Collecting Things

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Aug 18, 2005


The following story is a work of fiction set in the format of reality. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental in nature, and is not meant to accurately reflect persons in towns, cities, or governmental areas, in which the story is staged. If sexual scenes involving male to male relationships offends you, then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this by law. This is fiction. Don't forget, in real life, to think about 'sexual safety matters'; got condom?

"Collecting Things" 10 (M/M oral bdsm cam) wriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Two things never worked out that Saturday morning. Michael never connected with the owner of Milano's Landscaping and Rico Santiago's Trek bike never made it to the bike shop.

"I am so full, Michael, but I thank you."

"Hmm, I figured you haven't eaten in awhile, Rico."

"Si. I want you to know that I trust you, Michael."

"Thanks, Rico. I suppose I already knew that."


"I did't think you would want to come back to the mansion with me, if you didn't have some vote of confidence."


"Huh?" Michael questioned back, as he drove back down the road, towards the Jarvis mansion.

"When you say you not use your big cock on me, that mean you are gay?"

Michael smiled, then replied, "No less than you are, Rico."

That threw a wrench in Rico's thoughts. After a minute, his brain had processed the message. He smiled, as well.

"Yes, I am gay, too."

"That's good. It'll help you to be more accepting of the other boys."

"There are other gay hombres?"

"Si," Michael utilized Rico's lingo.

Rico asked Michael something, in pure spanish.

"Hold on there, Rico. I only know the basics."

"I think you know more because you speak it, Michael."

Before Michael could elaborate, he had turned in the black, wrought iron gates. A limo was parked in front of the mansion entrance.

"Uh-oh... here's where the shit hits the fan!"

"Shit hit what fan?" Rico asked, looking around.


"Now, what is all this about young man?"

"Shut the fuck up, father dear!"

"You better give me some respect young man, because if you don't I'll...."

"You'll what, father? I don't think you're in any position to give orders around here."

"Listen Rex, if you think for one minute..."

"Can it, father!"

"Having a problem here?" Michael asked, slipping in the room, leaving their new guest downstairs, in the foyer.

"And what the fuck are you doing here?" Rex's father turns, addressing Michael.

"I thought I'd stick around for the fireworks," Michael replies.

Malcom Peter Jarvis III, followed Michael with his eyes, turning from the doorway, around, beside his son.

"I told you that you were through, Michael. You did get your severance check?"

"Yeah I got it. Thanks for the measly hundred thousand for all those years of service, not to mention the times when I was there for Rex, while you were out, traisping all over the world. Or maybe I have it wrong. The correct word might be 'whoring'?"

That comment earned Michael a heavy punch to the gut, which sent him to his knees.

"Fuckin' stop it, father!"

The elder Jarvis had his foot up, ready to tuck Michael's middle in again, but Rex helped. Jumping on his father's back, he threw his arms around his neck, putting a strangle hold on him. His father jumped up, carrying his son along with him. Shaking him loose, Rex landed against a table, the vase of flowers falling to the floor, breaking to bits. By this time, Michael was on his way to help. Before Jarvis could realize it, he wound up against the wall, Michael's big fist planted in his beer belly, no less than three times.

Clenched, at the throat, with Michael's wide hand, a message of hate was delivered, "If I ever catch you laying a hand on Rex again, it'll be the last ounce of breath you ever breathe!"

He let the father go, his body sinking against the wall, landing flat on his butt.

"Rex, are you alright?"

"Yeah... I think."

Michael, like putting his arm around Rex, felt up his ribs.

"I don't think anything's broken. You would have said something."

If this had been a romantic moment, Rex would have responded appropriately, however, with Michael at his side, he returned his attention to that of his father.

"So, now what do we do with him?" Rex asked, as the two stood there.

His father breathed heavily, after Michael's fist pounded the forty-four year old's stomach. He now lay on his side, parallel to the wall.

"Have you located 'your friend'?"

"Do you mean you're going along with me on this, Michael?" Rex inquired, excitedly.

"I think it's a good plan, all things considering."

"I've narrowed the selection down considerably, Michael."

"Oh? To?"

"It's either the Jim in Pennsylvannia or the Jim in Walcott."

"Walcott? Like in our county?"

"That's right."

"Wait! What's the last name, Rex?"

"Something like Retina or...."


"That's it, Michael! Do you know Jim Rettinger?"

