
By J M

Published on Sep 1, 2013



C H A P T E R O N E : D U S T I N T H E W I N D

"Which one am I to serve?" I knew the answer because the other servers could not stop gossiping about him, but I was hoping I misheard the barkeep when he said it.

"Don't play stupid with me, boy. He's the scary, loud giant running up a tab he can't pay. Who else would I send you to?" His ruddy, whiskered cheeks puffed up in a smirk. "Don't forget to smile!"

I sighed and turned away from the bar to search out the man he spoke of. The Silver Stag was a dark and smoky establishment on the Argossean waterfront, windows hidden in the shadows of Shemish galleys along the port. It was filled with the kind of obnoxious, bellowing laughter that only too much mead could encourage. Several long tables stretched across the room, their wooden surfaces dirtied by Zamoran thieves, Hyborean mercenaries, and Brythunian whores all clamoring to secretly rob each other.

One corner of the room in particular was more crowded and rambunctious than usual as men took bets on an arm wrestling match. It was there, sitting amongst the coiled figures of half-naked women with his muscled arm gleaming as it flexed, that I saw the giant. His long, dark brown hair fell around a square jaw and broad shoulders covered with animal skins. His heavily muscled torso was exposed, the scarred chest rising and falling evenly as he smiled across the table at his opponent. But even more intimidating than his war-hardened muscles were his eyes, like shards of blue diamond cut on the frozen slopes of Asgard.

I took another deep breath and started in, dodging and ducking as I weaved through the crowd. Working a small bar packed with uncoordinated patrons had been its own workout. In addition to that, I used every opportunity I could find to help out sailors along the dock, so over the last three full moons I had shaped my body into a lean, tightly muscled frame. I stood at five feet ten inches, my brown hair streaked through with veins of gold. Hailing from the jungle cities of Vendhya, my skin was the color of desert sand. I was also a descendent of the Brahma nobility and had retained their signature green eyes but like my hair, they were also laced with gold. By most Hyborian standards, I was considered beautiful-especially since the ancient Atlantean bloodlines were so diluted that most men were endowed with only brutish the man I was about to serve.

The brute's opponent was busy running his mouth when I reached their table. "I've got you now, ya big ape! I can see your hand moving now! Do you feel it? My strength is renowned throughout all the kingdoms! Get ready to-" His voice cut off instantly as his hand was suddenly smashed into the table with so much force that the cups shook. The brute had not spoken a word; he simply smiled and downed the rest of his mead while the man started screaming in pain as he was dragged away from the table. The girls giggled, whispering in the giant man's ear and rubbing their voluptuous bodies against his bronzed muscles.

I cleared my throat, and then spoke politely. "Sir, would you like some more mead?"

The man turned and looked at me, staring for a moment. "No. Long journey at first light. Where are your rooms?"

His voice was deep and surprisingly smooth as he spoke, but his dismissive tone was instantly irritating. The words escaped my mouth before I could close my lips. "Where are your manners?"

The women around him gasped, staring at me with incredulous looks on their faces. One of the other men at the table, probably one of the giant's companions, raised an eyebrow in what looked like amusement. The long-haired brute locked eyes with me for a long instant, his expression grim, before he suddenly burst out laughing. I stood there with a mixture of confusion, anger, and regret. Not sure how to react, I was about to turn around and walk away when I heard another gasp. I watched patrons from other tables look over curiously, and then saw astonishment flash across everyone's face when the giant man pulled out several gold coins from a pouch at his waist.

He handed them to me, and smiled. "You're funny. Now show me where your rooms are, boy."

The brute was staring strangely at my mouth, which made me realize that my mouth was hanging open. I closed my mouth and swallowed, trying to cover my embarrassment by deciding to avoid him for the rest of the night. "Surely you would rather have one of the girls escort you to your room? I would not want to impose."

"Impose? Am I in a bar or a temple library? A silver tongue in Messantia..." He laughed again, finally standing up. He towered over me, his head nearly touching the wooden beams crisscrossing the ceiling. "I have traveled a long way to get here, and I am tired. Show me your rooms."

I glanced at the sheer size of his body, and decided it was best to show him. "It's this way, sir. Just follow me." The scantily clad bar whores complained for a moment, pleading with him to stay. When they discovered their whining had no effect, they sauntered away to find other more pliable victims.

I could hear the smirk in his voice as we walked towards the inn room hallway. "Are you sure you know where it is?"

I bridled slightly, my voice flat in response. "Are you sure you want a room?"

He laughed again, his hearty bellow evoking a smile that I did my best to hide. We walked down two corridors to the left of the main bar and taking out a key, I opened a door framed in rich darkwood. I had chosen the best room that we had as penance for my attitude. I was not sure why I had acted so badly. There was something about this giant man's demeanor that awoke a fire in me that had been doused a very long time ago. The soft scent of Kusanian incense drifted out of the room as I walked inside and lit two lanterns. Soft, golden light spilled into the darkness, dancing on the fur-lined sheets decorating the large bed in the middle of the room. I turned to leave, and my heart stopped.

