Corn Fed Gay

By Brett Lord

Published on Dec 25, 2014


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. Some of the things that happened or will happen with Brent, Jake, & future characters are inspired by bits and pieces of my life. Parts of all characters are fictional as well. All other characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay romance between teenage boys, there may be sex, but for the most part, it'stheir true love of each other so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Concerns and ideas will be considered and addressed as much as possible contact me at with reactions/suggestions or concerns.

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Corn Fed Gay- Chapter 5

"Ok, I love you too Jake".

I hung up. My heart was warmed again. I had said it to him. I told Jake I loved him. To top that we had a date scheduled. Wow big step.

I just sat in Dad's office for a while thinking about what just happened. I was almost giddy over the conversation Jake & I just had. He really wanted me and more than just me. He wanted my love and to be my boyfriend. Boyfriend, I like the sound of that word.

"Ding Dong" I was snapped out of my trance by the door bell. I walked out of dad's office in time to see mom opening the door and Coach standing there. Mom invited him in and they greeted each other. Being in a small farming community a lot of families knew each other. My family knew the Coach's and the six kids he and his wife had. None of them were in my class. but there was one above and below my grade level.

"I came to talk to and see how Brent was doing".

Mom said for us to go into dad's office so we could have some privacy. We went in and sat in the chairs in front of Dad's desk.

"Well Brent I hope you feel a little better than you look"?

"Yeah Coach I know I don't look to good. I have some great pain meds so I feel pretty good. Coach I'm so sorry I can't be at the two meets this week. I feel really bad for letting down the team."

"Don't you worry about it. We will make it. We did win the meet last night, but by only five points. So we could notice two of our best weren't there. Like I said we will make it. I want you to focus on getting better over winter break. Be ready to go hard when 2nd semester starts. Ok"?

"Ok coach, I will".

"Ok so I know what Jake did for you. I guess you could say he defended your honor" he chuckled.

I know I was blushing because the room got very hot very quickly.

"Don't be embarrassed Brent, we should all be so lucky to have someone to stand up for us in a time of need.

"Yeah I guess so. I wanted to protect jake from the crap that I knew was coming my way. I failed."

"Brent you didn't fail. Jake made his own decision and I bet if you asked him he do it again".

"You think so"?

"Yes I do. He's a good kid with a great head on his on his shoulders. He has a lot of potential".

"I think he's a great guy. You know who isn't Coach, Jason."

You mean Jason Hill on my team"?

"Yes he is the reason I got hurt and Jake got suspended. He walked in on Jake and I kissing. I know he told Chad, their friends."

"Oh Brent, I'm sorry, you know there isn't much I can do about it. I will have a talk with him."

"Thanks Coach. It made Jake and I realize how we felt about each other. I realized he's a really good guy".

"I would hope so he's right"?

I blushed again.

"You don't have to answer that question Brent" We'll anyway I need to be getting back to school. Like I said a few days ago. My door is always open for the two of you and I will do my best to try and protect you."

"Thanks coach. Have you went to see Jake yet"?

"No I haven't, I was planning to go see him tomorrow after school."

"Oh ok".

"Well I will see you after Christmas. Have a merry one Brent".

"Merry Christmas to you Coach".

With that he rose up from the chair right in front of me. I could instantly tell he wasn't wearing any underwear under his tract type pants. I also noticed he had a big semi under the fabric. I quickly averted my eyes away from his crotch. I thought "Oh my god coach is hung". My dick started to expand. He turned and left the room. I heard him talking to my mom and then the door shut.

Lost in thought I had crossed my legs to hide my semi in my pants. Mom walked into the office and sat down in the same chair as coach.

"What was that about Brent"?

"Oh coach just wanted to check on me and chat".

"Ok kiddo. Was that Jake on the phone earlier"?

"Yeah it was. He wanted to check on my and see how I was".

"That was nice of him".

I suddenly remembered I had to ask mom about the date.

"Um Mom, Jake asked if I could go to a movie and dinner with him tomorrow night"?

"You mean go on a date"?

"Yeah I guess so, We want to see each other outside of school".

"I don't know Brent. That's a pretty big step. I don't know if I am comfortable with that. You are only 14 kiddo. Your Dad and I wanted you to wait till you could drive yourself".

