Catfish's Christmas Cheer

Published on Dec 6, 2009


Catfish's Christmas Cheer

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

The plan was to go home for Christmas. It was going to be my Mom's first Christmas with her new husband and she wanted the family together. That was fine for me and a good thing. She was afraid I would be annoyed she tied the knot with Graham. Graham wasn't exactly a wild and crazy wild man. He was a retired School superintendent and if the phrase "distinguished gentleman" hadn't already existed they would have had to make it for him. He was 75, but local school boards still called him in for consulting.

The gods were against us. I left Richmond early on Christmas Eve and encountered what they came to refer to as the ice storm of the century. Halfway home I got stuck in Buster's Motel in New Vista, Virginia. I had never heard of New Vista. It wasn't strictly speaking a town. It didn't have a post office. The entire town was the motel and a gas station that had a Subway. There were a couple of long abandoned buildings and nothing else. Oddly there were no houses either. It was a cross road with the motel and Subway.

It wasn't too clear Buster's was open and not an abandoned building itself. About half the units were boarded up, the remaining units looked like shit. The room was $35.00 and over priced. The owner was elderly and in somewhat worse condition than the motel. He seemed pissed someone was taking the room. I had literally skidded into the motel, my car stopped six inches short of the porch column.

The room wasn't dirty and the heat worked. It had an old black and white television set that got part of a television station in Lynchburg and part of a Richmond station. I got enough of information to know I was stuck for a while. The storm was supposed to stay to the south, but had scooted north catching everyone unawares.

The ice just got thicker on the trees. There was no traffic other than four cars and a Highway department truck stranded at the gas station. Over the next hour these people gravitated toward Buster's. Apparently the gas station was going to close, leaving them in their ice covered cars. The highway department men were in the room next to me. A herd of elephants would have been quieter. I was in my room watching a rerun of some odd sitcom, when I heard a knock on the door.

It was a young guy in a Subway uniform. "Mister can you help me? I was supposed to get picked up but no one can make it. It's cold out here." He was in his subway uniform and a tee shirt with nothing else.

I let him in. "You're not dressed for the weather," I said.

My Mom was going to pick me up, but she can't get out of the driveway. I didn't realize it was this bad. I'm Tim," he added. Tim was perhaps 22-23, tall and beefy. He was also went and shivering in the cold. The heat had only two settings, off and on. The room was hot and since he was still shivering, I told him to take a hot shower. I gave him a blanket to wear when he got out and put his clothes near the heating unit. He didn't seem to be too worried about his nudity. He was well endowed and nothing to be ashamed of. He had a dusting of hair on his chest.

We chatted a little when he got out, but he was in the early shift at the Subway and had been working since 5:00 in the morning. He fell asleep. An hour later there was a terrific crash and the building shook. Tim didn't wake up. I went out to see what had happened. A large oak collapsed on the office area and crushed out about half of the motel. It didn't damage my wing. The Highway men were out looking at the ruined building.

"That old codger was lucky he left when he did. He locked the office door drove away after we got the room. I saw him leave. I thought he was a nut case for driving in this weather, but he was lucky!"

We checked out the ruins and there was no evidence anyone was in that part of the motel. The supervisor of the group was named Dan and he called the emergency number posted on the door and got a member of the owner's family. The old man hadn't been that lucky. He was in the hospital after he rammed a tree. I returned to my room.

About fifteen minutes later Dan knocked on my door. "Do you still have heat?" he asked.

"I sure as hell do," I replied. "It's hot as hell here."

"We lost ours. There no insulation in the motels and the temperature is dropping like a rock," he said. We opened the communicating door and shared my heat with them. For some reason my room had a modern heating system. A little later there was another rapping at my door. I did a double take when triplets appeared.

"I'm Buster, the owner is my Grand dad," he said. "These guys are my cousins, Butch and Bubba." They sure looked identical. Their truck had four wheel drive, but was in the ditch. I went with them to see if we could free the truck, but that was impossible. The pseudo triplets returned with me to the room. By now I was soaked as were the triplets. They knew Tim and Dan. It was a small community.

I was drying off after a hot shower while Buster took his turn. Often, guys get a lot more interested in me when the see me naked, and these men were no exception. I'm not a shy guy, so it didn't bother me men were staring at my cock, it comes with the territory. Buster was no giant, but he was fully equipped. He and his cousins were good looking men. They were otter types, thin, muscular and furry. They had matching brown beards.

When he got out of the shower he brushed against me. I didn't jump. He whispered, "Big things do come in small packages."

"We all get the cards we're dealt," I replied. "I didn't get the good looks of a teen aged heart throb."

