Brians Seven Seas of Loneliness

By Jon

Published on Aug 12, 2000


OK this is my first time at a story like this, I have read many from the archive and loved them. This is about ME, MY life, and MY fantasies with Brian Littrell and the BackStreet Boys. I am in no way implying anything about the sexuality of the BackStreet boys, and if your not 18 GIT! Enjoy and please send mail to with good or bad comments on the story. Just remember its my first time, and any resemblance to other stories I am sorry it's coincidental and quite on accident.

Part 25: Well here marks the fact that I have 24 other chapters of a saga, Over a year going. I want to thank all of you whom have written, and the friendships I have made thru the story. This story has done more than I could ever have imagined on more levels than I could have even hopped for. I never honestly thought I'd get past part 3, and I know I'm not regularly updating as much as I wish I could be, BUT the past is gone, the present is now, and the future to be told. Life has a funny way of bringing together old friends, for one reason or another. So among other things I should thank Gracie (WallPaper Smurf, who I am now submitting an official change of name form on her behalf to make her drunken flirty had to be there to understand). She was there thru what seemed were going to be my last hours. She was there to pick the pieces of my life up with me, and helped me to see a few things in life. Also Em, you gave me a reason to fight to stay here in Mass, when I was ready to give up and leave for Georgia, and start over. Had I not stayed I'd have never known what it was like to be in love. Or I might, but I know now, and even tho the love is unreturned at this moment in time, I know I would give my life for this man. I don't know how I fell in love with him, but I did. And one day I hope he will see it too. For the moment he has what I wished him, and that was happiness. I always knew he could do better than me as a boyfriend, and I am thrilled to say he has. He found a very good guy from what I have heard, with killer looks and a heart of gold. I wish him eternal love, even if its not with me. I also learned a few friends who weren't really friends to me, but hurt me in ways no one else ever could. And to you Britney I wish you maturity. I wish you the ability to grow up and see all the pain your lies have created, and the life... my life.. Which 3 times now you almost destroyed with but a few words.

You will never know the heartache, or pain you have given. And I wish you never have to. Even if you are using your "gifts" badly to harm others, it will all come back in time, and I hope you survive it. I also hope you never run into Sherry or Gracie, for they will not forgive you as easily as I have. James, you too are a lifesaver. What color I dare not ask, what flavor I need not know. All I need to know is you were there, and I am doing a bit better. I am so sorry I scared you and all the people around you. I don't know how, or if I will make it thru all this, but I know as alone as I feel, even now I have a place to turn. Jim, what can I say...We've seen it all between us, and we will probably see more bad before good. Just remember the eye's from your dreams, and they will guide you to the riches in life. Dani.. well you saw part of this already. I can never stop laughing when I see how closely related our stories are, right down to the music we've used in the stories, but I have one thing to say "HA!!! I used "You'll Be In My Heart" first so NAY!" And to anyone reading this feel free to write me, I love emails.Without further procrastination, here ya go..

Brian's 7 Sea's of Loneliness part 25 by Jon

Jon stepped out of the Limo, and awaited the guys to all step out, leading them to the elevator. He held the doors open for them and stepped into the elevator himself. He stared at the doors, as if it were the most interesting thing in the world at the moment. Kevin eventually placed his hand on Jon's shoulder and squeezed it a bit, and Jon craned his neck to look at Kevin. He saw the pained expression on Brian's face, as well as the looks of sure bewilderment on the faces of the other guys. "Jon" Kevin started as Jon turned his head to face Kevin "Are you OK, did you get done what needed to be done at your place?" Jon half smiled at the concern in Kevin's voice, as he looked over at Brian a bit then back to Kevin, "Yeah Kev..Mr. Richardson, I did...or as well as I could. Besides much of that doesn't matter any more. Things have changed, as time often does to things, and" in a sarcastic half mocking way "I don't care anymore so I'm told. And since I am the hired hand, the boss is always right. Any thing else Sir?" I could see Brian tense at the statement of my not caring as it hit him that I heard what he said. My voice was just short of lawyer trying to be professional, I was after all their employee and now I was trying to act out the part. Courteous and polite, speaking only when spoken to, and short to the point answers were the common practice.

