Caught in the Middle

By Patrick Prater

Published on Feb 22, 2013


I stood there in total shock! I couldn't believe what jus took place.

DaeDae: I dnt feel so good...

My head was starting to swim and I was feeling really dizzy. Darren came over to me and helped me climb into bed.

Daedae: Wait my Mom is gonna.....

Darren: Jus chill bruh I 'll take care of it.

Daedae: There you...

I was out again. My last thought before I drifted off to sleep was "She drugged me! But when?

Darren's point of View

I WAS SCARED OUTTA MY MIND!!!!! I JUS STOOD UP TO ONE OF THE MOST FEARED PPL IN FLORIDA IF NOT THE COUNTRY AND STILL HAD MY LIFE!!!!! The kinda stories you hear that came attached to her name were worse than that of her baby daddy and it was all LEGAL!!! She threw me off my game but I Loved this nigga since 6th grade and now that he finally mines nothin was keepin him from me.

Darren: You diidnt have to drug him like that you know. He would have been ok if you would jus talk to him.

Ms. Keisha: Jus cuz I let you live..... for now, doesn't mean you can tell me how to handle my son. You are used to dealin with J Sr. but this is is a whole other league and I hope you ready to do wat needs to be done to protect my son.

Darren: Oh I got his back no matter what Ma'am and Im gon ride or die for him...

Ms. Keisha: So if I was to offer you 2 million-

Darren: Get the fuck outta here!!! No amount of money is worth walkin away from him!!! And no disrespect but you gon stop treatin me like im jus a nigga off the street!

Ms. Keisha: Oh I know all about you. this is how the story goes....

Darren: So straight to business as usual huh?

She walked over to me and slap the fuck outta me! I could taste the blood in my mouth but I kept my kool. As much as I wanted to tear into her I was raised properly and I NEVER hit a woman and plus this bitch is crazy.

Ms. Keisha: now that you apart of the family Imma treat you as such. You will NOT disrespect me EVER again. Here is how it will go from now on. JJ was killed by Ramon. turns out he was dirty and after our money and you and Damien were NOWHERE NEAR the warehouse. Joseph Sr took the fall for this. It is very important that when he wakes up you convince him to tell ppl thats wat happen. Don't lie to him at all but makes sure he knows how this will play out for everyone involved if he doesn't get on board with this. Melody can never know the truth. The poor girl had to be sedated when she found out. I can't stress this enough. She is gonna need him to survive this and he needs her.... and most of all he needs you.

Darren: Me? Why me?

She looked at me for a minute and then she walked up to me and put her hand against my face and smiled.

Ms.Keisha: Because he loves you. My son may think he so hard to the core but this is gonna break him and as much as it kills me to say this he isn't going to trust me or anyone now. Its up to you to keep him together.

She walked away from me and sat dwn on the couch that was in the hallway. I hadn't noticed it before but the hallway was more like a waiting area than anything.

Darren: Look I love your son and I won't lie to him. If you want him to to go along with this you need to be real with him. Dnt you think he need his mother more than anything .... especially now?

Ms. Keisha: Listen I love both my sons.... La'Damien has always been strong willed and difficult at times. And I know I shouldnt have favorites but Damien was always independent and never needed me JJ was different, he was such a sweet and gentle person. He put on a show for his dad but underneath it all he never wanted to be like that. All he ever wanted was the love and respect of his father....

For the first time ever I saw her cry.... I didn't know what to do.... I walked over to her and sat down next to her..

Darren: Look... I will do what ever it takes to keep my baby safe. I love him more than the air I breathe and would never do anything to hurt him. Jus tell me what you need me to do and its done.

She looked up at me and did the unthinkable............ She planted a soft kiss on my lips and said

Ms Keisha: Jus Love him always .... No matter what

She got up and walked away...... What the fuck jus happened? Am I really ready to get involved in this world? Do I tell him? Ugh Im so confused right now I need sleep... I walk back into to his room and stand next to the bed lookin down at my baby... He looked as if he was havin a really bad nightmare. He was cryin in his sleep and it broke my heart to see him in so much pain. I was ready to sleep on the lil love seat he had at the foot of the bed till I heard him scream my name.. I jumped up and stood beside him..

Darren: Im right here baby...

I kissed him but that didnt seemed to help... He kept yellin for me so I got in bed and pulled him close to me and whispered in his ear

Darren: Baby Im here, its gonna be ok jus chill.... I love you...

With those words he calmed down and drifted back to sleep..... What was I gettin into?

Melody's Point of view

Its been a few days since I found out that my one and only love was killed and my best friend has been avoiding me. I know he taking this extremely hard and I can appreciate that but its not good for him to stay locked up in his room. I know its his Mom's doing cuz she keepin him drugged cuz she kno he gonna go crazy. Plus I wanna kno wat Darren doing here so much. That nigga never go home. Hes the only one that comes and goes outta that room. I need my best friend and I kno he needs me. I get out of Maine's bed and walk across the hall to DaeDae's door. I could hear him poppin off on Darren. I couldn't help but smile cuz it gave me a sense of comfort after all thats happened. I twisted the door knob and yes it was unlocked. I walked in and they both looked at me and DaeDae ran to me and snatched me up so fast in a hug and we jus started crying and holding each other.

DaeDae: Im so sorry babe. I should have fought harder to see you but u know how she is...

I jus cried and held on to him for dear life.... We were that way for like 10 minutes noonne saying anything at all we jus held each other in silence.

