

Published on Apr 8, 2015


Cockatoo Part 6

I live for feedback

We stayed wrapped together until we began to fall asleep. Alex eventually turned over and I spooned up to her back, she pushed back into me, turned her head around and we kissed good night. As I drifted off to sleep I heard her say softly, `Chan rak kun, James, I love you.'

The day dawned as most do in Koh Samui with bright sunshine. Alex was up very early making a lot of noise as she got ready for our day ahead. We had to make an early start to leave for Koh Tao as it takes about 90 minutes to get there. So, a planned departure time of 8 o'clock had been agreed and Alex was up at about 6, to get ready. We would meet Areeya at the boat as she had to prepare it for sailing. Alex spent most of the time before we had to leave choosing what she would wear. She must have tried on at least ten different outfits, asking me each time what I thought.

Of course, every time I said I liked one it had to be changed for another. My consolation was to watch her undress ten times and I managed to grab a few kisses amid lots of squealing about `we haven't got time for that.' In the end she went back to the first outfit she had tried on. She ended up wearing a pair of tight white shorts, white sneakers and a white bikini top under a short white crop top with a straw Stetson together with white framed sunglasses. The white really accentuated her tan and she looked fabulous. I put my arm around her and gave her a kiss and gave her bum a squeeze.

Mmm, that's nice,' she said, but let's wait until we get out to sea before we start doing the dirty.'

I, on the other hand, had the onerous chore of deciding which t-shirt to wear. I chose the Koh Samui Blue one as it was a bit more presentable than my old one. We still couldn't find my boxers so I had to go commando again. I did believe that Alex had hidden them so I would have to go au naturel. I really hope Areeya could find something on the boat.

Alex had ordered a big hamper from the kitchen for lunch and we, I mean me, had to carry that to the boat. She said there would be drinks already on the boat, so about 7.45 we headed off. I was intrigued to see what kind of boat Areeya's father had. I had assumed it would be some kind of small fishing boat that he kept there. I was astounded to see the only boat on the jetty that morning was a 50ft motor cruiser that looked brand spanking new. If this was a `small' boat, God knows what Areeya would think a big one would be.

`What exactly does Areeya's father do?' I asked Alex as we walked down the jetty.

`Oh, Kritsada? He's loaded, does stuff in real estate, electronics, and shopping malls, I told you already.'

`No you didn't. I would have remembered if you had.'

`Well never mind, we've got to get going, hurry up with the hamper, will you.'

Of course, Alex just had to carry her hat and sunglasses.

We pulled up behind the boat which was berthed stern in and Areeya waved us aboard. I couldn't believe the name on the stern of the boat – Cockatoo 3. There was definitely something going on with this name, it can't have been a coincidence. I would have to ask Alex later on as she was busy telling me where to put the hamper.

It was shoes off to go on the boat so having got rid of them, we climbed up to the fly bridge to meet Areeya with kisses all round. She was also wearing a pair of shorts, red cotton with a white t- shirt and a back to front baseball cap embroidered with the Cockatoo logo. My guess was it hadn't taken her anywhere near as long as Alex to decide what to wear. Even so, she looked fabulous.

She told me there were some swimming shorts and t-shirts in the main stateroom and I made my way down to the cabins. It really was a beautiful boat; two staterooms with en-suite bathrooms, fully fitted galley and even a grill on the aftdeck. I managed to find myself a pair of swimming shorts that fitted but the t-shirts were all too small. Still, it was good to get rid of the jeans; I would have to sort something out when we got back to Samui.

Areeya was very professional about the whole thing and it was obvious she was well at home on the boat. More surprising to me Alex was also pretty capable as well. She ordered me firmly `hold this, pull that' and not to touch anything unless told to. I was very impressed with the ease with which they prepared the boat to leave.

It wasn't very long before we had cast off and headed out into the Gulf of Thailand. I have always loved boats and this was a fabulous way to spend a day on the water. We were up on the fly bridge and watched Samui gradually grow smaller and then disappear. Alex declared she was going to sunbathe on the foredeck.

`That's on the pointy bit at the front,' she said to me and just escaped before I could throw something at her.

