Blossoming Bud

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Dec 1, 2023


Blossoming Bud Part 10 - Changing places

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This is a coming of age story about an upcoming 17 year old guy, Bud, who leaves his old life in the east and the spectre of his mothers death and grief striken father to start college in California under the protection of Ricky, his fathers bohemian architect brother.

I'd welcome your feedback and comments, email me at

Part 10 - Changing places

We get back from the comp, the long road journey still buzzing in my head and we head for halls, we drop on the bed in our smart college team clothes. Ed knocks at our door,

`let's go out' he says,

and we get some cash and hit the strip, a seedy row of takeaways and sports bars just off College Way.

We get a few high fives from guys on our course and sneak a couple of illicit beers down us, going from bar to bar to get served as often as we can, who'd refuse to serve Aiden, I wouldn't! We get back to Ed's room and collapse on his bed a bit tipsy.

I gotta get out of this good gear, don't wanna have to press it. We all do same, neatly folding our clothes. Aiden jumps on Ed's bed and we follow, a writhing mass of naked celebration fuelled by alcohol.

Tom says `I got a bottle of hooch in my room',

Aiden says `me too'

and they run off naked to wolf whistles and run back, we get soda from the between floor vending in the hall and the four of us squeeze on the bed, tightly and watch an old war film on Ed's laptop, drinking and refilling as we go. Ed and me are in the middle, pressed up close. Tom and Aiden are at the bed edge. We win, the Germans lose, Ed reaches to close the lid on the laptop, Aiden says,

`play that porno',


he says, grinning, we all get refills. It starts with a guy answering the door and you see the van `pool service' the guy nods and they walk to the back of house. The guy shows the pump room to the young guy who starts to clean the pool scooping out leaves. It's a hot day and young man starts to sweat and pulls off his vest. The guy clutches his crotch. Soon the poolboy is down to his pants when he slips and falls in the pool. The older guy strips and jumps I to save him. He carries young guy out and lays him on a towel on the ground and gives him kiss of life, young guys cock lifts as he breathes into him. We laugh, Ed's boned, then the older guy sits on young guys pole. Aidens hard now and stroking. He gets up,

`another refill anyone?'

And he pours 4 more.

I say to Ed, `you ever done that?'

He takes a swig,

`only fooling around with a cuz'

Aiden says `yeah me too, wouldn't mind fooling around again',

Tom says `yeah let's, no rules, no pressure, jus do what you want and lets see how it goes'

the two nod.

I get Ed and it's obvious Tom wants Aidan. We shuffle around on the bed and I go down on Ed's dick and Tom on Aidens. Ed's groaning and he's quickly gonna shoot. I pull off and Ed licks his lips moist and reaches for his drink and gulps it down then reaches for mine and drinks that down then lowers his face on my shaft and starts to suck. He soon has me all the way in and guzzling me, loving my cock, playing with the skin and squeezing precum and licking the drops off. He looks at me for directions,

`you wanna fuck me?' I say

`he nods'.

I swing my legs up and show my pucker, you gotta spit on it, Ed says

oh I got some KY for ... ,

`blisters' Tom shouts over him and we all laugh.

Tom lies on his back close to me and swings his legs high while Ed and Aidan pass the lube and with an arm across each shoulder they press on in, we let them in easily and, basically, they fuck us in sync, two cocks, two asses.

Ed grunts, one' and Aiden speeds up Ed shouts two' and Aiden one' Ed starts bucking again two' shouts Aiden and the boys fuck us hard and deep in unison. They collapse on us and we giggle, drunk as skunks.

`I thought you was gonna cum without me' says Aiden,

`yeah his tight pussy nearly took me' says Ed.

The boys then knelt on the bed, asses high wiggling saying

`cum on boys do your worst'.

I pours out another for me and Tom and slapping our dicks in our palms we drink and slam our glasses down an mount the ready lubed up beasts.

Tom puts his arm over mine and we laugh as we lock together and buck in sync, tuning into each other, knowing how close Tom is from his breathing, his cute grin or grimace as we fuck and slap these two pale bubble butts with their prominent tan lines and their heaving V backs their heads burrowed in the pillows.

