College Magic Cycle

Published on Jun 15, 2022


The Pack Chapter 6


I welcome feedback from readers, in fact I thrive on it.

The Pack is a story about werewolves. There may be some violence.

This cycle includes multiple storylines. The stories intertwine. They are listed in the College Magic Cycle folder in the suggested reading order.

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Author's Notes

·         Expect one chapter in the College Magic Cycle on Thursday or Friday, and one stand-alone story or chapter in a different story every Monday or Tuesday.

·         Please remember that any scene told from a single POV is subject to the "unreliable narrator" effect. A character can only see and react to events as they perceive them.

·         My Stories

o   College Magic

o   Jack and the Giant

o   Sacred Submissives

o   Bellus Cinaedus

o   Guardian Angel

o   Eros in Arcadia

The Pack Chapter 6 (The Truth About Alphas and Betas)

First Saturday after School Began


When I got back to campus last night, I tried to find Ethan. He wasn't in my room, and he wasn't in his new room. At least he didn't answer the door when I knocked. Conor and Kevin had gone back to their room, and I didn't want to disturb them, so I went to my room and masturbated to all the things I was going to do to Ethan when I caught up with him. Then I fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke up alone for the first time since coming to college. I didn't like it. After showering, I went looking for Ethan again. He still wasn't in his room. I went looking for Conor instead. He was awake and sitting in his room in a towel. Kevin was still in the shower. "Hey Conor, that dance I thought was happening yesterday is actually happening today," I said. "The plan will still work. You and I are having dinner, probably at the Steak and Shake because it's close. Then we're dancing, and then we're fucking. Unless something else comes up to get ruin our plans."

I pulled the towel off his waist leaving him naked. He looked good but startled. He grabbed for his towel and tried to pull it out of my grasp. "Dude, you can't do that," he said. He was laughing and angry at the same time.

"I need to check out the merchandise," I said with a shrug. "I didn't see what you were hiding yesterday under your shorts, and Meghan vetoed my idea of having you betas play naked for our enjoyment."

He stood up and laughed as he turned around. "As the alpha commands!" he said.

At that moment, Kevin came into the room, also wrapped in a towel. "What's happening?" he asked.

Conor laughed and said, "Our newest alpha is demanding we betas get naked for his viewing pleasure."

Kevin's face blanched, but he pulled his towel off and stood stiffly at attention. I jumped up and handed him his towel. "I was kidding, dude," I said. "No one, alpha or not, can order you to get naked. I know you're straight and that would be beyond inappropriate."

Kevin put his towel back on, but Conor wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "You don't know how things used to be around here. My older brother Owen was here three years ago when Cromwell was the alpha. All the betas were at their mercy. Cromwell mounted the alphas to show them who was boss, and the alphas mounted the betas whenever they wanted. Owen was gay, like Conor here, but that didn't mean that the alphas should have used him the way they did. Drew, Dawn and Xav are like gods. What they did for us betas, it was a big deal. When I came to college, I was told one thing by my parents repeatedly, `Do whatever the alphas say."

I was shaking my head. "Why did the betas put up with it? Why didn't they go to a different college with a better pack?" I asked.

Conor put his hand on my shoulder and said, "You don't get it, Simon. That's life for a beta in most packs. It may have been worse here, but you'd be surprised." He turned to Kevin and said, "What's it like for Owen in your home pack?"

"It's not as bad as it was here," Kevin said. "Our home pack doesn't force straight betas to submit, but any gay or bisexual beta boy is fair game. They're expected to give it up for any alpha who wants it. Owen is with one of the pack enforcers, despite being in love with another gay beta, and he's forced to cater to his every whim. He makes him wear a dog collar and call him sir."

"But why don't the betas say `no'?" I asked.

"There's something in an alpha's voice," Conor said. "It's hard for us to disobey it."

"Wait, wait, wait," I said. "Are you going out with me because of my voice?"

"Sorry sir," Conor said. "You don't have it yet, but you will. I just wanted to go out with you because you're so sexy."

I was shaking my head and sighing. "I'll have to keep my head about me then when I finally turn," I said. "I don't want to be making you do things you don't want to do. Kevin, I would never force a straight guy to get naked for me. I wouldn't do it to a gay boy either. That said, if you have time, Conor, and if you want to do it, I would love it if you and I could go out tonight and maybe come back here, if Kevin can be somewhere else for a while."

"I would love to have sex with you tonight if that's what you mean, sir," Conor said. "And if you want to model someone who doesn't alpha growl at us until we obey, watch Drew, Darren, Xav, or Zeno. Dawn's good at it too unless she's frustrated or angry, but Meghan is a growler. Oh, and Darren will growl if he thinks it's necessary to get things done, but never for his personal benefit."

I kissed Conor. He let me take possession of his mouth completely welcoming my tongue with passion. "I'll see you later," I said. Then I put a hand on Kevin's shoulder and said, "I'm sorry. I'll think before I speak in the future."

I left the room, thinking that Kevin had jumped to fulfill my wishes without even hearing me say it. He'd reacted to Conor relaying my wishes to him, even in jest. Part of me liked the idea of all those beta boys, gay or straight, bending over for me with just a growl. Damn it was good to be an alpha.


I woke up with Zeno licking my cock. One hand was holding the shaft gently and the other was squeezing my nuts, applying just shy of the amount of pressure that would be painful. His muscular and smooth body was stretched out beside me, with his feet near my head. He'd obviously shaved and showered this morning. He was still damp.

I ran a hand along his firm thigh and butt. He looked in my direction and then cocked his knee up, giving me access to his cock or ass. He was leaving the choice to me. I knew what he meant. Did I want to fuck him this morning, or did I want to get fucked. It was Zeno, and I loved his cock, but it was his ass I'd been dreaming of, so I slid my fingers into his crack and found he'd already lubed himself. He was like an X-rated boy scout, always prepared.

Zeno hummed on my cock when my fingers found his rosebud. The man had talent. When I touched it, his pucker tightened, then relaxed, then tightened again in rapid succession, like it was kissing my finger. I slid one finger inside him. He wasn't like the pretty boys I fucked so often; his ass was warm, soft, and – most importantly – strong. He'd tried to show me the pelvic floor muscle exercises he did, but the reality is that Zeno had the greatest core muscle strength of anyone I knew. I assumed it the dancing that made him such a good bottom, and not the expert bottoming that made him such a great dancer.

When I found Zeno's pleasure spot he moaned a little around my cock and squeezed my finger with his powerful ring. I was about to blow any minute. "I'm going to cum, Zeno," I announced.

He didn't stop. He doubled down with his sucking and tongue work. He became a little more forceful with my balls as well. He didn't hurt them, but he sure knew how to manhandle them just enough to drive me over the edge. When he squeezed them, it was like he was squeezing the cum out of them, while his powerful mouth sucked it right out and down his throat. I fell down the job and let my finger go limp inside his ass while I was shooting into his mouth. It wasn't just my cock that went limp; it was my whole body.

When I had nothing left to give, Zeno climbed on top of me and kissed me, his lips bruising mine as he laid claim to them. Then he laid down on his back and said, "My turn, Janowski. Get your fingers back inside my ass and get your mouth on my cock."

"Yes sir!" I said. This was an order I was happy to follow.

Zeno has freshly shaved and moisturized, so his powerful dancer's muscles were covered by silky smooth skin. He'd left a small, very well trimmed amount of pubic hair. Zeno and I were almost twins in the cock department, and he filled my mouth so full that I could barely contain half of it. I relaxed my throat took him deeper. Last year Zeno had trained me how to control my breathing while sucking cock, and I hadn't forgotten.

I worked two fingers, and then three inside his sexy ass. He clamped down to show his appreciation. My fingers stroked his prostate from the inside, while the fingers of my other hand pressed against it from the outside, rubbing his smooth perineum. It didn't take long with hands working his butt and my mouth working his cock. When I felt him tense, I pulled back a little because I didn't want him shooting straight down my throat. I wanted to taste him. And I wasn't disappointed. He filled my mouth with his massive load, and I swirled my tongue around to catch it all. His ass was gripping my fingers so hard I was sure he was going to leave bruises.

And then we were done. We lay side by side, just enjoying the feel of each other's body touching our own. Then Zeno pulled my fingers to his mouth and sucked his own clean but musky ass off them. "Whatever goes in your ass will go in your mouth," he said as he finished licking them. "Remember that rule, Janowski, because when you fuck that little alpha cub later, I'm going to be fucking you."

We got dressed and went downstairs. Several of the guys were already up. Zeno walked up behind Lew Muller and wrapped his arms around his chest and kissed his neck. One hand slid down Lew's chest and rubbed his cock through his jeans. "I guess you did miss me, Beta Stud," he said, nuzzling his neck. I'm glad to see you've moved into the Wolf House. I'll need someone to keep me company while Janowski is wasting time with my sister."

