Can I Keep You

By JaDe -

Published on Aug 4, 2000


Okay, I am back again.. first up, THANK YOU to those who bothered to write to me..sniff sniff...I am sooooooooo touched... you guys make me still sane after all the studying that I had been doing.

A big hug to Jon kor kor, Anh hai, Zak, Angel, Bon-bon, Elisheva, Diana, Ariana, Mark and a whole lot guys are the greatest ppl a writer can hope for! All mails to and this story is NOT real!

Can I Keep You? Part 3 ---------------------- Previously: 'Why am I such a chicken? If I dared, I would just go over and kiss him senseless,' cursed Kevin, sneaking a look at Nick. 'It is because you don't want to lose him as your friend,' both of them answered the hanging questions in their head. Chris could see Nick and Kevin looking at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking. "Hmm, interesting," he muttered.


"Don't leave me!" Brian screamed into the night. The mysterious person never stopped, continuing walking away into the dark. Brian sobbed his heart out.

PaRt thrEe bEgIns hErE!

"JUSTIN! I am gonna rip you from limb to limb," yelled out Chris. Jonathan looked up and raised his eyebrow at Justin. "Something that I should be worried about?" Justin shook his head and went in search of JC. Chris came bounding in the room, carrying a rag in his hand.

"Where is that curly fries?" he snarled out, looking around the room. Kevin stop tinkering with the piano while AJ snorted out loud. Joey laughed loudly, clutching his sides. "CURLY FRIES?" Joey started laughing all over again. "Why are you carrying that piece of rag around?" asked Lance curiously. Chris's face flushed red. "This was my favorite blue shirt.. that is before Justin got his hands on it," Chris shook the shirt to make his point. Jonathan returned to organizing the schedules for both bands and vaguely waved towards the door that Justin had disappeared to. "This is going to be good," AJ rubbed his hands together and got up to follow Chris.

The group in the suite was disturbed again by the door being knocked. "I'll get it. I need a break from all the paperwork," Jonathan went to the door. Nick was dozing on the couch while Lance was reading a book, with his spectacles propped up on his nose.

Jonathan opened the door to a strange yet familiar looking girl. "Yes? Can I help you?" he quizzically asked. "Is Lance there?" she answered. Jonathan blinked a few times. "Sorry, if you want an autograph, you will have to wait until the autograph session later this afternoon," The girl laughed. "I am his girlfriend. So is he here?" "Girlfriend?" The girl didn't bother to wait for Jonathan to let her in. She pushed his to the side and walked into the room.

"Honeypie!"she squealed, jumping on top of Lance's lap and knocking into Nick's head. Nick woke up with a soft moan and rubbed his head. Lance was startled, looking like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. Joey rolled his eyes and went to Jonathan who was still at the door. Nick stood up from the couch, glaring at the girl viciously for disturbing his nap. He then went to Kevin who was playing piano.

"That's Mandy. Lance's girlfriend," Joey explained to Jonathan. Jonathan nodded. "Mandy, as in Mandy Moore?" Joey looked at Jonathan surprised. "You heard of her before?" "Yeah, the Star Spangled Banner girl," Jonathan quipped back.

"Hey, have a nice nap?" Kevin turned his attention to Nick who was sitting next to him on the piano bench. "I was, before that girl came along and kicked me in the head," complained Nick. Kevin snickered and rubbed the spot where Nick was gingerly touching. "Sing a song for me?" Nick asked, feeling tired from the lack of sleep that had been accumulating. He leaned his head on Kevin's shoulder, closing his eyes sleepily.

Kevin was startled by Nick's head on his shoulder but soon relaxed. He played the tune for 'Heaven in Your Eyes'. The song that whenever Nick sang send chills down Kevin's spine. As he started to sing the song with his rich deep voice, Nick slowly dozed off, feeling more secure than he ever had before.

Open up your heart please And say what's on your mind I know that we have been through so much pain But I still need you in my life, this time

And I need you tonight I need you in my life And I know deep within my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right Cause I see heaven in your eyes

All those endless nights we tried To make it last forever and more And baby I know I need you

I know deep within my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right Cause I see heaven

I need you tonight I need you in my life And I know deep within my heart It doesn't matter if it's wrong or right Cause I see heaven In your eyes

When Kevin finally finished the song, Jonathan and Joey clapped. Both of their eyes were shining. "That's a beautiful song," said Joey. "Wow, are you crying?" teased Kevin. "No I am not," Joey protested. "I never know that whenever I sing, people cry. Maybe I should do that more often," Joey made a move to hit Kevin in the head but he softened and decided not to do it when he saw Nick sleeping peacefully on Kevin's shoulder.

