Braydens First Brown Room Adventure

By moc.liamhsuh@19067324otua

Published on Dec 3, 2012


Brayden's First Brown Room Adventure Part 2

By Antonio Green

(Mb (multi), bb (multi), incest, heavy scat, ws, B&D, drugs, cons.)

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From Part 1

Scout Master Tim called out, "Okay, we're ready." I knew the room was wired for sound mostly for us boys' safety.

The latch on the door clicked. The doors to all the rooms are locked from a master panel so that no one can bust in. But they're also set up so the boys in them can get out fast if there's a problem. I'm not going to tell you how cuz we're not supposed to tell. Also, well maybe if you read this and ever go to the Scout House, then you REALLY aren't supposed to know. But I'd only had to use the emergency switch twice at that time.

Scout Master Nick went over and swung the door open. I couldn't believe my eyes. There in the doorway stood two naked boys. One looked about my age, maybe a little older. Yeah, I'd guess he was 9 to 10. He had the most beautiful blue black skin you can imagine. Sparkling brown eyes and loose, curly dark hair.

Now on to Part 2

Now, you're going to think it's kind of weird, but until I joined the Boy Slut Scouts, I'd never really known any African Americans. After joining, one of my first fuck adventures was with a huge, gorgeous black man with an equally huge and gorgeous cock. I stopped being afraid of black people after him and after a few other really cool, really sweet black clients. But I didn't know any African American kids. My school only had one and he was way younger. I thought he was cute and sometimes wondered if he ever did sexy stuff. Only I knew he probably didn't. But I had nasty fantasies anyway.

Well, here was this beautiful black boy, entirely naked standing in the doorway. And I knew he's come to do sexy stuff, maybe even dirty stuff with us. With me. You know what they say about black men having big cocks? In my experience, it's usually true. After I've been fucked by a black man, my butt hole is sore for days. So have you ever seen a naked black boy his age? This boy was my first and I can tell you that black men get their big cocks after they start growing. This boy's penis was a soft, tiny little worm sitting on top of a set of tiny little balls. He looked a lot like me that way when I'm soft except that he was circumcised. He also looked a little scared.

Next to him was a smaller boy with bright red hair. It was so long that, on one side, it had fallen over his shoulder and was down past his nipples. My guess -- which turned out to be right -- was that he was about 9 years old. Where the other boy looked a little scared, this one was smiling and obviously very excited. He was also dancing from foot to foot in what everyone knows as the peepee dance. I couldn't tell what his penis looked like because he was squeezing it very tightly. The boy had to pee and pee bad!

I took all this in quickly, maybe in 10 seconds. By then, Scout Master Tim had escorted the boys in and closed the door.

Daniel waved at the boys. As they came closer, I realized that there I stood, my face covered in tear streaked poo. My hair matted with it. My poop-crusted dink pointing straight up. (I knew that it wouldn't go down for a long time with the Cialis and E I'd had.) A moment of embarrassment flushed my face. Then I realized that my new friend Daniel was the same as me.

"Hi guys, thanks for coming to my birthday party. This is my new friend Brayden. Brayden this is Deandre (pointing to the black boy) and Gavin (pointing to the red headed boy). And please, don't call him `carrot top.' He'll bite your dick off if you do." ( Deandre walked directly up to me, gave me a bear hug, and whispered in my ear, "Happy birthday, beautiful white boy." Then he did something that shocked me. He kissed my poopy lips, then began licking my face. Not little dabs with his tongue but long, wet swipes, cleaning the filth off my face.

After tonguing both sides of my face, he pulled back and said, "That feces is so good tasting. Is it yours or Daniel's?"

"Mine," I answered quietly.

"Man, you have some of the best tasting feces of any I've tasted. I mean it. Totally delicious. I hope you have more. What about the feces on your penis? Can I have some of that?"

Daniel was laughing heartily. "Deandre has this thing about using all the proper words. It's not that he doesn't know the good ones, but he doesn't use them until he's totally sexed up. Looks like he's starting to get there."

