
By Ronald Jr Fortaleza (Ronnie, Keith)

Published on Jan 5, 2005


Buffy and all related characters are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox TV, UPN, and the WB,while The Halliwells are property of Spelling Entertainment and the WB. No copyright infringement is intended whatsoever.

The following story contains adult content, nudity, adult language, strong sexual content, and mature subject matter which are definitely unsuitable for anyone under 18. If teenage sexuality offends you, please do us a favor and read no further. If you are under age or live where it is unlawful to read this type of story, then please leave now.

To reiterate, Buffy and the rest are property of Fox TV and the WB, with UPN and Spelling Entertainment added, too. No copyright infringement is intended, as well.

No further questions? Then let's conclude this little holiday tale.


by Keith

It was on Saturday afternoon, December 5 of 1998 that the holidays began in full swing.

After the two opposing teams had been decided and designated for the canned goods contest, the competition would begin in earnest, and as expected, this would be a memorable affair.

The program team, led by Miss Cabot and her wife, Laura, walked one section of the neighborhoods while the upperclass teams, led by the Hennesseys, patroled the other section. As usual, if you were on a program team in competition with an opposing team, you were expected to make the rounds from door to door and house to house....stark naked!!! If you were in an upperclass team, clothing would be optional, but aside from that, let's get back to the program team, shall we?

In their section of the neighborhood, the program team, all stark naked save for the shoes, socks, and santa claus hats and yarmulklaus cap worn by Willow joyfully made their rounds from house to house and door to door. Everyone of the 12 member team carried with her or him a red felt sack big enough to carry canned, non-perishable goods with her or him as they continued to make their way down the street until they all came to an address:5150 Baker Street.

It was a rather ordinary looking bungalow set atop a slight little hill with a front room window staring out towards the group of naked programees and their adult chaperones as they arrived to within a few feet from the gently sloping drive-way with a steel grey minivan parked quietly at its summit. They all stopped and looked to one another until Miss Cabot made her decision known to them all.

"I think Buffy and Willow should walk up the drive-way and up the steps to the door and ring it, isn't that right, my lady woman?"

Davide turned to her older wife of more than a few years with her proposal. Dressed in black, but in jeans and sneakers, Laura in her long bobbed shag mane turned to Buffy and Willow and said unto them, "you two, go up to the door and see if they're home, please."

Now she was even more direct than any of the kids had realized, which impressed Buffy even more as she and Willow walked up the dirve-way and up the steps to the door and rang the bell, holding their bags. It was Buffy who rang the bell with Willow holding her bag as she wore her yarmulklaus cap well over her growing out page boy bob mane atop her hair.

Inside the house, the Raines family were enjoying a quiet afternoon to themselves and upon hearing the door bell ring, Mrs. Raines volunteered to answer while her husband read the weekend edition of the San Angeles Times. Upon opening the door, the missus of the household would be taken by surprise to see two naked 14-year old girls at their doorstep with red felt bags in their hands, asking for handouts!

"Good afternoon, our school is holding a canned goods contest to benefit the local widows and orphans fund for the holidays and if you have any surplus canned and non-perishable goods in your home you'd like to donate, we'd appreciate it. It's all for a good cause, we assure you."

Willow handled herself quite well, as she smiled at the bewildered Mrs. Raines whose jaw had dropped, compelling her to become dead silent and wide-eyed! Meanwhile, inside the house, Mr. Raines looked up from his paper to inquire about his wife.

"Stevenne, who's at the door?" No answer. After a moment or so, he got up to see what the matter was and was about to receive an bigger surprise when he joined his wife at the doorstep.

"Hey! What's the meaning of this nonsense, you kids?! Don't you know that it's illegal for anyone to walk around the neighborhood naked, let alone ask for donations like that?!"

Buffy mustered up all her courage and told plainly, "please forgive us good sir and ma'am, but it's school policy for the 9th grade freshman class to attend classes for one week in the nude in rotation. It's part of our future class graduation requirements, you see and that as part of the school outreach, we have to go door to door in the nude asking for donations."

The blonde programee came off as best as she could, as honest without being too innocent or coy about the situations or cirmcumstances regarding, but Mr. Raines would have none of that.

