Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 13, 2023


Chapter 24. Michael gets a new family; Conor gets an unpleasant surprise.


Oscar and slave Michael are at an outdoor barbecue at Oscar's parents' house with other brothers (2) and sisters (2), spouses (4) and hordes of toddlers and little children running around playing with their dogs (7). Oscar's mother has been giving michael the third degree. She teaches at the college and, in fact, has known michael's mother through regional professional meetings and was always put off at the rancorous judgments the woman tended to lie on the backs of anyone who was different than she. She already knows how much Oscar cares for Michael because Oscar can't stop talking about him whenever they get together. She raised Oscar to be a kind and gentle man, and that is how he turned out. (The `gentle' does not refer to any heavy impact or other punishments he feels necessary for michael's well-being as his slaveboy.}

Needless to say (and how could it be any different in a story like this,) Oscar's mother quickly fell in love with this unassuming boy who has cause brightness to flow from Oscar's heart and from his eyes. She brought him to her husband who was speaking with Oscar at the time. Oscar gets behind Michael and holds him in his arms, and his father reaches out to shake his hand and welcome him to the family. With tears in his eyes, Michael turns to Oscar and says, "I have a family again, thanks to you."

Michael is a special hit with all the little girls who crowd around him and ask if they could feel his hair, and they began to treat him like he was some kind of doll and he keeps saying things that make them giggle.

Meanwhile, Oscar's father says to Oscar, "Look at that boy with my babies. That kid's a heart-breaker. I just hope he doesn't break yours."

"Thank you for your worries, Dad, but I don't think there is much chance of that. We go deep, Michael and I. But, of course, one cannot always predict the future." His father smiles and they move to get some food.

Michael comes up to Oscar. "You may have anything you want while we're here," Oscar tells `his friend' quietly. "there is nothing to ask for permission for. You are winning over everyone's hearts here, baby, and I'm not the least bit surprised because you already won over mine."

One of Oscar's brothers, the somewhat malevolent one, takes him aside and says to him, "He looks so young. I'm surprised you'd rob the cradle." Oscar has a quick answer which he had prepared in advance in case the issue arose. "He's 19," says Oscar. "Six years age difference. Just like Mom and Dad." That puts an end to that line of criticism.

The hours go by quickly and the sun begins to set and out come the mosquitoes. People begin drifting away. When Oscar decides it's time to leave, he collects his `property' and they give their hugs and thanks, and soon they're on their way home. "I'm very proud of you, Michael. You were a total hit."

"They're all such nice people," says Michael, "or at least most of them."

"So you met my older brother."

"Yes, indeed."

"Do you need to discuss it?"

"Not at all. Not worth the energy. But I was tempted to call you `Daddy' in front of him."

"Any time you call me Daddy, boy, you'll be going right over my knee."

"Understand, Daddy."

About a half hour later, Michael is naked and howling over Oscar's knees, and Oscar has just started lubing up the boy's butthole, because this spanking is going to be followed by a good hard fucking and he's even considering allowing the boy an orgasm as a reward for being such a sweetheart today. Such a mixture of things at play here. There are times when the Master's chief responsibility is to give the slave what it needs the most, whether that be sweetness or severity. As so often happens with this couple, the two qualities tend to be blended together in ever-new and interesting ways.

They shower together later and once again Michael finds himself on his knees swallowing down a large load of his Master's piss. For someone who thought that such a thing was terribly disgusting, Michael seems to have discovered how it makes it feel deep on the inside, on the bottomside of its submissiveness, whenever the Master wishes to use the slave this way, the slave immediately allows itself to be used. After all, it is a slave, even if its Master has come to love it.


