Breeders and Bulls

By Speedy Chopslover

Published on May 15, 2022


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Breeders and Bulls Part 5

(Chapter 46.) Jonas's endgame.

(Liam POV)

I sit in my cell and wipe my sloppy ass cunt. I weep and yet it feels so good. I want to feel Brett's old cock in it. I feel my cut cock throb again at that thought. Shit, I am horny.

I have just bloomed. I have an ass cunt I am convicted of murder and being turned into a breeder. My world fell apart in two short days.

As a guy who was partial to a bit of ass sex anyway this new sensation of slick dampness in my ass and the engorged puffy pucker feels good. I wished I had this that night Brett fucked me. I run my fingers over my new pussy. I can live on the dreams and the memories of him they can never take that away from me.

Fuck Brett was so good. That night in the club when I grabbed him and offered my ass to him, I was so scared that he would reject me. He didn't, he took my ass and when he fucked me I loved it. His thick pole plunged into me. It should have hurt like hell, and it did, yet somehow the gifted Brett just dove in, right over my pleasure button. I never came so quick or hard and he pummeled me so good I came again before he was done.

He was a god with his long fat tool and I worshiped his cock. I had taken one almost as big, not Albion big Avon big and it was terrible. Big dicks do not always make great sex but Brett was the complete package, big dong and he knew what to do with it.

I would watch him with Adam, Mark, Brick, and Zach. I wish I knew their pleasure as he fucked them in their pussies. He always felt so good in my ass. I wish I could feel Brett in that way right now. I let out a moan as I stroke my new enhanced butt cunt.

I wonder what Brett would feel like if I had a cunt. In my homeland that was possible. I could do what my mother did and give myself a sweet man pussy for Brett to fuck. For Brett I would do that. To feel the old Brett in that way would be amazing. I stroke my sloppy hole as it leaks. I try not to think about poor Brett and how that dick doesn't exist anymore, he has a pussy. Fuck in one week I will join him. I will have a breeder pussy.

I start to stroke my changed cock and it feels wrong and dry, tight and horrible. I use my wet butt lube, I transfer my ass juice to my cut cock and coat my hard dick in breeder juice.

I know they try to make me feel some sort of shame over my cut dick but I don't. Sure it feels different, but I can work with this. I am just not sure how yet. It feels so different and the scar, shit, it is so low down the shaft and so much skin is missing.

I work up and down the shaft and it isn't the same, but it feels good in my hand and I stroke my slimy butt cunt with the other hand. I think of Brett, and I wonder how he must have felt as he stroked his cut dick for the first time.

The head has a nice sheen to it, and I love the way that it looks as I rub my hand up it. I feel all the nerves in my cock head in a way I never felt before. Protected by the skin that would roll over them now they are exposed and the thrill of pushing the head of my dick up with direct contact is new and interesting.

My ass feels good as well as I probe it gently with my fingers. Stroking my pale dick. It is so strange there is now so much tonal change in my pallid color palette. My shiny pink cock head nestles nicely into my red and flushed inner skin, joined by my new scar to my pale outer skin. Now the white skin of my shaft is only accentuated by a few freckles I obtained walking around in the sun. I notice they chopped off most of the freckled skin.

Mr. Scratchy has left a high ridge of skin and as I work over my cock and finger my butt, I love that feeling of the sensitive scar.

I cum sooner than I expected, the new sensations abruptly causing my 7 inch cock to spew hard. Some of it hits my chest and cheek. I lie there panting in the afterglow, thinking how different that was. Not bad, just different, the feel, the look. It is my dick now, but not for much longer. I really don't care too much what they do to me now.

My life as I thought it was going to be is over anyway. I look for a wipe to clear the cum off my body but before I can there are two guards here. I have a moment of hope but they tell me I am to be taken away for some whore art. They will paint my body to mark me as a breeder whore. They chuckle as I stand and they notice the cum trickle down my chest.

"Enjoy that while you can," one of them says.

I feel like crying but even that is something beyond me. As I am led away I feel the dampness and leaking from my ass. Strangely I have felt lube trickle down my ass before but that was from a bottle. I am lubing myself.

They can do what they want with me.


(Thomas POV)

Counsel Alderton has just left and I am really exhausted but the peace and quiet are welcome. I am tired and I feel a pang of guilt. I just lied to save myself. I know I should have told him about Simon and how I helped him but as I hold lil' Brett in my arms, his small scrunched face asleep, I know I did the right thing.

I don't get much peace. The nurse walks back in.

"Sorry Thomas, there is a visi message from Brett. I believe he is the father? Shall I send it in?" The nurse asks and uses the word father with a raised eye. I know that having a breeder as a father is not a great start in life. I know it is unusual and will potentially cause problems.

I wonder who could have helped Brett get a visi message, it could only be Angel.

"Yes, that will be fine," I reply. I put lil' Brett down and try to look at my hair before the bot arrives. I look a mess. I try to flatten my hair and grab Brett again, ready to show him to his father. Just as the bot sweeps into the room I sit on the chair in the room. I wave to signal to activate. The screen flickers.

"Thomas. Sorry for the white lie." It is Angel who is on the screen.

"I was expecting Brett," I say.

"I'm sorry about that. Brett is with Jonas. They were pair bonded yesterday and he was just taken away to the Western Campus to live as Jonas's pair. He told me to call you. No, actually he begged me and made me promise to do this. Thomas, I am sorry but is there something you know? Brett really was insistent? What do you know?" Angel says and is red-eyed, he has been crying.

I look down at little Brett and think about Liam killing Simon and how that didn't make much sense. I don't know Liam, but I do know Brett and I do know Simon. And I know why Brett got Angel to call me. I feel a pang of guilt. Brett is in trouble. I know all about Jonas. I nearly told Brett about his brother and how he was trafficking breeders with their father. I wanted to tell him so badly, but I didn't want to hurt him. Now this.

I pause and think about Simon, my `good friend'. We came into the academy together and both ended up breeders but he somehow managed to become an admin. When I fell pregnant he helped me but at a cost. He got me a place in academy admin along with him. I knew there were strings attached but I was so desperate. I knew Simon was trafficking but I turned a blind eye. I was a hopeless whore. I hated it. Simon offered me a chance to escape that fate and I took it.

I knew Simon had started working with Jonas, and I helped him. When I finally said no to helping them again Simon was furious. We argued. Now Simon is dead and I can't believe Liam killed Simon. I just somehow know that Jonas must be behind that. I know I can't prove that but I do know that Jonas will make Brett's life hell. I do know enough to make sure Brett doesn't have to live with Jonas. I can't let Brett live that life. I couldn't live with myself, I just couldn't. But more importantly I couldn't ever look at my baby boy knowing I had betrayed his father.

"You do know something, don't you Thomas? Thomas, what is it?" Angel asks.

"I know enough Angel. I would work with Simon to make an encrypted data chip of boys. Simon would give that to Jonas. Jonas would get the files out of the Academy and we would then have one file for two people that is how Mason, Kenny, and Carter were all trafficked. I am sorry Angel. I know Jonas is your brother but he was working with your father as the contact."

"Shit Brett was right. Fuck, that boy needs to do more drugs. Thomas, will you help?" Angel's voice sounds desperate. I want to ask about the drugs but I don't.

"Whatever you want. If Brett needs my help then yes," I say as I clutch little Brett in my arms.

Within minutes Counsel Alderton is back in my room and I tell him everything. How using the double-pass system we could capture the data files for two breeders. We could get the encrypted version to a bull, Jonas in this case, and he could pass them on to an outsider. They would return the data files and we would just patch that back in. There would now be one data file for two breeders and that breeder was ripe for trafficking.

I give the names of the breeders that we did this to. I give him the dates as best as I can remember and explain the only way to get data in and out would be through family days. Jonas would hide the chip behind a cock ring. Bulls don't have the same scrutiny as the breeders on family days and the bull, in this case his father, would return the new version in the same way.

The counsel tells me he has a lot of information and that he has more than enough on Simon and Jonas but isn't really sure he has enough to help Liam. For a moment I fear that he will not do anything as I understand that I have no proof that Liam didn't murder Simon.

I plead with him to help Brett. He smiles and tells me he will do what he can.

He is about to leave.

"There is one thing," I say.

"What?" Counsel asks.

"Well, Jonas couldn't have overpowered Liam. You said Liam can't remember anything other than waking up after blacking out and aching all over?" I ask.

Alderton replies, "I did but that still doesn't help."

"It might. Let's just say if what Liam says is true he must have been knocked out, probably by a stun pen from one of the guards. I mean did any guard lose a stun pen. The guards are chipped for safety purposes so you can trace their movements. So it might be possible to connect Simon or Jonas to what happened. An argument, a fight, a moment of distraction?"

"I suppose we hadn't really looked into that," Alderton replies.

"Jonas may have been clever enough to find the surveillance blind spot on campus near Jester bar but neither he nor Simon could hide all their tracks. A knife is easy to get and hide, but a stun pen? " I say, and Counsel Alderton smiles at me.

"Clever little breeder aren't you," He says, and I smile back at him.

"Promise you will get on this quickly, Brett means a lot to me," I say.

He looks at me and his smile broadens. "For you Thomas. I think I will. I will get on this right now." Counsel Alderton gazes at me and I can tell as our eyes meet he is somewhat taken with me. I look at him and smile back.

"Thank you sir," I say, and I look at this tall dark handsome older man. His thick veiny cock nestled in a big bushy set of Jet black pubic hair.

"John. Please call me John." He says with a broad beaming grin and he leaves.

I feel my pussy tingle a little as I take in the dark-haired and rather handsome counsel. I like his mustache and his smile. A kind smile. Then I feel just how sore it all is down there and the feeling of arousal ebbs away. The time on the wall is 3:34 PM.


(Brett POV)

I am sucking on Jonas's cock. My humiliation is overwhelming. I have sucked one dick and only one and that was Liam's.

I wish I was sucking his cock right now. I would give anything to be his breeder bitch right now.

Instead I have fallen so far. Brett, the biggest boy in the Academy on his knees sucking off Jonas. I wipe a tear away.

He pushes me off his cock and slaps my face.

"Shit Brett. I was close, teeth bitch. Fucking suck it properly you daft cunt," he says, and I look up at him.

"Yes sir," I say and wonder if those will be the last words I say with my deep voice. I will speak differently as his bitch but I don't have long to dwell. He grabs my head and thrusts me onto his cock again. I should stop this but I can't fight anymore.

I feel him getting so close when the door bursts open. I feel Jonas's cock pulled out of my mouth. I look at him and he starts cumming. His cum sprays onto my chest and I see him looking shocked and surprised at the intrusion. I look behind him and see two guards.

"Jonas Parker, you are being detained for trafficking." One of the guards says in a deep dull voice.

I see Jonas, his eyes flash open with panic. "No! I didn't do it."

He seems to find energy from somewhere as he sees the two breeder guards rush at him. He scrambles across the floor and slides under his dining table.

"I didn't do anything. Get out! Now!" He yells as one of the breeder guards lunges at him with a stun pen. Jonas somehow evades him and manages to scramble away and in the scramble the guard and his stun pen fall to the floor.

"Get out!" The shrill yell from Jonas is one of panic, the sound of a petulant child throwing a tantrum. He stands back against the wall as the other guard moves towards him. Jonas notices the stun pen on the floor and picks it up in one lightning move.

The guard moving towards him is not quick enough and Jonas jabs him with the pen.

Jonas laughs as the second guard collapses to the floor.

He is not laughing for long. The first guard reaches out for his leg and tugs at Jonas. "Get off me you fucking breeder freak," Jonas screams as he struggles against the guard's grasp.

I stand up and Jonas, who is backing away from the guards, walks into me. I spin him around and punch him in the face, the blow causing him to collapse to the floor.

"You fucking little bitch, you are going to pay for that." Jonas says, looking up at me with eyes full of anger and fear. But it's too late, the first guard has grabbed him and slipped a control collar around his neck.

"Get this fucking thing off me! I am a fucking bull!" Jonas wails, tugging at the control collar.

"Not for much longer you little fucking shrimp dick bastard." I say standing over Jonas.

Jonas's eyes pop open in terror as the guards gather themselves. He knows he is about to join me in breederhood. His eyes dart down to my pussy and I laugh at him.

"Yeah bitch enjoy the view. Just think you nearly got to really fuck me," I say and chuckle.

"NOooooo!!!" He says, and I notice he starts to piss himself in fear and horror as to what his future now holds.

"No, this is all a mistake I am a fucking bull not a breeder. NOoo!!!" He wails.

I am led back to the breeder rooms and there is Angel. He opens his arms and holds me.


Angel brings me up to speed on everything he knows. Jonas was arrested for trafficking, and step father as well. I try to process this but all I can really think about is Liam. My Liam is still under sentence of murder and before long he will be like me, a useless breeder. I am also still really horny from the Cobra Blood Jonas gave me. It's still coursing through my system. I feel my silly fat clit twitch and throb and my pussy ache as I try to process the events of the last two days.

I can't believe I was so weak and submissive before Jonas. Not even a real bull and I sucked his cock. I nearly let him cunt my mouth. My puny evil brother could have titted me and kept me as a toy, and I was powerless to stop him or even fight back. I don't want that for Liam. Only the power of some bourbon and Dane's special cocktail lets me sleep a little while.

The next day arrives, and we have news that Mason was found. There is some confusion and doubt as to where he will go or if he will be back to the academy. It doesn't help that the news on Liam is still grim.

Jonas and my step father's fall from grace is shocking; they are due to be trialed and possibly sentenced today. It is hard to believe that they will both end up as breeder whores within a week if they are found guilty. That should make me happy, but it doesn't. Jonas has so far refused to confess to Simon's murder. So it is no relief knowing that unless something happens, and soon, Liam will be beyond recovery and will end up joining them.

Angel then breaks the news that Liam already has his first whore marking but he insists that all hope is not gone.

I think about Jonas and what that little shit did to Liam and to me. I think about Simon and how he ended up dead. I finally get a visi message with Thomas and see little Brett and think about a life that might have been from a cock I no longer have. This day is one of mixed blessings.

I thank Thomas and he tells me that Counsel Alderton will ensure he does his best to help him. Thomas does say though there is a good chance he will lose everything, his new life, and our baby. He is tearful but I can sense that he knows he did the right thing by finally telling the truth.

It is getting late in the afternoon, and my mind is ablaze with anger, worry, and fear for so many things. The joy of seeing my child, is tinged with so many negative feelings and I know with every passing hour Liam's conversion to being a breeder bitch is closer.


(Liam POV)

The art studio is large. They are applying the healing pen to a stunning dragon on a breeder whore, it is on his left breast and is small but in keeping with other mythical creatures that cover his soft hairless body. I think the whore is Ross. I have seen him around the western campus, his bodywork almost complete.

Ross is tall and fit with a thin athletic build. He is not dissimilar in build to me, maybe I am bigger now. He has nice big breasts. I look down at my own flat chest. I wonder what those sensual orbs of flesh would feel like hanging down. What they would feel like in the hands of a bull. Someone like Brett. I would get tits for him.

I am surprised to see that the artists are breeders. I see the two of them look at me. They are both bald and I never saw people so completely covered. The smaller of the two has blocks of solid ink shaped in almost ancient patterns. There are faces within the patterns that look like gods from the sun temples of Yunga. His scalp is covered in ink and his face distorted by inked markings creating a mask like appearance and an inked beard around his mouth. It is intricate, grotesque and quite beautiful all at the same time.

The other larger artist is similarly covered. The markings on his body are like small feathers in golds, browns and whites, His arms are painted to create an effect that looks like wings and his feet and legs given the illusion of birds legs and claws. His scalp is crowned with feathers that merge down to his face, his nose and mouth form a beak. He looks like a giant humanoid bird of prey. The two hairless artists don't seem to have an inch of skin that is free of ink.

I look around the large airy room. There are tables and nothing much else besides some strange bots that I haven't seen before, resting in the corner. Not a restraining table in sight. The guards hand the bird artist the device for my restraining collar and they talk quietly.

"Well, honey I think we have just the thing for someone like you?" Says the bird man.

"No trouble from you I hope?" He asks me.

"No," I replied. I think about how I am about to be marked as a breeder whore and I feel almost dead inside. Not because I care, but because that will be a marking that signals the end of my hope of being with Brett as the bull I need to be for him.

"Stand over here and do as I say." He tells me, and I stand on a red circle on the floor. He uses some sort of scanner and gets me to pose in different positions as he works the bright red light of the scanner up and down my body.

He gets me to bend over and part my butt cheeks at some point. I feel the damp slick ooze that doesn't seem to stop, coming out of my new breeder butt pussy.

"Nice bloom. I got just the thing for that another day," he says and I feel a flush of shame at what sort of thing he will paint on or around my newly puckered hole.

"Get on the table over there I am doing your front today." He says and I do. I lie down on the table, and he taps an e-tab. I wait for what seems like a long time, then I hear a flurry of small bots hover over me. I don't look. I don't care, they can do what the hell they want.

I keep thinking about how Jonas is with Brett now and I feel somehow like I have let him down. The pain is quite intense, and I feel like I am being scratched repeatedly. The whole thing is fine at first up around my leg and the scratch becomes a sting and the bots whizz and fly dancing over me. The sting becomes a hot pain as they move down across my lower stomach and then my crotch and cock. The hot white pain is getting worse. Just as I began to fear I might pass out, I'm relieved as the intense pain stops and the bots move away.

The artist walks over his pert tits jiggle as he walks. I wonder how they will feel, will mine be like that?

He runs a healing pen up above my left knee, up my thigh, and then across my stomach. Finally he takes the pen down towards my dick. I wish he had started there, that was the most painful part. He smiles. "Get up bitch," he says and I stand up and he walks me to a mirror. I take in the sight.

A snake tail starts just above my left knee. The body of the snake traces up my leg and then across the lower part of my stomach. The snake then bends down towards my crotch, the mouth of the snake open, and the serpent's tongue trails down the middle of my cock. It is a fat red line darting down my newly cut prick. The jaws of the snake look like they are about to swallow my dick. The snake's tongue is a thin red line darting down to my scar. My pubes have gone, shaved away along with the hair on my left leg and lower stomach.

I instantly know this will look so much lewder with a cunt. I know body markings are used to shame and mark out whores but the reality is many societies and cultures use body art. Outside of Albion markings like these are done without any sense of shame or as a sign of a whore. Here they ink whores all over their bodies; like so much here they take it to an extreme. Albion whores are famous throughout the world for their exotic markings.

