Colleagues Weekend Off

By Fun Mammal

Published on Apr 2, 2013


Again, all usual disclaimers apply.

This story contains very explicit sexual actions between adult male and female participants, both homo as bisexual.

If you are offended by this, or it's illegal for you to read this kind of stories, please leave now.

All resemblance with existing people, dead or alive, is purely coincidence. This story is purely fictional and never took place other than in the writer's mind.

Otherwise: enjoy reading!

Colleagues weekend off... part 1

"Christine is right" I thought, "I really need to stop smoking." Although I can easily state that, for just having turned 30, I'm still in pretty good shape, I had a hard time keeping up with my two colleagues. Being seven and six years their senior, and stuck in an office for almost a decade clearly wasn't helping on a physical level. On the other hand, it had some advantages as well.

Although I've been happily married for almost four years, there is absolutely no use in denying the fact that I like to have a good look at a nicely shaped young man's butt every once in a while. Surely I had clearly taken a very difficult decision years ago, but I can't act as if I'm not bisexual, and having young man like these wandering into the office the last few months wasn't really helping to try to keep up with my monogamy way of living.

Joren was the first one to catch my eye, almost seven months ago. Working as a temp in the pricing department, I was passing by his desk a few times a day. He had seemed like a friendly young guy from the very beginning, and I was, just like any woman in the office, drowning into his ocean blue eyes every time he looked at me. Since a few weeks he had been transferred to the purchasing department, now reporting directly to me. Ever since that event, I was getting more and more attached to him. Apart from his perfect eyes, the rest of him started to catch my eye from time to time as well. The way he liked to dress in pretty tight summer colored pants, showing off his perfect muscled behind hadn't gone unnoticed, and the more I got the know him, the more I started to learn the great personality that was clearly embedded in that perfect young body. It might have taken a while, but I had arrived at a point where I was hooked with the young man.

Hans on the other hand was an eye catcher from the very first time I saw him, applying as a supply controller about three months ago. Right then and there, I had hoped our SC manager would hire him, so I'd get an opportunity to see him on a daily basis. And luckily for me, that's exactly the way things turned out to go. However, it had taken all this time for me to get to know him, having small talk during lunch, and an occasional chat on our intranet chat system. I had learned that, just like Joren, he was into biking, and with spring finally hitting the Belgian system, I'd noticed an opportunity to take things to the next level.

So here I was, trying to keep up, my legs burning, my ass annoying me from the constant friction on the saddle, and my tongue getting dangerously close to my front tire. Damn those boys were fit, on every possible level. But the incentive to have a great view on their backsides was enough to convince my tiring body to keep up. And I enjoyed every second of it. A good workout always feels right somehow, and the constant movement of two pairs of beautiful young legs was a perfect bonus to it. To add to my excitement, both of them had slipped into a tight pair of spandex biking outfits, stopping right above their knees, and clearly showing off the muscle movement underneath. The tension in their calves was killing me, almost as much as my own, and I could only dream of having the opportunity to touch some of that one day. The downside was, I wasn't able to see their fronts. Obviously the dress-code left little to the imagination, but I'm more referring to the part above their shoulders. As one can only dream to have as a team member, Joren's blue eyes were completed by a thick bush of sandy blond hair. Dark eyebrows, without being to prominent, and a facial bone structure that would drive Michelangelo into working around the clock to get his statue completed. Although being only 24, he was all male. Yes, he kept his beard and moustache constantly shaved, but still the typical Friday mornings were indicating that, if he wouldn't, he'd have a strong beard. Not that a thing like that ever attracted me. It was more the combination with his soft but determined voice, the manly smell every time he leaned over my desk to look at some files, the veins clearly outlined on his arms and hands, and his perfectly white teeth, that completed the picture of what a guy his age should look like.

Yet again, Hans, being a complete opposite, was just as attractive, but in a different way. Although he had clearly grown out of puberty, physically, he was still obviously a few years younger. More boyish than manly, but very clearly getting there eventually. Very dark brown hair, dark eyes, a slightly wider cheek bone, narrower hips and shoulders, and a shyer, more considerate smile made him into the perfect transition image from boy to man. Finding his way into a tough office environment, together with a slightly held back attitude, somehow made him appear more vulnerable. Different, but just as attractive.

