Breaking Through

By christopher luu

Published on Feb 18, 2018


A very big thank you to all of the readers who have taken the time to send kind messages for the first few chapters of the story. I very much appreciate it. Please send any feedback, complaints, and correspondence to I'm looking forward to continuing this creative endeavor in 2018 and hope to rebuild the sense of community that had been established the first time around between readers and writers.

This new story will take place in a loose version of the present day and most of the main ideas from the first go-round will remain. With a 10-year jump in time, some things have changed. The new story will do away with a lot of the tertiary characters in the old narrative. The usual disclaimers apply. This is fiction.

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Chapter 8

"I've never had someone be such a gentleman," Chris said, sunglasses covering his puffy, red eyes. The emotions had spilled out of him. After holding them back and having Jake poke holes in the barriers he'd built, he was a wreck. For the next few days, he couldn't concentrate, he couldn't figure out whether or not to talk to Jake at all and, most of all, he didn't know if moving forward with his mission to start something with Armie was such a great idea anymore. "Jake pursued me. We were like two people barreling at each other. It happened so fast."

Sebastian noticed Chris' fingers fidgeting on the table and his toe tapping at the pavement. They were at a coffee shop just a few steps away from the beach, catching their breath after a run and hoping that the caffeine would be enough to replenish their energy. It wasn't working.

"I told Armie to put everything on hold until he was done with the movie and all he's done is text me to tell me how the production is going. Jake would wait at Starbucks for me."

Sebastian raised his eyebrow. "Sounds weird."

"It wasn't in a creepy way."

"Maybe a little creepy."

"I wanted to call Armie and just have him come over. I was going crazy. I was a mess. I wanted to call Jake. I wanted to call you, but I would have been hysterical."

"What did you end up doing?"

"I ran, like, 10 miles. I exhausted myself so that I could just sleep and forget about it all."

"Yikes," Sebastian said, physically recoiling at the thought. He'd never seen Chris as anything but even-keeled. It was strange to see him struggle with anything like this.

"I'm better now. It's a new day."

"Your problems are out of my league. Way out of my league."

"Stop. I know that you're going through some problems yourself."

"Yeah, but I'm not going to go after you. Ever. I'm not touching that."

Chris rolled his eyes. "How are you getting through it?"

"I'm not thinking about it," Sebastian explained. "We've been on-and-off for a while. We just grew apart."

"Are you upset about it?"

"Nobody likes breakups. I'm sure that we weren't going to work out in the long run, anyway. It was just a matter of time."

"Sorry to hear that."

Sebastian shrugged. "I know a breakfast burrito place in Manhattan Beach. Should we reconvene this meeting of the Broken Hearts Club there?"

Chris felt lighter after the impromptu breakfast meeting. He wasn't any closer to calling either Armie or Jake, but at least he'd managed to talk about it. Baby steps, he thought, even pushing all of the things that Sebastian told him about Armie out of his mind. If he was subscribing to the principles outlined in the Sebastian Stan School of Romance and Relationships, Chris and Jake had run their course. Several times, in fact. Chris couldn't imagine going through that all over again. Armie was fresh and new, but the idea of starting over was just as daunting. Was he ready to have a brand-new person discover that he hated cauliflower and liked extra foam on his lattes? Jake said his idiosyncrasies were cute. It was possible -- and likely -- that other guys would find them more annoying than anything else.

"It's so good to see you," Armie said as he walked towards Chris. It was almost a skip, Chris noticed, and Armie's smile was huge. After his impromptu breakfast therapy session, Chris had messaged him, suggesting that they meet. Armie suggested Downtown L.A., the Arts District, specifically. It wasn't a neighborhood Chris went often, but he could sense the enthusiasm in Armie's texts. It was the same energy he was feeling right now. Armie scooped Chris up into a hug and he hoped that, somehow, he could absorb that glowing positivity.

"I missed you," Chris said.

"I can't even tell you how much I missed you." Armie kept his arms around Chris, taking his time and feeling Chris' back, nuzzling his temple softly. "You smell good. You feel good."