He had closed the door so softly that I had not noticed. Was this a trick? Was he waiting until we were alone so he could rob me? Or worse, kill me for my insolence? His back was to the door, and he was staring at me with an odd look upon his face. He looked...violent? Or perhaps hungry, as if he had not eaten in days and had suddenly stumbled on an overfed chicken from the Shemian meadowlands. I felt the tickling sensation of fear in my gut as my mouth suddenly went dry. I struggled to speak.

"I...I did not wish to impose. I...I am very sorry, please don't hurt me. This is our best room and I um..." Tears stung at the corners of my eyes, as I bowed my head. Dizziness swept through me as I clenched my fists and stood very still. As he moved closer, something dropped to the floor. I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing myself for a painful blow. But what happened next was nothing I had expected. I felt something rough at my chin, and upon opening my eyes, I was surprised to discover his calloused fingers lifting my face to his. He smiled down at me, his piercing blue eyes like the exotic pools of a Kush spring.

"What talk is this? I do not seek your apology. However, there is something else you can give me..." He moved closer, pushing me back towards the bed. His hand, almost twice the size of mine, shoved me down onto the soft sheets of the bed. His course fingers trailed fire along my cheek and down the side of my neck.

Before I could even speak, his mouth crashed into mine. The taste and musk of him was a heady, intoxicating thing as his teeth pulled at my bottom lip, sucking on it as his tongue dived into my mouth. An animal groan tore through him as he pushed me farther up on the bed, and climbed on top of me. The tingling sensation in my stomach had transformed into an overpowering, pulsing ache that spread throughout my whole body before traveling to my cock. I was so hard it hurt. As my heartbeat quickened in my chest, I found myself pushing my body against his giant chest, my hands caressing his scar-swathed muscles as I explored his mouth with my tongue. His hands slid under me and grabbed my butt, squeezing my ass cheeks as he grinded his groin against mine. I moaned into his mouth, and he growled with pleasure at the sound.

Lifting himself off of me, he reached down and literally tore my clothing off, his hungry eyes roaming over every inch of my body. His rough fingers circled my nipples, tracing every ridge and dip on my smaller frame. His hand reached my cock, a feather light touch sending shock waves of pleasure through me as I moaned again. He had let the animal hides drop to the floor earlier, revealing his impossibly broad shoulders and arms that could easily snap a man in half. I was transfixed-if an Elder God had taken human form, it would surely choose one such as this. Every angle and curve of muscle and sinew seemed carved from molten stone, the shadows dancing along his torso with every movement. Something else grabbed my attention, and seeing it now, I understood the reluctance of the bar whores to part from his company. A massive tent had been pitched beneath the giant's tanhide pants with a growing spot of fluid appearing as he began to untie them.

When he finally pulled his pants down, I could not help but stare in shock. His cock, like the size of his body, was enormous. It stretched towards me, its large pink head leaking clear fluid that shined in the soft light of the lanterns. Pulsing veins mapped the skin of its long, thick shaft which was crowned by a small mane of dark brown curls. His balls hung low and were very large. I discovered that my mouth was watering as I felt the intense need to force his cock into my mouth. I did not know if it would fit, but I was more than willing to try. I grasped it with my hand and realized my fingers could not close around its girth.

"I...I've never seen a cock this big. Do you ever have trouble walking?"

He laughed loudly, throwing back his head. His smile was ear to ear as he spoke. "What is your name?"

"I am Thelios." I said it distractedly as I stroked his pulsating cock eagerly. He groaned before responding in a deep, guttural voice.

"I am Conan of Cimmeria." I looked up, shocked as I realized I was lying beneath a warrior whose name preceded him in almost every large settlement east of the Pictish Wilderness. Even in Vendhya, the exploits of this Cimmerian liberator and his band of allies were well-known, including his impossibly long list of female sexual conquests.

I let go of his cock, trying to pull myself away from him. "Is this a trick? Some joke made at my expense? Conan of Cimmeria beds the daughters of kings, or harlots when he's bored with scandal and the heat of battle. Everyone knows this, so who are you really?"

Before I could move any further, he clamped my arms down with the speed of a Vendhyan panther, fixing his intensely blue gaze on me. His voice had lowered to a growling whisper. "I am Conan of Cimmeria, and I have chosen you tonight. Whether your stories are true or not, young Thelios, such things are dust in the wind. The memories of men are not conquered by bedding half the town-the hearts and minds of the people yearn for freedom, and that is my gift to them. My purpose lies in the chaos of upheaval, when kingdoms crumble before the will of their people. So who I choose to conquer in my own bed is of no consequence, and I will not be questioned about it." He stopped, a glimmer of his searing fire burning within his eyes.

