Coronation Street Guys

By Mark Wright

Published on Apr 7, 2015


The day had been a complete and utter resounding... success.

I never expected that to happen. But Callum was brilliant with Max. Seeing the way he behaved with his son, seeing the way he intereacted with him and made him the priority was so nice. And I was kinda regretting treating him so harsly. But they have both made mistakes in there life, that much was clear. Maybe Kylie Granger was the biggest mistake, maybe I should have followed my instinct and never married her. But love is one of them things, you know, and without meeting Kylie and falling in love with her, I'd never have been introduced to Max- who I became so quickly fond of it was fucking ridicilious- or had Lily who just bloody brilliant. No, I loved my kids. There a part of me, you know? And a part of me would always love Kylie, no matter how much she had hurt me.

Callum. It was a strange thing this whole Callum thing. How one minute we where arguing and hating each other's very existance, and then the next our hands were on each other's cocks. I'm still not sure what this whole thing with Callum was, or if it indeed it could became anything more then just a one time mistake. A part of me still hated Callum, still hated the way Callum had swanned into Max's life and tried to take control- tried to take what was mine- but I was starting to see Callum in a new light. It was daunting and quite frankly fucking scary.

I'm not sure if I know how to anything other then hate him.


"You took your time mate?" Callum laughed as he opened the front door and David was stood there, holding a six pack of Fosters and a packet of Richmond Superking cigarettes. "Starting to think you were bailing out on me dude".

I rolled my eyes as I barged my way into Callums' small but modest flat. Knowing what I knew about Callum and what he does (or did) for a living- I expected him to live in a fucking squat or something. But nah, this little flat was actually quite nice. Maybe not living material for a high demanding kid like Max- but it was home for Callum and looked to be quite a comfortable place to stay. "Nah Gail was pissing me off, nearly cancelled her babysitting duties because she's all loved up and wanted to go the pub". I placed the Fosters and cigarettes on the table and turned back round to face Callum "You know your life's going down the shitter when your fucking ancient mother has a better social life then you!".

Callum laughed as he walked over to join David by the table in the living room. He took a beer and gave one to David before taking one for himself. "I would have been devastated. No night of David's pity party and noone to make sarcastic comments too. Whatever would I have done with myself?" he commented.

I grinned. This thing was Callum was weird. When Callum showed up this morning, he didn't mention what happend two nights previous. He'd never acknowledged that it happened, and I didn't want to rock the boat by putting my own fears out there. It's one thing having them fears yourself, but showing them off in public is a another level of sacrisfice that I'm not willing to share yet. I'm not exactly sure what's going on with Callum myself and I don't want to find myself in a bizarre situation. Maybe Callum hadn't forgotten about it? Or had put it to the back of his head? It surprised me how much I didn't want that to be the case. Could I just be friends with Callum after everything? A part of me still loathes the guy for fucks sake, but then another part of me finds my cock jerking everytime I think of him. Or the way his calloused hands felt wrapped around my cock. And Christ. I should have taken my own advice and found the nearest person and dumped my load in them.

"I suppose whatever is you did before you came back into Max's life" I commented as I cracked open the semi cold Fosters beer and took a sip.

Callum shrugged. "Mainly I got high, thought alot about Max and all the other fuck ups in my life and wandering if my mum is really to blame for me for becoming the fuck up that I am today".

"Callum" I commented "For what it's worth I appreciated the effort you put in today. That at least shows to me your willing to make an effort for your son. Am I comfortable enough to think that your going to stick around? No. A part of me still thinks your going to a moonlit flit when you get bored of Max but I hope you don't mate because Max needs you in his life.. as much as I hate to admit that".

Callum thought for a moment before he spoke. "David, don't talk like that please. Don't make me feel things I'm not ready to feel yet".

I shrugged. Not sure what he was going on about. "Sure mate, as long as you don't promise to do a runner as soon as Kylie shows her face again".

Callum's face changed then. It was disheartening. "That girl is history mate. She's merely nothing more then someone I fucked a few times when I was in a really bad place. She's nothing but trouble and trouble is something that I could do without in my life right now". He took a long sip of the beer and flinched at the coldness before continuing "You still think she's going to turn up?"

"She's going to come back Callum. I'm not sure when but I know in here" I signalled to my heart "That she would never abandan her kids for good. She might be alot of things but then so are everyone, including me and you, and I know she's not heartless".

