Cyrus and Jonah

By Bob Roberts

Published on Nov 22, 2017


This is an original work of fiction featuring characters from The Disney Channel's television series Andi Mack. It does not, as far as I know, represent the opinions or intentions of Disney or of the writers and producers of the show.

Young friends stories based on TV shows is one of my favorite categories, and I'd love to see more of it on Nifty. Consider this a challenge to other writers to tackle any or all of the following:

Stranger Things Fresh Off the Boat Me, Myself, and Eye The Mick

Please enjoy. Feedback is welcome.


Cyrus Goodman laid back in the unfamiliar bed as his eyes tried to adjust to the sudden darkness. There was no point in closing them just yet. His heart was beating a mile a minute, and sleep was still a long way off. How could a person ever sleep on the best day of their life?

Beneath the cozy covers Cyrus felt warm all over, but his entire right side was awash in a heat that was almost electric. Body heat. The body heat of Jonah Beck. Cyrus couldn't help but gasp a little as the still surprising reality of the situation hit him once again: He was at a sleepover with Jonah Beck. He was in bed with Jonah Beck.

"You okay, pal?" Jonah said, sounding genuinely concerned.

Cyrus was terrified that Jonah somehow knew what he had been thinking, but managed a reply. "Yeah. I just, uh, swallowed wrong."

Jonah had spoken quietly but had not whispered, and Cyrus tried to match his volume. Jonah had explained when they were getting ready for bed earlier that his parents' room was on the other side of the house, and that as long as they didn't shout or break stuff that his parents would leave them alone.

"Cool." If Jonah had noticed Cyrus's awkwardness he didn't make anything of it. "Are you sleepy or do you want to talk and sh... stuff?"

There was a weird tension in the air that Jonah's aborted attempted to float a curse word into the conversation did nothing to relieve. Part of Cyrus wanted to use the out that Jonah had given him and just "go to sleep". But even after a whole day spent with the coolest boy he knew Cyrus wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to talk to him for even five minutes more.

"I'm not sleepy."

Jonah shifted in bed slightly and his leg brushed brief against Cyrus's. "Nice. I had fun today. How about you?"

"Yeah it was great. Playing ultimate was great. That game place was great. The movie was... great." Cyrus trailed off as he realized how dumb he must sound.

"Ha ha. Yeah, I like it too. I just wish you told me you already saw it with Iris. We could have watched something else."

Cyrus flushed both at the mention of his "girlfriend" and his deception about not having seen the movie. Jonah had caught him when he let it slip that Iris had hated the part where the Hulk beat up the giant wolf.

"Well it was really good. I'm glad I saw it again with you."

To Cyrus's ears the "with you" hung in the air a little to long, but Jonah just carried on with the conversation.

"So what's up with you and Iris? You kissed her, right?"

Cyrus swallowed hard. "Uh, yeah. A couple times."

"Nice. You ever do anything else?"

"No I mean nah." Cyrus tried to sound casual. "We're, uh, taking it slow."

Jonah laughed. "Yeah, same with me and Andi."

Cyrus was relieved at what he thought that meant, but he had to know for sure. "So you never did anything with her?"

"Nah. We only kissed once so you're ahead of me on that. I almost touched her butt one time but I chickened out at the last minute."

This was not a conversation Cyrus wanted to be having, but he couldn't think of any way to get out of it. Jonah was talking to him like a bro, so he needed to act like a bro.

"Ah man. That st... sucks."

"Yeah. It's weird though. I really like Andi but I kinda don't want to do that stuff with her for some reason. It's like she's too nice. You know what I mean?"

Cyrus didn't know what Jonah meant, so he focused on the part of his statement he could agree with. "Yeah. Andi is really nice."

"Yeah, I means it's like..." Here Jonah lowered his quiet conversational voice to an actual whisper. "...I don't even think about her when I jerk off."

Cyrus literally stopped breathing. Jonah Beck jerks off. He just said so. Cyrus had of course been tempted with speculation on the subject whenever he himself indulged, but had always chased it from his mind to avoid fanning the flames that were already almost too hot for him to handle. But there was no chasing the thought away this time, not with the object of his lust eight inches away and both of them clad in nothing but their boxers.

After a noticeable pause, Cyrus's breath returned and he managed to squeak out a "Really?"