"You love him," Jonathan said bluntly, looking at Kevin and Nick. Kevin and Joey froze. "What?!" Kevin said. Joey shook his head slowly. He had suspected but wasn't sure. Kevin's reaction is a sure answer for him. "Don't worry. I won't tell him," Jonathan said, walking into his own room, leaving Joey and Kevin staring at him.

Once in his room, Jonathan flung himself on the bed. He wished that someone could love him as much as he could see that Kevin loved Nick. 'There is Lance,' the voice in his head nagged at him. 'Lance? He is with Mandy Moore. Common, why will he leave the so call future princess of pop for a nobody like you?' he argued. 'But' 'There is no BUTS' he yelled back internally.

Jonathan walked to his suitcase to retrieve some candles, powder and other items. He locked his door before returning to his bed. He lit the black and purple candles around him on the floor. He sat in the middle, taking out some powder from the pouch and lightly sprinkled it into the candle's fire and chanted something as he did it. Then he lit a small root of some plant and waved around the room with it. His eyes turned into a light blue color as he chanted something.

As he blew the candles out, his eyes turned back into a light hazel color. The wisps of smoke faded into nothingness and Jonathan lay down to get some rest before the appearance later that afternoon.

In the connecting bathroom, Mandy looked on. Earlier she had went into the bathroom to refresh herself but then she saw something flickering in the room next to it. 'Interesting,'she thought and walked out of the bathroom.

Brian was shopping with Howie. In a bet that he had lost with Howie, he had to pay for everything that Howie buy that afternoon. Both of them are decked out in their usual disguise. It never ceased to surprise Brian that their fans couldn't recognize them with their usual baseball caps and sunglasses.

"Enough already? My wallet has already shrunken to thrice its normal size," Brian pleaded with Howie who was looking at some nick knacks. Howie grinned at Brian devilishly and pulled Brian into a jewelry store. Someone caught Brian's eyes. 'Is, it couldn't be,'

Justin and JC was at the hotel's pool area which was deserted. 'No surprise there. It is a school day and people are still at work' JC said to himself. Justin was lazing on the chair with his arm flung over his eyes. JC was busy typing into his laptop. "ARGH!!!!" screamed Justin when he felt the ice cube on his private parts. He looked up and saw Chris who had finally caught up on his. Justin threw the ice cube away and glared at Chris. JC closed his laptop and laughed at Justin. AJ was holding a bucket of ice for Chris.

Justin slapped JC's arm and retreated from Chris and AJ who was advancing on him with the ice. As they were walking towards Justin, JC got up quietly. He pushed Chris into the pool with shoes and all. Chris sputtered up while Justin was laughing. He then pushed AJ in who threw the ice in the air as he fell in. As Justin was laughing, JC in turn pushed Justin in too. "Suckers," JC giggled out. "What the.." JC toppled into the water. Joey then cannonball into the water.

"That is not fair," whined JC. Justin then dunked JC and the dunking game begun.

Meet and greet session at Hilly's Mall

"I need more security guards!" screamed Jonathan into his cellular phone after half an hour of arguing. He then cut the conversation short, muttering curses. 'Damn the crowd. It gonna be unruly' Jonathan saw the mob of girls and an odd guy here and there pushing the barriers that surrounds the guys. Justin looked stricken while the others are looking around nervously. The meet and greet session was over half an hour ago but the crowd that refuses to disperse had the guys stuck there. If the barriers of steel and security guards are breached, there will be hysteria and you can get the picture.

"I could just make them disappear right now," Jonathan muttered out. Jonathan shoved and pushed his way to the front and when the security guard let him through, the crowd started protesting. "Sing a song?" Jonathan suggested to the guys who looked at him incredulously. "What!"

"That is the only way I know that could get them calm down and let you guys leave. Perform a few songs for them and then ask them to leave," Jonathan explained to them. The guys discussed among themselves what songs they are going to sing. After the impromptu mini-concert, finally the crowd slowly thinned out. Right then, the requested security guards arrived. As they made their way to the awaiting limos, there were a few girls here and there trying to grab their favorite Backstreet Boy or *N Sync.

It was then, the Backstreet Boys and *N Sync guys looked at Jonathan differently. Their looks are filled with respect. At first, all of them doubted his abilities because for one, he is younger than all of them except Justin. He had shown them that he could handle the situation.

A week later

Lance sighed softly and run a hand through his spiked up hair. He rubbed himself softly, trying to ease himself. He thought of how hot Jonathan had looked and all the things about him that makes him special. 'How is it that I notice everything about him? Somehow he manages to capture my heart?'

