
By moc.liamg@ssorkeed84

Published on Aug 27, 2017


"Lee, there is something we need to talk about."

My parents and I were on the way back from dinner in a neighboring town. Jackson was spending the night with a friend, so he hadn't tagged along. It was just the two of them and myself.

"What's up?"

From the backseat, I noticed my mom look over at my dad anxiously.

"Well," he began, "we just wanted to talk to you about your birthday."

It was about a week before my February 10th birthday. It had been a month since the shenanigans of New Years. Not much had changed in that time, either. Buck and I were still in a good place. We had begun to experiment a little more lately, now that the butt barrier had been broken. We hadn't gone all the way yet, but our self control was slowly wearing thin.

"Okay... what about it?"

"We know it's a big birthday. 16. You're excited, right?"

"Oh yeah. I can finally get my license. Then I don't have to rely on you guys all the time." Both of my parents chuckled.

"Yeah, we just need to remember to call and schedule an appointment at the DMV so that we don't have to wait."

"I can do it tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan." He paused, though it seemed like he wanted to say more. "Listen, son... I don't think we can really afford to get you a car right now."

His words hung in the air for a moment; no one said anything. I think they were both waiting to see what I would say, but I really didn't know how to respond. I had (wrongly) assumed that they were going to get me something to drive, something that would be mine. As far as I knew, we weren't hurting financially. Quite the opposite, at least from where I was sitting.

"I... That's fine, dad. I can't expect you guys to do everything for me."

"We're sorry, Lee." My mom turned around and put her hand on my knee. My immediate instinct was to pull away, but I fought it. I didn't want to be a spoiled brat, but the feeling was hard to fight in that moment.

I needed something to drive. Pretty much all of my friends had something to drive. I couldn't rely on them or the bus for the rest of high school. I just couldn't.

"I'll just get a job this summer. Save some money. Buy something cheap." I finally said, choosing to look out the window rather than at my mom.

"I wish things weren't this way, Lee. I really do." My dad looked up at me in the rearview mirror. I quickly looked away. "We've just... we've hit a little bit of a hard time as a family. Your mom and I have tried to hide it from you boys but... there isn't much way to get around. We just don't have the money. I'm sorry, bud."

"It's fine, dad. Really. I'll be fine until I can save up enough money. I can start saving with what I get for my birthday. It's okay."

And that was that. Nothing more was said on the ride home. I was still trying to hold it together. My parents, I suppose, were still feeling bad about the whole thing. There just wasn't much to say.

I called Buck when I got home and asked if he could come pick me up. I just needed to ride dirt for a little while. I needed to roll the window down and let some cold air hit me in the face. He didn't ask why, just confirmed that he was on his way and hung up. I didn't even bother asking my parents.

"I'm going to ride with Buck for a little while. I'll be back later." I said as I passed through the living room on my way out the door. My mom looked up from her book. Dad just kept staring at the TV. (You may find it hard to believe, but he was sitting in his recliner.)

"Oh... be safe." My mom spoke softly. I looked over at her. A soft smile spread across her face. "We love you."

I wanted to be upset. But I couldn't be. I felt my own expression soften, morphing from a scowl into something more neutral.

"I know mom. I will be."

I closed the door quietly behind me and fell back into it, heaving a large sigh. I just wanted a car, damnit. I just wanted to be mobile.

"What's wrong?" Buck asked as I climbed into the seat next to him.

"Why does something have to be wrong?"

"I don't know. At school today, you said you just wanted a night to yourself. Then you called and asked if I could ride. I mean, I certainly don't mind, but I figured something must be up to make you change your mind."

"My parents aren't going to buy me a car." I answered, bitterly.

"Oh... I'm sorry." When I didn't respond, he continued. "Why not?"

"Can't afford it, apparently."

"I guess you can't really argue with that."

"Yeah... but it fucking sucks because I want a fucking car! I don't want to be a brat and I don't want to seem spoiled, but damnit, I want something to drive. I want to be able to come and go as I please and not have to worry about it."

"If it makes you feel any better, the bright side is that they can't send you to go and pick stuff up from town if you don't have a car. Mama makes me do that all the time."

"That doesn't make me feel any better." My response was curt and pointed. I didn't give a fuck if they asked me to go and do things for them. All that mattered was that I could drive.

"Just trying to help." He said, quietly.

I looked over at him, immediately realizing that I was behaving like an ass. I reached over and rested my hand on his thigh.

"I'm sorry, Buck. I didn't mean to be ugly to you. I'm just... I'm pissed. You know? I really thought they were going to get me a car. I never even thought twice about it because I was so sure it was going to happen. They never once said anything about not being able to afford it until today."

"That really sucks. I'm sorry. I wish I could help."

"Just keep listening to me bitch and don't judge me."

"You know all I judge you for is for being a fag." He started laughing, followed by a yelp as I reached up to pinch his nipple. "What was that for?!"

"For calling me a fag, you fag."

We ended up way out in the country somewhere, far away from town, just like any other night riding dirt with him. I bitched occasionally about the car situation, but Buck helped me get my mind off of it. We rode with the windows down despite how chilly it was outside. Music up loud, just like always. I always had fun with him, especially when we were out where no one else could see us.

"You mind if I put a dip in?" He asked after a good long while.

"No, not at all. Go for it." He slowed the truck a bit and fished the can out of his back pocket.

"Sitting on that cannot be comfortable."

"No worse than a wallet." He replied as he thumped the can. He then opened it, pulled a pinch out, and put it in his lower lip. The distinct smell filled the cabin of the truck. "So tell me, all this business about a car, and you haven't even said what kind of car you want."

"I honestly don't really care as long as it's decent. I haven't put much thought into it."

"Well, think about it now. Let's say you've got a good bit of money, enough for a normal car. What would you want to buy?"

"I don't know... I guess I'd really like to have a nice truck like you... but I don't think that really fits me."

"You don't think a truck fits you?" I shook my head. "Lee, sucking dick doesn't fit me, but here I am." I had to laugh. He was a fool.

