Casting Couch

By Sexy Boy

Published on Aug 7, 2007


Disclaimer: This story is completely fictional. I don't know any of the celebrities mentioned or their sexual preferences. Any similarities between the characters and real persons is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual acts between males and both protected and unprotected acts of sexual intercourse. Though you should always practice safe sex. Those who are disturbed by this and/or are under the age of 18 should go do something else.

I would love some feedback, e-mail me at


March 16th 2004: Auditions for the part of Cameron Bale in Summerland.

"Get me an unknown! A young actor that looks fresh. NO WASH-UP!"

That was the voice of Harry Winer, the director of a new tv series called Summerland. We had done casting calls for most of the minor roles in the series, including suggesting taking a chance on Jesse McCartney, a good friend of mine (more on that later) and since we had done a good job, we got the contract to try and find the perfect boy to play Cameron Bale. Cameron, the part asked, had to look around 13 years old, good looking and innocent at the same time. Not an easy task. Although certainly a wet dream for a gay guy like myself.

So here I was, in a small room that only has a chair, a desk and a couch, waiting for the first boy to enter. The auditions were supposed to be a two-day thing. It didn't last that long. The first person to enter the small audition room where I was waiting was a young 16 years old boy named Zac Efron. According to his stats, he had only done some minor work on independent productions and some small budget ads.

He got in the room closely followed by a woman who was certainly his mother. Zac was gorgeous, about 5'5" with brown hair and beautiful green eyes. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a pink shirt with an undone pink tie. He was a fashion model right out of a magazine. As soon as she closed the door behind them, Zac's mom ran past Zac and extended her hand towards me saying:

"Thank you so much for seeing us mister Matthews, we are so grateful for the opportunity, aren't we Zac?" I shook her hand and looked at Zac behind her. Zac also extended his hand, which I shook, and continued his mothers onslaught of appreciative banter. It was nice but it still was a waste of my time.

"First of all Ms Efron, my last name is Taylor, my first name is Matthew. Second of all, I have heard so much good things about Zac that it's my pleasure to meet him." I said.

In my experience, it is important to both let the parent know who's boss and to make the child feel at ease.

"Well, I'm sorry about the name mix-up" she started apologizing, "your secretary called you by your first name when we came in and I just assumed..."

"Ms Efron, it's quite alright I assure you", I caught her off, "but if you don't mind, I'd like to start now."

"Oh, of course of course." She said proceeding to sit down on the couch.

"Ms Efron, if you don't mind" I started while I opened the office door, "I would like to interview Zac alone. I find it easier for the actor and for my own concentration."

There was a silence while I was looking her straight in her eyes. When I started, I didn't know how authoritative I was supposed to be. I found that this way of doing it, while a little awkward, worked best. After a few seconds, Zac's mom got up and walked to Zac.

"Now honey, you be good alright? Do your best and listen to Mr Taylor. Do whatever he asks, you want us to get this part now don't you?" She said.

"Yes mother." Zac replied.

"Alright then, this could be our big break so good luck honey and I love you." Ms Efron said while she kissed Zac on the forehead. Zac was a little embarrassed, he was 16 after all and being treated like a child by his mother in front of a casting agent. His face got a little red. I immediately saw the "freshness" and "shyness" in Zac required for the role. He was perfect. If he could act, at least a little, we had our Cameron. But of course, I didn't tell them that, what fun would that be?

"Now, if you'll excuse us Ms Efron, we should really start the interview." I said grabbing her elbow and directing her towards the now opened door.

"Quite right Mr Taylor and thanks again for..." I caught her off by closing the door.

"Now that we are alone Zac, let me start by saying that you should call me Matt, all my friends do. We will start with a series of questions and then I'll ask you to act out some scenes. After that, if you feel like you should do or add something to the interview, that's when you'll get your chance. Is it clear?"

"Yes sir, it is" replied Zac.

"Now Zac, what did I say about addressing me?" I said as I winked at him.