I sat with Areeya and she showed me the controls and state of the art navigation system that were onboard. It even had an emergency transponder in case we had to call for help. Areeya was clearly proud of the boat and the skills she had as skipper. We could look down on the foredeck and see Alex stretched out catching the sun. She had removed her bikini top but had kept the shorts on.

We chatted for sometime about the boat and I learnt a bit about her father. As Alex had belatedly told me Areeya's father was a wealthy man. He was originally from Samui and he had started his first real estate company there.

Business had gone well and he expanded to Bangkok and was now a successful businessman there. Areeya had been lined up to go into the family firm after graduating but she had wanted some time back on Samui, so ran the real estate company there until she met Alex. Her father was not best pleased when Areeya told him she didn't want to go into the firm after all and was going to set up Koh Samui Blue with this crazy farang.

Areeya's mother had died ten years previously and I got the feeling her father indulged her in this hoping she would come back to the firm after her youthful adventure. She said she might at some stage but was in no hurry to do so.

I asked her to tell me the truth about Cockatoo in Bangkok, Cockatoo 2 here and the boat called Cockatoo 3. I said it was too much to be a coincidence. She laughed and admitted that her father did own Cockatoo in Bangkok and had helped to get funding for Koh Samui Blue and when they decided to buy the new bar it was natural to call it Cockatoo 2. The boat's name seemed to follow naturally.

Areeya looked down at Alex and then at me. `How are you and Alex?'

I thought for a moment and said, `I think we're good Areeya. Things have happened so fast that I find it difficult to put things in perspective. My feelings for Alex are like nothing I have ever felt before; she hit me like a thunderbolt.'

Areeya looked at me and said, James, that is how I felt too, she has that effect on people. She can overwhelm you like a mini typhoon. We chinked our beers together and said cheers to that. `She is very happy to have you in her life and if she is happy so am I,' said Areeya.

`Areeya, you are a very special person and I am so happy I have got to know you.'

She grinned at that and said, `so am I forgiven for the wakeup call?'

I laughed and said, 'nothing to forgive Areeya and maybe one day I can return the favour.'

She giggled, `I think I would enjoy that.'

Alex reappeared at that moment, still without her top, her breasts a triumph of the cosmetic surgeons' art. She asked me to come down to the cabin as there was something she had to show me. I thought Areeya smirked a little but all she said was, 'Alex, we have 30 minutes before we arrive.'

Alex grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the main deck and then into the main stateroom. I couldn't take my eyes off her breasts as they jiggled in front of me.

She poked me on the arm and said `Eyes up here, not down there.'

What is it? What do you want to show me?' I asked, half guessing what the answer might be. I want to show you how to use the head,' she paused for a beat and then giggled, `and I don't mean the bloody boat's toilet.'

She pushed me up against the wood panelled wall, stripped off my t-shirt and kissed me hard on the lips. Pushing her tongue into my mouth she used both hands to grab the waist of my swim shorts and push them down to my knees. Still kissing me she managed to step out of her shorts as well. Our tongues fought each other for a while as she teased my nipples with her fingers and my hands went down to her bum and pulled her tight towards me. I was hard already and I could feel her cock beginning to push into my groin. I was so turned on that this didn't even give me a pause. I pulled her even tighter to me and kissed her almost savagely.

She broke away and said, `Whoa, big boy, we still have 25 minutes to go.'

She kissed her way down my chest and sank to her knees. I felt her breath on my cock as she blew gently over it. This merely increased the excitement and I began to moan as she took my balls and gently rotated them in her hands. I was shaking by this time and then I felt her take my cock into her mouth and I almost blew then and there but she took me out and licked her way along the shaft.

I had my eyes closed at this point and I heard Alex say, `open your eyes and look at the opposite wall.'

It was a heart stopping scene that I saw as I opened my eyes. Reflected in the full length mirror opposite was the back and head of a girl on her knees kissing the cock of a guy who was leaning naked up against a wall. For one insane micro second I thought I was watching a porn film. It was with no little shock that I realised that it was Alex and me. She turned round to look straight at me in the mirror and almost in slow motion she reached up with one hand and put her fingers to my lips and I sucked them into my mouth. With the other hand she was stroking my cock. Alex looked straight into my eyes and it felt somehow as if I was being taken straight down into another dimension.

