Betting on Love and Life

By bryan wilson

Published on Dec 5, 2014


This story is a work of fiction involving sex between consenting adult males. If this disturbs you then leave now. I have no knowledge of the sexual identity of anyone mentioned in this story, including any celebrities. This is my original story, please do not copy duplicate or repost anywhere without my express written permission. This is my first attempt at writing all comments are welcome and will be answered.

I want to thank Jeansguy and Mark for all their hard work proofreading and editing for me.

Please make sure to donate to nifty to help keep the site free for everyone's enjoyment.

I headed down the steps with a bigger grin on my face than any morning that I remember of late. With thoughts of Sean and Jack enjoying our upcoming weekend whirling through my mind, I turned the corner to enter the kitchen and noticed Kyle sitting at the table drinking his coffee and holding a file.

I stopped in my tracks and looked at the serious look on his face. " No! Kyle, not today. This is a trouble free day and whatever the hell is in that folder can be put away till tomorrow. " I headed to get a cup of coffee, trying to put the look on Kyle's face out of my mind.

As I poured my coffee I swear I heard something I very rarely hear, Kyle laughing. " Just what the hell is so funny this morning, Mr. Watson? "

" Nothing, Jerry, but the look on your face was priceless. " Kyle laughed, rather loudly. I turned around with my coffee in hand and laying on the table was the folder, opened and empty. " Kyle, you are in a very evil mood today, my friend. I will get you back for this, you do know that? Right! "

" I'm sure you will, Jerry. But for right now, I'm glad to see you're in a better mood today. "

I smiled at Kyle, " Thanks Kyle, and I am in a very good mood today. This will be a great week and a better weekend. Remind me to call Shelly McCormick later this morning to work on our travel plans. "

Kyle pulled a file out from behind his back and slid it across the table. " I think this will take care of all of that, Jerry. "

I opened the file and everything that I wanted planned for the weekend in Florida was planned out and set. " Thanks, Kyle. I owe you big time for this. When the hell did you have time to get all this done? "

" You're not the only one in this world with contacts, Mr. Martin. "

" That may be, Mr. Watson, but I think this calls for a nice vacation for you. A couple of weeks in the sun and sand somewhere nice. Before we get to that, there is one other thing I need to discuss with you about security. "

Kyle tensed and lost the expression on his face at the word security. " What would that be, Jerry? "

" Let's save that discussion for the trip to the office this morning. Now don't go getting all nervous, Kyle, I'm not going to make any changes unless you approve. "

" Then on to other matters, Jerry. I have pulled all the reports from this morning together and have everything from the last week pulled and ready for you to review at the office this morning. "

" Thanks, Kyle. Do you have everything ready for Miss Nance this morning? We will need to find the key to the office, I want it locked before we leave, until I can determine how well we can trust Miss Nance. "

" Trust who? " Sean asked as he came bounding into the kitchen with a smile on his clean shaven face.

As I looked at him, I'm sure the lust was showing in my eyes. " Doofus over there. " I answered, pointing at Kyle. " He has already started on me this morning. "

" Kyle? I can't believe that he would do anything to upset you, Jerry. " Sean looked at me, not believing what I said.

I turned to refill my coffee and stopped dead in my tracks. " This is not how I wanted to start the week off, being harassed by you two...." I stopped in mid sentence as I heard laughter coming from behind me, I turned and Kyle and Sean were both laughing at me as I was in the middle of my tirade. " I hope you both understand that this calls for revenge of the worst kind. " I stared at the both of them, even though I was laughing inside. I was not about to give them the joy of seeing that they actually pulled one off on me. Sean stepped over in front of me and stopped as he wrapped his arms around me. " I'm sorry, Babe. I didn't mean to get your week off to a bad start. "

" It could never start out bad with you here, Sean. We do need to have a talk before I leave this morning, grab a cup of coffee and we'll sit in the office. " I kissed his cheek and headed towards the back of the house.

I headed into the office as Sean grabbed himself a cup of coffee and walked in with a worried look on his face.

I smiled at Sean, " Don't worry Babe, I just wanted to talk before I left today. I have a few things I need to tell you and remind you of some others. "

" Well then, you paid me back already, Mr. Martin. " Sean pulled a smile on his face that warmed me inside.

" Oh no, Mr. Austin. There will be payback, but I take my time on those issues. " I winked at him. "I wanted to remind you that Miss Nance will be starting today, so she will be around the house all day. If you want to go out anywhere, just call down to security and ask them to send a car up to the house. " I walked around the desk and pulled an envelope out of my desk drawer. " This is for you to use on anything you need, I know you are going to fight me on it, but I really hope you can accept this without discussion. " I handed the envelope to Sean.

Sean opened the envelope and pulled out the card inside. " Just what is this? " He asked, not in a confrontational tone, but just as a general question.

In my calmest voice I answered, not wanting to make Sean feel threatened or intimidated. " It is for you to use, if you need something or want something, buy it. It is tied to the household account, you have too many worries on your mind right now, Sean. I want you to face those and deal with them without worrying about things you don't need to worry about for now. "

Sean shook his head, " You know I don't want this, Jerry. I don't suppose we can talk about this later. "

" It will be on the table tonight at dinner, and on that subject, the car will be at the front door at 5 to bring you downtown. Mitchell will be here at the house to watch over Jack until we get home. "

" Thanks, Jerry. I know this is not going to be easy, but I know with your help I can make it through. "

" Well, maybe with a little of my help and some help from that accomplice of yours out there in the kitchen. " I laughed and grabbed Sean and pulled him tight.

" You better be careful there, Mr. Martin. I think I have found your weakness. " Sean started laughing as I pushed him away and headed for the kitchen. The phone rang as I walked in the kitchen and Kyle jumped up to grab it and announced that Miss Nance was on her way up to the house.

" Thanks, Kyle. I will meet her at the door. " I filled up my coffee cup and walked to the front door.

" Good morning, Miss Nance. " I welcomed her with a morning greeting.

" Good Morning, Mr. Martin. I'm excited to get started this morning. " She smiled at me as she entered the house in front of me.

" Well first off, you can drop the Mr. Martin, that is my father and he is here also, so please call me Jerry. Please join me in the kitchen for coffee and then we can talk in my office before I have to leave. " I escorted her into the kitchen and poured her a cup of coffee.

" Miss Nance, this is Kyle Watson, head of my security, and this is Sean Austin. His nephew, Jack is still in bed and I am sure you will know all about him before the day is out. My father, Mr. Martin is still in bed also and. " Was all I got out before I was interrupted.

" And what, son? " Dad asked as he came out of his bedroom.

" I was filling Miss Nance in on who all was here, I couldn't forget to mention you, Dad. That would be like forgetting the icing on the cake. " I smiled at Dad.

" Well, I sure as hell am not that sweet, but thanks. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Nance. " Dad said as he stepped over to her and shook her hand.

We stood and chatted with Dad for a minute then we made our way back to my office. " It is a pleasure to have you here this morning, Miss Nance. I have not needed a housekeeper in the past and this is new for me, so I will give you free reign on how you want to handle the house. " I took out the folder I had ready for her this morning. " This is the credit card that you can use for any purchases that you need to make for the house. I will show you where to place the receipts in the kitchen, that I will use to reconcile the account every month. If you need anything special, you can talk with me or Kyle about it and we can handle it. I'm sure soon that you will be able to talk to Sean also, but he has enough work to handle right now. Tonight, Sean and I will not be home for dinner, I'll let you know each day before I leave if I will be able to make it home for dinner. I'm not sure how much longer my Dad will be here, I will be talking with him this week and let you know. Sean, Jack and I will be heading out of town at the end of the week and will gone till Monday, so this will be an easy week for you to settle in here. Do you have anything you would like to ask or like to know? "

" I don't have any right now, Mr. Martin, but I am sure I will before this week is out. " " There is only one room that will not be available to anyone, and that is my office. You will not have to worry about cleaning in here, whether I am here or not. When you go the the store, you can call the front gate and ask them to send a car up and someone will take you and bring you back. " I showed her how to call the front gate from any phone in the house and we walked out to the kitchen to show her where to keep any receipts for the house.

" I don't think I will have a problem, Mr. Martin. I will get busy right away. " Miss Nance announced as I finished showing her the details I needed her to know.

" Oh, I'm sure you will have problems here, Miss Nance. They seem to flow around this house like a river with a swiftly flowing current. " I laughed and grabbed Sean and pulled him to the study.