I look at myself again, I almost don't mind it. However, when the tongue runs down my clit and not my cock, when the jaws accentuate the plump mound of my breeder pussy, it will look like my cunt is a snakehead with its jaws nicely pronounced from my pussy mound. A hissing snake with my little red clit as the tongue buried in its maw. I get a little aroused at the sight of myself as a whore.

Right now it is almost like the old world biblical scene: my shiny cut cock head taking the role of the forbidden fruit and the snake straining to lick it. Before I'm fully done appraising the new permanent artwork on my body, I am led away as the artist tells me he will see me soon. He has some great ideas for my tits. I instantly cup my chest as I am taken away.

I somehow drift off to sleep that night and wake up with a start. I was dreaming of Brett, in my dream I had a cunt and big fat tits. It was the old Brett and he was fucking me hard and I was enjoying it so much. I woke up and I didn't want to it was such a wonderful dream. I feel a strange dampness in my butt. I reach around to feel my slimy ass and remember where I am. My freshly cut cock is straining hard as I woke up, but it soon softens as I remember what has happened.

I wait and I wait for a miracle. I stroke my leg and the body art pops out against my pale skin, its striking greens, and blues form the scales of the snake's body. So many shades of each color. They remind me of my family's tartan colors. In any other situation I would really like this on me and the way it looks.

Finally, it happens. The doors swing open and guards lead me out. I am resigned to my fate by now. The guards lead me down corridors to a new room, and there is my father.

He looks at me and I can see he is visibly upset and winces.

My father speaks, "what the fuck have they done to you?"

He stands still for a while. He eventually walks towards me, his long soft 8 inch bull cock sways as he walks. He is taller than me, 6ft 3, and has an athletic build, not muscular like Brett.

He holds me, "I am so sorry son. I let you down."

I feel his embrace and then he pushes me away gently. "You are free son. We need to talk but we found the killer."

The next hour he talks to me about Jonas and how he was seen taking a stun pen from a guard. They had it all on surveillance. He got it from the guard on the day of the killing and returned it. The guard took a small credit for it and he was also helping with the trafficking.

I try to take in the fact that I am free, that Jonas killed Simon, that they were trafficking breeders. My father tells me I can be restored, at least my foreskin can be. The bodywork can be removed, it will be painful and take some months, but it can be done. My ass cunt however is permanent. I can see he is struggling with this. It will take them a few months to grow an appropriate graft for my foreskin, but these are things for another day.

I am not bothered about any of this. I really only want to know about Brett.


(Chapter 47.) Reunited.

(Brett POV)

I couldn't get the cunt belt on quick enough before I left the breeder campus. I wanted to run to the admin building. I was desperate to see him, to be with him. I came hours from losing him completely. I am here in that room with the breeder, the one who paired me with Jonas. He sees me and rolls his eyes with worry.

This time I give him no problems other than trying to say my breeder promise too quickly and I just don't care how dumb the words are I almost mean them all.

I am just waiting for this moment and as he enters I almost sob with relief and happiness.

I drink in the sight of him. My gorgeous bull Liam. It takes me a while until I notice the tattoo that is trying to swallow his dick. The strange multi-colored snake, the thin red tongue running down to his scar. The scar of his cut cock. That also shocks me, and I don't know why. I knew that his foreskin would be the first thing to go.

I look at him and he looks away but I hold him and kiss him and I don't care. I want him so badly right now my empty cunt drips and my ass is his for the taking.

"Fuck Liam. Don't you ever fucking do that to me again. I love you, Liam," I say, and I see he is wiping a tear away.

"Fuck, I love you too Brett," we are allowed a moment as we kiss again before I am taken to the room where Jonas almost fucked me.

I will be pair-bonded with Liam and as much as I hate being a breeder, as long as I have him I can face anything. We can barely stop kissing in the room as his cock strains and I use my ass slime to lube him as I jerk him a little.

I know this must feel strange. It will take him a while to adjust to his cut dick, but he will.

I smile and tell him, "I don't mind if you are quick today."

He blushes and smiles at me as I lie on my back, him on top of me. Kissing.

He lets go of me and asks, "Is that any way to talk to your bull?"

"No master." I push him off me and get on all fours. "Come on then bull fuck my butt. Show me who's boss." I tell him and laugh.

Liam replies with a knowing chuckle, "I think we both know who that is."

He gets behind me and slaps my ass and plunges his cut cock into my hole.

"Shit. It feels so good," he moans as he bonds with me.

He works his dick in and out of my hole and I know he is struggling with his new equipment. He needs so much help but I can teach him. He still feels amazing. Just having him close to me is enough but when he is in me physically, I feel so good.

I wonder what he will feel like as a fully grown bull fucking my cunt. His angle changes and I can sense his frustration to get the right motion but this works for me and I cum before him. I feel the explosion fill my ass, belly, and body as I feel my pelvis quake with pleasure.

"FUCK!" I moan my deep voice booms and it tips him over the edge. I barely notice his orgasm. I am too lost in my own as his seed floods my sloppy ass. He collapses onto me and pulls out, and I feel his spunk flow out of me as he rolls me over and kisses me.

We kiss one another and hold each other laughing and smiling. I love how his trimmed ginger beard tickles my slight facial growth. I run my hands over his butt as we make out, spent and happy and I feel slime on my fingers.

He stops kissing me as I feel the familiar wet slickness of an ass cunt.

"Oh, Liam," I say

His pale face flushes bright red. "I am not really the man you thought I was. Not anymore." He says and blushes even more and asks, "so you don't mind then?"

"No, and trust me you won't mind one bit when that hole is crammed full of dick, well dildo." I laugh. A small part of me is pleased. I know I shouldn't be. I love Liam, and I don't want him to have to be anything other than who he is. I certainly didn't want these mad fuckers to change him. But a small part of me feels that there will always be a part of Liam that is a breeder and that makes me feel less bad about my reduced circumstances and the fact I now have a cunt and not a dick.

Liam looks at me

"Shit Brett. You make me so happy." I know how he feels.


The guards almost have to tear us apart, but I know that as soon as tomorrow I will be with Liam again.

That night I spent time with Angel, Dane, and Mason. Mason tells us another day longer and he would have ended up in some place called Diljon. It is not a place we ever heard of but he was being sold to someone there. He will have his bonding ceremony with Greg tomorrow and is happy to be back.

Mason and I plan to meet up for a few lunches, compare notes on our bulls, and laugh and joke. Angel is tearful but in a good way he is just pleased for me and wants to see me happy. For the first time in a long time, I am happy.

The evening is a fun time with Angel, it often is. However, before I go to bed Angel grabs my arm.

"Just a word little brother."

"What is it?" I ask.

"I love you, but you are stubborn and as happy as you are right now life for a breeder isn't always what you think it will be," Angel says.

"I know that but Liam loves me. Angel, Liam is different. He even has a breeder butt cunt."

Angel holds my arm and says to me, "He is different and I know he loves you but when the time comes, well there will be some difficult choices for you." Angel says, and I know what he means. My voice, my tits, my body, and my facial hair. I am not a full breeder yet and then there is being knocked up.

"Hey." Angel strokes my cheek. "Brett. I don't want to upset you not tonight, of all nights. Just remember Liam is the son of a really important man. His father will be senate president someday. He is one of the 9 most important men in the land. Liam already has the marking of a whore that will take time to be removed, years possibly, he is cut and as you say has a breeder butt. There is a stigma to all that. His father and others will always question him as a bull. Brett don't make Liam's life harder for him than it needs to be. Not for your stubborn pride. Don't cling to the old you. Love Liam and let him love you. Brett, my wonderful Brett, you are a Breeder now. Time to let the past go." Angel stops and I look at him.

"I know you are right but-" Angel cuts me off.

"No buts baby brother. Be brave for both your sakes. I do love you, Brett, you know that right."

I hear him, and I know that Angel is right but I hope that he is wrong.


(Chapter 48.) Together again.

The next evening I am alone with Liam. At last, the walk to his apartment seems so different and my heart swells. As I approach his apartment, my arm around him, I feel almost like I am floating to his place.

He kisses me as we arrive at the entry door.

"Brett I can't wait to get that belt off you." Without knowing it his words shock me. He grins and kisses me. His 7 inch cut dick is rock hard. It looks so different, the red line literally snaking down the base and along the shaft to his scar and the strange look of his cock without the foreskin. I have to say his cock looks better cut than mine did.

It is only then I pause. Fuck he hasn't seen my pussy. I am filled with a sense of dread. He knows I have a cunt but I feel stupid for not thinking this moment through. He knows what I am but to all the world I am as big as a bull, and in my belt I look just the way I always did. Suddenly it all seems so real.

He will get to see my greatest shame and suddenly as the door opens and we ride up to his floor my heart pounds. He will see just what I have become. Those weeks of trying to ignore it. The fleeting moments I would think about this night and hate the thought of him seeing me like this flood back to me. I feel like the ride walls are closing in on me as we travel up the tall building to his apartment.

We enter his apartment and my heart still thunders. He kisses me, and he picks up the pad that will unlock my cunt belt.

"Hey, Liam, can we maybe have a drink first?'' He kisses me and looks at me.

He smiles. "Of course Brett.. Tell you what, I will get us some wine and food. I got us a Brett-sized dildo in the bedroom and a strap on. So how does this sound, you fuck me first and that way you get to see what they have done to me properly and then I get to see you?"

His kindness melts my heart. I love how he anticipated how I might feel about this. How he wants to expose himself to me first. It does make this slightly easier.

I reply almost shyly, "I know you...well you are going to see it at some point but..."

"A little wine will help," Liam chuckles. "Brett I can't imagine what living hell you are going through but I won't make you do anything you or I don't feel comfortable with." His words soothe me.

I know that he is being kind and that only makes me feel a little worse about my situation. This is all so different from the time I was in this very building with Jonas, and yet the shame I suddenly feel is the same. I felt shame in front of Jonas because I hated him and I feel shame in front of Liam because I love him.

We eat and drink and talk for a while. I tell Liam about Mason and he gets up to take a piss at some point during the meal.

I notice his service bot swoops down and wipes his ass chair. He is leaking and I am as well. As he returns he stands in front of me, his cut cock hard and proud. I love how his cock looks so much sleeker than mine was. Then I am reminded of what is to come.

He takes my hand and turns around and spreads his ass cheeks and there it is his bloom. The fat puckered leaky hole. I gasp as I see it. I wish I had my old cock, I would fuck him in a heartbeat.

He runs my hands down his ass crack and I feel my fingers linger on the raised fleshy folds. I feel my own ass leak and my pussy gush. He moans as I probe around the bigger fleshier mound of his new fuck hole. I know how sensitive it can be and how much pleasure it can give.

I move in and lick his hole, he moans as I eat out his sloppy butt pussy. I stop and pull him to the bedroom and throw him on the bed face forward. I spread his somewhat meatier butt cheeks, recalling how flat his ass used to be, and start to eat this fucker out properly. He moans and begs me for more as I swirl my tongue and probe his hole. When I stop my jaw and tongue aches and he lies face down panting. I smile at a job well done I think.

I look around and see the strap on. I wonder if it will fit over my cunt belt. He rolls onto his back and he looks up at me and grins. I notice the wet patch on the bed. The little fucker came already. I am happy at a job well done so far.

I struggle with the strap on, and he watches me, his dick hard and twitching. I know I will feel nothing but I know he will. He will pretend it is me. He will feel me and I won't feel a thing. I finally get the wretched thing on and it wobbles a horrific reminder of the man I was.

Liam looks at me. "Fuck me like I fucked you yesterday. Please baby." He scrambles onto his knees, and I see his slick fat ass cunt exposed to me.

The old Brett would have felt hard and ready to fill that fucking hole and I try to go with that Brett. I move over to him.

"Ready bitch," I say.

He replies, "God Yes." And I push the fat fake cock into him and he moans. I know he already came when I was eating him out and he loved a butt fuck. I don't want to disappoint him he will have memories of what I did with my real cock what will happen now is going to be hard to replicate that, but I am going to fucking try.

I fuck him hard and spank him and he loves it as I pound his hole and he screams for more, just like a breeder. I should hate him for still having a cock, a cock that will possibly be bigger than mine.

I want my old dick back as I fill his ass. I want it so badly. I want that as much as he wants what he is getting. Liam was born to be a breeder bitch and yet here he is now getting fucked by a breeder. None of this is his fault and I love him and as he arches his back and spews a second load of his bull seed onto the bed and collapses beneath me, the fake dick planted deep in his sloppy butt cunt. I know I love him but this is hard for me.

I pull out of him and wipe my brow covered in sweat. He kisses me as he chuckles.

"Shit that was so good. You still got it, baby." He says and I smile at him and kiss him back. Even though I only have `it' by proxy.

"I gotta piss," I tell him, and I get off the bed and the fake cock wobbles and I have to pull it out of the way as I sit down and piss, still in my cunt cage. I go back to the bedroom, and Liam is still on the bed panting and covered in a sheen of sweat. His cock was soft. I notice that his thick red pubes are gone, presumably from when he got his marking.

He gets off the bed and stands up and he walks out of the bedroom.

"Something to drink?" He asks.

"Water maybe," I reply. His ass cheek is marked with my palm print but no spunk is leaking out of him tonight. I think about what he might do to me. Maybe he will give me a set of tits, or give me a mouth cunt. We haven't talked, not really he says he won't push me but does he mean he will sheath up everytime?

I hear the noise of the lock on my cunt belt and I feel its workings vibrate as it prepares to release me. Liam has unlocked me. I hold the cunt belt for a second, but I know what I must do. I take off the strap on and pull at the belt and Liam turns up with a glass of water.

He puts the glass down. "Brett baby, don't be shy. I gotta see it sometime and then we take it from there. Let me help you out of that thing." I know he is right as I let him help me out of the belt.

He moves behind me and I step out of it leg by leg and he takes it away. He puts it down and I take a deep breath and turn around. I stand before him, naked and exposed, my fat ugly clit and pussy on display.

Now it is his turn to gasp. I see his face and he looks at me. His smile is gone. "Oh god, Brett. What did they do to you?" He starts to cry as he sees me and then he grabs me and holds me. "Oh, baby. I am so sorry they took your dick away from you.."

He holds me and I hear him sob. "I knew they changed you Brett. It is just seeing you like this. Fuck Baby I hate this place and what they have done to you," He says.

I cry in his arms as we both cry together. This was not what I expected. I know at that moment I am safe with Liam as safe as I can be. As a breeder my life is precarious. I hold him tight and we both cry for a while. Eventually, I push him back and take some water.

"So you don't think it is ugly?" I say.

"Well, it ain't fucking pretty," he says and laughs. I push him and he grins at me.

"You bastard," I say but he grins at me again and I laugh. "I hate it Liam. It isn't pretty, not like my old cock. It is so ugly. Angel said it wasn't pretty. Look at it they gave me a big fat ugly clit," I say, and he moves towards me.

"I know. Angel told me. Look Brett, baby, it is part of you and there is nothing these fuckers can do to make me stop loving you. Not this, not anything." He moves towards me and he pushes me back. I fall on the bed before he moves between my legs.

He runs a finger up my clit and strokes my scar, the most sensitive part of the new sex between my legs. He looks at me and smiles as I let out a gentle moan of pleasure.

He slowly strokes the contour of my scar and says, "You got Mister Blunty."

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Another day, another time, I will tell you. Just say I had a run in with the mad Doctor Anderson, he cut mine with Mister Scratchy," He says, and I feel him running his fingers up and down my clit ever so gently the remnant of my dick.

"I can't believe something so big became something so small. Fuck Brett you must have been to hell," Liam says, and kisses me.

"If you tell me you are taking me to heaven now I will kill you," I say, and he looks at me and he laughs.

"Relax as best you can Brett." He says as he spreads my legs and pulls himself in between my legs and runs his fingers down below my clit and along the rippled folds of my wet cunt.

"Shit. It is so wet. I... Brett, you really do have a cunt." He is looking and stroking my wet fuck lips with his long thin fingers he probes. He finally pushes two fingers lightly around the entrance to my pussy. He slowly glides them into my aching wet hole. I try not to look and he is so gentle and it feels good but it is a torture. I am in a living hell as the man I love pushes his fingers into my dripping breeder cunt. He pauses and stops.

He moves his head between my legs and sniffs at my crotch. I push him back.

I know what he is doing, "Please don't do that."

"I like it, you used to do this," he sniffs my funky breeder cunt. "Wet and musky." I know what he means. I always love the smell of breeder cunt but now it is mine and I hate that he is getting off on that funky breeder odor between my thick thighs. My fuck lips swell and pulse as he licks them. My mound is fatter and plumper and his facial hair grazes my trimmed bitch pubes.

He dives in and I spread my legs as far as I can. He eats into me and sucks on my silly fat clit and I remember when that was big enough to almost choke him. Now he takes it with ease, and the shame drives me insane. I pull him down onto my musky breeder snatch.

His mouth sucks hard on my bitch clitty. As he sucks on my clit he fingers my hole and I am dying with shame and alive with pleasure.

He gets me close but his lack of experience stops him from getting me across the finishing line and eventually he rolls off me. I lie on my back panting so close to the release I want.

He crawls up to me and kisses me, and I smell my pussy juice on his breath as he kisses me and I pull him in deep and hard and let his tongue into my mouth.

He places his cock against my fat cut clit and taps me with his rock hard tool. I look down between my legs and I see him. I notice the difference. The sickening sight of a real dick slapping my bitch button all that is left of my cock. It reminds me of Jonas and how he did this out of hate. Liam is doing this because he watched me do this to Adam, Mark, so many. Now he is doing this to please me. I hate the sight of it, the comparison of who we are now and as much as I hate it the feeling of his cock tapping my clit sends me crazy. I am so fucking wet and empty right now. So turned on with desire for this red-haired bull.

Both of us are now cut, my fat cut clitty responding with pleasure as his slaps intensify and so does my pleasure and need. Even the Golden Nectar hasn't made him as big as I was and I pause but am hit with a dull empty ache to be filled by him. My ugly clit strains as if it wants to fuck, but I know I couldn't penetrate him now no matter how much I want to. Right now though I want him to penetrate me.

I roll my head around and see the discarded Brett sized dildo. The one I used to fuck his ass. A reminder of who I was, a silicone phallus made in my old image as he taps my stunted breederhood. I am his to fuck, and despite the kindness he showed me, he has the cock and my pussy wants him badly.

He looks down at me as he slides his dick up and down the folds of my ugly cunt.

"Fuck me, Liam." I moan and he kisses me. He rolls off me and grabs a condom and rolls the sheath down his dick.

At that moment I realized he meant what he said. I think about what Angel said and how hard this will be but he has shown me tonight he loves me and I understand how I feel. I know I am a little drunk right now and would have let him fuck me raw, but tomorrow I would have hated him and myself for doing that.

