Bringing Sammy Back

By moc.oohay@31omohcinapsih

Published on Jun 28, 2011


Disclaimer: The is a complete work of fiction of my own creativity. Any similiarities to other stories is completley coincidental. All copyrights for "Supernatural" go to Warner Bros. Television. Please check any laws regarding the reading of sexual content in your area. Otherwise, you must be 18 or over to read this.

This is my first published slash fiction. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please send me anything positive or constructive you have to offer to! All comments are welcome!

Dean needed to pull himself together. The hours that he had spent crying and wallowing in his own sadness could've been used to find a way to bring his brother back. He tried to bring himself to start looking through the mountain of books that lay on top of the table in his motel room, but he just couldn't lift his head from his hands. When he was finally able to lift his head, he found that his vision was blurry from the endless flow of tears. Dean didn't like showing emotion, but how could he not after what had just happened? How could he not cry his eyes out after watching his brother jump into that abyss?

Dean sat on the edge of the bed hunched over without a single thought. The only thing on his mind was the image of Sam jumping into the abyss in order to trap Lucifer in the cage. He knew it was coming, but in the back of his mind he figured he'd be able to cheat the outcome. After all, both he and Sam had cheated death on numerous occasions: deals with crossroads demons, angels, and even the unintentional time loop. In pit of Dean's stomach, this time felt different than the rest. This time felt permanent. Dean, however, refused to accept this feeling and was determined to bring his brother back.

The problem was, where did he start? After an extensive phone call with Bobby, he had thought through every bit of information he had. He even came to the conclusion that the books on the table would be no help at all; after all, he and Sam had read through them dozens of times before and there was never anything mentioned about how to bring someone back from Hell that didn't involve a crossroads demon or an angel. "Son of a bitch! I hate feeling so fucking useless! What the fuck am I supposed to do?!" Dean shouted as he launched himself off the bed.

Dean began to pace around the room with his hands on his waist, deep in thought. He began to mentally scan over the various places he could start. Crossroads demons were out of the question since they wouldn't help Sam bring Dean back from Hell, and the last thing Dean wanted was to spend another year on a wild goose chase. Bobby had no leads and Dean didn't even give a damn about the books or his father's journal. Right then, it had occurred to Dean that he hadn't heard from Castiel since---well, Dean didn't even remember when was the last time he saw Castiel. "That bastard is always taking off. He better get his ass down here or I'll rip his little fairy wings right off his back with my own bare hands. CAS!" Dean screamed with fury.


Dean shook his head and thought to himself how typical it was for Castiel not to show up when he was needed the most. Dean turned towards the door and was ready to take off when a gust of wind swept behind him. Dean swiftly turned and placed his sights on Castiel. "I'm sorry I've been gone so long. How are you?" Cas asked.

Dean's expression turned into one mixed with anger and confusion. "How am I? Seriously, Cas? What the fuck?! Sam is down in the fucking pit with Lucifer and you have the balls to stand there and ask me how I am?! You better have a fucking plan to get Sam back or else I'm going to kick your ass so hard, God is going to feel it!" Dean shouted.

"I'm sorry you're so angry, and as a matter of fact, I do have something. Though I must warn you, you may not like what I have to say," Cas said.

"I don't care if I have to do the hokey-pokey in a gay bar to get Sam back, Cas, just tell me whatever you know," said Dean.

"It's funny you say that word."


"No, gay."

Dean was utterly confused. What was Cas about to say? "I've been speaking with several upper level angels about ways to bring Sam back from the cage. As you very may well know, demons are out of the picture for this one. Another dilemma is that the cage which is used to trap Lucifer and Sam is on a deeper level of Hell than you were when I pulled you out, therefore, I cannot get to Sam. I've spoken with several angels that haven't strayed away from the Lord and I've found an old ritual to bring Sam back, but you may not like what it entails."

"Cut the crap and spill."

Cas sighed. "There is an ancient ritual used by angels thousands of years ago to revive fallen warriors during times of conflict. It was used very rarely and only for the mightiest warriors of God. Essentially, an angel and a member of the fallen's family partake revive the fallen warrior. Prior to the act, the angel drinks a vial of liquid mystical energy. When the participants are at their...peak...the liquid energy that was consumed manifests into the fallen warrior."

