your little cock."

Then he oiled his finger and started lubricating the boy's hole. Quintus was writhing around, pushing his butt back against Albus's hand. "Do it, Albus," Quintus begged. "Fuck me. Fill my boy hole with your cock. I need it."

"I know you do, Cinaedus," he replied. Then he positioned his cock at the entrance and gently pressed forward. The lips of Quintus's ass protested, but the muscle offered no real resistance. Slowly he pushed inside until his pubes brushed the boy's round butt.

"I think yours is the biggest cock I've taken so far," Quintus mumbled into the blanket.

Albus smiled and said, "I have seen few that are larger, but your beautiful ass swallowed me whole. Now I'm going to fuck you like Apollo fucked Hyacinthus, or like Jove fucks Ganymede."

Quintus chimed in, "Or like Nisus fucked Euryalus, or Achilles fucked Patroclus, or ...."

Albus put one finger to his lover's lips and said, "... or any number of great figures in history. We are now part of a long and noble tradition of men fucking their boys."

Albus took him from behind. Playing with Quintus's ass over the last few weeks had made his desire grow to the point where he couldn't hold it in. For the first few weeks, he'd taken his pleasure with a different boy every day, but for the last two weeks, knowing what was to come, he'd saved his seed. It was Quintus's furrow he wanted to plow and implant with his seed.

He was so excited that he couldn't hold back. The silken warmth pushed him over the edge within a few minutes of penetrating the boy. He cried out and filled Quintus's rectum with his seed, but he wasn't done. After the first planting, he called Eburnus over to clean him up and get him ready for round two. Then he lay back on the couch and said, "Now you will do the work, Bellus Cinaedus," he said. "Lower yourself on my cock and fuck yourself."

Quintus climbed up and positioned himself over the older youth's massive member. It must have been at least eight inches in length. Then he lowered himself onto it. It was more painful this way because his own desire to take Albus's rod inside him overwhelmed his caution. He sank down faster than he should have, and he was crying tears of pain mixed with joy.

"It's okay, Bellus," Albus said, stroking Quintus's thighs. "Just sit there until the pain subsides. Your eyes bit off more than your anus could swallow easily." Once Quintus's legs had stopped shaking, Albus added, "Now you can start to work my cock with your ass."

Quintus lifted himself a little and then slid back down. Once he found the rhythm, he rode Albus bareback like a barbarian Celt riding a warhorse. He lost himself in the moment and punished his anus more than he should have, but he was like a boy possessed by the spirit of Priapus. Even more than his own need to cum, he needed to give pleasure to the cock that filled him.

"I can't hold it back any longer," Quintus cried. "I'm cumming!"

And he did. An explosive orgasm this time instead of the slow steady oozing of the past few weeks. He clamped down on Albus's cock and milked him dry as well. Then the two youth's lay back on the bed and allowed Eburnus to clean them up.

Trebonius was enjoying a private supper with his friend Publius Petronius, one of the decurions and the magistrate in charge of the courts. The two of them had been friends and business associates for the last two years, and Petronius had come to count on Trebonius's contacts to help him establish himself here in the north. His own wealth came from his factories that produced woolen cloth locally. He wasn't as rich as Trebonius, but he had used his friend's connections to become the major supplier of blankets for the military. His villas also produced wool and lamb. He knew that his success was a result of piggybacking on his friend's contracts and sharing supply lines. It pained him to be forced to rely on the generosity of a lowborn freedman, but these were the time they lived in. One took friends as one found them, and then one kept them closely allied, no matter who their father was.

It was the custom after a private dinner with Trebonius for Petronius to go to a private salon nearby the dining room and enjoy the favors of one of the pleasure boys of the house. His own wife frowned on keeping pampered slaves with no purpose other than servicing the master of the house. And Petronius did not have a habit of arguing with his formidable wife.

The salon had no windows and was lit at this hour only by a single oil lamp sitting on a table. The room has several chairs, but also one long couch that could easily double as a bed. Typically, a slave boy would come to the dining room and lead him to this salon, but tonight he had been shown here by a common servant and given a fresh cup of wine. He waited only a few minutes before the door opened and a slender slave boy entered the room. He was dressed only in a Greek chlamys that displayed his legs from his ankle to the curve of his butt cheeks and left the entirety of his right side uncovered. Petronius could see that the boy was naked beneath the simple garment.

Something about this boy seemed familiar, but in the dim light, he couldn't make it out. The boy, almost a youth despite his small stature, knelt on the floor between Pretonius's legs and said, "I am here to serve you, Dominus. May I uncover your phallos so I can pay tribute to it."

