Blood of the Gods

By CJ Roberts

Published on Jul 16, 2015



This story is an adventure fantasy story involving two men that is loosely based off the Elder Scrolls video game series, most notably the Elder Scrolls Oblivion. While elements of the story may sound similar to elements of the game play this story only borrows elements from the game and dose not follow the game's storyline.

Chapter 3

Not too far away from Corrol sat a small monastery. It was known to the people of the city but was the kind of place that you had to know what you were looking for to find it. The buildings themselves were fairly un impressive, simple stone buildings only a story tall. Beyond the cluster of buildings stood a simple temple with a tower no more than two and a half stores tall. Two men rode on a single horse and rode towards the cluster of buildings. One rode tall in the saddle while the second, bound with a length of rope, rode behind the first. As the two rode up to the buildings a young monk came forward from the stalls.

"Is their something I can help you with traveler?"

"I am here to meet with your leader Jorgen." the traveler said "I would also request that someone watch mu prisoner."

"I'm afraid you are too late to speak with brother Jorgen." The monk replied "He sadly died in his sleep only a month ago. May I inquire as to what your business is?"

The rider climbed down from the saddle and took out the small amulet from his pocket. The monk's eyes widened in surprise and awe.

"Perhaps you had best speak with Brother Jauffre."

The monk guided the traveler to the largest of the group of buildings, opening the door to allow the traveler in.

The traveler walked through the door and entered into a narrow hall that ran the length of the building. The hall was simple in its decor, only a single table and a low bench stood in the hall and on each wall were doors that lead to other rooms. The traveler opened the door on his right side and entered into an office equally as simple as the hall behind him. Behind the desk was a monk possibly no older than 45 who burred his face into a large leather bound book. He had brown hair, just starting to turn gray at the roots. His face was rough but displayed the expression of a man who was wise beyond his years. He looked up and smiled at the visitor.

"Alexander. How wonderful it its to see you again." the monk said with a joyful expression in his voice.

"Its good to see you again Jauffre." Alexander came forward and grabbed the monk by his hands shaking them with a great smile stretched across his face. But the mood quickly turned south as the thought of current events raced through the monk's mind.

"I have heard of what happened and though I am glad to see you safe and well, I am still troubled by what has happened." Jauffre said. "Tell me what happened?"

Alexander sat down in a chair opposite of the monk and began to explain his tale of the events around the Emporer's death. He told of the assassination of the Emperor's sons and the escape of the Emperor and his guards but as he described the betrayal of Lucas, his voice could show the pain and emotion of the event.

"It must have been hard to loose someone of whom you were close." Jauffre said. "Come. You should relax for the night here at our monastery and we'll..."

"I'm afraid that is not an option Jauffre." Alexander interrupted. "The Emperor informed me of another son, an illegitimate child of whom he placed in the care of your master."

"Yes I am aware of this. However finding the late Emperor's heir will be much more trouble than you think." said Jauffre "Perhaps I should explain the situation to you in detail. Come This is not for the ears of the other monks."

Jauffre stood up from his desk and motioned for Alexander to follow him. The two made their way across the room to a bookcase set against one wall of the office. He felt his fingers amongst a shelf and with the sound of a click the bookshelf opened outward into the room. Beyond the bookcase was small room lined with armor and weapons one corner held a small desk and a large wardrobe stood up against the far wall.

"Wait this is..."

"Yes." Jauffre interrupted "This monastery is a post used by the blades. Many of our brothers including myself are members of the order of the blades and those who are not have our strict confidence. Here we assist blades on their various missions by equipping them with armor, weapons and whatever supplies they may need for their mission. As a fellow blade yourself you probably have heard of posts like these."

"Yes I have." replied Alexander. "But since my post has always been with the Emperor's guards, my knowledge of these posts is based on hearsay."

"Ahh I see." replied Jauffre. "First though the amulet if you would please."

Alexander handed over the amulet to Jauffre who in turned took the amulet to the wardrobe. He opened knelt down then pulled out a board from the bottom of the wardrobe. Inside was a small strongbox. He took out the box and placed the amulet within. Then he placed the strongbox back into the wardrobe and replaced the board.

"We keep this hiding spot for relics but it should serve us well for this purpose" Jauffre said as he stood up.

"You mentioned their was a problem." said Alexander

"My explanation comes in two stories." Jauffre began. "The first is what my predecessor told me before he passed on. The second is based upon more recent events and will explain our situation."

Jauffre waked over to a nearby chair and sat down.

"Now where to begin." he began "19 years ago three men covered in cloaks arrived here at the monastery. I was a young recruit at the time and was off at our temple in the Jerral Mountains so my knowledge on this event is limited... ...but I digress." With them was a newborn baby boy. My predecessor Jorgen tried to inquire as to the identity of the boy but all he was told was the boy's given name but he had a good idea where the boy came from."