"So what you're saying is I gotta shack it up with an angel in order to bring Sam back. Well, now, Cas, you just made my day a little bit better. I get to have sex and get Sammy back? Sign me up! Get me the hottest angel you've got. I mean I already had the red head but I'm hoping we can get someone new," said Dean.

"Dean," said Cas, "the ritual requires a certain kind of angel. And unfortunately for you, I'm the only kind of angel left that can perform the ritual."

Dean's eyes widened. "You mean...I gotta have sex with you in order to get Sam back?!"

"Well...yes. It's the only way."

"Whoa, Cas, I'm not a homophobe, but I'm also not gay. And isn't God not a big fan of the rainbow-loving crowd?" said Dean.

"That is a misconception. God loves all his children. So, Dean, what do you say? Bend your rules for once and get your brother back or find another way, which may be impossible?" offered Cas.

Dean sighed. "What the fuck have I gotten myself into? I'll do it, but If you tell anyone, even Sam, I'll break up with you," said Dean jokingly.

"Deal?" said Cas with confusion. "It just so happens I have the vial with me. Shall we get started?"

Dean nodded his head. He couldn't believe he was about to fuck a dude. Sure, he and Sam had fooled around over the years, but it was all brotherly fun. This was SEX. Full-on, man-on-angel sex. It was actually kind of a turn on if Dean thought about it differently. Castiel reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small vial filled with bright, white liquid. Cas uncorked the vial, gave Dean a hesitant look, and drank the vial's contents. When finished, Cas said, "I suppose we get started."

Dean walked over to Cas. "Yeah I guess. Cas, just so you know, you're the...recipient... in all this."

Cas stood with no emotion. "I suppose I am. By the way, the liquid energy in the vial also acts as a mystical pheromone, so in a few seconds you shouldn't have any problems...ahem...performing. It'll also act as an aphrodisiac for me since angels who have not fallen from grace are technically incapable of feeling sexually-charged emotion. Well, let's do this...for Sam."

"For Sam," said Dean.

Dean began to move closer to Cas. He noticed both their breathing began to get heavier. Dean looked into Castiel's eyes, gently placed one hand on this hip, the other on his neck, and gently drew him in. Cas began to scan Dean with his eyes and awaited what he knew was coming. Suddenly, Dean drew Cas all the way in, closed his eyes, and kissed him gently. Cas's lips were soft and warm. The two mean kissed gently for several minutes, taking in each other's taste and smell. Dean pulled away, eyes closed, and placed his forehead on Castiel's own. "Cas, I see what you mean. I' go further. You ready?"

Cas gently nodded. Suddenly, Dean pulled Cas in a little more swiftly and kissed him more passionately. It was then that Dean forced Cas's mouth open with his tongue and entered his mouth. The two men began to grope each other as they simultaneously explored each other's mouths with their tongues. Dean had a firm grip on Castiel's ass with his right hand while the left hand was placed on his back to keep him close. Cas did the same. The two men began to breathe and moan while exploring each other's bodies with their hands. Castiel broke the kiss to say "Let's move this to the bed, Dean."

The two mean kept close while walking to the bed. Dean threw himself on his back on the matter while Cas followed on top. While kissing with endless passion, the two began to undress each other. Dean removed Cas's coat. He moved his hands to Cas's jacket, tie, then finally his shirt and threw each item of clothing to the ground. Cas then began to remove deans flannel shirt. After unbuttoning the shirt and tossing it to the floor, he removed Dean's undershirt to reveal Dean's muscles. Cas's mouth broke away from Dean's and moved to his chest. Cas begin to intimately kiss, lick, and suck Dean's muscled chest. Dean let out a light moan and lifted his head into the air. He could feel his erection begin to grow. He noticed Cas's member In his own pants.