"Do I know Jim Rettinger? Hell, we went to school together," Michael reports.

"Have you seen him lately?"

"Not lately. Not for about three years, but it's for damn sure that I know he's 'your Jim'."

"He's into bdsm?"

"Oh yeah. He's a heavy."


Then, looking down at Rex's father, still under the influence of his gutpunching, Michael smiles, saying, "Yeah, Rex, I think we've got a perfect match here!"


"Um, 'hi'."


Realising the young man speaks Spanish, John says, enunciating each words, "Do.. you.. know.. where.. Michael.. is?"

"He doesn't understand you, I don't think, John. Hey, how'd you get those bruises?"

Rico looks down at his still open shirt, where the buttons had busted off during his beating.

"I get beat up."

"Man, those bruises look nasty. Are you okay?"

It's now that John realises that this guy knows English.

"You can speak English?"

"I speak English, si."

"Getting acquainted are we?"

John, Ben and Rico look up, as Rex and Michael walk down the half circular stairway.

Ben, turning from the more friendly attitude, when he held his conversation with Rico, says coldly to Michael, "We came for our paycheck."

"Paycheck?" Rex questions, then asks, "What do they mean paycheck, Michael?"

"I don't know. What's this about Ben? John?"

Rico fades into the woodwork for the moment, as the four engage in conversation. Rex moves over next to John.

"You're not leaving us, are you John?"

"Well, you two do have each other to think about," Ben says.

"Oh, is that what this is all about?" Michael summises.

"What did you say to them, Michael?"

"Nothing, Rex, other than I wanted to see them after they had finished with their day's work."

"To pay us off, right?" Ben guesses, still leaning towards the same premise that this is their last day of work, on the Jarvis grounds.

Michael, standing but a foot from Ben, two inches taller, addresses him with, "No. Had something entirely different to propose, but if you and John feel that that is what you want to do...."

"Oh man, Ben. We are such jerks!"

"Okay," Rex asks, turning his question to John, "what's going on here, guys?"

"We're such idiots, Rex."

Michael smiles, saying to Ben, "Do I have to beat it out of you, Ben?"

"Could be fun, Michael."

Rico advances, then addressing Ben, asks, "You like be treated like slave?"

"Who's this, Michael?"

"Oh yeah, Rex, everybody," Michael then highlights the guest, "this is Rico. He's going to stay with us til he gets back on his feet."

Michael then sinks back to Rex's side, as Ben chats with Rico, who shows an interest in his remark to Michael. John stands there, listening to his cousin and Rico.

"And where did Rico come from?"

Michael told the whole story, including the part about Rico seeing his hardon, in the jon.

"So, he's gay?"

"Yeah and penniless. It's the only thing I could think of, is to bring him here. I hope it's okay, Rex?"

"Michael, get used to calling this place your's, since someday it's going to belong to both of us and not in the too distant future?"

"Yeah, well I just hope I tied your father down tight enough to the bed."

"Oh you did, Michael. Bet on it!"

Rex and Michael stop their gabbing, as John interrupts them.

"So, what did you want to talk to Ben and I about, Michael?"

"Okay, look. Here's the plain truth," Michael begins, as Ben and Rico come over to listen, "Rex and I really like you two guys. We've discussed everything."

"But..." John tries interrupting.

"Hear me out. Ben, I think you and I have a common bond and a good roleplaying relationship."

"Yeah, that's what I thought, Michael. I didn't want to change."

"Yeah," John agreed. "Not every player out there, especially a top, is as honest or safe as you are."

Rex whispered to Michael, "Don't let your head get too swelled up!"

Michael smiled back.

On the other hand, Rico dropped all pretenses of wondering about the safety of the environment, saying, "I play, too, okiedokie?"

"You, Rico?" Rex asks.

Ben, like he's know Rico for years, informs them, "Yeah, Rico's into bdsm, too. He can either give it or take it, but would like to top, if that's okay?"

"I think that Rico, Rex and I need to have a talk before deciding anything here. As for you, Ben and John, we want you to stay."

Rex adds, "And you're not living out of that junk heap that you call a truck!"


"Yeah, Ben?"

"Can I give you a hug?"

Rico watches as the loving body hugs are exchanged between the four. He senses a longing that, he has never had for his entire twenty-one years.


Later that night, an expected guest arrives at the Jarvis Mansion.

"James Rettinger to see... hey, Mikey?"

"Long time, huh Jim?"