A grin split Lew's face as he turned in Zeno's arms. He was tall and thin, with a neat black beard and thick eyebrows. He wore his black hair to his shoulders. He was an attractive guy in his own quirky way. Most guys missed it until they got to know him. He always tried his best to look like a werewolf in his human form. He kissed Zeno, or rather let Zeno kiss him, and then he howled. It wasn't an alpha growl, but it sounded a lot like a beta's imitation of one. "Any time, Zeno," he said, looking around at the other betas like he was reveling in his position as Zeno's chosen beta stud.

Zeno squeezed Lew's cock and said, "Be a good beta and get your alphas some breakfast!"

"Sure thing, boss," Lew said and then he went to cook up some eggs and bacon.

I felt comfortable knowing that Zeno was here. We needed someone in the Wolf House. I expected that he was going to have to kick some ass at first. We had too many new betas coming in here. I didn't even know them all. They didn't know Zeno, and a lot of guys thought being mostly a bottom meant you couldn't be an alpha. They'd soon find out who was in charge here.

After breakfast, we had to go back to campus. I was sure that Dawn and Darren could handle things in my absence, but we needed to show up at Professor Thorne's council meeting ready to show her we weren't her minions; the pack was going to be an equal partner in this town going forward. When Xav showed up in our Dodge Ram, we piled in. We had a bench seat, so we could all ride comfortably in the cab. I made Zeno ride in the middle, mostly because I didn't want to.

The Observer

I'd been watching the big farmhouse since before dawn. Our intelligence told us that they didn't even try to hide who they were. It's not like they were running around in wolf shape, but they had a sign out front that said "Wolf House". They were about a dozen living there now, between the main house and the apartments built along the side of the lot. It was hard to tell who the "alpha" was. It seemed like no one was in charge.

According to second shift, a new guy came in yesterday. He was the subject we'd designated Alpha 1, probably the overall leader. Maybe it was because this was a college town, but the leaders of this pack seemed young. Both Alpha 1 (Alexander Janowski) and the new subject came in a Dodge Ram pickup truck driven by the subject we'd designated Lone Wolf (Xavier Janowski). For whatever reason, Lone Wolf lived by himself, but had a lot of visitors. And now Lone Wolf had come to the house again. Alpha 1 and the undesignated new subject got into the truck, and they left.

I saw a note from 2nd shift that the undesignated subject should be called Dances with Wolves because he may be Zeno Schiller, who graduated last year and danced at the Blue Room. From what I'd seen of him through the telescopes, I hoped he took up that job again. I could enjoy a stakeout like that. I made a note of them leaving and then added my own opinion to the note from second shift. "Dances with Wolves" is too long, and not accurate if he is a wolf. Consider "Dancer" instead.

Operation Blue Severan was gathering a lot of information. I flipped through the shared document again. We still didn't know who sent the provocateur to the Psych building last week. Our own operative had been watching Subject Red Prime when subject Provocateur 1 began the sexual assault. I checked the notes on that incident. Our operative recorded that she had almost intervened because general order 9 said that Subject Red Prime was to be protected from harm at all costs. I too was wondering why the kid glove treatment. The Supervisor still hadn't explained the significance of Subject Red Prime and why the special treatment, but there was a clarification. General Order 9 requires that the life of subject Red Prime be preserved even at the cost of operational secrecy, but other harm is to be noted and the perpetrator identified so that later we can apply Extreme Sanction.

Damn! I thought. The supervisor was willing to kill a target for harming Red Prime. What made that subject so special?

I checked the detention file. Provocateur 1 had been detained and had been taken to the site designated Azkaban. Cute, I thought. We were running a secret detention facility here on American soil. I wouldn't have wanted to be in Provocateur 1's shoes now. The Supervisor seemed to have a boner for Red Prime. Everyone he interacted with was flagged with a high priority.

I went back to watching the screen. We couldn't see into the building, but the telescopes were watching the house. The computer tracked every figure it saw and gave them a label. If only we'd been able to get cameras inside the house, but it had been occupied all summer.


"I'm not hungry, Daddy," Benjy whined, rubbing his head against my arm. He'd been picking at his food this morning, trying to move it around on his plate, like I wouldn't see that it was still there.

"Eat," I said sternly, and went back to checking my messages.

He shoved his mouth full of food and then sat there at the table with his head down. I was empathizing with his mother more every minute. He could become impossible sometimes. "Can I go to the bathroom, Daddy," he mumbled without looking at me.

I knew he still had the eggs in his mouth. "Not until you finish your breakfast, boy," I growled at him. A guy at the table behind Benjy put down his phone and started shoveling his breakfast into his mouth, but Benjy just turned and looked at me with his big sad eyes and mumbled, "I need to pee, Daddy."

He was moving his leg so fast that I thought he might not be lying. I looked around the room and spotted Chloe, one of the beta girls. I got her attention and said, "Pack this up so we can take it with us."

Then I took Benjy's arm and marched him into the bathroom and watched him at the urinal. He had really needed to go. When he was done, I said, "Open your mouth and show me."

He opened his mouth and I saw the eggs still inside. I grabbed him and yanked his pants down and gave him three hard slaps on his firm little butt. "I'm going to keep smacking your ass until you swallow," I said.

And I did. I smacked his ass six more times before he'd swallowed it all. Then I pulled his pants back up and took him by the arms and led him back into food court. Chloe was standing there with Benjy's breakfast in a to go carton. "Tell her thank you for taking care of your breakfast because you were being a brat," I growled.

Benjy whispered his thanks. I made him take the carton and we went back to the room. I watched him out of the corner of my eye while he finished eating the eggs. I knew they weren't very good when they were cold, but that was his fault. He'd let them sit for an hour. I kept checking messages. Most of the problems the beta boys had could be handled over the phone. I chuckled at the picture one of the guys sent me of Lew howling at the ceiling light while Xav hugged him from behind. Lew was Xav's favorite beta, and it wasn't just his ridiculously oversized dick. Lew was a total badass for a beta, and he played guitar, wrote poetry, and hacked into computer for fun. The fact that he was a total top also made them compatible. He was a beta without a chip on his shoulder. He knew what he was, and he was happy with himself. Xav had once told me that Lew was one of the most emotionally stable guys he knew.

Benjy was crawling onto my lap and looking at me with those puppy dog eyes of his again. "I'm sorry, Daddy," he said, wrapping his arms around my neck and leaning his head against my chest. "I'm not trying to be a brat. I get sick to my stomach when I eat too much. and ... I don't want to get fat."

He whispered the last part, but then he looked mortified. He started kissing my face and rubbing my belly. "I love your belly, Daddy," he said. "A belly looks good on a daddy, but it makes a boy look ugly. And I like that you can carry me so easily and that I can sleep on top of you without crushing you."

The boy was insecure about himself. And it was more than the Ritalin at work on his weight. I thought he might be a little anorexic. And damned if I didn't feel guilty because I found his skinny little body so irresistible. "You'll still be my pretty little boy, even if you do put on a few pounds," I said, stroking his back. "And I will always be able to lift you, son. You're not that big."

I stood up and held him in my arms, then I slung him over my shoulder so I could smack his butt a few times through the thin shorts he was wearing. "But I will have to spank you, if you don't obey me," I said.

"Will you spank me hard, Daddy?" he asked innocently.

"Yes son, I will spank you hard, and not just play with your butt ...."

"... like you know I like!" he finished for me.

I threw him on the bed and pulled his shorts and boy briefs off. He was wearing Snoopy today. "Are you going to spank me now, Daddy?" he asked, pouting his lips.

I flipped him over. "Yes I am, son," I send. "Then I'm going to play with your ass like I know you like!"

He was giggling and lifting his hips, "I cleaned my boy hole good this morning, just like you told me. Only half a bag of water and I made it last three times, and everything came out clean the second time, but I did it again because I was afraid you would have to taste my poop."

I loved his rambling almost as much as I loved his skinny butt. I sat down and pulled that butt to my face and attacked it with my tongue. Benjy squealed, "I love you Daddy! You make my boy hole feel so good!"

The neighbors never had any doubts about what was happening in our room. How could they, with Benjy's exuberance? He'd done a good job and he tasted clean and delicious. Benjy didn't know what to do with his hands. He moved them toward his little dicklet and then remember he wasn't supposed to touch it when it was hard, and he stretched them out in front of him. Finally, he decided to rest his cheek on the bed and clasp his hands behind his back, then behind his neck and then to pull his cheeks apart.

I got up started taking my clothes off. Benjy pulled his shirt off, leaving himself naked. Then he knelt and helped me out of my pants. When I stretched out on the bed, he knew just what to do. He stuck his butt back up in my face and went straight for my cock like a pup for a bone. I tongued his hole and probed it with a finger. He was beginning to relax. Meanwhile, my cock was getting harder by the minute because of his eager mouth.

"You've got a pretty hole, boy," I said.

"Thank you, Daddy," he replied. "It's your hole, and only yours."

"That's right baby," I growled. "This pretty pink hole belongs to Daddy. Make it wink at me."

Benjy laughed and made his hole twitch so that it looked like it was winking at me. "I think this little hole wants something," I said. "I wonder what it wants?"

"It wants daddy-dick!" Benjy yelled.