Callum sat down on the table and took another sip of his beer. "You still love her don't you?"

"I will always love Kylie. She's the mother to both of my kids" I said as I sat on the arm of the chair facing the sofa, looking directly into Callums. His expression was unreadable and that was just fucking annoying. "She'll always have a place in my heart".

Callum was thinking. Really thinking. "David Platt your more cheesy then a fucking cheese store in France" he grinned "If she does come back, I hope you make it work. I know I've done alot of things in my time and done alot of people, but when I look at Kylie I know that she's in love with you".

This got me to thinking. "Really? Because I always assumed she has fallen out of love with me. I mean, why else would she fuck my brother?".

Callum had his inclinations about that. And it was more arousing to him then he'd ever admit out loud. "Your make a girl happy one day. A girl who is so low in confidence that she will settle for the first semi attractive thing that comes her way" Callum winked.

"Cheers for that" I said raising my beer at Callum sarcastically "And I'm sure some girl will fall your so very charming ways despite you having the face of the back of a bus".

"That's uncalled for" Callum pointed out "I'm fucking gorgeous".

"And I'm semi attractive, we sure do make a right pair don't we?" I laughed.

Callum thought a for a moment. "So we wanked each other off on Wednesday, that was weird wasn't it?" he said out of the blue.

I didn't know what to to say to that. "It was a whole new experience for me. It was definetly weird".

"Was fucking hot as anything though" Callum winked and I grinned because thank God I wasn't alone in thinking that. "And your cock is not like any dude I've been with before!".

I laughed before it dawned on me. "Wait, you've been with guys before?"

Rolling his eyes, Callum commented "Dude, look at me. I'm a walking wet dream. I'm the guy all the girls wanna be with, and I'm the guy all the other guys want to be. And also be with".

"And the award for the man with the biggest ego goes to... " I joked

"Don't even pretend that you don't think I'm hot" Callum commented "Because I pick my partners very closely and your very lucky to have had just a little touch of Callum Logan's magic touch".

"Lucky?" I laughed "Mate, your hands are as rough as anything and you have the ugliest cumface I've ever seen. You looked like you in agony dude".

"That is a lie. That is scandalous" Callum self mocked "You wound my heart Mr Platt".

"Good. I hope it hurt!" I laughed.

"It got me to thinking though" Callum spoke as he pulled out the cigarette that was tucked in his ear "We've been fighting all this time when we could have just been taking out our anger in the bedroom".

I didn't know what to say to that. This whole dude on dude thing was still pretty fucking new to me. But it still scared me a little how turned on I felt at the words Callum was speaking. I watched as he took a pull on the cigarette, inhaled in, held it in for a few seconds before exhailing it. "Everything happens for a reason" I reasoned "Maybe it was just a horny one off?"

"Do you want it to be a one off?"


"Yes David, honestly" Callum rolled his eyes again "For the first time in your life, tell me how you really feel".

"I'm thinking that you Callum Logan are the most infuriating human being on the planet. You waltz into my life trying to take custody of Max and you told me how much you hated me.. " I spoke but Callum cut me off

"You know I wanted you from the moment I met you?" Callum spoke "Yes I hated you. Yes you fucking annoyed the shit out of me. But the way you stuck up for Max and also for Kylie turned me on so much. I hated you so much but I also wanted you writhing below me. I wanted to fuck some sense into you".

Them words hit me like a fucking nail in a balloon. "I think that everyone has a breaking point, And you pushing my breaking point so many times. Kylie caused both of nothing but trouble, but she also provided us with something that we can both love. And the way you were with Max today.. I saw a new side to you Callum.. It was weird".

Callum shrugged. He took another pull on the cigarette. "His my son. I told you I would die for him and I fucking would without a second thought".

I groaned inwardly. "You see you confused the fuck out of me because I fucking still dislike you but I also think that we've both been hurt, we've both been scolded and we've both got alot of demons that we need to get fixed". I went over to the table and opened the new packet of cigarettes, opened them and pulled out a cigarette "But a part of me see's that actually although your annoying as fuck, and believe me when I say you are an infurarting piece of shit, really trying here to make ammeneds to Max and it's admirable and you know maybe I prejudged you too soon?".

