Beverly Hills Hoe Billy

By moc.liamg@61htuosyag

Published on Mar 27, 2011



*My name is Nathaniel Brinkman but everyone just calls me Nathan, so yall can call me Nathan too. I am 15 years young and am from Dallas Texas. If yall are reading this then you can assume I'm gay so I don't need to get into all that (duh this is the gay section after all) Sigh!!! Fine I'll wet yall whistle just a little bit, I've known I was gay since about 7 years old but have never acted on my feelings.(for obvious reasons like being gay in the south is harder than turning water into wine). So now for the story portion, I was raised by my Ma all my life cuz that yellowbellied swine they call a daddy wasn't there matter of fact I'll get to my story in a minute. I didn't even tell yall what I look like yet. My body type is somewhat skinny but like I just told you fellers, I am from Texas so naturally I got somewhat of a muscle tone (Fit as a Fiddle). Got myself a nice broad chest and big n'perky nipples that are almost always hard. My body is silky smooth and almost hairless except for a few chest hairs and my treasure trail, also hair in some small places hahaha. My Ma was black and my Pa was white so I guess I inherited both off ems looks. What Im really getting at is that I don't look like you typical white boy. My skin complexion I guess I got from my daddy, cuz it is that of a white male but it's a fine tan, kinda light caramel color. I gots myself crystal blue eyes and dirty blonde shoulder length hair that almost always covers my right eye. People always make cracks on my lips because I got me 2 full luscious lips (similar to that of Angelina Jolie). On account of my Ma I don't have the average flapjacks most fellers call an ass. I was anointed with 2 nice round mounds that is commonly labeled as a bubble butt. Luck somehow always tends to be on my side, my nicknames Lucky by the way .So in tribute I got me a shamrock tattoo plastered on my right cheek. Now the moment yall have been hankering for, you perverts know what I'm getting at. Drum roll please!!!... My cock is 6.5 inches (cut) with a huge pink mushroom head, a nice thickness and a smooth close sitting sack. My blonde pubes are somewhat neat but bushy because I never really take the time to groom them; I mean what's the point? *


Like I said before My Ma raised me my entire life cuz my sorry excuse for a Pa wasn't there. Like most southerners he fits the stereotypical racist/bigot category. When I was born and he was asked to come to the hospital to see me/ sign my birth papers, He simply said "Fuck I had a little too much to drank and that your Ma was just some easy one night whore that helped me get my rocks off".(Yes I was conceived on a bar bathroom floor) I haven't seen the likes of that son bitch since the day I was born on account to the fact that he's in prison on several felonies including drug charges but my personal favorite rape. I hate my Pa with a passion but for whatever reason My Ma thought it would be good for me to visit his side of the family anyway cuz they are family after all. My pa's side of the family is some of the meanest cruelest beings to ever walk God's green earth. Every time we would visit they would make racial slurs and not to mention treat my Ma like complete shit (she always used to break down and cry after a family visit). One day I went for a visit and they started the usual bullshit routine but I was having none of that. I cursed out my aunties, using every word in the book from fat bitch, whore, cunt, etc. Hell I even ended up rassling with some of my uncles. Guess it's safe to say that we weren't invited to any family gatherings.

Chapter 1(A Fresh Start)