"Why, if any of my kids had answered the door instead of my wife, you'd both be in big trouble, but lucky for you two, they're not home right now, so where are your parents or teachers for that matter?"

It was at that moment that Miss Cabot came to their rescue.

"Excuse us for startling you both like this, but she speaks the truth for you see, she and her 9th grade classmates are required to be chosen to attend classes for one week in the nude. It's school policy. Have you not heard of the Natural Human Sexuality Act of 1994 being passed into law, good sir?"

"I've been keeping up on the news, believe me, but still, this is morally reprehensible to allow children a little older than my own to go parading around town buck naked for the entire world to see," said Mr. Raines to Miss Cabot rather bluntly if not high-mindedly.

"How old are your children?"

Mrs. Raines, snapping herself out of her shock and disbelief readily if not clumsily responded to Miss Cabot, "they're both 13 and fraternal twins, one brunette like us, but the other blonde, unlike the rest of us.....say... what are you trying to pull?"

"Well, it seems to me that it's only fair for your children to be signed up into the Nudity in School Program, so will they be attending Sunnydale High next year?"

There was silence for a long moment until.....

"If we give you a fair amount of canned goods, do you all promise to depart from our property so that we can think about it in peace and come back with some clothes on?"

"I cannot guarantee that, Mr. and Mrs. Raines....."

There was no further word said as the Raines gave the kids a fair donation in canned goods to fill their sacks so that they could all be on their way.

Meanwhile, the other team was having better luck....

Since they were more or less clothed, the upperclass team managed to gather more donations for the widows and orphans fund than Scott Hennessey had realized.

Well for one, Parker got Christine, his slave girl to bark a like a dog while attached to her collar and leash for her master to the amusement of more than a few people, who gladly gave whatever canned goods they could afford to give to the upperclass team. Cordy, Aurah, and Harmony were dressed scantily in only g-strings and boots with their santa claus hats as they showed their breasts to whoever answered the doors whenever they came up to them.

It would be a long afternoon until just after it got dark that both teams returned to campus with the goods they were able to gather up in their sacks. At the front of the campus there was situated two separate bins, each with signs designating program team and upperclass team. With Assistant Principal Mansey at the helm, both teams were instructed to put however many canned goods each had in their possession into the bins. All were silent as the students and their parents watched as the cans were put into their appropriate plastic bins, and the results.........

None of them were able to garner any sizeable donations thus far, but the holidays were only beginning and Assistant Principal Mansey made an announcement to everyone present.

"Fear not, students and parents, there will be at least one or two more canned good drive contests between both program and upperclass teams before the beginning of the holiday break, but as to let everyone know, there is still the annual community Christmas Pageant coming the Saturday after next along with the Toys for Tots Drive at the event so it's too soon to give up as of yet people, so in other words, let's not lose heart or hope as of yet. If nothing else, then we are adjourned for now, so if all participating programees would please report to the front office conference to get dressed, we'd appreciate it."

With that said, the student teams reported inside to re-dress leaving their parents to mingle and converse amongst themselves and each other.

Dr. Rosenberg, Willow's mother made her presence known to Tara's aunts, the Halliwells as she introduced herself and her husband to the four older ladies.

"Evening, ladies, I'm Dr. Rosenberg, M.D. and this is my husband, Professor Rosenberg, how do you all do?"

They shook each other's hands as Paige inquired a little further.

"You must be Willow's parents, we presume. I hope that our way of dressing is not terribly upsetting to you both for we are practicing Wiccans after all."

"Don't worry about it, Miss Halliwell, my wife and I haven't been practicing Judaeans since our daughter was Bat Mitzvahed last year, but me and my wife do have a question or so, if you don't mind.

"No, no, go right ahead. What troubles you?"

"Well, it's just that we don't want anything bad to happen to our only child because she means everything to us and that we ask only that your niece take good care of her and take things slowly with her, that's all."

Prudence, the eldest of Tara's four aunts had an imperious presence all her own as she was about to put them both at ease.

"Worry yourselves not, Dr and Professor Rosenberg for we care deeply about our niece since her parents died when she was much younger."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about that,...."

"Prudence, but you can call me Pru if you want, but you don't have to if you don't want, doctor."

"Well, apart from your family history, it's only that I still don't want anything bad to happen to my only child, Prudence."

