Cute Adam's Poo Fetish

By Namab Mas

Published on May 26, 2019


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

Cute Adam's Poo Fetish

Chapter 5

I've always found something very erotic about a lad having a shit out in the open. It's so exciting watching him lower his pants and squat down to do his most private business in the woods, or on a patch of waste ground. Adam was more than happy to do that for me, so from time to time we took my car and drove out of town. This time we went somewhere we'd been a few times; a small patch of disused ground, off a country road behind a high hedge, where there was an abandoned, part-demolished building. There I knelt down close behind him as he looked around us one last time, then lowered his jeans and boxer shorts and sat down on a lot wall with his arse hanging well over it. It was a glorious day, and his bubbly cheeks seemed almost white in the sunshine. I couldn't resist pulling down my pants and stroking my cock as he began to grunt, his bottom heaved, and his hole flared out with a little gassy rasp. His shit was thick and solid and sinuous, and really big. Two hefty logs crackled and curled out of him and thudded onto the earth, and he looked around at me, grinning proudly as he grew another smooth brown tail. It shone where the sun caught it, and curled forward as it grew longer.

'Mmm!' he grunted. 'Really needed this!'

'Ooh, yeah, I bet!' I sniffed appreciatively. 'Phew, it smells really nice!'

Slowly the turd hanging from him came out further, then snapped suddenly and dropped, with a loud squelching sound as it flopped to the ground. By the time he was done he'd made a big, coiled brown pile. I wanked myself off and shot all over it, and then as I wiped his bottom for him he too began to wank. His heavy breathing filled the air along with the smell, all thick and sultry, and then his breathing grew heavier and he began to gasp out loud. Suddenly, as I pulled the last bit of paper away from his clean little arsehole, he jumped up, spun around and came all over his own shit.

A few days later we drove out there again. It was another hot, sunny afternoon, and Adam looked a little bit furtive as he stood and waited outside his house. As he saw my car approaching he smiled sweetly. The tight blue cycling shorts he'd bought for the occasion showed off his sweet, pert bum as he lowered himself into the passenger seat, and they were so tight I could see the outline of his pants. He'd texted me half an hour before to say that he'd been out for a big dinner the night before, and now he was free and horny and he needed a poo. I glanced at him as he was driving, gazing ahead out through the windscreen with his lips pursed, and as he reached down to scratch his leg the plastic seat cover rustled. All of a sudden I was glad I'd kept it after having the car serviced a few days earlier: it and the plastic bag on the seat underneath it would hopefully keep the car clean, despite what was about to happen. When I glanced down I noticed that the slight bulge that had been showing at Adam's crotch that I'd ogled as I drove up the street had grown into a full hard-on. He shuffled in his seat and pursed his lips a little more, and glanced round, grinning. A few seconds later the smell reached me. It smelled as if he really needed to go; the fresh, pungent reek that came straight from his shit as his chute filled up and he had to clench up and fight to hold it in.

'I need to poo so badly!' he said, making saucer eyes. 'It's not far now, is it? I hope there's nobody there!'

'There won't be. And no, it's just a mile or so. You really desperate?'

'Yes! ' His face tautened and he farted again, audibly this time. 'We had Mexican last night. All those beans, and I ate so much...'

'Mm, nice! Gonna do a big smelly one for me?'

'Yes! Feels like I need a massive poo. Ooh, hurry up ... I'm nearly touching cloth!'

He let out another soft, cloying fart, then grinned as he saw me sniffing it. His smell was a bit harsher than normal, revoltingly exciting, and I reached down and touched my cock as I drove. He wriggled in his seat as I pulled off the road by the rusted wire fence, wincing cutely. A car went by as he got out: he ducked to hide his erection behind the door, and then screwed up his face and squirmed a little, and grinned coyly as my hand went to my cock once more. The sight of him desperate like this was such a turn-on, especially now that he had no choice but to poo his pants here, in the open air where he might be seen. He led the way as we hastened through the part-opened gate, walking awkwardly with his bum clenched up tight. Once behind the hedge he stopped and looked around him urgently, then again with more patience. There was no-one in sight, and the only sound was the birds and the light breeze rustling in the treetops. I looked him up and down as he stood, taking in the gorgeous shape of his back and his arse, and then the massive hard-on bulging out the front of his shorts as he looked from side to side, and I couldn't resist wanking through my shorts. He looked around one last time, and then smiled and motioned me to follow him over to the other side of the overgrown little yard, to where a rusty old iron water tank lay on the ground, about the height of a kitchen table. Just in front of it he stopped and turned around to me, wide-eyed and massaging his cock through his shorts.