My Ma died about a year later from a massive heart attack, I was devastated because I loved my Ma more than I loved myself but Also I have no other family that would take me in so I thought I was up a creak without a paddle. About 3 days after her death a meeting was slated with me and her attorney (Mr. Smith). Mr. Smith appeared to be about a man of 45 years, he had brown hair which was combed over to hide an obvious bald spot. He wasn't a bad looking man for his age but I don't have the hot's for him so Ima get back to the story now. "Hello I am Mr. Smith and you must must be?" I could see he was struggling so I helped him out a little bit "My name is Nathaniel Brinkman but you can call me Nathan Sir. "Of course my good man, now let's get down to business shall we? Mr. Smith said. We took seats at a huge round table like the one them fellas on the apprentice sit at. Mr. Smith then spoke "according to these documents you mother had left you everything she owns. "Ok? But where the hell am I gone live I shouted bluntly". Mr. Smith was not even the slightest bit phased by my outburst. He ruffled through his papers until he came across the one that stated who gets custody of you. "Ah' yes here it is, you are to live with a Female by the name of Ms. Lucile Mr. Smith said". To make a long story short Ms. Lucile and my Ma was best friends (even closer than sisters). I haven't seen her since I was like 5 years old cuz she moved to California but her and my Ma kept in touch. Since Ms. Lucile was to be my legal guardian it means I had to leave Dallas (the only home I've ever known). I was somewhat relieved though because I'd never seen California before so it's kinda like a permanent vacation (I lied to myself). Also I wasn't leaving any friends behind cuz to tell the truth, I never really had any. Since I aint have me nobody to supervise me on the trip to California Mr. Smith volunteered to. Me and Mr. Smith finally boarded the plane at 10:30 am the next morning after going through one of them long airport security groping's. Honestly the groping had got me pretty fucking horny. Once we were in the plane, we were greeted by a young female flight attendant who was no more than 24 years young. Her name was obviously Glenda cuz it said it on her name tag. "Welcome to United Airways I am Glenda and will be your hostess for today, if I can get you gentleman anything please let me know" she said before quickly walking away to help another passenger. Mr. Smith had got himself a seat in first class, so we wouldn't be sitting together but I didn't really mind (more room for me). As I took my seat I turned to look over my seat for just a sec and saw some nerdy kid peeking over their seat at me but they quickly stopped when they saw me looking. I was so cited cuz I aint never been on no plane before. However the buzz was quickly ended when the woman in front of me had the worst youngin I had ever seen, the kid was whooping and hollering all over the place like a cat getting hosed down. So I plugged in my IPod and cranked out some tunes to drown out the noise. The fancy Boeing headphones I snagged from Mr. Smith when he wasn't lookin' blasted my newest favorite song into my ears. (Hold it against me by Britney Spears)

Hold it against me lyrics

Hey over there

Please forgive me

If I'm coming on too strong

Hate to stare

But you're winning

And they're playing my favorite song

So come here

'Little closer

Wanna whisper in your ear

Make it clear

Little question

Wanna know just how you feel

If I said my heart was beating loud

If we could escape the crowd somehow

If I said I want your body now

Would you hold it against me?

Cause you feel like paradise

And I need a vacation tonight

So if I said I want your body now

Would you hold it against me?

That's all I remember before I musta dozed off, cuz I was woke A.K.A gettin the hell shaken outta me by someone. "Wake up" the whispery voice of the stranger said as they continued to shake me. "WHAT!!! ok ok I'm up!!! I said in a sleepy 5 more minutes mom type voice as I sat up in my seat and opened my eyes to see the same nerdy looking kid. (I had to admit he was hot)

Nerdy boy's (Tyler) stats

14 or 15 years old, About 5, 7 inches tall, pale skin kinda like a vampire, gawky glasses over his beautiful green emerald colored eyes. Freckles on his face but not too many. When he smiles you can see their braces

Light Brown hair styled kinda like Justin Bieber

*Average body type *

Dressed in a tight purple t-shirt that's hugs his body and black cargo shorts that barely cover his semi hairy legs. He was also wearing ankle socks and duck head shoes.

