Camp Hovey

By moc.oohay@82kcocder

Published on Jul 19, 2009


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: redcock28 "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Camp Hovey

Camp Hovey R. R. Rumphol

Chapter 6: Lifers and Slackers

The days after arrival at Camp Hovey I'd been settling in, trying to get a handle on things; furthermore, I was trying to make a positive impact on my superiors. I quickly discovered that Army life in Korea wasn't what it was stateside. I'd made some new acquaintances since my arrival and it seemed a new best buddy in the process; however, in the days since my arrival a search for my airborne buddy Danny Dickman who'd been assigned to Cougar Company when we arrived turned futile. Activities during the spring at Camp Hovey had been geared towards intensive training, pulling guard duty, motor pool details as well as all the other mundane things that make up everyday Army life. Of a night and during my off time which was limited I would cram, studying for the upcoming EIB test.

The Battalion Commander wanted to raise the bar getting more of his people qualified for the infantry and medical skill badges in his battalion than any of the other battalions in the 7th ID. He was gung-ho on training. To me the BC appeared to be pulling all the stops for those genuinely interested in earning the EIB. Thank God, those of us attending classes pulled no Kitchen Police duty. So, those of us going to classes were automatically tagged lifers. My head was occupied. I was cramming it full of technical information to answer questions on the EIB test and if I passed earn the coveted infantry skill badge. I didn't need any distractions.

The EIB for some reason had captured my full attention after completing the grueling road march the day after I arrived at Camp Hovey. B Company like most units in the Army was divided into different camps. The two major groups were the RAs and USs. A lot of the Regular Army guys were more into honing there infantry or other MOS skills; whereas, many of the draftees were somewhat slackers more interested in going to the ville to get laid. Now, not all draftees were goof-offs. Many did there jobs and did them well, but that was it. Then there were the lifers.

Lifers were guys that had made the Army a career choice or the new RAs who were seriously considering the Army as a career. Gary and I had automatically been labeled lifers by our peers, because of our interest in earning the EIB and Gary's total commitment to making the Army his life. Gary had disclosed his aspirations during one of our nightly bullshit sessions in the platoon hooch. He wanted to make SP/4 and then as soon as possible make Buck Sergeant. Me, I just wanted to do my three years and do it proudly. Of course, making Buck Sergeant would be a big plus for me.

Although I would like to make sergeant I wasn't interested in making the Army my career, but intended to do my best while in. I really wanted to get it over with and back to college to finish my education using my GI Bill; furthermore, I hadn't been all that thrilled to hear that Sid was actively pursing clearing all homosexuals out of the Army with the undercover witch hunts in Korea. I knew I'd lied when I signed-up with regard to my sexuality, but I didn't give it much thought -- a little white lie.

Or was it a lie. Hell, I didn't know all that much about this homosexual thing that the Army was worried about and didn't really know if I was truly a homosexual. The only thing I knew for sure was that from a young age my pecker had given me much pleasure in life. Oh, I knew homosexuality was not accepted in civilian life and those that were discovered to be interested in other guys were ostracized for their lifestyle. More and more I was thinking about a return to the Steam and Cream when I'd turn-in of a night. After a few days I'd started to get horny, wanting more than a quick hand job to satisfy my sexual desires.

I wanted the touch of another to satisfy sexual wants and needs. I wanted to feel moist warm lips caressing my cock. I'd learned the pleasure of a blowjob when I was about ten years of age. My friends used to kid around with me saying that I'd let a snake suck me off or I'd fuck a knothole to satisfy my needs. The one thing I missed about civilian life was being able to seek and get gratification whenever I felt like it. Something that was lacking since I'd entered the Army.

Now that I was out of training and settled into a permanent TO&E unit my morning erections had returned. I definitely wanted another blowjob. I'd had a couple rather colorful dreams about Gary and me engaging in some mutual sexual play in a remote location around Camp Hovey. I'd also had a dream where I took him in the company shower early one morning, sucking his fine piece of meat to fruition. I guess I could dream without being busted by Sid.

