
By Miss Meehan

Published on Sep 27, 2005


Coach -- Chapter 2 -- Hopelessly Devoted to You Author's Note: This chapter contains spoilers for the episodes "Devoted, Transference, Pariah &Unsafe Pairing: Clark Kent/Jason Teague Feedback to: or Disclaimer: Smallville and its characters are owned and copyrighted by DC Comics and Tollin/Robbins Productions. No copyright infringement is Intended.

Part 1 -- Hopelessly Devoted

Lana was seething as she watched from the stands. Jason was kneeling in front of Clark, probably consoling him for not getting a chance to play in the game. To the average spectator that's all they would see. But Lana knew better. It wouldn't be the first time the virtuous Clark Kent stole one of her boyfriends. First Whitney now Jason. And although she knew nothing ever really happened between the former jock turned war hero, Lana was well aware why Clark wanted so desperately to play football. What she couldn't understand was why the man that followed her to Smallville from Paris was suddenly fawning over Clark in plain view of the student body.

Jason couldn't explain it himself. Why he felt a need to be close to Clark. It was true he was infatuated with the teen every since they met in his office. To keep himself from ogling the beautiful new addition to the team, he kept drinking from the cooler that the cheerleaders had brought out. Suddenly he felt warm, no that wasn't exactly true. He felt hot. He took another sip and realized it wasn't from the heat. It was from desire. He saw the forlorn green eyes of Clark angsting over not getting into the game. Suddenly he was at Clark's side, stroking his knee and whispering assurances to him.

"Don't worry baby, you'll get to play real soon. I promise. Can you hang in there a little longer for me sweetie?"

Clark was sure he was daydreaming. Every since he met the new assistant coach, this scenario was just part of a number that played out in his head daily. Of course in his dreams there was a little more privacy. Fortunately with the cheering and the noise of the crowd, no one but Clark could hear what Jason was saying.

"His eyes are dreamy," Clark thought as the spot where Jason rubbed sent a warm sensation that was spreading higher rapidly. He felt heat building behind his eyes and quickly jumped up before he set the whole football field on fire. Clark made a beeline for the cooler and drank rapidly, trying to get his emotions in check.

"Why would Jason come on to me in such a public place?" He wondered.

Part of him really didn't care. He knew that Jason was attracted to him and that was all that mattered. He felt warm breath on his neck and turned to find Jason just scant inches away from him. Clark was about to suggest they act out the rest of his fantasy somewhere private when he suddenly felt excruciating pain. He couldn't breathe and his stomach was tied up in knots. The last thing he remembered was Jason's panicked look as he fell forward into Jason's arms.

When he woke he was in his own bed trying to remember how he'd gotten there. A soft knock on the door and then it opened slowly.

"Clark?" His father called.

"Dad, what happened? How'd I get here?"

"It's a long story son. I'm just happy you're awake. Your coach has been stopping by for two days trying to see you."

"Jason came to see me?" Clark felt a sudden burst of energy.

"Yep. Right up until he landed in the hospital himself."

"Is he okay? What happened to him?"

The panic in his son's voice did not go unnoticed by the senior Kent. He wasn't sure how much to reveal to his son. He knew his friend Chloe would probably fill him in on the details, so he decided to tell him what he knew.

"Well son," he began as he sat by Clark's side, "apparently some cheerleaders concocted a love potion using kryptonite as a main ingredient."

"That's what made me sick," Clark said thoughtfully.

"It also made whoever drank it obsessed with the person they loved," Jonathan added carefully.

Clark wrinkled his brow not fully understanding what his father was getting at.

"Son, your coach didn't just come to visit you. He was rather persistent that he see you. We almost had to call the sheriff on him when we caught him trying to climb the trellis to your bedroom window."

Jonathan looked away from his son and focused on the checkered pattern on his comforter instead.

" he okay?" Clark held his breath while he waited for the answer.

"He's fine. He's home and recuperating just like you."

A long sigh of relief escaped his lips before he realized what his father had been implying.