*Through my sleepy eyes could clearly see they was smiling at me. "Is this seat taken? He asked already settling himself into the seat next to me. "No gone ahead and help yourself I said sarcastically". He mustn't have even noticed my sarcasm cuz; the next thing out his mouth was "My names Tyler by the way, what's your name? He said extending his hand. "My names Nathaniel but Ya can call me Nathan" I said taking his hand. "That's a nice name he said taking my hand in his and more so gently stroking it than shaking. I just thought he was being friendly and though nothing of it but boy was I wrong. "Hey weren't you the kid who was staring at me?" I asked bluntly? "Oh you saw that huh? he said turning bright red with embarrassment. "How could I not see ya" I said so what brings you up to these parts, aren't we supposed to stay in our seats? "You looked lonely sitting up here all alone so I thought I'd keep you company". That's mighty nice of you Tyler but won't your folks get mad that you swapped seats? "Nope I'm traveling alone and the flight attendants don't really give a damn" he said mischievously. So what with the accent, you like from the south or something? He asked. "You bet ya, I'm from Dallas Texas I said. Cool!!! I'm from California and live in Beverly Hills Tyler said. We made small talk after that discusses our hobbies, likes, dislikes but my personal favorite his girlfriend (not). I was disappointed because I was really starting to like them, but oh well I thought to myself at least I made a new friend. Suddenly one of the flight attendants made an announcement that it was movie time, the movie was new moon one of my favorites because of Taylor lautner. Apparently it was one of Tyler's favorite movies too because he quickly said "Fucking ace!!! Dude which team are you on? I'm team Jacob all the way. I was in complete awe he likes Twilight and Jacob too, my head was spinning. I snapped outta my daze just long enough to answer his question. During the movie I felt Tyler's hand sensually rubbing my legs but as I looked up at him he quickly pulled his hand away smiling saying you liked that huh? (Playful manner) I don't know if it was just a nervous twitch or what but I was very disappointed cuz, honestly I loved the feeling of his soft hand on my leg and obviously my cock loved it too because it was now at full attention. Pushing my cock to the side of my tight blue jeans hoping Tyler wouldn't notice and Focusing on the movie did help either cuz if yall know anything bout twilight, Jacob is shirtless bout 99.9 % of the time lol. Between getting groped by Tyler and lookin at shirtless Jacob was just too much for one boy to take, by cock grew even harder and started to pulse against my tight jeans. Getting relief was my only option (Cumming). "Excuse me Tyler" I said getting up from my seat and pushing past him towards the aisle with my hands covering my hard on. "What's wrong dude? He asked with concern in his voice. "Jus gotta take a piss is all" I said before rushing to the bathroom. Quickly I slide the door to occupied with one hand while I pulled my shirt over my head with the other. Immediately I unbuckled my jeans and let them fall to my ankles, leaving me with a clear view of my bulging tighty whities (tight briefs) now wet with pre cum. Next I closed my eyes and started rubbing my hands up and down my smooth chest and ass while my other hand continued to rub my tented undies. What really turns me on is when my nipples get played with, so I gently started to tug, twist and flick my already semi hard nipples getting them hard as rocks. Now the only thing separating me between my raging boner and me was a thin piece of cotton, I lustfully looked at myself in the mirror making sex faces while slowly pulling my briefs down just enough to expose my pubes. The wet spot grew larger as I persisted to tease myself. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore when a thought or Taylor Lautner's hot bod shot into my mind, I had to touch myself so violently I jerked my briefs the rest of the way down. My dripping cock was pulsing as if it were going to explode. Spitting on my hand and wrapping it around my cock I started to work my hand up and down. "Mmmmmm that warm cock feels so fucking good in my hand" I said quietly gazing over in the mirror. As I really got into it I started to uncontrollably moan, I just hoped nobody hears me. Jus as I got back in the rhythm, there was a loud knock on the bathroom door. Terrified I scrambled to get dressed, cuz I thought maybe somebody complained about the noise to a flight attendant or somethin. The knocks continued "Gimme a minute" I said kinda on edge because I didn't finish myself off. Quickly I sorta straightened myself up before opening the door. When the door opened it was none other than Tyler "dude are you okay your sweating like crazy" he said as he walked into the bathroom closing the door and locking it behind him. "I'm jus fine now but thank ya for your concern" I said moving toward the exit and accidently bumping Tyler. "Is that money in your pocket or you just happy to see me?" he asked looking down at my jeans. "Its nothin Ima jus be going now" I said now turning bright red. Tyler then pressed his body against mine pushing me