Gary and I continued to hanging out, studying together and becoming closer friends. Neither of us had been to the ville; furthermore, there was no real desire to go. Since my arrival I'd learned that Sid had busted one of the local house boys in the battalion as well as an NCO in HHC for thievery and black marketing. Black Marketing was another thing we'd been warned about when we arrived in Korea and the stiff penalties if one was caught engaging in such activities. I was taking advantage of some afternoon free time after a morning in the motor pool pulling PMs when Gary entered the hooch saying, "Randy, you got CQ with SGT Pennington tonight. Top told me to pass on the info. He also said that we could go to classes, but before you report for CQ he said to go by the orderly hooch to tell the company clerk before going to class."

"Okay," I responded, turning back to reading my Technical Manual. I didn't mind pulling guard duty or CQ, but had never looked forward to KP since entering the Army. Pulling guard duty meant I at least had a chance to earn the privilege of being picked for Colonel's orderly if I won at the pre guard inspection. And I didn't mind working on company vehicles in the motor pool. That was like being back in the world working at the old man's shop. I remember the first time I met the company clerk my manhood jumped and my heartbeat began to accelerate.

Yes, SP/4 Ryan Edge had captured my attention immediately when I went to get my meal card the first day in the company. I hadn't seen him or had a chance to make friends with him in the days since our initial meeting, but I wanted to get to know him better. Maybe I'd get the chance when I reported for CQ duties.

The clerk was about my age, maybe a little younger. He was about five feet ten or eleven inches tall and weighed about one hundred and thirty-five or forty pounds. What really drew my attention to him was his beautiful olive complexion, short cropped raven black hair and his eyes: strikingly alluring green eyes. The black eyebrows set off his seductive eyes. They were a total compliment to his angelic face. I'd only seen eyes so green, so soft and seductive once before.

Maybe once the burden of EIB testing was over Ryan and I could get better acquainted I thought. I secretly hoped that I'd get a chance to get his naked body out in the shower one day. I'd only seen one other guy with such beautiful and seductive green eyes before, maybe that was what caused me to take notice. Jared worked at the market down the street from my dad's repair facility. He was of smaller build than our company clerk about five feet seven or eight inches tall weighing about hundred and twenty pounds, but boy did he have one of the most beautiful seven inch cocks I'd ever laid my eyes on.

The summer before I joined the Army he and I had gotten together developing a special relationship. Because he was a few years older he had his own apartment. It didn't take long after our first encounter for us to be spending more time with each other: about very second or third night at his place. He was my teacher and I the student. He knew more about sex than I could ever imagine. During our time together he definitely made me a happy individual.

Jared rocked my world from the first night we had sex until the day of our tearful parting. My parents thought it odd that I'd taken company with a guy six years older and worldlier than me. Dad ask, no he demanded, that I end my friendship with Jared. He said our friendship didn't look good to outsiders and there was gossip starting up around town. I'd had a terrible fight with my parents over my friendship with Jared. Dad said that staying friends with him made it look as though we were a couple, romantically involved, as in a homosexual couple. And that our relationship wouldn't be tolerated in a small southern Indiana town. Hell, I was just having the time of my life before going back to college.

My dad suggested that I join the Marine Corps or Army; that the military would make a man out of me. I really didn't know what he meant by that comment I thought at nineteen years of age I was all grown up and a man. Physically I was a man. Not too many people wanted to fuck with me when it came to physical altercations. I played football and baseball all the way through high school and into college, so I was no runt.

The next morning I told my parents much to their chagrin that I was dropping out of college, joining the Army and going to Vietnam after training where I could die like a man for country and family honor. God, that was an ugly scene. I wish I would have handled it differently. Everyone was crying that morning I walked out to join and cried more as I left for Oakland after leave to go to Vietnam. I often wondered how many other families were caught up in the same things during the Vietnam War years. The ugly arguments and fights between parents and children. Amends that would never be made by either party after a son is killed, only to be returned home in a cold metal box.