I love that he isn't ready to push me into becoming a full breeder till we are both ready.

He grins at me as he gets back on me. "Spread your legs a bit further." He says and I do.

I feel the pressure of his cock against my fuck hole. He pushes gently and I grind forward but he pulls back. He does that again teasing me.

"Please Liam, fuck me." I moan. He pushes his cock forward and in one long stroke his cock stretches the walls of my cunt and plunges deep into me and I feel him. So different from the fake cocks I took before. This is a real cock. This is Liam's cock, and it is in me and I pant in pleasure and shock at how much pleasure I feel.

I look up at him, and I feel truly fully connected to him. His warm cock feels so fucking big inside my cunt and I wonder how much bigger he will get, how much more I could take. I pant and then I cry in pleasure as he pulls out and slams back into me. As I look at him and watch his cock push in and out of my hole. I see the snake jaws and tongue approach my cunt. The tongue on the shaft pushes inside of me as if it wants to probe me. The jaws look as though they are trying to eat my pussy with each thrust.

"I fucking love you, Brett." He slams back into me a third time. The walls of my pussy spread apart on his pole, his body grinding my fat clit as he hilts me.

"Fuck. Liam I..." I try to say but he pumps again more long fast strokes and now he is fucking me."Shit Liam, fuck my hole...So good," I scream. I wonder how my voice will sound when I get my mouth cunt and that only pushes me further and closer and harder to the release that is literally coming.

"My wonderful Brett. Fuck your cunt feels so good." He is fucking me hard and fast and my hole feels so amazing. I spread my legs further I want to feel every last bit of him in me, fucking me, parting my fuck hole.

I cum hard on his cock, I cream myself on a real dick and I scream and shake and I already sound like a big dumb muscled breeder bitch.

I can't believe this is happening. I have fucked so many breeders. I have loved pounding them and making them cum. The power of fucking a breeder knowing their pleasure is from your cock and now I am being fucked. I am that breeder.shaking in ecstasy. Impaled and fucked by my bull. Something that was once so awful now feels so good. So shameful that I am this person now and enjoying it so much.

He smiles and pulls out of me and I feel the trembling muscles of my pussy, still pulsing, still trying to milk his cum.

He stands at the bottom of the bed and pulls me down and lifts my legs onto his shoulders. He plugs my hole and fucks me looking down at me. He is towering over me now and although I am bigger I am looking up at him. I have his dick in my cunt. He is the one fucking his bitch and that bitch is me. He fucks me hard and sucks my long toes, as he does and I cum again. I wail in pleasure as I get fucked like a breeder, my pussy stuffed and stretched by a bull. His shaft carries on fucking me hard and fast and I yell for more.

It feels good, too good and I feel tears of joy and pleasure roll down my cheeks. When he cums his face pulls into a strange beastly shape and he thrusts deep inside and his cock feels bigger and he stands above me looking down face contorted. I see why they are called bulls.

I understand why I am a breeder. That look, that expression. I want all of him in me and right now I have that. I wonder what the feeling of his seed flowing out of his dick and into my pussy would be like.

I feel so close to him and when he pulls out I feel loss, emptiness. I want to yell, `no, stick it back in and fuck me again,' but I don't. I feel the gape he leaves behind, the tenderness in my cunt a reminder of the fuck I just had. The cock I just took. The pussy I have and the bitch I have become.

He leans down as he stands there and looks at the hole he just fucked, the space he made between my legs, and I still feel him inside me, the tender walls of my pussy still feel the presence of his bull dick. He smiles satisfied at his performance, of that I am sure. He just had me cumming hard on his dick and shaking with pleasure and screaming for more.

He pulls off the condom and shows me his seed. It is a good load. He ties a knot in the condom and slaps it on my chest. The condom full of creamy bull cum, potent cum that could knock me up, change me further. Cum I look at that with envy. I can't shoot out a load of cock snot. He can and it highlights our differences further.

He slaps his softening cock on my dirty fat clit.

"How was that?" He asks, grinning at me.

"Good, too good," it was, he has left me wanting more. He left me needing him and it scares me and thrills me. I am finally Liam's not just in mind, that I have been for a long time now, but in body. I am Liam's breeder bitch and he is my bull.


(Chapter 49.) Albion Justice.

Seeing Jonas was shocking. He is still short and puny. Only three months or so on Golden nectar had given him a little height and muscle. He walks in and is wearing a cunt belt.

He looks at me and then away. I am in the small breeder viewing gallery. The bulls are in the main gallery. Even here to see justice, I am kept apart. The real bulls gather and chat with excitement. Simon's mother and his breeder brothers stand with me and talk in hushed voices. The bulls chat excitedly, some of them hard. Liam is allowed to fuck his mouth and give him a mouth cunt, and Simon's bull brother, Tom, is to fuck him raw and give him tits.

Jonas looks terrible and is red eyed from crying. He is told his sentence and then his cunt belt is removed by two guards. He is helped out of it and starts sobbing as the guards hold him.

I take a sharp intake of breath and notice that his clit is maybe 2 inches and almost fatter than mine. Fuck his dick was almost that big when it was soft. It is surrounded by the fat plump mound of his cunt and his ragged uneven thick lips. If it were not for Angel I may have thought ugly cunts were a family trait. I am not sure whether to laugh or cry as he stands there exposed and sobbing.

His body is covered in a lot of artwork. Scorpions, Cockroaches, and a huge spider sitting on top of a web. The work on his chest seems to be a series of dark lines and shades; it isn't clear what they will be. The web extends down to his cunt, and his clit is a big fat fly-like creature trapped in the spiral of the web. They went to town on Jonas.

He is placed face down on to a fucking table his legs spread and pussy exposed. He is strapped down and a ring-shaped like an O placed into his mouth.

Simon's bull brother Tom is already hard, maybe 11 inches of really fat cock. Jonas is shaking with fear and I am reminded how he made me feel. I don't want anyone, not even him, to feel that.

They force him to take some cobra blood and his shaking stops and his whole body takes on a different demeanor. The fear is still in his eyes, but the need in his body is growing.

Tom begins the fucking and Liam plunges his dick into Jonas's mouth. The two fill him and he suddenly seems to start moaning and groaning even with the ring in his mouth. I know how he feels a big fat cock deep in his cunt.

I watch as the little shit who caused me so much pain is spit-roasted before me. Liam fucks Jonas's mouth. I know he is doing this for both of us. Seeing him doing this turns me on a lot and gets me leaking. Liam doesn't last long; he pulls out his dick and jerks it for a while. I see Liam's toes and calves flex and twitch as he readies himself to cum. As he is almost at bursting point he jams his bull cock back into Jonas's mouth and floods his mouth with cum. Liam stands back and lets Tom fuck Jonas.

Jonas splutters and suddenly his moans become croaky and for a brief second I think it is just because of the O ring in his mouth but then moans waver up and down in pitch becoming more and more shrill and I know that Liam gave him a mouth cunt. I look over at my ginger bull, and he smiles at me, his cock already soft.

It doesn't take long for two guards to remove the O ring to confirm what everyone in the room knew. The piercing tones of Jonas are almost the sounds of a breeder mouth cunt.

"Fuck yes. Oh God." Jonas groans as Tom pounds Jonas in his cunt. His voice quivers and cracks.

"Fuck yes." Jonas's screams are becoming shirll and his voice is very high. His eyes open wide, and I can see the shock. I saw it in Zach when his deep voice went. That sound of hearing your voice change in an instant is shocking and I see him sob and still, he wants more.

"Oh God No. Fuck, my voice. No, fuck my hole. OH God." His breeder cries, high-pitched shrieks, make me want to laugh, but I can't. I feel his pain. Liam's seed has made Jonas sound like the little bitch he is. I see my future. How long before Liam's load does that to me?

"I am a fucking bull. Not a fucking whore. I am a fucking bull. Oh God NOOO!!" Jonas wails pathetically and I hear laughter.

Tom pulls out and requests Jonas be turned over for his titting.

The guards move in and fast and he is strapped down onto his back.

"Ready for some tits, breeder cunt." Says Tom and he jerks himself fast and plugs Jonas in one move, two moves, three, and pulls out.

There is a long pause.

"Ha, it didn't work," Jonas says as he lifts his head and looks down at his flat chest.

Then there is a sound of a cunt fart. Jonas lifts up his head and rolls his eyes and wails.

"NOOOOO!!!!" He screams, his brief moment of triumph is gone.

Jonas begins to buck and moan as Tom's load pools out of Jonas's fucked cunt onto the floor. His arms are strapped down but he tries to grasp for the burning pleasure in his chest. I watch as his nipples ripple and pulsate.Jonas squeals in pleasure as his nipples expand to become breeder nipples.

"Fuck No. Not tits. No god no." This all reminds me of Thomas.

Jonas writhes and he bucks his hips. He turns his head and for a second I notice him looking at me. He goes to speak but can't as waves of pleasure engulf him.

"No. Oh, fuck! So Good." Jonas squeaks.

I see the nipples enlarge and darken a shade and then the rippling skin of his tits begin to form.

"Yes, huge fucking tits. HUGE TITS NO!" I look on at Jonas screaming. The tissue seems to bubble beneath the surface and the pecs now have taken on a jello quality as they expand. The flesh becomes softer as his chest gets bigger. They begin to sway with his movements and carry on growing. The tissue, covered in what are now obviously insects, is becoming clearer. The art of his chest makes more sense. I think back to Thomas and the fat cat on his breasts. This is a menagerie of bugs and critters. The lines and colors become clearer and they now match his other body markings. .

His moaning slows as does his tit growth. Fuck they are big, on any frame these are big, but on Jonas they are huge. He lies spent and panting his breasts hang either side of his body, fat, big, full, on his small frame.

As he is helped to his feet they hang down and the weight of them shocks him as he cups the breasts in his small hands and moans.

Jonas is left for a while clutching his big fat tits and wailing "God NO! I was a bull, I am not a whore."

Even as a breeder whore, Jonas is almost comical. His helium high voice and huge breasts mean his taunt elicits a laugh or two.

I look at him with some pity and hate. He is led away and looks at me. He is shaky and catches my eyes again.

"You will get yours, Brett." He yells at me. He puts his hands over his mouth. Then back to his chest unsure which part of the new person he is he wants to hide.

I don't laugh. He is right. Sooner or later I will get mine.


(Chapter 50.) The real Liam

It has been three months since I got to move in with Liam. One year since I entered the Academy. It is strange how much power Liam has over me. He can decide if I wear a cunt belt or not. Letting me out in public without it is seen as a sign that I am available, that he, as a bull, is not overly bothered by someone else fucking me. We both agree I will wear it. I for one like the protection. As someone who hated clothes I now understand how those shy guys felt hiding their small cocks. I want to hide my clitty.

As confining as it is I prefer to be in it when I am out on the campus. Strangely enough, one of the few places I have to remove the belt is on family visits. It is only now that I find in the Western Campus they have separate rooms for Breeder visits and Bull visits. So far I only had a visit from my Mother and Thomas. I only get to see the drab confines of the Breeder visitor center of the Western Campus. Liam tells me he is shocked how bad it is. I tell him he would have died if he ever saw the breeder dorms.

Liam gets us food, booze and takes care of everything. I am pretty much with him as an object. He never makes me feel like that. We choose our food and what we do as a couple. He lets me go to the gym on my own. We plan our time together. He goes out of his way to share all our decisions and I know this isn't the norm.

I am also aware that Liam has things to do. He gets visi messages from his father and people connected to him. He has meetings and visits. I get a sense that Liam is not normal, not even for a bull. He is being groomed for high office. When I ask Mason about Greg, that is how I find out that Greg isn't busy in the same way Liam is.

At first Liam lets me listen in and watch him but it is all very boring to me and I really don't understand half of the things he talks about. So we do have time apart and I always have the gym. Even that horrible gym on the Western Campus is some escape once I start working out.

It is quite early on in my time with Liam that he arrives back at the apartment and it is a little later than usual and he is grinning.

"Well baby. Doctor Anderson was arrested today. He was found smuggling drugs out of the medical facility."

He grabs me and kisses me. I am overjoyed. "That psycho is gone? Really? How do you know?" I ask.

"We are celebrating tonight baby. And tonight I will lick every plate put before me and you will not comment. If you agree to that, I will tell you the story." He says and lifts me up and puts me down quickly. I am still too heavy for him but I love that he tries that.

He tells me he knows about what the Doctor did to me. He tells me how the Doctor was loose lipped when he thought he was making Liam a full breeder. It seems Liam had decided the day he was freed he would get his revenge on the Doctor. I ask Liam if his father helped him.

Liam looked at me. "Brett, my father is a powerful man and I need him for many things. But believe me when I say this. If anyone hurts you or comes between us, I will make them pay. Not my father. I will do it myself," he says.

There is steel in his words and his eyes. Liam in that moment is more of a man than anybody I ever knew. He has a steely determination to protect what we have and I would pity anybody who was foolish enough to cross Liam Connor.


There is change in the Academy, a new group of bulls moved in and there's been some turnover in the breeders in the Western campus. Some of whom I recognize. Adam has moved over to this side now and he seems happy enough. He is a good whore.

Angel is still working on the Eastern campus and I don't get to see as much of him as I would like. Mason on the other hand has settled in with Greg. He seems really happy although he has tits and of course, he has had the voice for a while. He keeps teasing me about going full breeder and I laugh but don't really enjoy the comments.

It seems from Angel, Mason, to even my mother, they all want to see me changed further. Mother came to visit. He met Liam and was impressed. Liam charmed him and they got on really well.

Mother is living in a place thanks to Liam's father Senator Sam Connor. That is all mother talks about Sam this and Sam that. It does seem we have a lot to thank him for. He even helped make sure Thomas was taken care of but I mostly think that was because Counsel Alderton has taken Thomas as a breeder pair. Not the case if you listen to my mother. No Senator Sam Connor can walk on water and then turn it to Golden Nectar.

Liam tells me about the two years he spent in Albion with his father before he went to the Academy. He spent much of that with Counsel Alderton and he is a really good man so I am happy about that.

Liam also told me that Counsel Alderton is a good man working for a bad person. It is one of the few times Liam gave me a real insight into what he thinks of his father; he never really talks of him much.

Mother tells us how he met with LB or Little Brett. He tells me how much like me he is even though he is so small he is just like I was. Counsel Alderton has adopted him. Mother says how much he likes the Counsel and Thomas seems really happy. At least this way I will be able to see Little Brett and I am pleased about that. Thomas is visiting next week. I will see my son in the flesh for the first time.

Mother seems to take great delight in talking about my stepfather and what happened to him. Mother got to go at the invitation of Senator Sam Connor. Mother tells us about it with venom and in gory detail.

"The gallery was packed on account of the number of victims of trafficking. Brett, you should have seen him. He cried like a breeder bitch." Mother says and adds.

"I suppose that is what he is now. Fuck, it was so funny. After all those years of torment I took from him, to see him like that now. His bodywork was a real treat and made him look like a real breeder whore. They had really done a job on him. He was covered in multicolored fish. Some quite small but two large ones on his chest that looked a little strange at first. There was not much they hadn't done to him. Even his face.

"Then when they removed his cunt belt well he had a large fish. The head covered either side of his mound. It looked real plump and fat. He tried to cover his cunt but the guards stopped him. So we all got a good look at his pussy. Oh my." Mother says, and pauses giggling. I think mostly at the thought of my step father with a pussy.

"They tattooed fish lips around his slit and his clit. Shit, they made that look like a fish tongue. Father has a fishy cunt a big nasty looking fish for a pussy." Mother starts cackling with laughter. I look at Liam and his snake markings.

"Oh, Brett, Liam what a big clit and nasty lips, just like yours Brett. Well nearly as big as yours Brett." Mother looks at me. "Well oh sorry Brett. No yours is cute and big, his isn't. Anyway, the way his lips hung down it looked like the fish was eating some sort of pink plankton." He starts to laugh again."Of course, I shouldn't laugh." Mother says and laughs again.

"Then they ask him if he has anything to say and he just cries a little and shakes his head. Oh, Brett. I wish you could have seen him as soon as they took him to the breeding bench. He started to scream. `No! Not this, not me.' They had already given him a mouth cunt. His deep rich voice was as high as mine." Mother says and chuckles again.

"Of course, for years I had to put up with him and those comments about my pussy, my clit, and my voice, and then now here he is screaming like a breeder bitch. Well of course the bull they picked was massive, 14 inches easily. I don't think I've ever seen one that big and fat. I mean fat like a fine wine bottle. I looked and it made me want a drink. Well, he took the whole thing and begged for more by the end. Then oh god then he squirted all over himself as he got fucked rotten. The bull fucking him showed him no mercy and when the bull finally came the look on his face was priceless.

"He screamed `Tits, I don't want fucking tits' well I just laughed they grew not quite big enough for my liking. Still big enough for him to cry as they led him away, perky breasts bouncing around and cum leaking out of him. Crying like a baby. I was just so relieved. They have sent him to a special house in the southern territories. The same place they sent Jonas. I hear the pleasure house they sent him to deal with some of the more unusual tastes. Well, we all know what that means." Mother finally stops talking about my stepfather and I don't answer him. I am not too sure but those places usually specialize in breeder domination, bondage that kind of thing.

The visit is the usual affair, mother is slightly drunk and saying a little too much. He often does. Before he leaves he looks at me and Liam.

"Now there is one thing I do need to say to you two before I leave. I had expected you, Liam, to bring Brett into line. I know better than anyone how strong-willed he can be but this well...Well, I mean this," he said, gesturing broadly at me, "Brett honey you need to go full breeder, this isn't right, it just isn't. Liam's father is an important man. And you Liam, you are still cut and you still have that, well that bodywork. It just isn't right, both of you need to buck up. Anyway, I said what I needed to. I love you both but this isn't right," Mother says and we eventually hug and leave.

As we head back to the apartment Liam looks at me. "Well, your mother is something else."

I reply, "You mean drunk."

"Well, I guess. Listen, Brett, what he said. I know what they say. We do this at our pace ok? Our pace." He kisses me and I feel safe still clinging to the last vestiges of my boyhood.


I ran into Aiden a few times. He always seems to be with a new breeder whore. Gordon seems to be forgotten. He keeps telling me we should catch up but I always make excuses. The few times I spoke with him he was rude and he looked at me like I am breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is upsetting that he seems to think I am his for the taking.

So when I ran into him one afternoon. He was drunk, his dick at least hanging down 5 inches now. I suppose when you are that small there is room for growth. He also isn't working out like he did.

