Bliss of Love

By Steven Cheiron

Published on Oct 22, 1999


The Legal Stuff - If for any reason this is in anyway, shape, place, or form illegal where you are, do not read this, download this, or do anything with this. If you are too young - scoot, you shouldn't be here. If you don't like male to male sex - what are you doing here? If you are an anti- gay bible pusher (or any anit-gay/bi person) - be careful, you don't want to get on my bad side. I can be a mean ass if I want to. Finally, if it is perfectlly legal in everyway, shape, place, and form - welcome and please continue by all means.

This story is mostly fiction. Some of the characters are similiar to real life people, but this is mostly just in my mind. The story is not intended to imply or say that anyone in it is gay/bi or has gay/bi tendencies. Basically, don't take this story the wrong way.

This is my first time writing anything, so please tell me what you think. My e-mail address is (be careful cheir0n has a zero not an o in it.) Any constructive criticism is welcome, of course flames will be ingnored.

I truely hope that all of you will enjoy this. Have fun and read on.

The Bliss of Love

I entered my attic and started to looking for everything I need. I gathered: five pink candles, my knife, my matches, a piece of pink cloth, pink string, rose petals, orange flowers, jasmine flowers, gardinia flowers, and a piece of red yarn. I knew I needed to use pink instead of red. I wanted to attract my love, not my sex object. I walked to the center of the room and put everything down onto the ankle high table. I placed four of the candles on candle holders about a foot away from each of the four corners of the table. Once done, I lit the candle at the northern point, and going clockwise lit the rest. I laid the still lit match in a small tray, so that it would burn itself out. As I sat indian style in front of the table, I grabbed my knife. I carved the rune for love and said, "Let my heart find the mate my sould is searching for." I laid the knife down and put the candle in its holder in the center of the table. I lit this candle and disposed of the match the same way I did the other. I laid the cloth in front of me and flattened it out. Putting the rose petals on the cloth, I said, "May my soul's mate find its way to my heart with comfort and love." "May my heart link with the heart of my soulmate, so we may become one," is said while I laid the orange flowers on the cloth. I chanted, "May time bring us together for always," as I laid the jasmine flowers on top of the rose petals and orange flowers. "May our love for each other grow as the sun rises, and may it never fade as the sun sets," the gardinia flowers were placed with the other flowers. Once done, I tied up the cloth with string and said, "My our hearts and souls find each other and be bound to each other with love and happiness." I used the red yarn, so that I could wear the sachet around my neck. Now that the sachet was complete, I closed my eyes and started to concentrate on my love. The beautiful eyes, the magnificent intelligence and wit. I visualized the love we would have for each other, the fun we would share, and the life we would live together. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the candles were almost burned out... perfect. As each candle slowly extinguished itself, I took the sachet and hung it around my neck. I put it under my shirt so that it could be as close to my heart as possible.

Once I was done, I carefully cleaned the candle holders, so they could be used again, and cleaned up the attic. I went down the ladder and quietly entered my room. Daisy, my cat, jumped onto my bed and waited for me to lay down. I slowly made my way through the jungle that was my room. I shed my clothes, getting ready for bed. I crawled under the covers and moved the sachet to the side (I would not take it off, till I found my love, or until I had to make a new one). Daisy wobbled over to me and got on my chest. "Dang Daisy, you must be ready to pop any day now." She had been pregnant for about two months. I turned off the light and pet Daisy till my body told my mind to sleep.

My alarm went off at 9:00am. "DAISY," I yelled as I tapped her on the butt. She scurried away. (You try opening your eyes and seeing nothing, but a cat's ass, no tail, just an ass.) I have no idea why she does it. Suddenly it hit my mind. "Yes, it's Saturday. Finally I get to call for those tickets." I had been anxiously waiting for this day to arrive... the day the Backstreet Boy Millenium Tour tickets went on sale. I showered and got dressed. I made sure that my redial button still redialed Ticketmaster. At 10:00 I hit the redial button... busy. I tried for the next half hour. When I finally got through, I found out that the concert was almost sold out. 'Shit,' I thought.

"There is however a concert the day before, on September 18th. It was just added."

"I'll take two as close as you can I get."

"I have two seats: Section 2, Row G, Seats 5 and 6."

"Are they close?" I asked anticipatingly.

"Seventh row on the floor," he said in a mock tone.

"I'll take them," I added, screaming on the inside.

After I had given him the credit card information, he said they would be mailed to me the following Wednesday. I thanked him and hung up. "YES, SEVENTH ROW SEATS." After I calmed down, I told my roommates and my sister. No one was thrilled, or seemed like they cared. I think I'm the only one likes the BSB in that house.

