Boy Actor Tales

By Nifty Story

Published on Sep 1, 2014


This is story depicts sexual acts involving minors. The minors in this story are being played by actors 18 year of age or older. This story in no way intends to depict or insinuate that the persons named in the story engage in, condone, or approve of the sex acts contained in the content. Please do not read this story if you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal in the state or area where you live.

If you want to comment or give constructive advice or criticism, I welcome it. My E-Mail address is

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To follow on from my recent story 'The Beckham Boys' I decided to start a series that would allow me to feature a different boy actor every chapter and have that chapter be about just him.

I thought this would make it more believable than stories that seem to result in a orgy occurring between random boys, and would allow me to keep it interesting and try out different things.

I have a few boy actors in mind already, but if there are any boys you would specifically like me to write about then please let me know, and I will give it some thought.

Next up is Asa Butterfield, and given he is now 17 please see the below image to get a taste of how I was imagining him here (it's a safe and legal image):

I have set this just before the filming of the TV show 'Merlin' in which he had a guest actor role as 'Mordred', when he would have been approximately 10 years old.

Chapter 3 – Asa Butterfield's Magic Trick

Asa Butterfield was a big fan of magic. It wasn't just the trick itself that he loved, but also the idea of knowing something that someone else didn't. So when his Mum asked him if he wanted to audition for a role that day on the show 'Merlin', the whole premise of which revolved around wizards, knights and dragons, he jumped at the chance.

"Would I be playing a wizard?" He asked his Mum, enthusiastically.

"I am not sure sweetheart, it's a character called 'Mordred'. They describe him as a Druid boy, and the Druids were big fans of things like magic. Maybe you should look him up on the internet?" She suggested, having little knowledge of ancient British tales.

"OK" Asa replied, slipping off the sofa to go and sit at the computer desk, shaking the mouse to bring the iMac to life. He brought up a Google search page and typed in the word 'Mordred' and then read about the character on some of the links that came up.

"What did you find out then? Is he a wizard?" his Mum asked after a little while.

"I don't think so. It says he is sort of a baddie and that he betrays Arthur. But you said he was a Druid right? Well they are mystical characters, so maybe he is a dark wizard? It might be a cool part to play" Asa replied thoughtfully, his hand going down to scratch at his bare leg.

At a short 4"5 tall Asa was largely your typical 10 year old. He was slim, with a tight body from all of the running around he did, being an active boy. He had shaggy, dark brown hair, a fair complexion, cute little nose and startlingly bright sky blue eyes, a feature everyone noticed about him instantly. He had not long since gotten up that Saturday morning and was dressed only in a pair of blue and yellow Spongebob boxer briefs.

"OK, I will tell them that you will come in and read for the part, and if they like you then you might be able to do it" his Mum replied, reaching down to give her son a kiss on the top of his head, "Why don't you go and get dressed and then we can take a drive over to where the auditions are" she added.

"OK Mum" Asa replied, getting up and heading off towards his room.

He went out of the main living area, his bare feet feeling cold on the polished wooden floors, and headed towards the front of the house where the staircase was located. He quickly ran up the stairs and across the hallway into his bedroom, not bothering to close the door behind him.

He reached his hand down to the front of his Spongebob boxer briefs and idly squeezed the tip of his dick, something he did unconsciously most of time, and thought about what a wizard might wear. He decided that something with a hood would be a good idea and went over to his wardrobe. He awkwardly pulled a green hooded top off a hanger and held it up in front of him, deciding it would be fine and throwing it onto his bed behind him.

He stepped over to his chest of draws and grabbed some trainer socks from the first draw, not bothering to take any underwear out as well, and then moved to the next draw down to pick out the first t-shirt he found, which happened to be blue. He moved back over to the bed with the items, putting the socks on top of his green hooded top before pulling the blue t-shirt over his head to cover his pale, slim chest.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled each of the white trainer socks onto his small feet, before moving back over to the chest of drawers and rummaging in one of the draws near the bottom, pulling out a pair of light grey shorts. He held them out and stepped into them, doing up the the zipper being careful not to catch anything delicate in process before securing the button.

He went back over to the bed, pulled the green hooded top over his head and left his bedroom. He bounded down the stairs, almost tripping on the last step before sliding over the polished wooden floor at the bottom, the socks on his feet helping him to to do so, giving out a little giggle as he almost lost his balance.

"Asa!I hope you're not sliding on that floor again!" His Mum called from the kitchen.

"No Mum, course not" he answered, smiling to himself and wondering how she had known, looking around him suspiciously to see if there were any hidden cameras before decided there probably weren't.

"Come and get some breakfast sweetheart" His Mum called again, Asa heading directly down the long thin corridor that ran alongside the stairs and into the bright kitchen, a skylight overhead letting the sunlight flood in.

"What do you want to eat?" His Mum asked him, Asa moving to sit down at the small breakfast bar in front of her.

"Some cereal please. Do we still have Coco Pops?" He asked, hopefully.

"Yes, I got some more yesterday. You are going to turn into a Coco Pop if you keeping eating so much of those" His Mum replied, gazing down at her 10 year old son, smiling to herself at the state his hair was in.