"Oh, sorry sir, em I mean Matt, I'm just a little nervous is all."

"That's alright Zac, why don't you start by sitting down on the couch and we'll start with the questions."

I went to grab the chair and laid it close to the couch were Zac was sitting. He really was nervous, his knees were touching and he was rapidly tapping his hand on the armrest. I set the chair down, sat on it, looked Zac in the eyes while resting one of my hands on his knee. He stopped moving and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Don't be so nervous Zac, its going to be alright. I'm usually very nice, you'll see."

Zac made a nervous laugh and looked down a little but made no attempt to move or to remove my hand. In fact, he seemed to calm down a little. I removed my hand, sat back in the chair and began the audition.

"Alright Zac, we'll start with the questions. First of all, why are you interested in the part of Cameron?"

We went through about 6 or 7 useless questions like this one and Zac seemed to open up a little more after each question. He was eloquent, well behaved and gave intelligent answers. He was doing very well and he was getting comfortable. When he smiled, he light up the room. After my last question, he sat back in the couch letting his arm settle on the armrest. When he did that, his shirt opened up a little and it was easy to see that this boy was no couch potato. He was used to working out. His chest was defined but not overly so. Time for another question.

"So Zac, you do know that the setting of the show is on a beach and that there's a lot of surfing and swimming involved, right? How do you feel about exposing your body to a large audience?"

"I don't think I'd mind really. I work out a little when I don't have to study or work so I think I look alright. Plus its not like I'm having sex on camera or anything like that so I don't think it would be an issue really." replied Zac.

"Alright, why don't you take off your shirt so I can see if you look like a serious surfer dude from California or not." I said quoting the "surfer dude" with my fingers in the air while I said it.

"Right now, right here?" Zac replied, suddenly unsure of what to do.

"Sure, have you looked at the other actors on that show. They are hot. We need to make sure that you don't look out of place." I said trying to play on his 16 year old ego about his body.

Without answering me, Zac got up and started to slowly unbutton his shirt. When the first few buttons were undone, I caught a glimpse of one of his nipples settled on his nice pectoral. He was built, but not overly so. He just looked in shape. He was a dream come true. Then, he kind of stopped unbuttoning. I think he stopped because he caught me staring. I looked up and sure enough, he was looking right at me. I think I saw him give a little smile before he started unbuttoning again. This time, he was not only doing it slowly but almost like a little strip-tease. He wasn't dancing or anything but he seemed to enjoy it. After he finished unbuttoning his shirt, he turned around, took it off, bent over showing his nice ass and deposited the shirt on the couch trying not to wrinkle it. That's when he turned around, pointed to himself and, smiling, said "Is this good enough for the show?"

I was speechless. With his pants on, he was sexier than most of the actors I already had had sex with over the years. And that smile. I wanted him bad. So, trying to recompose myself, I said:

"Sure, you look ok I guess." What a stupid juvenile answer. I was rapidly turning into a 10 year old girl who's face to face with her idol. I had to take back control of the situation. That's when my experience kicked in:

"Do you wear boxers, briefs or something else?" My question startled him. He looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"Usually boxers, why?" He answered back, still unsure.

"Well, the first scene of the show has you surfing and swimming around. That's when your co-star, Nikki Westerly, who falls in love with you instantly, sees you for the first time. I thought that could be the scene you do for me now to evaluate your acting skills." I answered back while getting up and fetching a small bag from a desk drawer.

"But, well, what does that have to do with what I wear?" Zac asked after thinking about my explanation for a moment and trying to formulate his question politely so not to offend me.

"Well, Zac, I like it when the scenes look real so I brought a bathing suit here with me today for all the actors to put on while they do their scenes." As I said that, I pulled out a couple of red speedos from the bag, all different sizes to fit most of the boys. Zac's expression when he saw the speedos was priceless. He was surprised but, frankly, not overly affected by this turn of events. I even think I saw another smile, quick, but it was there. I made sure I was going to have my way by adding:

"Remember Zac, this is an important part. We want the perfect boy for this role and the perfect boy also has to be perfect physically. Like your mother said, you have to do what is asked of you if you want to make it in this business and believe me, putting on a speedo is not that big a deal for such an important part."