"Dad, I want you to know that nothing...Jason and I..."

"Clark, you don't have to explain. It's become obvious to your mother and me that you have...tendencies towards..."

"That I'm attracted to guys?"

"Well ... um... yes and your mother believes it may be quite natural where you come"

"Are you disappointed Dad?"

Jonathan looked up into the pleading eyes of his son. The boy had been through so much over the last two years, he had tried so hard to be normal and accepted that the last thing Jonathan wanted to do was lay a guilt trip on him based on his own prejudices.

"No son. I'm not. But I don't approve of you having a relationship with a teacher either."

"We're not having a relationship. I wasn't even sure he was interested until two days ago and that only happened because he was drugged."

Jonathan smiled and patted his son's hand. "You haven't been listening to what I've been saying. The drug only worked if the person actually had feelings for you in the first place."

Clark couldn't hold back the smile of satisfaction that came over him when he realized what his father really meant. He met his father's eyes and tried to compose himself.

"Clark, just promise me one thing," Jonathan said trying to remain stern, "if you both have feelings for each other, just wait until after graduation to act on them."

"I will. I promise. Dad, I'm feeling better. Can I go see him?"

"Tomorrow son. Now if you're really feeling better, come downstairs and have something to eat. Your mother is making soup and she'll be happy to see that you're awake."

"Deal. Soup today. Jason tomorrow."

"It's a deal," Jonathan said, chuckling and shaking his head as he left the room.

Clark swung his legs over the side of the bed. Clark opted for a quick shower and then downstairs for soup. He couldn't wait for the day to be over so he could go and check on Jason. He only hoped that Jason would want to see him.

Part 3 - Student Exchange Program

Although Clark had promised his father that he and Jason would cool it till after graduation, it was a promise he couldn't fully keep. They hadn't had sex yet, but that was mostly because of Jason. Their make out sessions were getting more intense and the silly above the waist rule that Jason had imposed on them was becoming more and more impossible to keep. Clark didn't understand the purpose of having a boyfriend if he had to come home and jerk off after seeing him. On top of that, Jason was even stricter about Clark's curfew than Jonathan was.

Clark believed their relationship could go further if he told Jason the truth. Not his alien truth, but the truth about his not being a virgin. Lex had the honor of deflowering him shortly after his return from the deserted island. Lex had brought the farm for them and his dad didn't seem to hate Lex so much. His parents were so happy that Clark was staying with them that they had allowed him to spend the night at Lex's.

Lex and Clark stayed up half the night talking about the three months he'd been lost on that island. Clark had felt guilty about being so stoned on red kryptonite that he hadn't even tried to save his friend. The topic turned to Clark's summer in Metropolis, and while Clark managed to remain a virgin that summer, he admitted to Lex that new feelings he'd been afraid to admit to had emerged. Clark recalled fondly the way Lex stroked his thigh while he struggled to put into words what Lex already knew about him.

"It's okay," Lex had assured him. "I'm glad your first time wasn't in some dirty alley behind a nightclub."

Clark had asked Lex if that's how his first time was.

"Don't worry Clark," Lex answered. "Despite my numerous trials, I do have a few fond memories."

Clark had leaned over and kissed him. Grateful that something in Lex's life had made him happy. A small kiss grew into a passionate embrace, then touching. Before the evening was over, both men were lying on the plush rug grinding against each other until Clark begged Lex to enter him.

Clark decided it might be best to leave out the details of who his lover was and just admit to not being a virgin. He had decided to see Jason that very weekend after the Friday Night game. One of the things Clark loved about Jason was his selflessness. He encouraged Clark to try out for the best colleges no matter how far away they were. He wanted Clark to have the best and he refused to stand in the way of that. No matter what the outcome of the game, Clark was determined to celebrate with Jason and offer himself to him fully.

Clark was standing in the field tossing the football, pretending he'd just thrown the winning touchdown into a bucket held high in the air by an old wooden pole.

"And the Crows take the state championship," Clark shouted, waving to an imaginary crowd.

