Castle Margarethen

By Carl Mason

Published on Nov 22, 2004



Copyright 2004 by Carl Mason and Ed Collins

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for strictly personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, except for reviews, without the written permission of the authors. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the authors at

However based on real events and places, "Castle Margarethen" is strictly fictional. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. Most of the story takes place in Nazi Germany during the year 1943. Further, the major characters are members of the SS, most young, a few older. We explore their motivations and mixed feelings as human beings for whom the Fuehrer's message was truth. At the same time, however, your authors would make clear their condemnation of the Nazi ideology and atrocities committed by the Schutzstaffel (the SS). Indeed, we condemn ALL organizations, ideologies, and individuals who do harm to humanity and restrict the growth of the human spirit.

This story contains descriptions of sexual contact between adult males and male teenagers. As such, it is homoerotic fiction designed for the personal enjoyment of legal, hopefully mature, adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, if those in power and/or those whom you trust treat it as illegal, or if it would create unresolvable moral dilemmas in your life, please leave. Finally, remember that maturity generally demands that anything other than safe sex is sheer insanity!


(Revisiting the End of Chapter 1)

That night in bed, Will couldn't put the diary down. What an adventure - even though some parts made him feel a bit...strange. As he turned to the pages that described his grandfather's arrival at Schloss Margarethen, it was almost as if he were in the room, talking directly to him.

(Continuing Our Story - August 1943 - Schloss Margarethen, Deutschland)

'If this damned road doesn't smooth out pretty soon, I'm going to lose some fillings!' Standartenfuehrer [SS-Colonel] Alfred Kreuze complained to himself. It had been a long, long trek south from Berlin where his volunteer force had assembled, and this last part up into the mountains was the very worst! For the final segment of the trip, he was riding with his Second Squad in one of four small trucks in the convoy. 'Gott sei Dank [Thank God],' he thought, 'that I'm an SS officer and can work WITH my men rather having to play God Almighty.' "How are you doing, Eugen [pronounced "OY-gen"]?" he inquired of his eldest volunteer - all of 21 years old. "I'm doing fine, Sir," the affable SS-Corporal from Dresden (a volunteer from the 12.PanzerDivision "Hitlerjugend") responded. "And how about you, Piet [pronounced PYET]?" he asked his hulking Dutch 20 year-old (who had volunteered straight out of basic training). "I'm doing fine, too, Sir - although if anyone cut my stomach open, I think he'd find butter or, maybe, even cheese!" "Yes, it's a rough ride alright," the Colonel responded, "but we'll soon be at the castle." The Colonel looked around approvingly at his other boys: the 18 year-old Jens [pronounced YENS] from Denmark and Nils, 19, from Norway (both volunteers from the SS- Viking Division), and Toomas [pronounced TOO-mas], an 18 year-old from Estonia (a volunteer from the 3rd Estonian SS Voluntary Brigade). Finally, there was a 17 year-old HJ volunteer, Klaus, from Mainz. 'A nice bunch of lads,' he thought. 'They will do their duty - even when they find out what it is.'

Peeling back a small corner of the truck cover, the Colonel peered out into the rain which continued to come down in torrents, as it had for at least two hours. A brilliant flash of lightening illuminated an old turreted castle set against a background of heavy, dark trees and lying less than 1.6 km (1 mile) ahead. "Try not to get us soaked, men, but if you want to see home, its pretty much straight ahead."

