Class Reunion

By SCass3254

Published on Jul 2, 2003


Class Reunion


Charles Daly was glad that he had arrived a day early for the High School reunion. It had given him a chance to relax and look around town before the festivities began. Being back in Benton brought back both happy and sad memories for Charles and just walking down Main Street reinforced where he had come from and where he had gone.

He had been surprised when he received the announcement that the class of '68 was having their thirty-fifth high school reunion. It had been over thirty years since he had left Benton and the there was no reason for him to go back. He was about to throw the notice into the garbage when he found a note from Dan Hammond. Dan had been his best friend growing up. Dan's note expressed hope that Charles would show and he was looking forward to seeing him again after all these years. Charles decided that maybe he would go back to see the town that he grew up in once more and especially to see Dan.

Charles walked past old gingerbread houses with white picket fences and flowered gardens. American flags fluttered in the breeze as he strolled down tree-lined streets to the high school and watched the football team practicing and he thought of Dan leading the team to the State Championship. Charles heard the laughter of children as he sat in the gazebo in the main square and closed his eyes. How many nights had he spent sitting on the grass with Aunt Harriet and Uncle Andy listening to the town band playing Souza. Aunt Harriet always prepared a picnic and they watched the fireworks every Fourth of July. Tall oak trees shaded streets and the train whistle blew telling him that the Redstone Comet was leaving town and making its way south. Memories flooded his mind and when he looked at the town hall, he could see his Uncle Andy standing at his office window. Uncle Andy was a big bear of a man. He was handsome with baby blue eyes that were hidden behind steel rimmed glasses. He had grown a full beard much to Aunt Harriet's consternation that he kept neatly trimmed He had played football in college but over the years Andy had put on weight and was always taking Charles out to jog or to exercise in an attempt to lose weight. It was a losing battle as Aunt Harriet was a marvelous cook and Uncle Andy was doomed to always be happy and heavy.

Charles had spent the happiest years growing up with his Uncle Andy and Aunt Harriet after his parents were killed in a car crash. Childless, Uncle Andy and Aunt Harriet took Charles in and made him welcome. They loved him like the son that they never had.

Charles had checked into a new boutique hotel that was once a hat factory. A young couple ran it and had turned the place into the hottest spot in town. The restaurant and bar were packed and Charles sat at a table alone reading the Wall Street Journal. Eating alone was something that Charles was use to doing since his partner Barney died more then five years ago. Barney, he whispered to himself. How I miss you. He looked over the room, listened to the nervous chatter and watched the couples that entered and left hoping that someone from his high school graduating class would show up but nobody did. He wondered how most of them turned out. He would find out tomorrow evening. Shortly after dinner he headed back to his room and got ready for bed.

Charles looked at himself in the mirror and saw the facial resemblance to his uncle Andy who was his father's brother. Charles had stayed the same weight that he was in high school. His brown hair was now flecked with gray and stylishly cut. He wore contact lens so the horn-rimmed glasses that he wore as a boy were gone. The kids had called him four-eyes and most were mean-spirited and made fun of him and picked on him. Uncle Andy would put his hand on Charles's shoulder and tell him that they were just jealous because he was smarter then them and one day he would grow up and become a handsome man. He hugged Charles close to him and Charles could smell the cologne that he wore. Uncle Andy had been right and Charles was now a handsome man. He was tall and muscular with strong features and the same piercing blue eyes as his uncle. As a kid he didn't have many friends except for Dan who lived next door. Their bedroom windows faced each other and when the lights were out they would sit at the open window and talk of their hopes and dreams. Dan was one of those all American boys with flaxen hair the color of summer wheat and fair skin. He was tall, handsome and muscular. All the girls in town were wild about Dan who was captain of both the football and baseball team. His blue eyes were alert and alive and Aunt Harriet would say, "the boy has the gift of gab like his father and most of it was blarney and he wasn't even Irish. His old man could charm the wings off an angel." But with Dan as his best friend, nobody ever bothered Charles. Charles couldn't wait to see Dan who stayed in town after high school. He had countless scholarship offers from major universities but in his last game Dan seriously injured a knee and would never play sports again and the scholarship offers quickly dried up. Charles won a scholarship to Brown and wrote to Dan whenever he could knowing how disappointed Dan was that he was not going to college. During Charles's senior year at Brown, Aunt Harriet died. Just before Charles graduated, Uncle Andy also died. Charles was fortunate that Andy's partner took care of the estate and the sale of the house and right after the funeral, Charles left for New York and today was the first time that he had come back. He had walked past the house and somehow it saddened him. Happy memories flooded back and he sat in the town park and let bittersweet tears flow for what could never be again.