"I knew you were talented. I didn't know you could see the future," the voice of his lover said from behind him.

Clark turned and was just about to say something really dirty when he saw his father was standing there too.

As if Jason could read his mind, he waggled an eyebrow. Clark who truly believed blushing was one of his abilities felt his face go red.

"I was just practicing," he answered, embarrassed.

"That's good. It's good to visualize game-winning plays, especially when the coach from Metropolis University is coming to the game on Friday night to check out the new star quarterback," Jason beamed with pride.

"Are you kidding me?" Clark wanted to tackle the blond coach to the ground and make love to him right there but decided his father wouldn't appreciate being a spectator.

"I don't kid about football," Jason smiled again. He loved the way Clark's face lit up like a child at Christmas.

Jonathan was about to excuse himself when Clark suddenly doubled over clasping his hands to his ears.

"You okay?" Jason said, his voice full of concern.

"Coach, I'll take care of him," Jonathan interrupted. "Thanks for stopping by. That's great news."

Jason stood there totally confused at what just happened. It was clear to him that whatever was going on, the Kent's didn't want him to be involved. He debated about running to the house and checking on him anyway, but considering how gracious the Kent's had been about not pressing charges when he attempted to break into Clark's bedroom, he thought it best to leave.

Clark told his father what was going on. The incredible ringing grew louder and Clark sped away towards the sound. As soon as he got back he promised himself to go to Jason and reassure him that all was well. The noise led him to the Kansas State Penitentiary where former business mogul Lionel Luthor currently resided. Clark burst into the prison just in time to see Lionel reaching for Lex. He had something in his hand. The next thing Clark knew he was trapped in the dying billionaire's body. He wasn't sure what to do or who to call. He called out for Lex who was leaving with the imposter in his body. He only hoped that Lex wouldn't use the opportunity to try to get the fake Clark back into his bed. Lex had enough psychological problems without adding incest into the mix.

As Clark was dragged back to Lionel's cell all he could think of was Jason. He knew the logical thing to do would be to call his parents, but somehow he felt strongly to call Jason. He knew Jason had a passing acquaintance with Lionel and Lex through his mother so perhaps he could convince Jason to see him and he'd believe him when he told him what had transpired. After having been affected by the meteor laced Gatorade, Clark figured he could convince Jason that anything was possible in Smallville.

The day before Clark's big debut, Jason thought it best to check on Clark no matter what the Kent's might think. The first thing he noticed was that Clark was no longer wearing his usual plaid ensemble. The blue shirt and tan pants made Clark look so much more mature. Clark even seemed to have a confidence about him that was usually lacking. Jason often wondered how a boy so beautiful could have such low self-esteem.

Clark acted like he hardly knew him and worst than that quit the team and ushered him out the door. His exact words as Jason recalled were, "I need to rethink my priorities." And despite Jason reminding him about the importance of the game on Friday, he found himself on the other side of the Kent front door with said door slammed in his face.

Jason wasn't sure if he was one of the priorities that needed to be rethought, but he sure as hell wasn't going to knock on the door again and ask. As Friday approached, Jason decided to put his pride aside, since he for all intents and purposes left it behind in Paris the minute he flew halfway around the world to chase a girl he didn't even like anymore. He drove up to the Kent farm and headed for the loft to check on Clark again. This time he got to see his boyfriend kissing their former girlfriend. Jason left quietly and got back in his car. On the drive home he made his decision. When the school year was out, he would return to Paris.

Part 4 -- Unfaithful

By the time Clark got his life back, damage control became his top priority. Thanks to his mom and Lionel's cell mate Edgar he was able to get his body back. But Lionel had managed to screw his life up royally. Lana was practically making wedding plans for them and poor Lex was under the impression that they would be living together in Metropolis once Clark graduated. Clark didn't have the heart to tell Lex that he'd rekindled a relationship with his own father, so he decided to play the heavy and break up with Lex again. He knew Lex would probably hate him forever, but he'd rather that then for Lex to know the truth about who he'd been spending his nights with.