As we entered the study, " I feel terrible for leaving you today, Sean, but if you need anything today, anything at all, just give me a call. I have an 'in' with the boss, so I can take personal calls at work. " I smiled at Sean.

" Jerry, you have been here for me more than I can ever thank you for, you need to get back to work and I need to start working on Jack's future. We will be fine and the best part, I will see you for dinner tonight. " Sean stepped forward and wrapped his arms around me.

I held onto Sean for what seemed like ages, I kissed his cheek and pulled back. " I had better get going, this is going to be the longest day of my life and I had better get it started. "

" Why such a long day? I figured it would be one of your easiest, after the last couple of weeks. " Sean asked with worry on his face.

" Because, I won't be with you all day. " I said softly, as I looked into his eyes.

" You have dinner to look forward to, just focus on that. " Sean replied, trying to lighten my mood.

" You're right, Babe. I will make it through the day, but tonight when we get home, you are in trouble. " I winked at him and walked out of the study.

I hurried to the office and picked up my briefcase and then went and grabbed an apple before stopping in the kitchen to say goodbye to everyone. " I will see you late this evening, Dad. Sean is coming downtown to have dinner then we will be home. " Jack had woken up and was sitting at the table trying to finish waking up and waiting for breakfast. I walked up behind his chair and knelt down, and pulled him back into a hug. " I will see you tonight, Little Man, you keep an eye on your Uncle for me today. "

" I will, Uncle Jerry. " He answered me as he squeezed my arms that were in front of him. A smile crossed my face as he called me 'Uncle Jerry'.

Kyle walked away towards the front door as I pulled Sean with me as I followed behind. " Remember, if you need anything today, just call. " I kissed him and looked deep in his eyes as I smiled.

" I will, Jerry. Now get to work before I have to have Kyle drag you out of here. " He placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me around and pushed me out the door. He stood there as I got in the car and we drove away.

As I sat in the car thinking about Sean, Kyle pushed a folder in my lap with the morning reports in it. " Get your mind off him and look through these until we get to the office. " Kyle laughed as he turned and looked out the window.

I started reviewing each office's spreadsheet and comparing totals for the last week and month, stopping and watching traffic as I let the figures filter through my mind. After about 20 minutes and half the offices complete I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and placed a hand on Kyle's shoulder. " Call the security office back at the house and have them pull up the tapes of the road and see if there has been a new car passing by and see if they can get a plate. Then have them increase the number of times they patrol the grounds and the number of men on each patrol. "

" What the hell is wrong, Jerry? " Kyle asked.

" Four cars back, there is a blue pick up that has been there since we pulled out of the gate. " Kyle looked back studying the truck, " If you would rather just call your 'tracking' team, they could get the information faster, Kyle. " I had to smile, Kyle did not think I was aware of his teams following us. Last count I had there were at least 7 different teams, but I would never let Kyle know I knew they were there.

Kyle stared at me as if he was going to deny that the team existed, let out a sigh and started making the calls. I continued reviewing the reports, not yet overly concerned about the truck that was following us, yet the idea was permeating the back of my mind. " They are pulling the tapes and will have a report to me in the next hour, Jerry. I also have the plate numbers off the truck and the office is beginning a trace on them and will be included in the report on the tapes. " Kyle talked with a bit of anger in his voice. I looked at Kyle, I could see that he was upset that he had not noticed the truck and was trying to cover up his feelings. " Don't worry about it, Kyle. It might be nothing to worry about, we will know in an hour. "

Kyle just turned and looked out the window, more pissed off with himself than anything. " Why don't you call and make sure that if Sean goes out today that he is accompanied by at least three guards. I know that will keep that mind of yours busy for awhile. " I smiled, trying to break Kyle's foul mood.

Kyle still had not said a word as he made the call and made sure that the person on the other end of the call was aware of Kyle's orders. He was short and terse during the call, raising my worry about him. We finished the drive to the office and arrived out front of the building. While walking inside I noticed the truck pass by, I kept walking into the lobby not stopping as to not draw attention to the fact that I seen the truck.

In the elevator on the way up to the office, Kyle's phone rang and he went through with the conversation with more uh ha, and yeses than I have ever heard the man say at one time. " I take it that was news you were waiting on? " I asked, not being able to figure anything out from Kyle's responses.

" Yes, and you can breath easier for now. Take care of getting started with Mr. Richards this morning. This can wait till you take a break and by then I will have some more information. "

I nodded my head as the elevator arrived at our floor and exited. I walked into the office and went straight to my office to finish my work reviewing the reports I was working on in the car and awaiting Michael and George to arrive. I could hear Kyle on the phone in his office, occasionally yelling at whomever he was speaking with. I was going to have to get him on a vacation soon, before he fizzles out and he is no longer any good at his job. Even if it seems that I noticed things before he did, such as the truck following us this morning. I was just more at ease noticing small details that most overlooked. If I had been keeping my mind on the reports, like I normally would, I probably would not have even noticed the truck. I guess the events of the last few weeks have made me pay more attention to my surroundings than I have ever before, my safety never a concern to me before, but worrying about Sean and Jack was worth being aware. I heard another screaming match coming from Kyle's office when I decided this had to stop and was walking out of my office door when Michael and George walked in the office.

" Good morning, Michael and George. How are you two this fine morning? " I asked as I headed their way with my hand stretched out, ready to shake and start this business day.

" Good morning, Jerry. We are doing great and ready to get busy this week. I hope you are doing better after this weekend. " Michael asked, with true worry showing.

" I'm fine, Michael, of course I will be even better when you decide where you are headed and we get you settled and the New York office staffed. " I turned towards George, " I apologize for not being able to meet with you yesterday, George . I hope this big oaf here kept you entertained and out of trouble. " I asked as I pointed towards Michael.

George started laughing, " Well, the oaf, as you put it, was an excellent host. I do believe that I may have to get to know the local police and make amends before I get run out of the city. "

" Michael!!! Tell me I do not have to have a meeting with Kim today, to keep you two out of trouble. "

Before Michael could answer me, we heard Kyle yelling in his office. I shook my head, " Can you excuse me for a moment, I have a head of security that needs to take a breath before he blows a gasket. " I started to turn when Michael stepped up next to me.

" Is there anything I can help with, Jerry? "

" Not really, Michael. I opened my mouth and Kyle is taking it hard this morning. I just need to make him see that it is not a problem. "

" Alright, we will get some coffee and meet you in your office when you are done. "

As I entered Kyle's office he was sitting with his back to the door and looking out the window with his fingers twisted together in front of his face. " Can we talk a minute, Kyle? "

Kyle stiffened in his chair, " I guess we have to, Jerry. Even if I would rather not. " Kyle turned his chair around as I sat down in front of his desk. It reminded me of the times in school sitting in front of the principal, no wonder I liked sitting on the other side of the desk.

" Kyle, you have to get over this. I know how well you do your job. If I thought for one minute you weren't doing your job I would have a new head of security in an instant. I have two people in my life that mean more to me than anyone ever has and I have entrusted them in you care. Does that not say just how much I trust you? If you can keep them safe, my safety is second, just as long as they are kept safe, I am happy. I really don't think that after all we have gone through the last week that this has anything to do with it. Now, can you take a deep breath and let this go? "

Kyle let out a huge sigh and looked over at me. " You're right, Jerry. I may not like it but I can handle that. I will not look at your safety as a secondary concern though. I was employed to keep you safe and that is what I will continue to do. "

" You will continue to do that as as long as Sean and Jack are safe, Kyle. As of now, their safety is your number one concern. I'm not asking you to let me just drift in the wind, but I want to make sure that those two are safe at all times. If it requires an entirely new undercover team to be hired then so be it, but if anything happens to them, I will not be able to continue on, Kyle. They mean that much to me, can you understand that? I never asked you to be this protective of anyone, but they are now your number one priority. "

" I understand, Jerry, and I will see to it. It will require a rework of the security budget, but I'm sure we can handle that in a few minutes. " Kyle smiled back at me for the first time since we left the car.

Just as I was about to answer him and tell him the budget had been reworked, his fax machine printed out several pages and Kyle turned to grab them. " Seems that we do know our stalker from this morning, Jerry. I think you need to make a phone call and plan a lunch with Kim. " Kyle finished as he handed me the papers and I glanced over them and looked up at Kyle.