Soon the elevator opened and I motioned them out, Getting another Hug from Nick, and Kevin as they left. Brian went to hug me, and I stepped away before he could. Soon the doors closed after all the guys exited and were off to their rooms. Kevin called back before he closed the door "Jon I still need to talk to you tomorrow morning after your shift please. It's important, breakfast is at it's usual time." I shrugged as I heard him and called back "That's great Sir, when should I grab that meeting before or after?" I asked, knowing he was hinting joining them for breakfast, but I couldn't face them all at once with Brian and discuss all this. Kevin was closing his door automatically thinking I was joining them for breakfast and turned around with a look of shock...and almost exasperation looking at me. He really hadn't expected to be turned down that way, but he tried once more to get me to join them for breakfast "How about during the breakfast Jon?" The others were watching from their doors, and I saw a few tears cover Brian's eyes, and he went to his room, and Nick was looking over Kevin's shoulder to see what was going to happen. "Before or after breakfast Sir? Shall I assume after so I don't disturb your rest?" I said, still trying to keep a professional voice. And once more Kevin's look became that of worried, and almost defeated "Please join us FOR breakfast." Kevin said it, almost whispered, but I heard him regardless.

AJ and Howie were amazingly quiet, no doubt due to the fact that things had changed so drastically in the past hour, to where they weren't sure quite how to react other than to just be there and see what happens. "I'm sorry Sir" I said to Kevin "I don't think that would be appropriate, but if you wish to set up a meeting, or if I have done something wrong, I would be happy to have a meeting after lunch sometime when I wake up, or before dinner and before my shift..tho tonight is your last night here of work, and 3 days till you leave. If you want the meeting you need to tell me now tho, because if I am coming before dinner, I need to leave my house early, and if I am staying late I need to plan on what's going on." Kevin looked defeated, he had no idea what to say or do, and Nick called over his shoulder "Jon please join us for breakfast..please?" I closed my eyes, I knew I was about 1 minute from breaking down, and I refused to let them see my tears, and I spoke, my voice very shaken and distressed, at a last stitch effort to keep myself together "I'm sorry Sir I can't it wouldn't be appropriate. Sleep well, and I will see you tomorrow." With that Nick got a look of rejection on his face, and Kevin hugged him and escorted him into their room. AJ and Howie closed the door to their room, and Brian's door was closed throughout most of the conversation.

As soon as I heard all the doors shut, my back hit the wall, and I soon slid down the wall. The tears that were threatening to come out before were now freely pouring. While it was true I had the floor checking duty, that was all I had, I had no watch as I was a personal Body Guard, and not a floor guard. As I fell down the wall, my arms pulled my knee's to my face, and I let the tears fall freely. I sobbed lightly as my shoulders shook, I couldn't get the image of Brian kissing another man out of my head. As I sat there, I felt the world on my shoulders, I felt myself diving into a pool, but kept falling as the tears started soaking into my jeans. My knee's and legs were falling asleep, but still I sat there, powerless to move. Even if I had the strength, I had not the desire, nor did I have a place to go except the emptiness. It took a few hours to get my composer, and I finally got off the ground, Luckily I did when I did, as I saw Nick exit his and Kevin's room and I made my way towards the elevator. Nick walked up to me, and I hid my face, by looking at the wall. I couldn't look at him, not like this. "Jon" Nick said "Please join us for breakfast, we all missed you, and we all care about you. And Brian does most of all.. You were all he thought about while you were gone, I swear." And I just looked at the wall, and after a few minutes "He was so busy thinking about me he kissed another guy right? He was so busy missing me he said it didn't matter that I didn't care right?" I said. Knowing my voice mirrored how crushed I felt the first time he said it, and mirroring the feelings of pain I had.