I licked it a few more times, then turned him around and sat him down on my cock. "Yes Daddy, yes!" he shouted. When his butt hit my pubes he started bouncing on my cock. The boy knew what he wanted. I rested my hands on his hips and let him do the work.

"Am I doing it right, Daddy?" he asked. "Are you going to cum?"

"You're doing fine baby boy," I said. "Daddy's not going to cum until you do. A good daddy always makes sure his boy cums first."

"Thank you Daddy!" he shouted, and he started bouncing harder. I decided to take pity on him. I pulled him down and then positioned my knees to support him at the correct angle. Then I guided him up and down, his back resting on my knees while he rose and fell. His eyes grew wide, and his breathing grew shallow.

"Does that feel better, son," I asked.

"Yes Daddy," he said, with a slight whimper in his voice. "That's it. I couldn't find it."

I guided him slow and steady. I'd been ready to blow for a while now, and I was holding on by sheer willpower. Then he came. His load shot up over my belly and onto his chest. His little dick was jumping around spraying everything, and his ass bit down hard on my cock. I spilled inside his warm hole.

"Daddy's breeding you now, boy," I said. "If you were a bitch, you'd be pregnant with my cubs."

Benjy dutifully cleaned my cock with his mouth, then crawled up next to me and snuggled into the crook of my arm. His fingers toyed with my chest hair. "I am your little bitch, Daddy," he said, "but I'm a boy bitch and I can't give you cubs. I wish I could, but I don't want to be a girl."

I patted his head and kissed his forehead. "It's just sexy talk, Benjy," I said. "I don't want you to be a girl either. If you were a girl I wouldn't be in love with your little pink boy hole."

We lay there for a while and then I noticed that Benjy had fallen asleep. I took a nap too, with my little cub in my arms.


After the Council meeting, Zeno and I went back to my room. Simon was in the room finishing some homework. He perked up when he saw Zeno. And Zeno being Zeno, he put on a show of flexing and bending, but he made it seem natural. Simon's eyes followed him around the room.

"Simon, this is Zeno Schiller," I said. "He's Dawn's brother, and he's the alpha in charge of the Wolf House. Zeno, this is Simon Carter, our newest alpha in Severan Pack."

"Pleased to meet you, Simon," Zeno growled. "You should come see me sometime. I work at the Blue Room."

I punched Zeno playfully on the arm and said, "Stop it, Zeno. Simon's not old enough to get into a bar, let alone a strip bar."

"Sorry," he said. "I'll have to give you a private dance sometime, or you could come out to the Wolf House any night I'm there. I can't help it. Whenever I hear music, I start taking my clothes off. Elevators are hell for me."

Simon's sour face took on a smile. "I could put some music on," he suggested.

"Not yet," I said. "I've got to use the shower."

"Don't forget to douche that fine ass of yours," Zeno said. "And what about you Simon? Drew told me about your bet. Have you bothered to clean yourself out?"

Simon shook his head.

"You're up after Drew then," Zeno said. He sat down next to Simon and put his arm around him. "Don't worry, you're not getting fucked by me – unless you want to. Drew's going to take your ass, and I'm going to take his. It'll be a train, or a san-drew-ch."

Simon said, "We can do a circle, if I get to fuck you afterward."

Zeno leaned in and sniffed him and let out a growl. "You smell good boy, but Xav said no fucking for you."

He saw the look on Simon's face and said, "Don't get pissed off. Didn't you know that Xav's the big boss. We all jump to his tune because he's smarter than we are, and he understands things we don't even know are there to understand in the first place. Besides, I'm going to talk him into letting me ride your cock sometime soon. Trust me."

I had to close this off before it got out of hand. Simon had been off kilter since he got Xav's instructions, and Zeno liked to show his own dominance by getting tops (alpha or beta) to bang him hard. In some ways he was like a reverse Simon.

"We don't have to do this now, if you don't want to Simon," I said. "Zeno's being pushy because he doesn't want to let me enjoy your butt without him having his dick in my ass at the same time. He's about 90% bottom, but he's obsessed with my butt."

"Do you blame me, Bro?" Zeno asked. "I was 100% bottom before I met you."

"It can be just you and me, after I send this horndog home," I said.

Simon thought about it for a minute, then he replied, "I think I want to do it now, but I want to see Zeno dance before we do."

"Sure thing," Zeno said. "I can't strip in these pants, so I'm going to root through Drew's stuff while he's cleaning up. But the big question is, `who do you want to help you clean up the basement', me or Drew."

"No offense, but I'd rather it was Drew," Simon replied.

"Good, go clean up, while I get ready to dance," Zeno said. "And I know you haven't changed any of your passwords, Drew, so I'm going to look through all your private email while you're out of the room."

"You'll see naked pictures of your sister," I warned him. I knew he wasn't really going to invade my privacy, but we had a weird relationship. No one understood except for Dawn, and she just rolled her eyes at us.

I handed Simon an anal douche bulb I'd taken from Xav. He always kept them on hand for any of the boys who wanted to try bottoming for the first time. And Darren would always drive them out to chat with Xav instead of having the talk himself.

As Simon was opening the box and reading the instructions, he said, "He's weird, you know, but I like him."

"Good," I said. "Zeno's my best friend. It was his idea to overthrow Cromwell in the first place, but he and Darren got mad that I didn't kill him instead of exiling him."

"Will Xav let me fuck him?" he asked. "Zeno thinks he will."

"Zeno thinks he can do a lot of things that he can't," I replied. "But maybe he can convince Xav on this one. You must understand that sometimes when Xav is explaining things I just nod my head and agree with him and do what he wants because Zeno wasn't wrong in saying that Xav sees more clearly than any of us. But the way Xav explained it to me ... I'm not going to try and restate Xav's reasons. I'll get them twisted into nonsense. Having sex with Zeno is different but similar in some ways to having sex with Xav – from what I understand. Xav is my brother and we've never done anything like that because it would be weird – It's similar because Xav will bottom but he's still in charge. It's strange. I've taken a dick a few times, as you well know, but I've never felt so relaxed and without care and responsibility as I do when I'm topping Zeno. I can't explain it, but I recommend it."

"You won't get jealous?" Simon asked.

"Getting jealous of Zeno is almost as pointless as getting jealous of Xav. I don't own him. He does what he wants."

I showed Simon how the douche bulb worked and helped him get himself clean. He watched me do it first with my own bulb, so we were both ready to go when he was done. When we got back in the room, Zeno was wearing a pair of my sweatpants and an open cowboy style shirt over his smooth bare chest. His pecs were more defined than mine. He made me feel dumpy and I hated him in a totally "I'm a jealous bitch" sort of way.

We sat side by side on the bed like it was a bench. Zeno had logged me out of my account on my computer and logged himself in. He was playing a heavily syncopated dance list. I loved to watch him move. It was almost like his pelvis and his abdomen moved in different directions. He slowly stripped off his shirt (my shirt), teasing it over his shoulders and back up before throwing it at Simon. Then he gyrated his hips and thrust his crotch at us, then slowly teased the sweats down. My ears turned red when I saw what he was wearing. Slowly he revealed the silver sparkly shorts underneath. Zeno had left them last year and I'd kept them. Sometimes I held them to my face when I masturbated.

Normally Zeno danced in something sexy, but seeing him dance in gray sweats, it made me think that he could make anything sexy. When he'd worked the sweats down far enough, he slipped out of them and flipped them at me with his foot. Then he was wearing only the small silver shorts. We could see the outline of his package pressing against the fabric. He squatted over my lap and grinded, barely brushing my cock with his ass, then he moved on to Simon and gave him a lap dance as well. While he was dancing, he took Simon's hands and put them on the sides of shorts and mimed pulling them.

When Simon pulled the shorts, they unsnapped and came off is his hand, leaving Zeno dancing on his lap in a silver mesh thong. His semi-hard cock filled the pouch completely. He danced on me in the thong for a while then went back to Simon and put Simon's hands on the straps. Simon smiled and pulled and the whole thing came apart and Zeno's sizable dick flopped out. It stiffened and Zeno made it dance for us. We were both giving wolf-whistles when the song stopped.

Zeno picked up the silver shorts and the thong. "Anything else of mine, you kept," he asked.

I opened my gym bag and pulled out a plastic bag and threw it at him. Inside was an old jock. "You can have it back," I said. "It doesn't smell like you anymore."

Zeno choreographed the whole thing. He put Simon up on his hands and knees because a big cock hurt less the first time if the bottom's rectum was straight. Then I knelt behind Simon and licked his hole. The boy almost jumped through the roof.

"Damn that's good!" he said.

I knew it was going to take some work to loosen him up, so I got right to it, running my tongue along the ring, then teasing it inside. That's when I felt Xav's tongue on my own hole. Damn, I'd missed that. The hardest part of this sandwich Zeno was building was that I couldn't give my whole attention to Simon, like I felt he deserved. The boy's skin was the color of chocolate milk, and his ring was slightly darker than the cheeks. His small hole was tight. If I remembered correctly, he'd never had anyone inside him, or maybe it was just high school twinks. In either event, I had to relax him a bit. I knew that Zeno would wait for me to give the signal.

