Boy Traumatized

By James Heady

Published on Apr 14, 2023


Boy Traumatized By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between consenting teenaged males. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child abuse, Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Suicide, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics. If you're unable to handle reading about such sensitive subjects, then back out of the story now. Also, if you're not of the legal age to read this type of story, then please find something else to read. Other than this, no additional Trigger Warnings will be given. Also, "Flame E-mails" will be ignored.

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Finally, if you like this story and haven't done this already. Take my E-mail address swimming, but when you get to the pool, neglect to tell them just before they jump in that the heating controls have been turned all the way up to 100%.

Thanks once again to K for their editing. This story wouldn't be what it is without you. Thank you.

Boy Traumatized

Chapter 18

"I want to make sure that the first person you kiss loves you, okay?" Stephen Chbosky The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Deon came home on Sunday, four days later. He went home, and I stayed at mine and Chase's house until an hour after he had been home. I wanted to give him enough time to get settled in, and after texting him about coming over, he said that he was ready. He also let me know that his parents would be glad to see me. I smiled, and after saying goodbye to Chase, I was off.

Once at Deon's house, Barb and Ron let us know that they would be bringing back food for us all. Deon had been craving burgers and fries, and when they mentioned that, I then realized just how hungry I was. I told them that sounded good, and after taking down my order, they went to get our food.

After making sure the door was closed and locked, Deon wheeled into his room where I sat at his desk. I watched as he transferred out of his wheelchair on to the bed. He had what was basically a military-style haircut given that they had to shave off his hair completely in order to operate. I could see the sutures and found myself looking for any redness or swelling that shouldn't be there. Yesterday, when Dr. Horton came in to give Deon the news about being discharged, he let us know about home care and told everyone what to look for. I then blinked and Deon saw me looking.

"That's sweet of you to monitor my incision," he said smiling. "I'm alright though."

"I'm glad," I said then walked over to the bed and lay down next to Deon. He was on his right side and I turned to face him then gently put an arm around him while enjoying the closeness.

"I'm truly glad you made it through the surgery, and that they were able to get to you in time," I said, then kissed his lips gently. "I know we haven't really had much of a chance to talk until now. You're much more awake now than a couple of days ago. Of course, we haven't been left alone much, given everything that occurred. I was really scared I could lose you. I don't know what I'd do if that ever happened."

"I was really scared too Omri," he said, looking deeply into my eyes. "I wasn't sure I'd make it, and I was afraid that you'd be alone if I didn't pull through. Having you by my side through everything has really helped me. A few years ago when everything happened, being operated on and in the hospital, alone, was frightening. I didn't feel as scared this time around like the first time.

"I'm glad I could be there for you this time around," I replied. "You mean more to me than anything, and I want to always be there for you as well as being by your side for the rest of our lives."

"I want that as well," he said. "I never want to be without you, and I want to be together forever."

We kissed then just lay in each other's arms enjoying the silence.



Florian and I sat in my room the Sunday that Deon was being discharged from the hospital. We talked to him and his family about stopping by later that afternoon or evening to check on him. They said fine and we agreed on stopping over around 4:30 P.M. I knew that Omri would want some time alone with him. I was glad to wait while they spent some much-needed time together. I know I wanted to have the alone-time with Florian as well.

My parents were out with a few friends for the day, and I was hoping that things might happen between Florian and I that would bring us closer. I knew that I was really attracted to Florian, and I knew for sure that I was gay. That realization had been slowly coming to me over time, and now I knew. I was sure that Florian really liked me as more than a friend. He would aim his eyes in my direction several times. When we were sitting next to each other, his arm or leg would brush up against mine, and when he would be talking to me about stuff, sometimes he'd end up holding my hand. I would close my hand around his, and it felt so right!

Returning to the present, I sat there as Florian scooted closer to me on the edge of my bed. We hadn't yet started sleeping over at each other's houses. I had met his parents only a couple of times when they dropped him off at my house. As I thought about, it in that moment, I really hoped that we could soon spend the night or even the weekend together soon.

As we continued talking, Florian found my hand, and gently took hold of it as I continued talking about one of the music groups I told him about. I closed my hand around his like all the other times, and I scooted even closer now. After Florian responded that he'd have to check out the group I mentioned, I looked closely at him as his eyes were aimed in my direction.

"Has anyone ever told you how soft your hand is?" I asked as I stroked the palm of his hand with my fingers.

"No," he replied. "That's really nice of you to say."

"It really is soft," I said.

I then removed my hand from his and put my arm around his shoulders. I gently pulled him closer, and he immediately leaned into me.

"It feels really good being with you like this Tanner," he said looking up at me. "You're really nice, and I really like how protective you are of me."

"Thanks," I replied. "I do feel protective of you. I don't mean that in the way of your being blind and needing protection, but I just mean that I always want to see that you're protected and taken care of."

"I want that for you as well," he answered.

"I'm glad to hear that," I said.

As I continued to look into his eyes, I felt him press into me a little more. I now had both arms wrapped around him. As I sat there, I finally got up the nerve to ask him the question I had been wondering about for a while now.

"I was curious about something you mentioned," I said. "A while back when we were talking about relationships, I know you told me that you're single. Have you always been single?"

"Yeah," he answered. "Like I said, I haven't been out to my parents too long, and even though they were accepting right from the beginning, I still wanted to wait to find a boyfriend. I wanted to make sure that I was ready and I certainly didn't want to rush into anything. I still don't want to rush into a relationship, or into a situation that might not turn out well."

"That makes sense," I answered. "I'm pretty sure that I'm gay. The last two girls I had been with, it never felt right. I couldn't quite figure it out at the time though. Now thinking back on it, I realized that it was because I wasn't with the person I was meant to be with. I mean, that I wasn't with a guy like I should have been, but I also know that I wasn't with the guy I was meant to be with."