Stephen decided to take Kelton out to dinner, since he figured Kelton would be kind of low after giving his temporary boy over to Matty's ownership. He asked Kelton if he minded if his slave was with them; Kelton had no objection at all, and, in fact, was planning to bring a "special guest" along as well, so there would be two Doms and two subs. Steven wasn't surprised. Kelton has a pretty large `following' of eager subs who would do just about anything to be able to spend an evening with him, even if it meant a bath of pain. Kelton suggested to Steven that both their subs be given an intense paddling before leaving for dinner, so they could enjoy the sight of nearly tear-filled eyes and two sub boys who are finding it difficult to sit on the hard seats at the Western-style restaurant they chose to attend. Alvin, Kelton's "date" for the evening, was Steven's age, so there was a clear pecking-order in place with Conor on the lowest rank, as usual. Not that it mattered. Both subs were sent to fetch hearty meals for all of them. Conor tends to lose his appetite after a thrashing, but he knows well that he will eat everything given to him or he'd be risking an additional one when they finally got home. Steven does have some pity on Conor, and from time to time eats some of the food from the slave's own plate in addition to his own. The Doms have big mugs of beer; the subs have root beer, which after all, in a Western restaurant is definitely much better than mere water.

Alvin, at Kelton's urging, tells the others about a new club about an hour from here which he attended the other night. "It is beautiful. Several presentation stages, quite a few private alcoves, stocks, St. Andrew's crosses, spanking benches, tables, plenty of hooks and places for bondage and a juice bar. Alcohol prohibited. I guess it will take a while to draw in a clientele I was only one of six guys there when I went and it was a Saturday night."

Kelton says, "With only six guys there, you managed to get quite a bit of attention, Alvin. Tell them about it."

"I was bound to a wall, literally covered with clothespins, BenGay to my balls in addition to the clothespins. My mouth was clamped wide open and all I wanted to do was scream and cry but it was almost impossible. He used a crop to knock off all the pins then took me down and bound me to a table and several Doms used my mouth. I choked a lot and after all that was over, three of the other guys there pissed into my mouth. The Dom who was working me so hard ended up taking me home and actually let me have time to come down before he did anything else to me."

"Wow!" says Steven, "you were the belle of the ball!"

"And I ended up staying with him two nights. It was wild. But I'm still sore pretty much everywhere and then when Master Steven paddled my ass tonight I thought I would go out of my mind." He looks at Conor and says, "I hope you got thrashed as hard as I did." Conor doesn't know if he's allowed to answer. Finally Steven says, "it passed all previous limits, that thrashing. I assure you. Look into my slave's eyes. You can still see unshed tears waiting for the next thing to happen." And with that, Steven puts his hand on Conor's neck and squeezes tightly while handing it a piece of meat to chew. "This will be the last meat you taste for the next two weeks, slave, so make sure you enjoy it." Conor grabs onto it like a starving dog.

"Holy shit!" says Alvin. "You control what it eats? All the time?"

"Absolutely. But this kid often went without eating when it was young, so it really isn't as big a torment for the slave as you might think. The worst I do is make it skip meals."

"And what does it usually get to drink?"

"Usually? Either water or piss. Sometimes just diluted piss. This is all new to this slave but it's adjusted pretty well to the fact that it is my personal urinal and pig and accepts it as part of the way it shows me its gratitude from having rescued it from possible homelessness almost two months ago. Right, Conor?"

"Yes, Master. Always grateful to you, Master."

"Too bad this isn't a kinky restaurant or I'd have you drinking your soda from a bowl on the floor, boy. You know that."

"Yes, Master."

Alvin asks, "Does he always eat and drink from a bowl on the floor?"

"IT does, most of the time," he says, correcting Alvin's use of pronouns, "unless I want to feed it from my fingers or have it drink from my mouth," answers Steven. "I can't demonstrate here, but I'm sure Kelton can give you the idea later if you decide to be his slave for a while

"Wow. I'm mainly a painpig and I've never been owned and controlled like that."