Callum watched as David took a pull of the cigarette. He had no idea that David was a smoker. It was weird watching him smoke. "Maybe you did. And the same sentiments go back to you David Platt- I've never met a man who annoyed me so much". Callum took a final pull of the cigarette and dogged it on in the ashtray on the table. "But I've also never wanted a man so out of his clothes before.. ".

I took a pull off his own cigarette and watched as Callum done some admitting. "You know what I think? I think that Kylie should be left in the past. Yes she will turn up and we will cross that bridge when we come to it? But me and you.. it's.. just.. weird" was all I could say.

"Put it this way David, I see you smoking that cigarette and damn if that's not the hottest thing I've ever seen. But also, I'm disappointed that your a smoker because that means your already corrupt". Callum spoke as he got off the table "And I so wanted to be the one to corrupt you".

I nearly choked on the cigarette hearing what Callum was saying. "Basically, we are two horny guys who are clearly attracted to each other sexually so why not help each other out?"

Callum nodded. "Bros helping bros".

I stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray. "I've never been with a guy other then what happened the other day. I might not enjoy it. It might not be what I need or want".

Callum shrugged. "That's not going to happen. Both you & I know that you want this as much as me David. We're not going to run away and get married, we're just going to have a night of fucking pure unadultered fun which believe me will leave you breathless".

David walked over to Callum and pulled him by his jacket closer to him. He leaned over Callum and whispered in his ear. "So corrupt me then".


I was pushed up against the wall with my hands above my head which Callum gripped tightly as he tounged the fuck out of my mouth. I was insanely horny right now. I can't recall ever being this aroused. It was fucking manic. I went from flaccid to rockhard in a matter of seconds, all thanks to Callum's talented tongue. Being kissed by a dude was way different then kissing a girl. For a start- Callum's unshaved face should feel weird against my mouth, but it was fucking hot. And Callum was kissing me in a way in which I hadn't been kissed before. If his tounge was longer he'd be touching my fucking tonsils, it was insane. Insanely hot.

He seized his assault on my mouth to look at me. He grinned a grin which was so fucking devilishly hot it nearly caused me to cum on the spot. He gripped onto my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, revealing my body. I hated my body. I was too skinny. All skin and bones. A little muscle, but I wouldn't be competing in bodybuilding body competitons anyday soon. But Callum didn't seem to mind, he leaned down and licked my body. Starting at my nipples, he licked all the way down to he got to my bellybutton. He looked up at me with hungry eyes. "Your so fucking hot David" Callum groaned as he gripped onto my hips and shoved my trousers down to my ankles. My erection was concealed by my boxers but the tightness of the fabric left nothing to the imagination.

"I seem to remember something about you wanting to wrap your lips around my monster cock" I grinned cockily as Callum moved to his knees. He looked at me with those hungry eyes and fuck. Noone has ever looked at me like they wanted me. Like they needed me. It made me feel fucking weird but oh so turned on.

"Good things come to those who wait" Callum winked up at me.

But it didn't take him long to pull my boxers down to my ankles aswell. I kicked out of my trousers, standing up against the wall in my birthday suit. He started my cock. "Mate that dick is champion" he winked before he stood up from the floor. "Sit down on the sofa" he demanded.

I walked over to the sofa- following my cock which was pointing straight ahead- and placed my bottom on the sofa. I flinched. Fuck the leather was cold on my bareass. Callum dropped to his knees in front of me. "Who the fuck knew that Callum Logan would be hungry for my cock?" I said as Callum held onto my cock like it was a microphone.

"Mate I know what I like and I know what I want" he explained "I don't do this stereotyping bullshit. I do whatever the fuck I want and right now I want to take this cock in my mouth and suck it like you've never been sucked before".

The dirty talk was causing my dick to jerk in Callum's hand with fucking want. The more he spoke, the more it had an affect on me and my anatomy. Christ, I realised I was screwed in more then one ways. "Suck it then, what you waiting for? Christmas".

"Christmas has some early for you David Platt" Callum spoke directly into my cock "Fuck getting an iPad, once you've had my mouth wrapped around your trousersnake your never want another mouth again".

"Smooth talker you, innit?" I laughed as Callum shrugged up at me.

"I'm more addictive then heroin mate, trust me on that".