'Here?!' he hissed urgently. 'I've really got to go!'

He glanced quickly around us at the deserted yard one more time. He turned away from me slowly, hiding his pulsating cock, and slowly bent over the water tank, until he was resting on his elbows with his bum sticking out. The shorts clung tightly to every gorgeous curve. He bent his knees a little to make it stick out further and clenched it up tight with a little gasp, trembling a little and breathing fast. For a few seconds he stood there as I watched and wanked, then pulled my hand away sharply as I began to edge. He looked round slowly, with his eyes half-closed and his face set in that wonderfully intense expression he put on when he was about to do the deed. Then he pursed his lips, and grunted. His bottom filled out a little, crackled softly, and at once a rounded lump appeared between his cheeks. It paused for a second and he drew breath, and then his back arched and his body stiffened as his bowels pushed uncontrollably, and a thick turd pushed the back of his pants into a big tent.

'Oh!' he gasped. 'Oh God ... ooh!'

The smell hit me at once, all thick and rank and dirty, and it set me off wanking again. He opened his mouth slightly and sighed as his rectum gave another heave, and he did a thick log. The peak in his pant bent downwards a little, then snapped as more firm shit piled up on top. It hissed and squelched, and over the filthy sound he sighed again in relief, as a big, lumpy mound formed on his bottom. Finally it stopped, with a slimy crackle as his hole pinched off his turd, and a little low whimper from him. He stayed bent over the tank, trembling all over as he stood there out in the open, doing a big dirty shit in his shorts. Then he looked back at me and pursed his lips to make that awesomely cute expression he often made as he pushed, and forced out another big lump that spread noisily out to the right.

'Oh!' he grunted. 'Ooh ... oh it's really smelly!'

'Mmm! Yes it is. Smells so fucking nice. It's really big too! Go on, wiggle your bum a bit. .. mmm, I so wanna see you sit in it.'

'I haven't finished yet! I still need to ... ooh ... I feel like I'm gonna fart!'

His bottom heaved and he parped loudly, and then he farted again, longer this time, all muffled and wet. I loved hearing him fart into his shit like this. Then he heaved and made his pushing face and farted a third time, and grunted out another, slightly softer turd. I could hear it piling up, squishing softly as the tight shorts pressed it against his bottom and forced him to strain and push to finish his shit. When he was finally done he straightened up slowly, wriggling his hips slowly.

'Cor, Adam!' I breathed. 'That's such a big one! Mm, I wanna see it! Bend over again...'

He bent meekly back over the tank and let me pull out the back of his shorts. The waistband was tight, but I could see down as far as the big smears on his bottom, and the compacted, lumpy brown block nestling up against it. The smell came up at me all the more strongly. He strained again as I watched, squelching faintly as his bum heaved, but no more came out. I let his waistband go and he straightened up again and turned around, massaging his swollen cock through his pants. He gasped a little as he wiggled his hips, and his hot pile rubbed on his bottom and tickled the back of his balls.

'Feel good...?'

He nodded vigorously and fumbled with his hard cock again. A dark spot of pre-cum was starting to soak through at the head of it. He bent his knees a little and rocked slowly to and fro, moving his hips as if he was humping gently. His face contorted and his breathing grew heavier. He did it harder, then stopped suddenly. The dark patch in his shorts grew bigger, and he screwed his face up cutely as he tried not to cum there and then. He was as turned on as I'd ever seen him.

'Gonna sit down in it...?' I asked gently.

He nodded again, and stepped over towards the old wall he'd sat on the last time. His shit was still there next to it, all dark and mummified, with flies still crawling over it. At the end of it was some sort of manhole cover, raised a foot or so off the ground by the concrete square it was set in. He waddled over to it, with the big pile on his bum pushing to and fro and drawing little whimpers from him. Right in front of it he stood up straight and looked around us again.

'Shall I do it? Really? Sit in it here?!'

'Yes!' I said. ' Then I'll drive you back to mine with a big pooey bottom, and pull down your pants and cum over it! Mm, you're such a stinky boy. Go on,make a mess. Sit right down in your big shit!'

He whimpered and pawed at his cock again. Then he lowered himself slowly down, grimacing as his shorts squashed his poo against his skin. He put a hand down behind to steady himself, and looked around at me with his face all flushed and a beatific smile spreading across it. He paused like that for a space, rocking gently back and forth again, swallowing repeatedly and whimpering in his throat. Then he sat down firmly.

'Oh!' he yelped. 'Oh fuck!'