"Something is throbbing," he said. He pulled on his jockeys and returned to the room. I was trimming my beard. It was bushy and long. Mom liked it neat and I hadn't had time to get to the barber. For some reason my beard was looking whiter than usual. I wondered if it was the light. My high powered detective skills soon led me to the conclusion it wasn't the light. My beard definitely was more white than brown. I got it looking a bit shorter and more orderly. I returned to the room.

Every eye in the room turned to look at my crotch. I was wearing a towel and just accidental like it fell off. "Sorry about that guys," I said as I stooped to pick it up.

"We're all boys here," Dan said. "We all got the same equipment."

"Well not exactly the same," Butch said with a wink.

Apparently everyone in the group knew each other, except for me. I adjusted my balls and cock locations a few times and they understood the lay of the land. "I take it you guys all know each other," I said. "Exactly how close are you?"

"Most of us have been pals since grade school," Dan said. "There aren't many people moving into this area. You leave it either to get a real job or in a wood box." They were still looking at my cock with obvious interest. Bubba and Tim were rubbing their crotches.

"Did you guys mess around some when you were kids?" I asked.

"Shit yes, we have poor television signal here. A guy has to have some entrainment," Bubba said.

"I remember visiting my Uncles fishing cabin with some pals," I said. "We had a good time even though we hardly even caught a fish."

"Not even a one eyed Bullhead?" a guy in Dan's crew asked.

"They caught that alright. They were a bit surprised it was a spitting Bullhead, but they got use to it. Hell most of then got to like it," I said. "Do you still mess around?"

"Most of us are married and have kids now," Dan said. "Bubba and Lenny are still bachelors. We get together once and a while for old times sake." Lenny was the guy who had been rubbing his crotch.

I knew what that meant. When guys admit to anything it a big deal. If a guy says he's chubby or has a few extra pounds that usually indicates he's at least 250 and five nine. If he says he likes it vanilla, but would like to experiment some, the guy is dreaming about a half dozen men pissing on him as another has his arm up his ass to his elbow. "Once and a while for old times sake" said it all. It was all I could ask for.

"Do you still mess aground?" Lenny asked. This was the first time he spoke. He was a strong accent.

"Every chance I get," I answered. "But I do have a specific requirement of the men I get it on with."

"What is it?" Dan asked.

"They need to have a cock," I replied. That got a laugh. "To be strictly truthful, I'm into cock big time. I have no interest in cunt."

"To be strictly truthful getting married can some times kill your taste for pussy," Buster said. "If having your high school girlfriend turn into a bitch doesn't kill your interest, having another kid pop out every time you do it without protection does."

"Do you feel like playing a little?" Dan asked. "We're game."Lenny had dropped his pants and had a nice while snake dangling. Tim was half hard.

"Sure I feel like playing," I said. "Let me warn you, I'm not much interested in Sunday School sex. I like real sweaty man sex, cock sucking, ass pounding sex."

"This is your lucky day!" Bubba said.

Maybe I'm a mind reader, but I figured these guys right, or at least mostly right. Everyone participated, but several guys were shy, and other were one shot wonders. They were interested until they shot off, then went to sleep. Buster, Butch, Bubba, Dan and Lenny were into man sex big time. Tim still had his training wheels on, but he was more than willing to learn. The other two men, Mel and George were nice enough, but held back some. They had a good time, but I had the feeling they would have had a good time at a shoot-em-up car chase movie too.

I was new to the group so I attracted a lot of attention. At one point I had Dan and Buster's cock in my mouth while Bubba and Lenny alternated sucking my cock. Someone was fingering my ass, but I couldn't see who it was. Who ever it was knew where my prostate was hiding. Dan and Buster were heavy leakers, so I got their knob inside my mouth separated only by my tongue. Dan had an ulta sensitive head so I got a few good spurts of the creamy stuff. I rotated around the group. George had a long cock, but short fuse, and I got a mouthful of his sperm. He apologized for shooting so fast, then thanked me. He was a country boy and his mama had taught him to be polite. It was a heart felt, "Thanks you mister, that was really nice."

"I liked it too," I said. "Am I mistaken or have you been saving up? That was a bucket full of cum."

"I've been in the dog house at home," George said. "You got a weeks supply."

Buster and his cousins were nicely hung and very enthusiastic, so they were fun to be with. It was a good afternoon.

Our Ice Storm party was all oral until I decided to sit on Butch's love pole. I figured he and his cousins were most into it and most likely to open their ass for me as a return favor. To say that kicked thing up a notch is an understatement.

I later found out most of these guys messing around was oral. Most of them had tried it out and enjoyed it on a one on one situation, but never in the group. I've know a number of men who think fucking is "gay" but sucking cock isn't. While I'm small, I'm macho as hell, and I'm not afraid to show how much I like fucking. I had lube in a bag of emergency supplied in my suitcase.