And here they were, doing 30km/h, in the rapidly warming forest of southern Belgium, sliding uphill as if it's nothing, giving me a hard time keeping up, but also convincing me I had taken the right decision asking them for a guys weekend out biking and having some, or more, drinks. Apart from the, every once in a while, cracking underground, an alerted bird flying up from the shades, and my own grunting and puffing, the forest was completely silent. We had been riding for almost an hour without seeing another soul, and I was quite happy I had my iPhone with me to show us the way back to our rented chalet when needed. I had almost forgotten how beautiful our very little country could be, just an hour drive away from the north where we all lived and worked. The slight hills, the quietness, the solitude of the trees surrounding us, the two beautiful boys trapped in between all that, made the picture complete, perfect, exactly as I had hoped it would be.

Things were going well, very well, and if this had been the real world, instead of a parallel universe in my imagination, the pond that showed up five minutes later, would have never existed. But it did, it was right there. And it was a pond of opportunity. The heat was getting to us, and the slightly moist patches on the backsides in front of me indicated I wasn't the only one in need of a cool down.

"Guys" I shouted, as good as I still could, causing them to stop right next to the pond. They weren't idiots either, and knew they'd been testing my limits. Joren didn't even seem the least exhausted when he set his foot on the ground, and turned around, striking me hard with his killer-smile. "Still there boss?" he laughed, causing Hans to chuckle, but not more than that.

"Cut the crap," I said, trying to sound agitated, "and stop calling me boss for Christ's sake!"

I hopped of my mountain bike, slowly dropped it in the sand, and completed my intentions "I need a rest", dropping my back pack, now fully feeling the cool dampness of my own sweat on my back. "And some refreshment."

Some of the water was missing my mouth as I emptied my water bin in a few seconds, causing Joren to laugh again. "Great minds think alike."

Now where had this shy, considerate, young man gone, and who was this bluntly stud taking of his shirt without thinking twice? Who cares? I liked this one just as much, or even better, and after all, Hans was still there to give me my share of shy boy. "How about a swim?"

Ah, that beautiful sound of music in your ears, the exact words you wanted to hear for months. That moment of truth, and dreams coming true.

"Guys" it was the first word Hans had spoken the whole afternoon, and the slight tremble in his voice made clear it wasn't exactly what he had hoped to say. Joren looked at him with a questioning look, pulling his spandex over his hips. Now here's a challenge. You want one boy to open up, to make sure he feels comfortable enough to join, and the other one just starts stripping, as he is a 3 year old in front of his mum. That's when decisions are hardest to make. Thank god I'd been trained for years in not showing off emotion right away, but still it was almost torturing to have to look away from the quickly revealing body in front of me.

"What?" I asked, "is there something wrong?" I started to take off my own shirt, which was harder than expected from all the sweat, and in the meantime tried to take in the beautiful sight of a near to naked Joren, who was draping his moist biking gear over his bike to dry. It takes a few sentences to describe exactly what I saw, my immediate reaction, and my snap back into reality, all in all a matter of a few seconds that seemed to take forever. I never expected him to be really shy outside the office, and obviously I was right. But the jockstrap was not something I had expected. Of course, I had read about it in some online stories, and had seen my share in pictures and videos online, but I had never seen a 24 year old hunk in real life wearing it. My loss, clearly. And just as clearly, not the first time he wore one. His firm buttocks were the exact same color as his muscled back, but slightly lighter than his lower legs and arms, indicating that this was his usual garment when not riding his bike. Knowing he had an outdoor pool at his parents place, he must go like this all the time. Gulp.

"No, it's just, I don' t have any swimwear with me" Hans managed to force out of his thin lips.

Aaah, that line. Probably the most frequently used in all stories containing swimming occasions leading to sexual encounters. Even more music to my ears. Added a very worried looked on his young face, almost fears in the puppy brown eyes that were trying, and failing, not to watch the most likely clearly visible package in front of him, that was blocked from my view, but luckily replaced by the bare butt I was looking at. An open goal, a window of opportunity, but also a very good reason to weigh my words before responding, to make sure I wouldn't scare him off. No need for that, as Joren beat me to it.

"So, just go in your underwear, like me" he smiled. He was either very naïve and open minded, or very smart and manipulative.

"Yeah well erm..." Hans continued, his face reddening even more, looking at his feet now, as a little boy that was trapped with his hands in the cookie jar. "I'm not, I, ..." he started stammering for crying out loud. And the pity I felt for him, clearly wasn't shared by Joren.