"You really need to start remembering to comb your beautiful hair Asa, it looks like you have just been pulled through a hedge backwards"

"I did just get up you know!" Asa replied, smiling.

"Don't give me that innocent puppy face, it won't work. Go and comb your hair and run a wash cloth over that cheeky face of yours while you are at, and I will get your Coco Pops for you" His Mum replied, swatting Asa on the bum as he stalked past her and out into the hallway, sliding along the polished wooden floor once again causing it to emit a loud screeching sound.

"ASA!" his Mum called again.

"Sorry Mum!" He replied, giggling. He just couldn't resist sliding along the floor.

He quickly headed back up the stairs to the family bathroom, grabbing a damp wash cloth and running it over his face in what loosely passed for a 10 year old boy washing himself and then ran a comb through his unruly hair, now looking far more presentable, before heading back downstairs.

He entered the kitchen again, moving to sick back down at the breakfast bar where his Mum had left his Coco Pops and began to stir them in the bowl, watching as the milk began to turn a brown colour from the chocolate coating on the cereal. Once the milk was sufficiently brown he bag to fish out the cereal, wanting to eat it first before drinking the chocolate favoured milk at the end.

"Well, that's better" His Mum said, having been loading the dish washer and not yet looked at Asa's efforts with his hair and face. She moved back over to the breakfast bar and smoothed down an errant stand of the 10 year old's hair, stopping to take his little face in her hands, squeezing his cheeks slightly and looking into his big sky blue eyes. "My beautiful boy" she purred, smiling at the chocolate milk on Asa's lips.

"Mum! I am trying to eat my breakfast" Asa complained, trying to move his face out of his Mum's gentle grip.

"Sorry sweetheart, I just have to look at you sometimes. And you are going to need to wash that face again when you are done" she replied, letting Asa go and moving to tidy the kitchen somewhat.

Asa went back to eating his breakfast, quickly finishing before getting up and heading to leave the kitchen.

"What about your bowl?" His Mum called after him.

"You told me to wash my face, I can't do that and wash my bowl at the same time" Asa shot back as he hurried up the stairs, his Mum smiling to herself at the 10 year old's fuzzy logic.

Asa washed his face for the second time, and was about to leave the bathroom when he decided he needed to pee. He moved over to the toilet and lifted the toilet seat before reaching down to his tight, flat tummy and grabbing the waistband of both his light grey shorts and Spongebob boxer briefs. He pulled them both down at the same time to release his soft 2 inch uncut dick, tucking the shorts and boxer briefs under his hairless balls, before gently taking his dick into his hand and begging to pee, not bothering to pull back his foreskin. He finished peeing, shaking off the final few drops and cursing to himself when some missed the bowl knowing his Mum would moan, before tucking his dick and balls back into his shorts and letting the waistband snap back against his tummy.

He turned to leave, flushing the toilet as he went and headed back down the stairs, stopping by the door to grab his red trainers and sitting on the bottom step to pull them on each foot. Now ready to go he headed back to the now empty kitchen before noticing it was empty and turning to go into the main living room. He found his Mum standing in front of the large mirror that hung over one of the fireplaces, peering into it to apply some make-up.

"Are you ready to go?" Asa's Mum asked, turning to look at him as he sat on the sofa off to her side, reaching out to pick up a little Lego car that was sat on the coffee table.

"Yes Mum, I even went to the toilet so you don't need to ask if I need to go" he replied, smiling back.

"Good boy, I hope you washed your hands too" his Mum replied, turning back to finish her make-up, smirking as she saw the sheepish look on her 10 year old son's face reflected in the mirror, knowing he probably hadn't washed his hands. Little boys were such messy balls of chaos, but also utterly adorable.

She finished getting ready and grabbed her phone from the mantle piece before picking her bag up from the coffee table and heading out into the hallway, Asa following behind her. She opened the door and ushered Asa out, who had the Lego car in his hand and was proceeding to drive it down the railings as he walked down the steps, his Mum closing and locking the door behind them.

Asa walked across the pavement to stand by the door of his Mum's silver BMW, opening the door when he saw the orange sidelights flash and heard the central locking activate where his Mum had opened the car using her key fob. He slid into the passenger seat, putting the Lego car on the dashboard as he secured his seatbelt, his mum coming to the close the car door for him before moving around the front of the car and getting into the drivers seat, starting the car.

The faced some light early morning London traffic on the journey, reaching the offices of the casting agency that was handling the auditions for 'Merlin' around 25 minutes later. They found a parking space not too far from the entrance, Asa's Mum expertly squeezing the large car into it before exiting and depositing some coins into a parking meter, taking the ticket it produced and sticking it on the dashboard of the car before locking the doors.

Asa's Mum reached out a hand, Asa taking it quickly, and she led them towards the entrance to the casting agency, which was situated in part of an old converted workhouse, rather appropriate given it still was used to find work for children as it had done in a less than pleasant way in the past. They entered into the small lobby area, and went over to the bored looking receptionist.

"We are here for an audition with Tom Parker" Asa's Mum said.

"What's the name?" the receptionist asked, an attractive young blonde woman.

"Asa Butterfield" Asa's Mum replied.