Chapter 7: Sergeant Pennington Gets Busted

My First time pulling CQ with SGT Pennington came and went with no problems. The following day was compensatory time, but in the afternoon there were classes to attend. During the all night session pulling CQ I'd gotten to know SGT Pennington better, as well as meeting and talking to Ryan the company clerk. He asked me if I'd be interested in working with him in the orderly room. As much as I would have enjoyed being around Ryan I declined his invitation, but assured him that if after testing there was anything I could do to help out around the orderly room or company I would be willing. That seemed to satisfy him.

The morning after CQ Ryan said that he'd mention to Top that I could be counted on to fill-in as needed around the company doing some extra duty after testing was complete. I figured why not ingratiate myself with the company head shed; it couldn't hurt, I was already known by some as a lifer. Besides, I learned that clerks in the company many times got to take trips to the Seoul area when officers or senior NCOs had reason to go.

About mid morning I awoke with a raging hard-on. I wasn't sure whether to rub it out lying in my bunk in the empty hooch or go to the latrine and do it in the shower. Staying in my bunk to jack off there was a possibility that I might get caught by one of the house boys who came and went at will. I figured it was safer to go down to the shower; besides, the company was out in the field for the morning doing some training thing. I'd heard them marched out of the company area after an early morning chow call, so the company area was pretty much empty except for a skeleton crew of support staff.

I got out of my bunk, threw on some fatigues and headed towards the latrine trying to keep my erection hidden by shoving my hand inside my pocket. I looked a mess in my flip flop shower sandals and my shirt unbuttoned hanging loosely out of my fatigue trousers.

Once I got into the latrine I heard the shower water running. I peeked around the corner and lo and behold there was SGT Pennington in all his splendid glory beating his meat. What a sight to feast my eyes on, watching the red haired Buck Sergeant hammering his soapy cock. I could clearly see the foreskin gliding back and forth, exposing a pretty glistening pink knob with a crimson band as he worked his cock with a fisted hand.

Although the young man's body was somewhat pale with freckle spots he was in good physical shape. I decided to go for it. I stripped off my uniform and walked into the shower with my soap in one hand and my semi hard cock in the other. SGT Pennington was horrified. By the expression on his face I thought he was going to shit himself. He immediately began turning red spinning around facing the wall.

"Hell, you don't have to hide it from me. I'm here for the same thing, Sarge."

The Sergeant didn't say anything at first, just stood with his back to me. I'd caught him off guard with his hard dick in his hand and he was definitely embarrassed.

"You ain't got anything to be ashamed of or anything I haven't seen before, Sarge," was all I could say.

Slowly the shocked Sergeant began turning around to face me. I watched his hazel eyes drop, gazing upon my now hard cock that I was lathering up for a good jerk. I was giving my squad leader's red haired crotch a good look too. He had a respectable size cock and was packing nice size nuggets in his scrotal sac. He was definitely a fire crotch. I figured what the hell I might as well go for it. What could happen? The worst was to get caught by another soldier or turned-in as a queer by Sergeant Pennington and then the Army could send me back to the world.

The two of us continued spanking our monkeys hesitantly, under the suspicious eyes of each other, eventually spraying our spooge on the shower floor. We finished our shower and then moved to the sinks where we shaved and brushed our teeth in awkward silence. I made my mind up to let Sergeant Pennington make the first move to speak. When we got back to the hooch he disappeared behind the OD curtain while I finished dressing out in the communal squad area. Once I was finished I walked back and knocked on the wall.

"Enter," came the command.

"Hey Sarge."

"Private," Sergeant Pennington replied.

"I just want to tell you that what happened in the latrine stays in the latrine as far as I'm concerned."

"Cool," The Sergeant said, "You scared the hell outa me back there."

"Sorry," I said, "I've heard about the witch hunt trying to catch guys jacking off. Personally, I think the Army is way out of line trying to put guys in the stockade or giving them dishonorable discharges for jackin off. Just a fuckin waste of time and money as far as I'm concerned."

"I agree," Pennington replied.

He was starting to loosen up, so I was going to take advantage of our time together learning as much as possible about my Squad Leader in the time we had before the company came back. "So, how long you been in this shithole country?" I asked.