Daniel reached over and snipped at the beautiful, 4-inch black dickie which had grown from a limp little worm into a thin, blue-black, circumcised nail that hugged his flat tummy.

"Deandre and Gavin go to my school and we sing in the Wildwood Boys Chorus together. Deandre's also sung in the opera. Gavin's a good singer, too.

At that point, Gavin ran up to me and threw his skinny arms around me but wasn't able to get them completely around me. In doing so, he'd let go of his peepee and urine flowed steadily onto my legs and feet.

"A gwass, a gwass pwease. Quickwy," he called as he squeezed me tightly. Scout Master Nick stuck a large glass jar underneath him. I could hear what I couldn't see. The jar was filling quickly, splashing as it filled. The sound didn't stop and I could feel his hot little boy pee splashing on my feet as the jar overflowed. And it was strong smelling, strong enough that I could smell the acrid stench over the dominant shit smell in my nose. Gradually the flood slowed and stopped.

"Sowwy, Bwayden. I haven't pithed thince last night."

Gavin stood back holding a mayo jar completely full of bright, deep yellow urine. He really did have to `pith' as he said. (Okay, he used to lisp, but he was so cute doing it I would never tease him about it. But it's kinda hard to write, I'm not going to write it like all the time. Just when I think you'll like it or to remind you he was a 8-year old boy when I first met him).

"Know what wecycling is?" he lisped. "I do it every day. I pith and then dwink it all down into my tummy." Recycling. I'd never heard the term but I knew exactly what he meant. I've done it a lot. Plus, you know, calling it "we-cycling" was cute cuz it was wee.

He took a big gulp from the jar. I grabbed his hand and put the jar to my lips.

"I get a birthday drink, Gavin. Okay?"

He tipped the jar and I took a huge couple of gulps. It was so nasty I wanted to spit it right out. Just the type of piss I love to drink.

"Sorry I drank so much, Gavin. But your piss sure is yummy. Tastes just like a dog's butt. I know you're gonna get plenty more to drink from me and Daniel."

"Tastes like a dog's butt? Then kith my athole," he laughed. We both laughed. He bent over and spread his cheeks. His crack was supper dirty. I don't know if this little boy ever wiped. Plus, in the reddened, poopy crack rested the end of a black butt plug.

"Are you plugged because& "

"I haven't pottied for three days. I got lots of potty poopy pooty dookie doodoo for you and Daniel. Deandre too."

For a moment I thought he meant that Deandre would receive his pooty poopy potty, too. Maybe he would, but Deandre bent over to show his butt. His cheeks were sparkling clean. And he was plugged, too, but with a snow white butt plug that seemed to glimmer next to his blue-black, round cheeks.

"I'm gonna kiss both your butts," I said. I started with Deandre and poked the butt plug with my tongue. He moaned and stiffened.

"It's a really long one, Brayden," he said. "When you do that it pokes way into my rectum. It also pushes my fecal matter around."

"How long since you shit, Deandre?" Daniel asked.

"Almost the same as our young friend here. I haven't had a bowel movement since Thursday afternoon. That makes it a day and a half. Gavin assures me he hasn't moved his bowels since his last one on Thursday morning, which you saw Daniel."

Daniel laughed. "Yeah and it was a smelly, gooey one, wasn't it Deandre?"

"I'm hungwy. I want a hot dog wike you pwomithed."

Dale, Scout Master Tim and Scout Master Nick knelt on the huge, mattress nearest us. The black man filming us directed the two newcomers what to do. Deandre and Gavin dropped down on their knees, Deandre behind Scout Master Nick and Gavin behind Dale. I took my cue and positioned myself behind Scout Master Tim. I looked at Daniel and Eric.

"Buns?" I asked.

