Change for the Better

By zmartin24

Published on Oct 13, 2001


A Change For The Better, Part 4

This story is intended for adult readers. If you cannot read this story because you are under the age of 18- 21, or not allowed because of country/state/local laws please visit another website. This story also contains a fictional plot between a fictional character and Brian Littrell. This story does not however intend to imply anything about the true sexuality or personal knowledge about the private life of any celebrity (or other person) mentioned in this story. Also, if you are expecting sex right away, find another story. This one is hopefully going to have a plot and long-term relationship.

Now that the legal stuff is done with, lets get started!

I arose in the morning to the light of the sunrise shining through my window. Slowly and quietly I squirmed out of bed as not to awake Brian. Standing in front of the window looking at the sunrise I reflected on the past month. "I can't believe it." I said to myself. "Believe what hun?" Brian questioned. I turned around to see Brian lying on his left side with his head propped up on his hand looking at me with curiosity in his beautiful eyes. "I just find it hard to believe what all we have done for each other, and what we are about to do today. I can't wait for 9:00 to roll around." I replied to Brian. "Well you better believe it because I am going to take care of the man who has so graciously taken care of me." Brian said.

I walked over to the bed where he was lying and pushed him onto his back. He just made a growling noise while he plastered a smile on that beautifully chiseled face that so many people fantasies about. Straddling Brian's legs I leaned over to kiss him. Our lips met for the first time that day. First of many. But the first kiss of the day when you are truly in love is like drinking 10 pots of coffee. It just energizes you for hours. Without the jittery feeling of course. After a few minutes of kissing Brian pulled away and said "We'd better start getting ready If you want to drop Midnight off at your station before we go to the airport." "You're right." I said looking at the clock.

I showered first, and by the time I was done and dressed Brian had made breakfast. This was becoming habit for him. "You know you're going to spoil me." I said to Brian. "That's the idea." he replied. After breakfast I told Brian to go get ready and I would clean up. While he was in the shower I put our luggage in the back of my truck and got a couple of Midnight's toys and put them in a bag to take to the fire station. By the time this was done, Brian came strolling down the stairs in the outfit that I had bought him while he was still in the hospital. "Don't you look handsome?" I said to Brian "Yes. Yes I do." he said with his killer smile

"Midnight!" I yelled. "Lets go boy!" I could hear his tags rattling as he ran into the living room. "It's time." Brian said as he motioned toward the front door. The three of us left the house and headed toward the driveway toward my truck. Brian rolled his window down so that Midnight could stick his head out of the window as we drove to the station. "You're listening to the Morning Rush Hour. Up next is N'Sync with their #1 chart topper. POP!" said the host of the radio station that was playing on the radio. Brian just rolled his eyes and looked at the hills of the valley. The foliage was beautiful this time of year. Being fall and all.

At the station we were greeted by Geoff, who was the attendant that day. Midnight and him have been buds for a long time and he hopped out of the truck to run over to him. We all went into the station and chatted for a little while. This was the first time that anybody I work with at the fire dept. had seen Brian and I together. Geoff kinda gave me an awkward look as he asked me about Brian. I just told him that Brian was a very good friend from out of town. He seemed to be satisfied with my answer. Geoff had asked us if we wanted breakfast. He was about to start cooking for the morning crew that was due to be there in about fifteen minutes. I told him that we had already eaten and that we had to be getting to the airport. We said out good-byes and Brian and I headed for my truck once again. Midnight tried to follow, but I made sure that he stayed inside the building.

Airport security was kinda tight. There were at least two sheriffs standing at the front entrance at all times. Due to the increased security measures there were no stewards to assist us with our luggage at the curb to the entrance, so Brian and I had to unload our luggage and he put it all on a cart to take inside while I parked my truck in the "extended parking" lot. When I got inside the airport Brian and I walked up to the check-in counter we were asked to present photo identification. I was more than happy, but Brian was a little reluctant to reveal himself due to the fact that the woman standing behind the counter assisting us was a total blonde ditz. We could tell just by her looks that she was probably going to freak out when she realizes that Brian Littrell was standing at her counter. Sure as shit, as soon as she saw the name and picture on his license she looked right through Brian's disguise and screamed at the top of her lungs. The sheriffs that were standing at the front entrance came running in to investigate the screaming.