I worked my tongue inside him, a millimeter at a time. I was amazed, but it was like magic. There was resistance until suddenly there wasn't, and he opened for me. I licked him some more to make sure it wasn't a false start, then I slide a well-lubed finger inside. He stayed open, so I worked the finger in and out, then I slid my middle finger in next to the index finger. He groaned. That was probably the girth of his high school boyfriends.

I stroked his g-spot, turning his groans into moans. I stretched him, then applied a generous amount of lube and stretched him again. "Damn, Drew, that feels amazing and painful at the same time," Simon exclaimed.

I worked two fingers from each hand into his hole and started to stretch his ass lips apart. Then I lubed my cock and lined it up with his ass. When I pushed into him he screamed a little, then turned it into a grimace. "Keep going, Drew, I can handle it," he said.

"You're doing great, Simon," I said. "I'm almost in."

"Almost?" he asked. "It feels like you're ripping me apart!"

I chuckled at him. "A few more inches, Simon, push out."

He tried and I pushed further in. When he cried out, I let it sit until he adjusted, then pushed inside him again. I could tell that he was uncomfortable. I had been uncomfortable when he'd gotten inside me as well. Zeno was still fingering my ass. I guessed he didn't want to distract me yet.

Once he stopped groaning, I pulled out a little and put more lube on my dick and then thrust inside in a single push. "Dammit! Drew," he cried. "That fucking hurt!"

"I know, alpha stud," I said, "but you can handle it. I'm in now. Let's wait a bit and let the pain recede, then I'll make you feel good."

I waited for a few moments then started fucking him in a slow rhythm. Zeno put a hand on my hips when I was all the way inside Simon. When I stopped, he slid inside me. "Now we're making a Janowski sandwich," he said.

It was strange fucking and getting fucked at the same time. But Zeno had the most difficult position. I couldn't pull back far enough to fall out of Simon's ass with Zeno pressing against me, but he was at the mercy of my own hips. Whenever I moved too quickly, he had to shift position to keep up with me, but he could move his hips with more precision than I could.

The fact was that I'd been hoping to get inside Simon for a while meant that I wasn't going to last long. His ass was tight and warm and soft, and my cock was ready to explode. I let my hand slide down to touch Simon's cock. It was only semi-hard, so I fondled him. It didn't take long for him to become fully hard. I stroked him gently, while making sure to hit his g-spot with every stroke. Soon he was moaning with pleasure and his cock was rock hard.

"I'm trying, Simon," I said. "I'm trying to hold back until you cum, but you're so fucking sexy that I'm about to blow. Cum for me, stud boy."

With another couple of strokes, Simon came. "I'm cumming!" he roared. "Fuck that cock feels good in my ass while I'm cumming. Hell yes!"

When Simon came, I let myself cum. In truth, I couldn't hold it back much longer anyway. As my ass clamped down on Zeno's cock, he came inside me.

Then we pulled apart and Simon sucked my cock, while I sucked Zeno's. Not wanting to feel left out, Zeno took Simon's cock in his mouth. Once all the cum had been licked from our bodies, we fell into a heap on the floor.


Having Drew inside me was an interesting experience, but I wasn't sure that I wanted to repeat it. It has hurt and it had felt good at the same time. Cumming with a cock in my ass somehow made me feel less manly, and I'd had a few years to construct my image of myself as a top. I was proud of being gay, but I'd never been one to chase cock. I was an ass man. Twinks were okay, but it was the meatier and more muscular jock butts that drove me wild.

I went to library to finish some homework because I hated not doing well in a class. I had not earned anything less than an A in my senior year, and hadn't ever earned anything less than a B. I'd sworn that I would graduate college with a 4.0, and that meant a lot of work. I also had to meet up with Darren for another run. This time he'd brought a half dozen beta boys with him, including Benjy and Conor. I could tell which beta boys were looking to attract a male alpha by their running clothes. Benjy was wearing what looked like boy's pajama bottoms to me, very thin and barely coming below his butt cheeks. Conor was wearing a pair of silky running shorts, the kind that barely covered anything and had built-in panties. Kevin McNeil on the other hand had sweat shorts that came down to mid-thigh. The other three guys were dressed similarly to Kevin. Darren of course wore sweatpants that covered everything.

"We're going to be running for health today, boys," Darren said. "It's not a race, except against yourself. Anyone who pulls ahead of me will owe me more laps when we're done."

I knew he was trying to get me to exercise without competing thanks to Xav's inane plan to "tame my wolf spirit". I thought it was stupid, but I wasn't going to rock the boat. No physical competition, and no fucking. I'd play along in public because I didn't want to fight with Drew and Darren, but in private I was going to do what I wanted. It was still my plan to fuck Conor tonight, and his tight ass in those shorts made me want to do it here in front of everyone.

"We're doing 2 miles today," Darren said, "so pace yourselves. Wolves and humans are cursorial hunters, not fast chasers like cheetahs, but slow endurance chasers who can run down faster prey by outlasting them. That's why it's not about speed, but about pacing."

We followed him around the long track, but I was an alpha and I wasn't going to run behind anyone. I didn't pull in front of Darren, but I kept next to him. The betas fell in behind us. Even Benjy managed to keep pace, although he started whining about halfway through the run, and at the end Darren put him on his back. I liked Benjy despite his annoying behaviors, but I wondered if Darren was doing him any favors with all the special treatment. He was never going to grow up if every time he whined, Darren gave in and coddled him.

Once we'd run our two miles, Darren surprised us by announcing that we were running the trailhead to the 1.5-mile marker then walking to the spirit rock. That elicited a groan from some of the beta boys who were near exhaustion, but I determined not to let my dissatisfaction show. Kevin and Conor made no complaint either.

The 1.5-mile marker was the place where the Arcadia trailhead split into the eastern loop trail and the "long trail" that went off to the northeast. We headed just a little west of north. It was another mile walk to the spirit rock. We could feel the spirit guardians in the area, but they weren't warning us away. Mundanes who came into this area would feel uneasy and anxious until they left, but they wouldn't know why.

When we arrived in the clearing, I was surprised to Xav in a tree, climbing from branch to branch. Darren called out to him, but he didn't come down. There was a rustling wind that stirred through the trees and carried Xav's voice to our ears. "Someone has been here and planted electronic surveillance devices. I'm removing them now."

Darren cleared his throat and said, "Take a seat in front of the spirit rock, boys. We're going to wait for Xav to finish up before he joins us."

Everyone sat down, except for Kevin and Conor who were stretching. They were both athletic, so I decided to join them. Benjy stretched out on the ground and seemed fascinated watching some beetles crawl through the grass. Darren nodded approval at me, Kevin, and Conor, but he didn't join us. I had the impression that a three-and-a-half-mile run didn't faze him. That was surprising to me because he didn't look like he was in shape.

When Xav was satisfied that there were no more devices in the trees, he stepped off the branch and fell gently to the ground, supported by the wind. The betas started clapping. Since Darren was standing to one side, I decided to stand as well. I wasn't going to be sitting with the betas if the other alphas were standing.

Xav addressed the crowd in his calm voice, saying, "Thank you for coming today. Darren has asked me to talk to you about your wolf spirits. Two of you are adopted members of the clan." He pointed to me and one of the betas named Hugh. "The remainder of you were born into the clan, but you may not have already heard the information I'm going to give you today. Just be patient if you already know what I have to say."

Some of the guys seemed very interested in what he was saying, but even those who hadn't sat up a little straighter were paying attention to his words. Even Benjy stopped following the beetles. "How many of you came from packs with a spirit talker?"

Conor's hand went up and so did Benjy's, but none of the others responded. Xav nodded. "That's not surprising," he said. "Most packs these days don't have anyone to guide them spiritually. The first thing you should know is that we skinchangers are who we are because we have two spirits within us. Over time, if you work at it, you're two spirits will meld into one. If not, there will be continual struggle between these two spirits.

"For those who are interested, I will hold training sessions to help you attain this state of balance. There may even be among you some who have the potential to learn the art of spirit talking."

As Xav spoke, his wolf spirit manifested around him. It was barely visible, as a nimbus more than a solid form, but a sense of power radiated from him that caused all our wolf spirits to howl within us. "Our human spirit enters us before we are born, but the wolf spirit enters us through association with others who have wolf spirits. For the two of you who are new to the tribe, your spirits came to you through the bite of an alpha skinchanger.

"But the most important thing to remember is that all our spirits come from the same source, the deepest regions of the spiritual plane. We call them wolf spirits, but they are not really wolves. They are spirits with a superficial resemblance to wolves. That's why our culture doesn't resemble wolf culture in many aspects. We are drawn together into packs in the same way as wolves and we assume a wolf-like appearance. Individual wolf-spirits may be more wolf-like than others.

"And you can learn to draw upon the spirit to assume more attributes than the most basic that we all share. Darren for example can speak with wolves, but not just wolves. He can speak with many animals. The more wolf-like they are, the easier it is for him. Do you want to see more?"

