Close Encounters

Published on Sep 7, 2014


Close Encounters

The following story is a complete work of fiction.

Any similarity to actual persons living or dead is completely unintentional...

not to mention I will also be so incredibly jealous too.

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Close Encounters

by Danny

-< PART ONE >-

~ First Encounter ~

My name is Max, I am fifteen-years-old and I have decided to share some of the close encounters I have had. No not with aliens, what do you think I am; some kind of weird UFO chaser? No, the close encounters I have had did not happen with little green men, but with boys that I have seen in diapers; that is to say, boys that were old enough that they should not have been wearing diapers. I myself have not worn a diaper since I was two-years-old. Mom has always said that I was very easy to potty train, unlike my older brother and sister who she says were very difficult. I have worn pants that were soaked with pee, but they were not my pants and I wasn't the one that peed in them; however that is an encounter I will share later.

Mom has said, on several different occasions, that my older brother wasn't fully potty trained until he was nearly six-years-old. He would have several accidents a week where he wet and messed in his pants until one day when he just stopped completely, all by himself. My brother is five years older than I am, but he still lives here in the house with us because he is going to college. He is an okay brother, but he is more interested in being around computers than people. I have never asked my mom how long she kept my brother in diapers though; I guess because I don't want anyone knowing that I find diapers fascinating.

I believe that the first time I ever encountered a boy in diapers that I didn't know, a stranger, was when I was about eight-years-old. It was around Christmas time, because I can remember all the decorations that were on display at K-Mart. I was there with my mom, my brother and my sister. I was not allowed to walk around on my own, even though I was eight. I always had to ride in the cart, not in the seat area but down in the basket area with the stuff mom was buying. More times than I care to remember, I found myself buried under clothes, food and other such things with only my head sticking above all the merchandise. On this particulate day while mom was looking at wrapping paper, I suddenly had to go number two. I told mom I had to go and she made my brother take me to the bathroom, which he very much was against, but he took me anyway.

If you've never been to a K-mart department store, then you probably don't know that the bathrooms are located all the way in the back of the store next to Lay-A-Way department. Of course, my brother had to keep stopping to look at some new cool toy while I cringed and suffered with the urgency of my predicament.

Finally we could see the big Lay-A-Way sign from over the shelves so my brother told me to go ahead and go, then come get him in the toy section when I was finished. I didn't bother to protest him letting me go alone, because at that point, I had to get to the bathroom or I would really make a mess of myself. As you would expect around the holidays, there was a huge crowd of people waiting to put things in Lay-A-Way, so it took me several minutes to get the ladies attention to press the button to unlock the door from behind the counter. She didn't even ask me if I wanted in the bathroom. She must have seen the incredible urgency in my face and just buzzed me in. Oh what a wonderful relief it was to finally go. It's funny, the things we remember about life but that particular moment of great relief was recorded in my mind forever.

The close encounter happened as I was coming out of the bathroom stall. When I had entered the bathroom, I was in such a dire need that I didn't notice anyone else in the bathroom and I don't remember anyone coming in while I was setting on the toilet either, so they must have already been in there when I came in and I just didn't see them. Well I sure saw them when I opened the door to the stall. Back then, they didn't have them changing table things on the walls of the bathrooms like you see in every public bathroom now. When I opened the door, a man that looked to be maybe 25 or 30 was leaning over a boy that looked to be about six or seven and the man was trying to pull a pair of red pants up over a diaper that the boy was wearing. I remember how shocked I was at the site. I just stopped half way out of the stall and stared at them both. The boy had flaming red hair and his face and legs were covered in freckles. He was not upset at all about wearing a diaper or the fact that I was standing there looking right at his exposed diaper while the man struggled to get those horrid bright-red pants pulled up. The man eventually looked up at me and I felt my face suddenly burning with embarrassment for watching them. I was so embarrassed that I ran out of the bathroom without even washing my hands. Once I finally found my brother, I tried to tell him about it but he told me to just shut up, grabbed my arm and drugged me off to find our mom. Later that night I was lying in my bed looking up at the ceiling replaying the scene over and over in my mind before I drifted off to sleep.