"The only buns you need are right in front of you," Eric said. As he said that, Scout Master Tim strained and farted. A small worm of deep brown poo squeezed from his hole, sat for a moment on his crack then dropped to the clean, white sheet. Well, I guess it wasn't clean any more.

Scout Master Tim asked, "Chili dog, Brayden? You ready to take my chili dog right from the dog warmer?" Right at that moment Tim's asshole stretched open. The inch and a half thick hot dog started oozing out slowly. It did look kind of like a chili dog. Covered in a deep brown, almost creamy coating of the man's shit. I glanced to my right. Deandre had his mouth open with almost the entire poo-coated hot dog sitting on his extended tongue, his lips holding it in place. Right next to me, Gavin's face was buried in Dale's cheeks. I could see his throat and mouth working as Dale strained. Slowly Gavin pulled away. He had at least half the dog in his mouth, the other half dangling lewdly from his poop smeared lips.

Gavin slipped off the mattress and went over to Daniel who was kneeling on the floor. The older boy took the end of the dog between his lips and sucked it in until he and Gavin's lips were touching. He pulled back enough so I could see them sucking the filthy hot dog back and forth between them, cleaning it of Daniel's father's filth. As I watched, I chewed on the hot dog Scout Master Tim was slowly feeding me from his distended hole.

Still enjoying my special birthday meal, I glanced again at Deandre. He now held his dog delicately in his lips by the very end. I wondered if this poopoo play was a bit much for him, but he soon showed me otherwise. He took the dog out of his mouth, turned his body toward me so I could watch, and began licking the thick crust of soft man shit off it, looking extremely sexy as he did. When the hot dog was completely clean, he pushed it back into Scout Master Nick's asshole with two fingers and then extracted it with those fingers. By now I'd finished my hot dog, so Deandre scuttled over to me on his knees. He smiled and showed me the dog. It was as filthy, nasty, poopy as it had been the first time. He put one end into his mouth and offered me the other end. We ate slowly, swallowing man shit and hot dog until we were lip to lip. Our tongues sought each other's mouth and we kissed intimately while slowly swallowing everything we'd eaten. Everything.

I don't know how long we kissed, maybe one, two minutes. But he was a great kisser for a 10-year boy who wasn't a boy whore. And he sure was nasty.

"That was fun, Brayden," he said nuzzling his head against mine. "I hope I can taste your feces soon." Then he giggled. "Oh what the fuck! I wanna eat your shit pretty white boy." We both laughed. "Do you like eating shit?"

I shrugged. I really did like it, but I wasn't sure I wanted to admit it. Or if it was safe. Fuck! I'd eaten more poop today than I'd ever done before. I suddenly started fretting about it.

"I guess. Well, no, I do like it but I'm kinda scared about getting sick."

Scout Master Tim spoke up, squatting on his heels on the mattress in front of me. "Not to worry, boy. Your father gave you shots to keep you from getting sick from it along with the shots that keep you out of puberty. So you're safe. All us got them."

Gavin and Daniel had finished their halves the hot dog they'd shared. Gavin scooted over to our mattress and bounced right next to me. He scooped up the two-inch poop worm Scout Master Tim had pooped out before the hot dog.

"I love eating thit. It'th on of my favowite thingth to do!" he called out. Then he began singing in and unbelievably clear, high voice.

"Poopy pooty caca doody is my favorite food I love to eat a big fat turd it makes my tummy good Oh so yummy in my tummy I chew it up and make it gummy. Man shit. Boy shit. Hard shit. Soft shit. Any shit is good shit. Poopy pooty caca doody is my favorite food."

Fuck! This little boy sounded like an angel. An angel singing nasty songs. I looked at Daniel quizzically. He knew my question before I asked it. I guess in the time we'd been together we'd gotten to sense something about each other.

"I know," he said. "He's got a fucking gorgeous voice and he never lisps or anything when he sings." I wanted to hush my new friend about the little boy's speech problem, but Gavin didn't seem to mind.