"I guess you're right. Yeah, I'd like a truck. But a nice Honda would be good, too. Something kind of fast."

"You don't think a truck can go fast?"

"I didn't say that, but I figure a nice coupe could-"

He didn't let me finish the sentence, instead choosing to floor the gas pedal and send us shooting off down the dirt road. I think I remembering him hollering something at the top of his lungs, but I was too scared to catch what it was. I just didn't want to wreck.

"Oh my God, slow down!" I yelled at him. He looked at me, a gleam in his eye. He really was a fool, a kid in a teenager's body.

Eventually he did slow down, and my blood pressure slowly fell back to normal. Unbeknownst to me, that stretch of dirt road was apparently very straight, so there wasn't any reason for him to worry. I still gave him a hard time for it, telling him that he nearly scared me to death.

"At least if you had had a heart attack, I could've sat on top of you to give you CPR."

"Do you know how to do CPR?"


"Well, good luck sitting on a dead man's dick, you sicko."

Buck dropped me off later that evening. After a long, handsy goodbye in the driveway, I climbed out of the truck, feeling a lot better. Even if my parents couldn't get me a car, I'd find someway to get one. Buck said he'd help me look for one once I got the money together.

The weekend and following week passed by without much excitement. My birthday was on Friday, so it was nice having that to look forward to all week. Even if I wasn't getting a car, I still got to look forward to my birthday dinner.

"Where do you want to eat tomorrow?" Mom asked on Thursday.

"I'm feeling the Country Cabin. I haven't had a good steak in a while." It was a small, dinky old pond house out in the middle of nowhere, but it did a hell of a business on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The steaks out there were legendary.

School was all the usual on Friday, except for Buck and my other friends telling me happy birthday. I didn't really advertise the fact. I didn't want a bunch of people who I barely knew to tell me happy birthday. Now my friends, on the other hand, they were required to remember.

Mom took me to the DMV (in the next town over... what? You thought my town was big enough for a DMV?!) immediately after school. The test was, in all actuality, a piece of cake, but I was a nervous wreck. I shouldn't have worried, though. Everything went fine, and I walked out of the place with my license. It was a little bittersweet, knowing that I wouldn't have my own car to drive. Mom let me drive home, though, and that was fun.

5:30 finally rolled around. Dad was home from work, and, once he was changed, we would leave for dinner. Just as he was walking out of their room, I heard the doorbell ring. I turned around as mom opened the door, and there was Buck, dressed in a light blue collared shirt and some dark blue jeans.

"Come on in Buck." She said sweetly.

"Hey," I said walking over to meet him, "what are you doing here?"

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He said, causing both of my parents to laugh.

"I mean, yeah! But, I don't know," I said turning to look first at mom, then at dad, "I thought this was just for family."

"He's important to you, so he's important to us." My dad replied without batting an eye. "And it was your mom's idea. Can't forget to give her the credit." He winked at her, and she rolled her eyes at him.

"I hope you don't mind, Lee. But I figured you'd want Buck to come have dinner with us for your birthday."

"Well, yeah, but aren't you worried about people seeing us at the Country Cabin?" I asked, turning to look at him.

He just shrugged.

"If someone sees us, we can just tell them that you invited me along for dinner. No biggie."

"Well," I said smiling, "let's go then. Daddy is hungry!" They all laughed at me (and probably rolled their eyes), including Jackson, who'd finally joined the party. I led the way out the front door, but something stopped me when I reached the bottom step.

"Buck, what happened to your truck?" Sitting in the driveway was Buck's truck, but it was somehow different.

"Nothing, why do you ask?"

"I don't know," I said, finally continuing on toward the driveway, "something looks different, though. You're sure you didn't get any work done on it?"

"Nope. It's sitting at my house, just the same as it's always been."

"Well then whose..." And it clicked. I turned around to look at them, and they were all wearing big grins.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart." My mom had an unmistakable mom gleam in her eye.

"You're fucking kidding." I breathed as I moved toward the truck. I looked in the driver window, and realized immediately that it was not really Buck's. His truck was, well, dirtier. Which was fine, but this truck wasn't even close to dirty. It looked brand new.

I turned around to look at them again.


"Yep, my dad said smiling, it's all yours." Buck held up the key.

"I took it for a little test drive. You know, see if it was good for you." He grinned that stupid lop-sided grin and threw the key to me. I caught it and threw the door open.

It was an incredible moment. I felt like crying. I'd been such a brat, albeit not to their faces. I'd been so pissed about not getting a car as a present, and here it was.

"Dad, I thought we couldn't afford it." I finally said, fighting back tears.

"Just a little prank your mom and I played."

"And you were in on it?" I eyed Buck. He just nodded, continuing to grin. "You asshole!"

"Alright, alright, I already let one cuss word slide, let's not make it a habit." My dad eyed me, and I just nodded.

"Sorry Dad. I'm just so excited!" I turned to look back at the truck. Black. Four door. Chevy. It looked a little higher than most trucks, but I didn't know much about lift and that kind of thing at the time.

"Thanks so much, you guys." I turned back to my parents and threw my arms around them, one after the other. "You're the best. I can't believe you got me a truck!" I shouted.

"Well, let's take it for a ride. Feel like driving to the Country Cabin?"

"Oh, you know I do!" I climbed into the driver's seat. After plenty of pushing from my parents, Buck climbed into the passenger seat next to me. Mom, dad, and Jackson climbed into the back. Buck was insistent that he didn't mind sitting in the back, that one of them should sit up front with me, but they wouldn't hear it.

"Alright, let's go!" I crowed as I backed the truck out of the drive. I felt a little out of place driving it for the first time, but, after a while, I began to pick up on how it handled. How much gas I needed to give, how sensitive the brakes were, how much I needed to turn the wheel. I quickly fell in love with that truck.

We made it to the place all in one piece. Dinner went really well; Buck fit right in with my family, goofing with my brother and dad and talking to my mom about whatever she brought up. It hit me that evening how lucky I had gotten, both with Buck and with my family. My parents were super supportive, despite living in a backwards ass part of the country. They liked Buck plenty, and so did I.

