Boys in the Limelight

By moc.loa@oeL518kciN

Published on Sep 23, 1999


To my few readers I just wanted to apologize for the late arrival of this third part. I didn't ever get as far as I wanted to with it but I figured I'd lose you all if I didn't post soon.

This story is totally fictional. It's not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or beliefs of anyone in the story. Some characters are merely based on real life people from 98 Degrees, the BSB and N'Sync. Reality and this story are separate. Feel free to respond to the story and let me know what you think! My email address in That said, enjoy.

Boys In The Limelight (Part 3)

The next morning Nick woke up with Dane's head resting on his chest, he was still deep in sleep. Nick began to run his hand through Dane's chin length golden curls. Looking around the room he was content just to wait for his lover to wake up slowly.

"Mmnphh... g'morning.." Dane said in a childlike voice as Nick continued to play with one of his curls.

"Hey sweetie, sleep well?" he asked kissing him lightly on the forehead. Dane nodded and rolled on top of Nick so he could kiss him better. He slipped underneath the covers and met up with Nick's rock hard member. Kissing each ball lightly he began to lovingly suck the whole shaft into his mouth.

"This is how I like to be woken up..." Nick said giggling. Dane let him slip out of his mouth and resurfaced without finishing. He kissed Nick gently and pushed the covers of the bed away.

"What's wrong babe?" Nick asked with genuine concern in his voice.

"Nothing, I just know what time it is, and you're late and so am I -- come and take a shower with me." Dane grinned. Nick hopped out of bed and followed Dane into the bathroom so he could fully enjoy getting ready for the day.

Kevin blinked his eyes a few times as he slowly began to wake up. Normally he didn't run late and he knew that most of the guys would be arriving to eat the traditional "Breakfast in Kevin's room" in a short while, so he ran into the bathroom to take his shower.

He turned the water on and stepped inside, leaving his boxers and t-shirt in a heap on the floor. The warm water hit his face and ran down as he brought the soap to his body.

"Damn this feels good." he said aloud. As he was washing his hair he heard what sounded like knocking from out in his room. `It's probably just Howie' he though to himself so he yelled from inside the shower,

"Come on in!" he finished rinsing his hair and tied his towel around his waist as he stepped out into his room and over to the bed to get dressed. Without looking he began to talk to Howie.

"So you ready to tour with these guys? I think they'll be good and I know Dane's happy about it."

"I know.. I'm really happy for Nick too. They were apart too long." the voice was far from Howie's. Kevin turned around to see Jeff Timmons standing by the door.

"You aren't Howie..." Kevin blurted out. Jeff's face fell.

"I couldn't remember what time to meet, and Drew was in the shower so I just came over early so I wouldn't be late. I'm sorry, I'll go." Jeff muttered quickly. Kevin pulled a tight heather gray t-shirt on.

"No! Er . . . . you don't have to. . Sit down. Let me get dressed." Kevin said a bit too eagerly.

Jeff moved over and sat down on Kevin's bed while Kevin went into the bathroom to put on his boxers and a pair of baggy black jeans. He hung up his towel and checked himself once again in the mirror before returning to the main room. He moved over to the plush chair facing the bed and sat down in it.

"So how are things with your group lately?" he said nonchalantly.

"Well it's hard without Justin.. but it's also kind of interesting to rearrange our music. He wasn't always comfortable being with us either, because Nick is gay and well ...because we're all well, more..."

"Attractive?" Kevin finished his sentence for him. Jeff lifted one eyebrow, he leaned back on one elbow, his white t-shirt stretching over his muscular chest.

"Yeah pretty much. So how do you deal with Nick and Brian both being gay? Does it bother you?" Jeff asked probingly.

"Not at all. Brian's my cousin, I've always loved him. Nick's practically family too. If they're happy who am I to say what gender they should find attractive? Besides, they both have found equally loving and attractive guys who happen to be just as talented. Why? Does it bother you that your Nick is gay?" Kevin responded.

"Oh no, not really." He said fidgeting. Kevin got up and moved over to the bed to grab his watch, as he did so he placed a hand on Jeff's shoulder for a second.