Nick put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around. Much to my disagreement my body put up no resistance to the motion, and I was easily turned. He saw my red, puffy eyes and knew I was crying, and he hugged me close. Soon my arms were around him, and my shoulders were wracked with my sobs as I cried into his shirt. "You don't have the watch do you Jon?" his voice seemed to have the "I just figured it out" tone to it. I shook my head no, as I cried on his shoulder. "I thought not, the personal guards rarely do, tho it took me awhile to catch on." he said it so soothingly I could have just turned to a puddle right there, partly from the tears, and from embarrassment, and from the sweet sentiment. I slowly felt myself being pulled by Nick to his room, and he opened the door quietly. I saw the dead lights of the TV on, and heard the volume down low. It was obvious Kevin was still up as well. And one look at me crying on Nick's shoulder had him off the bed, and over by me. I just looked up at him, and nodded to the question I know he has on his mind. Nick had in fact already asked it.

"Jon" Kevin stated as a father would to a hurt child "Want to talk about this, it has got to be eating you up to be crying like this." Truth be known, all I wanted to do was find a bottle of pain pills and watch the pain go away, but I opted for plan B and sat down on the bed. Since I was no longer on the clock, I had decided I could call them by their preferred names. "I guess I have little choice in the situation Kevin, so I guess. Its just that I come back, finally having my head clear of a lot of what's been bothering me to see him kissing another guy. I just don't know how to deal with it. But I know now that me and Brian as a couple are over. He either moved on, or I am as of this moment. I can't live with knowing he kissed someone else and thinks I don't care. And if I am going to be able to stay here and work for you that's just how it has to be." I said as I felt a few more tears warm my cheeks. Soon after I said it, and felt the tears, I felt like I was losing the one thing I thought was going to be there. The emptiness that was my life as a kid and teenager slowly set back in, I felt myself taking a step forward, and falling 5 steps behind. I could feel my shell going back up, my walls were fierce indeed and I could actually feel them going up. All I wanted was to be alone, no one in my world meant there was no one there to hurt me, for it can only hurt you if you loved it in the first place.

There was nothing more to be said or done. I told them about my apartment, and what I had been doing, about my conversations with James, and Kate, and how I had pieced things together. I laughed a bit when I relayed to them how they had all called and asked me to come to the show, and I just turned them off knowing I'd be there. Nick and Kevin both winced when I told them what I had heard in the limo. I guess they were just hoping that his voice didn't carry over. After a few hours of talking I had to turn the tables on them just a bit. "So how are things with you two? It looks kind of cozy in here." I smiled when I said it so they knew I was saying it in a friendly manner. "Well, things are going great...tho I'm not sure it was worth all that happened. You lost Brian so we could be together." Nick said sadly, and Kevin wrapped his arms around Nick. When he was finished, so did I and I whispered in his ear "Nick, nothing between me and Brian right now is your fault. And before you say it is and disagree with me, its not. We didn't make it, maybe it wasn't mean to be, or maybe it wasn't meant to be right now. That doesn't mean you and Kevin weren't meant to be here and now. And I don't regret one moment of time I spent with Brian. I loved him, he loved me, and no matter what, I will always have the memories of that. And memories Nick are how things are carried on." I smiled and backed off, so he could cuddle with Kevin, and I saw him smile. Which in turn made Kevin's face come into a happier look. Somehow I knew that was what he wanted, no needed to hear from me. Almost like a child in the middle of a bitter divorce, thinking it's all their fault. I guess I never realized how my mind worked until that moment. No matter the amount of pain I was in at any given moment, as soon as I felt someone needed me, I was there. Almost as if that made me whole. I seemed to know what to say and how to say, I knew how to make others feel just a bit better about themselves, and I was learning who I was thru these men.

I left the room, still in a morbid mood, not really sure what I was going to do. So I did all I could, I looked up, and started to walk to my room. As soon as I looked up, I saw Brian's face, also red and puffy eyed. As soon as he saw me look up, he stared at the wall, as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. I knew he had been staring at me, but he didn't want me to know. I also knew that eventually he and I had to talk things out so we were on the same page, and so that we could work together. And I also knew I only had a day to do it, as we were only here for the night and tomorrow, and maybe the Thursday morning. So I walked over to him, but slowly. My feet and legs decided now would be a good time to give out and stop moving. I couldn't pinpoint the exact moment it had happened, but my body was on total mutiny. It decided to do nothing I had wanted it to do, and now it was starting to get irritating. So I forced my legs to start moving towards Brian. He just looked up at me, a confused look in his eyes, not sure of what was happening. He too must have had a million thoughts coursing through his mind. I put a hand on his shoulder, and pointed to the door, as if asking silently if we could talk. He opened the door slowly and lead me into his room. As soon as we were in, he sat down on his bed and motioned for me to join him. I was a bit hesitant at first, but eventually I complied with his request.