Quintus was repeating the lines he's been given by Albus. These were the words and phrases the older youth had learned in his ten years of serving powerful Roman men. This was the most dangerous thing he had done. The task given him by Albus was to service a powerful Roman without revealing his identity. He was supposed to play the part of a trained pleasure slave.

"You're a polite thing, aren't you?" Petronius said as he lifted his tunic above his waist. "What's your name?"

"I try to be polite to my betters," Quintus said. "It's what a boy like me should do. And they call me Cinaedus, although when I was younger I was known as Delicatus."

These were also words given to him by Albus. It shamed him to say it, but it was true that Trebonius and Albus did call him Cinaedus. Albus reached forward and adjusted the man's subligaria, allowing his already hard cock to spring out. It was of average size, although still larger than Quintus's own. He leaned forward and kissed it on the shaft. As he'd been instructed by Albus, he began to praise it.

"This is the powerful rod of a great man," he said, kissing it again. Then he licked the shaft from the top down to the man's hairy nutsack. "And you have heavy balls. I'll bet that the gods have blessed you with an abundance of seed."

He licked his way back up to the top and kissed the head of the cock, which was still covered with its foreskin except for the very tip which had already begun to leak precum. He tasted it with his tongue. "If this precious drop is a sample of what lies hidden inside, I have to peel back the wrapping to see for myself."

Quintus peeled back the foreskin. Unlike most of the slaves this afternoon, Petronius was thankfully clean inside. Quintus licked around the head and was rewarded with another spurt of precum, which he quickly devoured. He found his words of praise came easily to him. Of course, he wished that the cock before him belonged to Albus who was beautiful and powerful like a young god, but he found that Petronius's older body and less attractive face didn't matter as much as he thought it would. As he slid the head of the cock into his mouth, he realized that he loved the appearance, feel and taste of cock. He valued Petronius's cock for its own distinctiveness.

"Cinaedus, you are going to make me spill my seed in your mouth, when I really want to sample the joys of your anus."

Quintus let the cock slide slowly out of his mouth, then he climbed up onto the lap of the older man and released his chlamys, leaving himself naked and erect. Petronius's hands slid down his sides and cupped his cheeks. One finger fumbled inexpertly and found the boy's anus and rubbed it. Quintus groaned and pretended to enjoy it. This man's finger was rough and didn't know how to be gentle.

"Your anus is puffy and swollen," he said. "How many times have you been fucked today?"

Quintus was glad that his burning ears could not be seen in the dim illumination of the oil lamp. "Twenty, I think," he responded in a quiet voice.

"You are a little whore, aren't you Cinaedus?" Petronius said, biting hard on his nipple.

"Yes, honorable guest," Quintus replied. "I am a whore, a little slave whore who loved to feel the cock of a powerful man inside him."

Then Quintus gritted his teeth and slid down over the man's cock. He tried to relax and allow his anus to slowly swallow Petronius's cock like he had with Albus's much larger rod, but Albus had been kind enough to relax him with his mouth. Petronius didn't seem to care about the pleasure of the boy he was with. Apparently Quintus was lowering himself too slowly, so Petronius grabbed his hips and pulled him down fast.

"Aaagh!" Quintus yelled, "It hurts. Please let me up!"

Petronius had an angry look on his face now. He slapped Quintus across the cheek. "Shut up, Cinaedus, and stop your blubbering," he hissed. "You wanted to be whore, so I'm treating you as one. And a whore gets fucked as roughly as a man wants to fuck him."

He started lifting Quintus up and slamming him down hard. They boy's little cock had wilted under the painful assault, and he was crying, tears streaming down his cheek. Petronus kept up his brutal fucking and his verbal assault.

"Go ahead and cry, little whore. If someone comes in, I'm not one who will be in trouble. I have no idea what game you're playing at Quintus Curtius Bellus, playing at being a whore right under your mother's husband's roof. You're the worst sort of filth that sometimes springs from the loins of even good men like your father, a freeborn Roman boy so desperate to serve his own depravity that he is willing to give his body to other men. It's a good thing that your father died before he could see what you've made of yourself!"

He slammed a final time into Quintus's ass and shot a load deep inside him. "Get down on your knees like the cinaedus you so proudly proclaim yourself to be and suck my cock clean."