Chris peeled himself out of Armie's embrace, doing his best to make it seem like a natural uncoupling and not a choreographed squirm, which is exactly what it felt like. Armie must have his stylist choose everything in his closet, Chris thought. His jeans made him look lean and long, his shirt accentuated his chest and his biceps perfectly. Chris kept his hands in his pockets as they walked, even when Armie's hand reached out and grazed his wrist, beckoning for a touch, for any sort of contact.

"Dailies look good," Chris said, "I watch them sometimes."

"I didn't think you did at all," Armie said, a sudden pang of nervous energy hitting his stomach at the thought of Chris seeing his work. It didn't make any sense, since, of course, Chris would see it eventually, but Armie always was too critical of himself. "I want to show you something."

"Oh," Chris started. "Did you read about that new cafe, too?"

"No," Armie said, shaking his head. "Not that."

Chris' eyebrows popped up over his sunglasses and he followed Armie's lead. They walked down the street, passing old buildings that had been transformed into lofts, past restored theaters and new, trendy boutiques. Chris had read about the downtown renaissance, but hadn't actually seen it. He was glad to see the old architecture being painstakingly reinvigorated, but part of him was sad to see that it was so Urban Outfitters and Starbucks could have new digs. Armie stopped and put his arm around Chris' shoulder. They were in front of a liquor store advertising this week's Powerball jackpot.

"This is cool," Chris said. "I was serious about those beers in my refrigerator. They're for my friends."

"I believe you."

"I have a will of iron," Chris insisted. "I've handled your charm and charisma pretty well, I think."

"Well, I'm breaking down that willpower a little, I hope." Armie pointed to a building across the street. It was an Art Deco masterpiece, with ornate trim around all the windows and a grand entrance with square columns and a round emblem over the door. Currently, it housed a Bank of America on the first floor. Chris couldn't tell what was up above. Today, downtown's skyscrapers dwarfed it, but back in the day, Chris was sure it was one of the tallest buildings around. "My great-grandfather built that. He paid for it to be built, at least. My family had it restored."

"You and your ex?"

"No, not my actual immediate family," Armie said quickly. "We have a trust. People make sure things stay pretty. Anything related to the family name."

"I'm familiar with the Hammer family," Chris replied. "I know that your great-grandfather's art is in the Hammer Museum at UCLA and all. I did some underwriting there a while back." Chris didn't mention that it was Jake's family that actually did it. He was just part of that family when it happened, so his name was attached to it, too. The thought of moving from one Hollywood dynasty to another made Chris cringe. He wanted out of the circus, not to get even deeper into it. At least his parents weren't actually in the entertainment business. Chris could only remember that they were involved in actual business.

"I know," Armie said. "I told you that I know more about you than you think."

Chris cringed at the thought. He wondered what Armie dug up on TMZ. "It's a really beautiful building."

"It was used for all his West Coast business dealings," Armie said. "But I'm sure there was some shady business going on, too."

"The Hammers have some dirt under the rugs?"

"What family doesn't?"

"I wouldn't know. I'm pretty boring on that front."

"Sometimes it's tough to live up to the expectations that come with family history," Armie said. "But I know that what you expect of yourself is pretty up there, too."

"Nobody wants to fail," Chris said. "Nobody puts something out in the world and doesn't want it to succeed. Your grandpa built that and I'm sure that if he was still alive, he'd be happy to know it was still standing."


"Heavy is the Hammer head that wears the crown," Chris said matter-of-factly.

"You don't take shit from anyone, do you?"

"I did. But I won't anymore. Listen, I appreciate the architecture walk, but I did want to actually talk to you about us. About what's going on."

"Let's get some coffee then," Armie said. "You're in a better mood when you're caffeinated."

A quick walk and two cappuccinos ordered, Chris and Armie sat across from each other at a too-hip cafe nestled between the designer stores that Chris noticed earlier. It looked Scandinavian in design, with clean lines, blond wood and plenty of white paint, but the coffee was from Africa and South America and strictly prepared according to Japanese methods. Chris and Armie agreed it was a weird combination of choices, but being that it was the only spot they could find, the shop had a monopoly over anyone who needed to refuel.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Armie asked as soon as they sat down. Chris looked at his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips before rolling his eyes.

"I really appreciate you letting me take things slow," Chris said, ignoring the question.

"It's not easy for me. Is it easy for you? I want to call you and talk and be with you."