The two gave each other a hug.

"You look good, Mikey."

"Not bad yourself, Jim. Still got those rock hard abs?"

"Anytime you want to test them, Mikey!"

Michael faked a punch to Jim's stomach.

"Hey, ya gotta warn me before it's coming, Mikey."

"C'mon in. I want you to meet Rex."

Before they enter the den, Jim quizzes, "So, you hit the big time, huh? Got Rex under your thumb, huh Mikey?"

Michael halts their advance.

"Um, listen Jim. In all due respect, we're close."


"Yeah, like a regualar couple in love. This isn't any master/slave thing, okay?"

"Yeah, sure Mikey."

"I mean, I know you're into that thing, but with Rex and I, it's different. Okay, Jim? You get where I'm headed with this?"

"Sure, Mikey."

"And another thing, Jim?"

"Yeah, Mikey?"

"I really hate it when you call me 'Mikey'!"

"Okay. No problem Michael!"

With hand around each other's shoulders, all is copacetic, as they enter the den.

"Jim, this is Rex."

Before he approaches the several feet, Jim says softly to Michael, "Oh my, didn't you do good," then as he extends his hand, "Jim Rettinger."

Rex shakes Jim's hand.

"Hmm... good grip," Jim comments on Rex's handshake.

"That's what Michael says," Rex jokes.

"Michael, you say? Hmm..."

As long as he can remember, Michael's always been a top. Now he wonders!

"What'll you have to drink, Jim?"

"The usual, that is if you still have a good memory, Michael?"

"Are you kidding. I'll never forget, after that experience in the leather bar that night!"

Of course, Rex is left there wondering, so keys them with the obvious question, "Oh? And what is that all about?"

Jim, using gestures, goes on to tell Rex about the two college jocks, on an outing for a 'wannabee-a-slave' experience.

"Yeah, Michael and I had met what, three weeks prior?"

Michael yells over, from the bar, two."

"I bet the story of you two meeting, is quite a tale, as well?"

"Actually, if it wasn't for Professor Marantz, we never would have met each other."

Rex confides, "Michael did mention a Professor Marantz, at Mammouth Falls University."

"Same one. Yep. The old alma mater."

Michael carries a tray of three drinks, handing one to Jim, followed by a second to Rex.

"And what's your brew, Rex?"

"I dare ya to take a sip, Jim," Michael says, laughing.

"Can't be anymore powerful than my zinger here."

"Like I said, Jim. I dare ya!"

Before Rex takes a sip, Jim reaches for his glass, taking it out of his hand.

"Ooooooh my!" Jim says, his eyes popping out of their sockets, his mouth rounded like a Cheerio, visions of steam coming out of his ears. "I'll stick with this."

"You don't think I'd have Rex contaminated after 'you' drank out of his glass... haa haaaa!"

"Yeah, fuck you too, Michael!" Jim says, letting Michael steal the glass from his hand.

Michael returns to the bar, to make Rex up another 'zinger'.

"So, what's this plan with your father?"

"Wait, you didn't tell me how you and Michael met, Jim."

"Oh there'll be plenty of time for that."

Rex sensed the same. From Michael and his previous talk, he thought of Jim as a real mean whippersnapper, however he liked the easy going conversation and immediately thought of them becoming good friends.


"Michael give you stripes on back, Ben?"

"Yeah. Oh man it felt sooooo hot!"

"You get hard when Michael whip you?"

John had turned over, lying on his side, falling half asleep. Ben lay on the bed, faced down. Rico on his side, felt the ripples, left behind by Michael's whipping.

"Very. The pain is so sweet. Do you like pain, Rico?"

"I don't know."

Turning to his side, flashing his hairy chest and stomach in Rico's direction, he asks, "Oh, but I thought you experienced at s&m."

"Is that same as slave and play?"

"Yeah. Mostly."

"I don't know. I hear about it, but I feel good when I get punch in belly."

"Wait. You said you were robbed and beaten."

"Yes. It bad I get robbed by men, but when two hold me and other punch me in the belly, my cock get hard."

"Hmm... punched in the stomach, huh?"


"Never tried that. Say, does your stomach still feel good?"

"It feel good when Michael touch it today."

"Michael felt your body up?"

"He want to find out there no broken bones."

"Oh, I get it."

"When he feel me, my cock get hard and I see his cock get hard."

"Now 'that' I can understand."