By the time we were checked in for the flight Brian must have signed 40 autographs. One for the attendant. Four for the sheriff's deputies daughters, and one for just about everyone else standing within the attendants screaming distance. Brian and I sat down awaiting our boarding call and just talked. We received awkward stares from many people. Probably because they were trying to figure out what Brian was doing with another man. But we didn't care. I mean we were just talking. What could that imply. "I can see the headlined now." I said to Brian. "what's that?" he questioned. "Brian Littrell seen talking to another man in small town airport. People mind celebrity business more than their own. It's sad that they don't have a life of their own to mind." I replied.

As I looked at the itinerary for our flight I noticed that the plane we were about to board was taking us to Pittsburgh, Pa for a connecting flight to Seattle, WA then another flight to Skagway, Alaska. "Great, Three planes. And the one taking us out of here is probably gonna be a small one." I said to Brian. "Did I ever tell you that I am terrified of heights?" Brian replied. "What do you mean? You fly all the time with the BSB. How could you be afraid of flying?" I said. "Yeah but that is on our own personal plane" Brian said. "I see your point, but it will be OK." I replied

"Flight 111 to Pittsburgh, now boarding at gate B2." said a voice over the PA. "That's our flight." Brian said. I nodded as I began to stand. Both of us picked up our carry-ons and headed for the gate. The plane to Pittsburgh was a little commuter thing with no more than 12 seats on it. And only half of them were filled. Brian and I took our assigned seats at the back of the plane. About ten minutes later the pilot started the engines and we were pushed off of the tarmac and were cleared to taxi to the runway. Sitting at the end of the runway the pilot's voice filled the cabin saying that we had been cleared for takeoff. The propellers began to rev and the whole plane shook. The pilot released the brakes and we were off.

Almost two hours later we arrived in Pittsburgh. We only had a twenty minute layover before the next flight. The amazing thing was that Brian was never recognized. We heard our boarding call and boarded our next plane. Which was much larger, thank god. The flight went by fairly quickly because I convinced Brian that it was safe to fly and we both took a nap. In Seattle we had enough of a layover to stop into the airport restaurant for a nice lunch. Brian had the surf and turf, and I had the prime rib. It was an excellent meal, the best prime rib I'd had in a long time.

During the next flight to Skagway, I looked over to Brian and said "I'm so glad we're doing this. We'll be on a huge boat in the ocean with the whales and glaciers to keep us company." "I cant wait until we shove off." he replied winking at me. I had a huge grin on my face. Apparently, almost everyone on the plane to Skagway was going to be future shipmates for the cruise. When we landed in Skagway I found that their airport was smaller than the one in my hometown, which was supprising considering that there were going to be about 2,500 people on this cruise.

The time was now 6:00pm and the ship wasn't due to leave until the morning. So Brian and I decided to see the town. That didn't take long being a very small town. We ended up spending the night at this really nice bed and breakfast. In our room we found that there was a beautiful view of the bay where our ship was waiting for the morning. Brian and I sat on the balcony until about midnight just holding each other to keep us warm. The sky was beautiful. Not a cloud in it.

When we went to bed we just laid on our sides holding each other. I looked into brains deep brown eyes and said "Every time I look into your eyes I get lost in all of the emotion that they have been holding back from everybody for years. But I always seem to find the real you." He let a tear stream down his face as he smiled at me. I leaned over and kissed him lightly on his lips. He returned the kiss and began to take it a little further. His hand traveled down my back and grabbed my ass. He squeezed lightly at first, but as we began to kiss harder he began to squeeze harder. Soon we were exploring each others bodies. He sat up and straddled my legs, then bent over to me to continue the kissing. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head. He then grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me up to a sitting position, where he removed my shirt. Brian started licking his way down my chest until he reached my nipples. He licked and played with each one. The whole time our hips were grinding against each other. Both of our cocks were begging to be released. Brian slowly made his way down my stomach until he reached my boxer-briefs and stopped there. I immediately copied what he had done with me. I started with his nipples, playing with each one. then made my way down his six-pack abs until I met his boxers. I could see a part of his crotch through the opening in his boxers. It looked like the fabric was about to tear under the pressure that Brian's crotch was applying. I reached into the opening of the boxers and for the first time was touching his dick. It was very hard and hot. I pulled it through the opening and let it go. Brian moaned in pure pleasure as he sat there straddling my hips with his 8 1/2 inch dick pointing at the ceiling, and his huge tender balls sitting on my stomach.

