Chapel Duty

By Joe Stadium

Published on Dec 4, 2005


Chapel Duty By:

Chapter 1

Air Force Basic Training in good old Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas is a collection of experiences none of us are soon to forget. Thirty hot young men sharing one dorm. Mostly naked or dressed only in underwear. It is a great opportunity for admiring guys and for good things to happen.

I'd admired many guys in my flight (our basic training group designation), but one that really caught my attention was Ron. He was a tall guy. Probably about 6'2" or so with a hot body. He had a nicely formed chest, wide shoulders, a narrow waist leading to a ripped set of abs, a high tight muscle ass and a great looking piece of swinging meat. He was a newly wed from California, but I suspected that while he loved her, she was probably more a beard with a ring. No matter where I started out in the showers, Ron almost always seemed to end up next to me in the shower with that huge dick swelling before my very eyes. Of course it took all my control to not pop a boner right there as I casually peeked back at him.

Now I'm not a dumpy fuck by any means. 5'10", year-round Italian tan, nice build, big arms and legs. I get plenty of attention wherever I go. Like Ron, I was married. I loved my wife, but it was more a religious conviction that kept me from pursuing dick. Basic was quite a trip of torment for me. I needed sex, I was horny and these men were looking damned good.

In basic training, most all of us got extra duties of some sort. The jobs usually reflected what our experiences were outside the military. I was given a couple extra duties. Because of my college experience, I was academic monitor. As academic monitor, I had to spend time teaching and reviewing the academic content of the course so all these men passed their written tests. My second duty turned out to be the real gem. As chapel guide, I was responsible for marching anyone wanting to attend chapel to and from the services. Little did I know that chapel guide was going to earn me one hell of a great opportunity.

It was a Monday afternoon when my drill instructor called me into his office. "I need you to go work at the chapel this afternoon. I understand it is an easy chore, but they need some work done and, as you know, recruits are the only ones who work on this installation. I want you to pick a hard-worker to go with you. Most of the men will be glad to have a chance to be out of the dorms. Stay as long as the chapel staff needs you there. Any questions?"

"Sir, no sir."

I left his office and thought "Why not get better acquainted with my shower fantasy, Ron?" I asked him to help and he jumped at the opportunity. Perhaps my theory of Ron's interest wasn't misplaced?

We ventured out of the dorms and over to the chapel and arrived to find what appeared to be a deserted building. It was locked and we didn't see anyone beyond the glass doors. Ron was getting a little belligerent that we had walked out here for nothing and knocked pretty hard on the glass doors. Suddenly you could hear footsteps on the tile inside. The building only looked dark, but someone was there. A light came on and I swear it was an angel coming down the hall. He was in fatigues. Probably our age. The man was a dark haired Latino. He had incredible chiseled features, a huge chest, wide shoulders, narrow hips, and looked to be have a perfectly tailored uniform. It wasn't tight anywhere, but fit perfectly everywhere. Head to toe and all the in-between bulged in all the right areas.

The guy in the chapel was a buck sergeant and his uniform name tag said "Hernandez".

As he unlocked and opened the chapel's glass doors, he had a huge smile with perfect teeth and killer dimples. As the leader of our little group, I came to attention as was required and started offering my "reporting as ordered" speech when he interrupted and said, "This is the chapel. Just relax and leave all that bullshit outside. I am Jesse." He reached out and shook my hand. He grasped it with both of his. My one hand in both of his. As he pulled me into the chapel in friendly fashion, one of his hands slid up my arm and I swear he was taking stock of the muscles of my upper arm. He acted as if we were long-lost friends.

As Jesse touched me, I thought I had been electrocuted right then and there. There was such a strong charge and connection as he touched my hand and arm. He greeted Ron too and I noticed as Jesse turned to lead us to our area where we were to work, Ron had to reach down and adjust himself. Ron was obviously throwing a rod and was as turned on as I was.

Jesse was making small talk all the way into the chapel. He told us how the chaplains were all out of town and he wanted to have the benches and woodwork buffed while they were gone. It was a big job, but he didn't want to have too many people in the chapel. He told us that we wouldn't be disturbed by anyone tonight as there were no evening services in this chapel. He got us the good old Johnson's paste wax and a bag of soft rags to buff the wood with. There were some putty knives for removing gum and other sticky substances. He got some scratch crayons for covering scratches and pencil marks. Jesse said that he would be getting caught up on work as he had been TDY (Temporary Duty....a "business trip out-of-town" for those not speaking military-ese) to Fort Dix, NJ and there was so much paperwork to get caught up on.

"Take your shirts off. Make yourselves at home. There are drinks in the frigerator in my office if you get thirsty. Forget you're in the military for a few hours and just enjoy some time away from the gung-ho dorms. I can keep you as long as I need you so your sergeant won't be showing up for you. If you do a good job, I will have you back as many nights as it takes to get the job done."

Ron and I quickly got onto our chores. Ron was waxing and I was buffing. The wood was glowing with a healthy life of its own as we polished the seats. I noticed as Ron was applying the wax, his arms were bulging nicely with long, lean muscle. I noticed too that he was keeping an eye on my big guns as I brutally worked the wax off the seats. I welcomed the workout as I hadn't any opportunity to get in a gym since basic training started. My triceps were bulging out from the rubbing and my t-shirt was gripping them nicely. More than once Ron was adjusting himself.

My mind was working overtime. I had a chance to finally see if Ron was into me as I was hoping and we had Jesse who seemed to be too friendly for this hetero anti-gay military community. As I was thinking of how, when, and where I might get time alone with Ron, I heard Jesse who had somehow completely snuck up on me. "Nice arms Joe. Looks like you know what the inside of a gym looks like."

"Thanks I said. You look like you are no stranger to a gym either." Fearful of offending Ron, I quickly walked over to Ron and grabbed his arm, "This guy isn't exactly skin and bone either." Ron blushed at the praise, but offered a quick biceps pose for our viewing pleasure.

Jesse was wearing just his t-shirt too and he casually lifted up his arms and flexed both in a biceps pose that left both Ron and I gawking open mouthed. The man had beautiful peaked biceps that climbed toward the sky like they were living with a life of their own. The triceps filled out the bottom in what had to be about 18-19 inches of bulging arm.

"God damn," said Ron in open mouthed admiration as he unconsciously reached down and adjusted himself. Realizing he was in the chapel, he quickly apologized and genuflected.

"I try to stay in there to keep the old waistline trim." Said Jesse. Now he pulled up his shirt front and had a ripped six-pack that looked like a perfect plate of dinner rolls. Oblique muscles framed them and slipped seductively down his pants. Serratus muscles stood out along his ribs.

I was no longer discreet. "Damn" I said in awe. "You are a fucking muscle god Jesse."

Ron chimed in, "I could worship that for ever."

I guess the cat was out of the bag. There was no disguising our interest after these comments.

Jesse just looked at us both and smiled. "I guess we could give you some time to do that since this is a house of worship."

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Next: Chapter 2

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