Jauffre reached up and rubbed his eyes.

"The boy had been kept at the monastery for a couple of years to ensure his health and well being and when Jorgen felt he was old enough, he was given to the priests in the city of Kavatch to raise, educate and hopefully protect the boy from danger."

"Well then finding the boy should be easy." said Alexander

Jauffre sighed and shook his head.

"That comes to story number two. You know doubt remember that skirmish between Kavatch and an army of Orc beserkers?"

"I do." Alexander replied.

"While the orcs failed to take the city, the damage they did was great. Lots of innocent people died in the skirmish and some remain unaccounted for. Jorgen and later myself had continued to keep in touch with the monks in Kavatch and were informed of the boy's progress but after the skirmish, the boy disappeared. "

"Disappeared!" said Alexander.

"I'm afraid so." replied Jauffre "since he wasn't found amongst the civilians after the city was evacuated, it was assumed he was killed. Later when the bodies were collected, the boy was left unaccounted for."

"Did they look for him?" asked Alexander.

Jauffre shook his head yes.

"But after some time the Emporer's advisers had convinced him that this was all for the best. They had been convinced that having any link, even the tiniest link between the Emperor and this illegitimate child could one day prove disastrous to the Emperor and his image, so the search was called off."

"So there's no help you can give me?"

Jauffre stood up and walked back towards the hidden door.

"I know very little of the boy, especially since I never laid eyes on him myself. One day though I did receive a ravenous letter from the monks and they were frustrated by the boy's sudden interest in magic. The friction between the boy's interest in magic and the monk's religious beliefs left the boy looking for any opportunity to leave the old monastery."

Alexander was given new armor and supplies from Jauffre. The two walked out of the building and out to the courtyard when Jauffre grabbed Alexander by the arm and pointed to the bound man on the horse.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot him." said Alexander "This man is a thief named Garret who stole the amulet from me when I was in Corrol and I was unsure what to do with him."

Jauffre walked over to Garret and held up his head to examine the thief.

"It's troublesome that he knows of the amulet, but as a monk, it is my duty to forgive those that sin." said Jauffre "Besides we don't have the facilities to imprison anyone."

Alexander reluctantly drew a dagger from his belt and cut the ropes bounding the thief.

"You will not breathe a word of the amulet or this place. If you do..."

Alexander heald up the dagger and pressed it against the thief's throat.

"...ill spill your blood all over the landscape."

Alexander sheathed his dagger and placed on his new helmet. Then he mounted his horse and rode off. Garret stood next to Jauffre and watched as the young Captian rode off into the distance and disappeared over a nearby hill. Then he leaned over towards the monk and said:

"I think he's got the hots for me."

Alexander rode onwards into the deep woods for a few hours. While taking a short break he sat back to decide his next course of action. Kavatch was a good place to start but the skirmish that nearly wiped the city clean off the map had displaced much of the population. He laid back and stared at the clouds in the sky.

"Now where would a boy who had an interest in magic go?" he thought to himself

After giving it some thought he figured on starting at Kavatch. Alexander rode onwards for several more hours, only stopping long enough for quick breaks for his horse. Finally he stopped just as the sun was setting in the western sky. The Place he chose was where a large flat boulder stuck out from the ground. Partly burred underground the boulder created a natural shelter which to Alexander looked inviting, especially since in the distance were dark heavy clouds. After building a small campfire and eating his fill, Alexander laid down on his bedroll and laid back for a good night's sleep.

Alexander woke to find himself not in the deep woods but back in the barracks in the Imperial City. "What?" he said to himself. "How did I get here?" he stood up from his bed and noticed he wasn't wearing the armor of a Blade's warrior but only a pair of tan linens He looked around the room. Everything is just as it had always been.

"Your awake."

Alexander looked towards the door to his room. Standing in the doorway was Lucas. He stood their half naked and wearing nothing more than a pair of brown linens and crossing his arm's over his hairy chest. He grinned and walked over towards the edge of the bed. Alexander eyed the room for his sword but found it in a far corner.

"Why are you so tense?" Lucas said as he sat on the bed. "Don't tell me your still having that dream?"

"Dream?" Alexander questioned

"Yeah that dream where the Emperor gets killed and you have to search for a missing heir."

Lucas reached his arm over Alexander's chest and grabbed his far shoulder. He leaned in and lead his hand up to his superior's cheek.

"It disturbs me to see you troubled by a stupid dream."

Lucas leaned in and kissed Alexander on his lips.

"Was it really all just a dream?" He questioned in his mind

Lucas continued to show affection toward his superior. His lips fell from Alexander's mouth down to his neck. Alexander lost his mind to the pleasure of his lover's affection. Then Lucas stood up from the bed.

"We got guard duty in an hour." he said "Perhaps enough time for a little affection."