" Get started on this, Kyle. I want everything there is to know about him before lunch. I want copies of everything to take with me when I meet with Kim. I want your word that you will keep this to yourself. I don't want Sean hearing anything about this till I know what he is up to. "

" I may enjoy Sean's company more than Brad's, but I still know how to keep my mouth closed, Jerry. "

" Thanks, Kyle. I need to call Kim and then get busy with George and Michael, if you need any help just shout and I will see what I can do. " I headed into my office and closed the door and pulled out my phone. " Good morning, Chief Jacobs, How are you this morning? " I asked with a smile on my face, hoping to work a lunch meeting in with Kim today.

" Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Martin, I'm fine, how are you today? " I could tell she knew I was up to something.

" I'm great thanks, Kim. I would be even better if I could have a working lunch with you today, maybe in your office? "

" I think I have time for that Jerry. Anything of particular concern I should be aware of? "

" I would appreciate if you could pull up all you have on a certain officer of yours and maybe see if he can join us about 12:30, that way I can bring you up to speed on a few things before he joins us. "

" Damn it, Jerry. Who the hell is in your crosshairs now? After what happened already, I figured you would be looking to keep as far out of the public eye as you could. "

" Believe me, Kim, I want nothing more than to stay out of the public eye. It seems that a certain office of yours has decided to pull me into it by tailing me this morning on the way into the office. A special officer that I just met and you put in his place the other day. "

" I'll be damned, I didn't think he had the balls to go this far, Jerry. I will have everything pulled we have, I assume you are doing the same and will bring that with you to our lunch meeting? "

" Of course I am Kim, and I will be more than willing to share them with you. I will have lunch sent in and we can enjoy that before we have to do battle. "

" Calm down, Jerry. Let's go into this with open minds, it might just be a coincidence. "

" I will be calm, Kim, but you do realize that I'm thinking about Sean and Jack and not myself now? "

" Of course I do, Jerry. All I can say is I hope there is a reason for him to be on the same path of travel as you were. "

" I hope also, Kim. I will see you at noon. I have to get busy here, I have a new man to start training this morning. I hope we can have a get together soon so I can introduce you and Janice to George. Maybe the following weekend, I will be out of town this coming weekend? "

" That sounds good, Jerry. I will make sure that Janice keeps that weekend open for us. " " Great, I will see you at noon then, Kim. "

I disconnected the call and as I set the phone down, there was a knock on my door. " Come in. " I replied.

" It's just me, Jerry. Are you ready to get started? " Michael asked as he stuck his head in the door.

" I am, Michael. Ask Kyle to come here a second and then go grab George and we will get started. "

Kyle walked in and I asked him to call and have lunch delivered to Kim's office for us at noon today and told him I would need everything he had ready by then to take with me. If anything else came up in the search to bring it to me and we would handle it then. Michael came back in my office with George, " Come in gentlemen and let's get started. Has Michael told you anything about his office in New York, George? " I asked, so I knew where to start on the operations of the business.

" No he hasn't, Jerry. He didn't want to start there in case you wanted to start somewhere else. "

" Well, I think it will be easier if Michael explains the operation of an office, then I can work with you later today and tomorrow on how we pool that information together here. It will be a little easier if you know what information each office has that we need to track and keep an eye on here. It's something similar to how the casino works, pit bosses tracking each table and reporting to the floor bosses, who report to the vault. Michael has one of the best offices in my business, and he knows the ins and outs better than anyone. If I didn't rely on him so much in an office I would have brought him here for this job, but I don't have the time to set up someone new in an out of town office. " I let Michael work from the computer showing George how one of the out of town offices operated, giving some rather detailed description of the work that was done. Showing George how to send all the reports I asked for on a weekly and monthly basis, and many of the reports I asked for at different times during the year. Michael was truly one of my best employees when it came to managing an office and making money. I would really have to work out a new pay scale for him and maybe shift some more responsibilities his way.

" Why don't you two finish up, I need to step out a moment, if you have any questions I will answer them as soon as I get back. "

They both nodded and went back to what Michael was discussing. I slipped out of the office and went over to check in with Kyle, something was bugging me suddenly about Officer Derrick.

" How's it going, Kyle? " I asked as I walked in his office.

" I have had a few surprises, Jerry. It seems that Officer Derrick has an interesting past, well, his family line has had an interesting past. There have been some major name changes along the way and it is taking some real digging to find out why and where to keep looking. I have a feeling that you might not like where it is headed, I should have an answer on that soon. " Kyle looked up from his computer and I could see the worry on his face.

" Where is it heading, Kyle? " I asked with a tone that Kyle would understand.

" If it goes the way it is looking, he is related to.... " Kyle hesitated, not wanting to continue. " Can we just wait until I finish and know for sure, I don't want to say anything until I am positive, Mr. Martin. "

That damned, Mr. Martin, this is not going to be a good day anyway I look at it. " Mr. Martin? Just where the hell is this headed, Kyle? Even if it's a guess I want to know. "

" I'm betting my job that he is related to Sean. " Kyle stopped and turned in his chair as he looked out the window.

" What is leading you to believe that he is related to Sean? He told us that his parents were only children and he has no other siblings. "

" Well the name changes are a red flag, but they lead back to his father and his birth name was Austin. I'm now trying to find out his parents and if they lead to Sean's family. This may take some time, since a lot of these records are still just paper files. I may have to make some trips and dig through old birth records at local health departments. "

I set back in my chair as my body sank down, " I do not for one minute think Sean has any idea that he has a relative or is involved in anything. "

" I can't say, Jerry and in my position I won't make that call. I can only follow the paper trail, but I will say, I don't believe Sean knows of his existence. That is just a gut feeling though, and you know him better than I do. "

I stood up from my seat, " Find the answers, Kyle. I need them before lunch, use whatever you need to get to the bottom of this and do it quickly. Call Scott if you need his help. He is very good at finding answers. " I walked out before Kyle had a chance to reply.

I was in a bit of shock as I stepped back into my office, how the hell could Sean have a relative, the thought kept running through my mind.

" Jerry, is there a problem? " I didn't really hear the question, I was still working the problem out in my mind. " Jerry!! You alright? " Michael asked, loud enough to break my concentration.

" Umm, yes, I'm fine. How are you two doing? " I asked trying to deflect attention from myself.

" Almost done here, then you're up. Bringing it all together here at home and whatever else you want to show George on details you need him to keep a handle on for you. "

" Thanks, Michael. I will be ready, please excuse me for a minute. I need to splash a little water on my face and get a coffee. Can I bring anything for you two? "

Michael and George looked at each other. " Coffee for both please, Jerry. " Michael answered for them both.

I stepped in to the restroom and splashed some water on my face and stared into the mirror. ' I can't believe that Sean could be involved in this, I won't even allow that idea to enter my mind. ' I dried my face and hands and opened the door to go grab the coffees and there stood Michael. " Oh shit, Michael. You startled the hell out of me. "

" Sorry, Jerry. Now, what the hell is wrong? Don't try the ' I'm fine ' excuse again, cause it's not going to fly. " Michael stood there with his arms crossed waiting on my answer.

" It's personal, Michael. I appreciate the concern, but I hope to have it finished at lunch today. "

Michael never changed his facial expression, " Jerry, I've known you for years and if you need anything, I'm here for you. " Michael placed his hand on my shoulder.

" I know, Michael and I'm always grateful that you are here. You are my best manager and one of my best friends, and before you leave Columbus we need to have a talk about you handling some more things for me. I'm not going to be young forever and once I finish my plan, I am done, I need someone to take over then. "

" Plan? You have never talked about a plan before, Jerry. What are you cooking up now? "

" It is a plan I started before I started this company, Michael. I have never told anyone about my final plan and until I'm ready to execute it, it will remain with me. I can tell you this, you will be one of the first to know when I'm ready. You will play a very important role once it is done. "

" The man of mystery strikes again. I will have to trust you on this, Jerry. I have no plans on going anywhere. "

" Thanks, Michael. Now I need to get busy with George, I have a lunch date so I need you to take George out while I am gone. "

" I will find a place and make arrangements, Jerry. "

I went back to my office to find George sitting there reading over a report that Michael had left for him. " You ready to run yet, George? " I asked as I chuckled.