Still crying, Quintus slid down and took the cock in his mouth and sucked it clean. He felt like his life was over. He's felt so good about himself earlier, lying in Albus's arms and allowing himself to enjoy his submission. But now he felt lower than dirt. When the cock was clean, he tried to pull away, but Petronius grabbed hold of his ears and held him still in a grip like iron.

"Don't spill a drop, cocksucker," Petronius sneered, and he began to piss into the boy's mouth. Quintus gagged, but he was too afraid of the older man to disobey. He gulped down the salty acrid liquid as fast as he could. When the flow ended, Petronius kept his cock in Quintus's mouth for a minute more then pulled out and slapped the boy across the face with it.

Petronius grabbed the boy by the hair and dragged him naked back in the dining room where Trebonius was reclining, one of the slave boys bobbing up and down on his cock. The master of the house smiled behind his cup as he saw Quintus thrown onto the floor by his friend, then he put the cup down and pulled the boy off his cock. He'd already cum in his ass and the sucking was more of a cleaning than an attempt to get him going again.

"What's the meaning of this Trebonius?" Petronius asked. "Did you send your wife's son to play whore to me?"

Trebonius was a fair actor. He looked shocked. "Quintus!" he began, "what in the name of the gods are you doing? No! I don't need to hear your words. Kneel there on the floor and keep your mouth closed. No one needs to hear your lies tonight."

Trebonius sent the slave boy to fetch Albus and continued with his pretense. "I'm so sorry Petronius, but the boy is a shameful cinaedus. I've tried to hide it from his mother, but he's a disgrace."

He walked around behind the boy pushed his face down to the floor. "Stick your ass up where I can see it, Cinaedus," he ordered. "And keep your mouth shut. A cinaedus shouldn't open his mouth except to welcome a cock inside it. Just what I thought. Petronius, come look at this boy's hole. It's swollen from frequent use. He's probably been playing the whore for all the slaves in the household again."

Albus came in and took in the scene around him. Trebonius and Petronius were examining Quintus's swollen asshole and Trebonius was playing the part of the outraged paterfamilias to the hilt. He saw that Quintus was sobbing quietly and he almost broke. This little scene was the master's doing and Albus had no choice but to follow the plan to its conclusion. "I'm sorry master," he said to Trebonius. "Last time I checked the little master was still sleeping. I had no idea that he had slipped out again."

"Take him, Albus," Trebonius snarled. "Take him and beat him soundly. I'll check in the morning to make sure you were firm enough, and by the gods you'll pay if you weren't!"

"Yes master!" Albus said. Then he lifted Quintus to his feet and led him to the door.

"I am so sorry, Petronius," the master said with mock sorrow in his voice. "I don't know what to do with that boy. His mother is ill, and he has no other relatives. His father is dead, and the whole Curtius Bellus line died with him. He's like his mother really. She too liked to whore herself out to the slaves. I've had to keep her under strict watch after our marriage so I could be sure her child were mine."

"Why would you marry such a creature?" Petronius asked. "And her a member of the distinguished Sebellia family."

"Well, her line is less prestigious than most of the Sebellii," Trebonius said. "Still, I married her because of the name, and because her past crimes were unknown aside from her husband and me, his close friend in whom he confided. I had no idea her son would be the same."

Petronius remembered his own wife's harsh temperament and shrill tongue and thanked the gods that she wasn't of the same low character as Trebonius's wife. He said, "I'll keep the secret, Trebonius, for your sake, not hers or the boy's. How the son of Aulus Curtius Bellus, and the last descendant of that family, could be so depraved, I have no idea."

"Well, that's the thing," Trebonius said in a conspiratorial whisper. "I'm not sure that Aulus Curtius Bellus was his father. Certain documents prepared by his father attest that the boy is the son of a slave, born from a shameful affair. The father discovered the truth, and he was prepared to do the right thing and disown him, but then he died from a strange illness that many at the time thought suspicious in a man of reasonable health."

"Do you have proof of this assertion, Trebonius," Petronius said, his mouth agape at the scandal. "Do you think Sabellia poisoned her own husband?"

"It's possible," Trebonius replied, shaking his head. "I have no proof, but I do know that she had cause."

Trebonius led his friend to his office and unlocked a chest. He pulled out a carefully written document that contained Aulus Curtius Bellus's seal. It was dated just a week before his death and was witnessed by the requisite number of people.

"I found this in his papers after I married Sabellia," Trebonius said. "I had seen it before because it was written when Aulus Curtius Bellus was attempting to secure a loan from me, using his son as collateral. But I thought it had been lost or destroyed."

