Christopher Answers

By ed swanky

Published on Jun 22, 2023


If you are underage or graphic sexual stories are prohibited in your not read this. This story is completely fictional. I would appreciate all comments especially those of a constructive or encouraging nature. My e-mail address:

Christopher Answers

Chapter 19

"This next question is for black students only. How many of you look at say, Coach Walters, and the first thought that enters your mind is that he is white."

The black kids were mostly all sitting in the same section. About 90 percent of them raised their hands, including Principal Jordan.

"Prejudice is as simple as black and white. I don't need another show of hands, just answer this question honestly to yourselves:

"When you learn that someone is homosexual, how many of you forget all the reasons that you liked them before and begin to think of them only as gay, queer, faggot or whatever term you use?"

"Before Gary Watkins died in that tragic accident, he acknowledged he was homosexual by physically defending his gay friends. He confirmed it to a few people after the incident yesterday.

"Most of us weren't there to look at Gary and confirm for ourselves that yes, he was one of them .... don't know why I didn't notice it before. Gary Watkins didn't change, we changed our perception of Gary when we heard that he was gay. It was as if Gary had suddenly changed to a different color, one that would re-classify him and make us forget who he was; a good baseball player, fellow student or a friend."

"This form of prejudice is not as simple as black and white. Gay people look just like you and me. For this prejudice you need to keep a mental list of names and faces. That may be the only way you have to identify them. And God help if you miss one, he just might turn out to be your best friend. When he is discovered to be gay, you have a lot of explaining to do because other people may put your name and face on their list. Once your name gets on someone's mental list, it's almost impossible to get it removed."

"I'm sure that Gary's friends are trying to convince themselves and others that he never really was their friend. They want to make sure that you don't put their name and face on your list. It's more difficult because he died. They can't prove it to you by simply avoiding him in the future. You can't avoid someone who is no longer here."

Principal Jordan opened up the forum to the students and discussion. It went on for the balance of the morning. Students stood up and related their own experiences with prejudice, both racial and sexual. Gary's death had opened the door, they were able to talk about family members who were gay. Doors were opening everywhere and for the first time in their young lives they actually could talk about prejudice without fear of reprisal. It was a rare opportunity they had to put their fears into the sunlight and watch most of them wither and die.

Ed Jordan announced that he was dismissing classes after lunch and the students were free to stay and talk among themselves or go home to think about what they learned. It was safe to say that not one of them left school that day the same person they were before.

Principal Jordan spent the afternoon gathering together his personal papers and belongings. He was convinced that, tomorrow night after the school board meeting, he would be out of a job and wanted to just leave afterwards.

He didn't know that Coach Walters was organizing faculty members and students to attend the meeting. One of the things they learned was that silence was the most common form of prejudice.

Taylor West saw Tim sitting in the auditorium with Justin, Christopher, Tom, Dave and Craig. He heard that Tim was in the car with Gary when he died and noticed the bruise on his forehead that he was unable to see in the dimly lit clubhouse early that morning. 'How could I be so stupid', he reflected after hearing the discussion at the assembly.

Lunch was the first time that Justin, Chris, Craig, Dave and Tom had a chance to be with each other since Gary's death. Tim did most of the talking since he was the one privileged to see the reformation that Gary had undergone. Gary never got the opportunity to become a real friend to the others. They were sorry that he hadn't lived long enough for a bond to develop among them. Tim needed to discuss his feelings and they were glad to be there for him.

Taylor tentatively made his way over to their table. Justin saw him approaching and took this as his opportunity. He stood up and met Taylor before he reached their table. The stare he gave Taylor scared him. Tim looked up and saw Taylor with Justin as they walked to the cafeteria exit leading to the outside. Taylor was nervous as Justin directed him toward the row of trash cans that were lined up against the outside wall of the cafeteria.

They didn't hear the door open. Tim followed them and stayed hidden from view, listening as Justin spoke to Taylor.

"Tim told me all about how you and he used to be boyfriends. He said you loved him until you decided that you weren't gay anymore. You didn't stop seeing him because you liked using him to service you. You took advantage of his love for you and treated him like a boy whore. I'm going to say this only once so listen very carefully. Tim is my friend who has been through a very rough time. I don't want you to go near him. If I find out that you harm him in any way, I'm going to find you and you'll wish that your mama never met your papa. If you were the same size as me, I'd kick the shit out of you right now. I am going to let you go with just a warning. You only get ONE. Fuck up and your ass is mine. You understand me?"

"Please Justin, I have to talk to Tim alone. You can beat me up if you want but I must tell him how I feel. I missed him so much when he stopped seeing me. You don't know how scared I was of being gay. I love Tim, I fell in love with him from the moment we met. As much as I wanted to stop being gay, I wanted to be with Tim even more. I didn't know how to tell him. It scared me, all the while I treated him badly I wanted so much to go back to the tender loving we once had. I just hope that he'll understand and give me another chance to prove it."

Before Justin had a chance to say anything, Tim walked between them and he and Taylor hugged. Justin could see the love in Taylor's eyes as he openly kissed Tim while holding him in a gentle passionate embrace that had no signs of ending soon.