"You're not wearing any," he laughed, loudly. At first it seemed a bit harsh, and even mean, but then I realized that wasn't his intention, at all. "Cool, skinny dipping it is"

I might have been just as amazed by his reaction as Hans was, but only for a moment. The second the white jockstrap hit the sand, it was clear why he was so easy about it. I suddenly realized the jockstrap was not his usual sun tanning clothing. His outdoor uniform was obviously nothing. Not a single tan line was separating the back from his perfectly shaped thighs. He was tanned all over. And although I was slightly amazed, it added a big portion of comfort for me. Except from my wife, no one knew, but I always sailed naked as soon as we were in open water and had more than 16° C. Leaving me with just as little tan lines as him.

Joren hit the water before either of us could even react, leaving his complete outfit behind, diving in with one swift jump, causing us both to turn our heads, without realizing. There was a very short moment of hesitation before we looked at each other again. I shrugged my shoulders. No way in hell I was going to let this opportunity slip away. "Are you guys coming are what?" Joren laughed, surfacing a few meters away from the pontoon. "Yeah, almost coming for sure" I thought, but kept my minds to myself.

"You ok with this?" Hans looked scared shitless. The redness had made room for a very pale white, all his blood being drained from his face. Nudity clearly wasn't his normal behavior. Something I had already suspected. Somehow I would need to comfort him. I knew Joren was already to far into splashing around and diving back under to hear any of it.

"Look buddy" I said with a smile "Why don't you let me go first, and you dive in right after me while I distract him ok? We won't see a thing, and the water is too dark to look through anyway"

Thank god he started to look a bit more comfortable, and at least his knees started to calm down. I know his feeling. I like, no, I love, being naked, but with strangers, or worse, colleagues, it's about as scary as any other nightmare. Nevertheless, I managed to hide my own fear, as my own shorts and boxers fell around my ankles and I, casually, stepped out of them. I noticed the way he was forcing himself not to look down, as trying not to be gay. Which is stupid. Checking each other out is a natural reaction for all male human beings. The fact that he was trying so hard not to, was more an indicator of the opposite though.

The water was refreshing, closing in on my naked body rapidly. The freedom of swimming stark naked is very hard to describe, and I can only suggest you try it. Oh, if you do, try to do it with two stunning guys in their early to mid twenties. I can confirm it only adds to the thrill.

Hans made a mistake. Hesitation. And he knew it, the moment he was running naked onto the pontoon, he knew it, but there was no way back. I had already surfaced, and was looking back to where I had left off, just in time to see him jumping off, hands above his heads, and his young pale body on full display. I could only imagine what should have gone through his head while flying buck naked through the air. The seconds must have felt like ages of standing on his desk for the whole office to see. He was almost crying when he came back up, gasping for air. "Nice one" I smiled, adding a playful wink. Whether I meant his private parts or his diving skills were left in the open, but still the smile seemed to work calming.

"You always ride commando?" Joren wasn't laughing, or mocking. He was just stating the obvious, nothing more, nothing less, but it was enough for Hans' face to turn deep red again.

"Give him a break will you?" I perfectly knew he wasn't intending to make Hans feel bad, but he also didn't realize that would be the effect, and for some reason I felt like I had to be the one keeping control of things.

"I didn't mean it badly" he defended "it's just a question. If I would have known, I'd have done so myself" his statement seemed honest, and I believed him on his word. But Hans was still embarrassed as a schoolboy who had wet himself during the school play. "Really?" It was clear he didn't believe the blue-eyed stud, and was still thinking he was only trying to make a fool of him. "Yeah man" Joren laughed "nothing better than a piece of freedom every once in a while" Right before diving head under he added: "By the way, you have nothing to be ashamed off" His tanned butt shortly surfaced before he swam off underwater. "I think he's just trying to comfort you Hans, nothing bad intended here." I knew it was of little used but still it seemed like my words had some effect, but only some. "Yeah, I guess" He never dared to look me in the eye, and a penny for his thoughts would have been cheap. I'd kill to know what was going on inside that beautiful head of his right than. "Let's just have some fun ok?" He nodded, confused, embarrassed, scared... If one thing was sure, it was that I had a difficult task of making this weekend into one he would look back to with good feelings. And that wasn't exactly what things looked like right now. All that was sure was he regretted coming with us in the first place. And I had no idea how to change that, not at that time for sure.