Zac grabbed one of the speedos after evaluating a couple of sizes and, with an assured tone, said "Alright, sure of course. Where can I change?"

"Right here." I replied.

"In front of you!!! Oh, but... Well I..." He thought for a second and finally, with as much assurance as he could managed, said

"Yeah sure, we're just guys right. It doesn't matter."

So, Zac turned away from me. Took off his shoes and socks. Unzipped his pants and removed them. He was standing there, a few feet from me in only his Calvin Klein grey boxer shorts. Even covered, his ass was magnificent. Round and hard. He took a deep breath and quickly lowered his boxers. His ass was beautiful. He was tanned all over and his globes were, like the rest of his body, firm and muscular. When he bent over to get the speedos, I caught a glimpse of his dangling balls. I was getting hard fast. So, before he turned to face me, I sat down in the chair to try and hide my growing erection. He spent quite some time arranging the speedos, making sure his ass was covered and playing with the front obviously arranging his package making sure it was presentable. I even heard him cursing a little under his breath.

"Is something wrong Zac?" I asked actually concerned.

"No, no, no problem. I'm almost done." Zac replied.

"Well, turn around then, you cannot be THAT shy now can you?"

Zac breathed a sigh of exasperation and slowly turned around. I was not prepared for what I saw. The speedos were a little too small for him and either he was really big for his age or he had the beginning of an erection because his penis was covered but its attributes were clear to see. You could see the clear outline of a 4" circumcised penis tenting the front of the red speedos. I was speechless, again.

"I'm sorry, it gets like this sometimes. I don't... I... I..." Zac stammered while covering himself when he saw where I was staring.

I had to recompose myself and reassure the poor lad.

"Zac, don't worry about it, its perfectly fine. Like I said, we are just guys here. Lets concentrate on the interview and everything's gonna be ok."

"Right." Zac said sounding unconvinced. I handed him his text and I took mine.

"I'll be reading the part of Kay, your girlfriend character. This scene begins after you got out of the ocean and you come across Kay for the first time. You can start whenever your are ready."

Zac began to read his part. I was missing all my lines because I couldn't stop staring at his bulge which was moving every time he was moving to do the scene. He was pretty good but kept starting over when I was not saying my part probably thinking that he was doing it wrong. Poor guy. He started sweating a little which made his body glistened. I was hiding my erection from him using my text which made it even tougher to read. So, I missed even more lines until finally Zac said:

"I'm lousy aren't I? I'm not going to get this part so this is a waste of time. You're so bored you can't even follow the text. My mom is going to be so disappointed. She's going to kill me!" While he said that he let himself drop on the couch. It looked like he was about to cry.

"Zac, wait, don't stop I'm sorry. I was missing lines because you were great. I was hypnotized by you. You are a great young actor. And you are beautiful too." Wait, did I just say that? I got up and got close to him on the couch and added:

"Well, you know what I mean. You have the body of a surfer, you are great for the part. I mean we have other people to audition but don't count yourself out mister, you are very good." I was kind of babbling until I noticed that Zac was staring at my groin. My erection was clearly visible. I have an 8 inch cock after all, it is pretty hard to hide when it gets like this.

I got up and quickly sat back down on my chair and now, I was the one who was shy and all red in the face. Zac took a moment before he smiled and got up. Was it just me or was his bulge bigger than it was earlier. He walked right in front of me and boldly said:

"Is there a way I can make sure that no other boy auditions for this part?" While he said that he obscenely grabbed is hidden dick and kind of re-adjusted himself actually making the bulge even more obvious. I was staring right at the tented speedos that were mere inches from my face but I did not reply.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." Zac said as he took my hand and very slowly put it on his chest, massaging it. Then he left it there and grabbed my other hand. With that one, he made me grab the side of his speedos. I started pulling them down but he stopped me. He grabbed my chin and raised it making me look into his beautiful eyes. Now smiling, he said:

"Do you want to suck me?"