Jonah knew he had crossed a line. He wasn't even sure why he did it. He had certainly never talked to anybody about jerking off before. But for some reason we wanted to talk about it now. He knew he had probably embarrassed Cyrus, and he felt bad for it, but still he pressed on.

"What about you? Do you think about Iris when you jerk off?"

As soon as Jonah asked the question it occurred to him that maybe Cyrus didn't jerk off yet. He himself had only been doing it for a couple months. But Cyrus responded almost right away.

"N-no, I don't think about her." Then, almost immediately, in a whisper, "What do you think about?"

Jonah thought about what he should say. He knew he was supposed to think about girls when he jerked off, about sucking their titties and fucking their pussies and all that stuff, but the truth was that his thoughts on the female anatomy were rarely that concrete.

"Uh, porn, sometimes. Usually I just think about how good it feels."

Cyrus was relieved to hear this answer, both because it mostly echoed his on experiences and because it gave him an easy way to talk around his own boy oriented fantasies.


There was a brief lull in the conversation. The air was charged with sexual energy, and neither one of them wanted it to dissipate. Both were painfully hard. Finally Cyrus spoke, surprising himself with the boldness of his own question.

"Do you do it a lot?"

"Yeah. Every day. What about you?"

In fact Cyrus usually went two or three days between sessions, but at this moment he didn't want to do anything to seem out of step with Jonah.

"Every day. Just like you."

"Cool. Did you do it today?"

"No. Did you?"

It was the natural follow up question, and as he asked it Cyrus didn't even have time to think about the where the conversation was headed. Not until he heard Jonah's reply.

"Not yet."

Another moment of silence, the absolute loudest one that either boy had ever experienced. Their destination was clear now; the only question was whether each was going to play his role in getting them there.

"Are... are you going to do it?"

As he asked the question, Cyrus one hundred percent wanted for the answer to be "no", for Jonah to just laugh the whole thing off and change the subject back to the movie or to ultimate Frisbee or to baby taters or to anything else. But he one thousand percent wanted the answer to be "yes".

"I kinda need to. I'm so hard. Aren't you?"

At this point Cyrus saw no point in being coy. "Yeah."

"So you need to do it, too?"

"I guess so." That was an understatement; Cyrus felt like his dick was going to explode.

"Okay." Jonah tried to sound less nervous than he felt. "Let's do it."

Time stood still for Cyrus. Was this really happening? Was he really about to jerk off right beside Jonah Beck? Apparently so - Jonah was right there and from the way he was moving it really seemed like he was shucking down his underwear.

"Come on, Cyrus. Hurry up. I really want to start doing it."

Cyrus couldn't form the words to respond, so he just followed Jonah's lead and slid his boxers down. Then, not sure what the protocol was, he took his erect cock in hand and just held it, thinking that Jonah would give him some signal that it was time to start.

"Are you ready?"

Cyrus gulped something that Jonah apparently took as assent, as a moment later both the covers and the mattress on Jonah's side of the bed began to bounce up and down. Cyrus began a few tentative strokes himself, but he was so lost in the perfect insanity of what they were doing that the sensations barely registered in his brain.

Despite being the instigator, Jonah too was in the weeds with this whole enterprise. The idea of jerking off with Cyrus had never really formed as a conscious thought. The surge of horniness that usually presaged his nighttime solo session had somehow lead to him to telling Cyrus that he jerked off, which had led Cyrus to saying he jerked off too, which had led to them jerking off beside each other. It was totally crazy, but somehow he knew that sharing this experience with his friend was something that both of them needed.

"Pull the sheet down so you don't get jizz on it." Jonah followed his own instructions and Cyrus couldn't help but look, but it the darkness he couldn't see anything. Still in the the thrall of the whole situation, Cyrus uncovered himself as well.

That's how they were for a few moments, stroking in silence next to each other, exposed to the air but still covered by a blanket of darkness. Cyrus, despite the intense sexuality of the situation, still couldn't find a groove to actually take the physical pleasure that would advance himself towards orgasm. Jonah was more in tune with his body and knew he could make himself cum easily if he wanted to, but he held back. There was one more thing he wanted to do.

"I like to see it when it comes out. I'm going to turn on the light, okay?"

It was a leading question, but a question nonetheless. Jonah wasn't willing to expose his friend and himself unless Cyrus agreed to it. He repeated "Is it okay?"