Our little session was interrupted by a very loud crashing sound outside our window (which we left slightly open to the crisp cool air). Brian and I immediately jumped out of bed "I know that sound" Brian said. I nodded to him and ran over to the window. When I looked out I saw a terrible sight. Two cars had collided on the main street outside the building. "I have to check on them." I said to Brian. "Go. Do what you can. Just be careful. I'll call for help." he replied hugging me. I quickly got dressed and ran outside. The two cars were severely damaged and tore to shit. I checked both cars and found three people. Only one was seriously injured. I advised the other two to stay in the car until the fire dept. and ambulance arrive. I heard sirens coming down the street as I was checking on the person who was injured. He looked like he was about 20 or so. The whole car smelled like beer, and I saw some empty cans on the floor of the back seat. The Skagway police were the first to arrive. The first thing out of there mouths was "Who are you?" I looked back at them and said "My name is Zach Martin. I'm a Trauma nurse and a Firefighter from New York. But that's not important right now. We need to get this person to the hospital now!" I replied to the officer. He nodded and radioed his dispatch to update them while I returned to the man in the car.

As I controlled hid bleeding and made sure that he didn't move, the fire truck and ambulance arrived. It didn't take too long to get everybody ready to go to the hospital. One of the paramedics stayed behind to ask me a couple of questions while the ambulance left for the hospital. I remained out side and spoke with the police about what I saw and what I did before they got there. I realized after about 20 minutes of interrogation that I forgot my jacket. "If you need to ask me any more questions I am boarding the Celebrity Cruise Ship "Destiny" in the morning, you'll be able to reach me there. And if you'll excuse me, I'm tired and freezing.." I said to the officers. "Good enough. Thank you for your help. Have a good cruise." one of the officers replied.

I walked back to my room where I saw Brian sitting at the desk biting his fingernails. "Honey, I'm home." I said. He ran over to me and hugged me with all of his strength. "I don't know how you can do it. That sound brought back a memory that I didn't ever want to recall. My accident scared the shit out of me. I thought that I was going to die, and now I will have scars from it for the rest of my life." Brian said. "Brian. I'm so sorry that this had to happen on our vacation. I'm the kind of person that would rather die than to turn my back on people in need. I don't know why, that's just the way I am. But about those scars, at least you will have mw to go along with them." I replied. "Thank you." he said crying for the second time that night.

"I don't know about you, but I need a hot shower." I said to Brian. "You go. I need to go to bed. It's been a long day." he replied. "I'll be there soon." I said as I walked into the bathroom. The hot water felt good on my cold body. I stood there under the shower until the hot water was gone. A chill went through me as I stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel. After drying off I placed the towel in the hamper, and put my clothes in a pile next to my suitcase. I crawled into bed and found Brian asleep. I wrapped my arms around him and drifted to sleep as well.

6:00am rolled around way too early. The alarm clock went off and I woke up and realizes that today was the day that Brian and I were to board the cruise ship. I woke Brian with a kiss. It's odd that he can sleep through the loudest alarm clock that I have ever heard, but I can wake him up with the most tender kiss. "Good morning" Brian said as he opened his eyes. "Good morning. Lets get ready for breakfast." I replied. We took our showers separately because we didn't have time to be fooling around. We met back in the bedroom before we went down for breakfast.

The old couple that ran the place were really nice. They were very hospitable and the food was great. After breakfast Brian and I went back up to our room to gather our belongings and check out. We called a cab to take us to the port where out ship was waiting. The whole ride over Brian was quiet but I could tell that he was excited by his eyes. They were wide and cheery looking. At the port the driver helped us place out luggage on a cart and I paid him. We pushed the cart up to the registration area where we checked in before boarding. A steward greeted us and informed us that he would make sure that our luggage would make it to our rooms before departure. With that in mind we headed for the ship. The first thing we did aboard the ship was go to our room. It was on the second deck, in the front of the ship. It was actually more than a room. It was like a whole damn house. There was the bedroom of course, but there was also a living room, dining room, den, entertainment room, and even two bathrooms. one of which had a hot tub and a large window with a draw curtain that overlooked the water. This place was worthy of royalty. Brian and I could not believe that the Firm paid for these accommodations.