Within a very short time, the four small trucks pulled into the courtyard of the castle. While Colonel Kreize conferred with his Adjutant, Major Otto Storch, the Head NCO, Oberscharfuehrer [SS-Sergeant Major] Emil Bindermann, and his four Technical Sergeant/ Instructors rousted the young men out of the trucks and quickly moved them and their gear to their respective squad rooms. (Separate lavatory and shower rooms were located next to each squad room.) The sight that met each squad was not exactly luxurious. The rooms were whitewashed and clean with one tall, rather narrow window. A long wooden table sat in the middle of the room on which rested six field rations. Much of the rest of the space was taken up with three rather narrow beds with straw mattresses, blankets, and a few chairs. "Your first warm meal will be at breakfast in the morning," their Sergeant barked. When you hear the first bell, you will rise and quickly attend to your personal needs. When you hear the second bell, you should be on your way downstairs to the dining hall. Anyone who isn't in his chair when the third bell rings is late - and will be dealt with accordingly. Your meetings will tell you everything you need to know. I advise you to get to sleep as quickly as possible. Tomorrow will be a vigorous day!" With that he turned on his heel and departed the room.

Not one of the young men was fazed by either what he saw or what he heard. After all, other than Piet, they had either completed SS-basic training or, in two cases, had been in the HJ for years and fully understood the demands of field exercises. As the ranking enlisted man in the Second Squad, Eugen noted that they were three beds short, but they had their bedrolls. He flipped a corn to determine who got the three narrow beds. Within half an hour they had finished their field rations, visited the facilities, and climbed between their blankets. The last man in automatically turned off the overhead light.

(The First Day)

As expected, the early moments of the first day was a bit wild at times, but within less than an hour volunteers and staff were seated in the dining hall at breakfast. And a good breakfast it was. Although the staff had to serve several nationalities, it was impossible to find a soldier who had not found what he wanted - and plenty of it. Thinking that rationing might have to be instituted after Piet filled his tray, Eugen grinned - but noticed that more food kept coming from the kitchen. Having enjoyed a "final cup of coffee," Colonel Kreuze rose and announced that the volunteers would assemble in the small castle auditorium in 20 minutes. Before dismissing them, he added, "May I remind you, men that you have each signed a pledge that nothing learned through this program may be shared with another. Know that I consider this both a legal AND a moral pledge that involves the HONOR of an SS or HJ soldier."

In reviewing his orders the night before, orders that had come directly from Berlin, the Colonel had noted that the volunteers were essentially to be told the truth. ('Rare and gratifying in any Army,' he thought to himself.) That is, they were to be told the truth about WHY the call for volunteers had gone out and, more difficult, the truth about WHAT the High Command wanted done about it. Colonel Kreuze's job was to tell them - and he sparse and simple German that even the greenest recruit would understand.

He completed his presentation by saying, "So there it is men. Let me add two more details. I have fought beside SS troops in Poland, in France, and in the Balkans. I have never seen an order that is more difficult or calls for a higher level of courage on the part of the SS soldier - or an order that is more necessary to ensure our final victory. Nevertheless, the Reichsfuehrer- SS, Heinrich Himmler, has ordered that you be informed of one more detail. You answered a general call for volunteers. Now you have the specifics - and difficult specifics they are. I shall be in my office for one hour. Without being required to give his reasons, any man may withdraw his acceptance and be returned immediately to Berlin. Do not confuse my meaning. Germany needs you! A Europe free of the Bolshevik-Jewish menace needs you! If you stay, you face a hard road, but I shall proudly fight beside you to the victory! If you must go, however, you are still my brother. Heil Hitler!" With those words, Major Storch dismissed the company.

Two volunteers withdrew from the Program - one of the two HJ members and a Norwegian Oberschuetze [SS-PFC]. They immediately left Schloss Margarethen in the company of two officers. No man present had further contact with them.

Reassembled in the auditorium, the soldiers sat about, talking quietly about what they had heard at the first meeting. Eugen noticed that the group had been joined by two new volunteers. He also noticed that every man in the Second Squad was present. One by one, he gave them a sharp nod of approval that was a much a salute as any ever given. Both Major Storch and the Sergeant Major noticed, for they had been ordered to observe the group closely as it awaited the Colonel's return.

"Achtung!" Major Storch's sharp command brought the group to rigid attention, arms raised in the Hitler salute. Colonel Kreuze stepped onto the stage. He raised his own arm in salute and returned them to their chairs. For a moment, he silently looked about the room, making eye contact with almost every individual. "I am proud of you" was all that was said before he returned the program to its original schedule.