"OK, I will let Tom know you are here" the receptionist replied, reaching to push a button on the phone and speaking into the headset she was wearing, "I have Asa Butterfield for you Tom" she said, listening to the response before saying OK and hitting another button on the phone, "He says he will be down in second, please take a seat"

"OK, great, thank you" Asa's Mum replied, moving to join Asa who had already sat down on one of the tartan covered armchairs, looking up at the old building around him.

A few moments later a tall, handsome blonde man appeared, dark rimmed glasses on his face. He was dressed casually in tan chinos and white shirt, the sleeves of which he had loosely rolled up revealing slim forearms. He was carrying a few pages of yellow paper.

"Hi, Tom Parker" the man said, moving over to the waiting area and extending a hand towards Asa's Mum, "It's Jacqueline isn't it?" he asked.

"Yes, but call me Jaqui. Nice to meet you Tom. This is my son, Asa" Jaqui said, standing up to shake Tom's hand, gesturing for Asa to stand up and smiling as the 10 year old politely shook Tom's hand as well.

"Good handshake there Asa. They say you can tell a lot about a man by his handshake" Tom said, smiling down at Asa.

"They do? Like what?" Asa asked, curious.

"Well for starters, like what he had for breakfast. From that handshake I would say it was something chocolate related" Tom replied, giving Asa a quizzical look.

"How did you know that?" Asa replied, shocked, looking down at his hand and then his Mum in surprise.

"It's magic my little friend, I will tell you all about it one day" Tom replied, sharing a small smirk with Jaqui who had now spotted the little dribble of chocolate milk that must have run under Asa's chin, missed by the quick face washing earlier.

"Thanks for inviting us in Tom, Asa was excited to come and audition when he learned a bit more about the character and that it was for 'Merlin', he is a big fan of the show" Jaqui said, reaching down to place a hand on Asa's shoulder who was still staring down at his hand trying to figure out how Tom had known what he had for breakfast just by shaking it.

"Well, we are a big fan of Asa, he was fantastic in the 'Boy in the striped pyjamas' and I think he will be perfect for the role we are casting. It needs someone who can play drama and vulnerability very well" Tom replied, genuinely enthused.

He had sent out a general casting call for the part, but also a specific request for Asa to audition as well. He was bowled over by the 10 year old and his acting thus far, but more so by how utterly adorable his was. He felt his dick begin to stir slightly at the sight of Asa in front of him, his mind wandering to what he had planned, if he could manage to execute it carefully enough that is.

"That's great. Are those the sides for Asa?" Jaqui asked, gesturing to the papers Tom was holding, sides being the name given to small excerpts of script used in an audition.

"Yes, here you go" Tom replied, handing them to Jaqui, "Do you want to follow me up stairs and you can have a read through them in the little waiting area" he added.

"OK, thank you" Jaqui replied.

Asa and his Mum followed Tom up the small flight of stairs and down a light and airy corridor, pictures of various actors adorning the walls. He led them into a small waiting area with sofas, arm chairs and a water cooler in the corner. He gestured for Asa and his Mum to take a seat.

"Why don't you take five minutes to read over the sides whilst I go and have a little tidy of the casting room" Tom said, moving off to the adjoining casting room next door as Asa began to read the sides out loud, his Mum helping him decide how to approach it.

"I think I should say it a bit nervously, it says he is , but he is scared too, right Mum?" Asa asked, the scene on the sides about Mordred being ill and another character tending to him.

"That sounds good. You remember what it's like to feel ill and scared right? So just imagine something that makes you fee frightened, like maybe that dog that jumped the fence into the garden a little while ago?" Jaqui asked.

"Yeah, that's good Mum, he was a big dog" Asa nodded, thinking back to the sight of the large German Shepherd chasing him in the garden, Asa only just reaching the safety of the house in time.

"OK. We are all set, are the sides clear?" Tom asked, moving into the room and sitting on the edge of one of the armchairs.

"Yes thank you" Asa replied, politely.

"Great stuff! Jaqui, do you mind if I carry out the audition with just Asa on his own? We find they tend to go better when parents aren't in the room" Tom asked, looking towards Asa's Mum.

"No that's fine, he never wants me to come in anyway as he says I make him nervous. How long will it take do you think?" Jaqui replied.

"I would say about 45 minutes. I want to run through the sides a few different ways and I also have some footage of the show to play to Asa so he can get a feel for where the character will fit" Tom replied.

"Cool, is it from the new episode?" Asa said before his Mum could reply.

"Sure is Asa, it hasn't even been shown on TV yet so you will have to keep it a secret. You can keep a secret right?" Tom said, smiling at Asa, the 10 year old nodding.

"OK, that sounds like fun. Is there somewhere I can get a coffee while I wait?" Jaqui said.

"We have a little break room just along the corridor. In fact I am pretty sure Saturday is cake day, where the staff all chip in to buy cream cakes to make it a bit less oppressive having to work. Why don't you head down there and tell them I said you could have mine" Tom replied, standing up and smiling.

"Oh, that's very kind of you, that sounds lovely" Jaqui replied, smiling at the charming man, her cheeks flushing a little. He was very handsome.

"You get to eat cakes while I work? That's not fair!" Asa added, now standing up to.

"There has to be some perks to carting you around to all thine auditions sweetheart" Jaqui said, reaching down to tap Asa affectionately on his nose with her index finger, the little boy crunching his nose at the touch, before leaning down to him and giving him a little peck on the lips, "Be good for Tom OK? And do everything he tells you" she instructed.