Dan Hammond stared out the open window that he had sat at as a boy looking up at the stars and talking to Charles. He smelled the jasmine that scented the night and thought of all the years that had raced by and sighed. Dan looked at himself in the mirror and remembered a handsome boy with golden hair. He shrugged. The years hadn't been kind to him and now he was older, heavier and tired. Dan was living in the house he had been born in and now it was empty. His wife had left him years ago and was now living in California. He had come home one day to find a note that she was leaving with no explanation but he knew the reason why. Dan didn't blame her.

Charles appearance at the reunion was the biggest news in Benton since Mr. Carter the bank president ran off with his daughter's piano teacher and some of the bank's funds. Charles had written three successful novels that were made into movies and the kids that shunned him were now sucking up to him.

"God, you look terrific," a voice said and Charles turned to see Dan who stood there."

"So do you," Charles smiled and hugged Dan who wore the same cologne that he had always worn.

"I'm supposed to be the one with the gift of gab. "I look like shit, feel like it but I'm so happy to see you. Do you know how many times I have thought of you and how happy I was when your first novel came out? He brushed Charles's cheek with his hand gently. "I've missed you," and he smiled and Dan was glad that he had come back to Benton.

"So how does it feel to be a big shot writer with movies coming out? Beautiful women at your beck and call and money and power."

They were sitting outside having a beer. "I guess I wanted to remember what it was like being a kid. Charles had a few drinks too many. I guess I came back to see you." Charles smiled showing a winning smile and a strong chin. "Dan, I've been gay since I could remember. I was so in love with my Uncle Andy and then you." Charles laughed. "I had this crush on you and followed you around like a puppy dog. I had a partner, Barney and he died a few years ago and my life is lonely. There are no bright lights and not much glamour."

Dan hugged Charles warmly. "I'm so sorry. You were the best thing that happened to me living here. Funny, but everybody thought that is was me that befriended you, but it was you. You were the only one that listened to me talk, never judged me and were always there for me. When I got hurt and lost my scholarships my so-called friends disappeared. When you left for school how I envied you. I was still here and had all these dreams and hopes. It wasn't about football but about me and who I am. Charles, I'm also gay. Going to college was my freedom and then I got hurt. I was still planning to go to school but my dad got sick and I took over running the place. It so happened I was good at it and people liked me so I ended up living in the same house that I grew up in. Like you, I live a monastic life. So I stayed and got married because of peer and family pressure and have been unhappy ever since. My wife split when she found out that I was gay." I didn't blame her. The words came out and for the first time in a long time, Dan felt relief sweep over him.

Charles looked at Dan and smiled. "What do you say we split and head to my hotel for a drink? I've seen enough of the old graduating class."

Charles sat on a couch having a Scotch and said. "I believe the first time that I knew I was gay was the day that my Uncle Andy came home with a bad back. Aunt Harriet was visiting a cousin and would return later that night. Andy headed for the shower and called me in. I had just turned eighteen. He asked if I would rub down his back after he came out of the shower. He took off his pants and stood there in his jockey shorts and I could the outline of his cock through the cotton briefs. He took them off and ran the water and stepped into the shower. I had never seen him naked before. There, he stood under the hot running water, his eyes closed, the hair on his beefy chest and belly glistening with beads of water, He soaped his groin area and I saw his cock which was thick and cut. He turned and soaped his ass and his buns were round and smooth. My dick was so hard and straining against my shorts. I was afraid that he would see me but he didn't have his glasses on. After he showered he lay down on the bed naked. I was trembling as he told me to rub him down. My dick was twitching and beginning to leak as I placed my greased hands on his shoulders and began to rub. His skin felt so smooth to the touch as I massaged him lovingly. Through my fingers went the love that I felt for this man that had raised me. Seeing him naked made me realize that what I wanted was to be with a man. I massaged his back moving my hands down his spine and saw his round buns and my hands massaged them. I thought he would say something but he just lay there as my hands moved up and down and across one then the other. My cock was twitching and leaking and I was afraid that I was going to cum. He spread his legs and I massaged his thighs and my hands caressed the inside of them and touched his balls lightly. I heard him moan when I touched his balls. They were large sacs covered with fine hairs. I was a virgin but I knew that I wanted Uncle Andy. I had once heard Aunt Harriet complain to him that he wasn't interested in sex with her anymore. I asked him if he wanted me to continue and he told me I was doing fine and not to stop. I moved down his legs and worked the calves that were big and strong until I thought I was going to pop, I was that excited. Then Uncle Andy turned and he dick was rock solid hard. He smiled at me and asked me to continue. I didn't know what to do. I was crazy with lust but afraid. I started massaging his belly and by his pubic hairs that were silky and I could hear him moan. I looked at him and he smiled and then I looked at his cock and balls. I could see his cock twitching involuntarily and I looked at the piss hole and there was a bead of precum that began to run down his shaft like a melting ice cream cone. I made a move that I didn't think I had in me. I grabbed his cock and bent down and began to suck it. I didn't know what I was doing but I knew that I had to place my mouth on the head of his cock and lick at it."

