Coronation Street Fun

By David Vaughan

Published on Oct 7, 2007


Coronation Street is copyright of Granada television, and this story in no way indicates the sexuality of the actual characters in the show, or of the actors portraying them.

In this story, safe sex isn't needed, unlike the REAL WORLD WE ALL LIVE IN, so cover up if you feel like playing out anything you see in this.

Onto the story, hope you enjoy, let me know at

Liam and Jason part two

Jason could not get the fantastic blowjob he had got from Liam off his mind, it was driving him crazy with lust. He called round to the factory just as it was closing a week later, the girls cheering to him as they left. He made his way to the office: "Just wondered if you had any jobs need doing?" He asked Liam.

"Not right now, Jason, but thanks." Liam replied, not looking up from his paperwork.

"Right," Jason answered, deflated. "Let me know if you need a hand anytime then, and I'll do you a good rate."

"Thanks, will keep it in mind." Liam said, his head still buried in paperwork.

So Jason headed home, where he bit Sarah's head off when she asked what was wrong, knowing he was being unreasonable, but doing it anyways.

Another week passed, and Jason tried to put what had happened out of his mind, accepting it as a one off, and settling down to his work in hand, and fucking Sarah as much as he liked.

While finishing off a job on a Friday evening, thinking of how much he was looking forward to a pint in the Rover's, packing up his van, his mobile went. On answering it, he was surprised to hear Liam on the end of the line.

"I remembered what you said," Liam spoke, "about giving me a good rate for any jobs I need done in the future."

"That's right Liam." Jason answered, waiting to hear what job Liam wanted done.

"Well, would that apply to mates of mine as well?" Liam asked. "It's just a friend of mine has just been on the phone, asking me did I know anyone who was handy and cheap, but was good at the job, as they are fitting out a club they just took over, and want it done sharpish, so I thought I'd give you a call."

"Whereabouts is the job?" Jason asked, "and how sharpish does it need done?"

"That's the thing," Liam said, a bit sheepishly. "it's a village called Hollyoaks, outside Chester, and they need it done by the end of the weekend."

"You are kidding mate." Jason said, "there's no way I can do it that quick, not to mention the travelling."

"Oh c'mon mate, do me a favour for them." Liam practically pleaded. "They really need a hand."

"Deal is, if I take it on, they pay me my regular rate, and I won't charge them for the travel up and down." Jason set out, determined to make it worth his while giving up his weekend.

"Sounds fair enough to me. What time will I tell them you'll be there this evening?" Liam asked.

"It'll be 8 before I make it there." Jason estimated.

So Liam gave him the address, and hung up, ringing his friend to let him know the arrangements.

Warren hung up, and gave his bulge a grope through his jeans, relishing the information Liam had given him about the payment he made for a rush job. He could cope no bother with providing a big bonus for a job well done.

So Jason landed up in Hollyoaks, and was wandering round the village, when he saw a young man in the street.

"Excuse me, can you tell me whereabouts the Loft is?" He asked the fella.

"Just round the corner, and up the steps. I work there, so I should know." was Justin's reply, giving that cheeky smirk he does so well.

Jason felt his cock leap slightly at that grin.

"That makes two of us, I'm the bloke who's come to do up the place." Jason answered.

"Why don't I walk you over?" Justin offered, and began walking off, giving Jason a good view of his arse in his jeans.

Jason hurried to catch up with him, and followed him up the steps to the front door, holding himself back from reaching up and grabbing those tight cheeks.

They walked in together, and Justin called out:

"Warren, the bloke's here to fix up the place."

At which Warren walked out of the office, standing in front of the bar.

"Nice to meet you." He said to Jason. "Liam highly recommended you, said your work's topclass."

"Thanks, I do my best." Jason replied, his cock growing more in his baggy overalls at the sight of Warren, imagining having a bit of fun with him.

"I'll take you round the club, show you what I need done, and give you the name of the local builder's yard, I've been in touch, and he'll give you a good price on everything you need." Warren continued.

"Thanks." Jason said, as Warren walked round the club, pointing out bits and pieces that needed doing, what he wanted replaced, and what he wanted repaired. Jason could barely concentrate on his words, with Justin chipping in his two pence worth every so often, Jason's cock was ready to burst.

"Sounds fine." Jason said, realizing the work would be wound up quicker than he thought, Sunday morning at the latest. "I'll get started straightaway, head down to the builder's yard for my supplies."

"Top man." Warren replied, beaming. He was looking forward to watching Jason build up a sweat around the place.