"I know what you mean Tanner," Florian said. "I've wanted to be with a guy who would be one who I could be with for a long time. I don't want one-night-stands or hook-ups. I've never wanted anything like that."

"I'm glad we're both on the same page about that," I responded.

"Me too," he answered. "So, I'm guessing that you've never kissed another boy before?"

"No," I replied. "Is that the same for you too?"

"Yeah," he said.

"I've always thought of a first kiss as being something that's special between the two people sharing it," I said. "I don't think that it's something that should be just tossed around. I mean, sure I kissed the two girls I had been with. The first time when we did, I thought each of them would be "The One". That obviously turned out not to last though."

"I feel the same way about a first kiss as well," he responded.

"I'm glad to hear that," I said. "I want my first kiss with a guy to be one that will truly be special. I want it to be with the guy that I'll be with for always, and I want the guy I share my first kiss with to be one who truly loves me with all of his heart. I don't want him to be just someone who's going to use me then run off."

"I feel the same way," he replied.

At this point, our faces were just inches apart, and then I was gently pressing my lips to Florian's and he was pressing his lips to mine just as intensely! It was absolute Heaven! I had always heard about kissing to be fireworks and the most life-changing experience. While it felt good to kiss the two girls I had been with, I found it wasn't like what people said it was. Now as I sat there with Florian and our arms wrapped tightly around each other, I knew exactly what people were talking about!

It felt like pure magic, and beyond fireworks. I couldn't get enough! I felt the love in every one of Florian's kisses. He gave back just as much as we continued kissing passionately! Soon, I felt myself wanting to feel my flesh against his. I broke the kiss, and asked if he wanted to take off his shirt. He agreed and we both removed our shirts.

Florian's body was pale and smooth. He had a sexy flat stomach, and his nipples were nice and plump, as well as hard. I felt my mouth water at the thought of sucking on them! I felt chills run through me as Florian wrapped his arms around me, then began lightly rubbing his hands up and down my back as we kissed for several moments!

Florian broke the kiss this time, and he moved his face down to my chest, and then began gently sucking on my right nipple.

"Oh god Florian!" I moaned loudly! "That feels really amazing!"

He sucked on the other one, and he continued on with this! It was absolute pleasure, and I never wanted him to stop! I never felt anything like that before, and soon I was repeating on his nipples what he had done to mine!

"Oh yeah Tanner!" he yelled. "I love that so much! That feels so fucking good!"

We took turns stimulating each other's nipples, then we stopped and came up for air. I did want to move below the waist, yet still wanted to wait on that for a while. I then sat there with Florian in my arms, waiting until our breathing eased then slowed.

"You're really good at that!" Florian said as he rested his head against my chest.

"You are too," I answered.

"I've never felt like this about anyone before," he went on. "I really do like you Tanner. You're my best friend, and I really want to be with you as more than friends."

"You're my best friend as well Florian," I responded. "You make me laugh, as well as give me support when I need to talk about anything going on. You're really cute as well as extremely handsome."

"Thanks," he said. "You're really handsome as well. I also love how you've been supportive when I've needed to talk about stuff going on with me also. That truly means a lot."

We kissed again, then lay down in each other's arms for a while. I was glad that we took that time to talk to each other about our feelings for one another!

It was so perfect! I loved everything about Florian from his looks, to his voice and accent, as well as his sense of humor. I also thought that it was cool that he was soon to be 16. I thought that was really cool! I thought about all of that as I lay there with him in my arms on that quiet Sunday!



After Deon and I had our lunch, Ron and Barb said they'd be out doing some yard work, and so Deon and I went to lay down again. Once in each other's arms, I gently kissed the love of my life, and then looked deeply into his eyes.

"This has been a really good day," I said. "I wish I didn't have to go to school tomorrow. It would be nice to be able to spend the night with you tonight, but coming up in a few days, I'm sure we'll have all weekend for that."

"I'm sure we will," he said kissing me tenderly on the lips.

We continued holding each other for a while, and I reached out to stroke his hair gently, mindful to avoid the still-sutured incision.

"You definitely have a bit of a different look right now with the short hair," I said.

I was trying to be careful, as I could tell that Deon didn't like his new look. I could see it in his eyes as he looked in the mirror when getting dressed to go back home.

"I'll just be glad when my hair grows back to a reasonable length," he said frowning greatly. "To me, I look like someone who could pass for a fucking skin head thug. Good thing you don't have a thing for guys who wear that style of hair cut."

I smiled, then hugged him.

"I know you don't like the new hair style," I said stroking his hair slowly. "I know you're really eager for it to grow back, and it will."

"Thanks, I appreciate you being supportive," he answered.

"That's what I'm here for," I replied.

After about another half-hour of hanging out, I returned home with a promise that I'd bring Deon's school work to him until he was cleared to return to school. The doctors thought he'd go back to school the week after next. I hoped they were right. I couldn't wait to share a desk with him again.

Author's Notes

I figured that this would be a good place to stop. I wanted to give Omri and Deon some time alone with each other, as well as give Tanner and Florian their moment to come out to each other. I hope you guys have enjoyed all of that that occurred in this chapter.

In the next chapter, you'll be getting to see more moments between Omri and Deon. You'll also get to see Omri set up a surprise for Deon that's just between the two of them. I hope you guys like how that turns out.

You'll also get to meet Chase's parents who adopted him when his and Omri's bio family kicked him out. I hope you guys like getting to read about their appearance in the story. They'll be playing a large part as the story progresses, and you guys will probably be surprised as to how all that turns out.

All that being said, I hope you're all doing well. I'll see all of you in Chapter 19.

Next: Chapter 19

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