We pause, pick up our drinks, slam the glasses down and restart in sync, fuck this takes some skill, I'm looking into Toms eyes for a sign, a flutter of an eyelid, a stare into space, his head rise. I see the first sign he's close and now so am I,

Tom arches his back and looks at me as he shoots. That goon cum face sends me over the top, I fall onto Ed kissing his nape as I mechanically jack hammer and fill his ass.

Toms squeezing Aidans huge pecs as he nuts up his ass. All done the boys lay on the bed and we drink the rum then squirt it into their mouths then suck on their recovered dicks looking down at these two hunks grinning up at us wanting more, we finished one bottle and cracked open the other. `Rums rum and bums bum' I say taking a swig and spit pouring it into Ed's mouth.

`New bottle, new pardner' says Aidan

`come here champ'

and we swap. He swigs and kisses me and as the alcohol pours down my throat, burning, my cock gets harder, like a pole, veins standing out. I push him back on bed and take a swig and kiss him, he chokes on the fumes,

`fuck that's good stuff'

he says and kisses me deeply. I lean over his body, and my cock lay in the valley of his huge pecs. Tom looked across and smiled and shuffled up Ed. I pressed Aidans pecs inwards and the valley closed around my shaft and I bucked, Tom copied, he laughed

`fuck this feels good'

I say as we bucked into their warm tits. We all stopped for a swig and pumped their dicks as we boozy kissed them, we were hammered, this moonshine is strong stuff. Aid and Ed were up for a fucking and we taught em how to swing high and crunch down low, we dropped the sync and jus' fucked their brains out, stopping for a swig from bottle every now and then.

Aidy said

`come in my tits'

so we finished off in the valley as they squeezed their pecs over our shafts as we bucked cumming almost together over their face and necks. We licked up the cum and fed it to them, Tom would get his mouth full and kiss me, and then I'd kiss Aidy, sharing is caring then I'd spit a shot of rum into their mouths as they rinsed then swallowed.

The bottle almost gone we had one more round of boozy kisses and fell asleep.

I wake, I need a piss, it's dark, I stagger to the comms and see Ed, Aiden and Tom naked, lying on the shower floor asleep, I turn on the shower and they wake up and stagger out of the cold water until it warms up, I point percy and open up pissing over Ed's dick, he holds his and lets out a stinking stream over my chest, I feel the spray on my face, Tom pisses over my cock and Aidy let's go a stream over my ass. I run around as they chase me still trying to piss on me. Aidy reaches high for a lost bottle of gel and tosses it my way, I take a blob and rub it on his pecs and we start washing each other, in the hot steamy water, we push fingers up ass holes, peel back skin and clean cockrims, checking for, well you know.

When we've groomed each other we drip dry, scooting water off each other, feel our aching heads and sore asses and stagger back, Aidy grabs me and Tom grabs Ed and we go to our rooms. I fall asleep snuggled in Aidans huge chest. I wake, Aidy spark out, his muscular frame relaxed on his back snoring. I lay at the side and look at his cock, fat and hanging over his bull balls. I tweak a nipple, then the other and run my finger in circles around his nips. Slowly they harden and I continue as his dick pumps full of blood and rises from his abs. He coughs and the shape of his abs are defined and then melt away. I gently lift his dick to my mouth and start to wet him and then with the vacuum secured by spit, I start to suck and tickle his rim with my tongue, involuntarily he starts to slowly buck my face,

Ed, no' he mumbles, oh Ed' his hands fall heavy on my head and body as he bucks me faster, `Ed I'm gonna...'

he wakes up grips my scalp and fucks my face fast, he moans breathing in like a harmonica and cums in my mouth. I count 16 heathy spurts of white cum jello. I swallow it all, it's protein after all.

He wakes up `fuck you' he laughs

`I was in a dream with this chick',

`oh yeah', I thought but I'll let him have that one.

I'm slapping my cock in my palm. Aidens not up for breakfast clearly. I tease his dick hard and try to kiss him, he's not up for that either, he lays back sleepy, I straddle him and rest my dick in his pecs, he grins,

`oh ok then'

and he presses his pecs around my cock as I rock my hips and shoot over his face and chin, I lean forward my wet cock draping on his body and lick up mouthfuls and kiss him with cummy kisses, he likes that and is hard again,

I lie back and swing up high and smear Toms blister cream on me, he grins and says

`hang on there boy' and sinks on in.