The document read:

I, Aulus Curtius Bellus, attest that the boy who bears my name, Quintus Curtius Bellus, is not the son of my own loins, but is the child of my wife Sabellia and a slave. He is not my son but is my property to be disposed of as I see fit.

A note below this was written in Trebonius's handwriting, but it appeared above the seal and the signatures of the witnesses.

I, Titus Trebonius Felix, attest that the father of the boy known as Quintus Curtius Bellus is the slave in my household named Fuscus who is now deceased. In exchange for Aulus Curtius Bellus absolving me of any liability for my slave taking liberty with his wife, I agree to forgo my own rights of ownership of the boy known as Quintus Curtius Bellus despite him being my rightful property as his father was my slave."

Of course, Trebonius's statement was added later, as was the father's seal and the signatures of witnesses. Aulus Curtius Bellus had written and signed the original document when he had been desperate to borrow money at any cost and he thought his wife would die in pregnancy. After he had backed out of the deal, Trebonius had assumed the document destroyed, but he'd kept it hidden away instead. In exchange for easy loan payments, he had allowed Trebonius every opportunity to touch the boy, but never to go any farther.

Trebonius knew well that Aulus Curtius Bellus wasn't the model of probity that Pretorius, and many others, had assumed him to be. He'd been willing to betray his own son. The plan had been that Trebonius would buy the boy. Then he'd be free to marry another woman who could give him more children. He'd even picked one out, the daughter of a local merchant who had been granted Roman citizenship. She would rise to the equestrian order, Curtius would get new heirs who would inherit his name and his father-in-law's wealth. When Sabellia had died, the whole plan had fallen through.

Petronius was shocked. "Then the boy isn't rightfully his father's heir at all," he said. "He's rightly a slave, your slave since the father can no longer hold you accountable for your slave's actions. This would explain the boy's lack of Roman virtue. He's not a Roman. He's the child of a slave. Was this slave trained to pleasure men as well? Blood will tell, you know."

Trebonius saw that his friend was spinning his mind to find a way to explain things to meet his own prejudices, but he was overjoyed that his friend, the magistrate in charge of the courts, was drawing the conclusions he wanted him to draw.

"Fuscus was a gardener and bodyguard. He was in excellent shape and was quite attractive. I do recall that he had been the delicatus of a Spanish merchant before I purchased him, but he had already become too old to serve in that capacity," he said, spinning the tale. "Nonetheless, when he died of the flux a few years back, it was a loss to the household, though I would have sold him anyway before bringing Sabellia into my home, or perhaps had him castrated."

"You can't keep this secret, Trebonius," the magistrate insisted. "Being a cinaedus is appropriate in a slave because a slave should always be receptive to whatever a master desires, but it's an abomination in a good Roman. The thought that the whims of chance could bring such a depraved cinaedus to a position of authority and dignity in Rome makes me sick to my stomach."

"I beg you, my friend," Trebonius pleaded. "I cannot have my Sabellia's name dragged through the mud, no matter what her previous crimes."

"I hear she is not doing well, Trebonius," the magistrate said. "If the gods see fit to let her live, then I will take it as their will that she be forgiven. But if they see fit to punish her with death, then I will have to address this matter."

"The gods protect Sabellia then, magistrate," Trebonius said. "But if they do not, can we not at least keep the matter quiet, a trial behind closed doors with men who can be trusted to hold their tongues? If Sabellia does die there will be no Roman citizen but myself involved in the case because the boy should not be a citizen."

"For your sake, Trebonius, I will keep it secret," Petronius said. "And once the boy is what he was always destined to be, it will no longer sicken me to enjoy his favors. He is very well named indeed, and his anus was a delight despite its heavy use today."

"Your reputation for wit and wisdom is well deserved, magistrate," Trebonius said, leading his guest to the door.

Soon you will be mine! Trebonius thought. You were almost mine years ago, but I was thwarted by your father's sudden guilt at what he was about to do. I could have ruined him then and found some way to claim you in secret, but there would have been the possibility of discovery. But not now, not now.

Trebonius went to bed a happy man. The doctors said that Sabellia was growing weaker rather than stronger. Now he was only hoping that she could hold on long enough to give him the heir he wanted. There was little chance she would survive the birth, and there would be no chance if the ownership of pretty Bellus was at stake. The plot would be perfect if she could give him an heir. But if not, he could always adopt. Now that Albus had cut his hair and become more masculine and authoritative, he would be a good choice. He loved the youth in a different way than in years past, and he was beyond the age that tempted Trebonius sexually. He was learning the business. It bore thinking.