I watch as he walks over and then speaks, "Hey Brett. You are avoiding me."

"No," I say lying, "just heading back from the gym. How are you?" I ask.

"Great, hey wanna drink. Catch up?"

I make up some lame excuse, "Sorry no, I really can't. I need to get back, Liam is taking me out for early dinner."

"Yeah," Aiden makes the word seem almost sinister.

"See he still hasn't titted you. And that mouth. Typical Brett always has to be different. I could sort out that fucking mouth of yours give you some real bull cock. Not the cut oversized breeder clit of your so-called bull. Just like I did with Zach." His words are cruel. I know why he was so resentful of Zach, but why me. All of that I could brush off but his hateful comment about Liam's cock hurts me the most.

"I don't think so. Look, let's catch up sometime soon."

He grabs my arm. "Look at you Brett the breeder bitch still think you have a fucking cock not a tight pussy. Too good to fuck, huh? You really are something else." I notice he is now a little taller than me, maybe 6 feet 6 inches.

"Let go of me Aiden."

"Or what?" He snarls "You gonna punch me? Go on bitch try it and I will have you painted up and then I will fuck you when you are whoring in the pleasure house." He laughs. I pull my arm free.

"No Aiden you won't fuck me. You know it is true what they say, the small dicked ones always make the worst bulls." I say it spitefully and I regret it as soon as I say it.

"Fuck you, Brett. I still have a fucking dick not a breeder clit and cunt." He goes to grab me again, but I pull back. He lunges at me and falls, and a guard appears.

"You ok sir?" He says to Aiden.

"No, that fucking bitch punched me," Aiden says lying to the guard.

"Well, that isn't true sir. I saw what happened. I wanted to know if you are ok and if you need any assistance." The guard looks at me and smiles.

Aiden looks at me and sneers at the guard "No, I am fine."

I don't like what happened to Aiden. What he has become. He is not typical of all bulls, and certainly not Liam, but I see it from time to time. That sense of superiority from owning a dick. Nothing else. The luck of a person who won the Albion lottery and the lack of compassion. It makes me realize just how lucky I was to meet someone like Liam.

This place changes people or maybe just brings out the worst or best in people. I think of Zach and how quickly he became a whore. I think about Aiden and how quickly he became a dick. I wonder if I am still really sure I know what I have become?


Seeing Thomas was fun. He was glowing, he just looked so happy, and seeing my own son for the first time made me cry a little as I held him in my arms.

He is so small but he has my blue eyes and fair hair and I know that can change but I know I can see me in him and also a bit of Thomas. Thomas seems to have taken to being a breeder mother like second nature.

I watch as he feeds LB on one of the fat tits that I gave him.

"Hungry little bastard aren't you." Thomas has a way with words with the baby.

"Should you talk to him like that,?"

"Listen Brett. This, LB is clamped to my tit and when you finally get a set you will know they aren't all fun. Put it this way, he isn't as tender as his daddy when he is hungry." Thomas says and Liam laughs.

I look at Liam holding LB and it makes me feel funny inside. Thomas talks to us about the birth and how painful it was. I wince and that funny feeling fades as he talks about all the work he needed with the healing pen on his snatch.

"15 lbs. coming out your cunt hurts. A lot. Never get knocked up by a giant Brett, that is all I am saying. I mean Liam was small before so you probably will be ok there."

Still, I can't help having mixed emotions. Do I want to get knocked up? Do I want to have kids? I will have to fucking have them. I know Liam wants them. But then Liam only has to put them in me like I did with Thomas here. I shudder but still, there is something there. I find myself rubbing my belly and I get a little wet at the thought of Liam knocking me up.

Thomas tells us about Counsel Alderton and how he had the strangest feeling when he met him that day when I was with Jonas. He is the Counsel's third breeder pair but he doesn't mind sharing him. Thomas tells us he even likes the sex. I know how squeamish he was about sex so it is good to see Thomas happy. I trust Liam's views about the Counsel and that makes me feel better about my friend and our child.


The night of that visit from Thomas Liam and I went out for a meal.

"God, that was harder than I expected." Liam says licking his plate and putting it down and looking at me with shame.

"Pig," I say.

"Sorry," He replies.

"What was so hard about eating all that food?" I ask.

"No not that. Thomas, seeing him, seeing Little Brett. I was jealous,"

I look at him. "Liam please not that again, Thomas was a good friend."

"No, I mean I am not jealous of you and Thomas. Hell seeing the two of you together got me going. No Baby. I am pretty secure in that. I mean in us and what we are doing together. I even think maybe we could experiment a little more. I know you would like to but no. Seeing you with your son and then oh god Brett. I want kids, I want a family with you. Not right now but god."

I laugh. "So you think I want to fuck around?" I ask. He is right. I wouldn't mind experimenting a little, not a lot. Just to see. I also think because of how much I love Liam and how secure I feel in that love I can admit that. "Ok you are right, I would, but a family, that is what this is about isn't it?" I ask.

"Yes. I know I said I wouldn't push you and honestly I am not pushing this. But god, kids, a family," he says gushing.

I laugh. "Look Liam I won't lie seeing you with my baby boy did make my pussy drip a little." I say.

"Oh well is that a good thing?" He asks.

"Well yeah, I guess. It surprised me. I mean the thought well it is horrible and I know I would hate it but well there is a part of me that could, I mean if we had to."

"So it isn't a hard no, and sometime in the future." He beams as I open up that possibility.

"Yes, a long time in the future. I mean years," I say.

"Fuck, Brett I want you so badly right now." I look at him and the happiness on his face even at the thought has me worked up and as he stands up and grabs my hand I know we are going to role play him knocking me up.

We did exactly that we rushed back to the apartment and he fucked me hard and fast pretending he was raw and that he was about to dump a load in me and it was emotional and sexy. I loved how excited he was and how quickly he came and more to my shame how quickly I got off. Which hadn't been the norm in these first few months.

I begged him to knock me up and wallowed in the thought and knowledge that was something I really didn't want but would happen. It was something I would have to do for him. The act of a breeder.

As we lay in the afterglow, he cradled my head on his chest. "You know Brett, if the roles were reversed, I would let you knock me up all the time." I chuckle as Liam says that.

"Liam the baby factory, huh?" I say.

"Well not exactly, but maybe." He giggles and strokes my hair.

I know he isn't lying and I think about how unfair things are.


These last three months have been wonderful. Although at first the sex was iffy. Liam and I struggled with our new roles. I found that after the first couple of nights he wasn't getting me off when he fucked my cunt. I think the excitement of our first night and the wine had set the mood. However, we have both changed so much, me in particular.

We slowly learned how to communicate with each other. We talked a lot more about our pasts, our feelings, our needs.

I tried to explain to Liam that he is still changing and will do so for another 9 months. I have changed so much I still don't know who I am or if I can adapt. I am still the old Brett inside.

Liam is a great listener, and I hope I am for him as well. We do laugh a lot and enjoy spending time together and when I told him I would teach him how to fuck me he took it almost like a challenge.

I sort of suspected that Liam had not really had that much sexual experience before the Academy. At least not as a fucker. I never really pushed him on that but it was pretty obvious. Liam was an accomplished cocksucker that was true. He was as good as any whore and a lot better than most of them. Still, there are small things, gestures, moves that give away his inexperience. At least he is willing to learn and so am I. We are both in uncharted territory. Him as a dominant partner and me as a receptive breeder.

He is 6ft 2 now and not too broad. We do work out together from time to time when he is not too busy. He tends to do more running, swimming and I still pump. I still haven't got used to the separate shower rooms and bathrooms for breeders. It still feels odd to me, but I guess that is something I will have to get used to. I still have to wear a cunt belt which I am almost used to.

There are other things that I find odd. I don't like him to see me pissing like a bitch. The apartment is bigger than most but has no door on the bathroom. He caught me a couple of times squatting and pissing, no longer capable of using a piss wall. Silly things like that bother me.

It also bothered me when I had my first bleed while I was with him. It caught me by surprise. It was early, and the bed was covered in blood and I had no way of hiding it. As he was still asleep, I just had to wait for him to wake up and see that mark of my fertility on the bed next to him. I know he noticed my string and just stared at it. He brought up the subject and told me I had nothing to be ashamed of, but his understanding only made that a little worse.

I do love being with him, though, and that has only deepened. He still makes me laugh and he is easy to be around. He puts up with my ways and my sexual demands. I shouldn't be telling a bull how to fuck, but I need to be happy as well. I haven't got to getting him to navigate his oral or finger skills, I think he is a long way off getting that, but his fucking has really come on in leaps and bounds.

Last week he finally reached the 9 inch hard mark and 5 soft. I caught him measuring himself and tugging his soft shaft. It made me laugh for someone who thinks big cocks are `monstrous', he seems pretty keen to have one now.

He got big enough to bang my cervix, and shit it hurt a bit. Took a little training and then a few nights later he fucking got it and I squirted. I covered him and the bed and myself in fucking bitch spray. Not since the time with Jonas have I done that. Liam is happy and grinning, he knows he made me cum and hard. My huge body shaking on his fat bull cock deep inside me. I love it and hate it. It is like cumming only wet and really watery. He is filling a sheath with real cum, and I am laid beneath him covered in my breeder spray.

I knew the sense of satisfaction of making a bitch squirt. Fucking a breeder bitch to a pathetic imitation of real cum. Making them spray bitch piss. Watching them shake as they ride your fat cock, knowing you made them feel like that. Knowing you got them off and they can't hide that they are a bitch makes you feel pretty awesome.

Now that I am that bitch and as I stopped quaking and the pleasure and shock faded the shame built up inside me.

The denial I have about still being anything less than a breeder is harder and harder to hide. I shouldn't hide it. I should embrace it, and Liam is so patient with me and as he pulls his 9 inches out of me and I see the cock ooze out of my sloppy used breeder cunt. His cock rolled out below my bitch clit. Like an ocean liner passing a speedboat, or whatever it was Adam said, but I see it now as I see the inches of his long cock roll out reminding me how much I had and how little I have now.

Liam also likes me to peg him in his ass cunt and as much as I still feel the shame of wearing a fake cock I don't mind as much. I still get that horrible feeling of dread on penetration, the expectation I will feel something. However, as difficult as it is for me to fuck him with a fake cock, my cunt aching with need and the desperate need to penetrate him. I find it equalizing when I see his breeder butt cunt and hear him cum having an assgasm.


Those first few months I caught up with Angel not as much as I wanted but whenever we could. I love how close we are and Dane as well who I started to think of as family. I catch up with Adam, who while still a little silly and giddy, has his charms. He loves the bulls of the Western Campus and I think he has found a new object of infatuation because all I get from him is Fraser this and Fraser that. I am not sad that I am replaced in Adam's affections but talk of his cock and how much of a bull Fraser is upsets me. That sense of envy I have is still a relatively new emotion.

It is all of them. The bulls of the Western Campus. Seeing them develop and grow bigger and taller and still so many of them a fraction of what I was. It is hard to take. I also don't like that so many of them make my pussy gush a little, it is a double blow. I want to be them and now I want them.


Liam and I spend a lot of time with Mason and Greg. Last night we had a four-way with them. It started off as a joke when the four of us were out one night and Mason was asking about Adam, and Liam told them about the night we had a three-way. I noticed Greg and his face perked up.

I could see Greg and Liam were up for it and Mason seemed to go along with it and so did I somewhat reluctantly. A three-way as a bull was fun but I remember how Adam looked impaled on two boy cocks. I remember how I felt getting double fucked with Mark and Adam but that was three breeders together it somehow seemed different. So I do go along with it but nervously. I need to be careful about telling Liam what I want because he has a way of making it happen.

I watched as Mason quaked and spat his pussy piss over Greg and Liam. Liam fucking Mason in his butt cunt and Greg raw in his front hole. I watch Mason shake violently with pleasure.

Seeing my old gym partner shake and shudder in a way he never did in the gym is almost sad. Seeing his cunt stuffed with cock where his dick used to be. Hearing him squeal in pleasure. Looking at his tits flopping around. This is Mason but not the Mason I knew.

I see Greg's cum spew out of Mason's cunt. I know I haven't seen his string for a while. I bet he is knocked up already. I hate having the string but when I get it there is a relief of sorts. I am not a full breeder yet as people seem keen to remind me. I am just not ready to be bred like that not yet.

It is my turn and the cobra blood kicks in. I notice that Greg has a really fat cock compared to my old one and next to Liam's he is much bigger in length maybe 11 inches and really fucking fat. My ass cunt doesn't normally struggle but I do struggle as Greg forces his fat cock into my butt cunt. I get an aroma cloth and sniff it like mad to take the whole thing and as Liam slides his cock into my pussy. This is nothing like the night Mark and Adam Double penetrated me. I feel much fuller stretched and stuffed in an almost impossible way and as they begin to work my holes I think about the night with Adam when Liam and I did this to him.

I think about how good my cock felt gliding over Liam's deep inside Adam and as I feel them cock fight inside my cunts I squeeze my sad cut clit. I jerk it pathetically as I ride the two bulls, their big bull cocks fucking me, plugging me, impaling me.

"OH God,'' I yell as I begin to buck and grind with their movements and soon we have a real rhythm going. Even Liam has a nice rhythm, and I feel it first in my ass. Greg is hitting the spot, and Liam is banging the back of my cunt. My pelvis goes as I have an assgasm and then my cunt and I do exactly what Adam and Mason did. I shake like a fucking mountain of flesh impaled on two bull dicks in impossible pleasure spraying again for the third time. The two orgasms are almost too intense.

I am not sure how long the orgasms last. I feel almost like I lift out of my body and look down on myself. I can feel and sense every part of my body on fire. My eyelashes, toenails, my hair, my teeth are all connected in orgasmic bliss. A pathetic breeder bitch creaming his pussies on bull cocks. Shaking and spraying my breeder cum. Not thick ropes of seed, no, just watery fluid. I scream and moan and yell in pleasure. I want to cry but this feels so good.

I climb off them and Liam's dick slides out of my pussy and Greg's raw cock spews a real load out of my ass as I lift off them.

That was last night and today I still feel my pussy gush thinking about the intensity of the orgasms, how good it felt and how ashamed I am at how I am inching forward to being a full breeder bitch.

... Today we are meeting Liam's father. I have seen him on visi message but not met him in person and the bull family room is cleared for his visit. It is really only then I get a sense of how important he is as we are left alone without guards. It is just the three of us in this grand room. Pictures on the walls of bulls.

Senator Sam Connor is a brutish looking man and having seen Liam's mother I know where Liam got his looks.

He is not as tall as me but almost maybe 6ft 3. He has a strong athletic build and has a mix of gray and dark hair. His body is hairy and toned, and he is almost ugly but not quite, rugged perhaps. He certainly has something about him, and his cock is 8 inches soft. He wears a thick gold cock ring that screams thousands of credits.

He smiles when he sees me and as we talk and chat I notice how formal he is. I notice his dick gets hard at one point, and it is maybe 11 inches of girthy cock.

We exchange pleasantries and then after about 15 minutes. He lifts his hand.

Sam speaks to Liam, "OK Son. Send the bitch away, we need to talk bull to bull."

Liam is angry and replies, "Father, his name is...."

I grabbed Liam's arm. "Liam, your father is right. It was a pleasure to meet you, sir."

I get up to leave. I hear them rowing as I walk away.

"Liam son it is bad enough you have an ass cunt but you still have the fucking marking of a whore! That needs to fucking go. And that bitch isn't a proper bitch, what the fuck is going on...Tits where are his tits?" I hear Senator Connor yell as I knock on the door and wait for them to let me out.

As I head back to the apartment, I realize just how difficult it will be to retain the last of my identity. I know when I talk to Liam about not being a full breeder he won't even discuss it. He promises me he will not let them change me anymore but I wish he wouldn't do that. A well meant promise that you can't keep is no kind of promise at all.

(Chapter 51.) Liam's Breeder Bitch.

The time has come to leave the academy. We have been here for just over a year now, 6 months of innocence and fun on the eastern campus, 3 months of hell in the breeder camp, and now 5 months of adjustment with Liam on the western campus.

Liam stopped the Golden Nectar a few weeks before we left and was told any further gains would probably not be worth the risks. He was only on it for eight months in total. The results vary from bull to bull.

We could stay for the full two years, which was another 10 months but as Liam was done with the Nectar now and after 8 months he wanted to leave. He was busy and the apartment was not really great for working from.

In some ways, I feel sad. I know Will & Owen, my younger brothers are on the eastern campus and have only just been here a few months but Angel will take care of them. I also know that while I don't see Angel as much as I did in the breeder dorm. He is still around, like a comfort blanket. He tells me I need to get out and start my new life properly. He never mentioned me not being a full breeder again not since that night before I moved in with Liam. I know I will still see him but it will be planned and not spontaneous and that is something I will miss. We share so much now, we were always close but I feel a sense of closeness to Angel that I never thought possible when we were growing up together. Our shared experience of loss and what this place did to us will always be a bond.

Liam has been good to his word about not letting me suck his cock or fucking me raw. I still have my voice and my pecs on my chest, not breeder tits. If anything I am bigger than ever. My time in the gym well spent. However, I remember the tone of that conversation with his father.

Still, we can't stay here forever. As awful as this place is, the unknown is always unsettling. What is life like for a breeder outside of these walls?

When we left Liam was fully baked. He stands 6 feet 6 inches, taller than me now. It is only an inch. But an inch is still an inch. He hit a growth spurt in all ways. It happened quite quickly. I look up to him now and I find that unsettling. For so long I would gaze down into his eyes, then for a brief while we were level, and now I have to tilt my head ever so slightly, but I know I do have to do that.

In those last few weeks as we prepared to leave the academy I noticed he had topped out at 10 inches. He was 6.5 soft and quite thin. Something he was not happy about. That was when he stopped the Golden Nectar and for a while, we were sure that was it. I was sort of pleased inside, and for reasons I am not proud of.

At least as a bull, Liam was no bigger than I was as a boy. I know my comparison to my old self is stupid and pointless, but I can't help it. I have one key flaw and I am a very vain person. It is who I am, and my ego is fed by that. Now though it is hard to feel vain about a dick I no longer have. Still, it doesn't stop my feelings of envy and jealousy and that doesn't feel good.


Then there was one last change. It had sort of happened by stealth. I noticed one night as Liam rolls a condom down over his cock and I notice how much shaft he has. I must have looked at him strangely.

Liam looks at me, "Hey you ok?"

I stare at his cock, "Yeah, I am fine. Liam, how big is it? How big is your cock?"