Darren: Well at least come sit down bae..

DaeDae shot him a look that would stop anyone dead in they're tracks.

Darren: Fuck this...

Darren got up off the bed and headed to the door.

DaeDae: Where da fuck you goin?

Darren: Chill out bruh....

He walked out the door and closed it behind him.

Melody: Wtf is that about?! And by the way when did this happen?

He looked down and took a deep breath.......

DaeDae's Point of view

There this nigga go callin me bruh again.... I hate that shit with a passion!!!! But Imma deal wit his fuck ass later... Right now my bestie needed some tlc and so did I.

DaeDae: Come sit love... Im sorry I haven't been around since Maine died... My mom has been keeping me locked up and away as you already kno...

I tried to give her half a smile..

Mel: I know boo but wat I wanna know is wats up with you and Darren?

DaeDae: Girl all you wanna do is gossip!

Mel: I know we have to face the fact that he is gone and I have accepted that. You know how long I have been in love with your brother and am truly blessed that for 1 night that we shared. He left this world knowing how I felt about him and thats all I could ever want. I count myself very lucky to have had someone like him in my life no matter how brief our romance was.

I was so not expecting her to say that. Here I am thinking she was gonna be the one falling apart but in all actuality its me who is a wreck. I looked at my bestie and smiled at how much she has matured and Im amazed at how many layers there are to her..

Melody: Why you lookin at me like that?

DaeDae: Cuz you surprised me thats all.... When did you become so mature?

Melody: We all have to grow up sometime babes.... Are you ready to be the man JJ looked up too and cherished so much?

Damn those words struck something in me so deep I forgot it was there. Those words pierced my heart and I felt the guilt swell back up to the surface and I began to cry..... Melody pulled me to her and I jus unloaded everything onto her. I cried all the pain and hurt right out of me. Jus as I was about to tell Melody wat really happened my mom and Darren burst in....

Mom:You have to go! You have to go NOW!!!!

DaeDae: Mom what's wrong?! What happened?

Ms.Keisha: Nothin serious they are coming to search the house but I would rather you and melody not be here. We dont have much time but I need you to go with Darren and I will call you as soon as I can ok Mi amor. Now Go! Out the bk!

I don't know what is happening right now but Im worried. I never seen that look in her eyes before and I pray she we can weather this storm. We rushed out the back entrance and I started walking over to my car but Darren stopped me.

Darren: No bae we takin this car.

When I looked where he was pointing the memories flooded my mind and I was frozen in time. It was JJ and I first car ever. It was 2006 Mercedes S class. I started to cry but Melody came and got me out my daze.

Melody: Come on boo its gonna be ok. I got you.

We got into the car and Darren drove us to Melody's house cuz she wanted to go home.

Mel: I love you Damien. Call me when you settled ok.

DaeDae: Ok boo. Love you too.

She got out and we watched her go inside and then Darren pulled off. We rode in silence for about 15 minutes before I built up enough nerve to ask him a question.

DaeDae: Where are we goin?

Darren: Some place safe.

I looked at him like wtf? Thats not tellin me nothin nigga! I didn't know what was going on wit him but I sensed a change in him since our first night together. I don't know if I was reading too much into it or this was jus my way of sabotaging this relationship... Wait is this a relationship? It hasn't been a week yet and we really haven't talked bout this in detail. Imma need more than a few empty words during sex. Even if it was great sex. I smiled to myself remembering how good it felt to have him deep inside me hitting places no one ever hit. It was like he knew my body like it was his own... Ugh!!!!! Why am I thinkin bout this? This is wrong, I should not be thinking bout this.... Out of nowhere I heard a faint voice say Why?

Daedae: What did you say?

Darren: Huh? I aint say nothing bruh..

DaeDae: There you go with that shit again..

Darren: Man shawty, dont start right now ok?! Im not in the mood to argue wit yo ass so jus chill.

DaeDae: Who da fuck you talkin to nigga?

Darren: Im talkin to yo ass so jus sit da fuck back and chill out! Damn! Why you always gotta be in control of every fuckin thing?! I kno you bad and dont take shit from nobody so you can drop the lil tough hardcore act cuz that shit dont fly ova here.... sit back and chill damn....

DaeDae: Wateva....

Ugh did this nigga just try to check me? And did I jus let him? Wat ever I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep and then I dreamed.....


JJ: I like him bruh..

DaeDae:JJ? Is that you?

JJ: Yeah Mi Amor its me....

DaeDae: How? How is this possible?

JJ: Nevermind all that. I came to you because I want you to know I dont regret taking that bullet for Dad. And I want you to know that I love you always and forever. You have to let go of the hate you have for dad and you have to let me go. Mom and Melody have but its you thats holding on to me and I love that about you. But its time for me to go Ke'Shawn. I love you babes y quiero que sepan que yo est? siempre con usted siempre que mantenga en tu corazon. Darren es la perfecta para usted jus dejar que su guaard abajo y el otoo. les prometo que captura usted.... I love you (I love you babes and I want you to know that I will always be with you as long as you hold me in your heart. Darren is the perfect match for you jus let your guard down and fall. I promise he will catch you.... I love you) As he said those last words I woke up and we were at a house I had never seen before.

DaeDae: Where are we?

Darren: My real house......

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapt. Plz give me your feed back negative and positive or ideas.... love ya lots

Next: Chapter 14

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