Once we were back in town, I dropped my family at home and drove Buck out to his place. It was always a little tricky at his house since his folks didn't know, so I decided to find a nice little place on the side of the road to stop.

"Thanks for helping make my birthday great." I smiled at him.

"Anytime. You aren't mad that I helped them?"

"Hell no. It got me a truck, didn't it?" He started laughing.

"Yeah. You always tell me how much you like my truck, so I thought you might like one just like it. I didn't know your dad was going to go whole hog and buy you a brand new one."

"This truck is brand new?!" I practically shouted.

"Yeah... didn't you realize that?"

"No. I didn't realize at all. I just thought that it looked brand new." I was floored that my dad spent that much money on a truck for me.

"Nope. Brand spanking new."

"Damn. I don't know how I'll ever pay him back for this."

"He doesn't expect you to, dumbass. Just don't wreck the truck."

"Great advice. I would've never thought of that on my own." I leaned over to follow up my retort with a kiss. Which turned into another kiss. And another. And soon we were making out, parked on the side of a dirt road in my brand new truck.

"You still taste like steak." He said, breaking away from me.

"Oh. Sorry. Haven't had a chance to brush my teeth."

"It's okay. I kind of like it."

"You're gross, you know that?"

"Says the boy who likes to sniff my dirty underwear."

"Hey!" I slapped his chest with the back of my hand. "You told me you didn't care!"

"I don't! But you called me gross, and, objectively, that's kind of gross."

"Your mom's gross." I said under my breath as I threw the truck into drive and hit the gas pedal. I dropped him at his place, thanking him again for a wonderful birthday. On my way back to town, I rolled all the windows down and let the cool air flow through the truck. My truck.

The next day, I decided it was my turn to finally drive the dirt roads. I texted Buck and asked if he wanted to go, and, of course, he said yes. I also decided that I wanted to bring Chett along, in the hopes that he and Buck would hit it off. Buck had his reservations but eventually gave me the okay to invite him. I sent him a text around 3, asking what he had planned for the evening.

"Nothing really. Why? What's up?"

"I wanted to ride dirt tonight. Feel like going?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a good time. Want me to drive?"

"Na, I can."

"Oh okay, you just gonna drive your dad's truck?"

"Nope. Gonna drive this one." I included a picture of my truck with the text. It took me a while to finally get a picture I liked, but it was worth it. It looked beautiful when I finally got the angle right.

"Oh shit! Is that yours?"

"Yeah! They surprised me with it last night."

"Hell yeah man. Looks good."

"Thanks. I think I'm gonna head out at like 7. Probably meet Buck in town to pick him up. You still down?"

"Yeah. It won't bother him if I come?"

"Nope. Not at all."

"Good. I don't wanna be some sort of gay third wheel lol."

"Na, don't worry about that. It'll be fine."

"Alright, I'll meet you at the flash at 7."

The flash was the nickname we gave a gas station in town. People left their cars there all the time when they rode with other people, and the owner never said anything about it. It was also pretty central, so it was a good place for us to meet up.

I got there early, about 6:45. I needed to put gas in the truck anyway. Dad had warned me before I left the house, "Don't run out of gas, don't flip the truck, and be home by 12. Or else." He gave me one of his signature, serious looks, so I was going to do my very best to follow his rules.

Chett pulled up next. He parked his truck, jumped out, then threw my front door open.

"Holy shit. It smells like new car! And damn, everything is so clean."

"Yeah," I laughed, "haven't had a chance to trash it yet." He hopped up into the front seat and closed the door before fiddling with every knob and button on the dashboard.

"Man, this is sweet. Your mom and dad did you right."

"Yeah, you aren't kidding."

Buck pulled in a moment later. I guess he saw that Chett was sitting in the front seat because he didn't hesitate to open the back door and hop in. I was nervous that they would be a little weird around one another, but I shouldn't have worried. They started talking, and I couldn't detect any bit of awkwardness.

Just as I was beginning to pull out of the parking spot, Buck stopped me.

"Oh shit, hold on. I forgot my cooler in the back of my truck." He hopped out, ran to his truck for the cooler, then plopped it down in the bed of mine. "Nothing like a cold beer when you're riding dirt."

Chett whipped around, a smile growing on his face.

"Hell yeah! Where'd you get beer?" Buck relayed the information, and Chett never stopped smiling. "I don't ever get beer unless I sneak one of daddy's. This'll be fun!"

I headed out into the country, following a route that Buck and I had driven many times. I didn't know the dirt roads super well yet, but I knew how to get out of town.

Almost as soon as we were out of sight of the paved road, Buck reached up and grabbed my shoulder.

"Pull over and let me grab us some beers."

"I'm good, but you guys should have one." Dad's words were still ringing in my ears.

"Ah, come on you puss." Chett chided me.

"Na, you aren't gonna win this one. Dad told me not to wreck the truck, and he had that serious look on his face. Maybe I'll have one at some point in the future, but not tonight."

"Fair enough," Buck said as he climbed down from the backseat. He returned a second later with two cans, handed one to Chett, and popped the other for himself. I moseyed on down the road, cutting up with them as they drank their beers.

I stopped several more times as the night drug on, letting them grab more beers from the back. I could tell that Chett was starting to really feel the beers after his fourth one, but he seemed like he was having a good time. I sure wasn't going to stop him, unless he did something stupid.

Around 10, they'd each packed away six beers, meaning that the twelve pack Buck had brought along was done. Buck seemed fine, but Chett was getting rowdy. When we stopped to piss, Chett ran up behind me and pissed on the bottom of my jeans, laughing the entire time.

"You piece of shit!" I yelled. "Now I'm gonna smell like your nasty beer piss." He just turned around and wagged his pissing dick at me in response. I looked over at Buck, who was grinning like a jackass eating briars. "Y'all can both kiss my ass."

I wasn't really mad, though maybe a little annoyed. It was fun watching him act the fool, at least until he got my jeans all wet.

A few minutes later, things got a little more interesting. Chett was still in the front seat, and Buck was in the seat behind me.