It was now 9:00am. Time for departure. Brian and I went to the deck and watched the port disappear behind us. We walked around for a little while on the deck. Saw all of the games that there was to play, and all of the places to sit and watch as we passed some of the most beautiful scenery that I had ever seen. Brian and I were leaning against the handrail on the port (left) side of the ship looking at a huge glacier as a piece fell off and splashed into the ocean. The noise that it made while it was separating from the rest of the glacier was incredible. It sounded like thunder. "Boy, the stuff you see on the nature channel cannot even compare to what we are seeing now huh?" Brian said. "Not even close." I replied.

Lunch time rolled around, and Brian and I were getting hungry. We decided to make our way down to the main dining room. On the menu today was the Captains Platter. It consisted of Lobster Tail, Grilled Haddock, 1 pound of Crab Legs, and a shit load of shrimp. Brian and I both ordered that. And I can tell you that we were both stuffed after eating all of that. We then went down to the casino. Now that we were in international waters all of the games were open to the passengers. Brian decided to try his luck at the one arm bandit, while I preferred a little Blackjack. About an hour passed before Brian found me still sitting at the table and said "Do you think we can go now? I'm getting kinda tired of this." "How much money did you loose?" I replied with a small laugh. He just shrugged his shoulders and looked down at the floor. "OK, lets go. I've made enough here to pay for this little adventure." I said laughing. I cashed in my chips and decided to deposit my winnings (about $10,000) into the ship's bank until I needed it.

Brian and I went back to our room and watched a movie in the entertainment room. I'll tell you what, renting a movie on a cruise ship is not cheap. $20 for one movie! Oh well, I guess it's the price of having fun with a loved one. Towards the end of the movie, Brian and I had fallen asleep on the couch. It was almost dinner time before we woke up. I looked at our little information booklet and saw that there was a formal restaurant on board. I picked up the phone and called the operator and asked her if there was a place to rent a couple of tuxedoes on board. She told me that there was a shop on the top deck. I told Brian that I would be back In a few minutes. He had no idea what I had planned. I left our room and went to the shop to pick up our tuxes and returned to our room. I handed Brian a bag with a tux in it and told him to put it on. He asked me why but I just told him that it was a supprise. While he went into one of the bathrooms to change, I went into the other. Inside the second bathroom I found everything I needed to get ready. I took a shower and trimmed my goatee, brushed my teeth and hair, and donned the tux. It was a very nice tux designed by Perry Ellis. It was black with a white frilled shirt, black cummerbund, black bowtie, and of course shiny black shoes. I met Brian back in the living room. He was gorgeous. He wore a tux like no other man had. "How'd you know my size?" he asked. "I shop with you remember. Besides, I did a lot of measuring while you were asleep." I replied with an evil grin on my face. He just laughed.

I motioned toward the door and said "After you sir." He strutted toward the door and I followed, watching his perfect ass shake. I led him to the observation deck, where the entrance to the restaurant was. The night air was nippy. Thank god my tux included a jacket or else I would probably be kicking myself in the ass for forgetting my jacket again. We were greeted by a doorman who opened the door to the Destiny's Palace Restaurant. The employees recognized Mr. Littrell right off and immediately sat us in the VIP section of the restaurant, which was very secluded. As a matter of fact, other that our serving staff, we were the only ones in that section. Our waiter was a man about 21-22 years old. He greeted us and informed us that his name was Denka in a heavy foreign accent. I asked Denka where he was from. He stated that he lived in Denmark, but he was born in Norway. The whole tome we were ordering Denka was staring at Brian. Even while I was placing my order. I paid no attention to it at that time and just brushed it off. Brian had ordered the fettucini alfredo with garlic sauce, while I had the chicken parmesan. We both had red wine to drink. While we were waiting for the food we were listening to the live band in the center of the room play "Everybody Needs Somebody" Brian looked at me and said "I love this song. There's so much feeling." "Tell me about it, I've always loved this song." I replied as I reached across the table for his hand. "I'll play it for you when we get back to our room. There's a piano in the entertainment room." Brian said. "I'd love that." I replied.