Breaking up with Lana wasn't as difficult as Lex. Clark actually still had feelings for Lex. Lana was a totally different matter. He simply told her the truth. It was odd coming out to Lana and admitting that her boyfriend was now his, but he figured by now she should get used to that what with Whitney and all.

Both his mother and father were acting strange. They both would blush and look away every time Clark was near. Clark wouldn't let his mind wonder too much what that was all about.

Suffice it to say, Clark spent an inordinate amount of time showering, trying to purify the body Lionel had sullied.

The one person Clark hadn't seen yet was the one he had missed the most. It was clear Jason was avoiding him and in light of the fact that Lana and the impostor Clark were back together, it didn't take him long to figure out the Jason must have somehow found out about it.

Clark headed back to the coach's office to make sure things were square with Jason. While his body had been occupied by Lionel, he had missed the Friday night game and according to his father, had quit the football team. Even if Jason wouldn't let him back on the team, he still wanted to give himself to Jason now more than ever before. Clark fended off vicious attacks from inmates while in Lionel's body. The only thing that kept him going was being with Jason again. Jason was in his office and Clark noticed immediately that the assistant coach was treating him very cool.

Clark decided the direct approach would be the best.

"Look Jason, whatever happened between us over the last few weeks, I just want you to know that I wasn't myself."

"Why are you here Clark? You're not on the team anymore," the young coach said barely looking at Clark.

"I want back on the team and a chance to explain myself."

"No and no. Was there anything else you wanted?"

"Yes," Clark said, undaunted by his boyfriend's refusal to forgive him, "you."

Jason stilled. During his time with Lana, she constantly whined about Clark's erratic behavior and his clumsy attempts at apologies. Jason had promised himself if the quarterback did anything like that to him, he'd show him the door. But now that the moment was staring him square in the face, he wasn't sure he could do it. In fact, he wanted to lock the door and take Clark over his desk. But nothing Clark said could explain his taking up with Lana again.

"Clark, I'm not Lana. You..."

Clark interrupted. "I know. You're prettier."

Jason sighed and fought back the urge to give into Clark's charm. He looked the teen square in the eye and continued.

"You can't hurt me like you did and just say you're sorry. And you can't use our relationship to leave the team and come back whenever you feel like it. I worked hard to get the scouts from Met U to come and see you play. Not only did you let the team down and blow any chance you had of getting a scholarship, but you let me down as well. How could you?"

Clark walked around the desk and knelt at Jason's side.

"I'm so sorry. If I could just see you tonight, I'll try to explain everything to you. I guess it's time I told you the truth about myself. Please say you'll see me tonight."

Clark stared up at Jason with beautiful pleading emerald eyes. Jason once thought Lana was a fool for all the times she told him she gave Clark another chance. Now he was about to play the fool himself.

"Okay," he sighed, "you can stop by tonight around seven ... to talk," he added for emphasis.

Jason was determined not to touch Clark until he was satisfied that the young man wouldn't make a habit of breaking his heart.

"Tonight at seven," Clark smiled up at him.

He attempted to kiss Jason but the blond pulled away.

"To talk," he stressed again.

Clark stood and nodded. He'd accept just talking for now. Tonight he would risk it all and tell Jason everything. When he finally got home from school he made a beeline to his loft. As he stood in the mirror rehearsing what he would say to Jason, he suddenly felt strange and slightly nauseous.

"So you're planning to come out to someone after all," a woman's voice said from behind him.

Clark whirled around to see Alicia holding a piece of Kryptonite in her hand.

"Alicia, don't," Clark cried out before falling to his knees.

The room began to spin as he felt something go around his neck.

Jason didn't let on, but he was secretly excited about Clark coming over. He had already made up in his mind to give the teen a second chance. After their talk, Jason was planning to abandon all his rules and do what he wanted to with Clark since the first day he set eyes on him.

Jason had stopped at the local market and decided to prepare a special meal for Clark. He even bought Clark's favorite desert from a nearby bakery. Normally he would have purchased something from the Talon, but he wanted to avoid Lana.