~ Second Encounter ~

I eventually forgot about the redheaded diaper boy from the K-Mart bathroom until nearly a year and a half later when I had another close encounter that reminded me about that boy. My second encounter was not with someone wearing a diaper, but someone needing to wear a diaper. I was nine and a half, going on ten when it happened. We were at some restaurant someplace. It was kind of like a dinner as I remember it and we were all setting in a booth that wasn't really big enough for all five of us, but we squeezed in anyway. I happened to have been stuck next to the window with my sister on my left and my brother setting beside the isle. Like usual, I was setting on a booster seat because I was so short that if I had only been setting on the bench, my chin would have been even with the table. At first, I didn't like it because I was so squashed, but when I looked out the window, I saw tons of kids climbing out of a big yellow van. It was all those kids that caught my eye because it looked like ten or more kids that must have been teenagers all the way down to 4 or 5 year olds. One boy climbed out of the side of the van wearing a white t-shirt with a big yellow and black smiley face on the front with one eye winking. He had on tan shorts and it was completely noticeable that he had wet himself quite badly. I fully expected someone to do or say something to the boy about wetting himself, but no one did or said anything. No one paid him any undue attention. He was smiling and acting happy, same as the other kids from the van, and they all came in, sat at the other side of the restaurant, and had their dinner just like we were doing. They seemed to act like nothing at all was out of the ordinary. That's when I thought to myself that maybe they are so use to him wetting that it's nothing new to them and they just ignore him when he does it. I found the whole thing very fascinating and I think that was the first moment when I really got hooked on the whole idea and started noticing it more and more.

About half way through our meal, I needed to go pee, and like I normally did, I slid out of my booster seat under the table and popped out into the isle. Mom of course reminded me to wash my hands before coming back out. I rolled my eyes and made my way to the bathroom door. I stepped up to one of the urinals. It was the kind that was about four feet tall and went all the way to the floor. It also had one of those white urinal cakes setting in the bottom. I unzipped my pants and let go a serious jet of pee that hit the back of the urinal wall and flowed down to the drain. As I was going, I heard the bathroom door open, but I didn't bother to turn around and look. Even at nine and a half going on ten, I knew that you didn't look at other boys or men when you were in a public bathroom. I just kept watching my pee splash against the back of the urinal until my bladder was empty. I had to fumble a bit to get my zipper up before I turned to see that the one that had come in was that same boy that I had seen wearing the wet shorts. He was standing two urinals away from me and pressed up close to the urinal, but he was obviously not peeing but fidgeting with his hands in front of him. For a second, our eyes met and we both quickly looked away. Then I heard him groan. He turned around and said, "Can you help me? I can't get my zipper down."

No sooner had he said the words when I saw the front of his shorts begin to get re-soaked. Then the urine started running down his leg. I actually was watching this little boy peeing in his shorts. He looked down at his shorts as he wet, then up at me and said, "Oh, too late again!"

He kicked his soaked shoes toward the urinal and pee went everywhere. He brushed at his shorts a bit and then went over to the towel. It was one of those towels that were just one big towel that you rolled around and around. He wiped his hands on the towel and then left the bathroom. That is when I realized, I had been standing there with my mouth hanging open. I must have looked like an idiot. It took me a few minutes to regain control of my brain. I washed my hands and dried them on the towel after rolling it down more to a clean area. I went back to the table, crawled back under and then up into my booster seat without saying a word. I didn't eat much more of my food, I just sat there and stared across the dinner at the boy as he smiled and ate his french-fries. I am surprised my parents didn't say something about me gawking at other people, but then they were talking about their own thing and not paying any attention to me.