Suddenly he started laughing again. "But this is not a conversation to excite the loins. I seek the tight embrace of your hole, and I will have it." He sucked on one of his fingers and began rubbing it over my hole, pushing against it as he pulled one of my nipples into his hot mouth. He tongued it and nibbled, pushing his finger inside of me slowly as I moaned and shivered. I tried to protest, but every time I opened my mouth, he pushed harder into my hole. I ran my fingers through his long hair, wanting more of him inside me. He wanted kingdoms to crumble before the will of the people, but all I wanted in this moment was my ass to succumb to the will of his throbbing cock.

I pulled his face up, and stared deep into his eyes. "Conquer me."

That same look he had when standing with his back to the door flashed across his face again, an insatiable hunger that devoured resistance in any form. His hot mouth found my lips again and sucked on them, his strong tongue massaging its way into my mouth. Forcing my legs apart, he pushed his massive cock against my tight, shivering hole. I put my hands against his chest, feeling the light matting of hair curl up between my fingers. He pulled his mouth away, and whispered against my lips. "Take a deep breath..."

I inhaled shakily, throwing my head back as his cock began to penetrate me. I moaned, fighting my own pain and resistance as my teeth gritted. Conan's eyes rolled into the back of his head as the head of his enormous cock finally buried itself within my tight, aching hole. He stopped moving for a second with only our intermittent breaths filling the silence as my ass relaxed around his engorged member. He looked at me, smiling with eyes half-closed in pleasure. "Are you in pain?"

I managed to smile back, my eyebrow raising. "You've almost torn me in half, and you ask me if I'm in pain?" I finally started laughing. It was an unfamiliar sound even to me, escaping my mouth in a singsong tenor that felt happy.

"But I want this. I want you. And if the pain is just another memory of you..." I bit his lip playfully, grinning at him, "...then make it count, Conan of Cimmeria."

He smiled widely at the call of a challenge, leaning his forehead against mine as he started pumping his smooth, thick cock into my stretched ass. His hands dove under me and cupped my ass as his rhythm increased in speed, sweaty skin slapping as he pounded my tight hole. My moaning pierced the silence as he grunted excitedly, changing the angle. What once was pain was now inescapable pleasure as my fingernails dug into his back. Wanting more of him, I rolled over on top and began to grind my ass against his long, fat cock. Lubed in spit and sweat and the clear fluid escaping from his cock, I bounced up and down on top of him. His eyes squinted and his mouth opened, as he stuck two of his massive fingers into my mouth. I sucked on them greedily as my ass danced on top of his leaking member.

" the gods, your ass feels so good...milk my fat cock, Thelios...ahhhh..." He groaned loudly, his head thrown back as I gyrated with increasing speed over his cock. I felt the tightening at the base of my balls, a contracting energy that spread from the spot in my ass his cock was hitting to every extremity in my body. A desperate moan started in the back of my throat as I crested a wave of ecstasy so blinding, I nearly lost consciousness. I shook uncontrollably, my legs bucking and my eyes rolling into the back of my head as I gasped for air. It was the most intense sensation I had ever experienced, and as my tight ass shook and squeezed over Conan's cock, he started breathing heavily and growling.

"Ugghhh yessss...I'm going to release...ahh here it comes...ahhhhhh!!!!" He lifted my ass off of his cock just as I grabbed it and started stroking. What followed was a volcanic eruption of white spewing fluid that flew in every direction, coating me, him, and half the room in sticky bliss. Our heavy breathing finally began to subside, as I lied down in the crook of his arm. He started chuckling, then he began laughing loudly again, finally sighing in pleasure.

"Thank the gods I found you, Thelios...I have not released like that since I first discovered I could do it."

I was so blissfully happy; I could only manage to say one thing. "I can't feel my legs."

We both laughed. I began slipping into the soft black beneath my eyelids, lost in the euphoric heat of his sweaty body. I felt safer in his arms than I had felt in the last thirteen years. I had started running when I was five, and now at the adventurous age of eighteen, I had ironically found a sense of peace in the arms of the most notorious warrior in all of Eastern Hyboria. But I also found myself wondering if I was yet another meaningless conquest, more dust in the wind scattered before Conan of Cimmeria's campaign of liberation. As I drifted into the lull of my dreams, I thought I heard him whisper the answer in my ear.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter of the first story I've written in several years. I have yet to continue my previous contributions (Secret Admirer, Gladiator), but I am currently working on the next installments for all three. I apologize to the fans of my previous work that were so eager for the next chapters-life gets in the way sometimes. But I'm happy to be back! Have a great day, and I'll have the next chapters for you soon!

This story is based on the trademark writings of Robert E. Howard, and posits no influence or commentary on the original storyline.

Next: Chapter 2

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