The table was set and the fresh flowers Jason hand picked on the way home were set as the centerpiece. Jason checked himself in the mirror one more time before trying to sit patiently and wait for Clark. It was a few minutes after seven and Jason smiled knowing that his lover was never punctual. Even at practices, Clark arrived late. In front of the team, Jason would chew him out, but behind closed doors he would scold him playfully and shower him with kisses and Clark would promise to be on time until the next time.

By seven-thirty, Jason was beginning to worry. Maybe Clark changed his mind about getting back together. Lana had emphasized how unpredictable Clark could be. He almost had an urge to go to the Talon to see if Clark was there. By eight o'clock Jason decided to call the Kent's just to see if Clark had left.

By the time the conversation with Jonathan and Martha ended, all three were worried.

Apparently his parent's hadn't seen him since he left for school that morning. Jason explained that Clark was supposed to stop by. He thought it wise not to divulge the rest of his plans for Clark. Frustrated, Jason quickly scribbled a note and taped it to his front door. It was a note instructing Clark to wait for him, he'd be back. It was now nearly nine o'clock and as much as Jason didn't want to believe it, he decided to head for the Talon and check to see if Clark was there.

The Talon was empty and there was no sign of Clark anywhere.

"Looking for someone?"

Jason turned slowly around trying to fix his face before facing Lana.

"Just looking for Clark. We got our signals crossed and I thought he might be here."

He tried to sound as casual as possible but he could tell by the smug look on Lana's face that she wasn't buying it.

"That happens a lot with Clark," she said pushing past him, "get used to it."

As she started to climb the stairs to the apartment she called over her shoulder, "You might want to try Lex's place. They used to be very ... close."

She smiled and disappeared into the apartment. Jason had a mind to run up the stares, bitch slap her and demand to know what she meant by that last comment. Instead, he got back in his car and headed to Lex's home. His conversation with Lex was equally cryptic and Jason left knowing that Clark had a tendency of hurting people who loved him. Jason pulled over to the side of the rode and fought hard not to cry over tonight's events. When he had explained to Lex why he was there, the man coolly explained to him that chasing Clark had been a full time and expensive habit. He had quit the addiction and moved on. Something in his tone told Jason that wasn't entirely true. It was obvious that he and Clark's relationship had left the young billionaire bitter.

Jason returned home disappointed to see the note still on his door. He tore it down and went inside. He cleaned up putting everything but the desert away hoping against hope that Clark would still turn up. He mulled over the things Lex and Lana said to him. As innocent as Clark seemed, it was apparent that a relationship with him was nothing but trouble. Jason sat on his sofa all night until he drifted off to sleep.

When Clark woke up, he felt like he had a hangover. His surroundings were unfamiliar and he was having trouble recalling exactly what had happened. He felt a warm body curled against him and he smiled, recalling his plans with Jason. Turning into the form next to him, panic struck when he realized it was a woman and not his love. Clark jumped out of the garishly decorated bed and spun around looking for his clothes. The figure stirred and stretched and all the memories of the night before flooded his brain as Alicia sat up and greeted him.

"Good morning husband."

Part 5 - If At First You Don't Succeed

Clark and Alicia had returned to Smallville only a few hours before word reached Jason that his boyfriend was married. Lex was the first to apprise him of the news, having stopped by the Kent's to see if Clark was still missing and walking in on a heated argument between the two pair of Kent's.

Lex's Aston Martin couldn't go fast enough as he was determined to break the somber news to his rival face to face. Jason wasn't as adept at masking his feelings as Lex was and the young Luthor relished every moment of anguish and hurt that played across Jason's face.

"But don't worry," Lex spoke over his shoulder as he made his grand exit, "from what I hear, the Kent's are having the marriage annulled.

Jason stood devastated by the news. Worst case scenario, he thought Clark had chickened out of their planned rendezvous. He'd learned that his beloved had a penchant for running away in a pinch. Never in a million years had he dreamed that Clark would up and get married so hastily. Lana and Lex were right. Clark was bad news and could offer nothing but heartache.