I picked up the phone again and dialed the number to my parent's house.

"Hello." My mother had answered the phone.

"Hey mom, how you doing?"

"Good, what's up?"

"Nothin much, I got those tickets to the Backstreet Boys concert were going to, but there is a change in plans."

"What is it?" she asked with concern in her voice.

"Well, they opened up another concert on the 18th, so we're going on Saturday, not Sunday. I hope that doesn't mess you up in the office moving."

"No it won't. I can get my desk ready on Sunday instead."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now I finally get to make up for not getting you anything for Mother's Day. I got tickets to see the Moody Blues with dad the week before, and I get to bring you to a concert too. Now I've made up for missing both Father's and Mother's Day." (I had no money at the time, so don't yell at me for not being a good son.)

"Well, I'm glad to hear that, but you know your father and I don't like you spending all of your money. We were hoping to miss going to any concerts this year. Looks like we won't get to."

"Yeah, but this time your going for free, I paid," I exclaimed smuggingly.


"Listen, I'm gonna come over so you can listen to the song I'm hoping they'll play at the concert. I'll leave the CD so you can listen to their music, and so you can know what type of music they play. Hopefully you'll like it."

"OK, I'll see you soon. Bye."


I hung up the phone and started getting ready to visit my parents. An hour later I arrived at my parent's house and rang the doorbell. Mom said hello, and we went into the kitchen. I gave her the CD and told her to put it on track 12 - The Perfect Fan. Mom worked around the kitchen, cleaning it up, while we listened to the song. When it was done she turned of the radio.

"So, you think that of me?" She couldn't believe I thought of her like the song expressed.

"Yes I do."

"Humpf." Not the reaction I was expecting. "That's nice. I never knew you thought of me like that."

"Well I do," I answered with love in my voice.

"Thank you."

"I'm gonna leave the CD here, like I said. That way you can listen to the rest of their music."

"What do you have planned for the rest of the day?"

"I planned on staying here for a while and watching the preseason 'Skins game with dad."

"Well, he's in the family room. Have fun."

"I will if the skins win. If not, well you know how dad and I get."

Time passed by and I watched the game with dad. When the game was over (the skins barely won), I went home, read some stories that I downloaded from Nifty, then got ready for bed and went to sleep.

A week later I once again dialed up my parent's phone.

"Hello." My mom answered the phone again. Ninety percent of the time she answered it.

"Hey mom."

"Hello, what's up?"

"Well two things. One, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the zoo before we went to the concert?"

"Why do you want to go to the zoo?"

"Because they've got something going on (no pun intended) that weekend that I know you would like. I can't remember what it is though, but I know you'll like it."

"I guess we can do that."

"Two, when do I get my CD back?"

"When you come over here and get it," she said in that tone only a mother could make.

"OK, Denise is going over there on Monday, so I'll have her pick it up."

"I guess." She wanted me to come over, but she realized she would see me soon enough.

"Talk to you later."



That Monday my sister went, cleaned the house, and picked up the case. When she got back, I got the case from her and opened it up so I could listen to the CD.

"DENISE," I screamed at the top of my lungs.


"Were is my CD?"

"What do you mean?" she asked unknowingly.

"You brought the case back, but not the CD."


"Yes, oops. I guess mom still had the CD in the radio in the kitchen. Did you check that?"

"No, sorry," she answered apologetically.

"That's ok. I'll get it from her eventually, at the latest, the day of the concert." I realized it really wasn't her fault. I should have told her to check in the radio.

I did get the CD back about a week later. Denise had gone back to my parent's house to do some more cleaning and brought back the CD.

I had gone the Moody Blues' concert with my father and had a great time. I was concerned how he would act. (Normally when watching TV, he just sits there like a zombie. The only time he reacts is during a 'Skins game. Then he's always yelling at the TV.) He was bobbing his head, singing with songs, and having a good ole time. I was glad he was enjoying himself. He dropped me off at my place once the concert was over.

A little of a week had passed and it was the day before the concert. I called my mom again to make sure everything was set. "Hey mom, how are you doing?"

"Fine. What do I owe that pleasure of you calling this time?"

"I just wanted to make sure we were all set for tommorow."

"Everything's a go."


"Listen for a sec, will you." A few seconds later I hear the radio being turned up and my mother started singing. She had the Millenium CD in the radio and was singing along with Larger Than Life. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. After a little bit, she turned it back down and got back on the phone.

"You bought their CD?" I asked astonished.

"Yeah, I like their music."