The time spent in the water seemed to have a positive effect on him though, and by the time Joren was climbing out, it almost seemed as he had forgotten we were all naked as the day we were born. However, seeing the 25 year old planting his right foot on the wooden platform, while his other one was still on the ladder, made it very hard to forget that detail. Without a second thought, he gave both of us a full view of his package dangling between his slightly hairy legs. Although I very much appreciated the view, I couldn't help starting to laugh, and even Hans managed to make a soft giggling sound. "What the hell?" I thought. Without even trying to hide my interested, I admired the smooth tanned cheeks as he wandered off towards our stuff. It was clear the young man had spent more hours on his bike than the two of us together, and the define muscle movement below his golden skin made every drop rolling down his golden flesh look like a sparkling diamond. The sides of his bum were falling slightly inward, very well defining his male anatomy. "Are you guys coming out?" he asked, now turned around, giving us a perfect view on his frontal nudity, starting to towel off his chest and arms. Not even realizing his play of words as I had heard it. He clearly had almost the same thought about maintaining his body as I had. The light brown hair above his package was neatly trimmed, and the area below was shaved smoothly as his face. Hence his physique was showing off perfectly, and even adding to the perfection and masculinity of his well-trained body. "Yeah, just a minute" I answered, giving Hans an understanding look. If he had any bit of similar feelings as myself, he had to stay covered below the green surface for certain things to settle down. Seems like he had. And I couldn't blame him. "Ok, take your time" the stud said, drying his upper legs, bending over slightly, causing his perfectly maintained six pack to flex.

If I ever wanted to come out of this pond, I had no other option than to look away, and focus on the shy boy next to me, hoping that the fact that he was at least partially covered would help. "You're ok?" Although the worried look on his face had slightly vanished, it was very clear he wasn't completely comfortable with the situation yet, but at least getting to a point where he felt a bit less awkward than at first.

"Yeah I guess" he shyly answered. I wanted to reply, but to my surprise, he continued. "It's just, I've never been naked in front of anyone since I was like 9 and started showering myself" he explained. "No one at all?" I said, a bit too quickly, regretting my words at the very moment they left my mouth. No 23-year-old likes to admit he's a virgin, and clearly that's what he was saying. "Sorry, I didn't mean to..." His look glazed "It's ok, I know you didn't" he went on "and I feel such a pathetic loser". The boy was almost in tears, but at least he felt comfortable enough to trust me completely, or he would never have even considered telling me this in the first place.

"You're not a loser" I calmly said, resting my hand on his shoulder, causing him to shiver, and me to pull back "you're just shy I guess, but that's ok, there's a time for everyone, right?" I knew very well that wasn't enough. But I was also very much aware that there weren't any words to comfort him at that point. Hell, there weren't even words to understand what he was going through. Or understand why he was going through it to begin with. I mean, he was cute, very cute. Ok, he might be shy, but surely he wasn't the only shy boy on the planet. That couldn't be the only reason. But there wasn't any sense in dragging it out. If he'd ever want to tell me, I was sure he would, on his own terms. Making this statement must have been a torture for him on its own, and there was no use in making it worse. "Look, I don't know for you, but I'm good to get out" I smiled, reassuring him. "What would you think about taking this weekend to start getting more comfortable with a bit less clothes on first, and take it step by step from there?" He seemed to be relieved. Apart from the fact that truth can be liberating sometimes, I hoped at least he would realize he was talking to a friend, way more than a purchasing manager at that moment. But if not, I was sure that would come, eventually.

"You always shave, I mean, down there?" he asked. I wasn't sure how to react. Apart from the fact he was fighting his worst fears by standing stark naked next to me on the pontoon, toweling off, he also had the guts confessing he was, sort of, checking me out. I hoped, at least. "Only for the last ten years or so I guess" I smiled back, taking his question as an invitation to have a slightly longer look at him myself. It was obvious why he didn't though. Apart from a small, but thick, bush in his crotch, some light fuss on his lower legs and some slightly hairy armpits, he was completely smooth. And although I liked him perfectly like that, I could very well understand why he wanted to hang on to the small portion of body hair he had. Somehow it makes a boy starting to feel like a man. But some of us have the luck, or lack of it, depending how you look at it, to remain mostly hairless their entire life. I wasn't one of them though. And by now, I was fine with that. It annoyed the hell out of me when I was in my late teens, and I never really understood why any of my boy scout buddies would ever envy me for that. Growing older I started realizing that looking like a 19 year old for the rest of your life probably seemed way more terrifying at that age. "It looks kinda nice" he confessed, carefully testing his grounds "I just think it would make me look even more like a school boy you know" Now he looked down over his own body.