towards the wall. "You're not going anywhere stud" he said with a mischievous look on his face. Without warning he pulled me into a kiss, my first kiss with a guy. Feeling his tongue press against my lips, I let his tongue enter. My mind and body were lost in complete ecstasy. I regained control long enough to push em away. "Wait ya got a girlfriend remember?" I asked feeling dirty. He replied "what can I say I go both ways". With that he quickly placed my tongue down my throat, by now we were rubbing each other's bulging britches. He ended our kiss and started to undress each other. When we got to our undies, Tyler told me to close my eyes cuz he had a surprise for me. I closed em and opened em up to see his throbbing dick in my face. His dick was about 6 inches and average thickness. Quickly I went down on him swallowing his entire 6 inches down my throat (gagging a little). Tyler musta liked it because he started to moan loudly. "Mmmmmm oh yeah that's it baby suck that dick" He said. For some reason being talked dirty to has always got me going. With Tyler seeming to be enjoying himself, I started to jerk off. Without warning Tyler started to skull fuck me, making me gasps for air. "Yeah take all that dick bitch" he said pushing his whole 6 inched deep down my wind pipe. "Get it nice and wet for daddy". I almost lost control with that and was now on the edge of orgasm. "You suck dick so much better than my girlfriend (this made me proud but made me feel slutty at the same time). Suddenly Tyler told me to stand up, I obliged him and stood up (clueless thinking to myself did I do somethin wrong.) When he smacked my ass hard and bent me over I knew exactly what he was after. He musta noticed my tattoo cuz the nex thing he said was "todays your lucky day daddy wants some of that nice fat ass he said spreading my cheeks apart revealing my pucker. "You're a virgin?" he asked seeming shocked. " huh" was all I could manage to say. "Sweet! he said in a cool guy tone. Before I knew what was happening a wet feeling was on hole. I turned to see Tyler rimming me, it was an amazing feeling so I jus closed my eyes and moaned softly as he slurped away at me. This was a feeling I never wanted to end but it did when Tyler told me to assume the position. Obediently I got on all 4 and waited for my stud to enter me. He spit on his cock and lined it up with my hole. "Babe this gonna hurt, you ready?" he asked. "Fuck me daddy! I moaned in a slutty voice. With that he applied pressure to my hole and barely pushed the tip in my walls before I winced in pain. Tears started to well up in my eyes. (Gosh I had completely under estimated what it's like to have a cock in your ass. Those sluts in those video make it look so easy). "Breathe" he told me before continuing to push his love muscle inside me. "Ugh! You're so fucking tight: he said grunting. I started to scream but Tyler quickly covered ma mouth with his hand. "Shush babe somebody might hear us" he said. "But it hurts" I said whining like a 3 year old. "Only a few more inches to go" he said rubbing his hands through my hair which made me smile. After what seemed like an eternity he was all the way in, we jus sat there for bout 2 minutes to let be adjust. "I'm gonna take it slow ok?" he asked, I jus nodded and closed my eyes. He moved in and out slow, occasionally stopping when he saw me in pain. After bout 10 minutes I was loose and started to moan with pleasure. "Harder! I moaned. "Oh yeah you like that huh?" He said picking up his pace. Tyler started to pork me like a horny dog, going in and out of me like a jack hammer. "Don't stop Tyler! I begged, he was now biting his lower lip and sweating like a chicken. Tyler grabbed a hold of my hair and started thrusting me harder and harder making his balls slap against my ass. You like me in that tight boy pussy?" This was too much for me to stand, "Tyler I'm gonna" I moaned. Not yet babe I wanna cum together, I'm almost there just hold off a little longer. The boiling sensation in sack was started to rise and knew if I so much as touched myself again I wouldn't be able to stop. Tyler continued his assault on my now not so virgin hole. Yeah I'm gonna nut!! He shot about 8 ropes deep inside me. Feeling his hot baby juice fill my inside sent me over the edge, my cock started to jerk fiercely as I shot rope after rope onto the floor. Tyler and me then kissed me passionately. All I could manage to say was that was amazing. "Yeah that was pretty cool huh?" he said flashing that big toothy smile that I've come to love. We washed up, got dressed and walked out the bathroom to see a small line of people standing near the bathroom. This sight made us laugh uncontrollably; I surprised nobody asked what 2 guys were doing in the bathroom. We plopped down in our seats truly exhausted. Me and Tyler stared into each other's eyes. "Does this make me a hoe" I asked playfully. "Of course not dude you were just giving me some southern hospitality he said, we both laughed hysterically. I then rested my head on his chest and drifted off to sleep. Wow I had my first time in an airplane bathroom ha! top that Miley Cyrus. *

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Next: Chapter 2

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