So work went on, Jason doing the improvements needed, Justin keeping the place clean, and doing stock checks of the drinks, Warren cooking the books in the office, watching the monitors the entire time, rubbing at his chest and his bulge every so often, loving watching Justin and Jason catching sneaky glances at each other.

Jason, working on his hormones, managed to get the work wound up in total on Saturday night, much to Warren and Justin's delight, Warren's as he could get ready for opening a full 24 hours earlier than anticipated, Justin as he knew it was the end of the cleaning up after Jason, not that he minded, with him watching Jason's backside moving round as he bent over his work.

"Cause for a celebration." Warren said, producing a bottle of champagne.

"Sounds good to me." Justin replied, setting down his brush.

"And me." Jason said, packing away the last of his tools. "But give me a beer will yer, can't take that bubbly at all."

"Beer it is." Warren said, cracking open a bottle for Jason, handing it to him.

They all raised their glasses (or bottle in Jason's case) and toasted the reopening of the Loft.

"Now for your payment." Warren said, fishing a fat envelope out of his pocket. "Mind if I pay you cash, keep it off the books, save us both a lot of hassle."

"Not at all mate." Jason answered, pocketing the envelope after quickly flicking through the notes inside.

"Liam said he gave you a good bonus for the job you did for him." Warren said.

"Yeah," Jason replied. "Very generous man, Liam." his cock twitching at the memory.

"So I hear." Warren confirmed. "Now, no offense, but would you mind nipping in and using the shower off the office there, just, with all that work, you reek a bit, and we don't want this place smelling like a sweaty bloke before we even open do we?" laughing as he said it.

"That is well true mate." Jason answered, getting up, and heading into the office to jump into the ensuite shower Warren had installed.

So Jason was under the running water, loving the feeling of it streaming over his worked up muscles, relaxing the tension out of them brought on by working the past 24 hours solid. He turned off the water, and went to step out, when he felt a presence in the shower room with him. He stepped out, naked, dripping wet, to be met by the sight of Warren, standing the in the buff, his cock swinging between his legs, limp, at 8" in length.

"Thought I'd take a quick dip too, seeing as we've all been closed up in here since this time last night, we're all reeking a bit, Justin's going to use it after me." He explained to Jason, giving his that disarming smile.

"Oh right." Jason said, put off any suspicions by Warren's smile. He set out into the office, toweling off, reaching for his clothes to pull on. As he was pulling on his underwear, Justin walked in, and at the sight of Jason nude, he sprung a boner immediately, but didn't hide it, seeing as he had nothing to be ashamed of, with 9" slapping against his stomach.

"Nice body." he commented, giving that sexy smirk again.

Jason gulped slightly, trying hard to keep his own erection down. "Thanks." he managed to get out.

"Best I've seen in a while." he heard behind him, and turning, faced Warren with a 10" boner bouncing in front of him. "In fact, considering the amount of work you've done, I think we should give you a big bonus for how well you've done. So Justin here is going to hop into the shower, and we're going to get comfortable he gets back, how does that sound?"

Jason didn't answer, just simply pulled off his underwear, and stood there, letting his cock rise up to its full length, dripping precum instantly.

Warren sank to his knees, and engulfed his cock fully, as Justin scrubbed himself quickly in the shower, giving his pit's a quick sniff to make sure he smelt alright, soaping up his dick and balls, and slipping a finger inside his hole to make sure he was clean and empty inside. He turned off the water, and hopped out, making his way into the office quickly, not even bothering to dry off. His hardon gave a leap at the sight of Jason standing there, Warren's hole facing Justin, as he sucked Jason's cock in deep, growling round the head of it when he had it buried in his throat. He reached up to massage Jason's pecs a little, deliberately leaving his nipples, wanting to stretch his pleasure out to the max.

Justin went onto his knees, and buried his tongue in Warren's tight hole, pulling apart his cheeks to get in as deep as he could. Warren moaned loudly round Jason's balls, loving the feeling of Justin's tongue caressing his hole, making it open by the sheer working of the opening with the tip. Justin reached underneath Warren to massage his balls, rolling them in his palm and pulling down on them slightly, his thumb grazing the spot between Warren's sack and his hole, making Warren moan all the more, and go harder on Jason's cock. Jason, meanwhile, couldn't believe his luck. He wanted to let his legs go, the pleasure was so intense, Warren was more than good at what he was doing, but didn't want to move, as he had a really good view of Justin eating out Warren's hole. He held Warren's head as he moved slightly in and out, guiding Warren on moving quicker and slower, sliding Warren's hand under him to pull on his sack a bit, rubbing that spot just behind them, making Jason pump in a bit harder. He threw his head back, moaning from deep within his throat, grinding his whole shaft deep in Warren's throat, as Warren moaned from the actions in his hole from Justin.