"That's good. We all need to be friends if we're going to enjoy this tour." Kevin and Jeff talked about the other guys from the groups for a short while longer, until people started filtering in from both groups for breakfast.

Howie and AJ came together already laughing and they sat down on a couch after loading plates up with food. Howie eagerly munched on a strip of bacon. Nick and Justin followed shortly after, walking into the room holding hands. AJ looked up at them and "aww-ed" as they giggled and headed over to the nearest couch. Justin plopped down into it as Nick looked down at him.

"Want something to eat Curly?" he asked with a sweet smile. Justin merely nodded sleepily and slumped back down on the sofa. Kevin looked at Justin and giggled.

"Rough night?" Kevin snickered.

"One of the best," Justin replied, "but yeah it was long. And thick." He laughed with an evil grin on his face.

"Ohhhhh Kay. Way too much information Just'." They all laughed.

Joey, Lance and Chris were the next to walk in, followed by Brian and JC and then Drew. Most of the guys began to eat and talk, laughing at their different inside jokes. Drew remained in the doorway until he spotted Jeff who was still sitting on Kevin's bed. He moved over to the bed and sat on it's edge. He smiled at Jeff.

"Hey man! How late were we up?" Drew asked with energy apparent in his face. Kevin perked up at their conversation.

"I can't remember bro' but damn it was fun!" Drew hit Jeff lightly on the shoulder and Kevin's face fell. He hadn't thought that Jeff and Drew might be more than friends.

Minutes before Kevin was about to call the guys to order and go over their plans for the day Nick Lachey finally arrived at the door. As he was stepping inside cautiously both Kevin and Nick C. caught a glimpse of Dane in the doorway. Lachey was obviously giving him a goodbye kiss.

"Dane!" Nick called, "Eat with us!"

"Yeah c'mon kiddo, eat something." Kevin said somewhat fatherly. Dane looked into the room somewhat self-consciously and then shook his head no.

"I want to guys, believe me," he was looking into his boyfriend's eyes, "but really, I've got so much to do before the concert tomorrow night. I can't." With that he threw his messenger bag over his shoulder and practically ran down the hallway to catch a cab to the arena.

"Okay guys now that Nick is here we should begin. I need to go over plans for today and tomorrow now, in case we don't all get a chance to meet up like this again. It's going to be a crazy tour, that I can promise. Today after breakfast we need to head over to the Arena. We're going to be rehearsing for the show as well as recording two tracks from each group for a promotional release to send out ahead of the tour. We've already lost time and PR on tomorrow night's concert. Somehow I doubt we'll be playing to an empty theater, but it's always better for us when it's packed. It's 9:30 now, we need to be at the Arena by ten and it's a little bit of a ride if you recall so we need to get going right about now. 98 Degrees is going to go for recording first while N Sync and the BSB do sound checks and wardrobe. Then we're going to switch and 98* is going to do their sound checks and wardrobe while we record in the studio they've set up for us. Then N Sync and 98* rehearse and the BSB records. Then `N Sync records and after that we should all be rehashing. It's going to be a long long day. Everybody know what they're doing now?"

"Um... wait... Kevin? What are we doing here again? Go over that first part." Howie joked.

"Please don't." Justin replied smirking. Some of the guys started to get up and stretch.

"Okay then guys, get your stuff and head for the limos." Kevin was his normal father-figure. He glanced back at Jeff who was laughing at something Drew said. Turning around he grabbed his bag and headed out into the hallway.

Getting out of the cab and throwing money at the driver Dane ran into the main doors of the Arena. He threw his Crew badge on a chain around his neck and bolted for the stage. As he drew closer he could see Ken already on headset. He stopped in front of his boss and mouthed the word `sorry' as he could tell Ken was listening to someone talk. He walked around Ken to a crate and picked up a wireless of his own. Tapping a button twice he said into the mic, "I'm on."

"Hey Dane, nice of you to join us." Ken said, somewhat as a joke, somewhat with irritation.