"So I've got a question," Chett started. If you've ever been around a drunk, you know that some kind of gem is going to follow up that statement. And, sure enough, what he asked next was indeed a gem. "Y'all really suck each others' dicks?"

The question hung in the air for a moment. I wasn't sure how to answer that with Buck sitting in the backseat. If it had just been Chett and I, I probably would've responded without much hesitation. With Buck there, however, I was unsure of how he would want me to handle it.

"Yeah, we do." Buck finally said. I met his eyes in the rearview mirror. He raised an eyebrow at me, and I just shrugged.

"I'm fine with that, I mean it's cool." Chett reached over and slapped/grabbed my thigh. "This guy's been my best friend for I don't know how long, so I don't care if he's a queer. I just can't believe y'all really suck on each other."

He was showing his lightweight status, but I found it funny. I didn't expect him to be this candid with Buck there, but I guess that's what alcohol does to you.

"Well, believe it bud. I can't tell you the number of times I've sucked Lee's big ole pecker." Buck grinned at me in the rearview mirror, and I just rolled my eyes. I hadn't expected Buck to be that blunt either.

Chett almost couldn't contain himself.

"Lee's dick ain't big!" He said while laughing loudly. "Mine's bigger than his!"

"It didn't look that big earlier when you were pissing."

Chett whipped around to look at Buck.

"You were looking at my dick?" The thought almost seemed to sober him up. I immediately got worried that this wasn't going to end well.

"Couldn't help it. You turned around and wagged it at us."

"Well," Chett said turning back around, "it wasn't hard."

Buck just laughed in response.

"Doesn't matter either way. I'm bigger than both of y'all!"

"Is he really?" Chett asked quietly, looking over at me. I nodded. "Damn. And you suck him off?" I just nodded again, blushing a little at having to acknowledge it. "Dang. You must be good at it then. Better than Rebecca anyway. She can't get my whole thing down. And if he's bigger than me..."

He trailed off, letting that hang in the air for a minute. I was a little desperate for the conversation to end, so I turned the music up and hit the gas, sending us flying down the road. Buck started singing along loudly, and Chett followed quickly thereafter. Drunk people are so easy to get off track.

We kept riding for a little while after that, but, eventually, I had to turn back toward town. I needed to be home by 12, and I didn't want to incur Dad's wrath.

When we pulled into the flash, Chett announced that he had to piss and practically ran toward the front door of the store.

"He really shouldn't drive home." Buck said, coming up beside me.

"Yeah, but I don't want to take him home with me. My dad will know immediately that he is drunk."

"Could you just give him a ride home?"

I looked down at my phone.

"I don't think I can make it out to his place and back in time. Dad will be pissed if I'm not home by 12."

"I can give him a ride then. I don't have to be home until 1."

"You wouldn't mine?" I asked, turning toward him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Nope. Not at all. He's a fun guy. Just a bit of a lightweight." He said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I guess we've all been there at some point." I looked over at the store. Chett was waltzing out the front door, pulling his zipper up in the process.

We told him the arrangement, and he reluctantly agreed. He was worried about leaving his truck, but Buck assured him that people did it all the time. No one ever had any problem, though he probably shouldn't leave anything valuable. Chett cleared out a few things and then jumped into Buck's truck. I wanted to kiss Buck, but it was too public. Even though I couldn't see anyone around, that didn't guarantee there wasn't someone who could see me.

"Text me when you get home?" I was standing at the side of his truck, leaning up against the door.

"Yep. I sure will."

"And watch him," I said, nodding my head at Chett. "He might try to get a little handsy with you."

"Ah, fuck you Lee. Buck would be lucky if I touched him."

"Yeah... right." Buck winked at me, rolled his window up, and backed out of the parking spot. I got in my own truck and drove toward home. I would make it in on time, but barely.

Dad welcomed me in the door by looking at his watch.

"Just in time. Truck in one piece?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. Go get in bed. You look like hell."

"Jee, thanks dad."

"Anytime, kiddo."

Once upstairs, I stripped off my clothes and climbed into bed. I fiddled with my cock a little bit, feeling a bit horny since I hadn't gotten off all day. As I boned up, I decided that I should wait to get off. Denying myself the pleasure made me even more horny, though I usually couldn't deny myself for long. I'd probably end up getting off in the morning.

I lay back and closed my eyes. It had been a fun night, and I was happy that Buck and Chett had gotten along so well. About that time, I felt my phone vibrate next to me.

"Got him home in one piece lol. I just got home, too." The text read.

"Glad you're home. Thanks for taking him."

"Of course. Anything for you ;)"

"Oh, anything you say?"

"Yep. Anything. You name it." I decided to have a little fun with him. My dick was still hard, and my mind was perpetually in the gutter.

"Send me a sexy pic." I waited a couple minutes before feeling my phone vibrate again. I opened the picture he'd sent, and I wasn't disappointed. There he was, smiling into the camera. Over his shoulder, I could see his plump butt reflected in his bathroom mirror. The hair in his crack made that area a little darker, contrasted against the paleness of his butt cheeks. My dick twitched at the sight.

"Fuck babe, your ass is so hot. I love when you send me dirty pics."

"Glad you like it." A second text followed that one. "Would you do anything for me?"

"Lol, yeah, you name it." I meant it, too. Even if he had to talk me into it, I would probably do anything he wanted me to do.

"Fuck me then." his response read. I looked at the text for a while, reading it over and over again. I had been able to tell for a while that we were both getting to that point. We wanted to fuck. But neither of us brought it up, until now.


"Yeah. I want to do it. I've been wanting to for a while but you haven't made any moves."

"I couldn't tell if you wanted to."

"Yeah, I do. I want you to put your dick in my ass."


"Let's do it next weekend. My parents are going to my brother's place on Friday."

To say I was nervous was a huge understatement. I was petrified. What if I was terrible at it? What if Buck laughed at me? What if we got caught? Or got AIDS?

The thoughts haunted me all week. I just couldn't get it off my mind. I started googling stuff, trying to figure out whether or not I was ready. I scrolled through endless message boards, each dedicated to some different facet of gay sex. The ones where guys shared their first time stories were my favorite.