Justin straightened up, and moved round behind Jason, deciding to give him a bit of tongue action. He bent his head down, and pulling apart Jason's cheeks, licked around the entrance, probing just a little at the entrance itself, urging it to open, moaning a little to send the vibrations through his tongue, into Jason's hole. He moved his hand to Jason's balls, taking over from Warren, allowing him to move his hands up to Jason's nipples, to start teasing them slightly, brushing over them with his thumbs. Combined with Justin's massaging of his balls, and Warren's deepthroating of his shaft, Jason gave one last huge thrust, choking Warren, and shot his load deep down his throat, causing Warren to swallow quickly, to ensure he kept it all contained, as it was threatening to come up and out of his mouth, such was the volume. His knees finally buckled, and he pulled out of Warren's mouth as he dropped to his knees, falling further forward to come to rest on all fours. Justin took advantage of this, getting his tongue deep in Jason's tight hole, opening him up as he recovered from the orgasm he had just experienced. Warren meanwhile, came up to his knees in front of Jason, and shoved his cock down Jason's throat, gagging him, but unable to summon the strength to push him off, Jason submitted to the pounding of his throat, and was enjoying it within five minutes, sucking eagerly on the shaft moving back and forth over his tongue, moaning from the fingering and tonguing he was receiving from Justin. Warren was loving the action on his cock, the way Jason deep throated him with ease once he got his rhythm right. He put his hand on the back of Jason's head, and thrust enthusiastically back and forth, growling deep in his throat as Jason swallowed round his shaft.

Jason was having the time of his life, being manipulated both ends, and by two hot guys at that, it put Liam in the shade any day. He rocked himself back and forth, pushing back on the tongue in his arse, and forward onto the cock in his mouth, letting both know how much he enjoyed what they were doing. He felt Justin introduce a finger into his hole, and pushed back fully on it, to let him know he wanted it and more in there, grinding himself on it. Warren pushed in fully, grinding his dick in Jason's throat, eager to make him swallow his whole shaft and shiver with ecstasy. Jason swallowed on the head with obvious relish, and Warren shook with the sensations going through him, knowing that, if he hadn't already been on his knees, he would have fallen to them at that point. He could feel his balls tightening, and knew his load was getting nearer to shooting. He looked at Justin, and gave him a nod, which gave Justin the go ahead to shove his big thick dick into Jason's tight arse, at which point Jason tried to yell, driving Warren over the edge with the vibrations shooting through his dick, sending a stream of cum down Jason's throat, promptly cutting off the moan, as he swallowed eagerly on the juice, not wanting to waste a drop. Warren kept moving back and forth, leaving a trail of his cum on Jason's tongue and the roof of his mouth, before pulling out of his mouth, to the sound of Jason moaning, partly relief, partly disappointment.

Justin now ploughed Jason's hole with relish, loving hearing him moan at each push and pull, the thrusts hitting his prostate hard, while Justin's balls slapped against his lower arsecheeks. Warren moved round, and started sucking Justin's nipples for him, wanting to send him over the edge quickly, as he knew they didn't have much time yet before the late night delivery came in for the drinks for the launch tomorrow evening. He sucked and bit on one nipple, as he pinched hard on the other, moaning to send tingles through the nipple, sending Justin wild and pounding Jason even harder, while Jason yelled in delight, loving the pounding he was getting, as he rolled the taste of cum round his mouth. He started tightening and loosening his hole in time to Justin's thrusts in and out of him, knowing that would send him over the edge completely. He clamped down as Justin tried to pull out, and this sent Justin into a frenzy, shooting his load into Jason as he bellowed in orgasm, Warren sucking hard on his nipple as he filled Jason to the hilt.

Finally, Jason released Justin's dick, and he pulled out gratefully, totally spent with the fucking he gave Jason, and he got shakily to his feet, pulling on his clothes as Warren did the same, before they headed out the office door, Warren turning at the doorway to say :

"Feel free to use the shower again, you might need it after that. You can be on your way then, but don't worry, I'll pass your name on to a few pals of mine, and you'll get plenty of work."

And with a wink, he headed out the door, going to let in the delivery, while Jason collapsed on the sofa, exhausted, but high on what he had just had, managing to stagger to the shower, before pulling his clothes on and heading out to the van to drive home to Weatherfield.

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