As Cas worked on Dean's chest, Dean moved his left hand to Cas's crotch. He grasped the bulge and was quite impressed with what he felt. Cas's dick was slightly bigger than his tent had allowed to let on. When Dean squeezed Cas's dick, Cas removed his mouth from Dean's chest and let out a moan of pleasure. "Don't, Dean. I'm hard as a rock right now and I cannot orgasm until you're inside me, otherwise, the ritual won't work."

Dean removed his hand from Cas's crotch and brought it to his own crotch. He grasped his tent and realized he was only semi-hard. "It's time to step it up a notch, Cas."

Dean unbuckled his belt, pants buttons, unzipped the fly and pulled his jeans down to his ankles. Cas's eyes widened at the sight. There lay Dean, shirtless, pants-less, only in a pair of navy briefs that could barely contain his erection. Dean's dick lay to the left hand side. Cas removed Dean's pants, threw them to the floor, and proceeded to remove the rest of his clothing. Once both men were in their underwear, Cas threw himself on top of Dean for one last kiss. After breaking the kiss, Cas trailed several kisses down Dean's chest and abdomen until he reached the top of Dean's briefs. Cas then slipped his fingers in the waistband and pulled down.

When the briefs were pulled, Dean's cock spring forth and slapped his abdomen. Cas pulled Dean's underwear completely off and threw them to the floor. Cas stared at Dean, wide eyed, as Dean lay there in all his glory. "This must be the aphrodisiac speaking, but I can't wait to get that inside me," said Cas.

A smile of pride swept across Dean's face. He was just as proud of his huge dick as any guy would be. Dean was about 8.5 inches when fully erect and fairly thick. Since he was only semi-hard, his foreskin still covered his head. Cas reached out to Dean's dick and grasped it which sent waves of electric pleasure through Dean's body. Dean let out a slight gasp and closed his eyes. Cas gently pulled back the foreskin to reveal dean's huge cock head. Cas then slowly moved his hand back up as he began to stroke Dean. Dean lay there with his eyes shut and mouth open. It had been awhile since he'd had any action and the touch of someone else's hand on his dick was ecstasy. Cas smiled at Dean almost diabolically as he began to pump a little faster. He felt the blood flowing to Dean's dick as it slowly enlarged to its full length and girth. Once fully hard, Dean's dick stood straight up.

It was then that sexual instinct took over and Cas took Dean's dick into his mouth. Dean's eyes shot open and he let out a slightly louder gasp. He was surprised by the warm, wet feeling that was Cas's mouth. "Cas, you're pretty good at this for someone who's never done this before," said Dean between moans.

Cas simply looked up at him which reminded Dean that whatever mystical powers were in the vial must be affecting both of them. Cas continued to suck Dean's dick with passion. He simultaneously brought his mouth up and down as he stroked the base. Dean once again threw his head back and let out a moan of pleasure. Cas ran his tongue up and down the bottom of Dean's shaft sending shockwaves of pleasure through Dean's lower body. Dean never came quickly, but this blow job was different and he could feel himself getting close. "Slow it down, Cas," said Dean. "If we're gonna do this, we're gonna enjoy it. Come here so I can work on you."

Cas released Dean's dick from his mouth and moved upward. He brought his face to Dean's and pulled him in for a deep, passionate kiss. Their tongue's once again explored each other and Dean could taste his own dick in Cas's mouth. Dean ran his hands down Cas's back and grabbed his ass cheeks. "Time to get rid of these," said Dean referring to Cas's briefs.

Dean slipped his hands through the top of Cas's waistband and pulled down the briefs from the back. Dean and Cas continued to kiss deeply as Dean once again moved his hands to Cas's ass. He grasped his cheeks firmly and Cas let out a moan while they kissed. Dean then moved his right hand to the top of Cas's ass crack and began to rub it. Cas moaned even loader and Dean slightly grinned at amusement. Dean began to work his fingers lower and lower down Cas's ass crack until he was about ready to finger him. "Before I go there, I wanna taste you," said Dean after breaking their kiss.