First of all he was very pale, apart from his lower arms and legs, clearly indicating he was shy to even take off his shirt. Although he had no reason at all for that. Sure, he was more leaning towards the skinny side, but that didn't make him look bad, it suited him in a way. His muscles were clearly visible under his now softly shivering skin, and I took a moment to fully admire him in his full glory. His nipples were small, although a little bit hard from the cold water on his body now, and his chest and stomach were hairless. However, there was a very thin, nearly invisible, line of soft hairs running towards his crown jewels. His lower abs, perfectly outlined, ended in a beautiful line where his hipbone was running inwards, forming that perfect V shaped shade I so strongly admired in a guy's body. I agreed his bush was rather small, but the hairs itself were quite long, hence making him look smaller endowed than he actually was, adding to his physical complex. The upper, milk colored, legs, were strongly developed, yet slim, and completely hairless, as they probably would stay for the rest of his life. An asset he would probably only start to like in about six to seven years, when time would start catching up on him. All in all I could only come to one conclusion. "You're probably right," I laughed, friendly "it would make you look like a thirteen year old" His reaction was one of a fake anger. "But there is no need to go Brazilian for you. But honestly, you could use some manscaping. Especially since you're not really hairy all over." Good, a smile again "Not really hairy, that's a bit of an understatement" He even chuckled at his own remark. And he was right, it was kind of an understatement. "Just some trimming and maybe shaving in between will do the job, trust me" I assured him. "I mean, look at him"

Joren was laying on his back, shameless as ever, stark naked. Eyes closed, and his chest hardly rising, indicating he was softly dozing off. Unlike me, he had done exactly what I had just suggested Hans to do. His pubic area was not completely smooth as my own, but had a thin patch of hair on it, making him look very masculin and boyish at the same time. Hans followed my look. "Yeah I know, kinda perfect, not exactly helping my self esteem." Perfect, that was a strange choice of word here. He looked good, for sure, but perfect indicated that there might be more than just a tad of jealousy. It was a statement of admiration, but the red shade on his cheeks made it clear I'd better let this one slide, for now. Still I couldn't help wondering if this had something to do with his virginity. Doubtful though. If he'd be gay, and liked more muscular and hairy men, he'd have potential sexual partners lining up for him. Nevermind.

"Look mate" I finished "Since baby blue eyes perfect is clearly asleep, and we've seen each others complexes in detail now, why don't we enjoy the nakedness for now?" I know what you're thinking: you perverted prick, taking advantage of the situation. Guilty as charged, I have to admit my suggestion wasn't completely unselfish. But the intention was just as real. He needed to get more comfortable with his own body, and if this was a way to help, why not, right?

"You never said what your complexes were though." I had already forgotten about how I had put it, and even though he was lying face down in the sand now, his chin resting on his lower arms, Hans was clearly inspecting my thirty-year-old body from head to toe. Normally I would feel very uncomfortable, but for some reason, probably his own uncertainty, I wasn't at that point.

"Seriously," I laughed, "can't you see?" I looked down my own body, and almost melancholically added without thinking "I know I don't look bad or anything, I'm just not twenty anymore." Given the fact he had revealed his, probably, deepest secret to me, it seemed only fair to open up for him as well. "You like fine, I wish I looked more like you." He almost whispered, as if he was scared to say too much. I laughed, not at him, but with his remark. It was funny in a way, I wanted to look more like him, he wanted to look more like me, but none of us the whole way. Basically it was fairly easy. "Yeah" I said, looking over his naked backside to the now snoring blond. "We just both want to look like him I guess." Now it was Hans' turn to laugh. "Come on, you act like you're some fat fifty-year-old or something." I grabbed my love handles, that had disgusted me for a few years, although I was too lazy to do something about them. "I am" I grinned, "well, not fifty, but fat"

The rolling of his eyes was pretty clear he couldn't agree less. "Don't be an idiot, you're an adult man, it's normal, and it's good to...." The boy stopped his sentence half way, clearly feeling like he had said too much. It was too late though; it was in the open now. "Yeah, that's why they call them love handles I guess" I winked at him, causing him to flare again. "Come on man" I sighed, "nothing wrong with two guys talking about sex, you need to get over this"