She broke the gaze and plunged her mouth over my cock. I stared in fascination at the mirror as I looked at the back of her head bobbing her up and down on me. I soon felt that growing sense of impending pleasure reaching up from my core to wrap around my groin and to explode into life through my cock. I twitched once and then came with a grunt into her mouth. My eyes closed and my knees buckled as I climaxed. Alex kept sucking and then got up from her knees and kissed me again, flicking her tongue into my mouth with the taste of my cum still on her tongue.

Alex turned to face the mirror and we stood together looking at our reflection. I was seeing her body naked for the first time in daylight and I was fascinated to see her cock standing out from her otherwise totally female figure. She saw me looking and took my hand and gently placed it on her cock. After last night I didn't have any problem with touching it and I began to stroke it gently. Watching me do this to her was what an out of body experience must be, almost as if it were happening to someone else.

Alex whispered, `Later, baby, later, we're almost there.'

We dressed quickly and climbed back up to the fly bridge where Areeya looked at us quizzically and asked Alex, `Well?'

Alex giggled like a little girl and replied, `I had to show him how to use the head.'

Areeya grinned; leant over and brushed something away from the corner of Alex's lip and looking straight at me sucked her finger. `Mmm, tasty.'

Needless to say, I blushed.

I could see we were now close to land and Areeya began to steer Cockatoo closer to the shore. We were heading for what appeared to be a secluded beach and we dropped anchor about twenty metres out. It was a beautiful spot; palm trees fringing the beach, pure white sand, small waves lapping the edge of the beach. A range of small hills provided the perfect backdrop for the setting.

We opened the hamper and ate a late breakfast at the table on the aftdeck, idly watching the sea and the beach as Cockatoo moved gently in the slight swell. It was pretty much an idyllic scene and I could feel myself drifting off into a reverie. Areeya and Alex were chatting about business at the bar and I was happy to let them talk as I contemplated the mysteries of the cosmos.

I caught myself wondering about how my life could have changed so much in such a short time. I had arrived on Samui a 25 year old very conventional straight man and within 48 hours I had fallen for a transgender woman, enjoyed more exciting and intense sex with her and a beautiful Thai girl than I could ever have dreamt about. I knew that I had been carried away by the sheer force of Alex's personality and she had stripped open a part of me that had remained invisible to me until now. She had helped me sweep away the inhibitions that had stunted my life up to now.

I had done things with her that only a few days ago would have made me curl up with embarrassment just to talk about. I glanced across at her at that moment; she saw me looking and poked her tongue out at me then licked her tongue along her lips. It was a perfect example of that mixture of little girl cheek and sex bomb that I found so alluring.

I asked Areeya if this was where they had filmed `The Beach.' She said that had been filmed on an island over in the Andaman Sea near Phuket and that the beach there had been spoilt by the filming. She suggested we get out the snorkel gear and head over to a small reef where there should be lots of fish to see. Alex opened up one of the bench seats and hauled out masks and flippers.

Putting flippers on is a bit of a performance at the best of times, but Areeya and Alex had already stripped off their clothes and were now fitting on theirs stark naked. I forgot all about my flippers and just stared at all the beautiful flesh just a few inches away from me.

Alex saw me looking and said, `First of all, James, close your mouth, it makes you look silly and I told you we are skinny dipping so get those shorts off, now.'

I stood and dropped my shorts but I did turn my back on the girls to do so. For that I received a sharp slap across the backside from Alex.

`Oww,' I protested, rubbing where she had hit me.

`We've seen those bits before, so stop being so bloody silly. Actually, Areeya and I both like looking at them so we want to see them as often as possible.'

If it is possible to blush all over, I did so at that moment. The girls giggled and flapped across the deck to the back of the boat. They both jumped in backwards off the stern and I followed them. It's difficult to describe just how different it feels to swim naked; the warm water just seems to flow around your body and without the hindrance of a swimsuit it becomes a totally sensuous experience. I followed the girls and we swam about 50 metres away to reach a shallow reef not visible from the surface.

I love snorkelling; that wonderful ability to hang in the water and become part of the natural world laid out in front of you. There were dozens of brightly colours fish all over the reef and we spent an hour or so just observing the life on the reef. Alex swam over to me and we spent a little time together just floating in the water above the reef. Areeya eventually signalled we should head back and with some reluctance I followed them over to the boat. I watched first Alex and then Areeya take off their flippers and then climb the boat ladder up to the deck.