Everyone else had so much to eat that they didn't want dessert. I kind of wanted some, just so we could stay longer, but I knew that since I hadn't ate all my food, mom would never let me have dessert. Dad paid the check and we left. On the way out, I managed to make eye contact with the boy again. I shot him a smile and he smiled and waved back as he stuffed another french-fry into his mouth.

~ Third Encounter ~

The next encounter occurred on my tenth birthday. A boy from my school had his birthday on the same day as me so we had our birthday parties together as one big blowout. Our parents rented a skating rink and we got to invite all of our friends and classmates to come skate for free. Man, that place was packed. There were kids there that I had never met but I didn't care cause in my mind that meant more presents for us! Everything went along as you would expect and everyone had a great time. We got so many awesome gifts and tons of money from people that just gave us cards with cash in them. Those are my favorite kinds of presents. Hint!-Hint!

Well anyway, as things were starting to wind down and several kids had already left, I was out making a few final laps around the rink when I heard my mom call me. She wanted me to come to say thank you and good-bye to everyone as they left. As I was coming off the rink floor, I saw some kid over at the end, sitting all by himself and looking kind of bummed out. I skated over to him really fast to make sure he was ok but as soon as I rolled up to him, I could see why he was so upset. He had wet marks down the legs of his pants showing that he was wearing a diaper that had sprung a serious leak.

When he looked up at me, I could instantly see that he was about to bust out crying, but I acted fast.

"Hey, my names Max and I'll help you. Stay here until I come back," I said.

I then skated over to my mom, whispered in her ear about the boy and asked her to get my jacket from the coat and shoe room, which she did. I then took my jacket to the boy, had him stand up and I tied it around his waist using the sleeve as a sort of belt and let them dangle down in front. He told me his name was Simon, and although we had never really met, I later found out that we were in the same gym class. Luckily, he already had his skates off and his shoes on so I rolled along beside him as he walked up to the door.

My mom stopped us as we got to the door and whispered to him, "Just have your mom send the jacket back later." And then he left.

After we got home, my mom praised me quite a bit for being so nice to Simon and helping him. I played it off by saying something like, "I just didn't want him to be embarrassed in from of all those kids."

That was the only time in my life that I openly supported someone that wore diapers where my family or friends knew about it. Although what I did for Simon just came naturally at the time, later when I was alone in my room, I realized just how close I came to being discovered. At age ten, being labeled is something that can stick with you forever, at least that's what I thought at the time. So I determined that, from now on, I would be more careful about hiding my secret infatuations with those that wore diapers.

I am sure you are wondering if Simon and I became friends. I am sorry to say, no we didn't. Simon's mom did bring my jacket back the next day and it had been freshly laundered, but when I tried to become friends with Simon in Gym class, he acted like I had the plague or something. I got the idea and backed off from him. I still see him in the halls sometimes at school but we never even so much as say hello to one another. I doubt if he even remembers me but I sure do remember him and Simon's secret is safe with me.

~ Fourth Encounter ~

I was lucky that I didn't have to wait too long for my next encounter. Actually, after the encounter with Simon, I found myself watching and looking for my next encounter. I couldn't play in the park or walk through a store without eyeing every boy or girl to see if they were wearing a diaper.

It happened at, of all places, my school. I was sitting in my Math class and I was really not feeling well at all. My stomach was doing flip-flops and I felt like I was going to blow chunks at any moment. When I couldn't stand it any longer, I raised my hand and asked to go see the nurse. I must have looked bad because my teacher gave me a hall pass without any questions. I started to make my way to the nurse's office but I didn't even make it halfway before my insides exploded out my mouth. I showered puke all over the hallway floor as well as splattering my pants, legs and shoes with the contents that had been my breakfast.