" To be honest Mr. Martin, I am. "

" It's Jerry, and don't sweat it, George. This will all become second nature to you soon enough. "

" But damn, Jerry. These amounts on these reports and just from Michael's office, I have never imagined an unknown company dealing with amounts like this. No offense, Jerry, but it's not like you are Microsoft and listed on the DOW. "

I let out a laugh and George just looked at me like I was crazy. " None taken, George and you are correct, I am not listed on the market and just to put your mind at ease. It is only money, I know it is easy for me to say with what you see, but it does not rule my life. It is but a means to a plan and that is the only way I think about it. I hold no grudges to anyone that works for me who has a bad day, week, month and loses money. The only grudge I can have and will exact revenge for is someone stealing from me. If family or friends need some then I am more than happy to give, but I can not and will not tolerate thieves. That is one reason you are here, George, my last manager in this office is currently in the city jail and will be spending the rest of his life in prison. "

" I can assure you, Jerry, I would never even begin to imagine stealing from you or anyone else. I have always prided myself at working for something I want and I don't see that changing. "

" I knew that was a core value for you, George and I can understand that philosophy. I have the same belief and have lived that way for a long time. On to other matters, I have lunch plans with the Chief of Police, so Michael is working on plans for you two to go out for lunch. I will be back afterwards and we will continue on with your training. I will be finishing the day a few minutes early today as I have a dinner date and he will be here at 5. We will also be out of town from Thursday through Sunday and I will have Michael here with you on Thursday and Friday this week. If there are any problems, I will know about them before you and I can always be reached by phone, or through Kyle if I'm not answering. I have all the contact information on file for you. "

" Michael went through all of the contact files for you and each office. I don't see a problem right now, as long as Michael is here. That man is an encyclopedia of information. "

" That he is, George and he is a good man to have in your corner. Now that he has shown you the reports from each office, let me walk you through how I want all that information brought together here in this office. "

I spent the next couple of hours walking George through each report from each office and how I wanted things reconciled and how to check to make sure each report was accurate. This took the most time every Monday, making sure that each entry from each report matched the incoming and outgoing accounts. George had a wonderful mind for details and I knew that would serve him well in this office. Keeping track of all the guests at the hotel and every event going on throughout the town sharpened his mind for retaining information. The only good thing to come out of the morning was the work, it helped me to not worry about the events of the information Kyle had received and was working on. As I was coming to a point to finish for the morning there was a knock on the door.

" Come in. " I answered.

Kyle came walking in with a folder in his hands. " Do you have a minute, Jerry? "

I glanced over at the clock and it was close to 11:30. " Sure, Kyle I just reached a place to stop for lunch and was just getting ready to close everything down. This is Kyle Watson, my head of security. Kyle, you know, George Richards. "

George got up from his seat. " It's a pleasure to see you again, Kyle. " as he shook his hand.

" It's nice to have you here in Columbus with us, George. I hope that the boss hasn't been giving you too hard of a time this morning. " Kyle asked with a smile on his face.

" Don't tell him, but he is damn good at teaching an old dog new tricks. "

" No worry there, George. He has a big enough head on his shoulders as it is, I will not be party to making it any bigger. " Kyle looked at me, but his smile faltered.

" Okay you two, I get the message. I will be with you in a minute, Kyle. Let me finish up this and I will be right over. "

Kyle nodded his head and walked back out of my office. " Is there a problem, Jerry? " George asked, a little unsure if he should be asking.

" Just a personal problem that came up this morning, George. I hope to have it resolved during lunch. "

I showed George how to secure all the files and accounts before shutting down the computers. " Now I think it's time you find that lazy Michael and tell him you have earned your lunch and you're ready to go eat. "

" No problem, Jerry. We will see you after lunch. I hope everything works out well for you. " George left to go find Michael and head out to lunch.

I turned and looked out the window for a moment and readied myself to go see Kyle. I finally grabbed the courage to head over to see Kyle, the possibilities running through my mind at a speed I rarely reached. I almost stopped at Kyle's door, ready to turn and run the other way. I turn the knob and walked into the office.

" What did you find out, Kyle? " I asked, not really wanting to know the truth.

" First of all, Jerry, I do Not believe that Sean is involved in this in any way. I'm sure when you tell him about this he is going to be shocked, so you might want to wait a few days until you let him in on this. It looks as if Officer Derrick's father is Sean's uncle.

" How the hell can that be, Kyle. His parents had no siblings. "

" Sean's uncle was disowned by his parents, and if my dates are correct, Sean's father might not even have remembered him, or John's parents may have told him that he was dead. I just don't have a way to find out, unless I actually go out and talk to him or Officer Derrick. Oh shit, his first name is John, I will bet he named him after his brother. If you are having lunch with Chief Jacobs, I assume you will be asking him then. "

" I'll be damned, I guess there are some more skeletons in the Austin's closet. I want you to find everything you can on all the Austins and I want you to use all of our resources on this. Call Albert Smythe and ask him to pull everything he can find on them, tell him I want to go back at least 4 generations. Call Scott and have him pull up all information he can on Sean's mother and father, there should be plenty he can find online and make sure he highlights any and all connections we can trace by going old school. I guess you have copies of everything you found so I can take them with me? "

" I sure do, Jerry, and I already have Scott working on that and I will call and talk with Albert while you are having lunch. "

" I want this finished before Sean arrives this evening, I can't hold this back from him. Not after the debacle with Mary and trying to keep things from him. " I stood and took the file from Kyle and went back to my office. I sat down and was about to open the file when I remembered I needed to call and arrange the trip to Florida with Captain Winslow. Once I finished I grabbed the folder and headed out to my meeting with Kim.

I decided to walk over to police headquarters, they were just a couple blocks away and I figured the walk would help me sort through the ideas I had running in my head. It had been a couple years since I had actually walked around downtown, I was so used to being driven and working in the limo while I was on my way home or to lunch. In some ways I supposed I had better get used to the crowds, I would be facing them in Florida soon. The lunch time activity on the streets as people ran from their offices in an attempt to eat and return made the sidewalks as dangerous as the highways during rush hour. I made my way into the building and passed through all the security checkpoints and headed to Kim's office, arriving just a few minutes before noon.

" Good day, I'm Jerry Martin and have a lunch appointment with Chief Jacobs. " I told the secretary at the desk.

She checked out her schedule on her computer and looked up at me. " I don't seem to have you on her schedule today, Mr. Martin. "

" I talked to her this morning and she said she was expecting me. " I nodded towards the food being delivered, " I also had that delivered for us. "

She looked at me as if I still was not getting in, " Please have a seat and I will check with Chief Jacobs and see if she is available. "

I turned away from her and walked towards some chairs against the walls, but just stood looking the the pictures biding my time till Kim came out and invited me into her office. I heard a raised voice coming from Kim's office and smiled as I knew that her secretary was catching hell from a very formidable woman. " Jerry, it's great you could join me this afternoon. " Kim rushed over to me and hugged me.

" It is always my pleasure to be seen in the company of such a beautiful lady, Kim. " I pulled up her hand and kissed the back of it.

" You are so full of shit, Jerry. Come on in and let's eat, I can't wait to see what you had sent up, it smells so delicious. " Kim wrapped her arm around mine and pulled me into her office.

" Let's enjoy some lunch before we get into anything too stress related, Jerry. How is Sean doing since yesterday? " She asked, trying to steer the conversation to a personal nature and away from business. The only thing that made that a problem was that it the problem was going to be personal.

" He is doing rather well, he actually stood up to my family for me yesterday, I don't think my mother was prepared for him to be so seasoned. I think she was expecting him to fold easily and she could push him out of her way. "

Kim looked up at me with a questioning look. " I thought you got along with your parents, what happened? "

Kim was one of the few people who knew about my past, I told her mostly because I was sure she would find out once we were introduced. " It seems my mother was the one behind the attack on me all those years ago, Kim. " I looked up at her and saw the shock cross her face. " Yesterday she tried, unsuccessfully I might add, to have me committed and take control of my finances. All that bitch was after was my money. " I let slip out before I realized what I had said. " Forgive me, Kim, I did not mean to use such language. "

" Nonsense, Jerry. If I had found out my mother was a true psycho I would have used more and harsher language than that. Have you closed the door on her now? " Kim asked, deciding if she wanted to hear the answer.

" I was just going to let her be and never see her again, until she sent the Sheriff to the house to question me about molesting Jack. "

" Dear God, she didn't? "

" She did and if I was any closer to make a decision I knew I would regret it was then. Sean talked sense back into me and I asked the Sheriff to hold her and have a psych evaluation done on her. I'm hoping they can lock her up for a long time and that way I won't have to deal with her. " My head dropped as I thought about that despicable woman again.

We quickly finished lunch as Kim talked about Janet and how they were doing together at home. How much they enjoyed our time out and that they were looking forward to the next time. I shared that Sean, Jack and I were heading out of town for a long weekend and I could see the gleam in her eye as she thought about a time with her own children.