Cyrus had never dared to even imagine that he'd ever be offered a chance to see Jonah Beck's penis. And even in the moment Cyrus doubted it was real. Jonah was probably just faking the whole thing. He's going to turn on the light and he'll be dressed and I'll be naked and he'll call me a little fag and kick me out and I'll have to walk home in the middle of the night. But Cyrus didn't care. He had to risk it. "Go ahead." he said. "Turn it on."

Jonah stretched out his hand and flipped on the bedside lamp. Cyrus's eyes went straight to Jonah's private area, only to find that Jonah was discretely shielding the treasure there with his hand. He looked up expecting to see anger on Jonah's face, but found only a shier version of Jonah's usual friendly smile.

"Sorry. You can look if you want."

Cyrus didn't need a second invitation. As Jonah unveiled himself Cyrus was treated to the sight of a perfect 13 year old penis. It was not quite four inches long and a little pinker than the rest of Jonah's fair skin. The head was a deeper shade and surprisingly bulbous, not so much that it seemed out of proportion with the slim shaft, but enough that the contrast was noticeable. Likewise, Jonah's scrotum seemed to house a set of testicles that were just a little to big for his still modest equipment. As near as Cyrus could tell, Jonah was completely hairless down there.

"Let me see yours too."

Cyrus's reverie was broken by Jonah's request. He hadn't hidden himself on purpose, but his fist was still in place from the recently paused masturbation. He uncurled his fingers and allowed his erection to stand freely for visual inspection, just as Jonah had done for him.

Cyrus's dick was bigger than Jonah's. Perhaps not any longer, but definitely thicker. Like Jonah he was circumcised, but Cyrus's cock head was more narrow and triangular, like the nose cone of a rocket. The boys were almost identical twins in the scrotum department, except that the velvety skin of Cyrus sack was just a shade darker than Jonah's. But the biggest difference that Jonah noticed between Cyrus and himself was that Cyrus had a little hair. Not much - just a wiry soul patch of pubes just above the base of Cyrus's tool.

"Nice dick, dude. I can't believe you have pubes."

Cyrus heard the twinge of jealously in Jonah's voice, and thought to himself that he would gladly shave himself as bare as a baby if would make Jonah happy. But that that wasn't an option right now, so the best we could do was to minimize verbally.

"Yeah. I mean it's no big deal they're kind of gross anyway."

"No way. I think it's cool you have 'em. I can't wait till I get mine."

Cyrus didn't know what to say. Jonah didn't seem to notice the non-reply and continued staring at Cyrus's anatomy while starting once again to rub his own.

"Let's really do it now. My dick is so hard I have to get the feeling."

Cyrus silently concurred. This time as he began to stroke he felt every single nerve ending in his cock. He wanted to prop himself up with the pillow a little so he could watch Jonah as he masturbated, but it wasn't until Jonah executed the same idea that he allowed himself to do so. Both of them settled quickly into a rhythm with their hands glued to to their dicks and their eyes glued to each other as their quiet grunts of pleasure filled the room.

With their urges having been so long delayed, neither was destined to last long. Cyrus came first, the bulk of his three days accumulation of seed painting a narrow line across his hip, with just a few droplets landing on bed between them. That triggered Jonah, whose offering was less generous but sprayed with surprising force, coating his nascent abs with a thin film of watery semen.

Out of habit, Cyrus reached down and collected a few drops of his own emission and brought it to his mouth. It was not until he tasted the familiar bitter flavor that he remembered where he was and who he was with. He quickly jerked the now clean digit from his mouth and looked over at Jonah, who greeted him with an unreadable expression.

"I didn't mean to... I mean I was just..."

"Don't freak out dude. I just never thought of tasting it before. I don't squirt as much as you anyway. What does it taste like?"

"Umm, I don't... it's just kind of... it doesn't really taste like anything."

Jonah nodded slightly and then ran a finger across his own belly to collect a sample, which he brought tentatively to his tongue. His curiosity unsatisfied, he reached down to his barely softening penis and squeezed the head to try to coax out a few a more drops. He didn't really get any, but me pantomimed a second taste anyway for Cyrus's benefit.

"Yeah. You're right. I couldn't really taste anything."