"10 inches we measured it a few weeks ago. You remember the doc confirmed it 10 inches. So I am as big as you ever were, no bigger." His blushes and sheepish looks tell me he is lying. "Sorry I mean that you, well, you were this big. Shit, you know what I mean." He digs a little hole for himself, but I let that go.

"No, it is fine Liam I think it is longer." I know he is trying to be kind by letting me know he is no bigger than I used to be but I can see it has grown.

"No. I stopped the Golden Nectar." I see him blush.

"Liam, you are not a good liar, honestly how big is it," I ask?

"11 inches," He says sheepishly. "I had a last minute growth spurt just length, no real girth. Apparently, it can happen. Came on the last few days. I got it checked today. That is why I was doing your butt the last few nights. I can stick anything up there. It won't get much bigger if at all. I am a month off the nectar," He says and laughs nervously.

"First off Liam, you can't just get anything up my butt cunt. RUDE! And two, get on your back," I say to him.

I straddle him and roll his long cock against my clit. "Fuck Liam you are bigger than I was. Look at it against my fat clit. Your big bull cock and my sad little breeder clit." I tap his cock against me. This is a change. I feel strangely proud of his big cock. Really turned on and a little sad. To my shame my wet pussy tells me I want to try the finished product.

"Fuck me, doggy Liam. I feel like being slutty tonight," I say.

I get on all fours. He arches my back and plunges his cock into my cunt and I notice it. We haven't done doggy for a while but tonight we do and I notice the difference and he bangs my front walls with the curve in his cock as he plunges in and out. He pulls my hair back.

"Fuck, god Liam, fuck my bitch cunt with your bull cock," he does he fucks me hard and fast.

"Fuck, Brett you are so fucking sexy," he moans.

"Spank me Liam spank my fat breeder ass," I moan at him. I feel a hard sting on my butt and his long cock deep in my cunt.

"Fucking ride my bull cock," he says spanking me. Each slap and the feel of him deep inside me get me over the edge quickly, my sad breeder pussy quivering on a cock bigger than mine was. Liam is bigger than me, and I just came.

"Fuck my breeder hole. Oh, fuck Liam make me cum again," My command sounds like a needy plead.

He pulls out of me, rolls me onto my back, and pulls me to the edge of the bed with ease. He lifts my legs to his shoulders and looks down at me. He loves this position and right now as he takes me as a fully baked bull I love it too. He is taller and bigger than I was and will ever be.

"Yeah, you want to cum again bitch." He is smiling down at me.

"Yes." I pant looking up at him, my thick, muscular legs and big feet resting on him.

He slaps his dick hard heavy cock on my sensitive clit. The noise of his skin on mine turns me on. "You want my bull cock," He asks.

"Fuck yes Liam give it to me."

"Rub your fat breeder clitty," He commands and I do.

"Is that hard Brett? Is your fat breeder bitch button hard?" His tone is mocking.

"Yes. It is sir," I say, rubbing my fat clit. The firm sensitive flesh twists and moves, not the 11-inch rock-hard cock that he is about to abuse me with.

"Is that your boner brett?" He says and I rub faster.

"Yes. Sir my sad breeder clit boner. I need a real hard bull cock. I need your bull cock, sir."

Liam grins down at me almost evilly, "Yeah well rub that sad fucking nub bitch, while I give you a real cock."

"Yes sir. Fuck Liam, look at me rubbing my sad clitty. My sad breeder boner is all that is left of my old big cock. This fat fucking useless clit. I need a real cock, mine is gone. Please give me yours," I hiss.

"Yes, fucking breeder bitch with a pussy now aren't you? Can't fuck with that little thing, no you are only good for getting fucked now. On your back rubbing your tiny shame." He hisses back and plugs me hard and fast.

My wet fuck walls part as he pushes into me the pleasure insane and I look up at his face. His handsome face. "Thank you, sir. Your bull cock feels so good. Fuck my breeder cunt with your bull cock, sir. Watch me stroke my itty bitch clitty while you fuck me," I yell at him, getting really worked up.

He pounds hard and fast. I love it.

"Yeah, can't fuck anymore big stud Brett only gets fucked now?"

"No. I can't fuck anything. I get fucked. I can only get fucked," I moan.

"Rub that fucking clit bitch. Take a real bull cock," he commands and I moan.

"Your 11 inch cock feels so good. Bigger than I ever was. You are a fucking real bull now, and I am just a fucking breeder with a cunt." I moan and pant and shout the words at him. I love letting myself go with Liam in this way.

"Yeah rub that sad fucking lump. All it is good for now rubbing not fucking. Your 10-inch boy cock is just a fucking fat ugly nub. Look at you bitch, just a fuck hole for my 11-inch real bull cock. Go on rub that shame faster while I make you cream on my fucking bull prick," he says.

"Fuck my pussy hard sir, fuck me with that fucking big bull cock." I scream getting close.

"Fucking wet cunt just right for my bull cock." He yells and fucks me hard. I cum again rubbing myelf as he fucks my cunt.

"Did my bull cock just make you cum bitch." He says.

"Yes sir. Fuck, Yes." I shout still in the throes of an orgasm.

He pulls his cock out of me. He rips off the condom and jerks four, five times, and cums all over my clit. He rubs his cum onto my clit. His finger pushed hard on and around my fat pussy slick with his spunk rubbing his seed onto me.

"Oh god, Liam. Your real bull cum feels so good." I moan as he rubs his cum around my clit.

"Yeah feels good huh. My bull cum on your fat clitty. Rub it in bitch rub my real cum into your clit."

"Fuck" I moan, and I have another small orgasm.

"Yeah, you like that, don't you? Real cum, not your bitch piss." He says.

"Yes," I pant.

"Lick my dick bitch lick it clean." I roll over, and I lick his dick clean and pull off him. Both of us got carried away. The next hour or so I worry about my voice and how close I came. But it doesn't crack or waiver. I had a lucky escape.

The next day he takes me out and the next night we have a more subdued session. Both of us are ashamed. Him that he got off a little humiliating me and me that I got off on being humiliated.


(Chapter 52.) Leaving the Academy.

Leaving the academy was scary, but the new apartment was amazing, a nice size with a view over the city. An area better than the hills, my mother said. The apartments in the city are mostly for childless couples, second homes for the very rich. It is exclusive. Not at all like the residential suburbs.

The city feels so big it is like Boystown only on a vast scale. Some parts are dusty and scary, others gleam and scream credit. A vast array of buildings reaching up towards the heavens, others older in stone. Monuments of bulls everywhere. Some portray breeders, but they are always at the feet of a bull.

The city is busy, there is a sense of people rushing around, a strange buzz in the air. Then there are the bulls and they are everywhere. Even though I wear a cunt belt in public I still feel exposed here. Breeders tend to go to certain coffee or soda bars, even some restaurants together. Many places have breeders just standing in pens outside. At first, I was confused, but it may be a bar, a shop, or a pleasure house that is for bulls only. The breeders stand outside these places and wait.

I see some of the pleasure houses. It is all a little overwhelming for both of us. I have to remind myself this is new to Liam as well, although he tells me he is used to the city life of sorts in Avon. He talks about home a lot. I know he misses it. He misses his mother. He tells me Avon has a smaller capital city, Wyndell. It is friendly and has only a handful of tall buildings. He shows me some images, and it looks a little backward. I tell him it looks wonderful, but I am not sure.

Thomas helps show me around, and we bond again. We meet up sometimes in the first few weeks, and he tells me some of the do's and don'ts. Silly things like not being able to buy alcoholic drinks are no different outside of the academy. As for looking at bulls it is best to avoid eye contact and addressing them as sir is a must. Don't stare unless you want to get harassed. Expect to get groped and whistled at. For someone like me, without tits, that isn't common at all and attracts a certain attention. I do stand out and after the first week my ass is bruised, not to mention I've had more lewd offers than I wanted.

Many of the bulls were fine, but the odd one or the odd group would crowd me and I would be scared. The thing I wasn't prepared for was how all that cock would make me feel.

Thomas told me something that made me feel a little better, "Listen, Brett. You know cock isn't really my thing but trust me, if you wander around here for an hour or so, you will be dripping."

He wasn't wrong. I walked back the short 15 minute walk to the apartment after that meeting and by the time I got back, I felt like I had pissed myself. I could smell my own pussy gush. That sweet musky smell I give off when I am aroused. I hate that smell on me. Worst of all, the sight of all that bull cock had got me horny as hell.

Thomas is pregnant again and really happy. Well, mostly happy with Counsel Alderton. He tells me the other breeders of the Counsel are jealous he hasn't had sex with them for weeks. He is struggling to get on with the Counsel's other breeders.

I congratulate him and he scowls.

"Brett, I am knocked up again. I can't believe I did this. He didn't make me. Fuck I am dumb. Shit I was really horny, I told him I wanted to do it raw and then. Well it is done now. I forgot how fucking horrible it is. You remember how horny and moody I was." He says. He is only 2 months gone but Little Brett is not that old and Thomas is turning into a fucking baby factory.

"You were fine," I say.

"Yeah well, the end part fucking hurts like hell. Avoid it for as long as you can. Breeders like us are not made for this shit." He says, but his smile tells me he is enjoying this pregnancy more than his first. Also the `us' part seems less true although he is a good friend to me.

We laugh and joke about our men. He invites me around to see Little Brett. Who has just turned 6 months. I go with Liam, and he and Counsel Alderton do get on really well and I love how much Little Brett is growing. He will be a big boy like Thomas and me. I love spending time with Thomas, and I love that I get to see my boy.


Mason is also pregnant. 3 months now so I visit him at the Academy. He is still there with Greg but they are leaving in 4 months as Greg's two years will be done then.

Mason tells me. "I can't believe I am knocked up. Still, it hasn't been too bad so far. I do worry I might get fat though. I can't work out the way I did, Greg won't let me. Still, I should count my blessings. I still can't believe I nearly ended up losing him. I know this wasn't the future I saw for myself, but I think I did pretty well."

I look at Mason, my workout buddy, and think about how I always loved the definition Mason had on his chest. Hours of pumping in the gym and now he has a set of fleshy tits. His belly is weeks away from starting to balloon.

It all makes me shudder. We don't have a lot to say to one another, we never really did. I liked that about him. I could be quiet with him.

"Still, you are keeping in shape I see. Nice chest work. They just seem to get bigger every time I see you. Not as big as mine though." Mason laughs and cups his fat breeder tits together.

I laugh, Mason adds, "Brett, so I can see you are still not ready for the full-on breeder thing yet?" "No, and I am just trying to put things off. Don't tell me I need to embrace it please, Mason." I am braced now for the usual sermon of the breeder. You have to accept who you are. Blah blah blah.

Mason looks at me and smiles. "Fuck Brett. I am not going to say that. Truth is, I know you take a lot of shit for not being further down the road, but I sort of admire you for that."

I smile at him and blush. "Really?"

"Yes. I do. Oh, I know what they say about you. Brett thinks he is too good to be a real breeder and Liam, well he is not bull enough for you. Well, fuck em all Brett. I like that you are doing things your way. Fuck em all. None of this shit is easy, not really." Mason says to me. He surprises me in a good way. "But you seemed to. Well, you seemed to adjust better than most," I say to him.

"Yeah, didn't I though? I guess I just didn't have the fight you do. You saw me after I sucked Greg off. The shame of speaking in my voice. That never goes, none of it does. I sucked off a guy in sheer desperation. All of this is just one fucking humiliation after the next. Anyway, you do what you need for as long as possible. Enough of this talk, tell me about your new place and how you are finding things now you are out." He says diplomatically, changing the subject.

I hadn't really thought of myself as fighting but Mason was right. I have been on my way to becoming a breeder for nearly a year now. Some of it I have got used to but that is mostly to do with Liam. I like being paired with him. I even enjoy the sex we have. Although the sex was put on hold in those early weeks after leaving the Academy.


We had only been out of the academy a few weeks when Liam announced he wanted to get his foreskin restored.

I understand why he would, and it isn't because of his father, although it may help. Liam has turned into a real sexy bull. 6 feet 6 inches of red-haired bull. His cock is a great size 11 inches hard. 6.5 inches soft. Bigger than I was, not by much, but bigger. He is a little thin. His long cock is on the thin side, and I know he isn't keen on his lack of girth. His body is covered in a nice thick pelt of orange hair. And then a thick bush of flaming wiry pubic hair which I would prefer he trim a little more often than he does, but the overall effect is stunning. It does obscure his body art, but not completely. He has an athletic build and is very toned, not at all bulky like me.

I like his unusual hair color, his snake tattoo, his ass bloom and his cut cock all mark him out as being different. But then we both are different. I am only half a breeder and he is only a little bit of a breeder whore. We are still clinging to the remnants of what and who we were. I loved the smaller athletic guy, but there is no doubt that he makes a stunning bull. He still often takes my breath away when I look at him. He is handsome with wonderful full lips. Those green eyes, and that grin that melts my heart, and my pussy.

We get on well and generally find a way to navigate around and through the changes that have happened to us and so him wanting a foreskin makes me jealous, but I do understand it.

I am jealous because it is an option for him, the ability to be almost fully restored. I am already envious of his cock and the fact he is a little taller than me. Not to mention he's a little bigger than I used to be, in terms of his dick. It is just that he can do things about what happened to him in that cursed academy. I am still on a one-way street to changing further from the man I was, and he is changing into the man I wanted to be.

I support him, of course I do. The fleeting pangs of envy are mine to deal with. My demons. I couldn't go with Liam to the clinic. It was bulls only, but he tried to explain to me what they will do to him.

"They will cut the skin of my dick right through this scar line. In effect, it's kind of like circumcising me again and degloving my penis. They are then going to introduce a narrow ring of skin and sew it between the two cut edges of my shaft skin." He says, trying to show me by pointing and waving his cock around.

"This little ring or band of skin is a special matrix of skin designed from my cells, it is able to replicate and grow extremely quickly. They will need to give me a lot of drugs to keep me soft for the whole period, up to 8 weeks." He says.

"Eight weeks? Liam baby, really?" I ask and he laughs, but I don't.

"They will also need to give me drugs to help facilitate growth of the new ring of skin. Then over weeks, it grows from a thin ring to an inch, and more and more, growing longer until it reaches the full length of my foreskin. They can stop whenever I want.

"So I can have a short foreskin that barely covers the head when soft or a really long one with a big overhang. They can give me one so big it doesn't roll back even when I get hard. I would have to pull it back, or you would. That could be fun?" He says.

"Fun? I am not sure. That might be a bit much," I say.

"Might feel good inside your pussy, baby." He says, and that makes me think.

"Then, as the final step, they form the frenulum and attach it to the underside of my cock head once the final length is determined."

"Fuck Liam, I am not really sure I understood much of that at all. Sounds awfully complicated," I say.

He laughs. Then pauses. "The doctor has warned me that the procedure can be painful. They can't use the healing pen too much; it will interfere with the skin growth. No sex at all. They can milk me though with a prostate massage. And I will have to wear a piss bag. So what do you think?" He asks. "Look, if it is what you want, I really do support you but 8 weeks of no sex. You are just starting to get really good. Besides, it is your dick," I say.

"No baby, it is our dick." He says.

"Funny, that isn't what you say when you are saying, `Take my bull cock', but that isn't really the point. Liam, I kind of like the way it looks, but it really is your choice. Your father would be happier, and while that is no reason to do it, we should consider that," I say.

"I wanted to do it for us. All the bulls have them, and I want to be a good bull for you." He says. "Yeah. Well, you are. The best. Look Liam, 8 weeks of no sex, pain. The way I see it is, this is your dick. Hearing all that, I am not sure I would do it. You really do have to do what you think is best for you. I will support you, whatever you decide."

Those next few weeks are hell. He is grumpy and in pain. His cock is in some weird protection device. He spends hours in the med bay. He didn't tell me until I asked but they milked him and he told me how weird it was cumming without having a hard-on. Especially with his dick all sort of numb. I knew the first time they milked him. The longer he went with out sex the moodier he became eventually he got super cranky. Then he came back from the clinic after his first milking and was a much better person to be around.

As the weeks draw on I try and teach him how to pleasure me but it is a wasted effort. He really is tired from the drugs and when he is awake he is in a lot of discomfort. It just all feels really unsexy. We cuddled a lot.


Finally after eight weeks I get to see it. I look at Liam's new dick, and that is exactly what it is to me. The soft dick is a little swollen and for once actually looks a little fat. I am secretly pleased the swelling will go down. I touch it almost with trepidation. The tip of his foreskin looks really puffy and just off. He seems to have a long overhang. I guess when the swelling goes down, it will not seem quite as big.

The snake tongue of his tattoo is just fractionally cut off from where the graft is applied and as I look for the join, I can't see one. I stroke around where his scar was, but it's now gone. The doctors really did an excellent job of removing it and putting his dick back together. I'd never guess he'd been circumcised looking at his dick now.

"Huh, weird," I say.

"No Brett. Sexy. Big. Majestic. Not weird." Liam says, chuckling and pretending to be offended. "Liam, honey, you told me that my cunt wasn't pretty. I am free to pass judgment and that is what I am doing right now," I say as I let go. It is funny every time I touch his cock I get a flashback to the one I had.

I notice again that his freckles are still gone and now even a few more of the smaller ones are covered now. A part of me was expecting them to come back somehow. I guess that's the one reminder of what Liam's dick has been through, the abrupt dividing line where his freckles stop leaving only pale white skin to the tip. For now at least it's plain and unmarked, I wonder if this new skin will develop freckles over time.

I pull the skin down gently and watch his skin slowly fold back over his bell end. The end already has a little bit of sheen. Some of the matte texture fading as it starts to take on that look of a protected cock head. The skin nestles around his cock head in a fat plump ridge at the top and looks strange. I am guessing that it is just swollen, but it looks strange.

I see it is a complete job, the thin frenulum is just as it always was to my memory. I am sure he will notice if there is something off about it.

I watch as his dick thickens and grows. Fuck, I miss being able to get hard. I squeeze it gently and he moans.

"Gently baby."

"Sorry," I say and feel his dick soften and the skin roll back over the head. Like putting on a blanket ready to sleep. He smiles at me and kisses me. He is so tired.

I am not sure what I think and I am not sure I would have done this if I were him. I sort of liked his cut cock. It was sleek and had a nice shape to it. Not like my fat mushroom head when I was cut. I feel my own cut clit buzz and twitch as I stare at it and he has fallen asleep. Weeks of drugs and treatments have taken their toll. Liam is a busy man and works hard. All of this drugs and medical procedures have left him exhausted. As I watch he dozes and all that pent up sexual need seems to be in his dreams as his dick hardens again to its full length. I see the skin pull back as it slides over his swelling head. Liam is still a bit swollen where his foreskin bunches behind his corona but there's no mistaking, apart from the missing freckles, and increase from his boyhood size, this is Liam's old dick back. This is amazing. When the swelling goes down, it would be hard to know looking at him that he had ever had surgery on his dick.