Now, I have heard it said that once you puke, you should start feeling better. Not me, not this time. No sooner had I stopped blowing chunks the first time and up it came again. I still don't know where the teacher came from but when I stopped puking, I saw him standing next to me. He was big, no... he was huge and I didn't remember ever seeing him before. He took hold of my shoulders and picked me up like a little boy and carried me to the nurse's office where he deposited me on one of the beds. I was still feeling incredibly bad, so I didn't really care who he was. All I wanted was to stop hurting. Before he left, I saw him talking to some lady, then the nurse came over with one of those big metal waste paper baskets that schools have and set it beside me. She was about to tell me that if I felt like I was going to be sick again to use it, but she only got out about two words and woops, there I went again. It was so fast that it went all over me, the bed and the floor. Oh man, I had never been so sick in my life. I just wanted to die at that point but the nurse didn't get upset or nothing. She simply got some towels, rags and a pan of water and started to clean me up.

Unfortunately, I had made a very bad mess of my cloths, so she took off my shirt while she wiped the puke off me. I was so sick, I didn't even protest when she removed my shoes and pants off of me and left me lying there in just my red and blue superman underwear. Had I not been so sick, I probably would have been horrified and scared that someone would see me wearing superman underwear, but at that particular moment, I didn't care about anything. I got sick two more time before she had me completely cleaned up. By then, I was so worn out; I just collapsed into the bed and fell asleep. I was asleep for about 10 or 15 minutes when I woke up and had to stick my head into the wastebasket to puke again. Fortunately, not as much, mostly dry heaves now. When I finally stopped having the dry heaves, I looked up and saw a boy in the next room through the door that was opened about a foot.

At first I didn't know what I was seeing. Then I realized that I was watching a boy, who must have been a grade past me, pulling on a pair of jeans. I only got a quick look, but for the quick few seconds, I saw his bare legs that lead up to a white diaper that was only partially covered by his green and white striped shirt. I remember, I began to snicker when I caught the dry heaves again and when I stopped and looked up again, the door was completely shut.

I fell back into the bed and realized I had a blanket over me and I pulled it up to my chin and lay there thinking about the boy. Maybe ten minutes later, the nurse came back with my dad, who looked understandably concerned. The nurse helped me sit up. My stomach muscles were really sore now as I winced in pain. My dad took off his suite coat and put it around my shoulders like a really baggy bathrobe and he took me home, dressed in his suite coat and my superman underwear. I must have looked pretty ridicules walking out the front of the school with my dad's arm around my shoulders and me wearing his coat, which came close to dragging on the ground.

Dad had to stop twice on the way home so that I could stick my head out the door. I didn't puke but I had the dry heaves both times. Between my two dry heave sessions I was leaning back in the seat when it suddenly hit me. Now I knew who that boy was in the nurse's office. His name was Sam, and he lived about two blocks from my house. I had seen him at the park many times and even played touch football with him and a bunch of other neighborhood kids. Just like Simon, I promised myself that I would keep his secret.

I found out after I got better that when my dad, who is a criminal defense trial lawyer, found out I was sick, he happened to be in the middle of a trial and asked the judge to call a recess so that he could come get me. That may not impress some people, but that floored me when I overheard mom and him talking about it. I have never looked at my dad the same since that memorable day.

~ Fifth Encounter ~

Later that same month, I had what I'd call a near encounter, because I am not sure if I really had an encounter or not. I was setting on the steps of the library with my mom and my brother while we waited for my sister and dad to come out. I had a thing for tongue twister books and was just sitting there enjoying it when a man and a six or seven year old boy walked up the steps beside me. The boy passed within a foot or so from me and though I did not see anything that would make a person think he had on a diaper, I smelled that unmistakable smell of baby powder. Maybe it was my imagination, or maybe I really did hear it, but something that sounded like crinkling when he stepped up each step caught my attention.

I broke one of my own rules just then because I turned around as they passed and looked to see if I could see the outline of a diaper under his pants. I was disappointed because he looked like any other normal boy. My mom saw me looking and I quickly said that I thought that boy looked familiar. Mom said something like, "You probably were thinking of someone else," and dropped the subject, much to my relief. After that, I was a lot more careful and on guard.

