Bobby and Chris

By peliguin

Published on Dec 23, 2004


All the usual disclaimers apply. This is my first attempt at writing a story. It concerns the awakening of a boy becoming aware of his sexuality and how he deals with his feelings of domination and his submissive buddy., This story has consenting gay sex between two young adults who get involved with urine, scat and b/d. If such topics offend you please do not read on or if such writings are illegal where you live do not go any further. Otherwise, enjoy it. Although this is fantasy, much of it is based on fact.


It was a usual Saturday morning. I was laying in my bed half awake half asleep. My head was a little groggy from drinking too much beer last night. But I was 18 years old and a senior in high school and counting the days to graduation. I had no idea what I would do when I left school, maybe join the Marines. I always liked those blue uniforms and those jocks that filled them. I still needed to build up my muscles to look like them. I work out once or twice a week at the gym but I have more of a swimmer's build then a jock. I have blond hair and blue eyes and a smooth body with no hair, except my pits and pubes. My dick is about eight inches and I have low hanging balls. I am cut and that bothers me. I wish I had my foreskin, but not much I can do about that now.

The silence was broken by my mother yelling from downstairs. "Bobby, Chris is here to see you. I'm sending him up. It's time for you to be awake anyway."

Chris is my best buddy. We have been close since he moved in across the street from me about seven years ago. We go to the same school and have the same classes. We were in the Cub Scouts together and often went on trips together. His parents and my parents are real tight, they play cards weekly and are always in each other's houses. Many times I have slept over at Chris' house and he at mine.

We look very similar, both eighteen years old, although he just turned eighteen about a week ago. He also has a swimmer's body and less hair than even I. And his dick is about seven inches, but he is uncut. I have seen him naked often. We have taken many showers together, at school, the gym and even gone skinny dipping. But there is something a little different about Chris. I can't put my finger on it, but he seems always letting me have my way and is always doing things for me. This past week my dad told me wash the car and as soon as Chris heard that he was up to his elbows in soapy water washing down the car, a job he knows I dislike to do.

Chris stood at my bedroom door. He made a dash for my bed and quickly pulled the covers off me and then stood by my pillow looking down on me. "Your mom told me to make sure you were awake." he said.

I told him I was now awake and asked him what he thought we should do today. He suggested a movie. "Go to my computer and find out what is playing downtown and get the times." I ordered.

I was interrupted by mother yelling from downstairs again. "Bobby I am leaving now and will be gone all day but I"ll be home for supper. "Remember your dad is still away on his business trip so keep this front door locked...and make sure you clean the bathroom before you leave the house..Do you hear me?"

I assured her I did and I heard her close the door and a few minutes later I heard her car backing out of our driveway., Now there was only Chris and I in the house.

In anger I started punching my pillow. "I hate cleaning the bathroom, of all the jobs that is the worse."

Chris walked away from my computer and came to my bed. "Gee, Bobby, don't get mad. I will clean the bathroom for you if you want."

I threw the pillow on the floor and stared at Chris in his white T-shirt and blue shorts and those smelly sneakers of his. "You would do that for me?" I asked.

"You know I would do anything for you Bobby, you're my best buddy." He gave me a big smile.

I couldn't believe my ears. He actually would clean my bathroom. Washing the car for me was one thing, but the bathroom, that's horse of a different color.

There was a funny, tingling sensation going through my body. I didn't know what it was but I was glad Chris would clean the bathroom for me. Actually, I now felt powerful. Here I had this boy to do my dirty work. I felt good, like a master with an obedient servant.

I hopped out of bed and grabbed Chris by the arm and dragged him to the bathroom. I opened the cabinet door and showed him where all the cleaning supplies were.

"Now Chris, I want you to clean this bathroom real good, my mom will check it. But I will inspect it first when you are finished. And if it isn't cleaned the way I want it, I will have you do it over again and also I will have to punish you. Am I making my self clear to you?" I asked.

Chris shook his head in agreement. "Yes, and you will have to punish me real bad if I don't do a good job" he answered.

Now I really felt like a master. I know I could now punish Chris anyway I want.

Chris grabbed the swab stick to scrub the toilet but I stopped him.

"Wait" I yelled. No sense cleaning that bowl until after I take a crap. I got to go real bad. Sit over by the tub."

Like a scolded puppy he did as he was told.

I went to the bowl and dropped my briefs to my feet and sat on the commode. I let out a loud and smelly fart.

Chris made no move to leave the bathroom and I saw him looking at my naked body. I looked back directly into his eyes. Then I gave my bowels a little push and I could feel a turd coming out. I pushed a little harder and then heard the spash as it hit the water.

"It's begginning to stink in here" Chris said still sitting on the edge of the tub and watching me.

"Tell me, did you ever see a guy take a shit before?" I asked.

"No never."

"Do you want to watch me shit?"

"Yes, would you let me, Bobby?" He stood up.

"I'll give you that privilege. But first get on your knees."

Chris did as I asked.

"Now crawl over to me on your knees and get between my legs." I commanded.

Chris crawled over to me until he was directly in front of me. I could see him looking at my cock and balls.

"Can you see my turd in the water?" I asked as I spread my legs.

"Yes, it's floating, pretty big too." he observed.

"Well, there's a lot more where that came from. Can you see my asshole?. Is there much shit at the opening? Get your face closer to my ass and tell me what you see."

"I see your hole and there's some shit all around it. and your ass lips are all puffed up." he answered.

"OK, now watch closely. I am pushing another turd out." I gave a little push and I could feel the turd comning out, but I stopped pushing so the turd would just hand there.

"Yeah, I see your turd, it's thinner than the one in the water and it's longer. It almost looks like you got a tail."

"I want you to put your nose real close to that turd and smell it good." I pushed my back toward the toilet tank and slid down a bit and even spread my legs further so he could get close to the hanging turd. His face was right over the toilet opening and I could feel his brreath on my balls. When he got as close as he could he pushed the turd out. It was followed by another loud and smelly fart. But Chris did not move his face away. If anything, he seemed to get closer. I then pushed out two more turds and I had no more left to give.

"All your turds are in the bowl. The last two plopped on top of the others." Chris said.

"Ah, I feel better. Now I have to clean my asshole. Rip off a big handful of that toilet paper" I told him.

He did so. He began to hand me the paper, but I pushed his hand away.

"Don't you want the paper to wipe yourself" he asked.

"Yes, I want the paper to wipe off the shit. But I want you to use the paper to clean my asshole."

Chris stopped and looked dirrectly into my eyes. I thought I might have gone too far with him, maybe pushed him over the edge. He continued to stare into my eyes but said nothing. The silence was deafiningl. For almost a minute neither one of us spoke or moved. Then I felt the paper being applied to my behind. He began to rub the toilet tissue back and forth, back and forth. Not too much pressure. I could feel his fingers through the paper. He dropped the shit covered paper into the bowl and rolled off some fresh tissues and again rubbed it back and forth over my ass. This was the first time that anyone but me touched my asshole and it felt good. Again I felt him rubbing my asshole, up and down the entire crack from back until the back of his hands brushed my balls and cock. He threw the paper into the bowl.

"It's nice and clean now" he said.

"I'll be the judge of that. Back away" I stood up and turned around to look into the bowl. I didn't see all of shit because there was so much tissue on top, but I knew those turds were there. And I knew Chris saw my turds, watched closely as I shit them out of my ass hole and even wiped me clean. I knew now for sure that I was to be a Master and Chris was to be my slave.

Next: Chapter 2

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