I got Butch on his back, coated his cock with lube and sat back. At first I just let the knob in. He had a flared, Mushroom head and I used my sphincter to play with it. The men gathered around to watch. Several got on their knees so they could see the cock in my hole.

"Damn, that boy had a man cunt, not an asshole," Lenny said. "It's beautiful."

"Shit, it's tighter than any cunt I've ever fucked," Butch exclaimed. "I'm going to shoot."

"Hold back if you can," I said, "I'd like a longer ride." I raised my ass freeing his cock head, I felt the warm splatter of cum against my hole, but only one ejaculation. He got it under control. When he calmed down, I sat back and the entire organ slipped into my tight hole. It was easy since I used his sperm as lube. He looked like he had died and gone to heaven. Like most men, I'm normally a fucker, but I was feeling mellow and I used my ass to make love to his cock.

I'm not prone to be a lover, but sometimes a cock in my ass makes me affectionate. We connected. About ten minutes later Butch popped. It was lovely. Butch had a full body orgasm. He shivered and twitched with each ejaculation. I lifted my ass up with each ejaculation and then sat back as a new shot built up. I've milked a guy with my mouth before, but this was the first time I did it with my ass. Our audience liked that a lot. When we broke apart, Dan looked at me with his droopy, Deputy Dog eyes. I knew what he wanted. I rolled onto my back and he got my legs on his shoulders and he refilled me.

Technically it turned into a gang bang, but it didn't feel that way to me. I was relaxed and they were needy and appreciative. Their cocks were different sizes and shapes so it was fun for me, but I think they wanted to feel the closeness only sex provides. Bubba told me he's never used cum as a lubricant before.

"How is it?" I asked.

"You can't believe how good it is," he replied. It was obviously the first time Tim fucked, but I noticed Mel and George really appreciated it. It was all warm and hazy to me. I fell asleep with George still rubbing my prostate with his probe. George was getting into it.

When I awoke it was dark outside, but we still had electricity and heat. The other men were stirring too.

"I'm hungry," George said. "You don't happen to have a key to the Subway do you Tim?"

"I'm the lowest of the low there," Tim said. "The place is alarmed too. I'd be fired and arrested."

"Well men, I have the trunk of my car filled with stuff people have given me," I said. "I haven't opened it yet, but I will bet most of it is food of some sort or another." Dan and I got dressed and went to my car. The ice was a half inch think know and I could see trees bending under the weight. It was hard, getting into the trunk, but the highway department guys had some tools. Getting the 20 feet from the door of the motel to my trunk on glare ice was difficult. We looked like cartoon characters as we slipped and slided and the glass-like ice.

There was a loud engine noise near the empty highway. We suddenly saw an elderly Ford Explorer barrel down the highway. It was actually on the field beside the highway. There was a large oak across the road from the motel. The driver swerve into the road to avoid it. He lost traction and pinwheeled toward us. I thought my car was a goner, but it hit a telephone pole and bounced into the ruins of the motel office. The front of the Explorer collapsed accordion style but the passenger compartment looked undamaged.

The other men came out of our room to see what had happened.

"Shit, it's Uncle Buck and Skeeter!" Buster exclaimed. We got over to the damaged car and found it's occupants were dizzy, but unhurt.

"Your Granddad's dead," the older of the two men said. "I thought you should know."

"Damn it Uncle Buck. You should have called. It's too dangerous out here," Bubba said. Uncle buck was a bearded, mountain man type. Cell phones weren't part of his life. You could see the relationship between him and the cousins. He was taller and more massive, but clearly related. Cousin Skeeter was tall, thin and scruffy. We got back to my room.

He gave them the details of Buster's death. No one was surprised, or particularly unhappy about it. Booze, Alzheimer' disease and bad driving had been in a race to kill him. His grandsons seemed to think the accident was the quickest way to go. They were relieved no one was in the car with him. Buck referred to Buster as Buster III. His father Buster Jr was dead. Buck was a bachelor and it only took me a few minutes to realized Cousin Skeeter wasn't related. He was Buck's lover.

We went through mu packages and discovered a spiral ham, lots of cookies, nuts and cake. There was also three bottles of bourbon and some wine. I also had a supply of pills a friend of mine had given me. They were made in India, and were called Horndog's Best. They were viagra like. He said they worked like a charm. I would save them for later if they were needed.

One of my boxed contain a selection of poppers. Uncle Buck saw it and gave me a wink. "I'm partial to Jungle Juice myself," he said.

Next: Chapter 2

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