"I assure you both, we will see to it that your daughter and our niece will be in good hands and will be guided safely, but I have one final question: will you both object to your daughter learning a thing or two about our faith as she teaches our niece about yours?"

"It's nothing, like we said, my husband and I have not been entirely religious Jews all of our lives so we've been on a more intellectual, but sure, if my daughter wants to teach your niece a thing or two about Judaism, then it's only fair that she learn a thing or two about your Craft, but only as long as it is not too dangerous. Agreed?"

"Agreed," said all four of Tara's aunts to the Rosenbergs as they shook hands while meanwhile, two other couples were having some problems of their own.

"I knew it, I knew it all along that your little trollup of a daughter has gotten my son into trouble at this school! I should've never enrolled him into this Programof theirs. It's all my fault!"

"Look, Miss Harris. You have every right to be angry with our daughter about getting him into trouble at school with her, but believe us when we tell you that the reason she got into trouble with your son was that she is madly in love with him and would not want to be without him. Has your son told you about his future plans with Cordelia?"

"No, not that I know of, why?"

"It's that lately, Cordelia wants to marry your son someday so that they can run off with each other and make babies with each other and have an open marriage at the same time, but I am certain you are shocked by this."

"Oh believe me! I am more than shocked! I am stunned and appalled by the idea that your daughter wants to marry him. She's old enough to be his older sister for God's sakes, Mrs. Chase!"

"I know, I know, but believe me still when we both have decided to punish Cordelia for her dalliance with your son on school grounds."

"And how in the hell are you gonna do that, Mrs. Chase?"

"We're leaving her home alone for the holidays, but we're not telling her yet until the Christmas break begins in two weeks. How will you discipline your son, Miss Harris?"

"Well, I'm gonna make him see the errors of his ways when the time comes, but right now, I am still gonna keep on scolding and chewing him out for his little indiscretion with your daughter."

"You're not scewing him, I hope."

"No, of course not regrettably so, but if I had been screwing him, then maybe he wouldn't be in his first offense after all."

"Oh please reconsider what you're gonna do to him, Miss Harris."

Xander's mother thought long and hard for a moment until she gave Mrs. Chase her answer.

"Don't worry, I won't harm him...too much....."

It was much later at the local diner that Buffy and Faith finally had it out with Dawn over her constant meddling into their love life as all three of them sat at a table facing each other with Dawn squarely in the middle flanked on both sides by her older sister and her older lover. They both looked at her rather sternly and severely as they stared her down accusatorily while they all waited to be served with their dinners.

"Dawn, why must you always interfere with me and Faith whenever we're alone together?"

"Yeah, you miserable little rodent, why must you?"

"Well, you see, I have to confess something to you......"

"Spit it out or no Christmas for you from me this year, got it?!"

"Okay, okay, don't get so excited, alright, so let me tell you two......"

The 13-year old turned to Faith and stared deeply into her brown eyes with her own hazels as she had this to confess to her.

"Faith, I must confess that I am in love with you, too, and that the only reason that I surprised you with a blow job when you were kissing my sister was that I wanted to be with you as well. Please don't be too upset with me about it."

"Upset with you, Dawn? Of course I am, but we're both more upset with you because you keep trying to tear me away from your sister whom I love very, very much. If you wanted to have sex with me, why can't you at least be a little more open to me about your intentions concerning me? All you have to do was ask......."

"Does this mean I can't have sex with you anymore, Faith?"

Dawn was coy and innocent, even batting her eyelashes with a pitiful little smirk across her face....

"We'll talk about it some more some other time, Dawn, but right now"....she looked to see their dinners were approaching their table....."I'm hungry and I wanna eat, aren't you?"

The waitress laid their plates before them as they said no further no word about the subject. Buffy had the club sandwich and coleslaw and a Coke while Faith had a patty melt and fries with a Coke as Dawn had a burger and fries with a milk.

All three young ladies sat down and ate quietly until before they decided to order dessert that they had a final word or two with Dawn.

"Dawn, you are my kid sister after all and I love and all that, but you gotta promise me that you have to stay out of my relationship with Faith unless you ask her first because as of now, she's mad at you for coming on to her as well as ambushing her like that while I was kissing her that one evening. Don't you have a girlfriend of your very own?"