I was impressed by his boldness but I was too excited to say anything so I simply nodded.

"Do I have the part?" He asked.

"Oh well, the audition is not over yet. You still have to impress me a little bit more before I make a decision." I answered, swallowing hard after I finished my sentence.

"Oh well, that part is as good as mine now is it?" He said. "I'll do my best to impress you Matt and I think you'll be satisfied."

Zac pushed my hand, the one holding the side of his speedo, down until his cock popped out. There, before me, laid a perfect cock ready for action. It was about 6.5 inches and standing at attention, pointing to the ceiling. He had just a touch of pubic hair over his cock but his balls were smooth. I didn't even continue to lower the speedos, I left them there close to his knees and grabbed hold of his cock. It was so hard and hot. I quickly put it in my mouth, licking its underside in my mouth and applying a little suction.

"Oh yeah, that's it suck my cock. I love it. You like my boy- cock don't you?" Zac said while his breathing increased. I did not answer, I just took the magnificent piece of meat out and started to lick it. I licked it slowly from bottom to top spending more time on its head.

"Oh, yeah, that's it. Make me feel good. I haven't cum in days. Lick my balls man, please, please Matt." His begging was highly erotic to me. I started to lick his balls and while I did that, I grabbed his ass with both hands. I massaged his perfect globes. Then, I started sucking his dick again. I wet my finger, and continued sucking. I looked him straight in the eyes not stopping my sucking and brought my finger next to his hole massaging slowly all the while increasing my suction on his cock.

"Matt, put it in! Please just do it!" Zac kind of whispered lost in bliss. So, slowly, I started inserting my index into his boy pussy. I was fucking his ass with my finger and slowly slipping more and more length into him. After about one minute, my whole finger was penetrating his ass entirely maintaining the same rhythm I had going on his cock with my mouth.

"Mmmmh this is too much, you're such a good cock sucker." Zac said. I sucked his boy cock and finger fucked his ass. That's when I found his prostate.

"Oh god!" He yelped the first time I touched it. His dick even moved and seemed to get bigger in my mouth when I did.

"Oh god no one has ever done this to me. This feels so good. Finger-fuck me man. I want it. I want it bad. Do it. Fuck me. Suck me Matt. Oh god!" His eyes were closed and his head was tilted backward. I sensed he was about to cum. So I stopped sucking and pulled my finger out of his ass.

"What are you doing? Don't leave me hanging like that. Please! I need to cum bad! Please don't stop." He said. I looked up and kind of pleaded with him.

"I want to fuck you Zac. I need to fuck you, you are so sexy, I want you bad."

"I've never been fucked by anyone before. I think it might hurt too much you seem big down there." Zac said pointing to my erection.

"Zac, you liked my finger in your ass right? Well, I'm telling you this is going to feel 100 times better." I replied while getting up and holding his shoulders looking him straight in the eyes. He thought about it for what seemed like an eternity, then smiled and got down on his knees.

"We'll need to get your cock slippery then." He quickly unzipped my pants, pulled them down with my underwear. My 8 inches gently slapped him on the cheek when he did that.

"Wow, you are big, and dripping." Zac said and he was right. I was dripping pre-cum like there was no tomorrow. He grabbed my cock with his hands and kind of studied my dick all the while slowly jacking me off.

"Oh Zac, this feels so good but suck me, I want to feel your beautiful mouth going down on my cock baby." I said.

Zac started by licking my mushroom head with vigor. This boy was not shy anymore. He knew what he wanted and he wanted cock. He sucked me like a pro taking half of my cock in his mouth before gagging a little.

"Yeah, that's it boy. Suck me. Yeah. You don't need to go too deep, I still have your ass for that. Yeah. That's it, you're my little cock-sucker now."