Fuck, hes a big lad, I'm in his shade as his huge frame lowers, my face level with his tits.

His strong arms supporting his weight, he gently fucks me, building up pace and force till my shoulders are pushed up against the cold wall as he suddenly retracts and grips his shaft and explodes covering me with his second load. I hear a tap on the door and Ed and Tom peer around

`we heard you knocking'

says Tom looking at Aidy with sweat pouring off his body at the exertion his long schlong wet and softening in his hand. His cum plastered over my face, dripping, me licking my lips grinning at Tom.

'Looks like its shower time' says Tom

We run and shower quickly, head off to refectory for, you guessed it, 2 eggs and steak. I get a portion of fries and a rasher of bacon that Tom and I share as a `champs treat'.

We get the decaff coffee to go and walk over in our normal pairs, retrieve our smart clothes from Ed's room, pull off the cummy sheets from our beds

'looks like it's gonna be a laundry day'

says Tom. We groan and carry the basket of crispy sheets and sweaty clothes to the basement and sit and wait back to back leaning on each other for the washer and dryer to finish. The morning was broken by a trail of guys with puke drenched clothes who stripped off and filled a machine then ran off before they puked again, hands over their cocks. That made us feel much better!

Laundry done we made the beds and laid naked on the fresh sheets and slept and slept and slept.

Coach had given us a week off but next morning Tom was back to the routine,

`this way we get a week ahead of the other guys', crafty Tom.

We went to the pool and raced against each other, Toms getting faster and whilst he's not built for acceleration he sure can move in the water. I've all on to keep up and I have to concentrate and dig deep to guarantee a comfortable win.

'I'm coming right at ya' Tom ribs as I just beat him by a hand.

The pool is busy, it seems lots of the team have had the same thought as Tom. Apart from last nights transgressions Toms diet plan is going well, I feel stronger and sharper, less rounded, more definition when I flex. I do like that, if I bend or twist slightly my abs crunch and the eight pack shows through my top. I get a lot of admiring looks!

I get a text from Uncle `you've been off radar, are you OK?' I call him straight away, I walk past Halls and up to the edge of campus chatting and telling him about Mason and how he'd flunked his course and his parents had pulled him out mid term and got him in CBS,

`they must be loaded' says Uncle,

`oh yeah I forgot to say Dixies full name is Mason Williams Bren!'

A hearty laugh from Uncle,

`sheesh he coulda bought the College out of small change, fancy not telling you, his roomie? Ah well let's hope he's happy. Tom sounds nice'

`oh yeah he is Uncle, you'll love him'

I try not to gush but I think Uncles spotted my new love.

`Hey it's semester break isn't it soon, why not come and stay, it's still warm enough for the pool and the last of the Indian summer.'

`I'll ask Tom', I say

and Uncle continues

'I can make myself scarce if, you know, you would rather your old Uncle wasn't cramping your style',

no way' I say, laughing you'll love him and him you'.

Tom jumps at the chance, he didn't want to go home and share with his kid brother again and the rest of the houseful, gramps and gran, uncles and cousins.

We pack our bags and get the transit. I say we'll wear our college competition gear and we look like twins, both tanned, blond tinges, fit, and Toms blue eyes you can swim into. We get plenty of looks and we are on our best behaviour, Thankyou, Sirs and Ma'am's, doing our college proud.

We sauntered up the hill from the transit. I show him the stores and put my hand up to Ahmed and stop to talk to the fit guy on the corner who's very interested in me right now. When we get to Uncles I leap over the side gate, catch Toms bag and watch him bound over the fence, turning the corner I see the pool and Uncle swimming,

`Boys, Boys, how good to see you, come on in the waters lovely, my you two look very smart, strip off and come in'.

I'm nekkid in 5 seconds, clothes in a heap. Tom takes a little longer,

`sorry Tom I forgot to mention'

Tom says `mention what?'

He drops his pants, lets it all hang out and does a perfect dive over us, we watch as his cock streams by overhead and his firm butt cheeks splash the water. We wade to the shallow end and wrassle, Uncle failing to dunk me, and hugs Tom who instantly dunks him, no problem.

`Just look at the two of you' says Uncle.