"Jon" Brian started, his voice hesitant, and scared, as well as withdrawn. "I know what you heard." I had to cut him off, I wasn't sure if I could handle this, and I knew if I wasn't in control of what was being said, I would never have the will power, or the resolve to say it. "Brian, I can't go on like this.. I just can't. You may think I don't care, but I did, and I do, and I always will. BUT I have to work here with you, so I need to get past things. What happened, it happened. I don't know that I will ever forget it, nor do I know that I can truly move past it, But I am going to do my level best to try. I'm going to do all I can to be a friend to you and the others, but your going to have to be patient cause what happened hurt, and I don't expect you to care, nor do I expect you to know, I do expect you to be a bit tolerant tho." With that I shut up, and looked to his face to register its reaction. He just looked, aware. Aware that I was there, and that I had spoke, but it looked like he was either in disbelief of what was said, or he just didn't register it. So I continued "Do you have anything else you want to say, or is this the end of things?" He just shook his head no, which I interpreted as he had nothing to add, and got up, and started to leave. His voice was soft, an almost inaudible whisper. I almost thought I didn't hear it, but he said my name. I turned around slowly to look at him. He looked utterly crushed. I imagined that's what I looked like but a few hours ago, almost lost of all hope, destitute. He looked like his whole heart, mind and body were about to shut down. But still I looked on, waiting for what he wanted.

His mouth started moving, but no words were coming out. Finally he found his voice, tho weak and shaky " Jon, please don't leave me.. Please" I closed my eyes, but I still couldn't get his face out of my mind, that look of utter despair, and yet next to it, burned in my mind was the image of him kissing that man. My mind was battling over all my emotions, and I was getting dizzy. I could feel my knee's getting weak, and my head was pulsating. I felt like I was going to explode from all the things in my head at just that moment. I did the one thing I knew how to do when I was in intense pain. I learned how to knock myself out by shutting my body down when I was a kid, to stop the beatings. And now, I used it to stop pains of all sorts. So I shut down. I let my knee's buckle, I let my mind shut off, and I fell to the floor in a heap of limbs and skin. Limp and weak. From Brian's mouth came a guttural scream, as he saw me give out. He just looked on, and saw what was happening as if in a movie, in slow motion. Yet he was paralyzed and he could do nothing. He willed his body to move, and catch me, but he couldn't move to do it. As I fell to the floor with a sickening Thud my mind seemed to close off, just like my body. I entered a world most don't know about, or rather they know its there subconsciously but never knew how to control it. The world between worlds, where dreams and reality become one. And I was flying through it. Seeing what was the most amazing scene in my life unfold...

******Kevin and Nick's room

Jon was just walking out the door, closing it, as Nick smiled at Kevin. "Boy your all happy, what exactly did he say?" Kevin looked on at Nick while asking, quite bewildered at what exactly could have Jon said to make Nick that happy. Nick just smiled at Kevin, cuddling up closer to him, and kissed his Neck "That's not important, all that matters is it was said." With that Kevin backed off, curious, but not about to pry knowing if it made Nick that happy than it was just good that it was said, besides, the kissing at his neck was making it insanely hard to concentrate. Nick kept kissing Kevin's neck and slowly worked his way to Kevin's Adam's Apple, his tongue making butterfly kisses on it. Kevin was moaning lightly from the feel of it. The light brushing kiss on his Adam's Apple was driving him wild, and Nick took note of this, as he continues, while inwardly smiling. Slowly his hand crept over Kevin's back massaging the tense muscles to a moldable relaxed state. As he was doing this, Kevin started to relax, and lay down a bit, Nick's lips never stopping their slow ascent to Kevin's mouth.