"Sorry chief, I'm heading upstairs to warm the lights." Dane ran up behind the stage and into a booth set to the left of the stage and slightly in front of it. The entire booth blended in with the mostly black arena. Crew members were busy working on the stage setting it up and prepping the arena for the masses that would arrive in less than 24 hours. Dane thought to himself that it was odd that management was forcing them to set up early. With an efficient crew a set could easily be assembled in under 4-8 hours. Dane shrugged and began to flip switches on the lighting board.

Arriving at the arena all the boys piled out of their limos and headed off in separate directions, divided into their three respective groups. Jeff looked back at Kevin as he was directed by Drew and Nick to follow with them to wardrobe. Quickly he snapped out of his daze and ran to catch up with them.

In the recording studio set up in a back hall of the arena Jeff, Nick and Drew, the New 98 Degrees, began to lay out their vocals for the promotional track of `I Do'. Jeff and Nick were talking to one another about how to cover for Justin Jeffre's absence when Drew's cellular phone rang. The two of them glanced over as he answered it.

"Hello?" Drew asked a bit curious to know who was there.

"Drew honey, it's Mom," Cate Fopma-Leimbach said into her end of the receiver, "am I interrupting?"

"Mom! No! How are you?" Drew was excited to hear from his mother.

"I'm just fine sweety," she paused for a moment, "is Nick there?"

"Oh. Yeah. He's right here..."

"Can I talk to him hon'?"

"Sure mom, I love you." Drew sounded somewhat dejected.

"Love you too baby." Drew walked over to Nick and handed him the phone. Nick brought it to his ear with a smile.

"Hey Mom!!"

"Hey sugar, how are you?"

"I'm doing great, you?"

"Just fine, pretty boring here at home. You know, not as exciting as my boys' lives. How's your boyfriend.. Dane?" Cate was still getting used to the idea of saying `boyfriend'.

"Oh mom, he's perfect. Really. He's very excited to meet you tomorrow night." Nick grinned to Jeff.

"Me?" she laughed into the phone, "Well, I'm still going to take you all out to dinner tomorrow after the show so we'll meet then. I just wanted to let you know that I have gotten reservations for you, Drew, Jeff and Dane, but if you want to bring anyone else along just give me a call back by tonight at five. Okay?"

"Sounds great mom," Jeff looked at Nick somewhat anxiously, "well, we've got to continue recording now..."

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow night."

"I love you mom."

"I love you too sweetheart. Tell Jeff I love him too."

"Sure mom, see you tomorrow." With that Nick handed the phone back to Drew and they continued to work away.

Kevin and the rest of the BSB had finished getting fitted for some of the new costumes that they would be using in the concept of the show. Nick had only complained a little about trying the clothes on so many time, but when `N Sync arrived to be fitted and Justin shed some clothes Carter shut up. They kissed lovingly when things were wrapping up.

"Hey cutie. I missed you." Nick said as he circled his arms around Justin's waist.

"I bet you didn't. I bet you just stared at Brian's ass the whole time didn't you." Justin fired back playfully.

"Whatchoo talkin' `bout my ass for?" Brian spun around.

"Yeah leave his ass out of this. It's mine" JC laughed as he smacked Brian's ass playfully. The two couples kissed respectively. Kevin just watched from where he'd been hanging up his clothes with a strange look on his face.

"Come on guys, enough of that. Let's get going." Kevin grumbled.

The day wound on and finally after Fatima and a few of her dancers felt that the routines were aptly drilled into the different groups they were let off the hook for a free evening. Brian, JC, Justin and Carter, Nick and Dane as well as Drew had decided to go out to a restaurant in LA that JC knew of. Lance and Joey decided to tag along on their way to the limos and hopped in. AJ, Chris and Howie were going to pick up Britney Spears and go out to dinner and then a club, while at the same time not staying out all night, as they promised to Kevin they wouldn't.

Everyone had been accounted for in Kevin's mind, except for Jeff. Kevin turned around before getting in the limo and saw Jeff approaching him. He felt a bit uneasy seeing such a beautiful man walking towards him.

"Hey Kevin. I was wondering if you just wanted to catch a movie or something? Maybe order some food? I want to talk to you." Kevin had a look of shock on his face.

"Sure Jeff.. sounds .. great." Kevin smiled.

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