"I think about that, too," Chris said. "But it's better to wait until everything's done. I don't want to distract you or have this relationship be why people talk about the movie. You're better than that."

"That doesn't mean we can't see each other."

"No, it doesn't. You're right. I just want...need you to know where I stand on us. It's emotionally challenging."

"I've never heard anyone describe a relationship as 'emotionally challenging.'"

"I enjoy your company," Chris said. "And I want to continue to see you. You are welcome to come over any time you want. But I need you to understand that I want this film to get attention for the right reasons. It's a big deal to me. There are enough people who are going to say it's about me and Jake."

"Is it?"

"It's complicated."

"He didn't talk about you on set. At all. I asked about you. You guys were the golden couple, after all. He wasn't the easiest guy to buddy up to."

"Jake is a different person when he's on set. He's different when he's working," Chris' words were slow and deliberate. "It was hard. I was going to visit the set but he told me not to. He wasn't in the right headspace. I could usually get him to relax though."

"I saw him naked. Made sure I was on set for that shower scene."

"Checking out the competition?"

"I might have been a little curious. My wife wanted to know, actually."

"You can't really judge when it's soft."

Armie shrugged. "I've seen better."

"I haven't."

"Ouch," Armie said, smiling as he shook his head slowly. "You...You're something, Christopher Lewis. Can I kiss you?"

"That'd be a hard no."

"Can't blame a guy."

"Come over tonight and I'll kiss you. I'll kiss you anywhere you want."

Chris was true to his word. A few hours later, he was straddling Armie's lap and kissing him square on the lips. They were up on the landing, sitting on the stairs, impatience winning out before they could even get to Chris' bed.

"You look amazing," Armie said breathlessly, his hands taking in everything they could: Chris' back, his shoulders, and his sides. Chris' hands were planted firmly on either side of Armie's head, their tongues sliding together, chests pressed so close that Chris could feel Armie's heartbeat. "The light up here is so great." There wasn't much sunlight left, but the darkness coupled with the grey moonlight made everything seem almost unreal.

"Stop talking," Chris whispered, his lips moving to Armie's neck and shoulders. Chris had thought about their night together ever since it happened, how Armie's body, all long limbs and lean muscle covered with sandy hair, felt and how it made him feel.

Chris pushed at Armie's chest, urging him to lay back on the floor. He complied, scooting both of their bodies up off the stairs onto a more secure spot with an ease that surprised Chris, even as his lips were making their way down Armie's chest and stomach. Armie's fingers tangled in Chris' hair, his entire body tingling at the mere sound of Chris undoing his pants, the soft rustle of the denim sliding down his legs. Chris' warm mouth around his cockhead, still behind the cotton of his underwear, sent a second wave up his spine. He could feel his ears flushing red.

Armie's toes curled when he felt Chris' tongue on him, his own groans and grunts joining the almost-vulgar, slick sounds of Chris' mouth working his dick. Armie bit at his bottom lip to keep from getting too loud. Hearing the sounds coming from below his waist was too good. Eyes rolling back in his head, he felt hands on his stomach, kisses on his inner thighs, soft licks at his balls. Chris was working every part of him, making fireworks going off in his head. Armie pulled Chris up, their mouths crashing together. Armie could taste salt and feel Chris' soft whimpers in his mouth as Armie's huge hand wrapped around their cocks, stroking them with a loose grip.

"Armie," Chris whispered, his voice shaky. He was licking and kissing at Armie's neck, feeling the ticklish scratches of Armie's beard against his face. He ground his hips down against Armie's hand, needing more than a lazy handjob. Chris bit down on Armie's collarbone when he felt a finger slide into him, lubed by nothing but the precum that they'd both been oozing. Armie's fingers were long and as he crooked it and slid a second one in, both circling insistently at Chris' prostate, Chris nearly blacked out. "Oh god," Chris groaned out, incapable of holding in anything as his ring pulsed around Armie's fingers, his dick let out a huge glob of precum and Chris felt his entire body shiver. Armie's other hand was on his back, holding him steady as he rode out the waves.

"We need to get you lubed up," Armie said. Even though it was nothing above a whisper, the sound seemed to echo through the entire house. "C'mon, Chris," he said as his fingers slipped out.