"Yes Mum" Asa replied, standing back as Tom ushered his Mum out into the corridor and pointed her in the direction of the break room.

"Well, just you and me now Asa. You ready to begin?" Tom asked, reaching down to squeeze the adorable 10 year old's shoulder.

"Yes, can we watch the clips first?" Asa asked, looking up at Tom as the tall man led him into the casting room and closed the door behind him, turning the lock on the door. Asa saw this and wondered why he had locked it.

"Of course we can, it will help you get an idea of what is happening. But you really must keep it a secret, you can't even tell your friends, OK?" Tom added, moving over to sofa and coffee table that was sat in one corner of the room, a laptop set-up in front of it.

"I promise, I am really good at keeping secrets" Asa nodded, joining Tom on the sofa and sitting next to him in front of the laptop, the small boy's thighs touching Tom's.

"Good boy, that is exactly what I wanted to hear" Tom added, before clicking on a file and starting the clips for Asa.

They watched the clips for five minutes or so, Asa laughing and pointing out bits he liked. Tom looked down at the 10 year old boy beside him, taking in the cute little outfit the boy was wearing and looking at the animated look on his face as he watched the laptop. He was even more adorable in person than he had been on screen, if it was even possible. The clips ended and Tom moved to close the laptop and turn to face Asa.

"OK, you have a feel for what is happening now right?" Tom asked.

"Yeah I think so. Arthur's Dad really hates anyone with magical powers, so they will have to hide Mordred or Arthur's Dad will kill him won't he" Asa replied, looking up at Tom.

"Got it in one Asa. You have your sides, so why don't we have a quick run through the scene. Here Mordred is in Morgana's chambers and is not very well, and they are talking about what it is like to be a Druid. Lets give it a go, I will read Morgana's lines to you" Tom said, reaching over to grab a copy of the side s from the coffee table in front of him.

They read through the scene, Tom impressed with Asa's reading and the vulnerability and emotion the boy was able to inject into the otherwise benign lines on the page. He had chosen this scene for a specific reason, namely that it involved the character being shirtless and cared for by Morgana, a role he planned on fulfilling very well here.

"That was OK Asa, but I think it lacked a little bit of realism. The character is supposed to be sick, so why don't you trying laying down and playing the physical part of it as well" Tom said.

"OK" Asa replied, reaching down to slip his red trainers off before laying down on the couch and running through the scene again, this time trying to play up the sick part a little more, hoping that was what Tom wanted as he really wanted the role, especially having now scene the new footage from the show.

"Good, that was much better. Why don't we try using the directions on the sides as well, just to make it even more realistic?" Tom asked, watching as Asa looked down to read the scene directions, that called for Mordred to be down to just his winter underwear and under a blanket as Morgan tended to him with a damp cloth.

"Um, we don't have a blanket and cloth though?" Asa asked.

"I do actually, the last boy to audition used them. He did very well" Tom replied, getting up to retrieve the small blanket and cloth he had hanging on the back of a chair.

"Really? He was reading for this part as well?" Asa asked, worried that another boy might get the role in front of him.

"Yes, he was very good. His Mum is a friend of the director too, which helps" Tom added, sensing that Asa really wanted the part and that it was time to give the 10 year old a bit of extra motivation by pushing the fear that he might not get it.

"Oh. OK then" Asa nodded, moving to lay back down and expecting Tom to drape the blanket over him.

"You should remove your top as well really, the scene directions do say that Mordred should be wearing just his winter underwear. But we don't have any winter underwear here" Tom added, moving a hand to his chin to rub it and giving the impression of being deep in thought, hoping Asa would interrupt and offer a suggestion.

"I can just do it in my shorts, can't I?" Asa asked, trying to be helpful.

" I don't think that would be as authentic because Mordred is supposed to be cold and shivering, that's why the script writer wrote that he should be in his winter underwear. They are kind of like long boxer shorts. The other boy didn't have a good idea about how to do it either" Tom added, doing his best to seem disappointed, feeling this would be enough of a prompt.

"Well I can just do it in my boxer shorts then?" Asa replied, the idea seeming obvious to him but pleased that the other boy hadn't thought of it. If he could make the scene really believable he might still get the part even if the other boy's Mum knew the director.

"Wow, that's a great idea Asa. Why didn't I think of that!" Tom replied, beaming down at the still horizontal 10 year old.

"OK, cool" Asa replied, sitting up and pulling the green hooded top over his head and letting it drop onto the floor, adding his blue t-shirt a moment later revealing his slim, pale chest and small brown nipples. He had a perfectly formed little boy six pack that showed up each time he took a breath in and a little innie belly button.

He stood up and undid the button on his light grey shorts, pulling the zipper down slightly before pulling them down over his slim, pale thighs, his blue and yellow Spongebob boxer briefs coming into view.

Tom looked on as the adorable 10 year old Asa Butterfield striped down in front of him, marvelling at the perfect little body he had, and smiling at the cute Spongebob boxer briefs he was wearing, a little boy bulge visible at the front. Asa sat back down on the sofa before laying back, now clad only in his boxer briefs and little white trainer socks. It had been easier to get him undressed then Tom had anticipated.