"My mother is a fan of the BSB. What have I done?" I said sarcastically.

"What? I like their music, so what?" she innocently told me.

"I can't believe I created a fan of the Backstreet Boys from my mother."

"Well believe it."

"OK, at least I know you'll enjoy the concert."

"I got some things I need to do, so I'll talk you later, ok?"

"OK mom, see you tommorow."


I hung up the phone and couldn't believe it. I had turned my mother into a BSB fan. That would be one for the books. The day went by slowly. I mostly just read stories from the internet. At 10:00 I couldn't wait anymore, and went to bed. Sleep - the fastest way to pass time.

I woke up the next morning to the phone ringing. It was my mother. She had called to tell me that she had a meeting to go to, so we couldn't go to the zoo. We could still go to the concert though. 'Great, now what am I going to do to pass the time... Sleep.' And sleep I did. At 3:00, I woke up, took a shower, and got ready. I was all psyched up about going to the concert.

I arrived and my parent's house at 4:30. My mother was just about ready to go. We drove over to the Metro, and took the Blue Line to the Yellow Line to get to the Chinatown stop. This was the exit practically underneath the MCI Arena, where the concert was. The Metro stop was packed. It took us at least 10 minutes to get out of there. (It normally only take two.) We decided to grab something to eat before the concert.

As we were walking passed the Arena, we could see the scalpers buying tickets, from the early showers, for $100 a ticket. We walked to the other side of the Arena and spotted the Arena Cafe across the street. We crossed the street, went in, and took a seat. When we got the menues, we picked up our stuff and left. We weren't paying $13.00 for a sub. We walked a little further down the street and found a Burger King. We both thought that this was the best we would do and went in. My mother found a seat next to an old couple, and gave me her order and the money to buy the food. I spent the next 45 minutes waiting in line to order the food. Every now and again, I would talk to the other people in line. We were all going to the concert. Once I finally got back to my mother, she said, "Took you long enough, I was about to send in the rescue team."

"Yeah, we were joking about how long it would talk you," said the old man.

I put the food down, and got into my seat. The old couple finished eating, got up, and left.

"Do you know they drove up from Richmond to bring their granddaughters to the concert?"

"No... Wow."

"That's not all. Not only did they bring them up here, but they are going to be sitting in their car the entire time of the concert. They bought their granddaughters the tickets, brought them all the way up here, and they aren't even going to see the show. I hope the kids appreciate what their grandparents are doing for them."

"I know what you mean. But the sad thing is, their probably not. The only thing that the kids are thinking is 'I get to see the Backstreet Boys.' I really do hope though, that they thank their grandparents for this." (If the granddaughters, for some reason or another, are reading this. I hope you really do appreciate what your grandparents did for you. I also hope you have shown this appreciation.)

We finished our meal quickly and decide to go to the Arena and grab our seats. We walked in and, after a quick restroom stop, we found our way to our seats. We had to pass three security guard to get there. We stood their wide eyed. These were more like third row, not seventh row seats. The stage was setup in a square with each corner pointing to a side, not corner, of the Arena. The section we were in started out with three chairs in row one, four in row two, like a diagonal line. This way, the seats we were in were maybe ten to fifteen feet from the stage.

We settled into our seats, then realized we had a good long wait until the show started. We left our seats and went to the promenade. One of the stands that sold the tour memorabilia was right at the top of the steps we went up, so we got in line. Once at the front, my mother bought both of us a t-shirt, and my mother got ear plugs. I chose not to get ear plugs, because I thought I wouldn't be able to hear the music. (Boy was I wrong.) We made it back to our seats a couple of minutes before the show started.

We found out from one of the guards, that the opening act was EYC. EYC? We asked every girl around if they had heard of them. Not a single one had.

The lights went out and girls screamed their heads off. 'I wish I had bought those ear plugs. I don't care whether or not I can hear the music,' I thought. EYC - Express Yourself Clearly - made their way to the stage and put on a good performance. 'I'll have to find their CD,' I thought to myself. My my said it was a little to provactive for the age group that was watching them. So what, they took off their shirts, showing their great abs, and made very suggestive hip thrusts... I loved it.

One they were done, the lights came back on. My mother was thirsty, so she asked me to get her a drink. I wasn't quite sure I would have enough time, but I said sure. I got the drink, a small was over three bucks - can you say rip off? I gave her the drink and took my seat. We spent the next 45 minutes watching six people climb the rope ladder to the lights above the stage, and get into their seats. To say this was not organized was an understatment.