Lucas untied the tie holding up his linens then slowly pulled them off over his body and own to the floor. He stood in front of Alexander naked then kicked his linens away. Lucas body was an impressive sight. A broad muscular chest covered in black curly hair that grew thicker as it trailed down his stomach. His penis stood away from his body, fully erect. He climbed on top of Alexander and untied his linens. Alexander lifted his hips, allowing Lucas to pull off his linens, exposing Alexander's long hard cock.

"I'm certainly glad it is a dream." said Alexander. "The thought of you drawing your sword and attacking me, let alone betraying the empire is more than I can stand."

"You still may have trouble with that when I'm finished with you sir." Lucas chuckled as he leaned in kissing and sucking Alexander's neck then leaned downward slowly licking his superior's chest. Lucas licked Alexander's nipple sending a shock wave of pleasure through the superior's body, enough to make him grunt in pleasure.

"Lower." Alexander ordered.

Lucas leaned in lower down Alexander's body then dug his toung down on his superior's hard cock.

"Uugghh." moaned Alexander

Lucas took in a good chunk of Alexander's cock leaving himself time to wrap his toung up and down the shaft and taking great care on the head. Alexander arched his head back as his body began to convulse to the sensation spreading from his crotch. Suddenly Lucas pulled his superior down the bed. He hoisted up Alexander's body then leaned in on his firm ass. Lucas dug his toung between Alexander's cheeks till he found his hole. He stuck his toung inwards licking the rim of the hole and sending new waves of pleasure back up through Alexander's body. Once Lucas felt that his superior's hole was wet enough he flipped his Captain on his stomach.

"Do it now!" ordered Alexander.

"You're not the one who gives the orders." Lucas said in a low voice. "At least not right now."

He took his thick cock and began to rub it between his superior's cheeks taking care to prod Alexander's hole all while Alexander moaned in pleasure. Finally Lucas took one powerful thrust and pushed his cock deep into his Captain's hole. Alexander cried out at the sudden jolt of pain that came but soon it quickly turned back into pleasure as Lucas began to ride him hard. Alexander loudly moaned as he took repeated thrusts from his lover's cock while Lucas soon began to join in. Outiside thunder started to crash down into the surrounding countryside but neither man paid any attention to it. Alexander could feel his body swell up inside.

"I'm gonna cum!" he said

"I'm close myself." Lucas replied "Fuck! Now I'm just gonna... ...WAKE UP!"

The sound of steel clanging agents steel reverberated through the air. Alexander awoke to see a large armored orc standing overhead, welding a large battleaxe. He could feel the pressure of a man lying on top of him and looked down to see a familiar face.

"Get yer ass up an help me already!"

Around him was the familiar campsite he had earlier made now altered by pouring rain and the occasional thunderbolt. Garrett, the thief of who had stolen the amulet from him the day before was laying over Alexander's leg's while holding off the Orc's ax with a short sword. Once the orc reeled in his attack, Alexander quickly grabbed his sword, climbed out of his bedroll then lunged towards the orc at breakneck speed. The orc barely had time to counteract before the blade of Alexander's sword came down on him. Garrett got back on his feet then lunged his sword up onto the Orc's body The orc readied himself to strike the thief but before he could swing Alexander shoved his sword up into the Orc's chin. The orc drooped his ax before crumbling onto the ground. Alexander and Garrett panting from the fight looked down at the now dead orc then up to each other. It took a minute but finally Alexander said,

"What are you doing here?"

"You're welcome." the thief replied. "Frankly I was following this orc when I saw him stop at this camp. When I saw he was getting ready to strike you I stepped in to save yer butt." Garrett walked back over to his pack and sheathed the short sword.

"I shouted "Wake up" three times but you were dead to the world. That Lucas you mentioned must be one hell of a good fuck to keep you sleeping through someone screaming at ya."

"Ill ask you not to mention that man's name again." Alexander scowled. "And thank you."

Alexander sat down on his bedroll as the thief brought over his pack.

"So why were you following that orc anyway?" questioned Alexander.

"Ill show ya."

Garrett grabbed the orc by his side and mustering all his strength he rolled the massive creature over onto his back. Then he knelt down. He reached his hands into a pouch, tied to the orc's belt and began to dig around. When Garrett found what he was looking for he handed over a crumpled up piece of paper.

"I saw him reading this back over near the mission and that's what made me follow him."

Alexander read the content's of the paper aloud.

"Look for an armored blade with longish brown hair, a chinstrap and a palomino horse. This man must be eliminated at all cost and all his possessions turned over to us." It's not signed with a signature but with a weird drawing of a setting sun."

Garrett sat down next to Alexander.

"That's what it says huh?" said Garrett "I didn't have time to read it but that drawing is what made me follow him.

"You know this drawing?!" replied Alexander.

"No, that's not it. It's just when I was back in the Imperial City I saw a bunch of weird banners with the same drawings on them."

Next: Chapter 4

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