Their wet and glistening naked bodies made for an intensely erotic sight as they left the water. I quickly followed, looking far less erotic I think as I climbed the ladder. Alex found some towels for us to use, and asked me to get us all a beer.

I went to put on my shorts and Alex immediately grabbed them and said, `Not so quick, you sea dog. The Captains word is law on this boat, so the shorts stay off until I tell you to put them back on.'

I saw Areeya roll her eyes at this and I said, `But Areeya's the skipper.'

Areeya said `Humour her, James. I guarantee you won't get any peace if you don't do as she says.'

For once Alex punched Areeya on the arm and not me.

We sat at the table on the aft deck with the beers and talked about what we had seen at the reef. I became less and less conscious of the fact that we were all having a sensible conversation stark naked. In the end I forgot completely, although the chairs did get a little uncomfortable. Alex and Areeya decided we should eat lunch on the boat and then take the tender over to the beach. From somewhere they found some aprons and opened up the hamper.

I was told to fire up the grill so I made sure I had an apron too. It's curious that the semi clothed body is sometimesmore arousing than a fully naked one. The sight of the two girls in their aprons which covered their front but were open at the side and back as they moved about the deck had an immediate effect on me.

My apron stared to tent at the front despite my best attempts to think about something else.

Of course, Alex had to notice, came across to give me a long kiss which of course made things much worse.

`Later, lover, later.' She said.

`Lover.' I played with the word in my mind and decided I liked that idea . The restaurant had made plenty of food for the grill and before long we sat back completely full with some more beers and chilled for a while. Areeya put soft music on the boats stereo; there was no end to the toys on this boat. It was about 1 o'clock when Areeya suggested we go over to the beach to see what it was like over there. This time Areeya insisted over Alex's objections that we put on some clothes for the trip.

We put a few beers in a cool bag and headed over to the beach in the small rubber tender and pulled it up onto the beach. It really was a lovely spot; it seems there was nobody around at all apart from some fishing boats away in the distance.

We found a shaded spot under some palms, put done a couple of blankets we had brought from the boat and just watched the view. I noticed for the first time that Alex had a tattoo just above her left hip. It was a phrase in Thai calligraphy, almost a work of art in itself.

I drew my finger along the tattoo and asked her what it meant. She softly said it first in Thai. Kwai lub mai mee nai loke,' and then in English. There is no secret that will not be revealed.'

'It's beautiful, I love it,' I said to her and she kissed me.

I laid back and with the effect of the beers and the sea air I nodded off to sleep in no time at all. I don't know how long I had been asleep when I woke up but judging by the position of the sun it had been a while. I looked around and couldn't see anyone. A moment's panic about being left behind abated when I saw the boat still swinging gently on the anchor. I stretched and thought Alex and Areeya had gone for a walk but I couldn't see then in either direction along the beach.

To the left there was a small hill at the end of the beach and I couldn't see them there, so I turned to the right and began to walk by the side of the breaking waves. I had gone about a hundred metres to where a line of palms almost came down the water when I heard laughing. Gotcha, I thought.

I crept up through the palms hoping to surprise them. As I got closer I could still hear them; Alex's giggling and Areeya's laughter meant they were close. I was about to push through the small bushes that grew with the palms but suddenly caught sight of them through a gap in the bushes and I stood stock still.

They had spread their towels out in a clearing just beyond the bushes and they were lying there naked, intertwined and passionately kissing. I dropped to my knees to avoid them seeing me and found I could still see through the screen of bushes. As I watched Alex got onto her knees and moved into a 69 position with Areeya on the bottom. I watched spellbound as Alex lapped her tongue along Areeya's pussy and Areeya had Alex's cock in her mouth and was sucking hard.

I had never thought being a voyeur could possibly be exciting but the sight of the two girls pleasuring each other made me aroused. It was made all the more exciting because they were not aware of my presence. They were really going for it now, their bodies tanned and glistening with sweat, as they licked and sucked each other.

My cock was now fully hard and I began to rub it through my shorts. Areeya was now reaching a climax and she broke her sucking, rolled Alex onto her back, and quickly straddled her and drove herself onto Alex's erect and waiting cock. Alex moaned as Areeya began to ride her almost violently. Areeya was moving up and down on Alex so fast that it seemed only seconds before Alex bucked her hips upwards and said `Uhhhh,' as she climaxed followed immediately by Arreya's own orgasm that racked her body.