Some of them described horror stories. Some of them described what I can only say sounds like the perfect way to lose one's virginity. I trusted that all of them recounted real life events, though I'm sure at least some of them were faked.

There was one common lesson that each story taught me, though. Use lube. The horror stories described why it would be bad to not use it. The great, blissful stories described why it was worth it to invest.

I decided to approach the subject with Buck on Tuesday night. Tuesday. Before Friday. When he wanted me to put my cock in his ass.

We were on the phone. We'd gotten to the point where we talked pretty much every night, even if it were just for a moment. He was the one who pushed for it; I didn't care much for talking on the phone myself.

"I've been doing some reading online."

"About what?" He sounded a little distracted, but I hoped that would change when I mentioned butt stuff.

"About butt stuff."

"Oh... yeah?"

"Yeah. I think we need to invest in lube. Everything I'm reading online says that it's just better with it and kind of sucks without it. At least for the person who is taking the dick."

"Okay, yeah, that sounds good... but I don't know where to get lube?"

"I don't either." We sat quiet for a moment, each trying to brainstorm a place where we might be able to buy lube.

"Probably at Rite Aid." He finally said.

"Yeah, but there is always someone I know in there. I don't want them to see me buying lube."

"Good point... what about Walmart? If one of us goes at the right time, we probably won't see anyone we know."

"True." Walmart was in the next town over. With any luck, we could get out without seeing anyone from our hometown. "But do you really think they sell lube?"

"I don't know. They sell condoms right?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"They probably sell lube then. You want me to go and look?"

"Yeah, if you can. I don't know how to get away from my parents without them asking too many questions."

"I'll go then. I'll shoot for Friday after school. My parents are leaving around lunch so I won't have to worry about them. With any luck, anyone from here will still be at work and not at walmart."

"That sounds like a good plan to me."

It was quiet again for a moment. I didn't really know what to say. Personally, I was still scared shitless, but I didn't want to give that away.



"Are you nervous?"

"No," I lied.



"That makes one of us, at least. I'm nervous as hell, if I'm being honest." It caught me off guard. I expected him to be ready for it, considering he'd asked me. I at least expected him to be less nervous.

"Why? Aren't you the one who started all this talk about doing it?"

"Yeah... but that doesn't mean I'm not nervous. I want it to be good... for both of us. I'm just nervous that it won't be."

"Don't worry about that. Everything will be great, especially since it's you and me. You know I've always got you."

I read somewhere online that acting confident helps make you confident. I have no idea if that's true, but I desperately needed it to be in that moment. I wanted to come off as confident. I wanted to impress him.

"Thanks... I know you'll be good at it. I'm just worried about me." He chuckled. "You know, I don't know that much about my ass. He may not take kindly to what you're going to do to him."

"What I'm going to do to him?! You're the one who asked for it!"

"Yeah, but he doesn't have to know that."

"Can we please stop talking about your ass as if it can talk?"

"Are you back from Walmart?" I sent the text and lay back on my bed. It was Friday. Everything had been planned carefully, and Buck was gonna get the ball rolling by going to Walmart to buy lube and some condoms.

From there, the plan was for me to head to Chett's house. He and I would take his truck to town and meet Buck at Dairy Queen. We'd all have supper together, then Buck and I would leave in his truck. Chett would head back to his place by himself. My parents wouldn't let me go stay at Buck's house anymore, not since they found out about us. They didn't care about us being together, but they certainly weren't condoning the two of us sleeping in the same bed.

So, we had to fib a little. They were convinced I was staying with Chett. Leaving my truck at his place was just for good measure; I really doubted they would go out and see whether or not I was there. Chett's dad wouldn't think twice about it. He went to bed really early and woke up really early because of the farm work. If I were there when he went to bed, and my truck was there when he left in the morning, he'd be none the wiser.

"On my way. What time do you want to meet at Dairy Queen?" Buck texted back several minutes later.

"Let's say 6:30."

"Sounds good to me!"

I rolled up to Chett's house at about 5:30. I figured I would give us a little time to hang out before we headed to town. He had been a good sport about the whole plan. I didn't fill him in on all the details of what was to take place that evening, but he could easily guess. He didn't mind lying for me, either. I'd covered for his ass far too many times to count.

"So, what exactly are y'all doing tonight?" He asked as we pulled out of his driveway. I hadn't expected him to ask; I thought it was pretty clear.

"You really have to ask?"

"Well, I have a good idea. But I figured I'd ask anyway. Let you know I don't think it's weird or anything."

I let out a laugh.

"You don't have to ask me about it. I know you're cool with it."

"Alright." He was quiet for a moment. "I am kinda curious though. Y'all are gonna fuck?"

I just nodded in response, feeling a little uncomfortable. It made me happy that Chett felt comfortable enough with Buck and I to talk openly about it. On the other hand, it felt weird talking to him about it, on account of his being straight.

"Who's doing who?"

"Ah come on Chett." I said, allowing my embarrassment to show through.

"Na tell me dude!"

"I don't want to!"

"Why not? I've been your best friend since who knows when. I won't judge you if you're the one whose ass is being packed."

"So eloquent."

"Come on now, tell me."

"Fine. Buck is taking it."

"You're fucking kidding," he said looking at me, eyes wide.


"Well I'll be damned," he said, turning his attention back toward the road, "I would've never seen that coming."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked defensively.

"Uh, well." He paused, clearly regretting his precious statement. "He's just... so redneck. So manly. I wouldn't have expected him to do that."

"But I'm not manly so I would?"

"No, no that's not what I meant. Stop being a bitch. You know as well as I do that Buck fits the manly profile better than you do. And I'm not trying to be an ass, I'm just saying."

He had a point. Buck was manlier than I was in almost every conceivable way.

"Well, that doesn't matter. You don't have to be a sissy to take a dick in your ass. We're both dudes either way."

"Yeah, I guess that's fine." We sat for a minute, radio playing softly in the background. "Doesn't it hurt?"

"I don't know. Never had a dick in my ass."