He nearly came again. The tight shorts and the low seat made most of his hot, lumpy pile shoot forward around his balls, and for a few seconds he squirmed and edged madly, with his face contorted and his dick going crazy. As he began to relax he rocked forward, making his shit squelch loudly, and setting him off edging again. I squatted down in front of him, reached out and took his hand. It was sweaty and shaking. He looked up and our eyes met.

'This is fucking insane,' he breathed. 'I feel so ... naughty! God, it's ... ooh...'

His voice tailed off as he wriggled a little and made his shit tickle his sensitive parts. He began to rock in his seat, from side to side and front to back, and only stopped when yet again he was edging and moaning and trying not to cum. Two or three more times he did it, harder each time so that his shit squashed and squelched loudly. I watched in awe and wanked with him, sniffing eagerly at the smell that hung so thickly in the windless air. He leaned back once more, wanking, revealing a big brown stain on the concrete beneath him.

'Shall we go back?' he said urgently. 'I wanna go back and sit in it again, and...'

I nodded, and he stood up sharply, gasping again. He didn't have that much of a mess on his bottom, but he had a great big lump between his legs, and as he walked it tickled his balls and made him moan. I went first to the car to check there was no-one around, and watched from the driving seat as he pulled open the passenger door and lowered himself in. The smell filled the car at once. He groaned softly as his messy bottom settled into the seat, and as he twisted round for his seatbelt, and then as I started forward the bumps as we got back onto the road drew a little squeal from him, and he leaned back in his seat with more pre-cum soaking through his pants.

'Oh...' he sighed. 'I'm such a mess...'

'Mm, yeah, you are. And you stink! Big pooey bum for you when we get back to mine. Gonna sit in it again for me?'

He nodded, and then his mouth fell open a little as we went over a pothole. Back on the main road I reached over and massaged his cock as I drove, talking dirty to him about how much I loved the smell of his shit, and how when we got back I wanted to bend him over and push his poo about, and then pull down his pants and spunk all over his dirty bottom. Thankfully there was a parking space right outside my house, and we dived straight inside. His eyes widened as he trod his shoes off, and he turned to me

'Oh, I feel like I need to poo again! I didn't think I'd quite finished...'

'Ooh, yeah, go on!'

'Shorts too tight,' he said, shaking his head. 'Lemme take them off...'

We tumbled through to the bathroom, where I'd left everything ready. He swallowed nervously as he looked at the toilet, seat down, ready for him to sit on, and then tugged off his T-shirt and slowly peeled down his shorts. He was wearing white boxer briefs underneath them, and they were ruined. The front was soaked in his cum, and the lower half of his bottom was a sticky brown mess. He moaned softly as he bent down to pull the shorts right off, straightened up a little and stood, trembling, placing his hands flat on the toilet seat. Slowly his back arched, and he grunted a couple of times, and then gave a long, low moan. He pushed out a fair-sized lump on top of the big clod between his legs, and then some more. I could smell it, all fresh and ripe. He grunted and bucked his hips, and did a little more before he straightened up and turned around. This time he leant well forwards as he sat down, so that when his shit touched the seat it was pushed backwards onto his bottom. Then he plonked himself down in it with a loud 'squelch' and a yelp, and when he leaned back further more sticky fluid was soaking through his pants. He fumbled his cock out of his flies for the first time and sighed, deep in his throat. I reached out and took his hand. It always felt so marvellously intimate, sharing the kinky experience like this. Another dribble of pre-cum oozed from his cock and ran down the shaft, and across his fingers.

'Oh!' he sighed. 'Oh it feels so fucking good. Massage my bum a bit...?'

He levered himself up off the seat, leaving a big brown stain behind him, bent over and touched his toes submissively, and looked round with his eyes shut. I quickly pulled on the washing up glove I'd left handy, reached out, and began to stroke and rub his cheeks, gently at first but then more firmly and faster, using the heel of my hand to push his mess about. His mouth fell open and he moaned and gasped with the sensation. I began to massage further out, round the sides and up and down, until his whole bottom was well covered in his own shit, and we were both wanking and edging. The stink was tremendous! Then he sat back down again, bounced and squirmed and slid back and forward, until shit was squashed right up around the base of his cock, squashing out of the bottom of his flies and around his legs. He was messier than he'd ever been before, and it drove him crazy. He cried out and moaned constantly as he moved, and together we wanked and sweated, and got nearer and nearer to cumming

'Oh God ... I'm gonna cum ... gonna ... Oh fuck!'

His head went back, his face contorted, and he screamed through his gritted teeth and clenched up frantically. He jumped up convulsively, spun around and tore down his pants, and came so hard he spunked all over his tummy and face as he bent, and then all over the floor. And at the same moment I came all over his twinky, pooey bottom.

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