"Well, Buffy, it's hard to say because Stanne and Kylle don't want me to hang around with them too much."

"See, if you tried your hardest,then maybe they'll let you be their friend and hopefully a little more, whaddya say you make a real strong effort to be friends with both of them and their friends, too?"

After a moment, Dawn gave her older sister her final answer. "Okay, Sis, I promise......"

"Good. Now let's get dessert so we can get you home because Faith and I still wanna have some time alone together and when we get home....no funny business, got it?"

"Got it, Sis."

It was Monday, December the 14th-the first day of Hanukkah at school and the Jewish Students Union was in the beginning of their first lighting ceremony for the 8-day holiday.

Willow was present with about a good number of her fellow Jewish students, yarmulkehs and all, but Willow decided to wear the yarmulklaus, the santa claus hat styled yarmulkah she wore during the canned goods contest over the weekend, as Mrs. Lisa Bergmann, the professor of relgious studies on campus for senior year had asked Willow do the honors of lighting the first candle on the first day of the festival.

As Willow in yarmulklaus lit the shamash or middle candle of the menorah first, Mrs. Bergmann recited the following prayer:

Blessed art thou, O Lord Our God, Lord of the Universe Who hath sanctified us with His Commandments And hath commanded us to kindle this Hanukkah Light And Who hath kept us all alive , sustaining us, and hath brought us to this season!

When the shamash was lit, Willow lit the first candle on the far right of the 7 foot tall wooden candlelabra and upon completing this task, she recited in Hebrew:

"Nes gadol haya sham: a great miracle has happened!"

And with that said, the Jewish Students Union broke out into song with the Ma Oz Tsur as they danced around the menorah in a circle, hand in hand, cheerily, laughing and rejoicing all the while, yarmulkahs and all.

As Scott Hennessey saw it all from a respectable distance, he was approached by Miss Carswell, the Biology teacher who had more than a thing to say about the whole Noontime affair.

"You should know that this is still a public school in a Christian country, Mr. Hennessey."

Taken aback by the remark, he slowly turned around to face his colleague, surprised by what he heard from her.

"I beg your pardon, Miss Carswell."

"I am just saying that they should know that they still live in America and America is still a Christian country, right?"

"I still beg your pardon, Miss Carswell, but this is still a free country and there is still such a thing as freedom of religion as well as freedom of speech."

"But I seem to be aware that you are still against the Nudity in School Program like me, correct?"

"That is true, but up to a point. I'm only concerned about the safety of our kids here on campus, while you wanna impose your beliefs on everyone else here, I presume."

"You should know how I would wish it to be true, but right now, I seem to be the only Christian-minded person on this campus of heathens, heretics, Jews, and Witches, am I still correct?"

Scott was about to verbally challenge her to a shouting match concerning the religious affiliations and moral values of this current climate, but Jenine silenced him.

"Save it, bright boy, for another day. You'll get your chance to debate me yet!"

And with that, she walked away from him as he watched her depart from his company. He could not help but wonder why the board ever hired her in the first place since all she wanted to ever do was cause trouble for everyone at Sunnydale High.

"Do you still have feelings for a certain programee student we both know, Miss Fujikawa?", asked Miss Cabot to Jaren as they sat together at a table in the teacher's lounge in the front of the school.

"In actuality, I still do, Miss Cabot, but I'm afraid if I let my feelings be known to Buffy, then she'll react negatively to my intentions,amongst other things."

"You're right to think that because I hate to see you suffer the consequences if you ever went through with your intentions with Buffy, Jaren, so as a way of calming your emotions down, allow me to kiss you."

Jaren tried to react,but Davide shushed her as she reached over and planted a slow, wet, passionate kiss upon the Greco-Japanese American math teacher's lips, putting her at ease....

The fun was not over yet until the beginning of the winter break.......


The day for the Sunnydale High Community Christmas Pageant had come to pass. A Toys for Tots donations bin was placed strategically at the front door for anyone to make a donation of a newly purchased unwrapped toy for a needy child as part of the Widows and Orphans Fund. Everyone was finally in the giving spirit as they donated not only toys, but more than the usual canned goods for the Fund as they all entered the Community Center to find good seats to witness the spectacle about to take place.