"It seems like it would hurt."

"Yeah, I guess it could. A finger isn't bad. You just have to use some kind of lube."

"You've had a finger in your ass?"

"Yeah." He didn't immediately respond, and I felt awkward sitting in silence, so I continued. "My own, mostly. Buck's a couple of times. It feels pretty good."


"You okay?" His sudden silence was off putting, and I began to get worried.

"Yeah! Just... trying to wrap my head around having something in your ass for fun."

"Have you ever touched your asshole?" It was a bold question, but I figured why not.

"Na, not except to wipe."


"Well, you asked."

Supper went pretty well. I saw a couple people I knew; it was hard not to in a town our size. They were nothing more than acquaintances, though, and a passing "hey" was all that was required. Chett didn't say anything at dinner about what was going on tonight. I imagine he'd gotten his fill of such talk in the truck, or didn't want to embarrass us. Either way, I appreciated his discretion.

We had all finished up and were getting up to leave when Buck stopped me.

"Hey, I'm gonna run and piss real quick. I'll meet you at the truck."

"I actually have to go, too." I turned to Chett. "We're gonna go pee real quick before we leave. You don't have to wait though. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Sounds good. Just text me." He then turned to leave. Buck and I made our way to the back of the place where the bathroom was. The bathroom was a little bit shabby, but not too bad. There were two urinals and a stall. We lined up at the urinals, making sure to snatch a view glimpses of the other around the little divider.

A couple minutes later, we were in his truck, headed to his house. My gut was full of food, but I still had butterflies. I kept thinking "am I really ready for this?" It was a hard question to answer. I didn't know what being ready for sex even meant. It sounded fun. I knew jacking off was fun, so that meant sex had to be fun, right?

"I'm gonna take a shower when we get home. You know, get ready for later." He said, reaching a hand over to gently squeeze my thigh.

"That sounds good."

"Wanna join me?" The question was accompanied by a wink and a lopsided smile.

"Yeah, sounds like fun. Your folks are already gone, right?"

"Yeah, mom texted me about an hour ago that they made it safely. We don't have to worry about anyone bothering us."


When we got there, only his dad's truck was home, meaning they drove his mom's car. He parked in her normal spot under the garage, and we headed inside.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Na, I think I'm good." Truth be told, I don't know if I could've kept anything down at that point. On the inside, I was a wreck. I was just praying that it didn't show.

"Come on then," he said, grabbing my hand, "I'm tired of waiting." He pulled me through the house and into his bathroom, shutting the door behind us. "I've been thinking about this all week. I can't stand it anymore."

He grabbed my face and smashed his lips into mine, roughly kissing me over and over again. I pushed back with equal veracity, the lust I felt for him overtaking my nerves.

We quickly shed our shirts, and I could feel him undoing his belt in front of me.

"Hold on." I said, breaking our kiss. I moved over to the toilet, closed the lid, and sat down. It was spur of the moment, but I had an idea. "I want to watch you take your pants off."

"You want me to strip for you?" He asked, a hint of confusion in his voice. I simply nodded in response. "Alright, here goes."

He moved toward me, biting his bottom lip as he popped the button on his jeans. One hand moved up and rubbed his thick, slightly furry torso. The other hand slowly pulled down his zipper, allowing me to glimpse the boxers underneath. He turned, facing his ass toward me. He hooked his thumbs into the jeans and pushed them down slowly, bending forward as he went. The boxers tightened on his butt as he bent over, meaning I had a great view despite the fabric still blocking the skin. My cock was rock hard in my own pants, completely owing to his incredible sexiness.

He stood back up, having kicked the jeans across the bathroom. He turned his head to smile at me, then pushed the boxers down over his ass. I was practically drooling over him at that point, the fine golden hairs darkening toward his crack.

"See anything you like?"

"Mhmmm" was all I could say in response. He snickered, then quickly pushed the boxers down, bending over again to remove them from his ankles. When he bent down, I got a great view. His tight little hole came into view, though it was a little obscured by the hair. It was a beautiful sight, and it was all I could do to keep from reaching out and grabbing it.

He stood up and wheeled around, hard dick waving through the air.

"Alright, you got to watch me you perv, now get up. I'm ready to shower." He turned around to get the water running while I fiddled with my belt.

He got in, and I followed quickly, pulling the curtain closed behind me. He turned toward me and smiled. His body blocked most of the water from getting to me, but I could feel some of the warm spray that ricocheted off his skin.

He reached out and grabbed onto my boner, and I followed his example.

"You've got such an awesome dick." He muttered, staring down at my crotch.

"Thanks. Not as good as yours though."

"Yeah right." He released my cock and slowly turned, sliding out of my hand. He put his arms against the front wall of the shower and let the water run down his back.

"What do you think of this?" He was talking about his ass, obviously. His firm, round, fuzzy ass. The ass that drove me crazy and took up most of my daydreams.

"I love it." I replied as I reached out to rub it. The warm water made it easy to glide my hands over each mound, feeling the thin hairs pass underneath my palms. "I love it so much."

I felt him lean back into my hands, giving me two sizeable handfuls of butt. I squeezed hard, pulling his cheeks apart as I did.

"Fuck..." I heard him breathe. I looked down and got a good view of his hole. Wet, slightly matted with hair, and just as pink as could be. I moved my right hand so that I could caress it with my thumb.

"Oh damn. That feels good."

"Your ass is so beautiful Buck."

"I'm glad you like it." He leaned back, practically laying his entire body back against mine. We were slotted together such that my cock, which was hard as a rock, was slotted into his ass crack. He turned his head enough that he could meet my lips, and we kissed vigorously as I rubbed up and down his crack.

"Does that feel good?" He asked between kisses.

"You have no idea." My hands, which were exploring his upper torso, slowly rubbed down to his crotch, where I grabbed his dick and began to stroke. "What about this?"

"Fuck." He breathed into my mouth. "Between that and you humping up against me, I won't last very long."

I snickered, then released his dick and stepped back.

"Well, we don't want that yet." The look he gave me screamed "please," but I wasn't having it. "Come on, let's get you clean."