"My thpeech therapitht thays I'm getting better. I am. He thays itth all the fucking he doeth to me. But I think ith other thtuff."

I was shocked. "Your speech therapist fucks you? He shouldn't do that!" I yelled.

Gavin giggled. "I love it. I thtarted it with him a year ago. He doethn't do poopoo thtuff though."

"Was he the first?" I asked.

Gavin just shook his head.

Daniel broke in. "Gavin, work really hard on your talking. You can do it."

"I think my daddy was the first man to fuck me," Gavin pronounced word by word. "I'm not sure because I remember him always doing it. Uncle Patrick started last year right before James, my speech therapist."

"Wow!" I cried. "You said that perfect. And it's pretty awesome about your dad. You like it, don't you?"

Gavin smiled broadly and nodded emphatically.

"I love being fucked! Almost as much as poopoo play."

As soon as he finished, Gavin lifted the two-inch poo worm to his nose, sniffed deeply and licked his palm clean. He didn't swallow, though. I could see him mashing the poop around in his mouth and moving his cheeks like he was bringing saliva into his mouth. After about half a minute, he leaned over and let a long strand of deep brown saliva drip from his mouth. It extended a good foot or so before he sucked it back up. He did it three more times.

"We taught him that," Deandre announced proudly.

Gavin hadn't swallowed yet, and I knew exactly what I needed to do -- and do quickly. I grabbed him in my arms and planted my lips against his. He understood what I wanted. He thrust his tongue into my mouth and I sucked as much of his poopy spit into mine. There was a lot, and I could feel little solid bits in the saliva. We washed the gooey, bitter mess back and forth while Daniel and Deandre cheered beside us. When the last of the filth-laden spit had passed between us -- shared and swallowed pretty much equally -- Gavin broke away from me. He crawled over to Scout Master Tim and tugged at his butt cheeks, encouraging the man to rise to his knees. He began licking around Scout Master Tim's butt hole and cleaned the man's hole and cheeks of the little bit of poop that was there.

"Mithter, mithter. Pwease give me mo."

He planted his lips right tight against the man's hole.

"Close your eyes, baby boy," Scout Master Tim directed.

He strained, farted loudly, and pushed out a mass of very soft, very smelly poopoo. We could all tell what it looked like because -- although we knew Gavin was sucking it into his mouth at the same time -- a huge amount gooshed against the 8-year old's face spreading outward in a mass that spread all around his face. It even soiled some of his gorgeous red hair.

I was afraid the boy might suffocate under the mass of shit, but he didn't move his head away. We could see his lips eagerly sucking at Scout Master Tim's hole. The man strained again and another huge mass gooshed out, pushing most of the filth already on Gavin's face onto the floor.

"I can't believe what a little poopoo piggy Gavin is, Daniel," I said.

"Totally. That's how Deandre and me found out about him. You know he goes to our school, right? Well Deandre and me have been fooling around for a long time since he was 7 and I was 9. Sucking. Jacking. And real soon we started fucking each other. But I never told him about being a poop freak. Only my Daddy and Uncle knew about that. So one day after school last year we're walking to this place that's real hidden where we strip naked and fuck around. It's near school. As we're walking real quiet through the trees to get there we hear this tiny little voice singing. We recognize Gavin's voice cuz he sings in our chorus. He's singing a song we can't quite hear but we know it's not any religious or classical music.

"So we sneak closer and in the middle of where Deandre and me fuck all the time is this little first grader with long red hair on a plastic sheet. He's totally butt naked. But that's not what's so cool. Gavin's on his tummy and he's humping into the sheet, singing nasty, nasty words. Something like `Caca fucking. Caca fucking. I love to do my caca fucking. Poopoo fucking. Poopoo fucking. I love to do my poopoo fucking.' Deandre and me glance at each other and I know we're thinking the same thing. It'd be hella cool to have the little guy play sex with us.