I'm happy for Liam, his dick is back the way he wanted it. But after seeing the weeks of torment he went through, the slow regrowth of the skin, not to mention the weeks without sex, I'm not sure I'd go through with it for myself. Of course I'd need to get my dick back before I'd ever need to entertain the idea. And that's impossible so no point in torturing myself with the thought. I'm just happy Liam is restored.


It was another few weeks before we got back into the swing of things and at first; the sex was terrible. But he soon got used to his restored dick. I made him jerk his cock while I watched. I see how he works his dick and I take a few mental notes as to the pressure and speed he applies. Liam seems pleased with the results of the work on his dick. It took him about eight weeks, but he eventually got me to squirt using his repaired dick. I see that this was important to him. The next day he goes out and when he comes back home, he has put on a thin gold cock ring.

Apart from this snake tattoo, Liam looks every inch a bull. That is of course, as long as you don't catch sight of the lips of his butt cunt.

I look at him as he inspects his cock ring nestled in his trimmed red bush. He sees me watching and smiles, and I notice a sadness in his eyes. I know that he has done this for me. He wants to be the best bull he can be for me, but there is a part of him that misses the old Brett almost as much as I do.


Liam being restored made me conflicted. l was happy for him, but it brought into focus how I feel. Liam wanted to be the bull he thought I deserved. I am a breeder and somehow I am still struggling with so much of what I am physically. I hate that the small guy I used to look down at is now taller than me. Only an inch, but an inch counts when you tilt your head up to look at your bull. I hate that his dick soft is 6.5 inches and 11 inches hard, bigger than when I was hard and soft. I also look at him and can't help wondering what a bull I would have made. Even as my cunts leak, looking at his great bull cock and getting fucked, I still wonder.

I would have been awesome, I fucking was awesome. I know I make a really attractive breeder, but what a bull I could have been. And now here I am with a fucking breeder cunt.

I still hate my pussy. I hate the way it looks, but most of all how it feels. I hate how empty I feel between my legs. I miss the heft and sway of my dick and balls and now that I am here in town, I see them everywhere. Some are only about as big as I was, some are smaller. I see even those bulls strutting around, fully grown bulls walking around like they own the world even with dicks smaller than I had as a boy. Their long dicks and balls swinging must feel so good. Not the empty hole designed to take a cock that I have now.

I still wake up some days even after all this time thinking I have a boner. Worst of all, I do have a boner, a useless clit boner, a squidgy piece of cut flesh poking out of my wet flaps. I hate those mornings when I reach down for my dick and end up with wet fingers. That wetness is constant, leaking all the fucking time. I will be sitting talking with Liam and sometimes it feels like I am sitting in piss or sometimes I get a gush of a sudden flow. I hate the way the wetness leaks down my thigh or down to my ass to pool with the butt slime. It is awful. It is a sign that I am ready to be fucked, as I'm lubed by my own body. Ready to be taken and just fucked like the breeder bitch I am.

I think that hot wet dampness is the most jarring. It is a sign of my arousal. That fake boner, the firm clit, the plumpness I get in my mound. My big fat mound, firm but not hard. Never hard, never able to fuck. The arousal is the heat that consumes and flows around my body, behind my knees and my neck are the worst. The feelings of prickly heat in my body and in my belly. The wetness between my legs and the dull aching need. That crazy need to rub my clit and have something in me, the need to get fucked, to have a big hard juicy cock in me. It is overwhelming at times. It also tells me I don't fuck, I get fucked.

I also miss the casual way I could take care of myself by fucking or jerking, but this is different. It sort of reminds me how that whole thing degraded. Even though I was only cut for a few short days, the thing that shocked me was the lack of immediacy of just being able to rub one out. Sure, I could spit on it, but the effort that hadn't been there before was noticeable.

Then I got my pussy and clit, and that was a whole new level. Sure, I can jerk as a breeder, but it just seems to be even more effort. I can sometimes get myself off real quick but one wrong move or change in mood and I am set back minutes or give up. The whole set of new equipment is just more complicated, more sensitive and the orgasms sure are great, but they vary so much. Some orgasms are small, others shattering. It is just so different. I miss that feeling of cumming out of my dick, whipping it out and fucking and knowing what I was getting. The consistency of it all. The immediacy of just being able to sort myself out if needed with ease but most of all the sense of completion never left wanting more which I often am with my cunt.

I also still miss just some of the basic things of having a cock. A cunt is functional but not practical, like a dick. Dumb things still bother me, I can't use a piss wall, I have to sit down to bitch piss. My piss hangs to my huge ugly fuck flaps and the way I have to wipe myself dry. I hate the bleed. I hate the string between my legs plugging myself up and knowing that I am on a monthly cycle for being bred and knocked up. The way that awful feeling creeps up on me every month. I usually feel it in my nipples. First, they get a little tender, then my belly, and then that knowledge I am bleeding. Knowing that is my life now is still upsetting to me.

Worst of all is the way I look. I still sometimes expect to see a dick and balls between my legs. I am still in great shape, maybe even better shape than ever. I sometimes see myself naked in the mirror. I flex my guns and pose and then look between my legs. There's the moment when I forget, when I expect to see my cock hanging there like it's supposed to be. Then there's the feeling of wrongness, of loss, like my reflection is wrong, like there's something missing. But of course something is missing, it's just that someone at The Academy decided it should be missing, that I shouldn't have a dick anymore. As much as my reflection feels wrong, it's who I am now.

I think of Aiden, that tall muscular so-called friend and how dumb he looked with that small cock between his thick muscled thighs. Now I don't even have that. Instead I have this cunt. The thing is still fucking ugly to me, lopsided, thick flaps that hang down. My inner and outer lips are thicker than most and the thick fat 2 inch clit that pokes out, the bare head which was hidden under my foreskin when I had a cock, now forever exposed and jutting from my ugly fuck lips.

I hate how it feels. I hate everything from the thick scar on my clit to the wet folds between my legs. I hate how stretchy and wet it is, fleshy and oozing in there. The thing I hate most, though, is the smell. I can smell it sometimes, maybe after a long hot day where I am hot and bothered, that musty sweet odor I loved so much on others. I get it now, a whiff sometimes stronger, only that familiar smell of breeder bitch, that stench of cunt, is me.

I know I am a second-class citizen. I get mauled and pawed even in my cunt belt. Bulls stare at me with lust. I know they do and I feel it more in the city than I did in The Academy. That feeling that I am an object. Sent off to breeder bathrooms, showers. Liam would never make me stand in one of the breeder pens outside of a business, but just knowing he could and that there's nothing I could do to stop him is hard to bear.

Unless we go to the river, I can't even swim with Liam. When Liam and I go to the gym pool to swim he walks off to the bull pool, and I head off to the breeder pool. I see the other breeders stare at me. They look at my hairy body,cropped facial hair, my flat chest. Some pity me, some hate me, some admire me. I wonder how long I can retain even those last vestiges of my boyhood.

The only thing that keeps me going that gets me through all of this is Liam. As difficult as things are, his love for me and mine for him make this all bearable. I might hate so many things, but the one undeniable thing about my life is I do have love and I am thankful for that.


(Chapter 53.) A Doctor's Appointment.

I still get to see Angel. I go to visit him at the academy. He is still doing well, at least he seems to be. I know that Angel is just Jake's way of hiding his pain, but he does it well. He tells me about Owen and Will, who are nearing the division. Will already failed. He got into a fight at the Professional whore house. He was always getting into fights, so it really is no surprise he got cut and painted. As for Owen, nobody knows yet. Apparently, he is keeping his head down.

It is hard hearing about my younger brothers. I was always quite close to Will. He was a hothead, but he was also a really funny guy as well. In some ways, he was a lot like Zach. He will be gutted that he is on his way to getting a pussy. However, if he is like Zach, he may take to being a whore surprisingly well. Zach did. Owen is a quieter guy, more serious, not unlike Jonas, but still a nice guy. I can only hope for the best for the two of them. They, like so many, are now on the treadmill of Albion's breeder production line where only the lucky are chosen.


Liam tells me that Doctor Anderson is working in a whorehouse in the city. He tells me he is still in training and asks if I want to visit him. I am not always the most curious person and vengeance is something I am wary of, but I do want to see the man who raped my ass and cut me.

The night is strange, and this is my first visit to a pleasure house since the Eastern Campus. I avoided them on the Western Campus. It was too distressing. Now here I am surrounded by bulls with hard fucking dicks and whores parading around. I am one of a handful of breeders in the place and wearing my cunt belt.

I feel my pussy drip as we sit and drink, looking at all the bull cock on display. I realize the only way I could ever be here is because I am with Liam and I am glad for that. I feel really vulnerable here and protected by my bull.

I watch Liam as we drink and see his cock bob and twitch. He is excited by the whores and the anticipation of revenge. I recall how I used to feel. The whore houses were places I would feel my dong strain, hard and thick, ready to plug into some smelly breeder cunt, make them scream those dumb screams. Tap my dick on their bitch clits. Laugh at them, knowing that is all that is left of their cocks and fuck their holes till they cream on my pole.

Now I am sitting in here soaking in my own breeder juice, a cunt between my legs getting wet looking at cock that can fuck my wet breeder cunt. I can't even order a drink here. I used to love pleasure houses.

Liam and I share a few drinks, then we are led to a room and there is Doctor Anderson. I can barely recognize him. He is now working under the name Slade. As we walk in the room, we see him but looking at this bizarre creature it is hard to know if this is really the man who cut and raped me.

He has a large set of tits and is covered in strange markings. The dim lighting of the room make it difficult to see what they are, but as I look at him he is covered in dicks. Head to foot his whore body is marked with cut dongs. All shapes and sizes. They lewdly point to his mouth, his ass,, his cunt, two on his chest spray painted cum on to his tits.

I marvel at his artwork. It is cruel that the dicks are all circumcised clits, not even real bull cocks. A fitting set of art for him. I look at Liam and he is grinning.

The former Doctor is bald. Slade's eyes widen as we are led in and he leaps off the bed he was lying on, trying to look seductive for his next guests.

Slade says nothing, he just stands looking at us, shocked.

Not as shocked as me as he steps into the light. I finally get to see the full extent of what they did to Slade. Each finger has been painted to look like a cock. His fingernails somehow gone and now the ends of each of his fingers resemble the mushroom head of a penis. I look down at his feet and see that his long toes have had the same treatment. He has penis fingers and toes.

Perhaps the worst is his bald head.. The corona of a dickhead runs across where his eyebrows were and all the way around his skull the outline and shading mark out his scalp as a bell end. The piss slit on top of his skull and a thin slick sheeny slither of pre oozes from this slit down to just above his left eye.

They turned Doctor Anderson into a dick head. The parts of his body not marked with dicks are marked with bulging veins. Every sinew and muscle of this man is now the living embodiment of a cock. "Service bot some neat cobra blood and something fizzy, I think." Liam says and sits down.

I hear the latch of my cunt belt release. Liam stands up and walks towards me and Slade still hasn't said a thing. Liam kisses me on the cheek and whispers in my ear. "We can do this. I love you." He is right. I need to do this. This bastard cut me, jerked me, made me piss myself, butt raped me, and now he will pay. I wasn't sure about this until I saw him standing there looking at me. Now I am. I take off the cunt belt and stand naked in front of Slade and he just looks at me, at first with a smile. He looks so different and so freakish. Still he hasn't changed. I see him smile, that cockiness is still there. I can see he is prepared to bluster his way through this.

Slade tries to be funny. "Well, you are still bigger than me. I told you I would make you the biggest, Brett isn't it? The pissy breeder who thought he was a bull." His voice is shrill, the menacing deep voice that he had before when he was a figure of authority gone. He sounds funny. It is an usually high voice even for a breeder.

"Yeah, I am Brett, the big clitted breeder, and my voice is deeper too, bitch." I replied in a flash. His eyes open and he flushes red. He hadn't expected me to not have a breeder voice yet.

"Tell me Slade, do you like being a breeder now?" I say, and he looks away."Shy all of a sudden." I walk towards him."You used to love talking. You loved to talk down to boys and cut them, shame them, make them feel so small and sad," I say."Now look at you covered in dicks. No, not dicks cut dicks. All shapes and sizes. I bet you haven't had many like these. These are not even real cocks are they? Cut cocks are clits, that is what you used to say. Covered in clits," I say, as I run my hand over his skin.

"I am sure you had plenty of bull cock though. Do you love taking bull dicks? Getting your breeder whore cunt stuffed with bull cock. I bet you fucking love it. Yeah, think of all those boys' cocks you used to play with now. Think how much you got off playing with my cock. Now you get to play with all the cocks you can manage," I say. "Still nothing to say?" I ask, and he just looks away from me. I see he is burning with shame. "These are nice," I say, grabbing his tits. I squeeze them gently and stroke his tits as his nipples stiffen in my fingers. "Yeah. Fucking hell Doc, or Slade, I should say now. You fucking love having your titties played with. Nice set of fun bags you got," I say.

Slade snaps. "Fuck you, Brett."

"Oh Doc, that breeder voice is not so intimidating now, is it? `Fuck you, Brett', say it again," I say and laugh.

He looks away again and says nothing.

"No, Liam is going to fuck you. With a real bull cock. You will notice he has a nice, long 11 inch uncut dong. Had to get the fucking thing restored after you cut him. Remember that you had one. You had a big fat bull cock. Now, I want you to get on that bed and then on your back, whore, and spread those legs. I love the smell of whore cunt, so funky. I can tell you still want me. I can fucking smell your arousal."

I look at Liam, and he beams at me with pride. The service bot arrives, and I take the Cobra Blood. I walk over to where Slade is laying. I grab him by the mouth and pry his jaw open before pouring the rest of the bottle into his spluttering mouth, "I think you need the rest of this, Bitch," I say with venom dripping from my lips.

I take the bottle of fizzy and open it with a pop, pour a glass, and down it. I hand the Cobra Blood to Liam. "I don't need that shit to sort this fucker out."

I move between Slade's legs. I stroke the folds of his cunt. I spread the lips of his pussy and find a tiny clit, one of the smallest I've ever seen. I start to laugh and he burns with shame as I look at him.

"Fuck, that is fucking tiny. Fuck, I bet most bulls never find that fucking thing." I run my tongue over his inner labia and he moans as I begin to eat him out. I gently start to probe his cunt with my fingers as I finally move my mouth onto his tiny clitty.

"Fuck." He moans.

I stop. "See, I found it. I would bet it has been a while since anyone else has. You spent all that time, effort, and hate giving me a fat thick clit that gives me so much fucking pleasure and you have a tiny pea hidden from all but the most attentive bull or breeder," I say.

I dive back down between his legs and hit his clit again, and he winces and moans as I work the tiny button in a way I knew few people have. "OH god Brett. SO fucking GoOod." He says. I let him get close and stop.

He lies panting. "You stopped." He says, looking at me sadly.

"You noticed. Sorry, were you close?" I ask. I run my hands over his folds."Your wet cunt tells me you were." I stop for a moment.

I head back down to his pussy. I probe the fleshy folds a little deeper and suck his clit a little harder, and he starts to moan.

I get him close and stop. "Yeah. You like that, don't you? Tell me you love it. Tell me you love me eating out your breeder cunt?"

He looks at me and bucks a little. "Please Brett. I was so close. I love it. Eat my breeder cunt out. Please." I say and I hear Liam laugh as the former doctor blushes and burns with shame and desire as I eat him out more and more. Teasing him, stopping, edging him.

I stop again and I pull myself up close to him and alongside him and now we are face to face. "Why did you stop?'' He asks. He has a crazed look of need and fear.

"I haven't stopped yet." I push my fingers deep inside him. Just two of them. "Ohhh." He moans.

"Look at you Slade riding my breeder bitch fingers. You were a bull now you are just a dumb cunt on his back in a whorehouse," I say, as I finger bash my old tormentor.

"Feel those fucking fingers Slade. They feel good, don't they?" I ask, finger fucking him as he bucks up and down on my digits.

"Yes. Fuck my breeder cunt. Oh Brett, so sexy." He pants.

"You had it all, you dumb bitch. Everything. You were a bull." He looks at me and then away and grinds onto my long fat fingers.

"Look at you fucking yourself on my fingers. You fucking whore. You had it all. All those boys you cut and fucked. All those boys you molested and raped and now one of those boys is letting you rape yourself on his fucking fingers feels good, doesn't it?" I say and I feel him get close again. I pull my fingers out of him and I sniff them. "Fucking ripe, real fucking ripe. So you ended up a dickless whore?" I put my hand back down to his folds and finally find the tiny clit.

"So small Doc, sorry, Slade. So fucking small. Who knew you would get this fucking tiny? Rub it for me." I say and he looks at me and he starts to work his little bitch button. He can only rub it. The thing is so small he can't get any purchase. I know and sense the frustration of his new life. His eyes are pleading as I can see this is not something he enjoys. Even on Cobra Blood, he is struggling. "Stop," I say, and he does.

I put my hand between his folds and part them and find his tiny clit. "That is all that is left of you, under my fucking finger now. A bull cock, you had one Slade. Now it is trapped under my fucking finger a tiny little clit. You had a bull cock. I know you did, you cunt. I fucking know because you fucking raped me with it. And now you are going to eat my ripe pussy and suck the fat fucking clit you gave me till I cum. Do you understand me?" I say.

"Yes," Slade replies.

"Liam get over here now and fuck this silly slut while he sucks my fat clit." I say and Liam who is already hard picks up a condom and walks over as I move and straddle Slade and push my dripping cunt into his face.

"Now Slade eat my fucking breeder cunt."

I get off quickly abusing him as I fuck his face with my clit, as Liam pounds his bitch hole. When he finally gets me off. I let loose a spray, but it isn't cum. I let loose a spray of piss as I fuck his face to orgasm.

Liam finally cums in the Doc, and we leave in silence all the way home.

As we get back to the apartment. I take Liam by the hand and lead him to the bedroom and we fuck hard. It isn't enough to fuck the shame and pain away but it helps.


(Chapter 54.) Liam's father.

We have been out for six months now. Liam's father spends a lot of time overseas and I for one am glad about that. It is like a cloud that looms over us and when we are called to see him Liam says no at first and we argue a little and I talk him into it.