"Good, much more authentic" Tom beamed as he looked into Asa's beautiful big sky blue eyes, before moving to drape the blanket over him, pulling up it so that it just covered his boxer briefs and left his tight little tummy exposed.

They read through the scene again, Asa really giving it everything he had, Tom now coming close to him with the cloth in his hand and gently rubbing it on Asa's forehead and then moving to rub the 10 year old's chest and tummy, continuing to do so as Asa read his lines, a little sigh escaping from his thin pink lips.

"That was really good Asa, very believable" Tom said finally, reaching down with just his hand now and gently rubbing Asa's tummy, the 10 year old looking back at him and smiling.

"Thanks. It did kind of help to be dressed the way Mordred was, I mean I could imagine being him a bit better that way" Asa added, looking down to where Tom was gently rubbing his tummy, enjoying how it felt and not wanting to move from the spot he was in. His Mum rubbed his tummy sometimes, especially when he wasn't feeling well, and it never failed to relax him. "That feels nice" he purred.

"I thought it might relax you, my Mum used to rub my tummy when I was little to calm me down" Tom replied, his hand rubbing over the boy's smooth tummy, his fingers tracing the little bumps of muscle underneath the skin.

"Really? My Mum does that doe me too" Asa replied, nodding.

"It does work doesn't it, but not as well as the other thing my my Mum used to do to make me feel better" Tom replied.

"What was that?" Asa asked, curious.

"Well, she used to rub my tummy a bit lower, as it felt nicer there" Tom said, hoping Asa would take the bait.

"Can you rub mine there too?" Asa asked

"I guess so, but I would have to pull your boxers down a little bit to reach it though, is that OK?"

"I guess so" Asa replied, seeing nothing wrong with the caveat Tom had given him, thinking that it was only his tummy after all. It was not like he was going to be naked.

Tom bent over Asa's half naked body a little more and moved his hands to the side of the 10 year old's blue and yellow Spongebob boxer briefs, gently lifting the waistband and beginning to slide them down. "Asa, life your bum a bit" Tom instructed.

Asa complied obediently, lifting his slim hips off the sofa a little bit and allowing Tom to pull his boxer briefs down a bit lower, stopping once the boy's hairless and pale white pubic area was exposed, Asa now letting hips hips drop back down onto the sofa.

Tom released the waistband of Asa's boxer briefs and looked down at the smooth, creamy white skin in front of him, the little V shape of Asa's stomach leading down to the 10 year old's hairless pubic area. He gently placed his hand on Asa's stomach, letting it move over the boy's innie belly button and carefully trace down towards his hairless pubic area, Asa's bright sky blue eyes looking on intently, a contented look on his face as a small sigh escaped him.

"Does that feel nice Asa?" Tom asked.

"Yes, really nice" Asa replied, his little body relaxing completely as Tom's warm hands rubbed his tummy and now the part of him just above where his dick was. He felt a little stirring there now, his dick beginning to harden as Tom continued to rub very close to it, the thin material of his blue and yellow Spongebob boxer briefs beginning to rise as it was pushed up by his growing erection.

Asa looked down as it reached its full 3 inch uncut length, his boxer briefs tenting out a little bit as it did so. It felt uncomfortable where his dick was being pushed down by his waistband, and he squirmed slightly.

"Is everything OK, you look a little uncomfortable?" Tom asked, having noticed the little boy's dick become erect as he had hoped would happen, and pleased that it was trapped awkwardly and making Asa squirm slightly.

"Um's willy I mean" Asa said, not really wanting to say, a little embarrassed.

"Oh, it's stuck a bit?" Tom offered, Asa nodding in response. "Well I can move it so it's more comfortable for you?" he added.

"Um...I'm not really supposed to let anyone touch my willy" Asa replied nervously, remembering the talk they had given at school.

"Well, I'm only going to move it a bit more comfortable for you. It's OK to feel comfortable isn't it?" Tom asked.

"I guess so" Asa replied, shrugging his shoulders and seeing nothing wrong with the logic.

Tom nodded and moved a hand gently under the waistband of Asa's blue and yellow Spongebob boxer briefs, making contact with the 10 year old's very hard 3 inch erection, feeling the silky smooth skin, Asa gasping slightly as he touched it. Tom smiled to himself and moved the hard little nail down so that it pointed more between Asa's legs, his hand still concealed in the little boys underwear. "Is that better?" he asked, knowing he had likely made it worse.

"No, it needs to point up. It usually goes up when it gets bigger" Asa replied, not really knowing the right terms.

"Oh, sorry, like this?" Tom asked, moving Asa's painfully hard little 3 inch uncut erection so that it pointed up, the top inch or so of the shaft now poking above the waistband of the young boy's boxer briefs.

"Yeah that's better" Asa replied, a little self conscious at seeing part of his dick exposed, looking up towards Tom and smiling.

"Good. What is it?" Tom asked, seeing the sheepish little grin Asa was giving him.

"You can see my willy now" Asa replied, smiling.

"Well we are both boys right, I have a willy too you know" Tom replied, smiling, Asa giggling as he tickled tummy slightly.

"I guess it's OK then" Asa replied finally, once Tom had stooped tickling his tummy.