Dan was silent but Charles could hear his heavy breathing. He looked at him and could see the bulge in his pants.

"I was afraid that Uncle Andy would push me off, get angry and tell Aunt Harried but I didn't care. I ran my tongue down the length of his shaft and back up not knowing what I was doing but loving every second. I loved the feel of the head of his cock against my tongue. Andy was moaning and caressed my hair calling out my name as I sucked on his cock. I traced the blue vein that ran the length of his cock with my tongue. Uncle Andy spread his legs and told me to insert my fingers into his ass."

"Get undressed," he ordered and I did what I was told. Somehow I didn't feel ashamed and he held my hand and pulled me toward him and kissed me full on the lips. I was startled and felt his tongue move inside my mouth. His kisses were hot and passionate and I responded. We kissed and my dick was like steel. He grabbed it and held it and said hungrily. "I want that inside of me." I was frightened, elated, crazy with heat and ready to do whatever he wanted. His hands roamed my body and he took his beard and ran it across my cock. The hairs were soft and he began to suck on my cock. I lay there wondering if I was dreaming as he was doing things that I had only thought and fantasized about. He sucked on my nipples and I thought my head would hit the ceiling as he squeezed them gently and sucked on them."

Dan laughed and Charles smiled at him. "Go on. I have a raging hardon and haven't been this hot in years."

"Uncle Andy held me to him and I began to suck on his meaty nipples. They were large and my mouth made love and one and then the other. They began to grow in my mouth and Andy was making sounds that were making me harder and harder. I wanted to bury my face in his ass." Fuck me," he cried out. I want that beautiful cock in me." I told him that I had never fucked a man before or even sucked a cock." Andy smiled and in his courtroom style said, "well, today, you're going to learn. He reached into the dresser drawer and pulled out a tube of lubricant that was hidden behind socks and lifted his legs and smeared some of the grease on my fingers and then his ass.

"Gently," he cooed and I placed a finger against his hole and pushed. My finger slipped into his ass and the warmth was overwhelming. His ass was tight and I moved my finger slowly inside him feeling powerful as he lifted his legs in the air. My fingers were all the way in and I moved it in and out and he was moving back and forth and I inserted another finger and he was crying out with glee as I finger fucked him. I was afraid that Aunt Harriet would come home and find us together and I would be gone.'

"I'm ready to be fucked," he said and kissed me with a tenderness that made me want to cry. He greased me good. "Take it slow. I know this is your first time but I want to enjoy it and want you to do the same. He squeezed my dick. "Outstanding," his said. "I placed my dick against his ass that was sweating and I grabbed his buns and squeezed them. "Oh, yes, he said. "This is going to be good." "I ran the tip of my cock that was much larger then Andy's against his hole and pushed slowly. I pushed again and felt the head slide in. I held it there and moved again and the head was all of the way in. It was the most incredible feeling as my cock made it's way into Andy's ass. He began to move slowly, my hands were on his hips and he moved up and down until I was all the way inside of him. I was pouring sweat and so was he as we began to move."

"Give it to me," he cried out and I moved faster inside of him. "Oh, yes, what a cock," he cried out. I had never heard or seen Andy like this but I was in heaven and began pounding away at his flesh and he moved his hips and ass to take me. My cock flopped out and he placed it back inside of him. He began to jerk off as I fucked him and watching him playing with himself was such a turn-on."

"Oh, Charles, fuck me. Come inside of me, he cried out, as I knew that I was ready. "Yes, baby, give it to your uncle."

"I moved quicker and quicker and I felt him clamp down on my cock with his sphincter and I knew that he was going to pop. I wanted his load, wanted it more then anything and moved inside of him and knew that I was also ready when I heard him cry out, "Oh, Oh, Oh, and he began to come. I bent over as far as I could and took his load, sucking on him as he was spurting into my mouth. It was ambrosia and I wanted him to stay in my mouth forever when I felt myself let go and came for what I thought was days inside of him. I went limp and pulled out and he pulled me toward him and kissed me. "Thank you," he said. We lay in each other's arms and then showered. Somehow his back felt better. After that we fucked whenever Aunt Harriet was away until the day that I left for college. In the beginning I felt guilty but I was young and horny and was in love with Uncle Andy."

"That was some story," Dan said. I am so hot."

Charles reached over and felt Dan's cock. "Now let me take care of you and he got up and kissed Dan on the lips and closed the lights.

Next: Chapter 2

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