"During the remainder of this morning, we shall briefly describe the Program. When you return to your squad rooms after lunch, your Sergeant will inform you of other regulations that will govern behavior during the reminder of the Program. Times, rooms, and regulations for the full Program will be posted in your squad rooms. Let me add one word as to dress. BEGINNING AT SUPPER TONIGHT, the black Lederhosen shorts that will be provided by your Sergeant this afternoon are the required dress for meals, your Officers' Training Instruction, or when otherwise directed. AT ALL OTHER TIMES AND PLACES, COMPLETE NUDITY IS THE RULE! Are there questions?" Hearing nothing beyond a few convulsive swallows, he continued.

"Your Officers' Training Instruction" is more important than you might suppose. You are going to miss the years of training that a non-commissioned officer gains in the field. Yet, I can imagine the day on the Russian Front when you might have to take over and lead a group of men fighting for their lives. Believe that in the SS, an officer fulfills not only his stated responsibilities, but also the much wider array of tasks for which he is responsible. In this course, you will learn much about the nature of an officer's responsibilities - responsibilities to his country and to his men. Further, you must learn how to conduct yourselves with both fellow officers and with your men. An error of judgment can be very serious, often fatal. Above all, you have much to learn about the requirements of honor. That which is seen honorable by an 18 year-old Private and a 28 year-old officer are not always compatible - and you must learn when and where to set aside childish things. I wish you well."

Major Storch description of the Sex Instruction program culminated with the statement, "I know you are good German soldiers rather than perverts who wear the pink triangle at Buchenwald. As such, I also know that you will do your duty - and your duty is to give relief to your fellows, relief that has been denied by the Russian foe. I know that you will do everything necessary to learn what is involved, to become comfortable with it, and to perform as positively as you perform your other duties as a member of the Wehrmacht. Remember that you do this not for your own pleasure, but for your country, your family, and your girl! Don't fear! When we have achieved victory, you will return to your girls with no difficulties. You are heterosexual; you will remain heterosexual. In fact, your young woman may be amazed by how much more you can do to give her pleasure than can others your age. And that," he concluded, "can be a real advantage!" Quite a few muffled chuckles met his comments, as well as considerable coughing and nervous shifting around in the seats.

Sergeant Major Bindermann went on for some time about the toll taken on the body by the seemingly endless steppes of Russia and the climactic variation. It is not enough," he said, "to meet Hitler's command that German youth be "slender and supple, fast as a greyhound, tough as leather, and hard as Krupp steel . . ." Rather, they must also have vast reserves of "staying power" and "determination"...especially now that the Red Army has tasted blood at Stalingrad and Kursk. I realize that you are in superb physical condition. Our job is to build those reserves, and we shall begin tomorrow!"

The Major announced lunch and reminded the group that they were to report to their squad rooms for further instruction immediately thereafter.

When the boys reached their room, Sergeant Burmann, whom they recognized from the night before, had already arrived and placed a very interesting box on the center table. Oh, yeah, the SS Lederhosen! "Ok, men," he exclaimed. "Strip and pack all clothing at the very bottom of your packs, You're not going to need it for a while." As the boys doffed their clothing, Eugen could not help but notice that they were a physically impressive bunch. Yes, Piet was big...but muscle-big like a weightlifter, and even the lanky HJ kid, Klaus, had a physique that was great for a 17 year-old. "Gather round, men. I got your waist measurements from the records, but things change." He held up a pair of the Lederhosen shorts from the box. Black...leather, the runic SS design in white on the right leg... Nils, the Norwegian, snickered which earned him a glare from Sergeant Burmann. "There's a problem, soldier?" "It's only that they are really...short, Sergeant. I'm not sure that they'll cover what has to be covered!" "No problem, soldier. Just hitch it up a little higher on your stomach! The leather will hold it in place better than a jockstrap." (Nils said no more, but Eugen grinned to himself and thought that Nils might have to "hitch it up" pretty high!) "I'll give you what the records say are the right sizes," the NCO continued. "Try them on, and let's see where we are." (Pause) "Is that pair too tight, Toomas?" "No, Sergeant, it's fine." Obviously, the entire company was well pleased with their new uniforms - and how they set off some impressive sets of muscles.