After they got settled in their seats, we waited another 10 minutes. The lights went out. The girls' screaming was almost unbearable. This time I couldn't even hear myself think. The music started. 'Wait a minute. This is Backstreet Boys, not Star Wars. What's with the Empire Strikes Back music?' Suddenly they rose out of the smoke. They looked like they were glowing. The each wore what looked similar to laser tag vests. Slowly they made their way to the stage, gliding over the audience on their 'hoverboards.' Every few feet they changed their stance. Sometimes standing up straight, sometimes at an angle, and other times horizontal. They descended upon the stage in an awe inspiring fashion. Once off the boards, they lined up with the rest of the dancers who were there to greet them. They marched around the stage, stopping every so often. Like storm troopers, they obeyed Kevin's 'Darth Vadar' nod. They stood at ease, Kevin noded, they jumped to attention, faced their left, and marched as one. They repeated this over and over until they came full circle. Then it started, the real fun. Larger Than Life came blaring through speakers putting everyone in a trace. Each person looked at their favorite Backstreet Boy. Hoping beyond hope, that 'their' boy would notice them and bring them on stage. The singing started and crowd went wild, screaming their heads off - "I love you Brian," "Marry me Nick," "AJ, have my baby." The show continued with the splendor and grace thatis the Backstreet Boys.

At one point I was watching Nick. Of course I was checking him out. I'd be stupid if I wasn't. All of a sudden their it is - A BULGE. Nick Carter had a hardon while singing. And from what it seemed like, he wasn't bad off. I relished in the moment. Trying to memorize every crease, every dent in his pants, hoping that I wouldn't forget the picture. The show continued on in its magnificence. Between songs, when they were changing, my mother and I would chat a little. I would tell her who was who, and how you could tell them apart. Of course I didn't tell her the easy way to tell Nick. :)

Finally the song I had been waiting for came on - The Perfect Fan. There were five mother-daughter couples on stage. One for each of the boys. Typical it a girl fan base, so they used daughters instead of sons. Never mind that the song was about mothers and sons. My mother commented on how sexist it was. "Not one mother-son couple up there," she said, along with a few other choice words. Everytime they sang the chorus, I hugged my mom's shoulders and rubbed her back. I tried to show her the love I had for her. The caring she had always shown me. The understanding she always gave when I didn't seem to care. I tried to show her all of that, but I failed. Nothing I could ever do, could show her the love, caring, and understanding she had shown me. I was almost in tears by the end of the song. My eyes full of water, the dam ready to burst, but not shattering.

We continued to watch the show in all it's glory. I finally heard 'Kevin's Song.' It was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't wait for it to be released. I didn't know whether I wanted words to be added to the son or not. When they were singing Spanish Eyes, my mother leaned over. "I figured out who my favorite is."

'Already, you haven't even been a fan of theirs for a month, and you already have a favorite,' I thought. "Who?" I asked curiously.

"The dark haired one with the pony tail." She still didn't have their names down pat, but can you blame her.

"You mean Howie?"

"That one," she said pointing to the stage. I looked to where she was pointing and saw Howie and AJ. AJ had his hat on, and I couldn't see Howie's pony tail.

"The one with the hat or no?" I asked.

"The one with no hat."

"That's Howie." 'My mom's favorite is Howie? He's not bad, but he's not the best. Wait a minute, my mom likes LATINS? (No offense to latino people.) This is news to me. Just think, I could have been half latin if mom grew up in New York City instead of country bumkin upstate.' My thoughts were carrying on their own conversation while my mother was enjoying the show.

As they left the stage for the last time an announcer came over the speaker. "The following seat has won two backstage passes to meet the with Backstreet Boys privately." Girls started screaming their heads off at the surprise announcement. "The seat is Sec..." screaming "Row..." louder screaming "Seat..." I could no longer hear anything. 'Oh well, it's not like I would have one.' Once it had quieted down enough I heard the announer say, "Again will the winner please proceed to the camera next to the black box at the end of the Arena."

I got up to leave when my mother suggested we sit for a couple minutes for the crown to die down. When I got up again, my mother did to. "Come on, follow me," she said.

"OK, I guess you know the best way out of here." When I saw we weren't heading to an exit, I asked, "Mom, where are we going?"

"We are going to meet my favorite Backstreet Boy," she stated bluntly.


"Next time get earplugs. Your can hear everything, but the screaming girls. You got the winning ticket. And since you brought me, I'm gonna see my Howie."

"What? I won?" I stated still not believing it.

"Yes, now lets go so we have time to talk for a bit, then still make the Metro, and get home."

We walked to were the announcer had told us to, and stood there waiting for someone to show up. There were a bunch of girls crowding where we were, hoping to convince the winner to give her the backstage passes. After the crown had died down a little a huge man came up to the area.