"Please mom, you know I'm a responsible kid. We won't get in any trouble".

"Oh I guess so... home by 9:30".

"Well you can make sure I'm home on time cause we need you to drive us. I don't think Jakes parents are too keen to drive us".

"Do they know about Jake"?

"No they don't mom".

"I see, so I'm the only one that knows about you too"?

"Yeah I think so".

"Well, I guess this will work. I guess we'll have to tell your dad something different. Unless you plan on telling him tonight or tomorrow"?

"I don't think I'm ready for that mom".

"Ok honey I will leave it up to you. Go get some rest and I will start dinner".

She got up and left the room. I sat there a minute... Things are moving so fast. Makes me a little nervous. Yet I was excited at what Friday night meant for us .I left the office and headed back upstairs to my room stopping off at my bathroom on the way. I had to really pee. As I held my dick in my hand I started to massage it. When I finished peeing I had an erection and decided it had been a couple of days with all that had happened. I also really needed a shower. I walked over and turned on the shower. I returned to the vanity and stood in front of the mirror. I looked at my naked body, my erection standing in front of me. I liked how it looked against my thin lightly muscled body. I was starting to get a rhythm and had gotten harder watching myself. I moved over to the shower. The hot water felt amazing hitting my tired body. I grabbed the soap and continued. My thoughts moved to Jake. His wonderful hot body, his large cock. I thought about how big it had gotten in front of me. I wondered what he wanted to do to me with that monster. All of a sudden I realized my other hand was rubbing on the lips to my hole. I imagined Jake trying to fit his cock in my little hole. The thought of that pushed me over the edge and a thick rope of cum shot out of my dick. Oh my god that felt so good.

I finished washing, dried and went to my room. The rest of the night went as expected. The next morning I was awoken by pressure on my bed. I rolled over to see my dad sitting on my bed. Yawned and quickly rolled my hips away from him attempting to hide my morning wood. He laughed and and said.

"Son it happens to all of us, especially young men around your age. I even wake up with them at my age of course your mom helps me with those."

"Eek dad that's gross. I don't want to hear about you and mom".

He chuckled and looked at me. "See it made yours go down, he he."

I'm sure I blushed a bright red.

"Brent you don't have to be embarrassed about your body. It happens to all of us. Anyway I'm taking three of the auger motors over to Callsions to get over hauled before I have to move grain in late January. I want you to come and help me with them."

"Dad do I have to?"

"Yes I was asking nicely, now get up and get dressed. Mom has your breakfast on the table. Your sister is already up."

"Ugh...ok dad."

I rolled over it was 7am, Oh my god to early. I got up after he left my room and got dressed. I couldn't believe the conversation we had just had. I was mortified at what he had said. We'd never talked about those things before. Well other than the birds and the bees conversation which made both of us uncomfortable back at age 11.

My dick was still semi hard. I gave it a couple of rubs under my jeans. I figured a piss would take care of it. After the bathroom and breakfast my dad and I were in his truck going down the snowy road. We had light conversation on the way to the shop which was 45 minutes away. With the current road conditions it took us about an hour. We unloaded the incredibly heavy motors and left them with the repair man.

We were in our way back and I was lost in thought staring out of the window at the endless white fields in the countryside. I started to get a line of thought that maybe I should tell my dad I'm gay. No I can't do that now. A few more minutes of silence went by.

"Brent so your mom told me about what happened at school, but she didn't say why all of this started. Do you want to tell me what really happened?"


"Come on son out with it"

When my dad said things like that he meant it.

"Uh dad, Chad called me a fucking faggot before he pushed me into the locker."

"Well are ya a fucking faggot?"

My mouth fell open. I could not believe he had asked me like that. I struggled for words. I know he was expecting an answer. my eyes started to tear. As a tear ran down my cheek I looked at him and said.

"Dad I am gay."

He looked straight ahead and hit the brakes sliding us to a stop.

"Get out of my truck you sissy faggot boy. You are no son of mine. You make me sick."

"Dad, no you can't mean that."

"Get out of the truck queer." he said raising his hand. With tears running down my face I quickly moved out of the way so he couldn't hit me. My boots landed in a foot of snow. The cold wind hit my face.