"Ok, men, before we go further, I need for you guys to buddy-up." The Sergeant was a bit surprised at how quickly the process was completed. Nils and Jens (the Dane) had already struck up a friendship. Piet had twice helped Klaus out of minor jams, once when he caught his tray at breakfast as it was sliding off the rack, and again at supper when he glared down a rather aggressive German from Fourth Squad who was beginning to hassle him. They just grinned at each other, and their decision was made. Had he had his choice, Eugen would have chosen Toomas, the Estonian. When he asked him quietly whether he was ok with pairing-up, Toomas grinned widely and whispered, "That would be GREAT, Corporal!" "Eugen's here!" he had responded with a smile - and the task was completed.

With just a hint of a leer, the Sergeant added, "I'm glad you're happy, for you're going to be seeing quite a bit of each other in the next few days. Here's the next set of rules (AUTHOR'S NOTE: adapted with thanks to Gary Taylor): 1) Each bed holds two buddies, 2) Buddies may be changed every two weeks, but not before. 3) In the morning, you wash, clean, and shave your buddy, but not yourself. You also insure that your buddy's body is kept clean of hair - all hair...even stubble...other than what's on his head - and administer an enema. Take care of the full-body shave before supper, because you want to look your best in the Lederhosen and you sure as hell won't have time to do it tomorrow morning! Finally, 4) In the morning and at night, you must - at the very least - jack your buddy off in bed or in the shower...wherever. When you learn some other moves in the Sex class, you may want to try something different - but that's up to you. Questions?" Several hands went up. Nodding at Toomas, he asked, "Yes, Oberschuetze [SS-PFC]"

Somewhat red-faced, Toomas admitted that he had never had an enema, let alone given one. (The others whose hands had been raised murmured their agreement.) "Ok, men, get rid of those Lederhosen and let's get together next door." When the young men had moved next door to the lavatory and shower rooms, Sergeant Burmann determined that Eugen knew what he was doing. "Ok, Corporal, show everyone how it's done."

First filling the enema bag with fairly warm water and hanging it from the rack above, Eugen authoritatively explained several positions for taking an enema without excessive discomfort or mess. He then sat on the toilet, and ordered Toomas to lie across his partially open thighs, making sure that his stomach was between his buddy's thighs. (As he arranged himself, Eugen was able to enjoy a quick look at a very attractive young man. Though only about 5'6" or 1.7m in height, the blond Estonian was nearly smooth, had wide shoulders that tapered down to a solid waist, with full, muscular buttocks and thighs.) He then took a tube of lubricant from a nearby tray, squirted a generous quantity onto a finger, applied it to the center of the boy's anus, and applied gentle but constant pressure. Whispering to Toomas to relax, his finger quickly penetrated the anal muscle and began working the lubrication in and out.

Noticing that just about everybody was blushing and, indeed, two men had erections that they were trying to hide with their hands, the Sergeant said, "No! You are men, not little girls! All men have these reactions. They tell me that you are cooperating with the Program! Drop those hands and take pride in your bodies!" A nervous wave of muffled laughter accompanied erections popping up across the half-circle of spectators.

Eugen eased the lubricated nozzle into Toomas's anus and slowly opened the clamp. When the boy let him know that he was experiencing some cramping, Eugen adjusted the flow until Toomas could relax. When the bag was nearly empty, he stopped the flow and explained that the water should be held for 4-5 minutes. At about 2 minutes, Eugen complained that his stomach was really swelling and he felt like he needed to go...NOW! His buddy whispered to relax, reached underneath his body - dodging a substantial, rock-hard cock - and gently rubbed his stomach. Toomas was able to hold on for several additional minutes as Eugen gently rubbed his back, buttocks, and upper thighs. When delay was no longer possible, Eugen helped him to stand - the tube still in place - slipped off the toilet seat, and then helped Toomas to sit down. Though a second enema was necessary, it went easily and quickly. After a rinse- off in the shower, Toomas was ready for the next steps. Sergeant Burmann told them that there would be time to administer the enemas in the morning - and, in any case, some new tubes were being installed in the showers that would allow less-rigorous self-enemas later in the week - and led them back into the squad room.