"Who is the winner?" asked the burly man.

"I am. Here's my ticket." I showed him my ticket stub, and he nodded to me.

"Who's coming with you?"

"My mother, her." I said pointing to my mother.

"Here are your passes. Don't loose them. Follow me," he ordered us.

We heard a voice screaming to us, "Please, give me your pass... I'm pregnant with AJ's baby and I need to see him."

"Shut up. He won. He brought me here, and I'm going to see MY Howie. Now get lost bitch," my mother yelled toward the voice.

A bunch of girls stood there with their mouths open. It really wasn't the fact of the language, or the fact that she was going. It was the fact that, even at her age, she was just as big a fan as any of them.

We followed the man through the winding halls to a door. He knocked on the door and we heard a voice telling us to come in. I give my mother the right of way telling her to go ahead of me when the man stoped her. "I'm sorry, the winner has to go first." I looked apologetically at my mother, turned the handle, and went in.

As soon as I enter the room I was soaked from head to toe. I heard laughing from all around me. I turned to my mother who had a shocked expression on her face. I looked at the floor and saw a huge bucket lying there, a small trail of water was flowing onto the floor. My mother carefully walked around me, and made sure that there wasn't one for her. Once they realised that they didn't get Jim, the big burly man, their eyes widened, and their jaws dropped. They were all speachless The closest person to me was Kevin. I dashed towards him yelling, "Let's share the love shall we?" I hugged him as much as possible. Laughter filled the room. Kevin still had this look of shock on his face, even as I used him as my towel and dried off. Once he was thoroughly soaked, I turned around and asked, "Ok, who's next?" They all pointed at Nick. He saw this and ruan to the bathroom as I chased after him. He barely made it and locked the door. "That's ok. I can wait." They all were laughing histerically. Even Kevin had gotten over his shock, and was laughing. After some time, they all started calming down and Brian said, "I hope you weren't offened by that. We though Jim would be coming through first."

"It's ok, I like a good joke every now and again. I'm usually the one who's playing the joke though. I guess I should expect more paybacks. I should say though, this is one way to break the ice."

"True, but it shouldn't have happened to you," said Howie.

"And it better not happen again," my mom added with a hint of anger in her voice.


"What? Can't I joke around too?" She started to grin.

"You got a cool mom," said AJ.

"Just talk about me like I'm not here," she said.

"Cool? You haven't seen her when she in a bad mood."

"Steven Bruce..."

"What? What about me? Can't I joke too?"

"Sure you can. Just not about me," she said smiling.

"Is it safe to come out yet?" we hear Nick ask behind the door.

"Yeah, everything's cool," said Kevin.

Nick unlocked the door and sat in a seat. Mom started talking to Howie and the rest of us started our own conversation. We were casually talking when Brian goes behind Nick and wrapped his arms around Nick, holding him in the chair, and yelled, "Get him." I jumped into Nick's lap and rubbed my entire backside all over Nick.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH," screamed Nick.

"What? Kevin dried my front, you get to dry my back."

"Steven," my mother said.

"Can't I have a little fun?" I whined.

"Yes, but unfortunetly we have to go if we're going to catch the Metro."

"Ah man," I comment. I look at my watch and realize the time. "Sorry, but I guess we do have to go. Besides I guess you guys have to rest up for tommorow."

"Actually, seeing as how 'normal' you've been acting around us, I was going to ask if you wanted to go clubbing. I was even going to invite your mom to come."

"Gee, I always wanted to go to a club with my mother," I said sarcastically.

"Thanks, son."

"You're welcome," I add with a grin.

"Well BOYS, I would normally let Steven go with you, but he's my ride home."

"I thought you were taking the Metro?" asked Kevin.

"I'm not walking five miles in the middle of the night to get from the Metro to my house."

"What about if we have someone take you home, and Steve to his car?" asked Howie.

"Weeeelllll... ... I guess if you could arrange it, he can stay with you." It sounded like she was giving me her permission to go out with friends, but I knew she didn't mean it that way.

"Thanks mom," I said as I finally get off of Nick and hugged her. "Oops, sorry, forgot I was still wet."

"That's ok, just have fun."

"I will."

"Excuse me, ma'am..." said Howie.

"Call me Cici."

"Ok Cici, we have someone waiting for you to take you home," Howie said.

"Thank you, it was nice meeting all of you. And I'll talk to you later, ok?" As she said the last part, she was looking right at me.

"Sure thing mom, see you later. Tchau."