Nothing more was said for a few moments. Both boys were still exposed and hard. Cyrus assumed that they would soon pull up their boxers and go to sleep, but he didn't want to be the first to move lest he break whatever spell that had allowed him to just jerk off next to Jonah Beck.

Jonah broke the silence first. "That was fun."


"Did you really like it? You sound weird."

"It was great. I just never did that before with anybody watching."

Jonah laughed. "You think I've done this before?"

"No... I don't know. You never did?"

"Nah, man. This was the first time."


"I just thought since I like doing it and you like doing it we could just do it at the same time."

"Oh." Cyrus was starting to understand that even if it was for different reasons that Jonah had needed this as much as he had. "I'm glad we did it."

"Yeah, me too dude. You're a cool best friend."

Cyrus felt a rush of euphoria a million times greater than the orgasm he had just experienced. Jonah had called him cool. Jonah had called him his best friend.

"I'm your best friend?"

Jonah reached over and punched Cyrus playfully on the arm. "Of course you are dude."

As Jonah leaned towards Cyrus, their eyes met. Cyrus was overcome with an urge that every neuron in his skull told him not to follow, but he knew he had to anyway. He lunged towards Jonah and planted his own lips on Jonah's. He held them there for a mental count of three Mississippis. If he was only going to kiss Jonah Beck once in his life, he wanted to make it count.

Jonah accepted the kiss passively. He was too stunned to do anything else. He knew Cyrus doted on him, but he had always been popular and it had never really occurred to him to think that there was anything weird about it. Cyrus like him. He liked Cyrus. They were just pals. But apparently Cyrus wanted to be more.

He knew he should be mad at Cyrus. But the didn't want to be, like, homophobic. Besides, he kind of had to admire him. The same Cyrus who couldn't even eat a baby tater that had fallen on floor had just leaned over and kissed him. That took balls. It was a solid kiss too, decisive yet gentle. Of the two romantic kisses he had shared in his life, Jonah had to admit that Cyrus's was the better by far. It was the kind of kissing he wanted more of.

"You're supposed to open your mouth."

Jonah's statement could have been just one middle schooler correcting another as to proper kissing protocol. But both boys recognized it was an invitation. Cyrus moved in cautiously, his lips parting ever so slightly as they once again made contact with Jonah's. Time started moving in slow motion, and for an endless moment this second kiss was awkward and self conscious in every way that the first one was not.

But then Jonah, who had been holding his breath without even knowing it, exhaled, allowing his own pursed lips to part. This gave Cyrus the opening he needed to begin to suck gently on Jonah's upper lip. Soon Jonah was returning favor, and over the next few minutes they experimented with different ways to interlock their mouths, each relishing the intimacy of the contact. It was Jonah who first added his tongue to the mix but it didn't take long for Cyrus to respond in kind.

As they kissed Cyrus rolled on top of Jonah and pressed his body down, trying to establish every square inch of contact he possibly good. Jonah had a more specific goal in mind and tried first to jockey himself into position under Cyrus before grabbing Cyrus's ass and using it as a handle to shift him to a position where their midsections were aligned.

They continued like that for a few moments more, grinding together and making out, until Cyrus finally broke the kiss and stopped meeting Jonah's thrusts.

Jonah stared up at him, puzzled and frustrated. "I... I mean... Keep on... you don't have to..."

Cyrus pulled back from Jonah a little further, then began to slide down his body, pausing every few inches to plant wet kisses along Jonah's torso. When he reached his destination he took just a moment to run his tongue along the shaft and balls before taking the head between his lips. He knew that Jonah must be close and he didn't want to miss his opportunity to do what he had been dreaming about for weeks.

Cyrus lingered on the glans briefly, licking, sucking, and nibbling on it as he had just been doing with Jonah's lips and tongue, tasting just faintest hint of bitter precum. Then he formed his lips into an 'O' and took the whole penis into his mouth, doing his best to both maintain a tight seal and to keep his teeth away from his mouth's precious cargo. It took only three trips up and down the shaft to produce in Jonah the most thunderous orgasm of his entire life. Having spent such a short time earlier, the reward he offered Cyrus was minimal, but it was enough for Cyrus to taste that he had done his job.

Letting the still hard organ slip from his lips, he eased himself back up the bed, unsure of what reception to expect from a post-orgasmic Jonah.