Just then Denka was bringing out our food. He gave me a nasty look when he saw me holding Brian's hand. He placed Brian's food in front of him first and said "Here is your meal Mr. Littrell, enjoy!" He then placed my meal in front of me and said "Here's yours." "Thank you" Brian and I replied at the same time. "You're welcome, Mr. Littrell." Denka replied. As Denka walked around the corner I looked over to Brian and said. "That was a little rude don't you think. Mr. Littrell this and Mr. Littrell that. He never even looked at me. He was staring at you the whole time." "Oh give him a break, he's got a tough job" Brian replied. "Whatever, lets just enjoy our meal." I said. Brian nodded and we began to eat.

About 20 minutes later Denka returned to check on us. "Is everything satisfactory Mr. Littrell?" he said. "Yes everything is delicious Denka, send my compliments to the chef. By the way what language do you speak primarily? Your accent is beautiful." Brian replied. "I speak Norwegian." Denka said. By this time I was becoming annoyed with Brian and Denka. "Denka, can you please excuse Mr. Littrell and I for a moment?" I asked. Denka gave me another nasty look and walked off. Brian snapped his head in my direction and said "What was that all about? I was talking to Denka!" "More like flirting!" I replied "Flirting!?! All I asked him was where he was from!" Brian said raising his voice. "OK Mr. Your accent is beautiful!" I replied also raising my voice. "You're not going to get jealous every time I talk to another man are you? Cause if you are...." he trailed off, with tears forming in his eyes. "If you are....then maybe this relationship isn't going to work!" he finished standing up, throwing his napkin onto the table. "Brian, Calm down." I said returning my voice to normal. "Calm down? how can I do that when the man that I love doesn't trust me?" Brian said as he stormed out of the restaurant. I left $100 on the table and tried to follow him, but he had already disappeared into the dinner crowd.

I returned to my room and just sat at the piano. I hadn't touched a piano since I was in high school. My mother used to make me take piano lessons when I was in grade school, but I really enjoyed playing. I continued to play through high school, but when I got to nursing college I didn't have time for it anymore. I Began to play the scales to see how much of it I could remember. I was a little rusty at first but picked up quickly. After I was warmed up, I looked in the bench and found some sheet music. One of the songs happened to be "Everybody Needs Somebody" I placed it on the stand and began to play. It took a couple of rounds but after some time I got pretty good again. The whole time I was playing, I was wondering what Brian was doing. I realized that I returned to our room in hopes that Brian would soon come here. But it's been almost an hour and he was still not here.

"That's it. I've gotta go find him." I said to myself as I stood from the piano. Still wearing the tux, I left our room and headed for the top deck. The night was still fairly young and there was a lot of people everywhere you looked. Then I saw someone ahead wearing a tuxedo. I walked through the crowd as I got closer the man that I thought looked like Brian from the back I grabbed him by the shoulder. The man turned around with an awkward look on his face. "Sorry, you're not who I was looking for." I said apologizing to the man. "I could be if you wanted me to be." He replied. "No thanks, I have someone. Or at least did." I rebutted with a sneer and turned away. I searched the whole deck with no luck. Next was the general dining room. Maybe Brian was still hungry and went down to get something to eat. No luck. I tried the casino, the ballroom, the gym, everywhere. Still no Brian. I didn't want to go back to our room, so I just kept walking (and looking). Ending up where I started, on the top deck I just leaned against the handrail at the front of the ship. "You look like you're looking for someone!" said a voice coming from above me. I didn't look up, just out at the open sea. "Just someone I fear I have lost." I replied. "How long have you been looking?" said the voice. "About 2 hours." I again replied without looking. "Do you trust him?" The voice said a little quieter this time. As I turned around to give this nosy person the hairy eyeball I recognized the voice, it was Brian, standing on a balcony that hung over the top deck. "Completely, with all of my heart." I replied looking at Brian.

He walked away from the edge of the balcony and went through a door. I didn't see him for a couple of minutes so I turned again to watch the ocean. "Do you love him?" Someone had whispered into my ear. I turned around and saw Brian standing before me. He looked like he had been in a fight. His eyes were red, his bowtie was untied, the top few buttons of his shirt were undone, his hair was a mess, and his hands were shaking. "You know the answer to that question, but I'm not afraid to say it. Yes I do love you Brian Littrell!" I replied. His face lit up and a grin formed from his frown. "But you look like shit! What happened?" I asked him. "Well after I left the restaurant I wanted to find a place where you wouldn't find me. And I found one, so I just started crying. After some time went by I went down to the bar. I just drank. Then I had an epiphany. I'm on this huge boat with you. Just you. All of these other people don't really exist to me. You're the only one here that I want to be with." Brian said as he started to break down.