"I guess." Man, this was more difficult than I'd expected. I was on thin ice here, and of course I didn't want to hurt his feelings. On the other hand, someone would need to get him to open up some day, or he'd end up being the forty-year-old virgin. "You're getting sunburned." I stated, fumbling to my back pack to find my sunscreen. "You want me to do your back?" I didn't wait for his answer, and applied a fair amount of cold lotion on his reddening skin, causing him to yelp and, much to my delight, flex his ass muscles. He didn't say anything when I started rubbing the lotion into his hot skin. "Tell me when to stop, ok?" Now I was the one testing the waters here. And enjoying every second of it. The hotness of his skin, combined with the firmness of his back muscles, were a feast for my hands and eyes. I was taking in every square inch of his torso, softly massaging his sides, carefully lowering my hands towards his butt cheeks. No, I didn't go for his ass right away. I've been with too many guys in my life to not know how to handle this. So his lower legs were next. Massaging the liquid in with care, I gradually moved higher, causing him to unconsciously spread his legs so I could now sit in between. It would be foolish to say it didn't have an effect on me, but since he was on his front, and had his eyes closed by now, he couldn't see, so nothing to worry about I guess. After taking care of his lower legs, I started my way even further, softly, lusting, sliding into the inner sides of his thighs. He let out a moan, not even realizing it. I just figured this was the first time anyone had ever touched him like that. What a loss! For him and all the people that would have gladly done this before me. But fact was they didn't. I was the lucky one. I did his legs one by one first, and then started massaging both inner thighs at the same time, approaching his beautiful butt, carefully. He spread his legs a bit further, and his hairy man parts came into view. Just lying there, cozily embedded in the soft pouch of flesh, flexing every time I got near them. He was too far to really notice or care what was going on, and without a thought he reached below his mid section to adjust himself, raising his perfect butt slightly. At the same time his cheeks kept flexing in the same rhythm, and I was very close to sending myself over the top without even touching myself. When I finally came to that very secret place, his eyes opened, quickly, scared. "Almost done." I said, quickly, feeling busted for taking advantage of the situation in such an arrogant way. He was taken too much off guard to say anything about it, but I knew I had crossed a line, one too far.

Feeling like an ass, I grinded my own excited body into the sand next to him. I felt busted, stupid, perverted, and more than all that, an asshole. And worst part was, I wasn't sure I could fix it.

All we could do was lay there for a while, not saying a word. "I'm sorry" I finally said, talking to the back of his head, not even knowing if it made sense at all. Or if it was worth anything to begin with. I knew he was vulnerable, he had opened up to me, and I'd tried to take advantage of him.

But in the end, he turned his head. His tears dried on his face, killing me, on the spot, stopping my heart, ripping it apart. I actually liked this boy. Sure, because he was, according to my standards, hot as hell, but I also wanted to get to know him, to be a friend, to support him, as crazy as that might sound.

"Why did you stop?" Wow, hang on, he lost me there... His eyes were pure, not playing games, no intrigues, no elephants standing in between to be slaughtered. He was crystal clear. This was nothing more than a simple question between two naked people. "I, I ..." now it was my turn to stammer, for a second, my mind racing as always. Thinking fast is a gift as well as a burden, right now, I was very happy that's the way my brain worked. Because it told me, instantly, that there was only one way out of this.

I looked them directly in the eyes, which were still a bit damp. "Look Hans" I started, getting his full attention. His eyes were locked to mine, not to my again exposed crotch, but straight at my eyes. "I've not always been mr. nice guy in the past." I started. He listened, while I talked. While I explained him the mistakes from my past. The way I used my capability to manipulate people to get what I wanted. How I had become a selfish son of a bitch by the time I was 18. How I had become the guy everybody wanted, once. How I had been the guy walking out in the morning, not returning calls afterwards. Treating people like nothing more than my personal pleasure dolls. How I had hurt people that I loved, and how I had been granted more forgiveness than I had earned. Ending by explaining him that that past, that I struggled so hard to leave behind, had stopped me from going further with what I shouldn't have started in the first place.

The next few minutes in silence felt like the end of the world. He was mad, of course he was, he must be. At least that's what I thought. "The only thing I'm pissed for is the fact that you stopped" he smiled "because I felt like not being good enough all over again" The look on his face wasn't one of anger anymore, nor sadness. It was simple understanding, mixed with youthful lust that had been forced away deep inside for so long, and now awakening more then ever.

I glanced over his naked body; still glistening with the sunscreen I had so carefully applied. I saw his excitement growing as he started to remember my hands in between his thighs, so close to his best hidden treasure. Throbbing from lust, luring me into temptation again as his face neared mine.