Jason decided that his plans for the end of semester were for the best. He would return to Paris and leave Smallville and Clark Kent behind. Before he did though, he was determined to find out one thing. Why would Clark betray him like this? What kind of a man was Clark really? He couldn't believe the boy he'd spent nights making out with could be so cold and callous.

Grabbing his car keys, Jason decided to head for the Kent farm to meet the Mrs. and confront one Clark Jerome Kent.

Clark's only thought during the whole argument with his parents was to find Jason and tell him everything; the marriage, his alien origins, everything. Unfortunately, Lex walked in on the heated discussion and if Clark knew Lex as well as he thought he did, Jason would soon be hearing of his nuptials from his former boyfriend.

By the time his parents were through lecturing and phoning his grandfather for legal advice, Alicia was settled in Clark's bedroom and Clark was high-tailing it over to Jason's. At this point he didn't care if Lex wondered how he beat him to Jason's, he had to tell Jason everything or risk losing him forever.

Jason was just heading for his car when a rush of wind nearly knocked him off his feet. When he regained his balance, Clark was standing before him flushed and breathless. Jason was a little confused but glad the teen had come. No sense in him wasting gas on someone who didn't want to be with him.

"Clark, I was just..."

And then the teen was all over him, kissing him and begging for forgiveness between kisses.

Jason couldn't make out everything that was being said. He heard married, and something about a red crypt at night, and alien scattered throughout the apologies.

"Remember when you drank the Gatorade laced with meteor rock. How they made you act?"

Clark spoke in one breath. "That's what happened to me, only I wanted it to be with you and I'm so sorry. I love you. Please forgive me."

More kisses ensued and by the time he'd gotten Clark to calm down, the only thing that made sense was that Clark said he loved him. Trying to be the rational adult, Jason pulled the teen back inside and to his apartment.

"Now let's try this from the beginning," Jason said.

He listened patiently as Clark began his story.

"Do you remember what happened to you when you drank the meteor rock laced Gatorade?"

Jason nodded.

"Well that's what happens to me when I'm around the rocks too. The green ones make me sick and the red ones make me lose my inhibitions."

Jason furrowed his brow. "There are different color meteors?"

"Yes and they affect me different and Chloe could tell you all about the strange things that have happened here but she doesn't know why all these things effect me more than anybody else." Clark took another deep breath and was about to continue.

"Clark, did you get married?" Jason asked somberly.

"Yes, but I didn't mean to," Clark began again, quickly explaining about the rocks again.

"Okay...okay. Calm down. Do you love this girl? I mean, I did what I did under the influence of the meteors because I...I wanted you. Is that what happened to you?"

Jason braced himself; not really wanting to hear his former star quarterback's answer.

"No Jason. I loved Alicia once, but that was because she was me."

Clark ran his hands through his hair and closed his eyes for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. He needed Jason to understand what had happened to him.

Jason wanted to believe everything his would be lover was telling him. He could tell Clark was truly sorry and was earnestly seeking forgiveness but according to Lex and Lana this was just par for the course. His heart wanted to trust and believe his lover and he was almost ready to when he heard the words.

"My name is not Clark. I'm an alien. I'm Kal-el from the planet Krypton."

Jason would have laughed under other circumstances but Clark's eyes were pleading with him to believe him and the scary thing for Jason was that a small part of him did. After all, his family had more than its share of unusual family members including his own mother.

"Jason, say something," Clark pleaded.

"So should I call you Clark or Kal-el?" Jason asked skeptically.

Clark knew he sounded like a deranged lunatic. Listening to himself babble on he almost didn't believe it.

"I can prove it."

"Okay, take me to your spaceship."

Clark cast his eyes downward and answered, "I don't have it anymore."

"You don't have it anymore? What did you do, trade it in for your pickup truck?"

