Buddy Series

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Aug 24, 2013


Warning! The following story is a work of fiction, containing descriptive scenes of sexual encounters and contact between consenting individuals. If you are not of legal age to read stories of this nature or you are offended by the subject matter contained herein do not read any further.

All rights reserved. This story may not be distributed or reproduced on any other sites or publications without the express written permission from the author. This work is protected by all applicable copyright laws.

To contact the author e-mail at: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com


My high school sweetheart's younger brother was an awesome stud with stunning green eyes. Every since sixth grade he's had girls grovel at his feet for attention: girls swarming around him like bees to a honey combs. In my opinion, he had to have been the cutest kid in sixth grade. However, by the time he got to high school he'd transformed from the sixth grade cutie into a handsome rangy six foot stud muffin with a perfect swimmer's build. In fact, he'd been on community and high school swim teams since he was like six years old. I'd been good friends with Buddy since we played little league baseball. Now we were all teenagers in high school and although his sister was my girl friend I was sexual attracted to him.

Buddy was a year younger and year behind Jessie and I in school, but his age made no difference. He was almost as beautiful as his older sister. Jessie and I attended all Buddy's high school swim meets. We cheered him on. I enjoyed watching all the swimmers compete in their tight ass swim trunks, but my favorite swimmer was Buddy. I couldn't keep my eyes off him in his skintight tight swim wear. Swim trunks that showed off a prefect package hidden behind the swim suite fabric. I don't know why, but every since sixth grade I'd enjoyed watching other boys with nice physiques: those hot bodies.

I loved seeing boys semi-clothed and was curious about the forbidden fruit hidden in the fabric of their treasure chests. Some boys came by their masculine physiques naturally as they passed through puberty maturing into adolescence while others need a little help. Buddy was one of the naturals. With each year he blossomed into one of those Adonis types.

Of course over the years there were other boys that had aroused my curiosity, but Buddy was the one who intrigued me. I'd done my fair share of experimenting sexually since I was in the sixth grade, but I'd never had any sexual contact with Buddy. Maybe because I'd been dating his older sister since eight grade and we were all together much of the time. I spent about as much time with one as I did the other. The difference in the time I spent alone with Jessie was that a good portion of the time was spent trying figure out how I was going to get her clothes off and into bed; whereas, with Buddy, we were more interested in guy stuff such as sports, cars and action flicks.

Among us I had the car: a Ford Mustang. My parent's had given me the car after I turned sixteen and passed the driver's test. A cozy little car ideal for us to enjoy life as teenagers. I used it for transportation back and forth to school, and to go to the drive-in theater. Jessie called me one Friday night to tell me that she was going with her parent's out of town for the weekend. So, I asked, "What's Buddy doin? Is he stayin home?"

"Yeah, he's not interested in the trip."

"Ask him if he wants company while you all are gonna be out of town," I replied.

"Okay, I'll have him call you back when he gets in from swim practice."


I went about my business that afternoon thinking about Jessie the trip she was taking. Her parent's were taking her to Chicago for some big fashion show where all the latest in clothing designs would be shown. Jessie had always been interested in fashion and designing clothing. Her goal was to attend college and become big time designer. When we went shopping she was the one that would pick out clothing for Buddy and me. We were always two of the best dressed boys in school. In the afternoon I got a phone call. It was Buddy asking, "Can you give him a ride home from swim practice?"

"Sure, see you in a few."

"Oh," Buddy said before he hung up. "I'll buy chocolate malts at the Dairy Queen."

Once we finished our drinks we drove over to Buddy's house where we saw Jessie and her parent's packing the car for the weekend trip.

"Hey, when you all leavin?" Buddy questioned his dad standing in the driveway.

"As soon as we finish loading up," Buddy's father said. "Sure you want to stay here alone this weekend?"

"Nah, I'm good," Buddy replied. "Maybe I'll have Brandon stay over tonight. We can stay up and watch horror movies and eat pizza."

"Don't make a mess out of my house and no parties young man," Buddy's mother admonished.

"No party and no mess," Buddy responded to his mother. "We'll keep everything in my bedroom."

After the promise was made to Buddy's parents the two of us went inside. On the way in I was thinking about what Buddy had said about keeping everything in the bedroom. There was no doubt I'd like to keep Buddy in bed in his bedroom all weekend where I cornhole him all weekend, but I'd settle for pizza and his silly ass horror flicks.

In the meantime, in the kitchen we made some drinks with ice cubes and juice. As we finished the drinks Jessie and her parents entered the kitchen for last minute hugs and good-byes. We walked them to the driveway where the three piled into the family station wagon for the trip. We waved at them as they backed out of the drive and drove off. Buddy and I went back into the house for another drink.

"So, you got some new horror movies or we gonna watch the same old shit," I asked.

"I got some shit that will knock your socks off, brother," Buddy said.

"What you got?" I asked thinking maybe he had scored some dynamite weed, but neither of us were into smoking marijuana.

"Come on in the bedroom."

With our drinks in hand we walked into Buddy's bedroom where he pulled a backpack off the closet shelf and threw it on the bed. When he opened the back pack the load of VHS cassettes spilled onto the bed. Buddy spread a dozen of the cassettes on his bed.

"Whoa! What the fuck!" I exclaimed. "Where'd you get this shit man?"