Justin just shook his head and walked back inside. Damn, he thought, I gotta find somebody's ass to kick! Just then Gary's three buddies walked up to him. Justin was pumped and ready! Joe Panko and Mike Vesca, his two baseball teammates, stayed back a little but John Gulley the big football player stepped right in front of him. Jason was just about ready to take the first swing when John extended his beefy hand toward him.

"The three of us just want to tell you that this war is ended. Principal Jordan made a lot of sense even to three dummies like us. What you and Christopher did took guts, I admire that. I always hoped that someday I'd get a chance to fight you just to see who's tougher. It may happen but it won't be because you're gay."

Justin grasped his hand. Joe and Mike stepped forward and offered their hand in friendship. As they walked away, Justin smiled to himself and said, Damn!

Dave and Ray sat on the couch together watching TV, reinforcing the love they have for each other. Ray's head rested on his lover's chest as they snuggled together for an evening of relaxation.

"Dave, I got a call from Ruth and Bob at work today. It seems like Bob was arrested for inciting a riot at a baseball game, can you picture that!"

"He what!, you are talking about my brother Bob, aren't you?"

"Yes. He was at a high school baseball game and some guys started yelling anti-gay remarks at Dave's friends, Justin and Tom. When one of them said something ugly about Davie and Tom. Your brother and Tom's father went after them. Anyway, Justin, Tom and another boy on the team came up from the field to help and a full scale brawl started."

"The police had to break it up. Your brother, Tom's dad and the three guys who started the whole thing were arrested. They called to ask my advice and wanted to know if I'd be their lawyer."

"I don't usually handle that kind of case, but I agreed to look into it. I sent a letter to the police department for a copy of all the arrest records. It's a stretch to call it a discrimination case, but need to get more facts before I can say for sure."

"From what they told me, all parties would just like to forget the whole incident. I called the District Attorney there and he doesn't want any parts of it, he's up for re-election and this is the last thing he needs to have come before the court. According to him there's a very good chance it will just be dropped. I'll call them tomorrow and tell them not to worry about it."

"Lets walk home Tim, my parents are both at work and we have the whole afternoon to ourselves."

On the way home, Tay talked about how lonely he had been since they broke up. "I tried dating a few girls but none of them could measure up to you. I was fooling myself and I knew it. Oh Timmy, I hope you can forgive me for all the mean things I've said and done to you."

Tim was silent, his eyes misted over with the sadness he felt for Gary and the joy of being with his first love again. When the front door closed behind them, Taylor stopped talking and lead Timmy upstairs to his bedroom. He dropped to his knees and fumbled with the button fly on Tim's pants. Tim rolled his T-shirt up and over his head while Tay pulled his pants down to his ankles. Tim steadied himself by putting a hand on Tay's head and managed to kick them free. Taylor leaned down and undid the laces on his sneakers, easing them off along with his socks.

Tim stood naked before him and for the first time in many months Tay felt the joy of taking his lover's cock into his mouth. Tim wrapped his fingers in Tay's long brown hair and sat down on the end of the bed. Tay licked the sheathed shaft up one side and down the other. He bathed his balls in spittle and then moved up to bury his nose in the patch of pubic hair above the base of his cock. Tay abruptly stood up and stripped off his own clothes. Tim sat back and just watched as Tay stood naked in front of him. Tim thought how wonderful he looked with his long hair cascading around his shoulders. Tay turned around and got down on all fours. He leaned on his elbows and arched his ass high. Tim slipped down on the floor positioning himself between his legs.

The plump roundness of Tay's butt beckoned Tim. Using both hands he lightly traced the curves, starting on his hips and sliding slowly underneath until the fleshy mounds settled cupped, soft and warm in his upturned palms. Turning his palms outward until they faced each other, he exposed the quivering pink rosebud in the middle. His cock literally jumped to the target and he centered the head on the tiny orifice, lubricating it with the pre-cum that bubbled out from the slit. Tim drew the boy melons toward him allowing the head to pop inside. With the helmet of his cock firmly held by Tay's sphincter muscle, Tim moved his hands on Tay's hips and pulled back hard and fast. His cock shaft jettisoned up the rectum stopping when his balls slapped against Tay's beautiful asscheeks.

Tay relaxed the muscles in his rectum that had gone into full spasm. Tim eased his tight grip on Tay's hips and rocked from side to side ever so slightly. He positioning his cock for a pull-back. His balls sent signals that he had to go now-or-never. This was going to be quick, Tim needed release. He moved his hips back until only the helmet remained inside of his lover's ass pucker. He rapidly plowed forward once, twice and a third time. Cum spewed, lathering the anal track, making the slide easier. Four, five, six, Taylor's face contorted as a mixture of pain turning to pleasure roared through his body.

Tim held his fully extended cock inside until he felt it start to soften. He pulled out and sat up back on the edge of the bed. Taylor got up and sat down next to him. Their naked bodies entwined as they kissed each other with renewed passion. They broke momentarily to utter the words that they both had longed to hear:

"I love you, Tay."

"I love you too, Tim."

end chapter 19

Please let me know what your thoughts are? What do you like/dislike about Christopher-answers?

My thanks to those who continue to respond and help to shape this story, I appreciate it more than you may realize. ed swanky

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Next: Chapter 14

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