"Shouldn't we get going guys?" The trance was broken instantly. I wasn't sure if Joren was playing dumb or just being understanding, but at least he didn't mention the conversation, if he had already heard a word of it, since it was more whispering anyway. But whatever it was, he clearly was excited, although it might have just been a physical reaction of waking up. Being less blunt than him, Hans quickly rolled onto his stomach, hiding his visible state of arousal, while Joren just stretched his arms above his head, standing there, in all his glory, gorgeous as ever. Not trying at least a little bit to hide his own rampant erection. "Man, I had the greatest dream" he grinned, softly stroking his tool before bending over to pick up his jockstrap. "I guess I better put this back on after all"

A soft smile was all that was left to exchange between the brown haired boy and me, before quietly sliding back into our tights, getting ready to head back to the cabin.

The ride back was covered in complete, and slightly awkward, silence. I hated the fact that we never gotten to finish our conversation, but on the other hand I was quite happy with Joren's interference. Even if I really wanted to, have sex with Hans that is; it shouldn't have been like that, a quickie in the sand next to the pond. We had set the base for the rest of the weekend for sure, and although I had no idea what would come next, I was very sure I was going to try and make the very best of it.

"Jesus, does he ever keep his clothes on?" Hans sighed as Joren quickly stripped out of his biking gear once inside the house.

"Like you'd want him to" I joked back, watching in amusement as the tanned ass wandered into the bathroom, leaving us behind.

"Maybe we should follow his lead?" Hans turned out to have this marvelous talent of masking jokes with a serious face, or was it the other way around?

"Why, you want to shower with him?" I could play this game, if he wanted to.

"That's not what I mean" he said, "I mean taking off these stinky outfits." I was actually, happily, surprised, seeing Hans strip off his clothing without any hesitation, throwing them in the corner, walking stark naked to the fridge. "Beer?" he tried to act casual, but I knew he was putting on a show. No one could switch that quick, but he got an A+ for trying. Trying what exactly was a question I couldn't quite answer yet. Trying to seduce me, trying to convince himself, trying to show he wasn't the shy pubescent boy he acted like earlier. Or a mix of everything, most likely. "Sure" I smiled "let's get outside"

The warmth of the sun was still overwhelming, on our naked bodies. For the first time Hans sat, openly, with his full package viewable, in the lounge chair, opening his thighs so he could rest his feet on the tiles it was standing on, putting the whole deal on display. He wasn't really at full attention yet, but neither was he un-aroused, putting him in pretty much the same position as I was. For the second time, he was openly staring at my naked crotch, making me feel slightly uncomfortable now.

"Don't you ever cut yourself shaving?" I laughed; his question was cute, in more ways than one. In the way he had still quite a lot of things to catch up to, but also in the way he was figuring a way of shifting the conversation in the direction he wanted me to go, actually believing I'd never notice. "Not since about ten years ago" I honestly answered. (almost honestly, everyone cuts every few years I guess) However, he seemed intrigued. Although I was very certain he had surely seen his portion of online adult material by now, in which it was inevitable to see shaven male genitals, I was just as certain this was the first live image he ever had. He didn't ask me to have a closer look, or feel. In the end, he was a young man, and not a sixteen-year-old horn dog. He had learned the art of seduction, the way the game was played. He just never won, so far. "It's not that difficult" I tried to explain "You just need to make sure you're hard the first few times you do it, and you'll be just fine." The look on his face was curious enough to make clear he didn't really understand why. "The skin will be stretched, making it easier to shave" I felt like a father explaining his 13 year old to shave for the first time. And it made sense, in the exact same way. "I see" he quietly said "How about the trimming part, like, you know, Joren did"

"What about me?" Hans' face shot from easy-going tanned, to horrified pinkish red. Without any reason. I knew Joren was intimidating, because of his looks, and his piercing blue eyes. But by now I had also learned that there was an amazing person inside that wonderful package. And I was just as sure Hans had absolutely nothing to fear. I smiled as he fell down in the lounge chair.

"Jesus, can't you guys ever keep your clothes on?" He laughed. For a change he had dressed himself properly, well, white boxer briefs if you insist. At least he was decent... ish... "What were you guys talking about?" He really had no clue, the only part he had heard was his name. "Nothing" Hans quickly said. He actually let go, I think. "Ok, I got it" his killer smile intoxicating as ever. "Man the shower here rocks big time" Quickly changing the subject, his eyes wandered over between both our crotches, ending up in Hans', who, of course, covered himself without thinking about it. "Buddy, you sure can use some manscaping down there" he smiled. Again, all he did was being mr. nice guy, but scaring the shit out of Hans. "Com'on" he said, getting up "Let me get you my trimmer, I'll tell you how it works." Hans looked at me, terrified, as Joren wandered off, continuing. "Seriously, no girl in this century will give you decent head being lost inside that rainforest..." turning his head, laughing again, "come on, what are you waiting for?"

