Construction Site Series

By Joe

Published on Apr 8, 2018


After a few minutes he pushed me back and pulled up his pants, he pushed me to the side and walked out of the porta pottie leaving me there, head spinning and pants full of cum. I finally got up and walked out, but he was gone.

I locked the gate and sat in my truck wishing more had happened, than my thoughts changed to wondering what I was doing, wondering why I was so easily subservient and submissive to this man, how had I gotten myself into this place in life where I am functioning as this man's toilet and wishing he would share me with others.

As I drove away I found myself steering away from home and a desire for more had me driving to the park in hopes I could find a Hispanic man or a few Hispanic men willing to use me. I didn't care that I had cum in my pants and had remnants of my "Masters" piss and cum on my shirt, I needed more. I was obsessed with thoughts of finding someone I could image being Thiago and get him to fuck me long and hard. While I had plenty of Thiago's piss and cum in me I need to be fucked badly, I need to feel a cock penetrating me, the breath of another man on the back of my neck while they degrade me.

I drove by the park to see if there was anyone around, I saw a few people hanging around so I parked a couple blocks away and headed to the park. I took a slow walk through the park along the tree line and got cruised by a few guys that didn't fill my fantasy needs; the park was located almost perfectly equal distance to 3 universities in the city which means it almost always had the college boys looking to "experiment", I was in need of rough straight trade types, not closet case college boys.

I absolutely needed a dirty working-class man, one that was a take control type not a boy that would need me to be a dominate bottom. I headed toward the park toilets to see if I could find some action there, they were too seedy and dirty for the prissy college boys. Coming from the toilets was 2 guys that caught my eye. They looked like they stopped on the way home from a dirty hard day at work, as they got close they were exactly what the itch in my ass needed, and a rough spit roasting would be just what my hormones needed. The one my eye gravitated to first looked to be around 30, Hispanic with Soul Patch along with a patch of hair on his chin, Wispy Mustache, Torn Dirty Jeans, Work Boots, and some Generic T-Shirt full of dirt and a Tattered Trucker Cap and I was over taken with pure lust, his buddy looked to be younger, a white trash thug looking type dressed almost Identically but clean shaven with one of those post acne pitted faces that rough trade wore so well.

As our paths crossed I couldn't help but stair at the Hispanic one and he was aware I was staring at his crotch, as they passed he nonchalantly adjusted himself, but they continued to walk away together not as much as a single glance back. Fuck, did I miss read this, were they not together looking for action? Were they hooking up together? I was a bit sad, a bit pissed off and now a bit wet. So, I continued to the toilets, but no luck, all I found was much older not attractive men that clearly wanted to suck my cock, none that fit the look of rough trade that would use me however they wanted.

I decided to give up, and head out. As I left the toilets there standing against a tree was the Hispanic from earlier, he was now alone and I stopped dead in my tracks, he smirked a cocky, almost mean smile and gave his crotch a prolonged grab, he turned and gave a nod with his head to follow, and like a good horny bitch in need of a rough hard fuck I followed. He went directly into the thick wooded area on a small path rather than one of the well-worn main paths, he walked deep into the woods to a clearing I had never seen before, defiantly way too deep for any Police to worry about. The clearing was clearly set up over the years for "play", objects appeared to have been made using parts of the trees around the clearing that made it look almost like a natural dungeon.

My new "friend" seemed to know it well and went to an area of the clearing that was set up with a place he could sit and put his feet up with a space between his feet for someone else. It was clear from his body language the intent was for me to fill the space between is open legs, I stepped forward and he just starred through me making me a bit nervous about my decision to follow him into the trees. He kicked me in my balls and laughed. As I caught my breath I watched him fish a beautiful brown uncut cock from his pants that was clearly wet with pre-cum. I leaned forward to take it in my hand just to have it slapped away roughly, and he chuckled. As I knelt there he just stared at me, again I reached for the beautiful brown cock before me, I wanted it so bad it hurt and again my hand was slapped away, this time with more force and in very broken English I was told to use my faggot mouth. While I was scared my hormones took over and without thinking dove into his crotch and took it full into my mouth. It tasted of old piss and cum and I got a bit light headed. His monster was huge soft, and in my mouth began to grow even bigger. I had cleaned all of the leftovers from his foreskin and now tasted pure pre-cum.