Clark was growing furious. He knew how all this sounded, but Jason himself had seen some of the strange things that occurred. Still he willed himself to remain calm and tell Jason everything he'd meant to before he ended up having a honeymoon in Vegas.

"Jason," Clark began, rising from the sofa and pacing the small apartment, "I know this sounds like the ravings of a madman but I am telling you the truth. My parents found me and my spaceship the day of the meteor shower fifteen years ago. Lionel Luthor arranged a fake adoption for them. I'm very strong and I can run fast and nothing can harm me as far as I know except Krypt...meteor rocks."

Jason raised an eyebrow studying how to answer his obviously crazy boyfriend. Before he could, he found himself and the sofa raised high above said boyfriend's head. His feet dangled helplessly and he whined like a schoolgirl begging to be put down. Clark slowly lowered the sofa. Jason stared at him with a look of fear and disbelief that Clark always feared. He was waiting for Jason to call the police, the FBI or worst the National Enquirer. Instead he slowly got off the couch and stood in front of him.

"What else can you do?"

Without a second thought, Clark swept Jason up in his arms and carried him to the rooftop.

"Do you trust me?" Clark asked softly.

Jason nodded absently.

"Then hold on," Clark said, stepping onto the ledge of the eight story building.

Jason wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck. His mind was screaming to fight before the boy killed them both but his heart was longing to stay in his arms forever even if it meant dying in them.

"Clark wait..."

Before he could finish, Clark was over the edge. Jason's belly did flips like when he use to ride the roller coasters growing up. He felt the sensation of wind pushing through his hair and clothes. He clung on tight looking over Clark's shoulder and seeing houses and farms dash by below them.

"Clark is flying," he thought incredulously.

He squinted against the wind and managed to look in his boyfriend's face. Clark glanced down at him momentarily before fixing his gaze on the horizon and lifting them further into the air.

The air was getting thinner and Jason was gasping for breath. Clark dipped his head and kissed his former coach. For Jason it was like being on life support. Suddenly his lungs didn't feel tight and constricted. He kissed and breathed into the younger man's mouth. Suddenly the chill of the air didn't seem to touch his body. He felt warm and safe.

Moments later he felt them making their descent and when he dared a peak, they were back on the roof of his apartment. Clark placed the slightly older man gently down on the ground.

Jason's arms were still wrapped firmly around his neck. They stared into each other's eyes; Clark's searching for acceptance and forgiveness. Finally Jason spoke.

"So," the assistant coach said, his lips mere inches from Clark's, "What else can you do?"

Clark pressed his lips against Jason's and swept him up in his arms again. Within seconds they were back inside Jason's apartment; in his bedroom to be specific. Jason made a mental note to replace the lock he was sure Clark had just broken and to replace the shirt Clark was ripping off of him and the pants too. Clark's clothes soon followed suit but with less tearing.

Clark pressed his naked body on top of Jason's and murmured in his ear, "Have you ever played Alien Invader?"

Part 6 -- Finally

"Clark, are you sure about this," Jason asked in spite of himself.

"Mmm," was the alien's reply as he began a slow rhythmic roll of his hips against Jason's.

Jason wanted to ask again but his own hips were responding to Clark's, meeting them thrust for thrust. His hands were pinned above his head and soft lips were exploring his mouth, his chin and the hollow of his neck. It was clear to him Clark had some experience or perhaps his planet had studied the art of seduction.

"I can't believe I'm making love to an alien," Jason muttered.

"Correction, an alien is making love to you," Clark said, emphasizing each word with a kiss.

Jason wanted to say something else but Clark's tongue was pushing its way into his mouth so he decided to hold his pithy reply for a later time. They kissed and kissed and kissed. Each kiss punctuated with the grinding of their pelvises together. Clark was rocking against Jason pressing him down into the mattress. Jason arched into his lover's body to increase the contact. When his mouth was finally released, Jason stared up into the deep green half-lidded eyes and pleaded.

"Let me touch you."