I nodded, trying to comfort him, indicating him that he should follow the older boy's lead into the house.

And then quietness sank in, for a few minutes, making me overthink the whole messed up situation for the first time that day. What the hell was I doing here? Just over 30, married, I had a good thing going on. I just got promoted, again, my 40ft racing yacht was back into the water. I had my own house, two cars on the driveway, a fantastic wife, an awesome family and a dreamteam at work. Sure, Christine knew very well about me being bisexual, and she could even stand the thought of me, every once in a while, catching up on lost fantasies with some boy toy kind of guy. Carte blanche I'd never used, so far. For the first time that afternoon I was actually tempted. But it wasn't love, clearly. But not just lust either. It was some sort of twisted mix between friendship, lust, father feelings, I don't know. It was weird, probably sick, and wrong. But why than did it feel so god damn right? My mind wandered back, almost feeling the silk smooth skin under my fingertips again. Arousal growing, again. To full attention even. Until I was snapped out of my daydreams.

"He'll be at it for a while" Joren smiled, opening his own beer, ignoring my obvious erection, sitting back down, still in his white boxers, looking straight into my eyes, seriously for the first time that day. "You're a good friend, you know that, right?"

I was, and I did, but where was this coming from, and why now, from him? "What are you talking about?"

"He was mortified to strip this afternoon, and now he asked me to actually show me how the body trimmer worked." It was a simple statement, but there was more to it. "You got him this far" he went on. I wanted to react, but he raised his hand to stop me. "You got this close to do whatever you wanted to him" he carried on "but you didn't" So he really had been awake the whole time. "You respected him, as a friend, and he might not have given that impression, he appreciated that."

I awkwardly smiled back, shrugging my shoulders. "I guess"

"So you did hear it all?"

"And see" he grinned again, rubbing his hardening crotch. "You guys were so into it you didn't even see me cumming two meters away from you." Ok, this I hadn't expected. First I felt trapped, busted, annoyed, a mix of emotions quickly making place for excitement, as I felt my own tool stir again. And I was just about to react, when I was interrupted.

"Thanks" Hans smiled, sheepishly. He looked awesome, wearing nothing but a red pair of briefs, nicely showing of how well endowed he actually was. For a moment he was just standing there, not sure how to act. His hair was still soaking wet, and from his breathing I could tell he had indeed been hard while taking care of things. In more ways than one. "Come on, show me" Joren pleaded, not even trying to cover the erection in his shorts. "Come here" he finally sighed, after it was clear the boy wouldn't give in that easy. Hans was hesitant, but it was also very clear he wanted to walk this path of unknown territory, so finally he approached the lounge chair Joren was sitting on. "Dude" he yelped, as Joren yanked his briefs down his thighs. I would have killed to see the other side, but for now all I could see was a naked, white, behind and a nice pair of testicles hanging low in a smoothly shaven pouch in between his trembling legs. A gasp, as Joren slid his hand underneath them, moving his own out of the way. "Nice" he sighed, rolling the yet untouched marbles in the palm of his hand. I was sure he was quickly hardening, and felt sorry I had to miss that wonderful view. "What are you doing?" His voice was trembling, from excitement combined with the fear of the unknown. "This" Joren simply stated, as his face moved in closer.

"Oh my goood" Hans was shaking hard now, experiencing his very first blowjob. And from the moans that were following, Joren turned out to be a pretty skilled master of oral pleasure. It might have been a while since I'd done my own last part of male stimulation; I still recognized the sound of a guy going in the whole way. Poor Hans. I took about two minutes before he exploded. His head tilted backwards, his butt muscles flexed harder than ever, and his knees started trembling even harder as he forced himself into Joren's eager mouth, depositing his first orgasm ignited by another person. The scream of pleasure made it sound like he had his very first climax in ten years, and although he had surely came already shaving in the shower, it seemed like his flood was going on forever.

I was lost, in more thoughts than my mind could cope with. One side of me was screaming to get out of there. It was clear that the two young studs would have enough motivation to get going without me. But the other side was dragging me right in, begging me to pull my wild card, and get the young, still slightly confused, 23-year-old supply analyst on his knees between my legs.

That was probably the moment that I truly realized I was the one to set the records straight, or not so straight, this weekend...

Next: Chapter 2

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