He pulled his beautiful cock out of my mouth and stared into my eyes, in his broken English he asked me if I liked his cock, and I quickly said "Fuck Yes", he smiled his mean smile, he then asked me what I was willing to do for more of his cock, I quickly answered anything he wants me to do. I made it clear I would do anything to taste that beautiful cock, I also told him I wanted him to cum in my mouth. He reached forward and clamped his callous fingers roughly onto my nipples that were hard as pencil erasers and squeezed with a vice grip like force, sending pain through my body. My reaction and pain clearly entertained him; he roughly tugged my nipples and the pain was making me a bit light headed, my nipples are very sensitive and they are like a start button to my hormones going into high gear. As I went to get his cock in my mouth he stopped me again asking me what I was willing to do, it was clear he wanted a list from me, he wanted me to give him permission to use me. He rested the wet tip of his beautiful cock on my lips and waited for me to answer. As I began to speak he told me to look at him when I speak. He had his phone pointed at me and it was clear to me he too intended to take a video of my asking him to use me and tell him what I wanted him to do to me. I stated I wanted to do anything that would bring him pleasure, I wanted to suck his beautiful cock, I wanted him to fuck my pussy deep and rough, I wanted to taste his armpits and service his feet and I wanted badly for him to shoot is cum in my mouth so I could savor the flavor of his manliness, and I would like him to let me take his piss as his urinal. He picked up one of his booted feet and pushed me back from him, I was afraid I said too much but he then told me to take my clothes off. He continued to point his phone at me I was guessing to video tape the fact I was undressing myself. There I was stripping if front of him while fixating on his cock. I slid off my shirt and pants slipping my shoes back on but he made it clear he meant everything, underwear, socks and shoes as well, I folded my clothes and handed them to him, there I stood totally naked in a public woods and he smiled that menacing smile of his. He motioned for me to come closer, he again attached his vise like fingers to me now sore nipples and tugged hard forcing me back to my knees between his legs. He let to and then was typing something onto his phone and set it down.

He again rested his cock in my mouth and while pointing his phone at me again he set out his rules in his broken English, he made it clear he needed me to agree to what he said or he was leaving. He stated that I was there to do whatever I was told to do and he would decide when we would be done. I quickly responded with a clear "Yes Sir" and as I spoke he pushed his cock into my mouth. He told me to untie his boots, as I reached for the first one I again was roughly slapped and he asked why his cock came out of my mouth. He made it clear that I would be punished for my failures; I placed my mouth back onto his cock and worked on his first boot, than his second. I was then told to take his boots off and rub his feet. As his boots came off there was the unmistakable stench of hard working dirty feet, his socks were wet, not damp but wet with his sweat. He appeared to be happy when I instinctively massaged his feet, he pushed my face off his cock with his smelly sweaty foot and I pressed my face into his rank sock, I slowly pulled it off letting my mouth make contact with his foot pressing my tongue between each of his toes.

I heard his phone ding; as I looked up I noticed it appeared he again was taking pictures of me servicing his foot, and he was entering something into his phone. With his other booted foot, he kicked me directly in my balls and laughed as I gasped for air. He then raised that boot for removal, once off I repeated the massage and then the tongue cleaning of that foot. After a while he grabbed hold of my hair and yanked my head back to his dick, shoving it down onto him until I was pressed all the way into his sweaty pubic hair. He held me there as I gaged and panicked. He let me up just enough to breath. As my panic subsided I was aware someone was coming into the clearing. As the new guest got up to us I glanced over and realized it was the white trash boy from earlier. He sat a gym bag down and from it pulled out a 12 pack of beer, he handed 1 to his buddy and another for himself. It was now clear this was going to be a party and I seemed to be the dish to pass.

He showed him a picture of me servicing his toes and they both started laughing hard, they started a conversation as to what they could have me do to them, actually it was more about what they could do to me as if I wasn't there to hear them, in reality they wanted me to hear how they could make the faggot hurt. The Hispanic told his friend that he texted his roommate but that he has not responded, yet. While my mind raced around my being face fucked while they talk about me like an object, reality was thrust back into my head when I felt the hardest crack to my exposed ass. White Trash boy had pulled his belt from his jeans and laid it across my ass as hard as he could, the pain was intense and I heard them both laugh at my pain. Unconsciously I must have closed my mouth causing my teeth to bite into the cock in my mouth which brought a forceful back hand slap to my face sending me back onto my now welted ass. With a gob of spit to my face his anger was clear. He looked at me and said I told you that you would be punished and that is 2, faggot.

He stood up and again grabbed my hair and yanked me up and shoved me over the tree he was sitting on. He took another item from the gym bag; it was a bundle of thin rope that he used to tie my hands behind my back. He grabbed one of his rank socks and shoved it into my mouth and took the belt from his buddy and delivered 2 searing strikes to my ass. With each strike I screamed into the sock causing the smell and taste to be sucked deep into my lungs and mouth.