I practically had to carry Brian to our room. Between his emotional state and his blood alcohol content he couldn't walk very well. Arriving at our room I laid Brian on our bed and began to remove his clothes to get him ready for bed. I wasn't tired. It was only 10:00pm and all of the occurrences of the day were still racing through my mind. I pulled a chair over to Brian's bedside and pulled out a book to read. Brian was dead to the world, but even as he slept he was crying. I spent more time just staring at Brian rather than reading my book. After about 4 hours of watching Brian sleep I decided that it was time for me to join him. I stripped down to my boxer-briefs and climbed into bed with him. With my arms wrapped around him I fell asleep.

Morning soon came and Brian was still passed out. I got out of bed and took a shower. For some reason I just wasn't comfortable. Something wasn't right. I was the one that needed to apologize, not Brian. After my shower I dressed and called the info desk. The operator gave me the number to the ship's florist. I arranged for twelve dozen red roses to be delivered to our room. I also ordered 100 candles from him and told him to bill it to my account on the ship's bank. I took four dozen roses and picked the pedals and arranged the rest in the living room. I covered The bed where Brian was still asleep with the pedals that I had picked and left a small trail of them out to the living room. I took the candles and arranged them so that they spelled out initials inside a heart then lit them. Then I needed something to wake him gently. I went to the entertainment room and started to softly play the piano. Again a little rusty at first, but got better as I continued. After a few minutes I saw Brian emerge from our room wearing only his boxers. He saw the flowers and smiled so deeply that it put a tear in my eye. I continued to play a slow lovesong on the piano as he surveyed the whole room. He then walked over to me and put his arms around my neck from the back and kissed me on the cheek.

"How did you do all of this?" Brian asked. "A little thought, a florist, my account in the ship's bank, and a couple of thorn pricks on my hands." I replied grinning. "You cut your hands?!?" said Brian in a concerned voice. "No, all of the thorns were removed before I bought them, but it sounded good." I replied. Brian gave me a light smack on the back of the head and said "Don't ever make me think you're hurt. Why did you do all of this?" "I realized that I was the one who needed to apologize, not you. I'm the one who got jealous when you were speaking to the waiter. You are the most important thing in my life right now and I'm not going to let a waiter break us up. Even if he was coming on to you, I know that our relationship is secure. So please listen to me when I say that I am truly sorry for putting you through what we went through last night. I hope it will never happen again." I replied.

Brian pulled me up from the piano and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. Brian was about to kiss me when I broke off. "Not here." I said as I pulled Brian out of the entertainment room and into the living room. I made sure that all of the candles had been blown out before further leading Brian to the master bathroom where the hot tub was. I began to strip as Brian pulled the cover off and turned on the waterjets. We both got into the steaming water. The curtain was open and we both could look out of the window to see the giant glacier mountains outside. I looked at Brian and said "Here!" I pulled Brian over to me and began to passionately kiss him. Remember that coffee theory that I had earlier? Multiply that a couple of times and that gives you an idea of what I was feeling, and that was just the kiss! Our hands began to roam over each others bodies and I began to kiss down his neck. His chest was next, I stopped at his nipples for a few seconds to play with those. Then supprising Brian, I dunked my head under water and took all of his 8 1/2 inches into my mouth. I could feel him getting even more aroused. Probably because I was doing this under water. Just as he began to buck his hips I was running out of air and had to surface. He grabbed my head with his hands and pulled me up to his face. He stared me in the eye for a second before drawing me in for another kiss. I broke the kiss after a couple of seconds and went under water again. This time I was not only sucking him off, but I had also managed to wedge my hand under his ass and began playing with his hole. I needed more air. I surfaced again and before I had a chance to think, Brian had copied me. He dunked his head under water and took all of me inside his mouth. This was the first time that I had my dick sucked by a man, and I was enjoying it. A man seems to know how and where to lick to really drive you over the edge.

When he came up for air the first words out of his mouth were "I want you to FUCK me!" "I don't have a....." I started to say as Brian was leaning over the edge of the hot tub where he pulled something out of a drawer. "Condom?" he said. I grabbed the package from his hand and ripped it open. Brian took the condom from my hand and went under water to apply it. He then came back up and wrapped his arms around me as he lowered himself onto my lap. I could feel the head of my cock pressing against his tight hole. He continued to lower himself and I could feel my dickhead penetrate inside Brian. Soon my whole 8 inches were inside him. He began to slowly go up and down to get used to the sensation. My loud moaned of pleasure were soon answered by Brian, he began to speed up. The whole time I was bucking my hips. "I'm gonna... AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed as I blew into his ass.