~ Sixth Encounter ~

I didn't have any more encounters that school year although I did see Sam and Simon in the halls from time to time and it would always send my mind racing, but I have always been true to them and never ever let their secret get out.

Honestly, the last month or so of school, I didn't think too much about diapers anymore because I had something more exciting to look forward too. I was going away to summer camp for three weeks and I was leaving just three days after school let out. So going to camp was all that I thought about and all that I ever talked about. I think I drove my family and friends crazy with it all but I was just so excited that I couldn't keep it all inside of me.

Now, if you've never gone away to camp before, you won't understand what it's like getting ready to go. It's kind of like trying to put a bunch of monkeys, high on sugar, into a box. It was just insane and I was so happy when school was finally over and the big day arrived.

We had to go downtown to the theater parking lot for me to catch the camp bus. I was really surprised how many kids that were there. I found out that not all of the kids were going to Camp Two Pines. There were actually three different camps represented there. The camp I went to was a regular summer camp, one of the others was for band camp and the third was what my brother called, `a nerd camp'.

The reason why I'm going to camp and my brother and sister aren't is simple. My brother has his own paper route now and it would cost him more to pay someone to do the route for three weeks then he would actually make doing it himself, so he is staying to deliver papers, but he will be staying with the neighbors the whole time since mom and dad are going to Europe. My sister is going to go stay with our grandparents because she has a crush on a boy that lives near them and she made my parents think she just loves our grandparents so much that she wants to stay with them.

Hey, what do I care? I have three weeks away from my brother picking on me and giving me noogies and from my sister stinking up the bathroom with her hairspray and junk.

I said my `goodbyes' before we left the house. I managed to convince my mom and dad not to embarrass me by getting all mushy in front of the other kids. They said goodbye and I could tell mom wanted to scoop me up, cry and hug me to death, but she restrained herself. Dad just shook my hand and said, "Have a nice time son." Sounding like he was talking to another adult but also being a bit sarcastic. Oh, and being the smarty pants that I've always been, I answered back something like, "Oh yes dear father I shall and please take care of mum while I am gone." That made them both laugh and I grabbed my things and ran for the bus. Truth be told, I was a bit choked up myself, but I wasn't about to breakdown with so many kids watching.

There were a bunch of blubbering parents all around the buses and quite a few kids blubbering too. I even heard a few begging not to go but, I had looked forward to this for months and I was so ready to go. I stopped at the door to the bus while a funny guy with sort of long hair checked my name off his list and told me to give all of my stuff to a guy that was throwing everyone's stuff up to another guy on top of the bus. I did as I was instructed and then I got on the bus.

I ended up setting next to this girl that was weird. She talked faster than anyone I had ever met, but she was kind of cute as much as girls could be when you are a kid. After about 45-minutes, the funny guy climbed on the bus and announced that everyone was accounted for and that we would be leaving in ten-minutes. He also introduced himself has Marty and about half the bus shouted out all at once, "HI MICKY!" He shot everyone a mean but silly look and shouted back, "That's Marty... bear bate!" and everyone laughed. I figured they all must be returning campers since this was my first year at camp and I had no idea why they had done that.

Just before we left, Marty ran through the camp list again and everyone said, "Here!" or some silly variation of it and then we were officially off. The trip was nearly two hours long but it went fast and we sang songs for part of the way and everyone talked with someone the rest of the time. After about a half hour of listening to Crystal, that was the girl's name that I had sat down next too, I decided I needed to move or she was going to drive me nuts. As soon as she started talking to a girl in front of her, I made my escape and moved up a few seats to where three boys were looking at what I thought at first were baseball cards but turned out to be a deck of cards with nearly nude girls on them. They welcomed me right in and the four of us joked and laughed and hit it off right away.