They continued their coupling for a few seconds and then seemingly exhausted they fell into each other's arms. The sight of Alex with her girl's body and man's cock driving up into the beautiful Areeya was too much for me and I was rubbing my cock hard through the shorts.

It was at that moment I heard Alex say, `Did you enjoy the show?'

Oh my God, never has an erection disappeared as quickly as mine did at that moment. That was also near cardiac arrest number four by my count.

We could hear you lumbering through the bushes like a baby elephant,' Alex called out. You can come out and join us now.'

I very sheepishly walked through the bushes to find them cuddling each other. I was hugely embarrassed to have been caught out watching them and I said, `I'm sorry, I didn't mean to watch you.'

Alex arched her eyes and said, `But it didn't stop you, did it?

I blushed yet again, when will I ever stop doing that, and said, `Well. No but I mean, I shouldn't have watched.'

Areeya and Alex both smiled at this and Areeya replied, `James, it was actually very hot for us to think you were there watching us. I hope that next time you will join us instead of just watching.' I nearly passed out at the thought.

Alex told me to lay down with them and I needed no second invitation. They moved so that I lay between them and they immediately kissed each other right over my face. Alex then broke off and began to kiss and suck my nipples and Areeya kissed me on the lips. I was now hard again as they continued their assault on me.

`Right, that's enough, we have to get back to the boat,' barked Alex, standing up and looking down at me. Areeya move away too and left me stranded on my back with my erection tenting out my shorts.

`Why? what?.' I stammered, totally confused with what was going on.

Well that's punishment for being a peeping tom,' said Alex grinning her head off. Seriously, we do have to set off back but I promise we will make it up to you later.'

With that the two of them pulled their clothes back on and strode off towards the tender. We got back to the boat and as it was getting late Areeya said we should cast off now as she wanted to get back to Samui before we lost the light completely. The anchor was pulled in and the two diesel engines roared into life. We pulled away from the beach in a big graceful arc and set course for Samui. Areeya was at the helm and Alex and I had the chance to have an overdue talk.

Mu holiday was over in three days time and I would have to return to Bangkok. I wanted to get straight what the situation would be after my return there. Alex was quiet and I guessed she was worried about what my feelings would be after I left Samui. I tried to reassure her that I meant what i said about what I felt for her, but it was obviously going to be difficult for her.

She wanted me to see if I could take any more holiday but I knew that was impossible right now and told her so. She was chewing her lip, something I remember `old' Alex doing when he was worried. I told her that I would get a flight back at the first opportunity but it might not be for a couple of weekends. I asked her to be patient as I had no intention of leaving her. I asked if she could come up to Bangkok instead but she said It was busy at the restaurant and the new venture would mean she had to be on Samui. We left it at that, both of us a bit unhappy but hoping that we could still make this work.

We were about 45 minutes in to the trip when the engines just died. We looked at each other and Alex immediately ran up to the fly bridge to help Areeya. With power lost and no way of keeping Cockatoo moving we began to roll in the swell. The sea wasn't rough but it was disturbing all the same. I climbed up after Alex to find Areeya trying to restart the engines; they were turning over but would not fire up. Alex asked if it was fuel and Areeya said she had filled the tanks yesterday for today's trip.

Maybe dirty fuel suggested Alex, and Areeya said perhaps and she would go below to check on the engines. I asked if we should call for help and that's when Areeya said that we had also lost all power. It looked as if the batteries had not been charging properly and we now had lost the navigation and GPS system. For the first time a niggle of worry began to grow in me. Areeya disappeared below and I asked Alex if we would be spotted by another boat. Maybe a fishing boat, she said but it wasn't a main route were on so it might not be so easy. I tried my mobile but I had no signal and neither did Alex. Areeya came back up from below, her hands and t-shirt streaked with oil. She tried the engines again but nothing fired at all.

At that moment, I spotted something off the starboard side and said, `Look, there's a fishing boat.'

Areeya grabbed the binoculars and took a long look at the approaching boat. `I hope it is,' she said warily.'

What do you mean?' I asked . Alex replied, We sometimes get pirates out here operating from the mainland. It's pretty lawless over there and it's becoming more of a problem.'