Fear and Panic raced through me, and then I realized I was more excited and hornier than I have ever been, I was becoming aware just how much I desired and needed to be controlled, actually more than controlled but brutally dominated.

White Trash boy pulled out a large cut cock from his pants, it was missile shaped with a fat head and a shaft that tapered much like a butt plug. In the tip was a silver ring, he walked to the other side of the tree I was now bent over, he removed the sock from my mouth and replaced it with his pierced cock. As he entered my mouth I could feel his friend start rubbing what had to be visible welts on my ass and spanking my ass lightly on top of the welts with his hand. He rested his big cock on my crack and I could hear my voice as he was showing the video of me telling him what I wanted him to all do to me to his friend. They referred to me as Faggot, Bitch and Whore as they talked about me standing over me.

My bound wrists were tugged forcing me to stand up and I was pulled backward to another part of the clearing, I was pushed backward onto what seemed to be the remnants of a picnic table, I was now lying on my back on top of my bound wrists.

My head hung off one side and my hips seemed to be at the edge of the other side of this flat spot, white trash walked over with more rope and my legs were spread open and pushed back, rope was attached to each ankle and tied off to nearby trees, I was now helpless. White trash turned and placed his ass over my face pushing down making contact to my mouth with his pucker. The smell was musky and manly. As he pressed hard onto my face for me to eat out his hole I felt the head of the Hispanic at my hole, he stated in his broken English he was going to take my pussy and make it his, I heard him spit several times and felt it hit my pucker and without any pleasantries he penetrated me with a hard,long thrust. My screams from the searing pain muffled by the ass pressed hard on my face, I could feel his pubic hair against my ass cheeks and he stayed still for a bit, he then slowly pulled back until he withdrew fully from my ass and again thrust forward till he was pressed against me. "this bitch is hot and tight" he said to his friend, as the pain started to subside in my ass he again clamped hold of my nipples. As I breathed deep trying to calm down a large fart came out of the pucker pressed against my mouth, the smell was strong and a taste I still can't describe penetrated my mouth, as they again laughed at me the ass was removed from my face and was replaced with the pierced cock and they began fucking both sides of me. White trash took over the assault on my nipples as the Hispanic spanked me and tugged on my helpless balls as he fucked me. White trash drove his cock down my throat and would hold it there as I gaged and struggled for air, he pulled out and he would spit and drool into my open mouth, they would change places and try and outdo each other, this lasted for quite some time until they both shot there loads in my mouth for me to enjoy, I have never felt such a melding of pain and pleasure and I was delirious from the sensation overload.

After they both came they untied my ankles from the trees and pulled me off the table so that I was kneeling in front of them, they took one of the ropes and tied it to my balls than untied my wrists, the Hispanic boy pulled the rope tight causing pain in my balls and ordered me to go get them each another beer, as I walked he would pull hard on the rope and they laughed as I cried out in pain, it was a struggle but I retrieved 2 beers and served them to my captors. They slammed the beers, the rope was passed to White Trash boy and again I was ordered to get beers, it was now his turn to cause me pain and torture my balls and was happy to do so, when coming back to them he yanked the rope with all his might causing me to drop one of the beers, they looked at each other with smiles that would make the devil proud, I knew better than to serve the beer that feel to the ground so I struggled as they pulled and tugged my balls to replace it and get them there beers, once they had their new beers I again knelt on the ground in front of them waiting for some sort of instruction as to what to do next. Loud belching indicated they had finished the beers and my hopes they overlooked my dropping one of the beers was dashed as broken English interrupted the brief silence telling me to get my bitch ass bent over the tree, it was time to be punished for dropping the beer. I was bent over waiting for the searing pain from the belt, I heard them moving around, the wait for the belt to land was as torturous as the belt had been earlier, then I heard them laugh and what sounded like them giving each other high fives, and in my ear I heard a strange whistling sound followed seconds later by that sound again and the worst pain I had ever experienced across my exposed ass. It was clear the belt was not what I was being punished with, and it was confirmed when a straight narrow branch was shown to me, I was told to kiss the branch and after it was again whistling in the air and landing on me ass. I was close to a full-on panic attack sobbing out of both fear and pain, I heard them laughing at me as they found I was still rock hard and leaking from the punishment.

I fell from the tree to the ground, I heard one of their phones ding and the Hispanic one said his roommate was not able to join them, I then heard him say that he recognized me from the pictures and that I was the Putta Bitch from his work site that drinks his piss, they both turned and looked at me with a new set of wicked smiles. My heart sank deep into my gut.

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