"I got here back in December before Christmas last year, not six months yet."

"What are the winters like here?"

"Fuckin cold. I mean burrrrr, damnnnn fuckinnnn cold, like some times with wind chills in the twenties or below. The battalion had a lot of frost bite casualties last winter and deaths too."

"Damn!" I replied.

"Yeah, probably why the former Battalion Commander was relieved. You probably got here at the best time of the year for weather in Korea. I understand that June, July and August are hot mother fuckers. The fall ain't too bad, but winter is a bitch."


"Yep, hot and humid during the summer and really stinks from what I've been told," The Sergeant said.

We continued talking getting more comfortable with each other. After a few more minutes the Sergeant said, "Randy, call me Jerry when we're off duty; besides, I'm actually an E-4. The BC wants all squad leader E-4s to wear Sergeant Stripes, so orders are cut making us Acting Sergeants. According to TO&E Squad Leasers are suppose to be Staff Sergeants, but those and other ranking NCOs are in short supply with the war in Vietnam heating up."

"And what the fuck does TO&E stand for?" I asked.

"Table of Organization and Equipment. TO&E is the document that prescribes the wartime mission; capabilities, organizational structure, and mission essential personnel and equipment requirements for Army units. Basically, everything from ass wipe to ammo, beans to bullets and us. Everything has a line number, including us. We all are expendable and reordered by line number.

"Damn, I'm learning something new everyday," I replied.

"You'll get more about TO&E in a class for the EIB I believe," The knowledgeable sergeant said.

"Cool. So, you got Sergeant Stripes in less than six months. From PFC to Sergeant. Not too bad for bein here less than six months," I said, "Man, maybe there's a chance I can make sergeant soon."

"Before I can get promoted to Sergeant E-5 I've got to attend the Division NCO Academy."


"You get that EIB pinned on your chest and I don't, you may get my stripes," Jerry said.

"You been goin to the classes. You'll make it," I replied.

"I hope so. I'd hate havin to go back to pullin details and KP," Jerry said.

"Just curious how often do you jerk off in the shower?"

"Not much. I got this squad room back here to take care of that. The other guy is a real Sergeant and he's got a Yo-Bo down in the ville, so he's not around much of an evening. I don't go to the ville much. Only been there a half dozen times since I got in-country. Mainly go to the Steam and Cream for a blow job. I really don't care to fuck the whores in the ville," Jerry replied.

"I hear that loud and clear. I'm always up for a good blowjob."

"Wait till you have to drop your drawers out in the company area and let one of our medics feel you up, playin with your cock looking for the dribbles of clap."

"No thanks," I replied, "If anyone feels me up it's gonna be in private on my terms."

Jerry looked at me quizzically and then asked, "So, you got a girl friend back in the world waitin on you?"

"Nope. Not a girl or a guy."

Again Jerry looked at me with that wry curious look he'd given me a minute before. "What do you mean not a guy or girl?"

I immediately took notice that he said guy before girl. Did that have special meaning? I needed to find out because I wouldn't mind engaging in a little mutual masturbation with my squad leader if he was agreeable. We continued talking peeling the layers of the onion away. During our conversation we both discussed our lives in the world and sex lives. I'll admit a little guardedly when it came to sex, but none the less discussing the matter. I made the comment that I thought the Army's policy regarding homosexuals in the Army was bullshit.

He agreed with me saying, "Yeah, this shit about if we get captured and we're fags the enemy can use it against us is crap. Hell, as infantry grunts we don't know any fuckin secrets; besides, the North Koreans know more about us than we do. Wait till you get up on the Z and they start broadcasting shit across the Z all bout you, your family your girl friend. Fuckin scary shit man."

"You're kidding."

"Nope. I been up there. Believe me it's scary," Jerry replied.

We could hear the company coming back to the compound for noon chow. They were singing those Jody marching songs. Some things never change in the Army. SGT Pennington suggested we go meet the troops for chow, and then after chow we would head off to attend classes.

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