I start to flex and Tom joins in, the shallow water up to our thighs, our dicks on display. We finish and Uncle says wow, looking flustered he says

`I've got some work to do, you boys catch the sun, beers and juice in the cooler'.

We lol around in the sun, the clear sky above us, a beer in our hands.

`This'll sort your tan out paleface'

I say and Tom nips my toe, I leap up and he chases me, he flying tackles me to the ground and we roll and wrassled until we were pooped and splayed out on the grass, boned up, we recovered and continued sun bathing. I'm sure I saw Uncle with his phone at the study window, probably just making a call. We relaxed all afternoon.

Uncle joined us at 4 and we had another beer as Uncle fired up the bbq and broiled skewers and Tom made a big salad. Uncle proffered another beer

no thank-you Sir' said Tom we are in training'. Uncle asked us to dress in our College gear as he wanted a photo. We obliged and Tom stood behind me, his hands on my shoulder as if he was turning me. Junior was behaving, which is a shame, I'd like junior to be in on the show.

We stayed out till late chatting to Uncle and then we hit the sack. I slid the bedroom door shut and got ready for bed. Tom sat on the pan and I brushed my teeth.

`Does your uncle get boned up around you?'

Oh yeah sometimes', I say usually when I get one, in sort of sympathy',

`oh, have you ever, no it's ok', Tom looks away,

`what, tell me?', I say,

`well have you ever made out with him?',

`yeah, when I first came here, you know from Dad'.

`You'd better tell me everything Bud'.

We climb into bed and my head is on Toms chest, his arms around me, the sheet pulled up, just covering our cocks. I feel safe and warm and tell him about mom dying and dad taking to drink and drugs, my sister moving out leaving me, the beatings and how when I was 16 I got a birthday card from Uncle with a photo of the pool and an invite to stay for summer and a $100 bill.

How pop beat me up that night badly and how I always kept a bag packed in case, and ran away to Uncles. Pop called Uncle a hippy fag. I knew he walked about nekkid all time and wasn't married. I knew I liked men from spending a summer with Cuz Ray on his Dads farm, Ray was 14 going on 15 and I was 12 going on 13. He showed me the ropes, we fucked each other raw all summer. Then I've a choice to make, I can go back East or start College. Uncle made it an easy choice, so here I am and here we are.

Tom told me about his 3 older cousins and how they used to take it in turns to fuck him when he stayed over, and how he hated it at first but in the end craved it. His Uncle caught the eldest fucking me in their bed after they'd all gone out and his Pa had come back for something. Uncle fucked us both that afternoon and most times I'd visit after that, twice, three times a day, he'd cook up all sorts of excuses, we fucked in his car, outhouse, walking the dog, after church, anytime, he had a fantastic body and a great uncut dick like yours. When the eldest went away to College it fell to the next one down to continue and eventually it was just Uncle. Aunt Ada caught me fucking Uncle in the outhouse and I was banned from visiting that summer then later I started here.

We said G'night our heads spinning with the knowledge and the cathartic outpouring. We didn't feel like any so we just spooned and felt warm.

Next morning, Toms down on me for his fresh juice, I'm arching my back, clenching my butt, looking down at Toms Blue eyes grinning at me, my abs laid out in a six or eight pack, my pecs with golden hair and I shoot just as door opens and Uncle walks in

`Morning boys' he says and pulls back the drapes turns and without breaking sees Tom sucking up my load, his face bright red,

`you're up early' says Uncle and opens the patio door and dives naked into the pool. Tom gets off and wipes his mouth on back of his hand and we fall into giggles. We get up and dive into the pool and do our lengths after races.

Tom talked with us both, Uncle gets a hard on and Tom follows suit, just the thought of Tom fucking Uncle gets me hard. We sit poolside and splash our legs in the water, sense overtakes lust and uncle gets breakfast,

`Bud wrote me about what Coach says your diet is' says Uncle

`so I've got plenty of steak and eggs in. But looking at you two your not short of meat or eggs, grabbing Toms dick.

We sunbathe, wrassle and swim all day. In the evening Uncle poached eggs and stirs them into Mexican spicy brown rice for tea. We get to bed early and watch a film in bed, Uncle has a new TV and Sonos in lounge so he put the `old' one in my room.

I've planned a weekend away, I think you'll enjoy it' said Uncle mysteriously.


Next: Chapter 11

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