"Bye," she said as we hugged goodbye. She turned and walked out the door.

"So, what clubs do you know of?" asked AJ.

"There's only one I know of, really. It's called Tracks."

"Cool, let's go," said AJ.

"Hold on a sec. What are you going to do about your clothes?" asked Kevin.

"Don't worry, they'll dry out. But there is a small problem."

"What?" asked Brian.

"I'm not quite sure what night it's on, but every week there is gay night at Tracks."

"Oh... well we can just peek in, and if it looks like it's gay night, we'll figure something out," said Nick.

"Cool, let's go," I stated.

We all got up, and left the Arena. By this time, most of the girls had given up hope seeing the BSB. There were still a few here and there and Backstreet Boys gladly signed the autographs they were asked for. We hoped into the waiting limo, and had the driver take us to Tracks.

"What do you do for a living, Steven?" asked Howie.

"Well, right now I'm between jobs, but I mostly do computer programming."

"What do you do for fun?" asked Nick.

"Well... I love to play computer games, watch movies, and I love to experience nature anyway I can."

Most of the conversation consisted of one of them asking me a question, and me giving a one line answer. It was really one of the most boring conversations I had. I thought it was, because I was so nervous. I mean, here I was riding in a limo with the Backstreet Boys. Who wouldn't be nervous. Normally, when I'm not nervous, I can talk the ears off a cow.

When the conversation was pretty much over, we all stared out the window. Shortly after, we were arrive at Tracks. Once the limo stopped, I told them to wait in the limo and I would see if it was gay night or not. I went to door, asked, and they said it wasn't. I turned around and everyone was right behind me. "I thought I asked you to wait."

"You did, but we are dying to go clubbing," stated AJ.

"Only you would be dying AJ, only you," said Brian.

"Ok, let's go."

We paid the door fee and went in. I told them that there were three dance floors. One to the left, one to the right, and one outside. I told them that the one outside was behind the one to the left, so that was the music they heard. AJ went off to the right, along with Howie, while Kevin went off to the left. Brian and Nick followed my to the back to go outside.

"I usually don't go clubbing. I'm too shy, and I don't dance," I said as I sat on the edge of the raised dance floor.

"You don't seem shy," stated Nick.

"That's because of how I met you. You made me seem like I was a friend and I opened up quickly."

"I'd say, I don't think Kevin or Nick were expecting you to jump all over them."

"It just seemed like the thing to do," I cracked. "Besides you were the one holding Nick and yelling 'get him.'"

"Yeah, thanks Frick," Nick said punching Brian in the shoulder.

"Your welcome Frack." Brian punched back.

"Fricka Fracka, Bricka Bracka, Sis Boom Baa. Firecracka Firecracka, Ra Ra Ra."

"What?" Brian and Nick asked in unison.

"Sorry, just had to say it."

"No, what did you say?" they asked again.

"I said, 'Fricka Fracka... Bricka Bracka... Sis Boom Baa... Firecracka Firecracka... Ra Ra Ra.' It's a cheerleader song. You've never heard hit before?"

"Sure, but a long time ago," Brian said.

"Well, now you've heard it again," I said smiling.

"So, you don't dance?" Brian said.

"What do you mean, he doesn't dance?" asked AJ as he, Kevin, and Howie joined us.

"I don't dance. I'm too shy, and I easily get embarrassed."

"That's hard to believe that you don't dance at all, not even slow dance?" querried Howie.

"Well... I do slow dance. Plus there are three dances that nobody need to get me to do. I just do them right then and there."

"What are they?" Kevin asked with a glint in his eye.

"The Limbo, The Electric Slide, and The Macarena. Why?" I stated.

"Just curious."

"Yeah, right."

The night passed on slowly. Some of the guys had gone to dance with girls that had come up them and asked. I was sitting there, enjoying myself watching everyone when I heard it, that music, the music that makes my blood jump - The Macarena. 'How the fuck did they do that? This place never plays that type of music,' I thought. Out of nowhere all five came out. One came to both sides of me, and the other three jumped in behind us. I couldn't help myself, unless the music got turned off, or stopped playing, I was stuck in Macarena mode. I started dancing my ass off. I one point during the dance I realized I stuck my ass out and wiggled it around in front of three of the Backstreet Boys. I went beet red, but continued to dance. I also realized I had three Boys sticking their ass in my face and wiggling it around. (Now there's a dream come true.) We were all having a blast. Finally the music changed, and we stopped. I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost 1:00.

"I've had one of the best days of my life, but it's getting late, and I should get going."