Brian lifted himself off of my sensitive dick and sat next to me. "Now it's my turn." I said to Brian. "Are you sure you want to? You've never been fucked before, and I'm pretty big." Brian replied. "That's why I'm so excited." I said. Turning over to lean over the edge and present my ass for a pounding I found that one of the water jets was pointed right at my cock. That was a feeling, I can tell you that. My dick got hard so fast because of it. Brian leaned over to the drawer again and retrieved another condom. He placed it on his hard cock and placed it lightly against my hole. "Go ahead, I'm ready" I said trying to encourage him. He began to place more and more pressure against my hole. Then finally his head popped through. "AAAHHH!!!!" was all that I could get to come out of my mouth. "Are you OK?" Brian asked with concern. "I'll be OK just go slow." I replied. Brian began to push himself inside very slowly. The sensation against my prostate was almost enough to send me over the edge, but I held on. I soon adjusted to Brian's full size and he began pumping my ass. His poundings got faster and I could feel his giant balls slapping against my ass. Not too long after I heard Brian scream, I knew he was cumming. I tensed up the muscled in my ass and beared down on his cock. He seemed to like it because he began screaming louder. As he pulled out I grabbed my dick and began jerking off. I couldn't end this session without shooting one more time. "I'm going to Cumm..." I was cut of as Brian said "WAIT, don't shoot yet. I wanna taste it!" I turned around and stood in the tub. Brian took my dick into his mouth and began to suck it. "Here it comes!" I screamed as I began too buck my hips. Brian swallowed all eight shots without losing a drop.

I collapsed into Brian's arms back in the hot tub. We wrapped each other with our arms and began another kiss. I could taste my own cum in his mouth. This turned me on and I began to kiss him harder. We kissed for about ten or twenty minutes before we both leaned back in the tub to watch out the window. "That was the best sex I've ever had." Brian said. "That's because it wasn't sex. It was love." I stated to Brian. As we held each other basking in the afterglow we saw some whales outside the window. It appeared that they were swimming along beside the ship. The whales put on a good show for us. Jumping out of the water, splashing their tails, and blowing water out of their blowholes.

The rest of the week was perfect. We did all there was to do, ate all there was to eat, and saw everything there was to see. Brian's identity was not discovered many times. Probably due to the fact that we spent quite a bit of time in our room. The last night of the cruise we had a very special dinner. I had arranged for the two of us to have dinner alone in the ballroom. I even had the piano and violin player from the ship's band sitting on the stage playing just for Brian and myself. We both knew that the ship would be docking early in the morning and wanted to have one more night to ourselves. After dinner we returned to our room know.

Before bed we made sure that we had everything packed for tomorrow morning. Including a couple of towels from the master bath. Just a little souvenir of out consummation. Brian and I fell asleep in each others arms and slept very well that night.

The next morning I woke up without the alarm clock. I looked at the clock and saw that there was still another hour before we docked, so I called room service and had them bring up some breakfast. When the waiter arrived with the cart I woke Brain up and he joined me for the most important meal of the day. After breakfast we took our showers together to conserve time. Just as we were getting dressed the tugboats were pushing the Destiny up to the dock. The gangplank was lowered and the captain's voice came over the pa "I would like to thank all of you for choosing Celebrity Cruise Lines. The Destiny is now docked and Skagway would like to welcome you back from your adventure. I hope all of you had a good time with us. Have a nice day." "I think he means get the fuck off of my boat." I said to Brian "I think you're right, let's go. Our flight to Seattle leaves in an hour."

The flights home were quicker than the ones out because the jetstream was with us. I was glad to be back in New York, but already missed Alaska. We stopped at the fire station on the way back from the airport to pick up Midnight before heading home. In my room I plopped my luggage on the floor and laid on the bed. I fell asleep with Brian beside me dreaming about the last week.

Well that was part 4. I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry I took so long to get this one ready. I would like to thank Holt for nursing me out of a writers block on this one. He has some good ideas for the stories to follow. Any questions or comments are welcome at

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