I grabbed the soap and began washing him. I'd never really given much thought to washing someone before, but I admit, I had a great time doing it. I became more familiar with his body in those few minutes than I had in the entire time we'd been together. I noticed where he had lots of hair and where hair was sparse. I noticed a couple scars and freckles I'd never seen before. I noticed just how heavy his balls were as I lifted and moved them around to wash the area thoroughly.

His dick was hard the entire time, of course. My hands all over him were apparently turning him on even more than he already was. I took the quiet moans and shudders as cues that I was doing a good job.

I spent a while on his butt. I started by soaping the cheeks, but I quickly moved my efforts to the deeper, hidden areas. I soaped him up well, then spent my time rubbing and teasing his hole. I wanted to make sure he was good and clean, but I also wanted to tease him.

I slid my index finger in just a little, which got quite a rise out of him. I laughed and pulled my finger back out.

"How are you gonna take my dick if you can't even take my finger?"

"I just wasn't expecting it. Leave me alone." We laughed, and, after he finished rinsing off, he turned the water off.

We took our time drying off. We grabbed at each other playfully, which caused the entire process to go on even longer. Eventually, he threw his towel to the floor, took my hand, and led me from the bathroom. As soon as we were in his room, he dropped to his knees and took my dick in his mouth.

"I still can't believe Buck Turner is sucking on my cock." I said as my hand guided his head back and forth. "He's so good at it, too."

"Mmmm" was all he could say in response. I wasn't about to let him off my cock. He slurped and slurped at my cock, sending good vibes through my entire body. One of his hands found my balls and played/tugged at those while his mouth worked. Eventually, I had to stop him though.

"I'm getting too close. I don't want to blow until I'm inside you."

"I love hearing you talk like that." He responded as he got to his feet. I felt myself blush. "Awh don't be embarrassed. I love it." He grabbed me by the ass and pulled me into a kiss. Our cocks rubbed together between our bodies.

"Get on your stomach." I said, practically pushing him onto the bed. What followed can only be described as probably the hottest 10 minutes of my life. It wasn't the craziest sexual thing I've ever done, or the most thrilling. But something about that 10 minute time span, it gets me going even to this day.

He fell to his stomach and immediately thrust his ass up into the air. Naturally, his cheeks spread and revealed the treasure beneath. I got behind him and, lowering my face to his level, gently kissed all over each of his butt cheeks. I was generally pretty skeptical about rimming him, even if he'd just showered. But that night, I couldn't resist it.

I went straight from gentle kisses to voracious eating. I tongued, kissed, and slurped on his hole for what seemed like an eternity. His body rocked in motion with what I was doing, and the sounds coming from his mouth told me he didn't want me to stop. That was the first time I'd pushed my tongue deep into his hole. I kept pushing just as deep as it would go, because each time I did, he moaned loudly. He even reached back to grab my head and push me in at one point.

"Don't fucking stop. Get in there." I could hear him, and his hand on my head meant I couldn't disobey. He was loving it, and so was I.

As hot as it was, I eventually pulled my face from his ass with the intention of replacing my tongue with a finger.

"Do you have the lube?" I asked.

"Shit." He turned his head to look at me, his ass still perched up high. "I left it in the truck. Hold tight while I run and get it."

He was gone and back in a flash.

"You went outside naked?"

"Yeah. The neighbors can't see into the garage or the backyard. Sometimes when mom and dad aren't home, I sit on the back porch naked."

"That sounds like fun."

"I know something else that sounds like fun." He pushed the little bottle of lube into my hand. "Fuck me." He lay down on his back and pulled his legs up toward his head. His ass was left exposed, with his balls and dick visible above it.

"Let me finger you first."

"No, I want it now. I want you Lee." I couldn't argue with that. I couldn't argue when he said it in such a seductive, needy way. He dropped a string of condoms onto the bed as he climbed up, so I grabbed one and ripped it open. It was the first time I'd ever put a condom on, but I did it just like dad showed me. It felt weird. I felt restricted, but I figured that's what it was supposed to feel like.

I squirted some lube onto my hand and coated my cock in it. I rubbed some of what was remaining on his exposed ass, then put the bottle aside. My hand felt sticky and gross, so I didn't want to touch anything.

"It's fine. I'll wash the sheets when we're done." He said, as if reading my mind.

I got into position in front of him. We caught eyes, and he smiled his signature smile at me. I leaned down toward him, propping myself up with one hand. The other hand I used to position my dick in the right place. My face was just inches away from him.

"Is that right?"

"I think so," he said, "maybe just a little lower." I readjusted and gave a little push. I felt myself slide forward just a fuzz, and at the same time-

"Fuck!" His eyes squeezed shut, and I'm sure mine opened as wide as dinner plates. "Fuck fuck fuck that hurts."

"Let me take it back out." I started to pull back but he reached up and grabbed me by the back.

"No. No, just... stay still for a minute."

"Buck I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't. Let me adjust." We sat there for a moment, letting him try and adjust to the foreign object pushing into him. In reality, it didn't feel like I had gone that far in. Must have felt like it, though, for him to respond that way.

"Okay, try pushing a little more." I did, but got the exact same response.

"Ouch ouch fuck."

"Buck, we don't have to-"

"Listen to me Lee. You're going to fuck me tonight if I have to scream my way through it."

"I don't want to hurt you!"

"You aren't going to. I'm gonna get used to it."


"Damnit it Lee, I want this. I want this bad." He looked up at me, eyes bright.

"Okay, let me just pull out and add some more lube then."

"Yeah. Okay." I slid out slowly, doing my best not to hurt him. I'd gone in farther than I thought; probably about half of my dick was inside of him.

As the last of my dick popped out, it was followed by a fairly loud fart. We both burst out laughing.

"What is it with you?!"

"I didn't mean to!" He practically shouted. "I was pushing out to try and make it easier for you to slide out and it just happened. I didn't do it on purpose!"

I kept laughing, but leaned down to kiss him. He was a goober, but I'm glad I was doing it with him for my first time.