Everyone was nodding yes at this point. Darren held out his hands and shifted only them, not his whole body, so that they were hairy and had long claws on the end. He walked around the circle and let everyone examine them. "Drew isn't here," Xav continued, "but he can use all his sharpened wolf senses in his human form, usually even during the new moon. And Meghan can resist damage from everything but silver, even in her human form. There's more, but the main point is that you can learn to do these things if you want to and are willing to apply yourselves."

Then Xav opened the floor for questions. One of the boys, a cute Latino guy named Lalo, asked a question about bottoming and Xav encouraged him to speak to him Sunday at the gather. But most guys asked more pertinent questions for the forum.

"Can you spread lycanthropy through sex?"

"No," Xav said, "not unless you're an alpha, the moon is right, and you bite your partner."

"Why are wererats our worst enemy?"

"They don't have to be, but they're the other tribe of skinchangers who form organized packs, so we fight with them a lot."

"Can you be a vegetarian and werewolf?"

"Yes, but your wolf-spirit won't be very happy."

"Can a beta become an alpha?"

"Under very rare circumstances, yes."

"Why can't we turn into wolf-men like in the movies?"

"You can, but it's not easy to learn."

"How can I learn to be a spirit-talker?"

"Start coming to my house for spirit training."

And the question that ended it all was, "Is there a connection between the tribes?"

Xav became very serious. "We are all one people. For too many generations, the wolves, the pumas, the raptors, the rats and all the tribes have been fighting among each other, but we should stand together. It's our division that makes us vulnerable to destruction by vampires and domination by mages."

Then his voice became almost a conspiratorial whisper, "And any skinchanger can learn to draw powers from the World Spirit directly, taking on abilities that are normally reserved for another tribe."

He ended his speech by shifting, not into a wolf, but into a large raven the size of a condor and flying into the sky. He circled overhead and then landed as a wolf before assuming his human form again. The guys were all clapping and talking over one another. But then Xav's wolf spirit manifested and a wave of power rolled over the clearing, bringing silence.

"This is a deep secret that most spirit talkers don't reveal to outsiders," he said. "So, it's important that you don't spread it around to outsiders."

When Xav finished, Darren stood up and said, "This information will come out again at the gather, but you're my responsibility and I'm ...."

"You're the wolf-daddy sir!" Lalo shouted. Everyone laughed, but he said, "Even some of the mage boys call you that."

"Fine," he said. "I'm your wolf-daddy, and I look out for my boys. I want you to be aware that you need to be careful right now. There are hunters looking for us. Don't panic, but I want you to stay with a partner as much as possible. The mages are also being hunted, and someone tried to take out Nico the other day – and they knew about his vulnerabilities."

"I saved him!" Benjy shouted, making the other boys laugh.

But Darren cut them off. "He's right. He saved Nico from a beating at the least, but more likely from death. No matter what you may have learned from your home packs, here at Severan College, we are working with the mages, and the other skinchangers if we can find them. They hide from us because we werewolves have persecuted them over the centuries. So, we're not going to do that. If I hear of you tormenting another skinchanger, I'll show you what torment means."

"Yes sir!" they all shouted, except for Benjy and Lalo, who shouted, "Yes wolf-daddy!"

We were breaking up our meeting to go back to campus when a group of female betas led by Dawn came into the clearing. They were tired and sweaty as well, so they must have been training like we were.

Lew Muller

Having Zeno back was going to be great. He was the most fun of the alphas in the pack, he liked my poetry, and he was the only alpha bottom I knew aside from Xav. I didn't even know that was a thing that happened until I came to Severan. Having him at Wolf House was going to be a good thing, especially with the new wolves who've showed up. Some of them seemed a little shifty and Aidan Stringer was hanging around with them a lot. With no alpha in charge, the Wolf House was in confusion. Darren had asked me to keep an eye on things for him until Zeno returned. That was one reason he'd wanted me to move here.

As soon as Drew and Zeno had left, Aidan had gotten together with Chuck and Delia, their heads together in quiet conversation, then they'd left in Delia's Honda. I didn't put these things down on paper, but I did have an online file I could get to from my phone that held everything. I'd shared it with Darren, but I didn't have a chance to get Zeno's contact information yet. In addition to Chuck, Delia and Aidan, there were Stella, Wilma, and Ira. And those three had been watching me all day.

And one of them always kept me in sight. I hadn't even taken the time to put the departure of Aidan and his friends into the file. I didn't want them to see me doing it. I could fight if necessary, but I wasn't all that great at it. I'd prefer to handle this without resorting to violence. That was when Inga and Sammy Martinez came into the living room. Stella, who was sitting with her phone out, sat up to pay attention. Inga and Sammy were both five foot eight inches tall, with round features and dark olive skin tone. She was an alpha with a curvaceous figure, but Sammy was a beta with a square, muscular build. They walked toward me and sat on the couch.

"Good morning, Lew," Inga said. "Zeno told me that I should check with you about the residents here at Wolf House. At the gather, we'll be sworn into the pack, and then I'll be helping Zeno to run this place, so I'm trying to get familiar with the people."

"I'll start with the betas," I said, pulling out my phone to check my notes. "There are the three that came in with you, of course, Sammy, Ivan, and Chase. Then there are those who've been here a while, Willie, Aidan, Delia, Chuck, Sue, and Ellen. I was recently in the dorm on campus, so I guess I'm new. Then there are those who are new to town, Ira, Wilma, Stella over there, Shelby, and Scarlet. That's twelve betas. As for alphas, it's just Zeno, Naomi, and you. That brings us up to sixteen total. We have four bedrooms here in the house and a dozen apartments, meaning we have no room available for visitors unless we make the betas double up."

"And how many are combat trained?" she asked.

I shook my head, sorry to disappoint her. "I don't know ma'am. We'll have to ask."

"That's okay," she said. "We'll need to set the barn up as a training area. Everyone will get some training, starting next week. We'll also need to order a large pavilion to hide anything we need to do outside. I'll have a list of other things we'll need."

I pursed my lips and said, "I'll tell Shelby. She's been handling expenses, but I'm not sure which alpha Zeno will put in charge of finances."

She sat back and asked, "Who handles meals planning?"

"Most people just buy their own food and prepare it whenever they want to eat," I replied.

"That's not efficient and everyone is probably getting into everyone else's food," she said. Then she looked at her brother and said, "You'll oversee meals from now on. Get us a meal plan starting next week. Figure us a budget so we can determine how much everyone will have to pay. It'll be cheaper for everyone to pool resources."

Hearing Inga take charge made me glad that there were alphas here at last. The betas would fall in line once an alpha started giving orders, but no beta wanted to take orders from another beta. I hadn't realized how much stress I'd been under operating here without an alpha. I breathed a sigh of relief.


I'd been looking for Ethan, but he didn't go back to his room. When I finally saw him, he was with Sebastian and the two of them were walking like lovers. Sebastian had his arm around Ethan and the golden boy was leaning his head against his chest. My wolf spirit was raging inside me, and I was flushed with anger as I saw them go into Sebastian's room. Sebastian's hand slid down to his lower back and guided him through the door.

I stormed into my room and saw Drew working on something on his computer. I slammed the door behind me, and Drew turned around to look at me. "What the fuck did you do, Drew?" I demanded.

Drew remained calm. "What do you mean, Simon? What did I do?" he asked.

"Ethan!" I yelled. "You took him and gave him to Sebastian. He wasn't yours. He was mine! I found him. I chased him down and I caught him. He wasn't yours. He was mine! And you just gave him away. Now Sebastian has his hands all over him."

Drew remained calm, but he stood up. "He wasn't yours Simon. He's his own person and he belongs with the mages. If he wants Sebastian, good for him. Sebastian is a good guy."

"He doesn't want Sebastian!" I yelled. "He was mine. I had him and you stole him and gave him away like he was yours."

"Have you finished?" he asked, with an even tone in his voice, "because I've indulged you long enough. Unless you're calling me out, you'd better watch your tone."

"FUCK YOU, DREW," I yelled. "You can't steal from me like that."

That's when he punched me in the face. I'd been hit in the past, before my moms had changed my school, but Drew hit me harder and with more skill than anyone had hit me before, even harder than Kyle had.

"You're an alpha, boy," he growled at me. "You'd better start acting like one. I'm your pack leader. Unless you intend to call me out, you'd better keep a respectful tone in your voice, or I will beat you until you do."

"You're as bad as Kyle ever was," I said. I knew it wasn't true, but I couldn't stop myself. I was raging inside. My wolf-spirit was snarling and growling, and I couldn't think straight.

"You don't mean that," he said. "Xav was right. You're unbalanced, and it's getting worse. You're a member of this pack and behaving like this destroys the unity of the pack. I can't tolerate this kind of behavior from anyone, especially not another alpha. If you were Dawn, Zeno, Meghan, or Darren, I'd have to do the same thing. A pack isn't a spirit forsaken democracy. There's one leader and in this pack that's me. Don't mistake my kindness and compassion for weakness."

I wanted to apologize, but I couldn't stop myself from digging in deeper. "Darren would kick your ass, if you tried something with him!" I yelled.