"Shut the door" he said not looking at me. I did and he drove off. I watched crying all the time. The tears were freezing to my my cheek. I had gloves and a scarf with me. I pulled my scarf up around my ears. Thinking oh my god did that just happen? Did he really leave me? What am I going to do. He hates me. I never thought he would react that way. Aren't dad's supposed to love their sons?

I looked around hoping another car would come along, but there was nothing in sight either direction. I started walking in the direction of home. luckily I knew where I was. I also knew how far I was from home. I'd probably freeze to death long before I got home. I figured the temp was around 10 degrees, I was sure the wind chill was below zero. How could he go home without me? What would mom do when he arrived without me? How could he hate his only son so much that he would leave me to die in the snow. My head was really starting to hurt. I needed one of my pain pills.

I don't know how long I stumbled along the road towards home. I couldn't believe no one had come along that I could hitch a ride with. I was so cold, I just wanted to sit down. I made myself keep going. I didn't want to die. I didn't want to be found dead in the spring thaw. That would kill my mother. I started to cry again. My heart was broken. What would Jake think? would my death destroy him? Was I full of myself?

After I don't know how long I saw a pair of headlights coming at me. I tried to raise my arms to wave them down, but I couldn't I was just too tired and cold. The truck slowed down and I could see it was my dad's truck. It stopped beside me and rolled down the window. I looked at him with tear in my eyes. looking at him made my heart hurt even more.

"Get in" was all he said.I cautiously walked around the back of the truck. I didn't what to give him a chance to run over me. I got in the truck but didn't look at him. All the way home I stared out the window. When we got home I went straight into the house, hoping to avoid my mother. I walked into the kitchen, she was there and looked up at me.

"You guys were gone a while?"

"Bad roads, he had to drive slow. I need a pain pill, my head hurts."

I got my pill and a glass of water.

"I'm tired I'm going to take a nap."

"Ok, go rest up for the big date tonight."

I turned to walk out of the kitchen just as dad walked in the kitchen. I looked at him, I couldn't feel anymore. I think it was frozen in me. He looked at me. I couldn't read the look on his face, I didn't know what to make of it.

"Brent can we talk a minute?"

"No I'm going to bed, my head hurts pretty bad as you can imagine."

I walked out of the room and headed for the stairs. I passed the clock in the living room, it was 11:30 am. I heard mom ask dad what that was about. He responded, we had a little argument in the truck. That was all I heard as I went up to my room. I stripped to my undies and crawled into bed. The next thing I knew was mom sitting on my bed. I rolled over and the clock read 4:30.

"Oh wow, I guess I was tired."

"I guess so Brent. Did you ever call Jake and let him know you could go on your date?"

"Oh no I didn't."

"Well it's 4:30, you better get him called. Tell him we will pick him up at 6:30."

"Ok I will."

I got out of bed and forgot I had stripped to my undies. I blushed just as mom said.

"Wow look at those red undies. My little boy is growing up."

"Mom stop it."

"Oh calm down I'm only teasing."

I pulled on some clothes and headed down stairs. Once at the phone I dialed Jake's number. He answered on the second ring.


"Oh, hey Jake it's Brent. I was expecting your mom to answer".

"Yeah, I was hoping it was you. I've been waiting for you to call me back. Are we on for tonight? My mom was starting to question why I was pacing around the phone. So I'm glad you called".

"Sorry it took me so long to call you back. Mom said I could go out with you yesterday, but I've been sleeping a lot from my pain meds. Then I had a major issue with my dad".

"What happened with your dad"?

"I will tell you later, it's a long story. Ok, so mom said she would drive us. I figured she should since she is the only one who knows about us, or should I say was the only one".

"That's cool Brent. Um what did that last part mean"?

"Oh my dad knows, that's the part I will tell you later".

"What time do you want to go out"?

"Oh mom said we would pick you up at 6:30".

"Ok that's in two hours. I'd better start getting ready".

"How long does it take you to get ready"?

"Well boyfriend, I have to look pretty for you".

I had to laugh out loud at that.

"Is that right, well you better get to it. See you at 6:30, I can't wait".

"Me either Brent".


"Ok, bye".

I hung up and went back upstairs to my room. I decided to take a quick shower. I stripped out of my clothes and ran across the hall to the bathroom. After a shower and back in my room I pulled out my newest pair of Black bikinis. I loved the way the accentuated my hips in the mirror. I pulled on a pair of jeans and nice button up and my dress boots. Looking in the mirror I thought I looked pretty good. I hoped Jake would like how I looked tonight.