As luck would have it, all four of us got split into different cabins, which bummed us all out, but not for too long. When I got to my cabin, most everyone was already there and had taken a bunk. I ended up taking a bottom bunk next to the bathroom. I would later understand why no one took this earlier as I heard, every little, and not so little sound that happened in the bathroom, not to mention the smells.

There were 14 kids to every cabin and two adults. One was the camp counselor, and the other was a counselor in training called a C.I.T. Our councilor was Jake and we eventually nicknamed him Jake the Snake and sometimes just Snake for short. I honestly don't remember the real name of our C.I.T. It didn't matter since everyone just called him Frog. It even caught on with the Camp director and other councilors.

Frog was great at telling stories and he told us a different one every night for the entire three weeks. Frog was able to do a different voice for every person in each of his stories and no two characters ever sounded the same.

Jake the Snake was like the big brother that everyone wished they had. He talked to us about anything and everything we wanted to know. He even told us all about sex one evening when we all forced him to by asking him over and over again the entire day. I'm 15-years-old now and I still miss Jake and Frog. I think about them from time to time and wish I knew where they were today.

Well, anyway, my next close encounter happened on that very first night of camp. I was so wired from all the excitement that I couldn't sleep, but then, hardly anyone else could either. Jake and Frog let us talk as long as we only whispered and stayed lying down on our own beds. We talked well into the night and only stopped when sleep grew stronger than our excitement.

Being in the middle of nature, it gets so dark that once they turned out the cabin lights, you can't see your hand right in front of your face. There was a small green light in the bathroom, but the door was always closed since there was always an endless stream of people going in to relieve themselves. I figure I was out for about two hours or more when I woke up to my bed shaking.

To say I was scared from the shaking of my bed would be an understatement. I was so scared, I could not move. I had images of being initiated since I was one of three new kids in our cabin. But after a moment, the bed stopped moving and after another moment, the bathroom door swung open. I briefly saw that the kid going into the bathroom was the same kind from the bunk above me. I calmed down after that and didn't think anything else about him until he came back out of the bathroom and started to climb back up to the top bunk. That is when I heard that unmistakable crinkle sound.

I bolted up in my bed and reached out into the darkness and caught him by the leg. I must have scared him nearly to death because I heard a small audible gasp as his whole body went completely ridged.

I think I was just as scared as he was at that moment and my mind was racing to find a way out as I heard my own voice whisper into the darkness, "You didn't flush."

I was still holding on to his leg and he was still not moving at all. It seemed a long dead pause before he whispered down, "I was getting a drink of water."

Now he knew it was a lie, and I knew it was a lie, and I could have said that the water never turned on, but for some reason I let go of his leg and whispered, "Oh . . . ok then . . . sorry."

Though I couldn't see him, I could tell by the way the bed suddenly shuttered that he swung himself up into the bed. I lay there, my heart beating so hard I thought it was going to explode through my chest and I noticed he was either breathing really hard or he was trying to muffle the sound of himself crying; I wasn't sure which.

The second night played out the same exact way except everyone was so worn out from the lack of sleep the night before and from the three hour nature hike they took us on after lunch that most everyone collapsed into their beds and were sound asleep within minutes. I couldn't go to sleep. Although I was so very tired, I had spent the entire day thinking about my bunkmate, whom I found out at breakfast was named Buz.

Buz did his best all day to avoid eye contact with me. He was obviously scared I was going to tell everyone his secret but I had no intention of going around blabbing. As a matter of fact, I wanted to talk to him and let him know that I was willing to help him hide it from everyone, but I couldn't get close to him all day. Even if I could have, there were too many other kids around that I couldn't have brought it up.

So, I lay there in my bed wide-awake and sure enough, I felt the bed start to shutter just a bit. I could tell he was being even more careful not to wake me this time. I let him get all the way down and I pretended to be sleeping when he opened the bathroom door. I had my eyes closed, just enough that in the dim green glow from the bathroom, I would look to be out cold, yet I could still faintly see him. He looked over at me to be sure I was sleeping and then stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. I wanted to get up and go into the bathroom too, but I didn't want him to think I was cornering him, so I waited for him to come back out.