His hands were immediately released and Jason took his time letting them roam down the smooth expanse of skin. Clark's back and shoulders were iron covered with velvet. Jason spread his fingers apart to cover more territory, slowly tracing over the shoulder blades, letting his hands glide down Clark's flank until he reached the small of his back.

Clark whimpered slightly urging Jason to explore further. Jason obliged and kneaded and squeezed the firm round half moons of his lover. He spread his cheeks apart and teased the crease of his bottom with one finger. Clark shuddered against him, increasing the speed of his thrusts against Jason. Both men were wet with pre-cum causing a delicious slide of flesh against flesh.

"Let me make love to you," Jason whispered.

He felt Clark's whole body tighten and the ripple of muscles beneath his hand was intoxicating.

Clark was panting hard.

"You okay," Jason asked, bringing his hands to his lovers face.

Clark just nodded and rolled them over, pulling Jason on top of him.

Jason stared down at the body beneath him. The boy was trembling.

"Clark, are you sure you're okay?"

Clark closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on speaking.

"It's just that...the way you asked...I've dreamed about this day since I met you. I was beginning to think it would never happen."

Clark's eyes were glassy with tears. He squeezed his eyes shut to hold them back and Jason kissed each lid tenderly.

"Don't worry sweetheart," Jason reassured, "It is happening and nothing's gonna keep us apart again. I promise."

Jason sealed his promise with a passionate kiss before reaching over into his nightstand and preparing himself to enter his lover for the very first time.

"It was worth it," Jason thought looking down at his lover. "All the stops and starts were worth it."

Clark watched Jason slipping the condom on over his cock. Jason caught Clark smiling.

"What?" Jason asked.

"You don't need that. It's not like I can get sick or anything."

"Maybe I don't want alien cooties," Jason snarked. He leaned down and silenced Clark's reply with a kiss.

Jason was about to slick himself with the gel when Clark stilled his hands and looked at Jason for permission. Jason nodded and removed his hands allowing Clark to smooth the gel on his sheaved cock.

"To hell with this," Jason said tearing the condom off and forcing Clark's hands back on his rod.

Clark laughed and gently glided his slick fingers up and down the shaft enjoying the look of absolute pleasure on his former coach's face as his hands made contact with the hard flesh.

Clark stroked him up and down with precision and for a moment it hurt Jason to know that Clark had probably done this with Lex.

"What's wrong," Clark asked, a hint of fear in his voice.

Jason realized the Clark was watching him and must have seen something in his eyes.

"Clark," Jason paused, not sure if this was a good time to do this. "Were you and Lex...did the two of you..."

"Yes Jason," Clark answered with unflinching honesty. He was determined that there be no more secrets between him and Jason. "We were lovers. It's been over for nearly a year."

Clark watched the blonde as he mulled over the information Clark had given him so freely.

"I'm sorry. I'm ruining the moment," Jason murmured.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Jason let his eyes roam the tan sinewy body beneath him.

"Not really," he smiled before kissing him again. "What I really want is do some anal probing of my alien hostage."


"Hmm?" Jason muttered raising Clark's legs over his shoulders.

"Can we can the alien jokes?"

"Who was the one that wanted to play alien invader?" Jason asked with raised eyebrow.

Clark gave him an embarrassed smile.

"Now hush and prepare to be conquered," Jason ordered.

Clark would have protested again but the feel of his lover nudging at his entrance was too good to start bickering about his corny alien jokes. Jason wrapped his hands around Clark's thighs and nudged at his opening. Clark always thought it was strange that he was impervious to pain but could feel touches and be aroused so easily. Had things worked out with Lex, he would have asked him to help him solve this mystery about body.

"You okay." Jason was staring at him quizzically.

"Just thinking," Clark smiled.

"Did anyone ever tell you it's impolite to let your mind wander when an incredibly sexy man is about to make love to you?"

"No," Clark laughed, "but the next time one does, I'll try to pay attention.

"That does it Kent, you're ass is mine."

Clark was about to counter but Jason slipped inside of him and all coherent thought went out the window. For the second time that afternoon, Clark felt like he was flying.

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