And before I could dignify that with a response, he took the head of my cock into my mouth. And yeah. Whatever I was gonna say before was gone, because the way he was sucking my big mushroom head surely would cause me to lose all cohernt thoughts? Let alone actually speak. With words.

Callum was sucking on the head of my cock whilst he played with my low hanging balls with his hands. He was licking. sucking, teasing. All this was starting to have an affect on me already and I started sweating. Christ. He'd barely done anything.

He took my cock further into his mouth. Taking it so goddamn slowly it actually hurt with lust. He let go of my balls as he concentrated on fulfilling my wanton need to be sucked. All the while, he was looking upinto my eyes. It was so fucking sexy and humiliating at the same time. He was basically a sweaty mess being made to make noises by the man, who up until a few days ago, he basically wanted to stab with a sharp carving knife. And not stab him with his cock.

Then it really got going. He really get go. He took my cock out of his mouth for a few seconds, looked up at me, winked, and then took the cock into his mouth again. Further. And further. And further. Until I was basically touching the back of his throat. I looked down and saw Callum's eyes watering and sweat starting to form on his forehead as he took the cock all the way to the back of his throat.

"Oh Holy fucking Christ" I groaned and I grabbed onto the sofa. This was fucking amazing. No-one had ever been able to get my cock all the way down there throat and Callum was doing just that. And he wasn't a small boy. Callum's mouth was more talented then he'd ever cared to have imagined. My cock slid out of his mouth and Callum held onto it for dear life. "Fuck don't fucking stop you fucking fuck" I groaned.

Callum just laughed evilly at me before he demanded something of me. "Stand up". And I did just that. Fuck. Callum must be loving that, not only am I at his fucking command but I'm fucking doing everything he says. "Fuck my mouth".

Holy fucking shit. This was big. I'd seen this in pornos and shit but Kylie said I was too big to deepthroat and she was the only girl I'd ever had sex with on a regular. "Callum your fucking killing me man".

"Bless you" he grinned "And to think this is only the beginning".

That both scared the fucking shit out of me and made me even harder, if at all possible. Holy mother.

Callum opened his mouth, and fuck me if that wasn't one of the horniest fucking things I'd ever seen in my short life on Earth, and I thrusted my cock into his mouth. I was groaning as he held onto my arse and pushed me further into his mouth. My hips were going like crazy as I fucked his mouth like it was my final hour on this planet. Months of celibacy had caused this. But the groans he was making as I humped his mouth made me sure he didn't give a shit. I knew it wasn't going to be long, it'd been too fucking long since I'd had a mouth wrapped around my dick. Callum was taking my cock at the back of his throat like a cock sucking champion, all the while he'd found something to cause me trouble as his finger slowly penetrated my hole. God my knees might actually collapse. Sweat was dripping down me as Callum continued to take my dangerous dick into his willing mouth. I looked down and saw he was dribbling and the sight was something to behold. My God this dude was actually going to kill me.

Callum's finger slid slowly into my untouched hole, and fuck if that wasn't one of the hottest fucking things I'd ever felt. As the finger got deeper and my thrusting got more uneven, I knew endgame was approaching sooner rather then later.

"Holy fuck Callum I'm gonna blast" I managed to groan and I'll never know how I managed to acutally speak a cohernt sentence, especially since my cock was being treasted like a fucking God by Callum's mouth and he was fucking my hole with a single finger. I thought he'd pull off my dick, but he didn't. He kept sucking and taking it. I grabbed onto his clothed shoulders as I reached my climax and let out a guttural gran as I climaxed in his mouth. Callum pulled my cock out of his mouth after swallowing some of my salty goods, and let the rest of my climax shoot up his Oxford t-shirt. Callum stroked the last remaining cum of my cock and fuck my legs were about to collapse.

Callum stood up and looked at his cum stained t-shirt, wiped some of my spunk of his t-shirt and took it into his mouth, sucking it off his finger. Then he walked over to me, pulled me close to him and kissed me. He passed my own cum onto me.

And shit.

That should have made me feel queasy. It should have made me want to gag and puke. But instead, it made my cock jerk with more pleasure.

"You think you can go again?" Callum asked rhetorially. I knew an answer wasn't needed. "Because I need you rockhard so you can fuck me".

Yep. He was definerely trying to kill me.