"Probably," he said, "but he wouldn't try it because he values the tribe over his own selfishness. Tomorrow is the gather. You will have to consider what you want. You can submit to me as your pack leader; you can leave our territory completely or you can challenge me. If you challenge me, I will kick your ass then exile you. You won't be allowed within 100 miles of the pack."

"I'll go to the police!" I shouted. Now my wolf-spirit was cringing inside me, like it was embarrassed with my response.

I'd thought Drew was angry before, but I was wrong. He grabbed me by the collar and pulled my face close to his. "If you ever threaten to betray the pack, I'll beat you to unconsciousness and have Xav rip the wolf spirit out of you. Your wolf-spirit will be destroyed. If you survive the process, you'll be lucky to ever recover your wits. You may be an alpha by nature, but from this moment, you've lost alpha privileges in this pack. I will reconsider my decision every moon thereafter, but you won't get them back until Xav tells me that your spirit has been balanced, and then it will be provisional for twelve moons."

I'd crossed a line. I knew that my wolf-spirit had driven me to anger because Drew had stolen my rightful prey. It wouldn't let me back down, but even it had been disgusted at my threat. I still thought too much like a mundane. I was sick to my stomach. It was the oath I'd sworn to protect the secret of the existence of the magical world. Mom Chrissy and I had been forced to swear before the Conclave would allow Marty to be trained at home. My anger had driven me to threaten to reveal it to the police. If I followed through on that threat, I could die. Magical oaths were enforceable through magic.

"I'm sorry, Drew," I said. "I couldn't control the anger. I didn't mean it."

Drew looked at me with pity but shook his head. "It doesn't matter at this point," he said. "What's been done has been done, and the pack leader's word is the law of the pack. You can't talk your way out of the consequences. You must show me. If it's any consolation, I'll be taking submission from the whole pack at the gather. All the alphas, even you, will submit individually and the betas will submit as a group. We have too many new wolves in the pack. It needs to happen now."

"Yes Drew," I said. I felt like shit, but my wolf was still angry with him.

"Two more things," he said. "First, promise me that you will follow Xav's plan to balance your wolf-spirit."

"I promise, Drew," I said, knowing that I wasn't going to give up sex until Xav said it was okay. I'd let the guys fuck me if that's what Xav demanded, but I wasn't going to stop fucking the boys. As far as I was concerned that would be real balance.

"And the second thing is an order," he said. "You will stay away from Ethan. You won't even speak to him unless he speaks to you first. And if you do anything to undermine the amity between the pack and the mages, I will make sure that you regret it."

"Yes sir," I said. I wasn't sure I could let it go. My wolf-spirit believed Ethan was mine, and I couldn't bring myself to argue with it.


I should have known that Xav was right. On spiritual matters he always was. I'd been hard on Simon, but by pack tradition I should have beaten him to unconsciousness. He would need watching. I'd check in with Darren later to bring him up to speed. I didn't really need this on top of everything else, but I had Zeno back and he'd brought two alphas he trusted. That gave us nine. Just under thirty percent alphas was good. Most packs had ten to fifteen percent alphas. It was to be expected in a college town, but we were going to need it soon with the hunters gathering.


I decided that I didn't want to spend any more time in the room with Drew right now. I felt guilty about our fight, but he was angry with me. I could feel it. So, I showered and got dressed for my date with Conor. After the fight with Drew, short though it had been, I was getting horny. My wolf wanted to have some fun. I put on a pair of dark gray shorts and a white short-sleeve Henley. I wore a dark red vest over it and put on my gray deck shoes. I checked my bank account. My moms had promised me money to cover expenses, and they'd deposited $1000 for September. I had more than enough to cover dates and entertainment. Mom Tina had insisted that I not get a job. She's said that college was my job. When I challenged her about needed money, she agreed that I should be paid for it, and had come up with a thousand dollars a month because it was like being paid minimum wage for a part time job.

"I'm going out," I said to Drew.

"Remember we have to be at the gather at the Wolf House tomorrow at noon," he said.

I left without saying anything else and went straight to Conor's room. He was in and his roommate was out. He was wearing another pair of those shorts with the three-inch inseam. These were in dark blue. He wasn't wearing a shirt. He had a slender, but muscular build, with a round butt that was well displayed in those shorts. He was three inches taller than me, with pale skin and auburn hair. He had a few freckles across his back, but no hair. His eyes were blue, not Xav's sapphire blue, but a paler shade. I was staring unabashedly.

"Do you like it," he asked, running his hand up his abdomen. He had some good definition. "Do you think I should shave it?"

He had only a light dusting of hair on his chest and lower legs. I'd seen him naked earlier, and I knew that he had a short bush (probably trimmed) and none to speak of visible on his cheeks. I ran a finger down his chest and said, "I like a little hair on a boy."

I pulled his shorts down in the back over his butt, then ran a finger between the cheeks, rubbing his hole and pressing inwards with my index finger. He moaned a little and he leaned forward to give me better access.

"I like it, beta boy," I said, pressing more firmly. "A little hair, but not too much. Have you ever had anyone in here?"

"I'm not a virgin, alpha sir," he replied, "but I don't give it up for everyone. I'm not collecting alphas. I haven't been with any of the others. I was with Aidan last year, but he turned into a total dick, and I dumped him."

"After dinner, I'm going to fuck you tonight," I said. "If you go out with me, it's going to happen. Do you want to go out still?"

He clenched his asshole then relaxed it suddenly, and I slid inside about half an inch. "I want to have dinner with you, and then I want you to fuck me. I haven't been with anyone that way since last year, but I cleaned myself up down there, just in case."

I pulled my finger out and sniffed it. He smelled clean, but sexy. I stuck it in my mouth. "Good enough to eat, beta boy," I said.

"Can we have dinner after, alpha sir," he asked.

I grabbed him and spun him around, so his back was to the wall, and I kissed him. I wasn't gentle. I bit his lips and thrust my tongue inside his mouth. He melted into the kiss, submitting to me completely. Then I grabbed his shorts and yanked them down and let them fall to his ankles. He stepped out of them and stood naked before me.

His cock was average size, about an inch and half shorter than mine. I grabbed it and squeezed. He rubbed me through my shorts. "I want you, alpha sir," he said.

Despite his protests that he wasn't trying to collect alphas, he seemed fascinated by the power dynamic, and I was getting into it as well. His pure beta-ness was arousing my alpha spirit. This was one alpha privilege Drew couldn't take away from me. This beta bottom wanted me as an alpha top, and the idea excited me more than I thought it would.

"Undress me, beta boy!" I snarled.

Conor jumped to obey. His hands were trembling when as he pulled my vest off my chest, and then lifted the shirt over my head. His hands looked like cream compared to my own chocolate skin. "Are you afraid because I'm an alpha?" I asked

"A little sir," he replied. "It is a fantasy of mine. When my family told me that I would have to do anything the alphas said at college, I expected it to happen. Then it didn't, and I wondered what was wrong with me. One of the alphas in the home pack took me once, but he only did it to show me he could. He preferred the girls."

"Was it good?" I asked as he undid my shorts and pulled them off me.

"He did it in front of my parents," Conor replied. "He kept looking at my dad to see if he would object."

Conor pulled my briefs down, leaving me naked as well. His hand gripped my cock and he slid to his knees, kissing the head. "Mm, that feels good," I said. "Did your parents object?"

He paused and said, "If my dad had objected, he would have mounted him too, maybe even my younger brother, even though he was only fifteen."

Then he swallowed my cock. He may have had only a little anal experience before, but he took my seven inches into his mouth without difficulty. One hand wrapped around my waist, and the other fondled my balls. They were already swelling. The alpha spirit increased our sperm production, and I could feel it beginning to build already.

I tried to picture the pack dynamic Conor was describing to me. If I were a pack leader, I think I would want to have the beta boys at my beck and call, at least the gay ones like Conor. Would I want to have the straight betas too? I thought of Kevin bending over for me and my cock twitched in Conor's throat. I wouldn't force them, I thought, but somewhere, a part of my mind was saying, they can't be 100% straight if they're betas, can they?

I tapped Conor's shoulder. "Get up on the bed, I said, on your back," I commanded.

He rushed to comply with my orders. I was glad that Xav's wolf spirit had taught me to eat a boy's ass before fucking it. Conor's ass was as delicious as I'd predicted, and I loved how easily it opened for me. Was it because he was gay, or was it because he was a beta, and I was an alpha? And how could I ever know if I didn't try one of the so-called straight betas?

It didn't take much stretching before I was able to slide inside him. His hole opened like a flower for me and let me in. He moaned and wiggled his hips a little. I thrust at a few different angles until I saw the look on his face that said that I'd found his g-spot. Then I made sure to touch it every time. He whimpered in pleasure.

"That's right, beta boy," I said, playing to what I knew was his fantasy and was rapidly becoming mine. "All you betas secretly desire to be taken by an alpha, don't you?"

"Yes, alpha sir!" he cried. "Betas were made to be bitches for their alphas! Fuck me sir! Make this beta cum!"

I wished I could growl at him. From what little I'd been able to gather, some alphas could make a beta cum just by growling at them. I wanted that, but I was going to have to wait. Darren had told me that I wouldn't get it until my wolf manifested on the next full moon. I couldn't wait.