With a fierceness he attacked Kevin's lips once he got there, kissing him deeply, passionately, wildly, all the while his hands playing with Kevin's now hard nipples. In the back of Kevin, Nick had managed to slip his hands under Kevin's shirt, and now played with his nipples and kissing him. It was like a new spirit transformed him, Lust and Love mixed in his eyes, as sweat slowly gathered on the tendrils that were his hair. It wasn't long before Nick was straddling Kevin's waist, grinding his ass into Kevin's hard crotch. Nick knew the effect he was having on Kevin was enormous, as every time he kissed Kevin, he was kissed back, equally as forcefully. With what Jon said there was a renewed spark inside Nick, as if he was just let out of his sexual cage, and Kevin also saw this in his eyes. It took some maneuvering, but Kevin soon had Nick's shirt and shorts off. It wasn't too long before Kevin too was shortless.

Nick was sitting on Kevin's hard bulky crotch with only the material of his white boxer-briefs and Kevin's silk boxers between them. He wanted to feel Kevin inside of him so badly, but there were so many other things he wanted to do as well. He let go of Kevin's nipple long enough to reach over to the night stand and pull something off, and pop it into his mouth. "Nick what are you.. OHHHHH" Kevin's deep bass filled voice moaned, long and loud, as Nick used the ice cube he placed in his mouth to travel down Kevin's neck. As he slowly slid the frozen water down Kevin's neck, Kevin's moans increased in volume. His fingers tightly gripped at the sheets of the bed, the sensations ravaging his body. As the water slid down his neck, Nick moved lower, till he found the right nipple, and applied the ice and lips there. He was being encouraged loudly by Kevin's deep moans of pleasure. He knew he'd hear about this from the guys in the morning but right now he just didn't care.

The ice was slowly dissolving, and it was no time till he was reaching over for another ice cube, as his free hand "accidentally" bumped Kevin's throbbing penis. As his hand bumped it, he opened his hand to rub Kevin's hard cock thru the fabric of the boxers. Slowly he made up and down motions, and rubbed the penis, a bit ruff, but not painfully as Kevin was squirming in Nick's grasp. It was only seconds till Nick found the slit in Kevin's boxers and his hands roamed inside. When his hand encircled Kevin's penis, Kevin elicited a loud gasp, followed by a tingling sensation on his back. He knew he was about ready to blow his load just from what Nick was doing to his body, and he could feel Nick's hard cock pushing thru the white cotton fabric of his boxer-briefs, aching to get out. In a quick movement, Kevin flipped an unsuspecting Nick over onto the bed and grinned evilly. "You my young man were driving me WILD! NOOOOOW its my turn!" Kevin said with a grin. He wasted no time in taking control of the stunned Nick who thought he was in control of this. Kevin quickly had the cotton fabric of Nick's boxer- briefs on the ground, and gasped at his naked body. With the way the TV glow reflected off his body he saw Nick as a being of angelic proportions. He was beautiful, and a small tear escape Kevin's eye. Nick looked up as if to ask what was wrong, and Kevin shook his head to answer the unasked question.

And as if to calm Nick, or more so to drive him to the brink of ecstasy, he licked the head of Nick's pre-cum oozing cock. Lapping at the salty substance, coating Nick's head in his saliva in the process, as Nick now moaned from the new sensations. And all in one motion, Kevin took all of Nick into his mouth, sucking lightly, slowly going up and down on Nick, all the while Nick was crying in ecstasy. These feelings like nothing he had experienced before. Almost agonizing ache had filled him, as Kevin slowly and meticulously climbed his pole with his mouth. Nick whimpered as the feeling was getting to him, and he needed relief, and Kevin was going so slow. He wiggled and squirmed under Kevin's lips, attacking his aching cock. Kevin in the process had kicked off his boxers, and started to speed up, and add some more suction to Nick's penis feeling the ache in his partner, speeding up a little more each time. It wasn't long till Kevin heard Nick scream at the top of his lungs "Oh my GOD KEVIN I LOVE YOU!" and the thick hot liquid entered Kevin's throat. He pulled back off Nick's cock so only the head was in his mouth as Nick kept coming, Kevin swallowing it like it was the nectar of life, tasting it on his mouth. Nick's back was arched so far off the bed, when he finally stopped coming, he collapsed onto the bed, his hair drenched in sweat, his limbs heavy.