Dean brought Cas up so Cas was straddling Dean's chest. Dean was face to face with Cas's equally large erection. He grabbed Cas's dick through his brief's which caused Cas to lift his head in pleasure. Dean then grabbed the waistband and pulled Cas's briefs down which caused Cas's dick to bounce around. Cas was semi-hard and cut. Dean estimated he was about 7.5 inches right now. Dean then grabbed Cas's dick, gave it a few slow strokes, and took it into his mouth. Cas let out another moan and began to pump his hips softly. Dean also simultaneously ran his tongue under Cas's shaft and around his head while stroking the base. He didn't plan on doing this for too long though; he wanted to fuck Castiel. Cas continuously let out moans and sighs. When he felt like it was getting to be too much, he pulled his dick out from Dean's mouth and returned to kissing him. Dean returned his hands to Cas's ass and swiftly inserted a finger into Cas's ass. Cas let out a loud moan and said "Oh shit, Dean, stop teasing me!"

Dean chuckled and began to softly finger fuck Cas's ass. A small layer of sweat was beginning to build up on the men's bodies. Cas moved his tongue to Dean's neck and proceeded to kiss his neck. Dean lifted his head as his eyes rolled back in pleasure. Dean continued to softly finger fuck Cas when Cas stopped kissing Dean's neck and brought his mouth to Dean's ear. "Fuck me, Dean. Please. I don't know what this feeling is but I need you inside me. I know this is for Sam, but right now I want this to be about you and me. Please, Dean, I need you inside of me," begged Cas.

Dean smiled, pulled his finger out of Cas, and lifted Cas up. The two men chuckled as Dean lifted Cas onto his back. "I don't think you're ready for me, but let's do this," Dean said smiling.

Dean got up from the bed, walked over to the night stand, opened the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lubricant. He walked back over to Cas who was like on his back on the bed while stroking his dick. "Lift your legs onto my shoulders so I can lube you up."

Dean motioned himself in between Cas's legs and Cas obeyed. When Castiel's legs were on Dean's shoulders, Dean opened the bottle of lube, squeezed out a generous amount and moved his hands to Cas's ass. Dean applied the lube in his hand to Cas's entrance. Cas let out a slight gasp as the chilly gel touched his hole. Dean ensured that the lube was generously applied. He then threw the bottle to the ground, lowered Cas's legs so they wrapped around his waist, and lowered himself to Cas. Cas lifted a hand to Dean's cheek and gazed into his eyes. "I never knew feeling like this was possible," said Cas.

Dean chuckled. "Cas, I'm pretty sure anything you and I are feeling right now will be completely gone tomorrow morning, so let's get this show on the road and enjoy it. I'm about to rock your fucking world."

Dean lowered himself to Cas's face and took him in for one last passionate case. Dean simultaneously maneuvered his hips so his dick as grinding into Cas's. He pumped his hips so their dicks rubbed against each other which sent Cas into a moaning frenzy. Dean broke their kiss, stood at the edge of the bed, and positioned Cas so his ass was right on the edge. Cas's legs were once again wrapped around Dean's waste, his left arm supporting his head, while his right gave his dick several slow strokes. Dean pulled back the foreskin of his own softening dick, gave it a few strokes to harden it back up, gave Cas one last look, and went in for it.

Dean guided the head of his cock to Cas's entrance, touched it to the hole and began to push. Cas's hole gently opened as it welcome Dean's dick. Cas closed his eyes and opened his mouth as we adjusted to the stretching of his ass. Once Dean's head was in, he placed both hands on Cas's hips and used his own hips to push his dick in. He slowly applied more force as his cock head moved past a sphincter and gently stretched Cas's ass. Cas's breathing grew heavier and heavier as he experienced the combination of pleasure and pain. Dean's own breathing picked up as he moved further and further. Dean pushed in even more and Cas let out a mean. Dean chuckled at Cas's reaction. "I've ass fucked a few girls in my time and none of them enjoyed it this much. It'," said Dean.

Cas was silent as he concentrated on what he was feeling. Dean grew tired of waiting and did the unthinkable: he applied full force and shoved the last two inches of his dick into Cas's ass which caused Cas to scream in pleasure. "Holy fuck, Dean, that feels so fucking good!"

