Between Chapters

By Frank van Dijk

Published on Aug 4, 2004


The Author of this story does not own the copyright for Harry Potter or any of the associated characters. This story makes no claim as to the sexuality of the characters. This story is completely fictional and any resemblence to real people, be they alive or dead, is completely by accident, without any malicious intent.

  • Phoenix

When Harry and Ron came outside there was a table on the grass and chairs and even two parasols. They sat down in the two chairs that were left, next to each other of course, and they looked at the feast that mrs. Weasley had put together. There was chicken, pork, lamb all with sauce and grilled or broiled. There were potatoes and carrots and peas and salad and a big plate with little nibbles that Harry tried.

After dinner, when mrs. Weasley and Ginny were cleaning the table, Ron and Harry followed Fred and George up to the hill next to which the Burrow was built.

"So Ron, you and Harry eh?" asked Fred, while looking at them both. He shook his head and srugged, "I guess we should have known, nobody likes the Chudly Cannons for any reason other than that the players are a bunch of goodlooking lads!" Fred beamed as he said this, and George, being his equal in almost every way, beamed as well. "Well, not that they're that bad of a team of course!" George piped in "They're just more interesting to look at for the players, then for their playing!"

Harry looked at Ron and noticed that he had gotten a bit red around his nose and his cheeks were the same colour as the raspberry icecream they'd had for desert. "I know, I just never thought you'd figure that out though. I mean, Ginny likes them too right?"

"But that's for the same reason that you like them Ron, she's growing up too you know?" said Fred

Ron looked at the ground and then at Harry. Harry looked at his watch, nine-thirty already.

"I think I'll call it a night" said Harry while getting up from the ground and looking at the house. "I'm knackered" He looked at Ron who almost immediately said "Yeah, me too"

Together they left the twins sitting on the ground after wishing them goodnight and walked to the table still standing in the garden. "Goodnight mum, goodnight dad" Ron said to mr. and mrs. Weasley "Goodnight" Harry said after Ron and both parents 'goodnighted' them back.

While standing in the kitchen Harry took his shoes off and Ron hung his jacket on one of the pins that seemed to almost sprout from the wall. Then they went upstairs and sat down on their beds. Ron's nose became a vibrant scarlet as he sat there and kept his mouth shut and even Harry, who was very sleepy, didn't move a muscle. When they shot a look at each other they saw that both of them was fairly nervous and Ron said "I'll change in the bathroom" he picked up his pyjama's and started for the door, but before he could take even one step Harry had crawled to his feet and grabbed his hand. "We'll both do it here okay?" he said and Ron nodded slightly. Harry got to his feet and took off his sweater, the t-shirt that he wore under it came undone and came with the sweater, making that he couldn't see a thing. He then felt a hand on his stmach, it touched his skin in a lovingly fashion, and then started to trace circles around his bellybutton. Harry threw his sweater on the floor and pulled his shirt over his head. Ron was standing before him with his right hand on harry's abdomen and his other hand on his own.

"I like that" Harry said to Ron who removed his hand as though frightened by the sound of Harry's voice. Harry took a step forward and got a hold of his friend's t-shirt, he pulled it out of Ron's trousers and very carefully pulled it over his head. He saw that the freckles weren't just in his face, they also ran over his chest and his stomach, he started to wonder how far down they went. At that moment Ron stuck out his hand and grabbed Harry's. HE pulled him in and started to kiss him right on the mouth. Tongues met lips and moved around inside the other's mouth for a moment when Harry felt Ron putting his arms around him, caressing his arms, chest and back as he did so.

Harry decided it was time for a bit more, he softly pushed Ron away and grabbed the belt that kept his trousers on his hips. He unbuckled it and pulled it out of the rings of fabric that made sure it didn't creep up or down too much during the day. He then unbuttoned Ron's trousers and pulled the zipper down. Ron grabbed his hands and pulled them from his crotch and back to his back. They kissed again and Harry saw a tear glistening on Ron's cheek.

"What's wrong?" he asked while keeping his arms around the fire-haired boy. "Nothing" said Ron, "It's just that.....although I've wanted this for a while now, it doesn't seem to feel right yet." Ron swallowed and continued "Could you just slow down a bit? I want to feel comfortable before we go any further." Ron looked friend in the eye and blinked, swallowed and blinked again. Harry nodded, "We'll just go on a bit, you can choose when to on on, or when to stop okay?" Ron nodded and grabbed Harry around the back again, he changed his mind and used his left hand to caress Harry's chest. He stroked up and down, turning circles around Harry's nipples that reacted to this treatment by getting hard. Ron then brought his mouth to Harry's chest and kissed it, all over, giving special atention to the nipples of his best friend....lover. He could hear Harry moan slightly, so he knew he was doing good. He raised his head and started to kiss and suck the other boy's neck and shoulders before turning back to kissing him on his mouth. Harry spent this time caressing Ron's back, shoulders, chest and running his fingers through his red hairs.

Ron looked into Harry's eyes and blinked. Harry felt Ron's fingers touching the buttons of his trousers, undoing them and pulling them down.........

Part three already! My my, time flies when you're having fun eh?

Can you guess what will happen in part 4? Keep your eyes open for the next installment of....

fanfare music Between Chapters, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets end fanfare

comments and tips, or even requests (which will be taken into consideration) can be sent to

C Frank van Dijk, 4th of august 2004

Next: Chapter 4

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