"Michael like to punish a man, si?"

"Yeah. Si is right, but he's fair about it, Rico."

"Do you think Michael play with me, too?"

"Oh sure. If you want him to."

"He stop if I want him to stop?"

"Oh sure. That's why I like playing with Michael. Plus, he's great for testing your limits."

"How that go, Ben?"

Ben winced, as he turned from his side, to his back.

"I can give good rub."

At first Ben's attention went to his cock, then he stopped being foolish and thought about a nice backrub.

"Yeah, that would be cool. I think I saw some cream in the jon."

Moving to the side of the bed, doing a sit up, Ben left for the other room.

"John, you wake?" Rico asked.

Not responding, Rico slid his hand down John's smooth back, saying, "simpatico," then leaned over kissing the shoulder blade. When he heard Ben nearing the room, he quickly rolled over towards the ruffled sheet.

"Found this coconut oil. It should be good."

"Si," Rico said, getting up.

Ben looked down at Rico's pubes, the rather large cock, nestled in the bed of black hair and large balls, all against the tanned skin.

"You look at cock because you want, no Ben?"

Smiling, Ben knew he'd been snagged by the Latino.

"You can have, if you want, Ben."

"It didn't take much thought. The desire was there."

All Ben did was take the plastic bottle of coconut oil from Rico's hand and place it on the night table. He held his hand out, like someone does when they want someone to proceed through a door. Only, Ben's gesture told Rico to lie back on the bed. Accepting the invitation, Rico propped his head up on the pillow, then folded his hands behind his head to relax. Ben, on his knees, behaved like a king at a feast.

"Oh man! You're beautiful, Rico!" He remarked, licking his lips, wanting to savor every hairy place on Rico's body and more.

"Then you can eat me, okiedokie, Ben?"

"Okiedokie, I'll say!"

The twenty year old went first for the hardened artery before him, standing up straight. He licked the cockhead, which elicited a loud moan from Rico. So loud, that it woke up John.

"Heeey! What's going on here?"

No explanation was needed, as John's head streched over his shoulder, to see his cousin's lips wrapped around the Latino's stiff shaft, slipping down the long column. It didn't take long for John to shift his weight around and get in on the action.

"Where should I..."

Seeing his cousin already taking care of Rico's hard cock, John questioned where he should start licking, however, those dark brown nips on Rico's chest, surrounded by little wisps of black hair became too tempting to pass up. Bending over, he licked across Rico's right nip.

"Ooooooh that feel so nice John. You give me kiss now?"

That didn't take much effort, John thought. However, as their lips touched, neither wanted to stop.

"You make love to me, John?"

"No problem, Rico... no problem..." John's voice died away, as they continued their necking.

Before long, John lifted his leg over Rico's bod and straddled him, as they continued their sweet lip-lovemaking.

Ben, his mouth full, looked up and saw another delicious sight. John's cock hanging down, with those enticing orbs. The feast included a lightly hairy asscrevice. But for now, Ben was contented with the cock that begged to be swallowed.


"Yeah, Rico?" He answered, after sucking the hot cock for some time now.

"You pleasure John now?"


"You stop with my cock. I come soon. You suck John, okiedokie?"

It wasn't the direction Ben questioned, but the fact that Rico had more than less, dictated an order to him. Could it be that Rico was more top than bottom? Thinking it, turned him on big time.

"You suck John now, Ben, okiedokie?" The second request came.

"Okiedokie, sir!" Ben replied, wondering if Rico made the connection, as he lifted himself up.

Ben has always wondered what his cousin's ass tasted like and now he had his big chance. Parting the white mounds, he licked at the crack.

"Ooooooooh!" John moaned, breaking his kiss and looking over his shoulder.

"That feel good for you, John?" Rico inquired.

"Yeah. Real good, Rico."

"You keep do that, Ben, okiedokie?"

This time Ben didn't answer. Not vocally, at least. Instead he kept digging deeper with his tongue.

Before going back to their kissing, Rico asked, "Ben tongue feel good in ass, John?"

"Oh yeah. Real nice, Rico."

"Bueno. He do that to me, too. You want lick me, John?"

At least John got to pick where he wanted to tantalize Rico with his tongue. He couldn't pass up the thick, black tuft of hair under his arm.

"You lick my ass now, Ben okiedokie?"



Copyright 2005 T. Chase McPhee All Rights Reserved.

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Next: Chapter 11

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