Tom moved his hands back to continue to rub Asa's tummy and hairless pubic area, now letting his hands slide over the exposed part of Asa's erection, the little boy smiling each time he did so, clearly enjoying the touches. He let his hand linger over Asa's erection gently rubbing at the foreskin covered tip, causing Asa to gasp slightly. "Sorry Asa, I didn't mean to hurt you" Tom said, moving his hand away from the boy's dick.

"You didn't, it just felt really nice then, when you were rubbing my willy. I do that to it sometimes too" Asa replied, moving to prop himself up slightly onto his elbows.

"You rub it to make it feel nice?" Tom asked.

"Yes, when I am in the bath or sometimes in bed in the morning when it gets bigger like it is now" Asa replied.

"Cool, I do that too sometimes" Tom replied, smiling.

"You do?" Asa replied, slightly shocked.

"Yes of course. All boys do it, it feels good right?"

"Yeah, but my Mum says I shouldn't do it too much" Asa replied.

"Well she doesn't have a willy does she" Tom quipped, "So shouldn't you decide what you do with it?" he added.

"Yeah, she has a vagina" Asa said, bringing his hand up to his mouth and giggling at the word.

"Yes she does!" Tom replied, smiling at the innocent little 10 year old, thinking he couldn't be any more adorable that he was now. "Do you want me to touch your willy again then, to keep making it feel nice?" He asked.

"OK" Asa replied, nodding.

"Fine, but this has to be our secret OK, just between us boys. You are good at keeping secrets aren't you?" Tom asked,

"Yes I am, I promise I won't tell. You can touch it" Asa replied, pushing his little bum and moving his hips off the sofa in encouragement, causing Tom to smile and look into the adorable boys big sky blue eyes.

"OK, but I think we should take your boxers off shouldn't we?" Tom said and Asa nodding in response, before moving to slip Asa's blue and yellow Spongebob boxer shorts down his legs and over his feet, placing them to one side.

Tom looked down at the now naked 10 year old Asa Butterfield in front of him. He let his eyes wander down the boy's body, from his bright sky blue eyes and cute little nose, over his small, immature chest and little brown nipples and down to his tight little tummy that was moving in and out as he breathed. Asa spread his legs apart slightly, his 3 inch uncut erection standing up proudly, pointing towards his face and laying tightly against his hairless pubic area.

Tom reached out a hand and gently gripped the thin shaft of Asa's erection, feeling the silky smooth, almost translucent skin and seeing the tiny little veins that ran underneath. He carefully rolled back Asa's foreskin, revealing the pale pink mushroom head and tiny piss slit, the boy's foreskin going back easily and bunching neatly below the mushroom head. Tom moved his other hand over to softly tease Asa's hairless balls in his smooth ball sack, a little giggle escaping the boy as he did so.

"That tickles" Asa said, smiling as Tom carefully explored his perfect little dick.

"Sorry, I will avoid those OK?" Tom replied, smiling back up at Asa before gently moving his thumb and forefinger up and down the hard little shaft, the skin moving easily, causing Asa's foreskin to gently roil back up and cover the pink mushroom head again.

Asa looked on intently as Tom rolled his foreskin back and forth, enjoying the sensations he was feeling. It felt different to what Asa did to himself, which normally consisted of just squeezing his dick when it got hard, pushing it down and rubbing it. He didn't normally roll the foreskin back, but decide he would in future as it felt really nice. "That feels nice Tom" he said.

"Glad you like it. There is something else we can try that feels even better than this, if you want to try it?" Tom offered.

"What?" Asa asked, wondering what on earth could feel nicer.

"I can kiss your willy" Tom replied.

"Kiss it? With you mouth?" Asa asked, curious and shocked at the same time.

"Yeah what else would I kiss it with silly? It feels really nice"

"OK then" Asa nodded, figuring he might as well try it but a little surprised out that someone would kiss a dick.

Tom smiled to himself, the prospect at getting to suck the delectable 3 inch uncut erection in front of him being very appealing. Hi own dick had reached its full 6 inch erect length and was straining inside his tan chinos. He knew he was going to need to get a release soon.

Tom bent down to Asa's waist, the boy's bright sky blue eyes watching him intently, and used his thumb and forefinger to roll back Asa's foreskin and expose the pink mushroom head again. He bent down a bit further and placed a gentle little kiss on the top, Asa giggling as he did so. "Did you like that?" Tom asked, smiling at the boy.

"Yeah, do it again" Asa asked.

"OK, but I need to move things around a bit first" He added, getting up to push the coffee table out of the way, "Come a bit closer to the edge and spread your legs out Asa. That's it, lean back against the sofa a bit more. Good" Tom instructed, getting Asa into the right position before kneeling between the boy's outstretched legs, his bum near to the edge of the sofa giving Tom perfect access to his dick and also exposing his little pink hole at the same time.

Tom gripped onto the stiff little 3 inch uncut erection with his thumb and fore finger and moved it forwards, rolling the foreskin back, before letting his tongue slip out and using it to gently lick the tiny pink mushroom head, Asa gasping as he did so.