He either ignored it entirely or he had other plans, because Chris dove back down to Armie's dick, taking it as deep as he could, his nose buried in the unkempt blond bush at the base. Armie groaned again, his hands shooting out to his sides, steadying himself as his hips rolled up into the tight warmth of Chris' throat. A sudden tug at his balls was all it took. He bucked his hips up and grabbed Chris' hair, jet after jet of cum shooting straight down Chris' throat. Chris did his best to stay still but his reflexes forced him to bob a few times, partly to get some air and partly to taste Armie's load.

"God, I didn't mean to shoot off," Armie said, his breathing short and his whole chest blooming with a pinky blush. Chris kissed up his stomach and nipped at his neck softly sucking as he stroked Armie's softening dick.

"I'm going to wear you out," Chris said against Armie's sweaty skin. "I don't care how many times you shoot, just keep going."

Armie rolled the two of them over, almost growling at the thought. "I'm getting you to that bed," he said before kissing Chris again. Armie pulled Chris by the hand, bounding toward the dark bedroom. Chris found himself on his back in a second, the dense fluff of his comforter exploding around him. Armie pushed Chris' legs up and tongue replaced fingers inside Chris' ass.

Chris gasped at the initial penetration; Armie's tongue circling his hole and dipping inside tentatively. His eyes shut tight, Chris focused on the feel of Armie's facial hair on the most sensitive part of his body, the way he grunted every time Chris' legs moved a little too much. Being bent in half, Chris couldn't see anything -- and the darkness of the room wasn't helping -- but he could feel everything. He heard Armie knocking around in the night table, but his tongue didn't let up. The rimjob continued as Armie slicked himself and Chris didn't even have time to adjust to being on his back again before Armie pushed inside him. One smooth, long thrust and Chris was gasping for air, gripping at the duvet and clamping down on Armie's thick cock.

"Shh," Armie tried his best to soothe the burn that was spreading through Chris' whole body. He rocked his hips, their mouths barely touching as Chris whimpered under him. "You feel so good."

He watched Chris' face with every thrust. The pained tension melted away after a few thrusts and Chris' hands moved to grip at his own forearms before moving up to his biceps. He watched as Chris' neck tensed with each one of his inward thrusts, his chest and stomach flexing every time he pulled out. Armie kissed at Chris' jaw, went harder and faster when Chris' fingertips dug into his shoulders. He reached for Chris' leaking cock, stroking it to match his own movements, but Chris' hand darted out to grab his wrist. He shook his head, but Armie kept up his movements. Chris' hole was fluttering around his shaft, he could tell that it wouldn't take much more. Armie wrapped his arms around Chris' back and muffled his own grunts into Chris' neck, his hips jerked forward, pounding into Chris' ass and sending the sound of skin-on-skin contact into the room along with their loud groans.

"Armie, Armie," Chris said the name over and over as he shot, spraying between their heaving bodies. His ass ached, but the last thing he wanted was for Armie to stop. He'd missed the stretch and the fullness.

Armie held Chris' hands tight, bringing them up over his head as they kissed. He stilled his hips, not sure if he should keep drilling Chris post-orgasm. Chris' legs tightened around his waist, however, and he took that as a sign to keep it up. Chris' hole felt even tighter on him and he thrust in harder, aiming each one right at Chris' prostate.

"Don't stop," Chris said, his voice bordering on begging. "Don't stop. Don't. Ever. Stop."

Chris squeezed around Armie's dick and was rewarded with another onslaught of deep, long strokes. He remembered his promise to Armie, but it looked like Chris would get worn out first. The kisses were helping. Dizzy after his orgasm and Armie's continued jabs at his prostate, Chris hoped for a second wind. He tried to wring his hands free from Armie's grip, but the more he tried, the harder Armie's grasp felt. The harder his hips went. Chris tried his best, but it wasn't until Armie bit down hard on his neck and let his second orgasm course through him that Chris managed to get loose. Chris felt Armie go slack on top of him. Even though his hands throbbed, he felt Armie's back, both of them taking shallow breaths as they tried to come back down to earth.

A quick gasp fell from Chris' lips when he felt Armie push forward, his cock going that much deeper.

"I'm not stopping."


Next: Chapter 9

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