We were sat on the floor of Callum's flat. Me wearing nothing but some of my drying cum and Callum wearing far too many clothes for my liking. We was sharing a cigarette.

"This.. shouldn't feel as fucking amazing as it" I spoke as I watched Callum taking a long drag of the cigarette.

"You've been living in the heterosexual closet far too long David" Callum spoke "It's time you learnt new things".

And yeah. This was a pretty fucking brilliant education!

Callum passed the cigarette to me. And he stood up, removing his t-shirt.


I took in Callum's chest and I was realised it was the first time I'd properly seen it. I'd seen it briefly when we was jacking each other off a couple of days ago, but the t-shirt was still there. Now he was standing in all his shirtless glory in his living room, his face red and his lips puffy and chapped. And yeah, it made me somewhat egotiscal knowing that I did to his mouth. My cock. His body was killer, hair all over the top but smooth about halfway down. He had a defined chest with a four pack, with a bit more work then I knew that Callum could obtain a six pack and he'd basically be a walking fucking cliché.

I'd never touched another man's body properly before but I was finding myself properly excited to get my hands onto his body.

He noticed me perving over his buff body and yeah, his smug grin was back. "We've got all the time in the world for you to cherish this body" he winked "But today is all about you. You've had your cock sucked and your about to experience the joys of fucking a man's tight arse".

He spoke so matter of factly that it was arousing.

"Obviously at some point we're going to work on ridding you off your arse virginity because frankly your arse is amazing but it could with a good fuck or two" he continued to speak so filfthy like it was just a normal conversation "And I'm literally looking forward to you sucking my dick because you have such a cocksucking mouth it's offense".

I took a long drag of the cigarette and stubbed it out in the ashtray. I stood up and spoke to Callum, I was about to ask him something. And I didn't know what the answer would be.

"I wanna try something with you" I spoke up "I watched it in a porno and Kylie wouldn't let me near that area but my God I can't stop thinking about doing it. Obviously, I thought it'd be with a chick but I'm sure your do".

Callum thought for a moment. "You want to rim me?"

"Rimming? Is that what they call it? You learn something new everytime" I spoke "Basically, I wanna fuck your arsehole with my tongue".

"I'm rubbing off on you in more ways then one" Callum grinned "Your mouth is becoming filthy. I love it".

He pulled down and his trousers and boxers, his semi erect cock popping out. He leaned over the sofa. "No time like the present, hey, Platt?" Callum spoke cockily "Lick that arse".

I kneeled on the floor and held onto Callum's arse. It was hairy. Christ. It dawned on me suddenly I was about to fucking tongue a guy's arse. This was big time. Massive leap. I'd only seen this in straight porn so fuck knows if I'm gonna do this right. I pulled Callum's arse cheeks apart and spat into it. I rubbed said spit around the arse and leaned forward. Christ, talking about learning to jump before you can walk David. I stuck my tongue into his arse. Thinking back to the porno I'd watched the girl would lick up and down the guys arse, before I went to work. Pulling out his cheeks even more, I stuck my tongue in his hole and began fucking it with my tongue. "Shit David" he groaned.

He quickly turned around and lifted his legs up in the arm. He was laying on the sofa, his cock resting hard on his stomach. I got to work again, licking his arse. It was clear he enjoyed being rimmed. Was I doing a good job? Fuck knows. But the moans he was making seemed to that I was doing an ace job. Plus his cock was rock hard.

I went back in, my tongue exploring Callum's arse. The feel of his hair on my mouth was way hotter then I'd imagined it would be, and knowing I was causing Callum to lose his marbles was making feel on top of the world. Callum grabbed onto his dick and wanked it furiously. I seized the rimming for a moment and sucked on Callum's balls.

"David, as much as I'm enjoying this, I think it's time you put that monster to use and stuck it up me. I've been a bad boy and I must be punished".

Okay. More dirty talk. I can do this.

"You have been a badboy Callum, and I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for at least three days".



Ha sorry about that. Next chapter will see David fuck Callum, and we're going to switch onto Jason and Todd Grimshaw and a little bit of BROTHER ON BROTHER incest. The orgy scene is still in progress though and probabnly won't be until about Chapter 5 or 6.

If you have any pairings, requests or comments please feel feel to comment by email! Thank You


Next: Chapter 3

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