"A friend of my cousin, his dad owns an adult store in Indianapolis. Anyway, my cousin's friend was helpin his dad clean up the store and inventory of old tapes last month. They were tossin a bunch of these cassettes out, so he gave a shit load of them to my cousin. My cousin's been sellin them for five bucks a cassette, so I gave him twenty bucks for dozen."

"Man, there's all kinds of shit here. Women on women, men on women and guys on guys," I said. "Look at some of these guys on the covers. Man have they got super sized dicks."

The covers on the black plastic cassettes were adorned with nude photos of big busted women and guys with huge dicks. They're were photos of guys fucking women and guys fucking guys in the ass. There were also shots of gals eating gal's pussy and guys eating pussy as well as the big titted chicks sucking on big dicks.

"Yeah, how'd you like to take that up the ass?" Buddy questioned pointing to the big black guy's huge cock.

My mind was racing, was there a chance that Buddy was in awe of the big dicks too. I had to play my response close to the vest. I didn't want to be too eager to respond thereby divulging my long-time interest in dicks and guy on guy sex. Maybe Buddy was just a voyeur.

"Probably wouldn't fit, so I don't have to worry," I replied with a laugh.

"Bet it'd take a lot of Vaseline to lube your ass up for that monster," Buddy said pointing to the black guy's humongous cock. "So, what you think, wanna watch a couple of them tonight instead of reruns of my horror flicks?"

"Shit yeah!" I exclaimed. "Anything's better than reruns."

I was in hope that my over zealous response hadn't given me away. We decided that we'd watch the regular porn flick first and then a bisexual video. Next thing we did was order a pepperoni pizza. Buddy's dad had beer in the fridge in the garage, so Friday night would be beer, pizza and porn. I asked, "You got a swim meet tomorrow morning?"

"Nope, this is a free weekend all the way around."

We got things ready in the bedroom. Buddy hooked up the video player to the television before the pizza guy arrived. The pizza delivery guy went to our school, so we spent a few minutes talking to him. Once the pizza was there Buddy went to the garage to raid the fridge for the beers. Then we climbed onto Buddy's big bed with pizza, beer and remote. It was show time. Buddy hit play on the remote and the fuck and suck video began streaming pornographic images on the large television screen.

"How the hell does that gal get that huge cock in her mouth?" Buddy questioned. "I don't think I could get that thing in my mouth."

I didn't say word. I decided to let Buddy blabber on about the big dicks on the television screen in front of us. Maybe in time he would give up some valuable insight into his curiosity about cocks and his sexuality. "How big do you think that guy's dick is?" Buddy asked.

"Well, he's holdin the shaft with both hands. There's about two more inches sticking out pasts his fist that he's feedin that gal," I replied.

"So, how big are your hands? Buddy asked.

"What you mean?"

"You know, if you laid a ruler across the palm of your hand what would it measure?" Buddy asked.

"I don't know. Maybe five or six inches. You got a ruler handy?" I asked.

"Yeah, there's one in my desk drawer," Buddy said getting off the bed to open the desk drawer.

Once he retrieved the clear plastic twelve inch ruler he returned to the bed. He measured across the palm of his right hand saying, "Just a tad over four inches. Here you measure your hand."

I laid the ruler across the palm of my right hand and said, "My guesstimate was off; four and a quarter inches, so we can safely say that the guy in the video is probably nine or ten inches long. I wish we had something to compare the thickness of that monster cock."

"I'd guess about the size of a beer can," Buddy said. "So, his dick is probably about as long and thick as mine."

"You wish numb nuts."

We continued watching the woman suck the guy's dick. All the time I was thinking about what it would be like to get a close up view of Buddy's hard dick. Maybe even do some comparing and measuring. I'd been measuring mine regular since I began puberty. I couldn't get over how this gal was able to take all that big black cock.

The guy kept ramming his massive cock into the girl like a pile driver as he fucked her. Then he pulled out and stood there for her to admire his tool. Both of us were sexual aroused, making groaning noises as we watched that monster dick of his sticking straight out from his pubic bone as he stood fully erect. To me the damn thing seemed to jump in time with his heartbeat. His balls must have been the size of tangerines and there was a massive wad knot of black curly pubic hair surrounding the base of his tree trunk. I'd heard that black guys had huge dicks, but never imagined anything the size of what I was seeing on the television.

Suddenly, the black guy reached down grabbing the women he spun her around forcing her face down on the bed. Then he reached down and jerked her ass up in the air. With his big thumbs he began peeling her ass cheeks back as if to decide whether to fuck her in the ass or pussy. Then he began filling her pussy with his massive cock all the while she was screaming for him to fuck her and moaning with each thrust. He kept slamming his cock in and out of her. Finally, he withdrew. Jacking his cock he shot a huge load of spooge across her back and buttock.

The video continued with similar scenes as we devoured our pizza and drank beer. The ruler was still on the bed. I was in hope it would find a use before the night was over. Finally, the video ended about the time the pizza and beer were gone. "So, what'd you think?" Buddy asked.

"Damn, there were some guys with big dicks in that video," I replied.

"You ready for the next one?"

"Yeah," I said as Buddy booted up the next video.

The next video was bisexual and the male actors in new video weren't hung as big as the previous video. As we began watching I once again noticed that Buddy and I both were experiencing arousal. I was hoping that Buddy might suggest we jack off together. Maybe do some comparing and measuring, but I would let him make the first move.

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