"Lancey poo!! Your honey pie is here!" yelled out Nick laughing. Lance groaned softly, zipping up his pants. Mandy had been coming to visit him almost everyday. He just wished that he could make her disappear. Once he had thought that he had loved her but then where had that sweet girl gone to? In her place is a vicious girl who wants even more attention. He has to break up with her soon. Everytime she appears which is almost everyday, Lance could see a flicker of hurt in Jonathan's eyes. It is not fair to him.

Lance opened the bathroom door and walked to the den. They are staying in a house that Jonathan had rented for the week. They are doing a string of promotions and concerts in Maryland so Jonathan had decided that it would be more comfortable to have a place to return to that week.

Nick was bouncing a basketball in the living room, irritating Howie and Kevin was trying to snatch the ball away. "Give me the ball Nick," Kevin was hovering behind Nick, trying to reach the ball. Nick turns and twisted his body to avoid Kevin. Kevin tried to sound irritated but couldn't help feel excited with the close body contact he has with the guy of his dreams.

Nick turned his head to look at Kevin. He didn't expect Kevin to be so near to him because his face was less than an inch from Kevin's. They stared at each other, wordless. Nick gazed into Kevin's strong profile, breathless. 'He is looks like an angel' thought Kevin. 'What would he do if I kiss him right here and right now?' both of them though in unison.

Nick pulled away quickly before Kevin notices anything is wrong. He swallowed the lump that had accumulated in his throat. Kevin blinked a few times at Nick's back. "You can't get the ball, you old poke," taunted Nick, running to the enclosed backyard. Kevin shook his head and ran after Nick. 'You are imagining things.' 'But then again, it was a nice fantasy to actually have Nick kiss you then' Kevin's inner voice replied.

Chris watched the whole encounter from his spot in front of the television. 'They need to get laid. I need some help with them' Chris stood up and went to find Brian and AJ. "Common, Jonathan. You had been sitting there for hours. TAKE A BREAK!" Justin pulled Jonathan out of the room. He then dragged Jonathan to the game room where JC and Joey were waiting with the cue sticks.

"Lancey!" Mandy tried to kiss Lance but Lance turned his head away. "Was it true about what you say about Britney?" he asked her softly. Earlier there was news of Mandy slamming Britney. Mandy had criticized Britney's relationship with her mother, saying that it was unnatural for a girl of 18 to be still clinging to her mother. She then had also said that Britney is just someone who is still dependent on her mother and couldn't survive by herself.

The other guys were mad about it because Britney was their close friend. She was like a little sister to them. When they tried to ask Britney about it, she was a little upset but just said that it was nothing. That is why whenever Mandy is around, the guys will disappear or else they will start arguing with her.

"What about the fake blonde?" Mandy flung her blond hair behind. Lance gritted his teeth. "Mandy, I think we need to talk. I don't think our relationship is working out,"he chose his words carefully. Mandy's eyes widen. "Why? I thought that we are perfect together. Is it about Britney?" Mandy stuttered out. Lance shook his head softly. "No, it is just that I don't think we are compatible," "It must be Britney. You are in love with her, aren't you?" she accused him.

Lance didn't say anything because he knew that Mandy wouldn't listen to him. Mandy sniffed a little, letting a few tears roll down her powdered cheeks. Last time the tears would have worked on Lance but now all he did was pass her a tissue politely. When Mandy saw that her tears are not working, she screeched at Lance and slapped him before storming off. "You will be sorry for this. I got something on you guys!" she threatened.

Surprisingly, Lance didn't feel any remorse for what he had done. All that was left was a sigh of relief. "What was that loud noise?" Justin asked, poking his head from upstairs. "Mandy," "Oh, what did you do to Little Miss Perfect? Stepped on her toe?" Justin sarcastically said. Lance snickered. "No, I broke up with her," "Well, THANK GOD! It's about time," Justin shouted with glee. Justin then went around telling all the guys of Lance's breakup. Jonathan hid a small smile. 'Maybe there is hope after all'

Kevin and Nick were playing a game of one on one. Kevin is good at it but Nick is even better. When Kevin couldn't get rid of Nick blocking him, he tried to cheat by pretending to point at something the other side. When Nick turned that side, Kevin ran forward with the basketball. Nick turned to block him again, just in time to get knocked down by Brian who ran into the court, wanting to play.

"He shoots, he scores. Hah, beat that Nick," Kevin turned around to see to see Nick on the ground and Brian kneeling over him. "NICK!"

At the moment, Joey, AJ and Howie is being neglected..sorry!! I am busy concetrating on Nick/Kev, Just/Josh, Lance/Jon, and Brian. Tell me what who you guys wanna read about more..=)

Next: Chapter 4

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