"No, why don't you come back to the hotel and you can hang out for a while," said Howie. The others glared at Howie. He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

"Yeah. That way I can see if your any good at video games," commented Nick.

"I don't know, I don't want to be a bother. I mean, I just met you. You really don't know me, and I really don't know you. Plus you guys have that concert tommorow."

"Come on, we'll have a blast," said Howie.

"If you guys insist... I guess I can hang out for a few, but only a few."

"Cool, let's go," Kevin said.

We got into the limo, and had a quiet ride back to the hotel. Every now and again I would steal a glance at my favorite Backstreet Boy. For some reason, I thought he was stealing glances at me. I brushed it off as an overactive imagination. Once we got to the reception desk, Kevin informed them, that while they were staying there, I was a welcomed guest of theirs. I was touched. I couldn't believe. I wondered if they did this to all the people they drenched in water.

We got into the elevator and rode up to the sixth floor. We got off and headed down the cream colored hall. Kevin pulled his keycard out of his pocket, and opened the door for us. We all piled into his suite. There were two bedrooms to this suite. From what I found out, Nick and Brian were sharing a suite, and so were Howie and AJ. This left Kevin with one room not being used. Kevin told us to go into the other room, and he would be there shortly.

I opened the door and we all went in. I looked around at the fabulous decorating. A king sized bed with a canopy. There was a light blue fringe hanging from the canopy. The blue and green comforter on the bed seemed to mix the green walls and carpet with the blue of the fringe and the pictures. Whoever decorated did a magnificent job of mixing the light blue and green used throughout the room. I must have been looking around longer than I thought because Howie asked me to find out what was taking Kevin so long.

I told them I would be right back, and went over to Kevin's room and knocked on the door. "Yeah?"

"Hey Kev, what's taking so long?"

"I zonked out for few minutes, I'll be right there."

"Ok, hurry up. We can't wait forever, and I do have to get home eventually."

"Gotcha, I'll be right out. Go back to the room, and I'll be right there."


I walked back to the blue-green room and found the door closed, 'Funny, I thought I left it open,' I thought. I opened the door and nearly fainted. I blinked my eyes to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. I blinked again. Kevin pushed me in the room and said, "Come on, hurry up and get rid of those clothes, or you'll miss all the fun." I blinked my eyes yet again, and there they were. Five NAKED, ERECT, and HORNY Backstreet Boys. Brian and Nick were obviously already enjoying themselves, or should I say each other. They were lying on the bed sixty nining. They each had their hard cocks up the other's throats. They bobbed their heads up and down sucking like a vacuum. You could hear them slurping.

"How do you know I'm not going to run off and tell everyone I see?" I asked.

Brian and Nick didn't even budge. It was like they weren't scared of that. "Easy, when you mother was talking to Howie, and to make it short, she had mentioned that you were bi," stated AJ.

"But how did you all find out from Howie?"

"Easy, the sign. Did you notice that after we all glared at Howie, he crossed his arms and left his middle finger as the only one showing? That means that it's ok to fuck around with you."

"Oh," I was suddenly reminded of the spell I cast. 'Did I do something wrong? I asked for emotional love, not sexual love.' I saw Howie inch closer to Nick. He stuffed his nose in Nick's ass and inhaled deeply. Howie groaned in the exctasy. He stuck out his toungue and started eating out Nick's ass, shoving his tongue as far in as it would go. Nick squeled around Brian's cock, causing Brian to moan in pleasure.

AJ walked up to Kevin, got on his knees, and opened his mouth. Kevin stepped to AJ, and slowly, inch by inch, pushed his cock into AJ's waiting and wanting mouth. "Get those clothes off and join me," Kevin said. "AJ's great at sucking cock, especially if he's sucking two at the same time. Or if you want, you can fuck Nick up the ass. He's always nice and tight."

Since they already knew about me, obviously didn't have a problem with it, and didn't mind me joining in, I thought, 'What the hell. I'm here, I might as well enjoy myself - and them.' "Move over Howie, I want Nick's ass," I said as I shed my clothes.

"On second thought, stay there. I'll be over soon enough." I walked over to Kevin and AJ. Kevin took his cock out of AJ's mouth and we put our cocks together. AJ then dove on us both, taking as much as he could. "Oh fuck, that feels good." I groaned. AJ bobbed his head on our cocks. He slid his tongue around my cock, then used his tongue as a barrier between Kevin's and my cock. He slid his tongue between the two, massaging both of our cocks at once. He then dove his tongue into my slit, trying to get what pre-cum he could. He got both of our cocks all nice and wet.