"Every Master/slave couple has a different set of customs, and that depends as much on the slave's bdsm proclivities and needs as much as the Master's desires. Any Master who would continue to subject a slave to things it hates or detests would soon find himself without a slave. Although our roleplaying is dead serious, the usual three words still continue to hold sway: SAFE, SANE, CONSENSUAL. For example, this slave is most decidedly an intense masochist, and therefore I know it is willing to accept as much pain from me as I wish to give it, subject to its own limits and use of safe words. Although I must say that this particular slave has never used a safeword with me yet, even when I first began training it to drink its Master's piss. This is one of the most intensely focused slaves I've even encountered and accepts treatment that few slaves would ever consent to or enjoy. It has deep needs, and I cherish its intensity." With this, Steven strokes Conor's face and runs his hands affectionately through its hair, and Conor purrs with the attention. "And, as you can see," continues Steven," a little affection goes a long way with a child slave like this."

"Why do you say child slave? Surely it is of legal age."

"Of course it is. But it is one of my kinks to frequently reduce it to the state of a child, to baby, it, to dress it in diapers, to have it drink from a sippy cup. All part of the package of affection that I've found helps keep this slave happy and obedient at all times. There is perhaps more unspoken communication between a slave and its Master than ever between vanilla couples, straight or gay."

Kelton notices how interested Alvin is in what Steven is explaining. Would you want to try it for a bit, understanding that we will operate completely within your limits?" asks Kelton. "You might discover a lot about yourself, particularly as you pay attention to your reactions. The feeling a slave gets in its gut when it realizes how little freedom it has and how much its Master is taking charge of many details is remarkable. It often brings a certain closure to a good beating. But in order to check this out, you have to have the guts to place yourself in a true Master's hands and under his rule."

Alvin looks thoughtful.

"Give it a try, Alvin," Steven encourages. "You have nothing to lose. The worst that can happen is you'll find yourself getting angry and resentful all the time, and in that case you know you're not cut out to be a slave. But if you are, boy, you're in for some amazing experiences."

"How about trying it for the next 72 hours, starting now?" suggests Kelton.

Alvin looks at him and then lowers his eyes and says, "yes, Master. 72 hours."

"Good response, boy. Now keep those eyes down for the rest of our time here. Finish your meal by eating with your fingers. It you're a good boy and don't look around, you'll not notice if anyone is reacting to your actions. Leave the criticism to me. It is good for you to be put in embarrassing situations. It helps you realize just how much pride you have to lose if you are truly meant to be a slave." Kelton begins its training. This could be fun, and a good distraction for him after giving Abel away. And it's short-term. Ideal.

"So Conor," asks Kelton, "do you get pleasure from being a totally controlled and disciplined slaveboy, or are there parts of it that you have trouble enduring?"

"Don't answer that," says Steven. "the only person you are allowed to discuss feelings or reactions with is your Master. Do you understand me, boy?"

"Yes, Master. Thank you for protecting your slave's privacy, Master."

"You know I'll always protect you, slave."

"Yes, Master. Your slave almost always feels safe."

"Almost always? We'll have to discuss that later, boy, in private. For now, I prefer that both slaves remains silent and concentrate on eating their meals. And Conor, use your fingers as well so that Alvin isn't the only pig at the table."

"Yes, Master."

And from then on, Steven and Kelton have their own conversation about some business items they're dealing with. Kelton also tells Steven about the handover to Matty and how pleased he was to be able to do that. It will bring much healing of spirit to Abel after months of trial and guilt.

Finally, Kelton looks at his watch and realizes he has a pending appointment, so he and his new temporary slaveboy leave Steven and Conor alone.

Right away, Steven brings up the topic that hadn't been addressed. "Conor, tell me, please, why you said that you "almost always" feel safe? When haven't you felt safe?"

"Master, when your slave was working that job in the warehouse and its boss and his partner took it to a private place. That was very scary. And also with the straight man who was driving me from time to time and who asked too many questions."

"thank you for telling all this. I think from now on the only work I'm going to give you is as a houseboy for men I know well. Sometimes I'll allow them to use you, and perhaps even discipline you, but they will all be people I have vetted for safety's sake."

"thank you, Master. thank you for ensuring your slave's safety."

"You are my property, boy. I don't want my property misused or harmed."