Once Dean was inside, he slowly began to pull out which left Cas with an ever increasing feeling of emptiness. Once Dean's cock head was near the entrance of Cas's ass, Dean slowly pushed it back in. Cas's breathing began to work in tandem with Dean's fucking. Dean fucked Cas at a moderate pace will placing emphasis on each thrust. His hips moved passionately as he fucked Cas's ass. Both men were breathing loudly at this point. Dean picked up the pace even more as he fucked Cas like mad man. Cas's right hand picked up the pace on his own dick as it grew back to full mast. Once Dean gained an even momentum, he swatted Cas's hand away and took hold of Cas's dick with his left hand and began to pump it himself. Cas's eyes were forced shit, his mouth open; he was obviously lost in a place of deep pleasure.

Dean let go of Cas's dick and began to once again put full focus on fucking Cas. Cas's ass felt tight and amazing around Dean's cock. Dean picked up the pace even further. He was one step below rabbit-fucking Cas. The sounds of the men's breathing on the slapping of Dean's thighs on Cas's ass filled the room. Dean hoped the people next door were enjoying the soundtrack. A warm tingle began to grow within Dean, he was going to come soon. "I'm close, Cas," said Dean.

"I am as well," breathed Cas.

"You first, then," said Dean as he picked up the pace as fast as he could go so he was rabbit-fucking Cas and moved his left hand back to Cas's dick.

Cas began to let out a stream of endless moans of pleasure. Dean fucked Cas endlessly and stroked his cock, placing special emphasis on Cas's cock head. All of a sudden, Cas's eyes shot open. "Dean, I'm this is it. I'm gonna cum! Oh God, Oh God! Sorry Lord, but oh my fucking God this is amazing!" screamed Cas.

Cas was full-on screaming in ecstasy at this point. Dean pumped his hips and his hand even faster by some miracle and Cas went into a frenzy. Cas began to pump his own hips when all of a sudden he exploded. Cas's balls retracted, his purple cock head inflated, and then burst cum everywhere. Cas let out a loud moan followed by several "fucks". The first rope of cum shot into the air and fell on the mattress. The second and third ropes landed on Cas's chest. The fourth landed on Dean's hand. Once Cas was empty, his breathing began to even out. Dean removed his hand from Cas's dick and said "My turn".

Dean focused everything he had into fucking the shit out of Cas and it didn't take long to send him over. Dean let out a scream and felt the orgasm coming. He felt his cock expanding as the semen rushed to escape. "Holy shit, I'm cumming!" Dean screamed.

Dean burst like volcano sending a flood of hot cum into Cas's ass. It was then that a light began to glow in Dean's chest. Dean came endlessly inside of Cas. "Oh my God, Cas, that fucking pheromone mojo you're working on me as making this orgasm endless, "Dean screamed.

Dean was on an eternal plane of sexual ecstasy. The blue light emerged from Dean's chest which allowed to release one last hot rope of cum into Cas's ass. Dean let out a moan and began to come down from his high. Dean's sweaty body fell to Cas's as he pulled his dick out of Cas's ass. Both men were covered in sweat and breathing heavily as they enjoyed their post-orgasmic bliss. They turned their heads to the side of the room the light was floating in. The light began to grow and change shape.

The light' form turned from something reminiscent of a shimmering star and took on a more humanoid appearance. Arms, legs, and a head began to grow. Once the humanoid figure was completely the light flashed causing Dean and Cas to look away. Once the light faded, they looked back.

There stood Sam with his eyes close, chin up and mouth open. Sam's head slowly lowered, his mouth closed. He then opened his eyes and took a gasp as if breathing for the first time. A look of confusion swept his face as he began to wonder where he was. He placed his eyes on two naked figures. He realized who they were but took no notice of their nudity. "Dean?" said Sam.

"Hey Sammy" said Dean breathily.

Sam felt as if he hadn't heard his brother's voice in ages. It was then that he took notice of the men's nudity. "Dean, why are you and Cas naked?

Dean and Cas then turned to each other, smiled, and looked back at Sam. "Long story, little brother. Let's just say I got you back by doing what I do best."

Next: Chapter 2

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