" Jerry, that was a wonderful lunch, you could join me everyday with a lunch like that. " Kim laughed.

" Until Janet found out and we would both catch hell for it. I think we will keep these for those special times. "

" So, what information have you and your 'detective squad' found this morning? " She asked, moving the meeting to business.

I handed her the file I had brought with me. " I was not involved in any of the fact finding on this one, Kim. I was busy with George and Michael this morning. "

" Like that makes a difference, Kyle is more than competent to find a flea in the arctic, let alone information on a person he knows the whereabouts of. " Kim took the file and started reading through the pages.

" Damn, Jerry, I'm serious about this, you need to come work for me. This is incredible and even contains more information than I have on Officer Derrick. "

" I wish I had the time, Kim, but right now I have enough to worry about. Maybe someday I can branch out and offer my services. Not damn likely though, you have way too many rules for my taste. "

" Two family name changes, it looks they were trying to remain hidden. The last one just before computers made a big break in records keeping. Pretty good timing or a coincidence if you ask me. "

" I don't accept coincidences and I don't think it was good timing. It might have been a well intentioned talk, with a child that had the vision to see where computers were going to take us. "

" That's a hell of a leap to make, Jerry, but if it was, then I wonder how many 'talks' this father and son have had. "

" I hope we find out soon, because after this weekend, I'm not in a forgiving mood. "

" Of course you are, Jerry. You have no other choice, it's what makes you, you. He should be here any minute, then we will have all the answers that you are looking for. "

" Kim, just promise me, this will not affect his job. You will not use this to keep him from advancing, and who knows, maybe with this off his chest he can become a better Officer. "

" I promise that any decision I make will depend on how truthful he is with us. If he continues to keep lying and not tell us the whole truth, then I will have no choice but to turn this over to internal affairs. "

" Well, that is all I can ask of you, Kim. "

Kim's intercom went off and announced that her 1 o'clock appointment had arrived.

" Show him in please. " Kim replied.

We both stood and faced the door as it opened and in walked Officer Derrick, his face tensing then falling as he came to a stop in front of Kim.

" Reporting as ordered, Chief. " The only words to come out of his mouth, but his eyes never broke contact with me.

" Thank you for coming, Officer. Please have a seat and let's get started. " She held her hand towards one of the chairs in front of her desk.

I took the other seat and Kim went around and sat down in her chair. " I want you to know that this is not a formal investigation into you or any activities about you Officer. But if we can not resolve this matter to a mutual satisfaction than I will have no other choice but to begin one and put you on suspension until it is completed. "

Still not breaking his look from me he replied. " I understand Chief, now what is it you want to know? " He was being rather forward and it sort of impressed me, but not near enough to slow me down on my mission.

I opened the folder I brought with me and handed him a sheet of paper with several photographs on it. " Is that your truck? "

Officer Derrick finally broke eye contact with me and looked at the pictures. " It looks like mine. "

" Then I guess my next question is, what the hell were you doing casing my home and following me to work this morning? "

Officer Derrick looked back up at me and I could see no change on his face, still a look of determination, one I have seen many times. " I know who you are, Mr. Martin and after our encounter yesterday I know a little more. But if you think I am going to just 'bow down' and kiss your ass like everyone else seems to, you are dead wrong. "

" Officer!!!! " Kim growled.

I held up my hand, " It's alright, Kim. I have heard worse, and way too many times as of late. " My face turned in anger back towards Officer Derrick. " You may think you know who I am, but anything and I mean anything you may have found in files and online is nothing as to who I really am. If you want to know, just ask. "

" Fine, where are Sean and Jack Austin? "

" Straight to the point, I like that. They are at our home, trying to settle in after a very emotional weekend. Now a question for you, what is your interest in Sean and Jack? "

" That is a private matter between them and me. " Officer Derrick replied in a short informal way.

" If I don't have an answer then I have no other option than to take this information to a judge and get a restraining order against you. If I have to proceed that way then I am sure that it will interfere with your job. Those two have been through hell this week and I will not have them put through anymore, without a valid reason. "

Officer Derrick looked at the file I had on the desk in front of me and his attitude changed. " What else do you think you know? "

" I will come to the point just as you did. I know who you and your father are, so I ask again, what are your intentions toward Sean and Jack? "

Another change occurred just as quickly, he was like hot and cold running water. " You have no idea who I am, and as for my father you just leave him out of this. "

A weakness in his armor was showing itself. " So your father doesn't know you found his nephew and great nephew? "

" My father does not know and that is the way it will remain. I knew as soon as I saw Sean yesterday at his house, exactly who he was. "

" Then, why the sudden interest to contact them now? Your father or you could have done this years ago, yet you sat idly by as they went through years of hell and did nothing. "

" It was my father's wish, he did not want to expose them to the hate that his parents raised him on, and burned into his soul. He refused to ever let them know he even existed. I have tried for years to change his mind, but he will not budge on the issue. "

" So I will ask this yet again, what are your intentions? Do I have to worry about you approaching Sean and throwing this all in his lap? Do you want him to help you break the ice with your father and in turn maybe hurt him more in the end? I will not allow any of that to happen to them, John, they are too dear to me to let that happen to them. "

John, aka Officer Derrick was quiet for a moment then let out a deep sigh. " I was going to try and convince him to help me change my father's mind. Now that you said it that way, I guess it wasn't a wise choice. "

" Not your best decision, John. If you would have approached him and he had any reaction that he did not know you, I'm afraid that you would have been the one in trouble.

" I sat there shaking my head, why is it always someones choice to approach an unknown person and try to convince them of who they are?

" I think I could have held more than my own against Sean. " John said, with sarcasm dripping from his words.

" Well that may be, John, but against 2 or 3 members of my security team it might not have ended the way you thought. " I stared into John's eyes, looking to find the answers that were hidden there and to make sure what he has said so far was the truth.

" Security, what the hell do you need with a security team? " John asked, not sure if he even meant to vocalize it. As soon as the words left his mouth I knew he had not meant to say them out loud, he blushed and looked down at the ground. I had seen all I needed to see and I nodded towards Kim.

" If you actually knew anything about me, John, I am a very private person. I take my privacy very seriously and the privacy of Sean and Jack are the same for me now. If you can talk to your father and he will agree to a meeting, I can talk with Sean and see if he will accept it. Unless he agrees to be involved in this, I can not let Sean know about you two. He will not be used as a bargaining chip in your fight with your father. "

" I'm not sure if I will ever be able to change my father's mind, I know he still holds a lot of anger towards his parents. "

" He might hold that anger towards his parents, but Sean is not his parents. That man has been through enough, if he can't set aside his pain to connect with a new part of his family then that is where it will stand. You have until Monday to work on him, we will be out of town until then. I will contact you Monday morning and see how your talk went with your father before we decide how we will move forward with this. "

" I will do what I can, Mr. Martin, but it might take a miracle to change that man's mind. I really do want to get to know Sean and Jack, even if my father won't change his mind. "

" That may take some more time to arrange, John, right now Sean has more immediate concerns to worry about. He has to plan Jack's future and his own, I will help him with both as much as I can, but the final choice is his. Until he makes those decisions and has a plan in place then I think the subject can be approached to arrange a meeting. "

" That is not fair, keeping us apart, he is family. He deserves the opportunity to know about us and his family. I just can't see how you can even begin to try and keep us apart. "

" This is not negotiable, John. Tell me, how well do you know Sean and Jack? "

" I know what my father has told me and what I have found out since yesterday. "

" So you know a file, not the people. How can you ask him to put his life on hold, and the life of a 3 year old, to justify your need to know a family you have had years to contact? It is not fair to him to ask him to do that, if it was Sean alone then I could see the reasoning, but with Jack in the picture I can't and won't let that happen. "

" Because family is everything, Mr. Martin and one way or another I will get this information to Sean and he will come back to the family he never knew. "

" I thought you were going to be reasonable about this, John, but I can see that will not work. I hate to say this, but you will not get a chance to get anywhere near Sean or Jack. They are my family and I protect my family with a fierceness you have not seen before. " I looked over at Kim. " I guess this has to go the way I did not want it to go, Kim. I have to go, I have an appointment with a judge. I will drop off the paperwork on my way back from the courthouse, do with it what you wish. As for you Mr. Derrick, I will have you and your father served with papers before the afternoon is over, I advise you to abide by the order until we can bring this to a satisfactory close. "

" Do what you want, Mr. Martin, but I will find a way to let Sean know about us, restraining order or not. You can't keep him locked away forever and I am a very patient man. "

" First off, Mr. Derrick, I would never lock Sean away. He is free to come and go as he pleases. That does not mean that I won't have him protected while he is away and out in the open. With that statement, you just made this more than an order of protection, you have made this a stalking case. " I was beginning to lose my control and that in itself was making me even more upset.