As they stood about somewhat nervously in the room, Burmann growled, "Get use to the nudity and having your body handled. It's part of the game - and, besides, you're not doing it for your own pleasure. Everyone understands that. Ok," he added, "it's time to take care of those full- body shaves. Obviously, it's going to take some of you longer than others." Quickly, he provided clippers, sterilized razors, and other shaving supplies, and reminded them of the storage locker next door. Since it was the first time, they should be rubbed down with a light oil with aloe solution after removing the hair. It took about an hour and a half, but, finally, the task was completed. Yes, there was some embarrassment. For most of the young men, this was the first time that their genitals had been handled by another person - at least by another male! - since infancy. Nevertheless, this was a band of young soldiers who understood what they had volunteered to do and why they had volunteered to do it. They loved their countries and their people - and feared the storm growing in the East. Above all, they took their personal oath to the Fuehrer seriously. There wasn't the slightest embarrassment about any of that. It was their duty...and a matter of honor.

As Toomas was rubbing Eugen down with the light oil-aloe solution, Colonel Kreuze visited Second Squad. He stopped by each pair, speaking with the young men briefly, commending their spirit. Though it always intensified his sense of responsibility for them, he demanded it of himself in every situation where his orders caused personal difficulty or danger. At Toomas and Eugen's bed, he paused for a moment, enjoying the sight of two absolutely beautiful young Teutonic males. Looking down on Eugen's superbly sculpted physique and open, friendly features, he could not keep his mind from spontaneously thinking, "A young god from on high...' For a moment, his hand rested lightly on Toomas's shoulder before ruffling Eugen's brown locks. "Brave lads," he murmured before moving on.

(Though these words had been written over 60 years ago, Will Cross could not keep his young, fast-growing cock from jerking and leaking its first drop of precum. It was so hard that it hurt!)

"Ok, men, line up for inspection!" the Sergeant growled. It was a little embarrassing having to bend over and spread their buttocks, but they were gradually learning simply to accept it. Nil's scrotum got a second, fingered examination, but he passed. "When you check in the morning, buddies, be sure that a few hairs haven't popped up after being temporarily stuck to the skin. When I return in slightly less than an hour, I expect to see you slicked down, back into your shorts, and ready to march sharply to supper. This isn't a young ladies' finishing school. You MARCH to breakfast and supper under the command of your ranking enlisted man. For now, read the posted notices and relax!"

There wasn't much new in the notices, though they did read that their first class was Physical Conditioning, followed by Sex Instruction and, finally, Officers' Training. They were free during the fourth instructional period. Nils and Jens sat playing cards at the table; Klaus perched backwards on a chair while Piet trimmed a few of his shaggier cowlicks; Eugen and Toomas just sprawled on their bed. "Kinda rough," Toomas murmured. "Yeah, it sure as hell takes some getting used to," his buddy agreed. "Thanks for showing me the ropes...Eugen. I kinda get lost at times. After my brother was killed and my parents were deported to Russia, I lived on the streets until the Germans came. We're going to be free again with your help, you know. I had just completed basic training in the Estonian SS Legion when this call for volunteers came through. I'd do ANYTHING to get rid of those fuckin' Russians!" A sad look passed across his handsome face - and there was just a hint of tears in his eyes - as he added, "This is kinda the first family I've had for so long, Eugen. I'm really grateful." "Just remember one thing, Big Guy," Eugen responded as he threw a big hand around the back of Toomas's neck. We're buddies. We're gonna make it, and we're going to give the Russkies hell. But, above all, we're buddies! Don't ever forget it!" Jumping off the bed, he reached down and helped Toomas to his feet. "Let's get ourselves ready for supper!" They were quickly joined by the other members of the Second Squad.