The Hennesseys, Cabots, Brad Rogers and his wife and daughter, as well as the Raines and the other Junior High student families plus the entire community was present inside the huge spacious complex waiting for the show to begin. The audience waited in suspenseful anticipation as the show was about to finally begin.

The Sunnydale High Orchestra and Marching Band opened the pageant with two traditional carols all sung by the glee club and choir, and like before, the 9th grade programees in the band, orchestra, glee club and choir were naked while the older students were pretty much dressed in any way they wanted to dress, topless or fully or partially clothed! Ezekielle "Zeeke" McInnes masterfully conducted the orchestra band while her daughter, Lloyde directed the choir as the Nativity sequence was about to begin.

Haden Coe, a 9th grade programee played the part of a nude Mary as she was greeted by a nude arch angel Gabrielle played by Buffy, which was followed by a nude Joseph played by Xander as penance for his dalliance with Cordelia a week or so earlier as they led each other by the hand around the complex to a stable area where they knelt before a manger, awaiting the birth of Jesus. At the far left corner of the community center turned makeshift stage, some more naked angels would come to inform some shepherds of the greatest miracle about to take place and by that time the three Magi or Wise Men approached the hallowed family to present the infant Christ with gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold.

It was a wondrous spectacle to behold as the entire audience witnessed the shepherds and Magi kneel before the infant Christ in the manger with the naked Joseph and Mary flanking Him when an actor portraying St. Nicholas of Lydia approached, with full saintly regalia and crook, the manger and knelt down in honor and respect for the King of All Kings. The band orchestra and glee club choir played out the traditional cantada ensembles until they all came to Joy to the World and with that closing hymnal, the entire audience stood up and cheered as loudly as they were able to, standing ovation and all!

Afterwards, at the Velvet Dragon Youth Club, the Sunnydale High students celebrated the success of the pageant and the Toys for Tots drive and any last minute canned goods donated at the community center.

As Christmas music played in the background and everyone socialized, the Halliwells were seeking volunteers for the soup kitchen they were running at their other club on Christmas Eve and Day. Naturally, Buffy and Faith volunteered, but it would be Xander and Cordelia who would jump at the chance because of the threats each of their parents laid out to them if they did not make amends for their little indiscretion.

With that settled, Buffy and Faith finally had time to themselves in one of the back rooms of the school sponsored club.

"You looked absolutely radiant as a nude angel, Buffy."

"Why thank you, Faith", said Buffy as she kissed Faith on the lips as they held on to each other.

"I hope we hadn't been too harsh on Dawn."

"No, Faith. You were correct in being angry with her, but she'll get over it once the holidays are over with."

"You know, I've been hearing that the junior high is about to embark upon a program like the one we have now at school. Only....those chosen will have to go to school in their underwear as well as the uniforms they have to wear on campus."

"Shut up Faith and fuck me, you hot and sexy bitch!"

With those forceful words coming from Buffy's mouth, Faith gladly obliged.

"Of course, you sly fox!"

And so they made mad passionate love to each other while in the next room......

"I want you to come over to my place to celebrate the Yuletide winter solstice with me and my aunts, my goddess..."

"I'd love to since Hanukkah'll be over by then....."

Both girls kissed each other before finally falling to the side on the soft plush red carpted floor to make soft passionate love to each other.

In closing, in the main hall of the club, Cordelia and Xander had this to say to each other.

"Xander, will you please spend Christmas with me? My parents are leaving me home all alone while they're in Aspen as punishment for our dalliance with each other."

"I'll have to ask my mom about that because lately, she's pissed off at you as well as me so if we both work at the soup kitchen with the Halliwells during Christmas, then maybe she'll change her mind."


And with that little exchange, the holidays began with a soft little kiss between 16-year old junior and 14-year old programee.


The next exciting new chapters in the Buffy Naked in School universe will involve her 15th birthday, Dawn's introduction into a program like program at her middle school and all sorts of future events at Sunnydale High as the Spring of 1999 rolls into view.

If any questions, queries or complaints or comments, send them to stonefeet@hotmail.com. I will be waiting to hear from you then. Keith over and out and bye for now.

Next: Chapter 18: The New Year 1

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