As usual, Conor trembles from the inside out when Steven refers to it as his property. Big sighs follow.

. . .

The next day, having made arrangements by phone, Steven brings his naked slave to Frank's house and has it bow down and kiss Frank's feet before beginning its service to him as a slave houseboy for the day. Frank shows the slave the short strap he likes to use for `motivation' and leads the slave to his bathroom. "You can start here, boy. I'll check up in a while. All the cleaning products are in that closet. Let's see how good a houseboy you can be. Have you ever done this kind of thing before?" he asks.

"Master, this boy did all the cleaning in its home with its mother. It will do a good job for you, Master, it promises."

"Fine. Then get to work. I'll be around from time to time to check your progress. I'm not interested in making use of your body for my own pleasure, boy. The greatest pleasure you can give me is a clean house and if you're doing a real good job, I'll give you something to eat. You may drink water from the faucets in the bathroom if you're thirsty."

"Yes, Master. thank You." Conor immediately goes to the closet to see what kind of products Frank has on hand. Frank notices that the slave's ass was pretty soundly thrashed recently, so he doesn't plan on adding any more pain to the slave's flesh, at least not on that part of its body. There are plenty other places he can lay his strap on the boy if needed.

Conor starts by cleaning the tub, and it surely needs it, so he'll be kept busy here. This is so much like cleaning at home except for the fact that he is naked. It feels good to be in this condition. A naked slave cleaning a Master's dirt. It works contentedly. The slave is just about finished with the bathroom when Frank comes over with another man, who looks the slave over with a smile on his face. "I tell you, Frank, there's nothing better than watching a naked white slave boy hard at work." and he bursts in hysterics. This guy, by the way, is black.

Frank gives the order right away. "Drop down and bow to our guest and kiss his boots."

Conor drops everything and obeys. "Good boy, knowing you place like that," he says. "My name is Frank, too, but you can just call me Master F and that will be fine. You'll be coming to work for me tomorrow." "Yes, Master, F"

Frank nods. "Yes, we just got the clearance from Steven. That will be an easy job." He nods towards MF: "he's a clean freak. You'll have trouble finding something to do. But I don't think he'll be expecting you to clean all day. He probably has something else in mind. I guess he's got a thing for naked white boys."

The two Franks crack up and start to fun-wrestle. Conor finishes up in the bathroom and then goes to check on the laundry from the bedroom. I'm sure you're very interested in all the housekeeping details, but I'm going to have to disappoint you and turn my attention to the afternoon when Master F calls Conor over. He's wearing a very tight t-shirt that even shows his pert nipples, but he's got on a pair of boxer briefs that aren't really brief enough, if you get my meaning. And that ass!!!!!

"You've done enough today, boy. Put that down and come over here. I want me some of your white meat, boy," he says sitting open-legged on the bed. "come stand between my legs, slave boy."

You'd think he was a blind man, the way Master F put his hands on every inch of the boy's body, but in a sensual way and the boy is turned on, being possessed in that way. And it's only the beginning. And Master F, who is quite well endowed, ended up taking up even more complete possession as he pounds the daylights out of the white faggot's ass, and has done it in such a way that the boy never had to feel any pain other than the pounding itself. By the time he's done, Conor has melted into the bed sheets.

"You'll be thinkin' of Master F for a could long time, I suspect," says the Master. "I feel like you ripped me in half, Master, but everything felt hot." "Possession, my boy. That's what it is. Possession. And I haven't wanted to possess any piece of flesh as much as you in a good long time." And now Conor realizes that it's his body that matters, nothing else about him. This is the first time he experiences humiliation in a way that bothers him. "Yes, Master F," he says, hoping it's time for his Master to pick him up.

After a while, Master F says to Conor in an aggravated tone. "Why do you keep looking out that window?" he asks. "I'm sorry, Master F. It's just that Master is a few minutes late and he's never been late before."

"He's not coming."

"What? Why?"

"I bought you today. So now, you can just call me `Master'. I own you now, brat."


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Next: Chapter 25

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