I know Liam doesn't want to go but we have to. Liam is still marked, and he could have us shipped off somewhere. I have the feeling that Liam's father has been out trying to get himself another son. Fucking breeders all over the world in the hope of finding someone to replace Liam. He views us as freaks. Me the half breeder and Liam the breeder bull.

The journey over is subdued and Liam's mood lifts when we see Counsel Alderton there. Things turn a little tense when Liam's father asks to spend a little time with me alone. But Liam does need to conduct some business with the Counsel and so reluctantly leaves me with his father.

And so here I am, sitting alone with Liam's father.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot Brett." Senator Connor says to me smiling.

"No sir, it is fine."

Liam's father opens up a drawer and it is full of long fat dark purple tubes that seem to be made of leaves.

He pulls one out and hands one to me. "Do you know what these are Brett?" He waves the strange object before me.

"No sir. What?"

"It is a Purple Bayonet. It is made from herbs and leaves of the farms around the northern territories of Dibnah. They can reach prices of 100 credits."

I hold the tube-like thing in my hand. It is about 5 inches long and fat and it tapers to a point and it seems strange.

"What do you do with it?" I ask.

"You set it on fire." He grins at me.

"Why sir?" I ask confused.

Senator Connor chuckles, "You literally burn it. 100 credits set alight."

I am still not sure I understand "Is it like a candle?"

"No, you put it in your mouth, Brett. Let me show you." He puts the tube to my mouth and produces something I never saw before: a silver tin that produces a flame. He lights the thin tapered end away from my mouth, and it catches alight and burns quickly then slows down.

"Breathe in," He tells me. I take a deep breath. I feel a sweet sickly taste in my mouth and another stronger musky taste and I cough and pull it away. The end away from my mouth is smoking and it brings water to my eyes. I breathe out smoke.

"What do you think Brett?"

"Well, not good sir. It tastes kind of odd, 100 credits for that?"

He chuckles, "First time always does. Tastes strange and feels strange putting something like that in your mouth. It isn't good is it?"

"Well I don't mean to be rude, but that wasn't the best thing I've tasted." I do feel sort of light headed.

He smiles, "Try again, put it in your mouth and breathe in again." I do as he says and the stale sickly taste fills my mouth again and it tastes almost good but it still makes me cough.

He laughs. "So now what do you think Brett?"

"Well now...well...that wasn't awful sir." My body feels relaxed, my head a little fuzzy, and my pussy tingles, and the taste as it clears is strange, almost like I want to try it again.

"Not awful so the first time you put the Purple Bayonet in your mouth it wasn't good and now it isn't awful. Tell you what Brett. Try one more time and if you like it enough I will let you finish it off. 100 credits worth, how's that sound?"

He is smiling at me. I look at him. I take another draw, this time deeper, the taste is sweet and morish. I still cough a little as the smoke leaves my mouth when I exhale. I look at the clouds of smoke swirling in the air and I have a sense of calm and a burning need in my cunt. I am dripping on his chair, my ass and pussy are leaking hard and I look at him.

"Now what do you think Brett?"

"I sort of like it. Can I try it again?" I know he told me I can, but I feel strangely almost submissive like I need to check his permission.

"Please can I try it again...?" He doesn't finish, he lets that hang in the air.

"Sir," I say feeling foolish that I forgot to call him sir. My pussy is burning now.

"Brett, I told you that you can, silly. You can have as much as you want." He pats my head. I take another draw and that calm deepens and the fire in my cunt burns stronger. I don't cough and the sickly taste is now delicious. I want a little more. He smiles at me and I like how that smile indicates he is happy and I want him to be happy.

"See now you like it, don't you Brett? First, you didn't like it, then it wasn't too bad and now you want more, don't you?"

"Yes sir, it is really good." I take another draw on the purple fire stick.

"Yes sir. I like the way you call me sir Brett. They sometimes use these on the bulls who become breeder whores, makes them more amenable to certain things."

"Ameany what?" I ask.

"Silly Brett. It doesn't matter. Thing is Brett, I have done something nice for you. How about you spread those beefy legs and play with that big fat breeder clit for me. Show daddy how you work your cut breeder clit. Bet it is burning hot right now isn't it?"

He is right, it is hot. "I err....Yes...But...Sir" I am shocked but somehow calm and my cunt is dribbling and I shuffle my feet apart a little.

He walks over to me and kicks my legs further apart and I feel my wet dripping cunt exposed, my clit poking out of me as far as it can.

"Come on Brett, show daddy how you work your clitty. I know you are really horny. I can see that fat clit of yours twitching. It is hard right now, isn't it Brett, and I can see how wet you are. You are dripping wet right now. Come on daddy wants to watch you jerk your fat breeder clit." He says in a soft voice.

I take another draw and I start to jerk my fat cut clit softly at first but it feels so good.

"That's it bitch stroke that clitty. Tell me how it feels when you stroke it."

"Feels good sir. Feels so good to stroke it."

"Stroke what Bitch. What is it? It isn't a cock anymore, is it? What is it?"

"A clit, sir," I say.

"A clit, a sad fat clit. Not a cock is it, Brett?" He asks.

"No sir. It is a clit," I say, rubbing myself.

"That's right. This is a cock isn't it?" He says and I see his long hard cock framed by a thick shiny gold cock ring. His cock is about the same length as Liam 11 inches but fatter much fatter. I feel my pussy drip and my mouth feels dry.

"Yes sir. That is a bull cock. I only have a clit sir," I say, moaning and rubbing myself hard.

"No Brett, not a clit. It is an itty bitty clitty. A breeder bitch clitty." He says stroking his cock. I feel the need for something, and I want to cum and I work my clitty.

"Yes sir my itty bitty clitty." I take another draw on the purple stick.

"Yes, a breeder bitch clit all that is left of your cock. Isn't it? Tell daddy about your breeder bitch clit."

"It is fat and ugly sir. A fat ugly breeder bitch clit sir. My cock shrank and this is all that is left, a sensitive silly breeder clit, sir. I feel really good and so close." I watch him stroke his long fat uncut bull cock and I feel shame and pleasure and calm all at once.

"Yes, and what does a breeder bitch have between his legs, bitch?"

"A cunt sir."

"Yes Brett, a wet empty breeder cunt."

"Yes sir. So wet and empty."

"What is wet and empty bitch?"

"My cunt sir. My breeder cunt is so empty, so wet, so empty sir."

"You are close aren't you bitch. Look at you stroking your clit like a breeder bitch. Jerking it like a cock but it is a soft clity. And look at you dripping cunt juice and ass juice like a fucking breeder watching me stroke my bull cock."

"Sir yes sir. Fuck so wet. So fucking close." I pant and rub myself really hard.

"Cum bitch" He says and something about his voice and the words and the feeling of me jerking furiously tip me over the edge and I spit out my pussy batter and shake pathetically working my cunt moaning.

"OH God!!!" I yell. He is stood over me and has taken the purple stick away from me.

He strokes my hair and slaps his cock on my cheek. "Take another draw bitch." He hands me the purple stick back.

I take another draw and that fire hasn't really gone away and I need more. My whole body feels aglow and sensitive as he taps his cock on my cheek and strokes my hair and neck.

"I see what Liam sees in you Bitch. I really do. So big and strong, so handsome. You truly are quite a magnificent specimen." He says stroking my hair as I take another draw and when I pull the purple stick from my mouth he takes it away again and runs his fat bull cock over my lips. I can't help thinking about Liam's cock and how much I have wanted to please him with my mouth. How thick and wonderful his father's cock looks and how I want to please him. Service him with my mouth.

I feel my tongue loll out of my head.

He pushes my head back and strokes me more and that fire is burning. I feel the wet spray of my bitch cum on the floor, on my toes and legs. I see his fat bull cock I feel a need to please and be pleased.

He runs a hand down to my cunt and wipes it. He puts it to my lips and shoves his fingers forcefully into my mouth and I taste the funky cunt muck and suck his fingers. He does it again; he wipes my cunt and puts his fingers under my nose.

"Sniff my fucking fingers bitch." His words are commands now deep and booming.

I do as he says.

"What do you smell bitch?"

"Pussy sir. My dirty breeder pussy juice." I say taking in the odor of my wretched cunt juice and bitch cum.

"That is right. And if you have pussy juice, you must have a pussy. Do bulls have pussies bitch?"

"No only breeders sir," I reply after one more draw on the stick, and then he takes the purple stick away and shoves his funky wet fingers into my mouth again.

"Such a good bitch. Such a hungry mouth. Isn't that right?" He says and he forces his fingers deep in my mouth again and I take them

"Ygghhh Srrr" I grunt and he pulls his fingers out of my mouth and gives me a draw on the purple stick and I love it. I want more.

He puts the head of his hard fat dick on my lips. I lick it and he slowly moves his cock into my mouth slowly at first. He strokes my hair and I lick and caress his cock.

I take more and more of it into my mouth and he thrusts it into my mouth. He pulls me deep onto his fat bull cock. My nose is almost touching his thick gold cock ring and my breeder mouth cunt full of daddy's big bull cock.

"But you only have two cunts, Brett." He says as I suck on his fat bull cock and work my clit and cunt.

He pushes my head back and his cock springs free bouncing in front of me and I want it back in my mouth. I don't just want it, I need it. I need that juicy thick bull pole back in my mouth.

"How many cunts does a breeder have bitch?'' he asks.

"Three sir," I say and lean forward, and he lets me take his cock only I get up off the chair and kneel in front of him and work his cock.

"Yes, Brett. Three cunts. You only have two. Doesn't Liam deserve a breeder with three cunts?"

I just groan in agreement as I suck on his fat monster bull cock.

He pulls my head off his cock. "Doesn't he bitch? You are a bitch. You have a clit not a cock. A pussy, a cunt. I can see that and I have seen your ass cunt. But when you speak, you let everyone know you're just two-thirds of a bitch. Doesn't my fucking son deserve better you dumb cunt?" He says angrily.

"Yes sir. He does. I need a mouth pussy, sir." I say and he pulls my head back on his fat cock.

"Too fucking right you dumb bitch. Now suck me off." He says and pulls my head onto his cock and I choke a little but I still try to work my tongue along his long bull shaft as he pumps my mouth.

I know what is happening and somehow I can't stop. My father-in-law is face fucking me and I am loving it. I rub my cunt harder and harder and he lifts my head to an angle where I look up at him. My mouth is stuffed full of bull cock. I move my wet fingers and stroke my silly bitch clit and I know he is right. Liam deserves a real breeder.

He looks down at me and thrusts into my mouth again and I feel my mouth flood with seed. And now the snot-like substance flows down into me as I look up at him grinning down as he unloads into my mouth. I cum from stroking my clit.

He pushes me away hard, and I land on my side. I look up at his softening shaft.

He leans down and grabs my hair and puts his face to mine. "Now listen to me you dumb fucking bitch. You get a set of tits, lose that body hair, and get knocked up. My son deserves a real piece of breeder cunt and not some dumb fuck who thinks he is still a real fucking man." He spits on me.

"Service bot bring Liam in." I hear him say.

I lie on the floor. It doesn't take long and Liam arrives.

"Brett? Father? What happened?" I hear his voice soft and confused."What the fuck happened?" Liam says as he kneels down and he holds me. He turns my head and I see his face and the confusion.

"Tell him bitch. Tell him what you did?" Senator Connor says almost laughing.

"I suckkk...I...well...Liam..." My voice is cracking and wavering.

"What is it Brett what happened?" Liam asks me.

"Tell him bitch." Liam's father shouts at me.

"What did you do?" Liam shouts at his father and I feel Liam stand up.

"Liam....It was not his fault it was me I...sucked him off." I hear my voice crack and the last words sound strange and breeder-like. "I am sorry," I say, and my voice is a mouth becoming a mouth cunt high pitched and just like every other breeder bitch. I can hear my voice and I want to cry.

"Brett, your voice," Liam says as he looks at me. He looks pained and that pain turns to anger. I clutch my throat and even in my lustful haze. I see and know what has happened. I watch as Liam looks at his father. I stand up and Liam grabs me.

"Did he do this?" He shouts and I never saw Liam like this. Pure rage.

"It wasn't...Oh, my voice...Liam, it isn't," I say and Liam turns to attack his father.

I somehow lunged after Liam pulled him off his father. "No please Liam. Oh, shit my voice." I say and let go of Liam and he holds me and then lets go of me.

Liam screams and lunges for his father again, "You fucking bastard." I pull him away again.

"I did what you should have done Liam. I fucked his mouth like the cunt it is. I did what you should have done. Now every time you hear the dumb bitch you will know. He is a fucking breeder. Every sound, every word, will tell you what he is. He is a set of holes to fuck, not your equal, not your partner. He is a fucking breeder. A slut who sucked off your own father. Too dumb and weak to stop himself. A fucking breeder bitch Liam," Senator Connor shouts.

I hold on to Liam and drag him out of the room slowly. I am still strong enough and it takes all my strength.

"A fucking breeder Liam. He sucked me off Liam. Every word. Every sound. You will know he sucked off your father. He is a fucking breeder and you will know I did what you should have months ago. He is just a fucking breeder..." Liam's fathers shouts grow quieter.

I pull Liam out of the house. We travel back in silence because I don't want to speak and Liam because he is still in a state of sheer rage.

As we walk into the apartment Liam pulls me to him. "Brett. I don't know when or how but he will pay. He will pay." I look at Liam and say nothing as he kisses me and holds me with fury.

(Chapter 55.) Brett's next step.

And so here we are. I feel his raw cock slide up and down the entrance to my pussy. He glides it over my fat clit. My clit is swollen and throbs a little. He stops and leans back. He slaps his hard dick on my clit a few times. He always liked that, but he loves it now that he is bigger. I like it as well, the feel of his bull cock on the shame of my breeder clit. Only now in this moment as I take my final steps to breederhood, it feels more poignant.

I guess the hope that I could somehow remain tit-free is over. He didn't argue with me when I told him I need us both to take this step. I knew he was as upset if not more so than me.

I know when he says are you sure and I reply yes we both know that we don't really have a choice and his raw cock pushes into me with ease.

My fuck walls betray me parting greedily as his huge bull cock glides into my wet needy cunt. His raw cock is ready to take me, fuck me and fill me with his seed. Seed that will change me. Give me tits. My firm large pecs will dissolve like every other breeder before me. I feel so horrible and yet it feels so good as he draws back. His foreskin creates that extra bit of friction against the walls of my pussy and then back in again. This time he slams into me hard.

I let out a shrill breeder moan of discomfort as he bangs the back of my pussy and he doesn't stop and it hurts at first as he begins to pick up speed and fuck me.

"OH fuck!" I moan my voice a high moan.

"You like that?" He says bearing down on me and deep into me pumping me.

"Yes! Your raw cock feels good," I squeal, and part my thick legs to take more.

He grins "You want it all don't you baby. All my bull cock."

"Yes. Deep as you can fuck me, Liam fuck me." I say and my voice sounds pathetic. It sounds needy and I am no different to any other bitch taking a bull cock. I am on my back impaled on a cock begging for more dick, deeper and harder. I feel my stomach bubble as he pounds my bitch hole.

"Fuck Liam yes. So good." I am close to creaming on his raw cock.

"God, you feel so good Brett. I might not last long so hot and wet. So fucking good. You ready yet?" He asks. This is his first time raw in my pussy and it feels good for both of us.

"Nearly," I reply. My pussy swallows his cock deep inside and I feel myself getting really close and I want it so bad I want to feel his seed in my hole.

I want to feel him cum in my cunt. I love it in my butt and want it in my cunt. I don't want tits though I don't want to take that next step but I have no choice. I am so conflicted ready to take his first load in my cunt.

I wonder how big they will be, how heavy, how good they will feel in his big strong hands.

I cum hard on his dick and spew out a load of bitch piss. I lose control as he fucks me and I feel the warm liquid spray between our bodies. I see him smile. He loves it when I am like this. Legs wide apart shaking impaled on his bull cock shaking from an orgasm. My cunt cum flowing between us.

"Fuck!!!" I scream with my high pitched bitch voice. I am being fucked raw.

"Fucking give me that bull load Liam. Fucking Tit me. Give me it," I say, my high breeder pleas pathetic and needy.

His face churns. I know that will send him over the edge. His deep bass grunt. The noise of a bull coming in his bitch is the difference between us.

I feel his cock plunge into me and thicken as it always did in the sheath only now it is free to let loose and flood me and I feel his dick twitch and his face churn and I feel the warm flood of his cum deep in me. He pants and a little sweat runs down his forehead.

"Sorry baby. It is done." He says and he pulls out of me and the sickening noise of my cunt squelch, farting out its first load, hits me hard. The sound I heard from his ass, my ass, and one I loved. The sound of a well fucked hole oozing cum and I feel it run out of me down towards my ass. I just took my first load in my cunt.

I think back to Thomas and when I did this to him. I lie on my back, and Liam has pulled out of me and for a second I think it hasn't worked.

Then it hits me with a fierce sensation in my right nipple. It is almost like a powerful orgasmic blast then my left nipple and then the two together are almost too much to bear. I hear my moans then screams of my breeder voice. As I feel a fearsome pleasure in my nipples and deep in my pussy almost like they are connecting in a way they never did before.

The pleasure goes away but comes back harder and harder and I grab my nipples and squeeze them hard and it makes my body shake and tremble and I feel them pulse between my fingers. I feel that they are bigger and spreading with each wave. I feel them pulse in my fingers. I feel the teats getting harder and longer. I feel the pleasure deep in me like I am coming over and over again. Mini orgasms rocking me one after another.

My nipples feel so fucking sensitive and good right now and I want them bigger. I want big fat man tits to go with them and I scream and hate myself for wanting this but it feels so good.

I remember Thomas how he cried and screamed briefly about wanting big tits and I want to do the same and I can't. I know Liam would hate that. I squeeze the nipples and pinch them. It feels too good.

"Fuck Yes. Tits I want fuck. NOOO!!!! Tits big juicy tits." I yell and buck as the fire in my nipples and cunt is too much.

"I want huge fucking man tits," I yell, I am not sure where that came from and I know as I buck and scream I have let him down. I have let myself down. But it is so strange in that moment I want big fucking tits and I want huge fucking nipples. The image of me in my mind won't go away as I feel the skin around my nipples stretch and pulse.

My chest is still strong and firm, not tits, not yet but they will come and the blasts of pleasure from my chest are as vicious and wonderful as it was from my ass bloom. I feel the pleasure ebb away and I briefly see Liam who is now standing by the bed watching. I can't tell but I think he is crying.

It seems to be over. I pant then I feel pressure under my hands. A bubbling and rippling under the skin and a pressure and not just in my chest but in my pussy.