This time, he did flush the toilet, which really wasn't smart because if I had been asleep, I would have woken up because it was that loud. I still faked like I was asleep when he came out and after the door closed again, I listened closely this time and I could hear him getting closer to the bed. I knew right where he was in relation to me as he started to climb up. I sat up, reached out and grabbed him, this time getting a hold of his waste right at the waistband of his pajama bottoms. I felt and heard the crinkle from my hands touching him and this time, I pulled him back down. Surprisingly, he didn't go all stiff and with the slightest hesitation, he came back down. I pulled him all the way onto my bed and I felt him sit down beside my knees. I could both feel and hear him breathing hard. He was scared and I was sure that if I could see his face, he would look like he had just seen the angel of death. Since I couldn't see, I had to reach out with my other hand. I found his pajama shirt, took a hold of it and pulled him closer so that we were face-to-face and only inches apart.

"I know." I whispered so soft that no one but he could hear me.

He didn't say a word, didn't move, and didn't do anything but breath very hard. I could feel his breath on my face. It felt cold and smelled of the meatloaf surprise we had for supper. Buz was literally scared to death and I had to calm him down.

"I know, but I swear your secret is safe with me. I will never tell a single person. Heck I will even help cover for you if you need me too." I paused for a second then whispered, "Ok?"

Buz was shaking in my hands and it took him several seconds to squeak out a barely audible, "Ok".

I knew Buz needed more so I figured I would give it to him.

"I used to wet too. The only reason I was allowed to come to camp this year was because I had been dry for three whole months." I wasn't sure what I was saying or even if Buz would believe me, but I wanted him to trust me.

After I said that, I felt him relax and he stopped shaking.

He whispered so quietly that I could hardly hear him but I got the idea of it, "Really? You really did?"

"Yeah! So you know now that your secret is safe with me!" I reassured him again.

"Ok, I better get in my bed." He said and with one hard shake of the bunk he was up on his bed.

After a couple of minutes of complete silence, I felt the bed shutter a bit again and I heard Buz's voice close enough that I knew he had his head hanging over the side.

"Max? You still awake?"

"Yes," I said toward the direction his voice came from.

"Thanks Max," he whispered again.

"Don't mention it," I whispered back again.

The bed shuttered again and I felt him settle in. We both fell asleep a few minutes later.

After that night, Max and I were inseparable. No matter what we were doing or were we were going, we went together. Eventually I found out that he wasn't wearing diapers as I thought of them but was actually wearing GoodNites, which at the time, I had never heard of but he showed me them one night when we both snuck into the bathroom together.

I now know more about them cause I looked at the package on a store shelf after I got back home, but at the time, I remember thinking to myself how un-diaper like they really looked. I even told him they looked like real underwear. Of course, Buz never let me see them on him. He always had his pajamas on over them and I never dared ask to see either. The only reason he let me look at one that one night was because I had told him that I never wore diapers and that I always had to sleep in a wet bed. Yeah I know it was more lies but it helped Buz to feel more comfortable about the whole ordeal.

The whole three weeks of summer camp were great, aside from getting stung by a yellow jacket and having to endure screaming pain in my foot for a few days, but Buz stayed with me and sat on the benches with me while we watched everyone else playing kickball or soccer or whatever.

I think Buz was my very best friend ever and it hurt like mad when I had to say goodbye to him at the end of the three weeks. Unfortunately, Buz's family lived over two hours away from us, so I never got to see him again after that summer. We sent each other letters for a few weeks after camp but then his letters stopped and I found out two weeks before school was due to start again that Buz was killed in a car accident with his aunt when they were hit by a truck driver that was drunk. Dad said they both died instantly and didn't suffer. I still think about Buz all the time and I really miss him.

Next: Chapter 2: Close Encounters 14 15

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