I headed downstairs to find mom. She was in the kitchen eating some dinner. She said the plan was for her to drop us off at the mall with the theater in it so we could eat and pick a movie to see. I agreed it would work. Just then Dad walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Brent"

"Oh hi dad".

I didn't look at him, I was still incredibly hurt and mad at what he'd done to me.

"Are you ready for your get together"?

"It's called a date dad and it's with Jake.

I stared right at him. He looked away after our eyes met. I could tell he was feeling bad about his actions earlier today. I didn't care, he deserved it. Mom said it was time to get going. We were in the car I gave mom the address. We pulled into Jakes driveway. As soon as we came to a stop Jake came out of the front door. It was dark out but the porch light allowed me to see how cute he looked. He jumped in the back seat behind mom. At the same time I moved to the back seat. He smiled at and I returned the giddy grin like the school girl that I am. My tummy was all a flutter. I'm on my first date with a boy I love and the boy loves me back.

"Hi Brent".

"Hey Jake".

Our eyes met. I could see how much he wanted me in any way he could get me. I so wanted to grab him and kiss him, but I didn't because of mom sitting in the front. So instead I grabbed his hand and he squeezed mine with a smile.

"So Brent what's the plan tonight"?

"Well mom will drop us off at the mall. We can grab some dinner and see what movie we can see".

"Ok sounds good".

We chatted about nothing in particular the rest of the way into town with mom asking the occasional question. When we got to the mall mom said

"It's 7pm I will park as close to the entrance at 10pm. The movie should be over around then. Come out and find me".

"Ok mom we will".

"Ok have fun and be good, boys".

"We will mom".

"Thanks Mrs, Everette" said Jake.

We got out of the car and headed to the mall entrance. It was extremely cold as the wind hit our faces. Once inside we shed out coats. Being a few days before Christmas the mall was busy. We walked down the main hall. Since we were in a small midwestern town most malls had a single straight hall. We were lucky our mall was a T shape so it was a little larger. The movie theater was at the far end. We headed that way to see what time the movies started.

"Jake what do you want to see"?

He looked at the display for a few minutes.

"Let's see what do you think about Aladdin. I've heard it's really good and it's the only one we are old enough to get into by ourselves."

"I see your point, sounds good to me."

We bought our tickets for an 8pm showing.

Jake said, "We should get something to eat."

"Ok, how about the Dogg House?"

"Ok that's a pretty cheap meal."

"I don't care as long as it's with you Jake."

His cheeks reddened just a bit.

"I feel the same way Brent."

"Jake you look good enough to eat."

"Ah you like the way I look tonight?"

"Yes I do, you said you would get pretty for me."

"Yes I did, you're looking pretty hot tonight too."

"Well I wanted to look pretty for my boyfriend."

We both broke down laughing.

Jake said he had to pee, me as well so we made our way to the restroom at the end of the mall we were closest to. We entered into an empty restroom and walked up to the urinals. I took the one next to Jake, hoping to glimpse of the monster cock between his legs. While I pulled my dick out to pee I watched as Jake unzipped and pulled it out into the open. Seeing it makes my knees weak. After watching him start pee, it was oddly mesmerizing to watch the stream come out of the tip. I looked up to Jakes face as he was looking up from my dick. He smiled at me. I smiled back at my gorgeous boyfriend. He looked back down at me. This made me very aware of the blood that was filling my dick. I glanced down at Jake to see his cock getting even bigger. I looked back up to his eyes. His met mine. They had a strong wanting lust in them. I smiled and said.

"What do you want to do Jake?"

He looked behind him and looked back at me and winked with a smile.

"We could go into the big stall and give each other some attention."

"What if someone comes in here?"

"We will be careful, god Brent I've wanted you so bad. ever since I saw you laying on that bed in the nurses station at school."

"I want you to Jake. I've been fantasizing about us together ever since you told me you loved me."

"I do love you Brent."

I leaned in and kissed his wonderful lips and then said "lets go sexy."

Thanks for reading. Hope everyone has a fabulous Christmas! Look for chapter 6 soon. Chapter 5 had a little writers block and a busy holiday season. See ya in 2015!

Next: Chapter 6

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