For some reason I suspected these pirates wouldn't be the kind from Pirates of The Caribbean.

The boat was approaching fast and it looked just like one the dozens of Thai fishing boats you saw around Samui. It eventually came close enough for Areeya to go down to the aftdeck and shout across to someone on the other boat. Alex translated for me, `The guy is asking what the problem is and Areeya is telling him we have lost the engines and can we get a tow to Samui.

He says that should be OK, but I don't know, something seems to be a bit off here. He's saying that he needs someone to come on board to help us and Areeya is saying that they just have to pass a line and we'll secure it. He says that unless he has someone on board he won't do it.'

The fishing boat just then came very close to us and one of their crew made the jump between the two boats. Areeya screamed with pain and Alex shouted, `Fuck!' and started down the stairs to the aftdeck. I could see from the fly bridge that the guy was carrying what looked like an AK47 and had clubbed Areeya with it after he had made the jump to the Cockatoo.

She was slumped bleeding on the deck and Alex rushed to her side. The guy was screaming in Thai at Alex and she ignored him as she tried to help Areeya. I knew I only a few moments at best and the only thing I could think of was to hit the emergency transponder that Areeya had shown me earlier. I had no idea if it would work but I prayed that it had a battery of its own.

The guy suddenly realised there was someone left on the fly bridge and he let loose a burst from the AK47 and shouted something in Thai to me. Alex shouted, `Come down, James, or he says he'll shoot us.' I came down the stairs as calmly as possible with my hands in the air. He was still shouting at me and gesturing to me to get to the other side of the deck from the girls. Areeya looked in a bad way, blood was pouring from a head wound which Alex was trying to staunch with a towel. It was scarlet with blood by this time and Alex was weeping. Another guy from the boat made the jump and ran to the bow with a rope which he made fast to the bow of our boat. He then jumped back to the other boat leaving the guy with the AK47 on our aftdeck.

I said, Alex, don't worry we'll get out of this if we stay calm.' This produced another burst from the AK47 into the air and he screamed NO TALK' at me.

I felt the Cockatoo stagger as the other boat took up the tow and we started to move. It was now getting dark and our prospects looked very slim. The guy kept the gun trained on me as I guess he saw me as probably the main threat. He had proven he didn't have any problem with using the gun so I kept still and tried to see how Alex was getting on with Areeya.

The bleeding at least seemed to have stopped but Areeya looked to be unconscious and Alex was now smeared in her blood. I guessed it had been about an hour since the boarding and I thought that every passing moment increased the chance that he would get fed up with guarding us and get rid of us, which is what I believed would eventually happen anyway.

We were making only a few knots under tow, but I knew there was only a short time in which to do anything. I thought if I could disarm the guy we might at least have a chance but the only weapon I could see was a large knife that we had used for cutting the food for the grill. It was a few inches from my hand but I couldn't move with his gun on me.

I said to Alex in English as fast as I could, count to 30 and then ask him for water.' He screamed again, NO TALK' and tried to hit me around the head with the stock of the AK47. He missed my head but caught my shoulder which gave me a stinger down my arm. `Shit', I thought, that wouldn't help but I will still have to go for it.

Ales looked frightened but I moved my heads slightly to tell her to go ahead and she seemed to get the message. I had counted to 25 when she said something in Thai to him and he glanced her way and screamed something back to her. It gave me just enough time to pick up the knife and to hide behind my arm.

OK,' I thought to myself, it's now or never'. I fell to me knees and started shouting at him, `Please don't kill me, please don't kill me.'

He switched his attention back to me and took a step towards me as he raised the AK47 to bring it down on my head. For a millisecond he left himself open and I flung myself at him driving the knife into his ribs. He grunted and our momentum took us to the back rail of the boat. At that same moment the boat staggered as the tow rope tightened suddenly and it knocked us both off balance and his finger must have pulled the trigger. He fired a burst into the air but as I went to grab the gun I felt a massive thump to my side and microseconds later a burning pain shoot through me. The tow rope now slackened and the Cockatoo staggered in the water once more, this time with enough force to throw both of us over the rail and into the sea.

Shit,' I thought as the water closed over my head, this wasn't part of the plan.'

Next: Chapter 7

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