In another part of the house, Albus was unaware that his future was being considered, and the same held true for Bellus. The boy had cried himself to sleep when they'd returned. He and Eburnus curled up on either side of Albus, resting in the crooks of his arms with their arms and legs across his body. He felt powerful. He fell asleep feeling like the master of this house, and the master of the two boys snoring lightly beside him.


·        Albus. A Celtic slave belonging to Trebonius. He's four years older than Quintus Curtius Bellus and becomes his mentor in the arts of gay sex.

·        Aras. A Syrian slave belonging to Trebonius. He is 30 years old, with black hair, dark brown eyes and olive skin tone. He keeps his black beard trimmed neatly. He is the chief of the male slaves who work in the gardens and who repair the house. As one of the supervisors, he has access to the pleasure slaves.

·        Eburnus. A slight and pretty Celtic slave also owned by Trebonius. He is two years younger than Curtius Bellus. Like Bellus, he is a cinaedus, but he has more experience despite his youth.

·        Gnaeus Lollius. An equestrian slave dealer in Eburacum and a friend of Trebonius. He is also a decurion in town.

·        Quintus Curtius Bellus. The child of Aulus Curtius Bellus and his wife Sabellia. He was the last of his family line and had been appointed a decurion in Eburacum in northern Britannia.

·        Sabellia**.** The wife of Trebonius, the widow of Aulus Curtius Bellus and the mother of Quintus Curtius Bellus. She died giving birth to Trebonius's child. The child did not survive either.

·        Titus Trebonius Felix. A Celtic freedman of the legate Marcus Trebonius who freed him and set him up in business as a manufacturer of pottery for the military. He is one of the wealthiest men in Eburacum despite remitting half his profits to Marcus Trebonius, now a senator in Rome. He is Sabellia's second husband and acts as mentor to you Quintus Curtius Rufus. As a freedman he can't hold political office.

Latin Vocabulary

·        Baculum. A rod or stick. Although the word had many meanings, in this story it refers to the rod an overseer or tutor carried to show that he had the master's authority over the slaves.

·        Cinaedus. The closest latin word to faggot. Refers to a man lacking masculine qualities. Bellus Cineadus is a phrase that can mean "Bellus, the faggot" or "pretty faggot".

·        Concubinus**.** A male slave who shares his master's bed on a regular basis, usually a iuvenis (youth) instead of a boy. A man will often cut the hair of his concubinus and give him other assignments when he gets marries as a symbol of his new devotion to his wife.

·        Decurion. An appointed member of the local legislature (like being a senator in Rome).

·        Delicatus (Puer Delicatus). A slave boy who is kept for his beauty. They are pampered favorites. If their master doesn't have them castrated, they may eventually find themselves as a concubinus.

·        Dominus. The Latin word for master.

·        Equestrian (Equites). Roman was officially divided into social orders. The two highest orders were the senators (senatores) and equestrians (equites). Roman citizens whose head of the family (paterfamilias) were members of the senate were part of the senatorial order. Roman citizens whose head of the family (paterfamilias) were members of the equestrian order were part of the equestrian order. In the empire, the emperor could appoint new senators. Families with a certain minimum wealth were members of the equestrian order. Members of the senatorial and equestrian orders were considered to be nobility, and everyone else was a commoner.

·        Fellator. A cocksucker.

·        Freedman. The lowest social order in Rome were freedmen, those formerly enslaved. They could be wealthy, but they had low social prestige (below proletarians, musicians, and actors).

·        Nomen**.** The Roman word for name. In the case of Quintus Curtius Bellus, Quintus is his first name, the name used by family and the closest of friends; Curtius is the name he inherited from his equestrian family, much like a modern last name; and Bellus is the cognomen, the name that specifies that he is from the Bellus branch of the gens Curtia (or Curtius clan).

·        Puer Delicatus. A slave boy who was distinguished by his beauty and was used by the master sexual gratitification.

·        Spintria**.** A male slave used for anal sex. Also a male prostitute and the vulgar term for the anus.

·        Subligaria. Roman word for underwear.

·        Toga Virilis. The toga of manhood. A Roman male citizen could wear a toga, a long rectangular cloth that wrapped in a specific manner around his body, usually worn over a tunic. Freeborn boys could wear togas that were specific for them, but the adulthood ceremony involved changing the boyish toga for the adult male toga. It was also time for a Roman boy's first shave.

·        Tutor. Latin word for guardian. Usually, only children and women had tutores. The word can also be used to mean the same thing as in English.

Next: Chapter 3

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