"Kevin that was the most intense." but before he could finish Kevin had joined him at the top of the bed, kissing him, letting his tongue slip into Nick's mouth to share Nick's seed with him. The tongues battled till Kevin gave in and let Nick explore his mouth, all the while Kevin grinding their hips together his hard pulsating cock going all over Nick's placid cock, which was rising little by little for what seemed to be hours of more fun. But for now, it was Nick's turn to please Kevin, and in one movement he had Kevin on his back, much as he was just moments before, and started bobbing on Kevin's head, applying suction while he sped his head up and down. It wasn't long before Kevin screamed his orgasm as well.

As Kevin screamed, they thought they heard another scream down the hall, but they weren't sure, and neither asked the other, chalking it up to Kevin's scream. Kevin soon went limp, as Nick ate up his cum. He was laying their, exhausted from the experience, holding Nick in his arms, a peaceful smile on his face as he felt content where he was, Nick's face mimicked Kevin's perfectly, as he rested his head on Kevin's chest. They had the night, and the next day to just lay in each others arms, and relish in the events that just passed. "Well Nick" Kevin was the first to speak "I don't think I've ever" and Nick soon finished his sentence "Felt that way?" Nick smiled knowing he was going to say that. Kevin saw the smile, and grinned. "Actually I was going to say I've never been so sexually disappointed in my life." Still grinning Nick slapped him on the chest. "Well lets see how disappointed you are when your not getting anymore over the next couple months." Nick returned and smiled.

"Well if I have to wait thank God I was given TWO hands!" Kevin laughed and Nick looked defeated there. And decided to just kiss Kevin's chest in a cuddly way, and looked up at Kevin with those lethal puppy dog eyes "Well I guess that settles that. Now we can just lay here in bed and cuddle all cute like till the guys yank us out tomorrow." Kevin nodded in agreement as he started to drift off to sleep, all the while Nick in his arms, with thoughts of little happy things that have been, and were to be in the future.

Brian's 7 Sea's of Loneliness part 26 by Jon

**Brian's Room

Brian looked on to the sight in horror, and no one came at his scream, yet he still couldn't move, he was frozen in place in fear. His knees wobbled, as tears streaked his face. He looked down, and all he saw was a blank emotionless face on me. He could see my breathing, but he wasn't sure if I was OK, soon his knee's gave way and he hit the floor "God, no you can't take him!" He grabbed at his neck, and removed his cross. "Every time I looked to you, you answered me, but I can't believe were not meant to be together, you can't have him. I choose him over you. No question, if I have to choose, I choose love over god!" He slid the chain onto his dresser, and looked down at me, and only one thing came to his mind. He sang. "If every word I said, could make you laugh, I'd talk forever. Together with love. I asked the sky just what we had, OHHHH, it shown forever, together with my love. If the song I sing to you, could fill your heart with joy I'd sing forever, together in my heart. Forever. Forever. I've been so happy loving you. Together with love. Let the love I have for you, live in your heart. And be forever, together my love. Forever, forever. I've been so happy loving you! Babe! Babe, babe! Oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. If every word I said, could make you laugh, I'd talk forever." The words flew from his mouth faster than he knew what was happening. He was looking around my body for signs of blood not totally sure what the thud was. The tears in his eyes, looked like he had been crying for an eternity, and the look on his face, was as if he just heard the news his mother was murdered.

As he sat there looking on, he just hoped that someone would come and help him. He didn't know why he couldn't move, and even his voice was failing him. He just looked on in horror as I laid there on the floor, not an emotion on my face, and not a care for it. He saw my breathe was shallow, as if just enough to sustain me, as my chest rose and fell in succession. His body ached and his mind was on fire. His body was too confused on what it was supposed to do, all he wanted to do was scream and cry till someone heard him, but alas, no one came. Minutes dragged by like an eternity as he watched over my body. and after what seemed like lifetimes past, soon sun was shinning in the room, all the while Brian sat there crying on his knee's. His eyes couldn't see anything, as his vision was deteriorated to next to nothing hours ago. He tried to scream still, and could feel the hoarseness in his throat, but still he tried, as if it were his last chance to save me.