Then it hits me again stronger than before if the pleasure before was like small orgasms these are not. These are big fucking orgasms one after the other and the pressure under my hands increases and so does the pleasure.

I feel my strong firm pecs ripple and bubble and I push down on them but that only feels better. I feel the firmness seems to be going. It isn't instantaneous, just a slow bubbling pressure under the palms of my hands.

I feel my hand run off my long bitch teats shit they feel so big and hard and sexy and I squeeze them and buck up.

"OH Yes." I moan as the firm flesh is softening with every moment and the pressure increases and suddenly I know that the firm feeling of my muscle tits is fading to real tits.

"Oh God No. Tits no." I buck and moan and squirt again, my body shaking with pleasure as I cum and feel the small mounds are flesh now. My hands massage them as my cunt erupts and they are two small orbs and it comes again that image. Big fleshy tits are so sexy. I can almost visualize them on my chest and suddenly my hands are palming two small orbs. I am trying to push them down and it feels so good and I hate it.

The skin feels taut as it stretches and fills with tissue pulse after pulse of pleasure it is almost too much. I squeeze my pecs together and look down and they are small tits now, not pecs.

"I don't want big tits," I say and moan and thrust into the air but they are getting bigger. The small perky orbs push and stretch and grow and now they move of their own accord, each one wobbling. Now the small jiggle of just a few moments ago, gone.

They are flapping around and getting bigger and the pleasure is slowing down and I pant and the flesh seems to spill into my hands. I push my hands in but they can't contain my bitch tits. My fucking breeder bitch tits are still growing and it still feels good but it is slowing down. I am coming out of the fog of orgasmic bliss, my chest still pulsing, still stretching, still growing. I let go of my right tit and it falls down to the side. I look down and groan.

"Oh shit no. So big." I pant. I let go of my left tit and that flops the other side and slowly the pressure stops.

I lie on the bed. The strange weight on my chest was foreign and new. I am lying in a patch of my own cum with tits on my chest.

I sit up and they hang down. I look down at them and feel their weight. They hang down fat and full and huge. I stand up and walk to the mirror. They feel like my balls, only 1000 times bigger as they swing and sway. I look down at the molded muscle cleft of my pecs now cleavage.

They look and feel so big from this angle. I look in the mirror and see them with Liam standing behind me.

They are big, maybe as big as Angels, they look great. I know a good set of tits when I see them and these are great tits. Just not on me. The nipples are big and pink and the teats are long and thick.

I push them together and they feel sensual as I squeeze them. I let them go and they flop down. They feel so much bigger than they actually are. I wonder how long it will take me to get used to this new weight on my chest. I try to flex my pecs and nothing.

They are still coated in my soft blonde body hair. I run my hands over them and they connect directly to my cunt in a way my old chest never did.

These are great tits and I look amazing. I am one hot fucking breeder bitch. I can see that. I would have fucked me. I don't want to be a hot breeder bitch. I don't want this. But there he is before me, one of the sexiest breeder bitches in all Albion. 6 feet 5 inch a rugged cunt, muscled, blonde, and handsome as all hell. And it is me.

I want to weep but I can't. I turn around and see that Liam is crying for both of us.


(Chapter 56.) Becoming a full breeder.

It has been a few days now since I got fucked raw for the first time. I never expected the change to make such an impact.

My tits feel so strange. They are heavy on me and move and sway and jiggle. They seem to have a mind of their own and I keep cupping them together and they squish and are soft. They feel strange and good on me. I hate them.

Liam hasn't taken my pussy raw since the day he gave me tits. He has been subdued, but yesterday when he was fucking my ass he was looking down at me as he fucked me and I could feel them moving around on my chest hanging down and flapping as he worked me.

He pulled out of me and rolled on a condom. He lay down on the bed.

"Ride me please," he says.

I clamber onto him and put his sheathed dick into my cunt. I already came, but I was close again. I begin to buck and ride and I feel the tits flapping around and I hate how they feel until he reaches up and cups them and squeezes them and plays with my nipples.

"Rub your clit, Brett." He says as he plays with my tits and it doesn't take me long to get off again and then again and he cums bucking up into me, squeezing my tits hard.

As I stand up out of bed, I feel their weight pulling down.

"How do they feel?" He asks.

"Well, just now, pretty good when you were groping them," I say, and laugh.

"Yeah? So you like them?" He asks.

"No, they weigh a fucking ton. They flap around like the biggest set of balls anyone ever had. At least the gods had the sense to put those in one sack. They feel strange, but they connect directly to my pussy."

"I don't know what to say, Brett. I sort of think they look good on you, but you know I didn't want this for you, or us."

I go up to him and kiss him. We kiss for a while.

"You got a bit of a beard there, Brett. And I notice your bush. It is hairier than normal. You let me know when you are ready," he says and kisses me again.

"I will. And Liam, this isn't your fault," I tell him.

"I know that, but it doesn't make any of this shit any easier, does it?" He sighs, running his hand over my stubble and down my fat hairy tits.

"Hey, Liam, can we get real drunk tonight? I need to get drunk."

"You don't have to ask, of course we can," Liam says to me, but he doesn't realize what he said. I do have to ask. I can't get a drink. Even a whore can get a drink. I am just a breeder pair, service bots won't serve us booze. I don't say anything and we do get drunk.


A few days later, I get up early. Liam is fast asleep. I go to the bathroom and put the seat down and curse him as I squat and piss and wipe my pussy clean.

I look at myself in the full-length mirror. That familiar hair, the face, the short trimmed beard. Handsome devil. I wink at myself and flex. I run my hands down to my furry tits. I cup them together with the mounds of flesh where my wonderful pecs used to be. They are big and heavy on me.

I look at my ugly hairy pussy. No amount of blonde bush can hide the ugly snatch and my fat cut clit poking out of there.

Liam lies naked on his side, asleep. His cock and balls hang down, his dick reaches down to the mattress. He rolls over onto his back. His cock moves with him, and so do those huge balls. They nestle between his thick muscular legs. It is so tempting, that long rod of fuck meat. I feel my clit twitch.

I squeeze my tits together harder and feel my nipples stiffen. The thick teats stick out and the nipples are so big. I could almost like how soft and sensitive they feel.

I look at his body. He is so big and muscular in that athletic way he has. His flat, small but firm chest, he has pecs like I used to have, not tits like I have now. They are coated in thick red fur which reaches down to his red pubic bush. He hasn't trimmed it for a while, he really is hairy. I love the way his gold cock ring is barely visible amongst the flash of red hair that frames his dick. I see him smile, but he is still asleep. I see his dick twitch, and I touch and play with my nipples. I love how they connect to my pussy. They are hard-wired to my sexual pleasure now. My tits and nipples are a whole new zone of pleasure. I hate them and love them as I stand here staring at Liam and his dick getting bigger.

He is having a sexy dream, and my body responds to the sight of him. My furry bear of a man. I feel his cock in me from last night and the night before. Fucking my cunt and my ass flooding my hole with his seed. I know one more load in my pussy and my hair will be gone. I run my hand on my chin. I imagine his load deep in my cunt. I feel my cunt leak in response.

I move to the bed and get back on it. I move my mouth to his cock which is hard now. The skin pulled far back to reveal the shiny pink end head. I see a new pattern of small freckles on his cock has started to form from where he has been out in the sun. A large one right on the tip of his foreskin. I love the way his cock looks. The foreskin restored, no sign he was ever cut at all. His helmet has got the sheen back. The pink shiny head of his pale freckled bull cock.

I sniff his balls and his cock. The musk makes me drip and I feel empty and needy. His musk is so different from my own, his is that earthy bull musk. Mine the stench of a breeder bitch. I run my hand over my stiff clit. It is wet with my arousal. I sniff my fingers. God, I used to love that smell. I lick the length of his cock and suck one of his hairy balls. I think about blowing him. Since his father took my voice I have blown him a lot. I've swallowed his seed and gotten better at it. I wonder if it feels as good for him when I'm blowing him as it used to feel when he was blowing me.

I take in his stiffness and hold his rod and squeeze the shaft, the long hard shaft leaking a small drop of pre. Not like me and my arousal. The pussy juice gushing out of my cunt. The viscous liquid lube I produce. I miss squeezing my own dick. His will have to do. It has done for a while now. I feel that pang of anger, jealousy, shame, and conflict that won't go away.

I stop and clamber on to him; he still doesn't wake. I bend and flex his cock between my legs and let the glorious long shaft of his fuck pole flow into me. I love how it feels as it fills my hole. My greedy wet hot breeder cunt.

I know that if we keep doing this he will plant his seed into me and that I will be fat with his child. That first time might have been enough. My tits will fill with breeder milk. I sit on his cock and it feels so fucking big and nice as I feel the length stop invading me. I squeeze my fat tits together and play with my stiff nipples.

They feel so good. Why do they feel so good? I begin to gently ride him and he wakes and smiles. "Morning." He says in a tired voice and his smile beams across his face.

I begin to ride him fast. I stroke my furry tits and buck on his cock.

I see him rub his eyes and smile again.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Fuck me like the breeder bitch. I am Liam. Fuck me hard and good."

He grabs my arms and rolls me off him. He clambers on top of me.

"Spread those legs, bitch." He says and chuckles as I spread my legs and expose my pussy to him. He lies on top of me. He slams his cock towards my cunt and drives his bull shaft deep into me. With one swift hard thrust, my cunt takes it all willingly.

"No Liam, tap your big bull cock on my clitty. My useless breeder clitty."

He smiles. "Ok you want it like that? You got it, bitch."

"Yes, I want to feel the shame."

"Yeah." He rolls off me.

He lies on his side and runs a thumb down my clit and rubs my scar. He knows that drives me wild. I let out a little moan after a few minutes of him rubbing it.

"Yeah, you like that bitch. You like me rubbing that big fat cut clitty. Your bitch button." He hisses at me.

"Yes, feels good, so fucking good."

"Yeah. Brett, all that is left of that big, long cock. Feels good, your big bull rubbing your sad little fat ugly clit, huh?"

"Yes, so good." He squeezes it hard and I wince.

"Not yet, bitch. You were getting close, weren't you?" I simply nod.

He parts my legs and darts between them. His head moves to my cunt. "God, Brett, your cunt is so fucking wet. Smells too. You smell like a fucking breeder bitch in heat. Ripe and ready for his bull." He takes my clit in his mouth and sucks it hard and I moan in pleasure.

He pauses for a while. "Tell me you are wet for my bull cock. Tell me this ripe breeder hole is ripe for my cock."

He dives back down onto my clit. It feels so good and pathetic in his mouth. Hard as it will ever be and still soft and pliable against his tongue.

"Fuck Liam, I want your big bull cock in my ripe bitch hole. Smell me. Smell my breeder heat. That is for you Liam, that is what you do to me," I say, panting as he gets me close. He catches my clit wrong and takes the edge off a little. The bull really does need cunt lessons sometime.

I pull him off me and up to my mouth. I taste and smell my bitch juice on his breath.

He pushes me away. "Suck me off now, bitch. Suck my big bull cock. Go on." I scramble down, my tits flapping as I move.

I lick his bull balls but I want to taste his cock and I move the head of his cock to my mouth. I take in as much as I can and begin to work the shaft in and out of my mouth.

"Fuck feels good, Brett. You are getting better." He says as I work his bull cock into my mouth cunt. I guess I need more lessons as well. I gobble and slurp on his bull meat and he is rock hard.

"I love it. Remember when I could hardly take your cock in my mouth?" He pushes down on my head. "Mmmphh!" is all I can manage as a response.

"Yeah, I don't have that fucking problem now. I can suck you all now. Stroke that bitch clit, all that is left of that big shaft while you suck a cock you can choke on." I feel my pussy fire up as I stroke it.

"Fucking nice Brett, take a bit more" he bucks and I almost gag on his cock. I diddle my cunt and I finally cum. I take my head off him as I cum, panting and choking.

"You came?" He asks, grabbing my hair as I shake. I just nod as the orgasm passes.

"Fuck. Yes." I manage to pant.

"Well, I am not fucking done. I want you to take my fucking load in that mouth cunt, go on, suck my cock. Properly," and I do.

He pulls me off him.

"What is it, baby?" I ask him.

"You need to work on that." He smiles at me as he yanks my hair again in a way that forces me to look at him.

"Jerk my cock with those fat bitch tits instead." I crawl on top of him and slide his cock between my fleshy orbs and begin to milk his cock and he bucks a little with the motion of his fat bull head poking out of the top of my cleavage my soft sensual orbs milking his big bull cock.

"Your cock feels so good in my tits," I say, and I sense he is enjoying this.

"Fuck my big fat breeder titties. Yes, Liam, fuck my tits." It feels so good, and he is panting as he gets close.

"Yeah, those tits feel so good on my fucking cock. Yeah, fuck my cock with your tits. Squeeze them harder," he says bucking,

I almost cum when he pushes me off and onto my back on the bed. He kneels above me as I lie on my back.

"Fuck, take this load, bitch." He cums on me. He coats my tits and face with a load of spunk, shot after shot blasting onto my skin. I feel his dick juice coat my cheek and my tits, then my lips as he sprays his big bull load.

I rub his cum on my flappy tits and lick my fingers clean.

"Fuck, your cum tastes so good," I coo. He rubs his cock on my cheek and coats it with his spunk still dripping down me.

"Lick my fucking dick clean." He slaps his cock on my cheek and I gobble his dick clean.

"Fuck Brett. So fucking hot. Jerk me hard." He says and lies back down next to me.

I take his soft bull dick in my hand. "Yeah, feel that Brett, a real cock even yours, wasn't that big, was it?" He says as I roll the skin back and forth.

"How does it feel?" He asks me as I feel his cock start to stiffen.

"Feels good to hold a real cock. I feel jealous of your cock. Your big bull cock. I love how it feels and I feel jealous," I say, jerking him.

"Yeah. Holding it reminds you of your cock, doesn't it?" He says, and he pulls back my head so I look at him.

"Yes. I miss my cock. I only have your cock to play with now. Bigger than mine was. Feels good." I pant. My pussy was wet and inflamed.

"Yeah. This is your bull cock. Do you like how hard it feels?" He says

"Yes. Feels so good. It is making me wet. Liam so fucking wet. I love how it feels. I love how it looks and how it feels inside me. So fucking jealous." I jerk his hard dick.

He takes my hand, and he pulls me to the edge of the bed and lifts my legs onto his shoulders and sticks his cock in me.

My tits flap and jiggle with each thrust. I try to play with my clit, but he stops me. "Let me look at you like this." He says, pounding me.

"Fuck feels so good Liam, your cock feels so good," I scream

I see him looking down, watching his cock sliding in and out of my pussy all 11 inches. "Fuck, I love looking at my cock fucking your cunt. Your fucking breeder pussy looks so good, stretching to fit in my massive bull cock."

"I love how fucking big it feels, fucking my cunt." I let out a moan.

"Yeah. Squeal like a breeder go on squeal for me with that fucking breeder voice Brett. Not long, baby. Soon you will be all breeder, all breeder for my bull cock. You want that, don't you?" I look up at him. My body rocks with his thrusts. He is hard and fast.

"Yes. Fuck me raw. Knock me up. Make me a real fucking breeder," I scream.

"If that's what you want?" He says, looking down from his favorite position.

"Fuck me hard Liam, fuck me. Hear my dumb bitch voice. I got from being a whore with your father. Fuck me till I scream," I say and he does.

He fucks me hard. He licks the soles of my feet for a while as he pounds my aching cunt stuffed with his cock. My breeder hole taking his raw cock a second time. I cum and I see my feet bunch up into fists as the pleasure overwhelms me, sending that rush of orgasmic bliss into my body.

"Fuck Yes." I hear the sound of my high-pitched bitch squeal. He just looks down and chuckles. He watches my body jiggle as my tits flap around. He smiles as he controls my body. "I love the way your breeder tits bounce when I fuck you."

He pulls out as I pant. "On your back, spread those fucking legs. I am nearly ready to give you my fucking load."

I roll onto my back, my cunt empty without him in it. He gets on top of me and taps my pathetic clit. "Fuck Liam, I love how big your cock is against my clitty." I moan and he does it some more. "Yeah. You want me to fuck your hole some more? Want me to plant a load in you? Maybe knock you up like a silly breeder bitch."

"Yes, fuck me hard. I want to feel your load in my cunt. My fucking breeder cunt wants you so bad." I say with my simpering bitch voice.

He slams into me. "Fuck, feels so good." He says, fucking me hard. "Your breeder cunt feels so fucking good."

"Yeah fuck my breeder hole Liam, fuck me hard."

"Yeah. What are you, Brett?" He says, pounding me hard and fast.

"I am your breeder whore. I am your breeder bitch, Liam." I yell.

"Yeah. Take my fucking bull cock."

"Harder Liam, fuck me hard. Give me that fucking load, make me your fucking breeder. Give me that load. I am your fucking breeder when you do that." I scream.

"Fuck Brett. Take it." He cums this not the extreme reaction of a bloom or getting tits. It feels good though his seed is flowing deep into me. Him spent on top of me his cock still stuffed inside of my pussy. I kiss him as he lies on me and he kisses me and we make out and I feel his dick slide out as we roll around.

I roll on my back and let out a wet, squelchy breeder fart.

I laugh and roll back on my side. "Thanks, I needed that. Now let's shower." I grabbed his hand. I stand up and the weight of my tits hits me again and I feel his spunk dribble down my thigh. "Was that what you wanted?" He asks as we walk to the shower.

"Yes, it was. At least today it was, and maybe other days, but not all the time. Sometimes the shame is so fucking good. I am just glad I can share that with you." He kisses me and grins and I know in that moment he understands me completely.

We stand under the water and he soaps me down and I feel my skin getting smoother as he rubs away my body hair. He rubs my legs, chest, ass, and armpits. My pussy feels so strange and soft without hair. I love how soft and sensual it all feels to his touch, but I now feel exposed and vulnerable. My small thatch of pubic hair is now gone, the soft skin of my pussy mound and ugly cunt no longer hidden even by that small amount of hair.

As I feel my skin and Liam strokes my body, I feel like a breeder, soft to touch. But more than that, I feel almost sensual and different without hair. It is strange how different I feel as I stroke my skin.

"Well, I really am a fucking breeder now," I say. I am a full breeder now, as the last vestiges of my boyhood hair are flowing down the drain.

He smiles at me and laughs. "I guess. Well, you are my breeder and I love you so much. I never wanted this for you. Never. There is one thing though, Brett. I meant it, Brett. He will pay for this. I don't know when or how, but he will pay." He kisses me on the cheek; the warmth of his lips are a contrast to the sound of ice and vengeance in his voice.

Next: Chapter 6

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