When Sergeant Burmann returned, the men were ready to march. Sharply, under their Corporal's command, they wheeled out into the corridor and down the steps towards the dining hall where they enjoyed the third super meal of the day. "I either get some exercise pretty soon," grunted Piet, "or I begin to blow up like a barrage balloon!" "I can always reel you in on that cable of yours," joshed Klaus. (He turned red and shut up when Piet's glare told him that his joking had gone just a wee bit too far!) Marching back to the squad room and hanging their Lederhosen on hooks, they found six copies of a thick manual on the table. "That's the first installment of your Officer Training materials," explained the Sergeant. "By the end of the week, you need to know everything in that manual and be ready for more. I'm out of here now; don't forget your bedtime and wake-up duty; I'll see you first thing in the morning." The young men were soon hard at work on their first study assignment. Fifteen minutes hadn't passed before it became obvious that Piet and Klaus might be good men to have at your back in a fight, but they were pretty limited when it came to schoolwork. In fact they hadn't been in school for some years. Eugen suggested that Toomas sit across from him, freeing seats on either side for Piet and Klaus. For over an hour, he defined, explained, and questioned. When the tutorial was over, they actually had a pretty good idea of what was going on, at least in the manual's first chapter! With somewhat embarrassed grins, they threw their arms around Eugen's shoulders and pounded his muscled upper arms in grateful camaraderie. The other three youngsters realized even more acutely that they had lucked into having a good leader.

Although they had moved the narrow beds into three corners of the room, the youngsters still looked at them with grave suspicion when it came time to retire. Finally, Eugen took the lead and slipped in on his side, motioning for Toomas to follow. It was impossible for the Estonian lad to do anything other than to lie on his side. This naturally pushed his butt back into his buddy's genitals. With giggles and curses, they attempted to find a position where they might get a little sleep. When the other pairs had enough of giving them a bad time and turned away to extinguish the light and work out their own problems, Eugen and Toomas were able to relax...for a moment. Trouble was, butt and genitals were still working on each other! Feeling what had to be nearly 9 hard, thick inches (22.9 cm) creeping into his crack, Toomas managed to turn over on his back and actually incline slightly towards his buddy. (It wasn't graceful, but the muttering and flailing from the other beds suggested that they were in good company!) Barely able to reach Eugen's cock from that awkward position, the blond still tried to put all of his feeling...and his gratitude...into what his fingers were doing to that heavy slab of man flesh. Within minutes, Toomas felt his buddy gasp as his body went rigid and rose slightly from the bed. Immediately, his hand was filled with multiple ropes of heavy cum. Not able to think of anyplace to put them, he simply slurped them up from his hand. At least two minutes passed, and Eugen didn't move or utter a sound. Thinking that he had perhaps gone too far...or somehow offended his buddy...or something, he managed to turn back towards the outside of the narrow bunk. Suddenly, he felt Eugen's breath on the back of his neck, his hand caressing his shoulders, his chest, and his hips. He couldn't suppress a loud moan (which brought a catcall from another corner of the room) as his buddy's fingers began to play with his scrotum and his balls. In truth, it was almost over before Eugen's fingers ever reached his steel-hard, leaking cock, slowly circled the head with precum, and began to titillate the entire length. With another moan - louder than the first - he exploded into his buddy's hand. (This time there were no catcalls. Indeed, the moans, groans, and gasps from the other two corners suggested that their buddies were similarly occupied!) Toomas again forced himself to turn over in order that he could lay his head against Eugen's muscled chest. God, it felt so good. Eugen could have sworn that as they drifted off to sleep Toomas mumbled something like "Good night, brother," but he had to have been mistaken. It must have been, "Good night, buddy."

(To Be Continued)

Next: Chapter 3

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