" I would never stalk Sean, he is family. There are more ways to get to someone than an face to face meeting, I can always use the courts to ask for an order of protection for Jack. This will bring all of this out in the open and Sean will have to deal with me and my father. "

There was a tone in there that I did not like and a glint in his eye that was even more unnerving. I looked in his eyes and got the feeling he was definitely hiding something, something involving Sean and Jack. " It won't work, Mr. Derrick, you will never get close enough to either of them. If you try I promise you that you will spend the rest of your life suffering, and that will not be in this country, it will be overseas in one hell hole of a prison. "

" What won't work? I didn't say anything. " He tried his best acting innocent.

" Let's just say I had a little birdie tell me what your plan is and it won't work. I will tell Sean all about you and your father, the name changes. He will never wish to see either of you and I will make sure his wish comes true. The only thing he has as an asset is his home and you are not ever going to get your hands on that, or anything or anyone else. "

" Fine, tell him everything, but in the end you are going to lose. He will want to come back to his family, Mr. Martin. Not to mention, I have some very powerful friends that will make sure that it happens. " John smirked at me as he said that.

I turned to look at Kim, " If my count is right that makes four time he has threatened the Austins, I think that should be more than enough to keep him locked up till the trial. " I faced John, " Mr. Derrick, the last defense of a weak man is to say, ' I have some powerful friends', have you even considered that I know them and more. The ones I know have no names and I have seen first hand the people that disappear and are never seen again. " I turned to walk out of the office, I was done with this and had a new battle plan to prepare.

" It is far from over, Mr. Martin. " I heard him yell as three officers came in the office as I was leaving and arrested John.

Once I reached the lobby and was about to walk out into the open I began to wonder, thoughts that I never wanted to enter my mind. How much more could we endure at the hands of others? I knew the answer to the question, before my mind finished asking. The problem now, Sean is going to feel like more of a burden to me than he has since we met. How in the world was I going to assure him that anything that we had to deal with was of no importance to me, as long as he was there with me. I knew I had to tell Sean, no matter what I told John, there was no way in hell I could have ever kept this from him. Because as I have learned and the hard way at times, a secret never stays a secret if more than one person knows. It always finds a way to see the light of day and bring darkness to those it affects. Without even paying attention to where I was going I stood in front of my office building. I pulled my phone from my coat and called and had the car sent to pick me up. I told them I would be a few minutes in the office and be right down. I headed inside and straight up to the office, Michael and George were standing in the break room finishing off a coffee.

" Are you alright, Jerry? " I heard Michael's voice but kept walking towards the offices.

I rushed into Kyle's office and he was sifting through papers. " What's wrong, Jerry? "

" Where is his father living now? " I asked quickly.

" Hmmm, he is, " Kyle mumbled as he looked through some papers. " living near Cincinnati. "

" Thanks. " I grabbed the sheet of paper from him and turned and headed back out of the office.

" Where the hell are you going? " Kyle shouted as I ran back towards the elevator.

I made my way down to the front of the building and into the waiting limo. I gave the driver the address and sat back to work out what I was going to say to this man. I grabbed my phone and called the house.

" Hello, Martin residence. How may I help you? " Miss Nance, had a very pleasant phone voice.

" Good afternoon, Miss Nance. Is Sean there at the house? " I asked, I had to hear his sweet voice.

" I think he is outside with Master Jack. Would you like me to call him inside? "

" Yes, please. I need to speak with him. "

Miss Nance put the phone down and went to retrieve Sean. I sat there picturing Sean outside with Jack, the smiles on their faces as they played with Jack's cars and trucks. I knew then that I would give every last cent and my last breath to keep them safe and happy.

" Hello. " That sweet sound came through the phone, a simple yet exhilarating word.

" How is your day going Babe? " I tried to steady myself as the sound of him turned me to mush.

" Trying to wear Jack out, that boy doesn't have an off switch. I think I need to start taking him on a 5 mile hike. "

" You think it's bad now, wait till he is a teenager. " I laughed and I could tell that Sean was not.

" That was low, Jerry. Besides, wait till he is a teenager and you are helping to control him. "

" Ouch, I forgot about that. Maybe we can keep changing his birth certificate to keep him from the teenage years. "

" How is your day going, Babe? " Sean asked, changing the subject away from Jack growing up.

" The morning went rather well and I had lunch with Kim. After that it has been downhill, but I am hoping to have a great afternoon. I'm on my way down towards Cincinnati for a quick meeting, I will be back before you get to the office, unless you want to fly down and I will meet you at the airport and we can eat downtown. "

" I still can't believe how you talk about things, Jerry. Fly here, drive there, eat downtown. It sounds great, are you sure that Mitchell will be able to stay with Jack that long? "

" I'm sure he will have no problem, beneath that tough shell is a very friendly person. I hate to admit that I never seem to have enough time to talk to him to bring out that nice guy, but we do alright. Now the question still stands, dinner in Cincinnati? "

" I would love to, Babe. God, you make me feel so important and so lost at the same time. "

" Not to worry, I will always find you. I will call and set it all up, you be ready when they car arrives and they will take care of everything else. "

" Alright, but we are still having that talk tonight. Maybe on the flight home. " Sean laughed, trying to hide his excitement at flying and having dinner.

" We will have all the talking you want, but the flight home will be the best. That way we will have a perfect evening. I have to go and make these arrangements, I will see you soon, and Sean.... "

" Yeah? "

" I love you, more and more everyday. "

" I love you too, Jerry. More than you can even begin to realize. "

" I will see you soon, Babe. "

" Bye, Babe. " Sean then hung up.

I was about to call Captain Winslow and have the plane readied and then call for a car to take Sean to the airport, when the driver's phone rang.

" Don't you dare answer that phone, Edward. "

Edward had the phone in his hand, " It is Kyle calling, he will chew my ass out if I don't answer his call. "

" Don't worry about Kyle, I will deal with him later. I'm sure he has at least two teams on our tail and that is without me even looking to see. When I finish my calls I will call and talk with him, till then you get me to that address as fast as we can. "

" Alright, Jerry. I can handle that. " Edward put his phone down and picked up a little speed.

I called Captain Winslow and told him to get his ass to the airport and get the small plane ready for take off, Sean would be there in an hour and was to be taken to Cincinnati and we would be flying back later tonight. I called and had a car sent up to the house to pick up Sean within the hour and then I had to face the music, call and talk to Kyle. I knew I was going to get yelled at yet again, but as usual when it came to dealing with him, I could not care less.

I stared at the phone for a few minutes, then dialed his numbers. It only rang once and it started.

" What the hell do you think you are doing, Jerry? "

" I know Kyle and I'm sorry, but I have to find out the truth and with John Derrick in jail right now, I can talk to his father. I don't think he knows his son has gone off the deep end. I figure if I have surprise on my side I might get to the truth a little easier. "

" Bullshit, Jerry. You will get to the truth with or without the surprise. Why didn't you at least tell me you were leaving, I should be there with you. "

" I know Kyle, but I can not lie to Sean and I have to have answers before I see him tonight. Also to let you know, he is flying to Cincinnati and we are having dinner downtown before flying back tonight. The plane is being readied and a car will be picking him up shortly and taking him to the airport. Please tell Michael and George I'm sorry and I will make it up to them tomorrow. Besides, how many teams are following me right now, Kyle? " I had to chuckle at that last jest, I knew Kyle hated me knowing that he always had me under surveillance.

" That is not the point, Jerry. This job is hard enough without you running off without telling me. I just need to be informed, that is all I ask. "

" I'm sorry, Kyle. I know and we will sit down and talk this over tomorrow. One more thing, do not blame Edward for not answering his phone. I told him in clear and certain terms not to answer your call and before you lose your cool again, we will talk about that tomorrow also. " Damn him, I could see his side of this and I knew he was as right as I was, but I was sure as hell not going to tell him that.