"Ok Howie, time to move," I said. He moved out of the way as I took my cock out of AJ's mouth. I moved up behind Nick and placed my cock at his hole. "You ready Nick?" I asked. He tried to answer the best he could in the affirmative. I slamed my cock into Nick's ass. Pushing it all in, in one quick stroke. Nick screamed around Brian's cock. Kevin was right. Nick's ass was nice and tight around my cock. I could feel it squeeze my cock, begging me to give it more. I gently started to withdraw when I felt someone at my backdoor.

"Something I forgot to tell you. Whoever fucks Nick, I get to fuck," Kevin wickedly commented.

"Then fuck me while I fuck Nick." I impaled myself on Kevin's cock. I could feel his being, deep within me. I could even feel his heartbeat as his cock throbbed to it.

"Fuck that's a tight ass, your even tighter than Nick."

"Shut up and fuck me, stud."

I pulled my cock almost all the way out of Nick, forcing more of Kevin in me. This is what I dreamt of, being sandwiched. I started pumping in and out of Nick. At the same time Kevin's cock was entering me as I was leaving Nick. Oh the pleasure I could feel. My ass was tingling and yelling for more, while my cock was begging to feel Nick's tight ass again. I pleasured myself with Kevin and Nick. I used Nick nice, tight hole and Kevin's long, hard cock to give myself the best orgasm of my life. My cock pistoned itself in and out of Nick's ass, while Kevin's cock reamed my ass over and over again.

I could hear moaning to my side. I looked over, and there was Howie pummeling his cock in and out of AJ's asshole. AJ was on his back jacking his cock to the same rhythm of Howie's thrusting. Howie was holding AJ's legs up in a 'V'. He was thrusting in and out, moaning and groaning, sweating like a horse. AJ screamed at the top of his lungs, "IIIII'MMMMM CUUUUUUMMMMMIIINNGG!!!!" Jet after jet flew from his cock, cum going all over his chest and abs. Howie coudn't take the action AJ's ass was giving his cock, and he shoved his cock as far in as it would go. He screamed and yelled and shoved his cock once last time into AJ. He shot deep within AJ, coating AJ's ass wall with cum.

Brian couldn't take anymore of Nick's sucking. That combined with the screams from Howie and AJ, set him off. His cock erupted into Nick's mouth. Spurt after spurt shooting into Nick's waiting mouth. Nick tried to swallow all of it, but couldn't. Half of it slipped out of his mouth and onto Brian's balls. Nick quickly begain to lick the mess up after Brian had finished shooting. The taste of Brian's cum in his mouth was too much for him. As I was fucking the shit out of him, I could feel his ass muscles squeezing my cock, trying to milk my cock for its precious liquid. Nick had reached orgasm with a bang, sucking Brian's cock, being sucked by Brian, and being fuck bu my cock. Cum flowed out of Nick's cock like a river. He filled Brian's mouth over and over. Brian greedly swallowed all of the juice offered by Nick' cock and balls.

All of this was beginning to be a sensory overload for me. I could feel my balls tighten and that wonderful feeling, that rush of adrenaline right before you come. I couldn't take it anymore. I moaned as loud as a lion would roar, and shot deep within Nick. Shot after shot flew from my shaft to Nick's hole. My cum coated his insides, as my ass muscles massaged the hell out of Kevin's pounding cock. Then I felt it, Kevin slammed his cock into my ass. He grabbed around me and pinched my tits as hard as he could. This caused me to scream and to shove my cock deeper into Nick. My cock tried to shot the cum it no longer had as Kevin came deep within me. I could feel his cock throb with each spurt it released. I could feel the head expand as his cum raced into my waiting ass. I could feel myself shaking from the overpowering orgasm.

"Steven... Steven..." I could hear Kevin say.

"Steven... Steven..." Wait a minute, that's not Kevin's voice?

I shot up and sat upright in my bed. "WHAT?"

"You sounded like you were having a nightmare," my sister said. "You were yelling and screaming."

"I was. I was having a nightmare."

"What? What was it?" she asked.

"I was having sex with ALL of the Backstreet Boys."

To Be Continued

Will the dream come true? What will happen when Steven does go to the concert? Are all of the Backstreet Boys gay? What will happen if Steven meets the BSB? This and more on future installments of The Bliss of Love.

Note: Just for anyone who wants to know, from waking up after the attic until right before the announcer speaks, is 85% true. Most of that really did happen, INCLUDING NICK'S HARD-ON.

Let me know what you think. Any questions, comments, and suggestions are welcomed. Any flames won't, and will be ignored. The sender of any flame will be blocked from sending and further e-mail.

Steve (Cheiron)

Next: Chapter 2

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