He used his tongue to trace down the thin shaft, the silky smooth skin now glistening with his saliva before returning back up to the pink mushroom head and swirling his tongue over it gently, then holding his tongue steady and moving the delicate little erection back and forth over it, Asa squirming as he did so.

Asa couldn't believe how good it felt when Tom used his tongue on his dick, reaching out to move his hands onto his tummy, almost wanting to push Tom off so he could play with his dick himself to try and get more of the nice feelings. Tom reached up a hand and grasped onto Asa's hands reassuringly, knowing how different the new feelings were for the sky blue eyed 10 year old.

Tom let the hard little nail slide into his mouth now, the thin shaft rolling over his tongue, Tom savouring every precious little inch before devouring it down to Asa's hairless pubic area and slowly gliding back up the glistening shaft. He repeated the movement several times, enjoying the taste of Asa's prefect 3 inch uncut erection.

He grabbed the delicate little erection more tightly now, rolling the silky skin loosely on the shaft, using his tongue inside his mouth to roll around the small pink mushroom head, intermittently probing at the tiny piss slit as Asa squirmed underneath him. He let the 3 inch uncut erection slip out of his mouth for a second, putting his index finger in its places and getting it slick with his own saliva before gently proceeding to insert it into Asa's tight pink little hole, taking the boy's erection back into his mouth as he did so.

Asa looked down as he felt the new sensation, watching as Tom slipped a finger into his virgin hole and gasping at how strange and nice it felt all at the same time. He placed his hands on to Tom's head and held them there, trying to push more of himself into Tom's mouth, the sensations the man was giving him almost too much to take.

Tom quickened his pace on the painfully hard little erection in his mouth now, wanting desperately to bring the sky blue eyed ten year old to what would probably be the first orgasm of his young life. He grabbed onto the thin shaft and began to increase his wanking movements getting into a steady rhythm, whilst at the same time probing ever deeper into the boy's tight hole, feeling his finger being gripped as Asa's anal muscles contracted.

He heard Asa gasp as he finally found the little boy's prostate, probing it gently as he continued to suck the boy's dick, knowing it would send wave after wave of ecstasy through the little boy's tiny body, looking up to see that Asa had closed his eyes now, a look of delight on his face.

Asa's breathing began to quicken, his little body trembling on the sofa, a thin film of sweat forming on his chest and tight tummy as Tom continue to simultaneous suck and finger him. He let out little boyish whimpers, unable to help himself, both wanting the feelings to continue and stop at the same time so intense were they.

Tom felt Asa begin to tremble more now, and knew he was close to the point of no return, so gently probed the boys prostate and sucked on his 3 inch uncut erection, his thumb and forefinger wanking the immature little dick at a furious pace, Tom now determined to make the little boy orgasm.

Asa's hips rose off the sofa, desperately bucking and trying to force more of his dick into Tom's mouth as he felt a new feeling building within him, intense waves of pleasure coursing though his his tight little body and seeming to focus into his tummy, before they exploded as they reached his dick, his whole body shaking and a tortured yell of pleasure escaping his thin pink lips.

Tom felt Asa;s pink mushroom head flare in his mouth, the sky blue eyed 10 year old's 3 inch uncut erection twitching wildly as his first ever orgasm hit him, his dick trying to pump out boy-cum that his immature, hairless balls were not yet producing. Asa's tight little hole gripped onto Tom's finger like a vice, spasming in time with his dick.

Tom looked up to Asa's face, seeing the look of utter ecstasy there as the boy desperately fought to catch his breath before Tom finally released Asa's still twitching dick from his mouth with an audible little popping sound, gently sliding his finger from the boy's tight pink hole.

He moved up towards Asa slightly now, Asa's hands falling away from his head as he did so, and placed his hands onto Asa's still rapidly contracting tummy, rubbing it gently and feeling the thin film of sweat that had formed there. "Did you like that Asa?" he asked.

Asa opened his eyes now, still taking in great big lungfuls of air, only managing to smile and nod his head at Tom, before letting his head fall further back against the pillow. Asa managed to regain his breath after a moment or two more and looked back at Tom, his bright sky blue eyes spread wide.

"What was that? What did you do?" Asa asked, not having a clue what had just happened, only knowing that it was the most amazing feeling he had ever had.

"That was a special magic trick, called an orgasm. It's what happens when you play with your willy just right. It ends up feeling really nice right?" Tom replied, smiling up at Asa, still kneeling between the naked boy's slim, pale thighs.

"Really nice!" Asa agreed, "Can you show me how to do it too?" Asa asked, wanting to repeat the felling.

"Well, you just need to play with your willy like I did before and it will happen after a little while. Do you remember how?" Tom replied, Asa nodding in response.

"Well, do that for a bit and you will get that nice feeling again. And of course, we can do it again some time when we next see each other" Tom said.

"Cool, do you think we will see each other again then?" Asa replied, hopeful.

"Oh yes, I think so. You have definitely got the part in the show, so we will need to meet about that again at least" Tom beamed.

"Really? Even though that other boy's Mum knows the director?" Asa replied, excitedly, lifting his body to sit up, his 3 inch uncut dick still erect and now glistening with Tom's saliva.

"Oh definitely. You were much better in your audition, a far better performance" Tom replied, moving to kneel up and smile to himself. A very impressive performance indeed.