"But then Gavin surprises us. He gets up on his knees and he really had been poopoo fucking. There was a big smear of poo on the plastic. A big one. And it's also smeared all over his lower tummy and his really, really hard, tiny dickie. Then what he does is even crazier. He reaches down, scoops up a big wad of the shit and crams it in his mouth. Then he starts jacking like crazy with the shit on his dickie, chewing the crap in his mouth and humming.

"It was totally hot but I thought Deandre would be freaked by it. I'd never, ever said anything about poopy play. But Deandre's doesn't seem so freaked. He's stepping out of his shorts and starts walking over to the little guy. Gavin doesn't notice him until Deandre's right beside him. When Gavin sees him he stops, his hand and dickie all poop covered, poopy spit dripping down his face. His long red hair dirty with poo that I guess he'd rubbed in it on purpose. The little boy looks absolutely scared to death.

"I'm right next to them. The smell is unbelievably stinky and wonderful. So is Gavin. Stinky. And wonderful. Deandre doesn't say a word to me. He bends over and scoops up some shit and starts jacking it on his cocklet. I lose all my clothes as fast as I can. This is gonna be a messy one, I know. I pull Deandre's shirt off him and help him out of his shoes. Poops spattering on my head from his jacking.

"Then I straddle the poopy mess in front of Gavin and poke my hardon into his mouth. This is wonderful, let me tell you! He still had a lot in his mouth so I was both fucking into shit and into a little 6 year old's mouth. After a couple of minutes, I pull out and push him onto his tummy, back into the pile of crap. Deandre knows what's next. But before I can move around to his backside, Gavin looks up and says in his tiny, little boy voice `Pwease fuck me. Pwease fuck my poopoo hole. Pwease.' I totally love the boy.

"So Deandre and me fuck him. Three times each, the last times on his back. We also feed him more of his own poop. The last time I'm fucking Gavin, Deandre straddles his mouth and takes a dump into it. Not a huge amount, but enough to know we're all poop freaks.

"That's how we got involved with Gavin and his dad. After we all got sexed up enough, I noticed Gavin's poop hole looked a lot like mine. All puffy, purple, and well-fucked. When we asked him, he told us his daddy had been fucking him since before he could remember. Like he told you. He also said his daddy was also a poopoo freak. In fact, I wondered where all the poop came from since Gavin had been humping a huge load. He told me it was his and his daddy's from three days. That they do this so Gavin can have enough to hump like that. Only this was the first time Gavin tried it someplace other than his home.

"That solved a huge problem. Deandre and me and Gavin were totally poopified and I didn't know how we'd get clean. No problem for Gavin. He pulled a cell phone out of his pants -- it was in a plastic bag -- and called his daddy. He picked us up and drove to his house. It's a frigging mansion. Almost as big as this one. Deandre and me showered in a shower bigger than most bathrooms. Four showers in it! We did it and watched while Gavin's daddy fucked his poopy body on the shower floor. That's when Deandre and me both admitted our own dads fucked us regular. Not as long as Gavin's but a pretty long time.

After Gavin's daddy dumped his sperm load into his little six-year old's boy pussy, he squatted over his face and dumped a huge shit load into his mouth and all over his face. That's when Deandre and me both admitted that our dads were also shit dads. Well, you already know my Daddy. But the other two guys are Deandre's and Gavin's."

The two men waved and I'm totally amazed that there are so many guys like me. Poop freaks. That morning I thought it was only me. Now I knew different. Happy Birthday, Brayden, I think.

Right then, Gavin lifted his filthy face and cried out, "I gotta poopoo bad. Somebody unplug me. FAST." Only he did it in his cute lispy voice. "I'm so fucking horn-balled I can't believe it." Right then I knew all of us have had the same stuff to keep us hard and horny. Great! And the way I was feeling, I knew it wasn't Ecstasy. It was something more powerful.

Daniel's daddy came over and pushed me gently onto my back.

"It's time for Brayden's birthday poopoo party."

Next: Chapter 3

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