I could tell that Conor was close though, from the glazed look in his eyes and the way his cock had turned red and was throbbing. "Do it beta bitch!" I snarled. "I'm going to fuck your beta seed out of your little beta-stick with my alpha club. Come on beta do it. Cum now."

And he did. His breath came in ragged spurts, and he whined like a bitch in heat. When he came, his quivering hole gripped my cock and sent me flying over the edge. I plunged as deep inside him as I could and unloaded.

When I pulled out, I said, "Clean my cock, beta boy."

Connor swallowed my cock again and washed it in his mouth until it grew soft. The we got dressed, went out for steak burgers and milkshakes, my treat, and then went back to his room where I fucked him again. I showered in his room and let him wash me and dry me off before I went to my room. We'd skipped the dance, but I'd fucked Conor twice.

Drew was out and didn't come in that night. I knew he would be with Dawn. Whatever weird relationship he had with the two siblings, Zeno, and Dawn, I didn't want to know, but it was Dawn's turn tonight.

I fell asleep thinking about Kevin's supposedly straight ass, and how much I wanted to test my theory that beta boys would open like a flower to any alpha, despite claiming to be straight.

College Magic Cycle Characters


·         Domenic Chase. A 24-year-old Elven-American from New York City. He has an alien mindset that others find hard to comprehend. He stands 66 inches tall and weighs about 130 pounds. His skin is pale, and his hair is almost white. His eyes are purple. When he's not glamered to appear more human, you can see his pointed, lobeless ears, solid purple eyes (like he has no white in his eyes, just purple iris) and sharp feline teeth. He's physically tough (he claims to be tougher than the werewolves), fast and has strong, claw-like fingernails. He can weave illusions and powerful charms, although the charms require some level of acceptance from the target. He's a friend of Sebastian. He enslaved Kyle Mason as punishment after he raped Kieran and beat up Simon.

·         Oscar Quinlan. A face dancer on campus. He drained Simon of psychosexual energy while they were having sex, but it was because Simon wanted to be depleted.


·         Alan Somers. A freshman and newly discovered mage who took his oath to the Concordium with Alonzo and Kieran.

·         Alonzo Santiago Ramos. An 18-year-old Latino American boy from El Paso, Texas. A cute bottom and foundling mage. He's powerful, but untrained. He begins the story with a height of 68 inches and a weight of 150 pounds. He has deep olive or very light brown skin, amber eyes, and long black hair. He's a singer and a dancer. He's a little flighty and very flirty. When his powers awakened, he accidentally cast a spell that cursed his roommate Erik. He loves hardcore BDSM porn but is discovering that he doesn't like it in real life. He and Erik are suitemates with Jason and Kieran.

·         Cameron Campbell. One of the twink trio, along with Micah Blum and Oliver Rankin.

·         Clarissa Spencer. RA for the supernatural girls in the dorm. She works for Professor Sybil Thorne, the local representative of the Conclave.

·         Erik Rucker. A 19-year-old from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. At the start of the story, he stands 66 inches tall and weighs about 140 pounds. Despite his small stature he likes weight training and is extremely muscular, although thin. Once he's affected by Alonzo's spell, he begins to gain height and weight. He has blond hair and ice blue eyes. He is a bit of a slob, but he's also very smart. He's a total top and ends up fucking his roommate Alonzo on their first day in the dorms. He and Alonzo are suitemates to Jason and Kieran. He's learning from Jason to expand his definition of what it means to be a top. Thanks to Alonzo's spell, his mind has been invaded by the cruel fictional character Einar Ironblood. He struggles between the two personalities. He's in love with Alonzo and wants him to his boy forever. He's not sure that Alonzo feels the same way.

·         Ethan Lowry. A 17-year-old boy from Long Island. He stands 67 inches tall and weighs 140 pounds. He has golden blond hair, blue eyes and always has a golden tan. In this story he was working with the hunters. His mother is a sylph (an air spirit) and his own spirit is half human and half ventus (a name for male air spirits). He holds a donum arcanum (magical gift) and is being trained as a mage. He's an orphan who was raised by his uncle, ow also deceased. He is now Seabstian Trent's boyfriend.

·         Jason Lee. A 19-year-old (about 6 months older than Kieran) Chinese American college freshman with golden brown skin, brown almond shaped eyes and collar length black hair. He is already an accomplished alchemist. He is a dominant, looking for a submissive boy. He finds what he's looking for in Kieran Morgan. He takes charge of Kieran and begins training him as a submissive. He gives Kieran alchemical elixirs that change his body, and he uses psychology to lead him to embrace his innate submissiveness. He has allowed himself to fall into tantric entanglement with Kieran, bringing them even closer. He believes that Kieran is his complement, the other half of his soul. Jason and Kieran are the suitemates of Alonzo and Erik.

·         Dr. Kamon Zhang. Jason's maternal uncle, a mage and psychologist who is helping Kieran to come to terms with his trauma, and his true nature.

·         Kieran Finley Morgan. An 18-year-old boy with pale skin, golden-red hair, and green eyes. At the beginning of the story, he is deeply closeted (he is unaware that said closet had glass doors everyone could see through) and stands at 72 inches and 180 pounds of muscle. He was a high school athlete who was on the diving team, the swim team, and the track team. Jason took charge of him shortly after they moved into the dorm and began training him to let his inner submissive out. Jason gives him alchemical elixirs that are changing him physically. He sometimes struggles with the idea that he's losing himself inside Jason, but he can't go long without his lover's touch. Kieran is somewhat naive. During the story he loses height, mass, and penis size. Jason says that he's not doing it, but Kieran is sure that he is. After being raped by Kyle Mason, he suffers psychological trauma and only his relationship with Jason gives stability to his life. He and Jason are suitemates with Alonzo and Erik. He has an artistic soul. Jason has decided that Kieran will change majors to Art.

·         Micah Blum. An 18-year-old mage boy who rooms with Darren. He used to spend most of his time with his two friends Oliver and Cameron. They were in a polyamorous relationship. Micah is a little afraid of Darren because he's afraid of werewolves. Now Micah has chosen to live as the slave to cousin Remuel Adler.

·         Mordecai Adler. A 50-year-old mage who is a high-ranking member of the custodes and of the American FBI. He's a powerfully built man with dark olive skin tone and black hair that is just beginning to turn gray at the temples.

·         Oliver Rankin. A freshman mage, one of the twink trio along with Micah Blum and Cameron Campbell.

·         Rakesh Mishra. A 23-year-old graduate student of Indian American heritage. He's working on his MS in Psychology. He's a mind mage and a yogi master. He is one of Kieran's trainers.

·         Reggie Delmar. A 20-year-old sophomore music student who likes Alonzo. They share a music class. He's a mage, but not a songmage.

·         Remy (Remuel) Adler. Micah's 20-year-old cousin, a low-ranking member of the custodes who lives with his father Mordecai and keeps his official records. He was Micah's lover at the Academy and has recently taken Micah as his slave.

·         Sebastian Trent. A 24-year-old graduate student. He's the RA for his floor and he helps Professor Thorne to wrangle the mage and supernatural scholars on campus. His female counterpart is Clarissa Spencer. Sebastian is 70 inches tall and weighs 160 pounds. He has light brown hair and brown eyes. He was a little overwhelmed with the fallout from Alonzo's spell and Kieran's rape, so he allowed Domenic the leeway he needed to enslave Kyle. Now there's nothing he can do about it. Sebastian is bisexual but prefers men. He has older men on campus who blow him in exchange for favors. He seems to have a lot of influence on campus for a grad student. He has no current boyfriend.

·         Sybil Thorne. Kieran's history professor. She's also the overseer for the magician's Conclave here on campus. Her two assistants are Sebastian Trent and Clarissa Spencer.

·         Warren Cheng. A Chinese American psychology grade student and friend of Jason. His family is originally from Hong Kong, but they live in Los Angeles like Jason's family. His specialty is magical noetics, but he has a strong talent for illusions as well. He is the TA in Jason's Psychology course and he lives in town at Ibis House.

Mundanes (or Unknown)

·         Amir Kassim. A junior, the boyfriend of the aggressive would-be dominant James McManus.

·         Billy McAndrews. A senior who is the lead guitarist of the band Dreaming Dragons. He is Mariah Tovey's boyfriend. He's 22 years old and a senior.

·         Christopher Thompson. A big guy, over six feet tall and well-muscled, with blond hair who looks like a jock; he has a very small penis; Matt's roommate (and possible submissive); a member of the Nerd Squad.

·         Daniel Burns. A stocky guy with light brown hair and a goatee; one of the Nerd Squad

·         Edward Mason. Kyle's 25-year-old brother.

·         George Marley. The drummer for Dreaming Dragons. He's a 22-year-old junior.

·         Jake Miller. An African American guy with dark skin and curly hair; one of the Nerd Squad.

·         James McManus. A fair skinned guy with reddish hair who shares a literature class with Jason and Kieran. He admires Jason's relationship with Kieran and would like to control his own boyfriend Amir the same way.