I heard him sigh, " We will talk about all of that Jerry and more. If I didn't respect you and for what I'm sure you are up to in the long haul, I would have left as soon as you walked out that door. "

" I appreciate that, Kyle. I know of all the jobs there are around me, yours is the toughest and I all too often take advantage of that. I promise you Kyle, I will try my best to pull back on being so spontaneous and allow you more control, but not total control over security. "

" That's all I ask, Jerry. I don't worry as much here at home, but you have to allow me to do more when we are away. "

" I hear you, Kyle. We will work this all out tomorrow. Right now I need to get this handled and try to have a private evening with Sean. I imagine I will see you on the flight home? "

" I don't think so, Jerry. I will meet you in Columbus for the ride home. I will send Josh to fly back with you tonight. "

" I understand, Kyle, but I want you to go out and relax and have dinner on me tonight. I need you rested for the weekend. " I laughed and told him I would see him later and hung up the phone.

I sat back and looked over the sheet of paper I took with me as I left the office, not much information, just the basics. Name, date of birth, job, address, nothing that stood out to show that he was anything but a hard working average person. I played out how to start a conversation with him and figured it was best to start with his son, John. I knew I could not take all day to get to the heart of the matter, but I knew I could not just start there. Deep in thought, I didn't even notice that we had stopped until Edward broke into my thoughts.

" We are here, Jerry. "

" Oh, thanks, Edward. Please stay in the car, I don't need this to look any more ominous than it already is. " I asked Edward as I opened the door myself and exited the back seat. I stood up and looked at the house, nice mid sized white house, crimson trim, well cared for lawn. Someone has taken their time to keep all the outside work done. I pushed on and made my way up to the front door and knocked. I waited a minute and was about to knock again when I heard the handle on the door turn and the door opened slowly. There stood in my opinion an exact twin for Sean, same height, eyes and face. The only slight difference was this man's hair was a shade lighter than Sean's. I imagine I stood there with my mouth hanging open, in shock at the resemblance this man had to Sean.

He finally coughed and asked, " Can I help you? "

There was a definite difference in their voices, ' Thank God' I said to myself. " I'm sorry, you shocked me there for a minute, you look so much like a friend of mine I thought you were his twin. " I let out a small laugh. " I was looking for Jason Derrick, is he by any chance at home? "

The man was looking over my shoulder at the limo when he suddenly realized I had finished talking. " Excuse me, who are you looking for? "

" I was looking for Jason Derrick, is he home? "

" He should be home soon, he went shopping earlier. "

" I'm Jerry Martin, I was hoping to talk to him about his son, John Derrick. Would it be an imposition if I waited for him to come home so I might speak with him? " I asked as I held out my hand.

" I'm Max, John's brother. Is my brother alright? " Max asked as his facial expression turned serious.

" He is fine for now, but I really need to get to the bottom of what has caused a sudden turn in his personality. He is dangerously close to losing his job and face some jail time if I can't find a way to change his mind. "

" What has he gone and done? If there is anything that I can do to help, I will. " The worry showing on his face, but I did not want to let him in on anything, this was his father's problem.

" I wish you could, Max, but the information that I need to know about is in your father's past. I don't want to expose anything to you that your father may not want you to be party to. I apologize in advance, I do not mean to offend you or cause any more worry for your brother. I'm working as hard as I can on this and I was hoping that this visit would help me bring an end to all of John's problems. Is John close to your father? "

" Yes, he always has been. He comes down at least once a week and usually spends a couple days here when he is on vacation. "

" Then I'm sure your father can help me find a way to help John. If we can figure a way through this, then I'm sure I can get John squared away and back on a solid footing. "

" Are you his lawyer, or a friend? I know you can't work with him, no cop can afford to come here in a car like that. " Max said pointing at the limo.

" I'm not a lawyer, and you're right I am not a cop. I met John the other day and had a meeting with him and his boss this afternoon. I wish I could tell you more, but I don't want to break any confidences yet. I will promise you, that if I'm not successful with your father, I may ask you to help me. " I smiled and hoped I could put Max at ease.

" I guess I can understand your problem, Mr. Martin, but.... " Max trailed off.

" Makes you a little leery of who I am and what I want? I can understand that, Max, I deal with stock markets and businesses everyday. I can see where your unease is coming from and I truly wish I did not have to do it this way. I can tell you that I do not want to cause you, your brother or your family any problems or pain. I just wish to stop your brother from causing unnecessary pain to someone that I care for deeply. "

" Are you sure you are talking about John Anthony Derrick? Cause that does not sound like my brother. I have never known him to cause anyone trouble. "

" I'm sure he is just that way, Max, but he has had a rather sudden shock about something I am sure your father can help me with. " A car pulled into the driveway as I finished up my statement.

" Well, let's hope he can help you. If anyone can, Dad can, he knows John better than anyone. " Max ran off the porch to meet his father in the driveway and started talking to him in a hushed tone. He then stopped and his father looked up at me and started up toward the porch.

I stood at the top of the steps as Jason walked up, never taking his eyes off of me. " Good afternoon, Mr. Derrick. I'm Jerry Martin, and I was wanting to know if we could have a talk about your son, John. " I held my position, keeping my eyes locked on him to finish his evaluation of me.

He pushed his hand towards me, " I'm Jason Derrick, what is the matter with my son and what do you have to do with it? " Straight to the point, I liked him already.

I glanced over towards Max, " I think it would be better if we could talk in private, until you decide if you want your son involved. "

" Max, get the groceries in the house and put them away. If I need you I will call for you. " Jason yelled, never breaking eye contact again.

Max grabbed the bags from the car and rushed up the steps past us and went right in the house without giving a look at his father or me.

" I take it that monstrosity is your. " Jason asked as he pointed towards the limo.

" Yes, but please don't judge me by that, it is after all just a car. " I smiled, trying to break through the older man's cold facade.

" Well I guess not, but still seems a waste to me. Please have a seat. " Jason pointed to the chairs on the porch.

I sat in the seat farthest from us and Jason sat in the other. " So, what problem is my son involved in and how do you think I can help? "

" Mr. Derrick, there are things I need to discuss with you that are going to be very delicate for you and I want to be upfront and let you know I mean no disrespect. I just need to get to the bottom of this and see if you think you can talk some sense into your son's current course of action. "

" If you get to the point, I will be able to tell you if I can help my son or not. "

" I can do that Mr. Derrick and I want to say again, I mean no disrespect to you or your family. Your son answered a call while on duty yesterday, to a scene where I was present. It was a gathering after a funeral for a very close friend of mine, now I need to tell you that it was not a pleasant meeting between your son and me, but it was soon resolved. I thought for the best, until he saw the brother of the friend we buried, and I think that is what caused the problems that, John is having. "

" Well, who the hell was this friend, and why would seeing him cause my son problems? "

" Because as I just found out when Max answered the door, my friend is a damn near twin to your son, Max. My friend's name is Sean Austin, and I believe that he is your nephew."

Jason froze, not a word passed his lips. " I know that your parents disowned you and broke all contact with you when you were just a young man. Have you ever said anything to John about what happened? "

Jason's head sank, like a man defeated before the first shot was fired. " Yes. " He barely whispered.

" I think everything you ever told him, or he has heard, he is taking the wrong way. He is insisting on a forced reunion with Sean and Jack, and I could not allow that to happen until I was sure that you were aware that they even existed. I wouldn't allow John to use them as a tool to make you see them. If you want to meet them and try to get to know one another then I would be willing to help, but this has to be at Sean's request. If he he says no, then I have to have your word that no one will force him into a meeting. "

" I'm sorry Mr. Martin, I didn't know John would ever do anything to force this. I wasn't even sure that they existed, I figured that John, my brother that is, would have a family, but I never knew them, never looked for them, even after our parents passed away. "

" I don't think he would have done any of this either, Mr. Derrick, if it had not been for the resemblance that Max and Sean share. " I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pulled up a picture of Sean and handed the phone to Mr. Derrick. " This is why I think that John acted the way he did. I'm sure when he saw Sean he knew exactly who he was and that started him on this course he has taken. "

Mr. Derrick took the phone from my hand and stared at the picture. " Oh my God, he looks just like Max. I can't believe how much they look alike, I can only imagine how that shocked John. " Mr. Derrick looked up at me, I could see the water in his eyes. " What have I done? How can I help you undo this mess Mr. Martin? "

" First of all, call me Jerry, my father is Mr. Martin and he is at home. I keep looking over my shoulder when you call me that. " I laughed a little to help ease Mr. Derrick's anxiety. " I need to know if you are interested in meeting Sean and Jack. "

Mr. Derrick sat staring at the picture on the phone. " I would love to meet them and get to know them as family. I'm not sure how well they are going to take it, finding out that their father had a brother. "

" I can tell you that they do not know, their mother had no siblings and they were told that their father had none. They assumed they were the last of the Austins. I only wish you could have met Mary, she would have been so happy to know that you existed. " I reached down and changed the picture and showed him a picture of Mary I had taken when we were in Vegas. " That was on a trip to Vegas a few weeks ago, she had a wonderful time and was one of her last wishes. I was honored to help all her wishes come true the last few weeks. " I changed the picture again and pulled up one of my favorite of Jack. " This is Mary's son, Jack, she was so proud of him. Now, I can talk to Sean and explain what I know to him and see what he thinks about meeting you and your family, Mr. Derrick. But, I need you to go to Columbus tomorrow and speak with John. He is being held in the city jail tonight and I can make arrangements for you to see him and talk to him about this. If you can get him to pull back and let us take our time at letting this happen, I will see that he is released and nothing happens to him at work. "

" I will try my best to straighten him out, Jerry. He will listen to me, even if I have to put him over my knee, he is still not too big for me to do that. " Mr. Derrick laughed.