I applied more lube to my dick and to his ass. I even talked him into letting me slide a finger in. He was convinced he didn't need it, but I told him that it would help get some lube inside. I had no idea if that was true, but I had to tell him something.

His hole around my finger felt, well, good. It was warm and tight. The lube made it feel slick, and I was able to move my finger in and out pretty easily. He seemed to like it, too, so I had high hopes that we would be able to actually fuck.

I did that for a couple minutes before pulling out and lining up my cock again.

"Alright, push out again, but don't fart this time."

"I'll do my best." I leaned forward, laying my body weight basically on top of him and pushing my cock against his ass. I felt it beginning to slide in, and, at the same time, I heard him breathe in sharply.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah... it doesn't hurt as bad as last time. Just go slow."

I did my best to accommodate him. "Going slow" isn't exactly easy to do, especially when it's your first time. We kept working at it, though. Finally, after starting and stopping several times, I was finally all the way in. My pubes were pushing against his taint, and my balls were flush with his ass.

"That's the whole thing." I said and giggled. He smiled up at me.

"Well, are you gonna kiss me or am I just some hoe?"

I leaned in to kiss him. I felt his ass clench around my girth, and I used the muscles in my crotch to make my dick jump inside of him.

"Woah! That felt weird. Do it again."

I followed orders and made my dick jump again.

"That's so weird."

"Yeah, I bet having something inside of you is weird."

"It's good though. I like it." I leaned in again to kiss him. I'm surprised that my dick stayed hard through it all, but never once did it soften. I was so horny, so happy and turned on to have my dick inside of him.

I pulled my face back and stared down at him. We locked eyes, and I slowly started pulling my dick out. I watched him closely to see if I was hurting him, but he didn't even flinch. If he was hurting, he was doing a dang good job of hiding it.

I glanced down and saw that his dick was still rock hard. There was a little drop of precum gathered in his dick slit, so I was pretty sure he liked what was happening.

I made the mistake, though, of pulling back too far. His muscles, which weren't used to having anything in there, pushed my dick all the way out.

"Oops." I muttered. I fiddled with myself for a moment, getting lined back up. This time, I didn't have to stop every couple seconds. I just pushed myself all the way back in (slowly, of course). When I bottomed out, he whimpered.

"You feel huge."

"Do you like it?"

"I do," he said while staring up at me, "I do." I leaned in to kiss him while I pulled back, this time making sure not to pull too far back. We kept at it like that for a couple minutes, just getting used to what was happening between us.

His hands were around my back, basically embracing me in a hug. His legs had fallen a bit and were beginning to wrap around my lower back. I was still pulling out and pushing in at a slow pace. It felt tight, much tighter than my hand or his mouth had ever been.

All of a sudden, it seemed, he pulled his lips from mine and picked his head up so that they were level with my ear.

"Let's take it up a notch. I think I'm ready." It was all the coaxing I needed. I put my hands on either side of his head and pushed back, picking myself up so that the only part of my body touching his was my crotch.

I pulled myself most of the way out before sliding back in rather quickly. I started a quicker pace, thrusting in and pulling out rather quickly. I found that each time I thrust into his hole, I grunted almost involuntarily. It felt so good around my dick; I couldn't help it.

Buck was whimpering pretty steadily, which sounds rather childish/wimpy. It was so incredibly hot though. The needy sounds coming from his mouth only made me more lustful. The sounds drove me to quicken my pace even more.

It didn't take long before we had devolved into primal, ball slapping fucking. I was driving into him pretty hard. He had moved on from whimpering and was being vocal as to what he was experiencing.

"Fuck me Lee. Fuck me. Oh my God your cock feels huge. Fuck fuck fuck. Damnit Lee. Fuck me please. Fuck." It didn't come out like that all at once, but I know he said each of those things while I was pounding him. It was evident that he was enjoying my cock inside of him.

The time quickly came when I could feel my orgasm building. I knew from the very beginning that I wouldn't last long. His hole was so tight, so slick with lube and so warm. There was no way I'd be able to keep it up.

"Buck," I said in between panted breaths, "I'm gonna cum."

"Oh God," he said, grabbing onto his dick and jacking furiously, "cum for me. Cum in me."

The moment of orgasm was, quite frankly, loud. We didn't have any reason to stay quiet, though I'm not sure either of us could've managed it had we tried.

I've never cum like I did that night. I could feel it coming, so I slammed into him at just the right moment to send myself over the edge. I can't remember if I made any words, but I do remember grunting very loudly as my dick oozed rope after rope of cum into the condom. He came seconds later, equally as loud. His jizz covered his hand, stomach, and chest.

I practically fell onto him at that point. We were sweaty and covered in cum, both breathing hard and glowing in the after effects of what we'd just done. I didn't pull out of him, either. My softening dick did the work and, eventually, his ass muscles pushed me out. We just kept lying there, though, reveling in our fuck.

"That was amazing." He finally mumbled, kissing the side of my head.

"Yeah, no kidding. I don't know if I can move."

"Well, you're gonna have to. I need to clean this cum off my chest." I laughed and pushed myself up. Looking down, I realized the condom was barely hanging onto my dick. I carefully pulled it off, making sure not to touch the part that had been the deepest inside him.

"It smells like shit in here." I casually observed as we were getting up off the bed.

"Oh... I tried to, well I didn't mean..." I instantly realized that I'd hurt his feelings by saying it. Or embarrassed him, rather.

"No no no, Buck, don't be embarrassed. I didn't mean it like that." I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "You can't help that. Think about it. We're shoving something up your ass. As long as we're doing that, there is gonna be some... crap involved."

He smiled.

"Promise you're not like grossed out or anything?"

"Na, it's just part of it."

"Good... it does smell in here, doesn't it?" We both laughed, then headed for the bathroom. After wiping ourselves off and peeing, I gave him a couple minutes alone. He said he needed to take care of some "back door issues," and I didn't want to be around for that.

As I sat on his bed and thought about what we'd done, a certain sense of pride fell over me. I'd done it. I'd lost my virginity. I'd fucked a guy. And it was a damn good time.

Next: Chapter 7

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