He heard his phone ring somewhere in the back of his mind. Or so he thought, he wasn't sure anymore if his senses were actually hearing or seeing things, or if they were imagined. He thought he heard it ring again, but still it was futile, as even if he had wanted to go to it, and answer it, he was powerless to do so. In the hall the ringing was heard as well. His door wasn't closed. But no one had been by his room that morning. He had drawn the room furthest away from everyone, and closest to the elevator. Oh how he wished it was any other week he had gotten it. What he wouldn't give for someone to be nosy and ask him how he was this morning, like they did most mornings. But he had pushed everyone away, much like he had pushed me away. He could feel himself being distanced from life, and he felt his eyes closing. He felt reality's fine line being crossed and consciousness was slipping away from him. In a desperate attempt, he let out one more yell, or what he thought was a yell. A call for help. "Someone..." And then he hit the ground lifeless as well.

It wasn't long before a guard was there, hearing the pitiful attempt at asking for help. The guard hearing it wasn't sure if it was a joke or not, and was half amused till he walked in. He immediately ran over my body, stepping on my hand in the process. A small cracking noise was heard as he tripped over my arm. The noise had startled him enough to get him to look down, and then grab Brian. After he grabbed Brian, he ran to Kevin's room where he had assumed everyone would be at the moment. He pounded on the door as if there was a fire, screaming and yelling as he pounded to get them to answer. A half disturbed Kevin opened the door "MUST you bang.." when he saw Brian over the mans shoulder. Limp and lifeless, his jaw dropped. He started frantically searching for blood, or any reason for it. The guard waited for no invitation, and barged into the room. The guys all looked bewildered as the guards were never like that, as he carried the ghostly white image of Brian on his shoulder taking him to the bed. Nick gasped in horror as Kevin rushed over there to wake Brian up. After splashing water on Brian's face he slowly roused, and woke up. Shaking, violently.

He grabbed for his knee's, and shook with fresh tears. Kevin noticed the chain missing on Brian's neck, and looked at the guard. "Brian was robbed, I want security hear now, and I want the bastard caught!" His voice was so commanding, and the guard looked at him all funny. Then spoke "If he was robbed then there's no need to panic, the man is on the floor in Sir's room unconscious. In fact I tripped over his hand stepping on it to get to Sir, and broke at the very least a finger or two." The guard smiled happily, I mean how often does anything happen exciting to hotel security, and it wasn't often large celebrity types stayed there. The guys all looked at each other and slowly rose from their breakfast. Nick stayed with Brian as the other three went to go find the assailant. AJ was grinding his fists together, wanting a piece of the robber, one way pr another. Howie too was preparing for a fight. Kevin just had a look of rage on his face. Utter rage and ferocity. His eyes were wide, and his face was red. His fist were clenched in tight balls, and his thick brows were narrowed as if to form an arrow pointing down. Pure hatred was shown in every feature of his body.

As they approached the room, the door was still opened, and they could see what looked like a leg sticking out. This only served to anger them more. As they walked in, they couldn't see a face. Kevin just pulled his foot back, and started kicking at the ribs of the man. The body laid there lifeless, even with the blows. AJ and Howie took this as their initiative to start beating on the body as well. Howie walked over to the front of the man, and saw something that looked vaguely familiar around his neck. He couldn't place it tho. It looked like a small dragon talon, holding a small ball, like a clear marble (Clear quartz actually) and an angel with a large clear crystal (Also clear quartz). He picked the man's head up by the hair. He looked over the whole body, staring into the lifeless eyes, his jaw dropped and pure horror in his eyes. "Guy's NO! STOP!" was all that was heard, but the bloody mess on the ground before them, almost egged them on to finish it. To take its life so it could never again rob someone. And so continued the blows to the ribs, legs, and anywhere else on the lower body that can be kicked, all the while, obscenities were shouted, and the crunching of bones was heard....

TBC... and what a way to end it eh? LOL. Sorry it's been so long, I know I need to write more. Lots of problems with AOL, and I live in a new apartment. Yup dad gave me the boot from his house...and his life. BUT everything happens for a reason right?

Next: Chapter 14: Brians Seven Seas of Loneliness 27 28

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