" I have one other thing to discuss, Mr. Derrick. We are going out of town Wednesday night and we won't be back until Sunday evening. The earliest I can make a planned gathering would be Monday evening. That is if Sean agrees to meeting with you, I can arrange dinner at our house on Monday night. "

Mr. Derrick looked up at me, deciding what to think of my statement and the meaning behind them. " I will have things worked out with John by then, if you will leave me your number I will call you and let you know if anything changes. "

I pulled a business card out of my jacket pocket. " All my numbers are on there, I'm usually away from the house from 8am til 6pm. You can call my cellphone number anytime, it is usually within reach all the time. If you need to talk tomorrow after you see John, I work downtown and it is not that far from where you will be. If you would like, I can send a car and have them bring you to Columbus and take you back home when you are finished. That way you won't have to worry about finding your way around downtown. "

" That won't be necessary, Max can take me. He can find anywhere we have to go. "

" That's fine, I did not tell Max about any of this, so it is up to you if you want him to know anything. If you would like, we can have lunch tomorrow before you return home. "

" Sean won't be there will he? "

" No, Sean has his hands full with Jack during the day. That is one of his next decisions to make, either going back to school or working on a new profession. Once he decides on that, he will have to look into a daycare program or a nanny for Jack during the day. "

" Well, he is going to have to make a lot of life changing choices, I hope he will let me and my boys become family again and we could always help him with those choices. "

" Sean is a very caring person, Mr. Derrick, I'm sure he would love to get to know you and your sons. I think he truly misses his mother and father and would relish the opportunity to welcome you into his family. "

" I want to thank you, Jerry. Sean has a very good friend in you and I'm very grateful that he has you helping him during these difficult times. "

" You're very welcome, Mr. Derrick. I have to get going, I need to meet the plane in Cincinnati soon and I don't want to be late. " I stood as did Mr. Derrick and we shook hands. I noticed that Max was standing inside the door when I walked off the porch and I'm sure he had been listening to us talking on the porch.

I entered the limo and we departed from the Derrick's house and started our way into Cincinnati. I pulled my phone out and made some calls that I needed to arrange everything for tomorrow. The first was to Kim, asking her to make a smooth meeting with John and his father at the jail. I filled her in on what I had found and what I hoped could be accomplished, if John would cooperate. I then called Michael and begged his forgiveness for running out of the office today, I also called George and did the same. I finally called Kyle to check in on their progress and to ask him to also check up on Max when he was working on the Derricks. He told me they were 45 minutes outside of Cincinnati and that everything was going smoothly. I thanked him and then asked to speak to Sean, I was going to have to get him a phone so I could call and talk to just him when I wanted to.

" Are you enjoying your flight? " I asked Sean when he answered the phone.

" You know I am, Jerry, but not a much if you were here. "

" I wish I was there with you too, Sean. I will meet you soon at the airport though, then we get to enjoy the flight home together. "

I heard Kyle in the background, but could not hear what he was saying. " Is Kyle giving you a hard time? "

" Not at all, but he does seem to be in a rather pissed off mood. "

" Well, as usual it's my fault. It was an unusual Monday, just let him simmer, I will apologize to him again later tonight. "

" I didn't intend to bother him, he has been busy on his laptop and phone. I like this plane, but the one we flew back from Vegas in was better. "

" I like that one also, but wait till we head overseas and we take the big one. You will flip out over that one. " I laughed, knowing he would lose it over the plane I use to travel when I make a trip to all the offices.

" Big one? Damn, Jerry. How much bigger can you get? " I could hear the surprise in his voice.

" I guess you will just have to wait and see. I'm going to let you go, I have a few things to finish up before we get to the airport. Then I'm all yours for the rest of the night. "

" I will hold you to that, Jerry. I will see you soon, Babe. "

" That you will, Sean. I love you, Babe. " I hung up the phone and smiled, he was becoming more comfortable using affectionate terms when talking with me. I sat and thought about Michael and why I couldn't persuade him to move to Columbus and take over the office here. I knew he liked a busy social life and Columbus was no New York, but I have not been able to even move him a little towards making the move. Maybe, I thought, I could get him to Columbus. It would be a long shot, but there is always a chance, I would have to give it some more thought and see how George comes along this week at the office. I was working out a plan when Edward broke my thoughts, " We are here, Jerry. The plane will be arriving in five minutes. "

" Thanks, Edward. " I let my head lay back on the head rest and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

I took those minutes to clear my mind and focus on how I wanted this evening to go and how I was going to break this news to Sean. I began to wonder how much more Sean could take, he was holding up strong after Mary's death. The stress I could read on his face told me how stressed he was at the thought of raising Jack. I hoped that we could get a few decisions made tonight, before I told him about his Uncle.

" They are on final approach, Jerry. Should be on the ground any minute. "

" Well, I guess I better get a move on it then. " I opened up the door and climbed out of the back seat. I walked into the flight office and checked on where the plane would be approaching. The young lady behind the desk was very helpful and had me on my way to where the plane would unload.

As I walked out onto the tarmac the plane taxied up near the back of the offices. I waited as the plane powered down and the door opened, there at the top of the steps stood Sean, he was stunning, in a very form fitting dinner jacket and emerald dress shirt that made the green in his eyes stand out even more. I just stood there staring at him as he walked down the stairs, unable to move as I watched him reach the bottom of the steps and walk towards me.

" You are absolutely handsome, Sean. " I just kept looking him over.

" Thanks, Jerry, but it's all thanks to...." He started to say but I knew where the clothes had come from just from seeing them.

" Mr. Jones I would imagine. " I smiled at Sean.

" How did you know? " He looked at me as I took his surprise away.

" I know the man's work, and he did a very good job, Babe. Remind me to send him a thank you note. " I grabbed Sean's hand and headed for the car.

I decided to have a little bit of fun with Kyle, since he was being a bit cold. " You wouldn't happen to have an extra weapon and holster with you would you Kyle? I think I might need it to keep Sean safe tonight. " I started laughing as I glanced over at Kyle.

Kyle rolled his eyes and kept walking towards the car. " I don't have time to train you how to use it first, Sir, so I guess you will have to leave security to me. "

I stopped Sean, " Can you step into the car for a moment why I have this out with Kyle? "

" Sure, Babe, but don't be too hard on him. He only wants to do his job to keep you safe. " Sean nodded and walked over and got in the car.

I closed the door and turned to face Kyle. " Kyle, I am sorry for today and all the others I have made your job even more difficult than it already is. If I had to guess and since I was away from the office this afternoon this is a guess. I imagine you either put out feelers for a new job or have been searching all afternoon for one. I don't blame you if you have and I won't stand in your way if that is your decision. If I can be of any help, just let me know and I will talk with anyone you want, but I would appreciate if we could still be friends. " I held out my hand to Kyle.

Kyle stood there staring me down, he slapped my hand down and grabbed me in a hug. " If you don't start listening to me, Mr. Martin, I am going to do more than find a new job. I am going to kick your ass all around downtown Columbus. "

" Alright, Kyle. I promise I will listen to your suggestions and ideas, but please give me a little time to get used to that idea. " I laughed as I turned and opened the car door.

" Not bloody likely. " I heard Kyle growl in a low voice. I just shook my head and finished getting into the back seat.


Thanks for waiting on this next chapter everyone, I'm sorry I took so long. I want to send my thoughts and prayers to everyone for the up coming holiday season. May all your dreams come true and happiness fill your life all the day long. I will be working on the next chapter as time permits me during the next few weeks, but it is at a premium this time of year.

Take Care Everyone Bryan

Next: Chapter 31

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