"Docious magocious."

It seemed like a good sign but Cyrus wasn't sure. "Is that a good docious magocious or a bad docious magocious?"

"That was the most docious magocious ever."

Cyrus laughed. "Is that what a docious magocious is? I'll never hear those words the same way again."

Jonah grinned back. "It can be like our own private joke."

A private joke with Jonah. Cyrus liked the sound of that. But having come this far, he had to risk asking for more.

"So are we boyfriends now?"

Jonah smiled faded just a little.

"You're like, gay, right?"

Cyrus couldn't think of any reason not to tell the truth. "Yes," he said. "I'm gay."

Jonah reached out and touched Cyrus's arm. "That's... I'm glad you told me. But I don't think I am."

Cyrus wanted to scream "Then why'd you let me suck your dick?" but instead just said "You're not?"

"No. I mean I like girls... too."

"You mean you like both?"

"I think so. I know I like you."

"But you don't like me how I like you."

Jonah reached for Cyrus's arm again, grasping it this time. "Cyrus, I like you. You're gnarly, remember? I like doing stuff with you. Not just sex stuff. Hanging out. Playing ultimate. Eating baby taters. You're like my favorite person."

Cyrus just looked at him. Jonah was saying all the right things.

"You're my favorite person too."

Jonah leaned in and kissed him. "Lay back."


"Lay on your back. I'm going to make you docious magocious."

"Jonah, you don't have to..."

"I want to, Cyrus. I might be bad at though. I never did a blow job before. I never even touched another guy's dick."

"Me neither. I mean... before."

In spite of the emotional tumult of the last few minutes, Cyrus was still completely stiff. Jonah took his friend's thicker cock into his hand and gave it a couple of exploratory tugs. He was surprised to find that Cyrus's skin was somewhat looser than his own, and made for a nice sleeve that seem designed for stroking. Then, not wanting to risk Cyrus finishing before he returned the oral favor, Jonah bent down and took his dick into his mouth.

Jonah concentrated his efforts on the first inch of Cyrus's penis, bobbing his head up and down with a high frequency, low amplitude technique. He made up for the lack of attention to the rest of Cyrus's cock with generous tongue action, treating the tip of the dick like a piece of candy he was desperate to suck all of the flavor out of. It only took about a minute for Cyrus to provide that flavor, firing one small squirt of jism right onto Jonah's lapping tongue.

Jonah's brain registered the taste but he just kept on sucking until Cyrus reached down and withdrew himself from Jonah's sucking mouth. Jonah, still unsure if he had accomplished his mission, looked up at Cyrus.

"Did you..."


"Was it... Did I..."

"Yeah. Docious magocious."

Jonah slid back up the bed so he was again face to face with Cyrus. "Cool. I'm glad it was good."

"It was the best ever. But you never answered my question."

"What question?"

"Are we boyfriends now?"

In a night of long pauses, this was the longest. For a second, Jonah kind of hated Cyrus for asking that question. He knew he didn't want to hurt his friend's feelings by answering "No". But the more he thought about it, the more he realized he didn't want to answer "No" at all. He just couldn't answer "Yes" either.

"What about secret boyfriends?"

"Secret boyfriends?"

"Like not tell anybody. But we'd know. And we could do boyfriend stuff when we're alone."

"Jonah, I don't..."

"Please, Cyrus. I really like you. I know you like me. I'm just not ready to talk about it with other people yet. But I really want to be like that with you."

Cyrus knew he wasn't supposed to be okay with this. He was supposed to be out and proud and wear rainbow stickers and march in parades and get crowned king and king at the spring dance with a real boyfriend. But the truth was he wasn't ready for any of that either. And if we was going to stay in the closet for a little while longer, he might as well be kissing Jonah Beck while he's in there.

"Okay, Jonah. But you have to ask me."


"I asked you twice already. If you really want it you have to ask this time."

Jonah wasn't used to Cyrus being this assertive. He liked it. A lot.

"Cyrus Goodman, will you be my boyfriend?"

"You mean your secret boyfriend?"

"My real boyfriend. It's just our secret for right now."

Cyrus glanced at the bedside clock. 12:03. It was tomorrow already. Yesterday would have to settle for being the second best day of his life.

"Yes, Jonah Beck, I'll be your secret boyfriend. For real."

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