·         Jill Black. The bass guitarist for Dreaming Dragons. She's a 21-year-old junior.

·         Joe Peters. A freshman in Kieran's writing class who was in the same religious program before school that Kieran was in.

·         Josh Higgins. Overweight and unhygienic guy who introduced Kyle to Nerd Squad.

·         Kyle Mason. A 19-year-old college freshman from Kentucky. Kyle begins the story as a high school athlete who's let himself go a little. He's 74" tall and 250 pounds. He has a muscular build with a layer of fat and a small gut. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He's a closeted gay man and a homophobe. He has a history of beating on gay acting guys who get him aroused. During the New Student Mixer, he raped Kieran Morgan. When he got back to his room, he beat on his smaller roommate Simon until he orgasmed in his pants. In return for these acts, Domenic Chase enslaved him and is turning him into a hot jock bitch. His life has become a prolonged slave training session. He begins to show remorse and even to accept his sexuality but tries to find a way out of his magical enslavement.

·         Larry Gordan. Kieran's Art professor. He reminds Kieran of his Uncle Craig, and arouses him, a fact that disturbs Kieran but seemed unsurprising to Jason. He tried to put the moves on Kieran after his first class but backed off apologetically when he found out that he was Jason's boy. He is a mentor to Kieran.

·         Mariah Tovey. The keyboardist for Dreaming Dragons and Billy McAndrew's girlfriend. She's a 22-year-old senior.

·         Matt Silver. A sturdy guy with olive skin tone and brown hair; he has a very large penis (almost 10 inches); the most sadistic of the Nerd Squad.

·         Michael Shank. A skinny guy with dirty blond hair and pale skin; one of the Nerd Squad.

·         Millicent Bierce. A TA who teaches the writing class that Kieran and Darren are in. She appears to be very religious and doesn't seem to like Kieran and Darren, probably because they are gay.

·         Peter Gantz. Alonzo's Vocals professor. A heavyset man in his middle years.

·         Sally Minh. An engineering student who is in Kieran's art class. She ships Kieran and Jason and draws pictures of them in anime style. She's a friend to Kieran and becomes one of the watchers keeping an eye on him for Jason.

·         Terrence Green. A basketball player for the school. A 21-year-old junior, standing six foot eight inches tall, with deep bronze skin color and brown eyes. He has full lips and rounded features. He wears his black hair in very short, kinky curls.

Skinchangers, Non-Werewolves

·         David Campos. (Da VEED) A handsome man Blatino freshman of Domenican ancestry. He's from Philadelphia. He has dark olive skin tone, black hair that looks feathery, and piercing brown eyes. He is a were-raptor who can assume two non-human forms. He can become a raptor that resembles a large golden eagle or a hybrid form that is bipedal with sharp claws on the end of feathered arms. He is an alpha, but the were-raptors don't follow a pack structure like the were-wolves do.

·         Gideon Blackburn. A muscular man with dark brown skin, brown eyes and black hair in tight, kinky curls. He's about 30 years old and works as at a waxing salon on the edge of town that takes male clients. It seems popular in the gay, BDSM community. He likes fisting (giving, not receiving), and he's a shifter who turns into a lynx.

·         Philip Mertz. A jock who shares a history class with Kyle Mason. He's 6 feet tall and weighs 180 lbs. He's about 6 feet tall and muscular, with light skin and brown hair. He's a shifter who turns into a lynx. He becomes Kyle's partner and trainer in the gym. He's also a lover that cares about Kyle. Domenic saved him from a were-wolf in his freshman year. He lives off-campus near the woods by a different trailhead from the one used by the were-wolves.

Skinchangers, Werewolves

·         Aidan Stringer. A freshman staying at the wolf house. He is a relative of Jarod Stringer, Howard Cromwell's right-hand man.

·         Benjamin "Benjy" Gold (Beta). A twink beta-werewolf who shares a class with Simon. He has dark curly hair, light olive skin and slender build. He's very small, about 5 ft. 5 and 120 pounds.

·         Chloe Bartok (Beta). 20-year-old sophomore.

·         Conor Tighe (Beta). Sophomore beta werewolf with auburn hair, fair skin, blue eyes, and freckles. He's average height and build and he's studying biology.

·         Chuck Burns (Beta). A 20-year-old sophomore who lives at Wolf House and is a friend of Aidan.

·         Dawn Schiller (Alpha). A muscular blond woman who stands 70 inches tall. She's the female alpha of the werewolf pack and Drew's girlfriend. She is bisexual and usually has at least one girl on the side.

·         Darren Groves (Alpha). A 21-year-old college junior from Montana. A heavy-set man with shoulder length brown hair, a short beard, and brown eyes. He's powerfully built under his extra pounds. He's of average appearance. He stands 70 inches tall and weighs 220 pounds. He's Drew's right hand man. In a fit of lust, he groped Kieran in the laundry room. Who knows what would have happened if Drew hadn't broken it up? Despite this, Darren is a good guy. He's become a kind of avuncular figure for Kieran as one of his protectors on campus.

·         Delia Smith (Beta). 21-year-old college junior who lives at Wolf House.

·         Drew (Andrew) Janowski (Alpha). A 22-year-old werewolf from rural Pennsylvania. He's 74 inches tall, with blond hair and green eyes. He wears a short, well-trimmed beard. He has a powerful build and weighs 220 pounds of solid muscle. He runs the local werewolf pack and helps Sebastian keep order on campus. He's bisexual. His girlfriend Dawn commands the female werewolves. He also likes handsome men and pretty boys. He took Simon into his room after he was attacked by Kyle.

·         Edgar Krause (Beta). A sophomore werewolf and friend of Aidan Stringer. He's Gordan Cooper's roommate.

·         Ellen Parker (Beta). A 20 year old junior who lives at Wolf House.

·         Gordan Cooper (Beta). A sophomore werewolf and a friend of Adrian Stringer. Edgar Krause's roommate.

·         Howard Cromwell (Alpha). A large and muscular alpha werewolf in his mid-forties. He was the leader of the local pack before being drive out by Drew, Zeno, Darren, Dawn, and Meghan, with logistical support from Sebastian. He was a leader of the old school who ruled through intimidation. Under him the pack followed several traditions that Drew has tried to do away with. He originally came from New York. He is the werewolf who killed Ethan's father. After leaving New York he wandered around for a few months before settling down near the college.

·         Hugh Kent (Beta). A 19-year-old college freshman.

·         Ira Cohen (Beta). 19-year-old college freshman. Good friends with Aidan Stringer.

·         Ivan Kovacs (Beta). 22-year-old who lives at the Wolf House. He's one of the Middlebourne werewolves.

·         Kevin McNeil (Beta). 20-year-old college sophomore. An athlete with brown hair and fair skin. Roommate with Conor Tighe. Tammy's brother.

·         Lalo Arenas (Beta). A cute and then latino freshman. Lalo is short for Gerardo.

·         Lew Muller (Beta). A tall thin beta werewolf, with long brown hair, a beard and two black earrings with wolf head instead of a ball. He's a computer hacker who knows a bit about electronics. His major is English literature. He plays guitar and writes poetry. He was Benjy's roommate until he moved into the wolf house.

·         Meghan Connelly (Alpha). A female werewolf who is one of Kieran's watchers. She's Darren's best friend and she was one of the original 5 who worked to overthrow the old pack leader, Howard Cromwell.

·         Scarlett De Angelo (Beta). A 22-year-old graduate student who lives at Wolf House.

·         Shelby O'Brien (Beta). A 26-year-old professional bookkeeper. She lives at Wolf House.

·         Simon Carter (Alpha). A 19-year-old gay college freshman. He's an African American boy (although his biological father was white) who was raised by two moms. He stands 68 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He's of average size, but the men he likes best are muscular jock types, most of whom aren't interested in bottoming for a skinny black boy. After getting beaten up by his roommate Kyle, he is moved to Drew's room.

·         Stella White (Beta). 19-year-old freshman. She is one of Aidan's friends.

·         Tammy McNeil (Beta). 22-year-old senior athlete. Kevin's sister.

·         Vicky Garcia (Beta). A very short Latina were-wolf. She's tougher than she seems, and she really hates rapists.

·         Willie Coombs (Beta). A 40-year-old man with dark brown skin and mid-length hair that hangs in dreadlocks. He's Xav's man at the Wolf House and he works at the Marriott Hotel in the kitchen. He caters breakfast at Xav's house every day.

·         Wilma Jackson (Beta).

·         Xav (Xavier) Janowski (Beta). A 24-year-old werewolf who is spirit speaker (priest) for the werewolves. He stands 70 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. He has long blond hair he wears in a French braid and deep sapphire blue eyes. He's Drew's older brother, and his closest advisor in the pack. He is the spiritual leader for the pack and gives spiritual advice to mundane clients who don't know he's a werewolf. He's flamboyant and campy. He is a total power bottom and fucking him can be a spiritual experience as well as a physical one.

·         Zeno Schiller (beta). A grad student, brother of Dawn and supporter of Drew Janowski. Drew was sleeping with Zeno before he even met Dawn.

Next: Chapter 40: Alchemy and Songcraft 2

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