"Awesome!" Asa exclaimed, moving to wrap his arms around Tom and hugging him, Tom returning the hug tightly as he did so.

"No problem, you have earned it. But remember, we need to keep the magic trick a secret OK, just between us guys" Tom added seriously.

"I promise, I swear on my Mum's life" Asa added, nodding earnestly.

"Good boy. I think we had better get you dressed now" Tom said, reaching over to grab Asa's blue and yellow Spongebob boxer briefs and finding the front, holding them out for Asa to step into and then pulling them up the 10 year old's slim, pale legs and covering up his still hard 3 inch uncut dick. He reached a hand inside the boxer briefs to adjust how Asa's erection lay, the boy smiling appreciatively.

He held out Asa's light grey shorts as Asa stepped into them, before pulling them up him and doing them up carefully. Asa held his arms up as Tom pulled blue t-shirt onto him, adding his green hooded top a moment later, the boy now fully dressed bar his trainers. Asa sat back down and pulled his red trainers back on, a knock at the door interrupting the silence.

"Hello? Tom? Asa?" Asa's Mum Jaqui said through the door, the handle turning but the door not opening where Tom had locked it earlier.

Tom quickly pushed the coffee table back in place as he headed over to the door and unlocked it, opening it to let Jaqui into the room. "That pesky door, has a mind of its own, forever locking me in here" Tom said, making a show of looking at the door frustratedly and trying the handle a few times.

"Oh OK, not to worry" Jaqui replied, finding it a bit odd that the door was locked, "Everything OK sweetheart?" She asked, concerned.

"Yeah it's great Mum, I got the part!" Asa replied excitedly, going over to give his Mum a hug.

"Oh, sweetheart that's wonderful news. You must have done really well!" She congratulated, reaching down kiss Asa affectionately on the top of his head, "I am really proud of you" she added.

"Yes he was very good, very believable and inventive with the lines, and exactly what we are looking for" Tom added, standing by the door and looking on at the mother and son.

"Excellent" Jaqui replied, relaxed now that she had satisfied her self that Asa was OK and that nothing untoward was going on, accepting that the door being locked was just an accident as Tom had said. She knew Asa was a very attractive little boy, and that she needed to be careful, not wanting Asa to fall victim to the 'Casting Couch' manoeuvre as often had happened in the acting world. "When do you need him to come in then?" She asked.

"Well, shooting won't start for perhaps another month, and that will be out in Hungary. We would of course time it to coincide with a weekend so that Asa's schooling isn't affected. The studio will handle transport and accommodation, I assume you or your husband will be accompanying him?" Tom asked.

"Yes, well it will be me I would think. I will get Asa's agent to contact you and work out the finer details and fees and the like" she replied.

"Perfect. I will need him to come in in for an hour or so next week, just to give him a bit of extra information and run through some things,. If that is OK?" Tom asked.

"That's fine, as long as it can be another Saturday?" Jaqui replied, looking down at Asa.

"No problem, we will even lay on the cream cakes again, maybe even one for Asa too this time" Tom added, smiling at Asa.

"Cool!" Asa said, his Mum laughing.

"That sounds perfect, and a cream cake would be very much appreciated" Jaqui smiled back, thinking again how charming Tom was.

"OK. Well I won't keep you any longer, I am sure you both have better things to do on a Saturday" Tom said, moving towards the door and ushering them out into the little waiting area outside.

"Yeah, I want to get home and work on the new magic trick you taught me" Asa said, not looking at Tom.

"Magic trick?" Jaqui asked, turning to look at Asa, her back to Tom.

"Yeah it's really cool" Asa nodded, looking towards Tom and seeing the panicked look on his face, realising he probably shouldn't have said anything.

"Can you show it to me? I love your little magic tricks, like that card one you did at Christmas" His Mum asked, unable to see Tom behind her.

"Um not right now Mum, I need to work on it a bit first" Asa replied, recovering the situation, looking at Tom and smiling.

"OK sweetheart, well we better get going" she replied, turning back to shake Tom's hand.

"Thanks for everything Tom, and for taking the time to teach him a new magic trick, he is fascinated by anything like that" She said, warningly shaking Tom's hand.

"No problem, he was a pleasure to spend time with. I will see you both next Saturday" He replied, as they headed off into the hallway.

"Bye Tom" Asa waved, smiling and giving Tom a little wink as he walked away.

"Bye Asa. Keep practising your magic!" Tom replied, waving and giving Asa a wink of his own before heading back into the waiting area and entering the casting room, collapsing down onto the sofa.

He had felt his heart go into his mouth when Asa had started talking about the magic trick, fearing that the 10 year old would instantly blurt out all the details, but thankfully his panicked looks shot at the boy had prompted him to recover the situation. The adorable little scamp's Mum even thanked him for showing him the magic trick! If only she knew.

Tom smiled to himself, thinking ahead to next Saturday and little Asa Butterfield's next visit. He had a few more tricks he wanted to show the eager, bright, sky blue eyed 10 year old.

The End

I really enjoyed writing this instalment, Asa being a particular favourite of mine. I hope you enjoy reading it.

There are many more boys to come, so please keep writing and telling me what you think so far, or to offer any names to be considered.

Next: Chapter 4: Daniel Radcliffe Bathtime News

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