Then, after a few minutes of sucking me, Zac stopped and looked up and said:

"I want you to fuck me now. I can't believe I just said that but the feeling your finger gave me earlier... Matt it was unbelievable! Please, I need you, I need to feel you inside me. I want your big cock in my ass, up my boy-pussy! Please! Will you fuck me Matt, will you be my first?" His eyes were pleading, to this day, those few seconds are the sexiest I've ever lived through.

"Alright Zac, if you want it that bad, I'll give it to you boy. Now, get on your back on the couch. I want to see your face while I fuck that tight ass of yours." The dirty talk was really getting me going.

So, Zac jumped on the couch, laid down on his back and raised his legs in the air.

I went down on my knees, spit in my hand, wet two fingers and started finger-fucking Zac's ass with them. Each time rubbing against his soft spot. Zac was going crazy after a while. His cock had never lost his erection and it was coated with pre-cum. He grabbed it and started furiously jacking it. He was moaning and moving from side to side on the couch, living out a full-out sexual experiment. Then, he suddenly stopped jacking his cock and grabbed my hand stopping my fingers from re-entering his ass.

"Fuck me Matt, take me now." He said while looking right into my eyes. So, in a matter of nanoseconds, I spit in my hand, spread it on my cock and penetrated the boy. Only my cock head was inside and I was looking at his face expecting signs of hurt.

"For fucks sake Matt, fuck me man, I need it! Do it now, fuck me!!!" I started fucking him slowly at first but I quickly picked up speed. This boy was made for pleasing a man. He was tight, real tight. But he loved it and I loved it. He was moaning and meeting my trusts.

"Oh god Matt, you were right it feels so good. Fuck me. Stick that big juicy cock up my ass."

"Oh Zac, you're so tight. I love to fuck you. Your boy-pussy is made for a big cock like mine. Do you like it, you like having my big cock up your ass?"

"Oh yessss Matt, fuck me with that big cock. I love it man. Mmmmmhhhh! Faster! Faster! Matt, give it to me!!!" Zac was lost, his eyes were closed and no matter how hard I was pounding his ass, it seems like it wasn't enough, like he wanted more. He was a real bottom. A pure boy god made by god for men to use.

I let go of one of his legs and started jacking him off while I pounded his ass from his side. It didn't take long before he moaned and said:

"Oh god Matt I'm gonna cum so hard. Don't stop please don't stop!!!" His breathing became really intense and then his cock started to spurt. He was shaking from the intensity of his orgasm. The first jet landed over the couch on the wall. The next two were on his face and the rest kind of dribbled on his chest and on the couch. Seeing his face full of his boy cum sent me over the edge and I started cumming in his ass.

"Zac I'm cumming in your perfect ass. Oh god this is too much!" I said while I flooded his ass with my cum.

Then, still inside him, I fell on top of him completely exhausted and drenched with sweat. After a few minutes, I tried to get up and take my dick out of his ass but he surprised me by pulling my neck so we were face to face and very close.

"Thanks for that, it was awesome." Zac said and after that he kissed me passionately.

I finally managed to separate myself from his body after a long kiss. I took my cock out of his ass with a little "plop". He got up and started to dress. I made a mental picture of his perfect body right then.

When he was ready to leave, he gave me a peck on the cheek and thanked me for the audition.

"Your welcome." I said.

"Oh, and by the way, tell my secretary to send everyone else home. We have found our Cameron!" I added.

Zac smiled and hugged me. Then, just before opening the door, he turned and said:

"I think I might audition for all the movies this agency is offering."

"If every audition is like this one, you'll be on every show and every movie, people might get tired of you." I replied smiling.

He smiled that million dollar smile and left the room. Wait until I tell this story to his co-star, Jesse McCartney.

The end.

This is my first attempt at writing a short story so I hoped you all liked it. Any comments both positive and negative are welcomed as I can only improve with some level of criticism. If you do have any comments (or would like to propose actors Matt should interview) please email me at

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